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com/esps/ World J Gastroenterol 2014 August 14; 20(30): 10368-10382

Help Desk: ISSN 1007-9327 (print) ISSN 2219-2840 (online)
DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i30.10368 © 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.


WJG 20th Anniversary Special Issues (6): Helicobacter pylori

Medicinal plant activity on Helicobacter pylori related


Yuan-Chuen Wang

Yuan-Chuen Wang, Department of Food Science and Biotech- mation activity and the relevant mechanisms include
nology, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung 402, Taiwan suppression of nuclear factor-κB and mitogen-activated
Author contributions: Wang YC designed and performed this protein kinase pathway activation and inhibition of
research, and wrote this paper. oxidative stress. Anti-H. pylori induced gastric inflam-
Correspondence to: Yuan-Chuen Wang, Professor, PhD, matory effects of plant products, including quercetin,
Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, National Chung
apigenin, carotenoids-rich algae, tea product, garlic
Hsing University, 250 Kuo-Kuang Rd., Taichung 402,
Taiwan. extract, apple peel polyphenol, and finger-root extract,
Telephone: +886-4-22840385 Fax: +886-4-22854053 have been documented. In conclusion, many medicinal
Received: October 24, 2013  Revised: January 17, 2014 plant products possess anti-H. pylori activity as well as
Accepted: April 1, 2014 an anti-H. pylori -induced gastric inflammatory effect.
Published online: August 14, 2014 Those plant products have showed great potential as
pharmaceutical candidates for H. pylori eradication and
H. pylori induced related gastric disease prevention.

Abstract © 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.

More than 50% of the world population is infected with Key words: Helicobacter pylori ; Virulence factor; Medici-
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori ). The bacterium highly nal plant; Active compound; Mechanism; Inflammation;
links to peptic ulcer diseases and duodenal ulcer, which Gastric cancer; nuclear factor-κB pathway
was classified as a group Ⅰ carcinogen in 1994 by the
WHO. The pathogenesis of H. pylori is contributed by Core tip: Many medicinal plant products possess anti-
its virulence factors including urease, flagella, vacu- Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori ) activity as well as an
olating cytotoxin A (VacA), cytotoxin-associated gene anti-H. pylori induced gastric inflammatory effect.
antigen (Cag A), and others. Of those virulence factors, Those plant products have showed great potential as
VacA and CagA play the key roles. Infection with H. pharmaceutical candidates for H. pylori eradication and
pylori vacA -positive strains can lead to vacuolation and H. pylori induced related gastric disease prevention.
apoptosis, whereas infection with cagA-positive strains
might result in severe gastric inflammation and gastric
cancer. Numerous medicinal plants have been reported Wang YC. Medicinal plant activity on Helicobacter pylori re-
for their anti-H. pylori activity, and the relevant active lated diseases. World J Gastroenterol 2014; 20(30): 10368-10382
compounds including polyphenols, flavonoids, qui- Available from: URL:
nones, coumarins, terpenoids, and alkaloids have been v20/i30/10368.htm DOI:
studied. The anti-H. pylori action mechanisms, includ- i30.10368
ing inhibition of enzymatic (urease, DNA gyrase, dihy-
drofolate reductase, N -acetyltransferase, and myeloper-
oxidase) and adhesive activities, high redox potential,
and hydrophilic/hydrophobic natures of compounds,
have also been discussed in detail. H. pylori -induced
gastric inflammation may progress to superficial gastri- Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a spiral-shaped, Gram-nega-
tis, atrophic gastritis, and finally gastric cancer. Many tive, microaerophilic bacterium with 4 to 6 flagalla whose
natural products have anti-H. pylori -induced inflam- ecological niche is the human stomach. The bacterium

WJG| 10368 August 14, 2014|Volume 20|Issue 30|

Wang YC. Medicinal plants and H. pylori -induced diseases

Table 1 Virulence factors of Helicobacter pylori

[4-7] VacA
The vacA gene (3.9 kb) encodes the VacA protein and is
Virulence factor Function present in all H. pylori strains. The protoxin of VacA is
H. pylori colonization initially a 140 kDa protein, which undergoes both N-ter-
Urease Buffers stomach acid, toxic effect on minal and C-terminal cleavages to yield an N-terminal
epithelium cells, disrupting cell tight signal sequence (33 residues), a mature 88-kDa secreted
junctions, and sheathing antigen
toxin (p88), a small secreted peptide with unknown func-
Flagella Active movements through mucin
BabA Adhesin
tion, and a C-terminal autotransporter domain. The sig-
H. pylori survival nal sequence is characterized by allelic variation with s1a,
Nox1 Resistance to killing by phagocytes, infected- s1b, and s2, which contributes to the recognization of
site inflammation the inner membrane receptor of target cells. The mature
Superoxide dismutase Resistance to killing by phagocytes
Catalase Resistance to killing by phagocytes
p88 divides into subunits N-terminal 33 kDa (p33) and
Phospholipase A Digest phospholipids in cell membranes a C-terminal 55 kDa (p55) with noncovalent bonding.
Alcohol dehydrogenase Gastric mucosal injury The N-terminal 32 hydrophobic residues of p33 play a
Tissue inflammation and damage key role in cytoplasmic membrane insertion, and p55 is
Vac A Cytotoxicity
essential for the toxin to bind to the plasma membrane.
cag PAI 31 genes coding for type Ⅳ secretion system
CagA Immunodominant antigen (part of cag PAI)
The p55 is also an allelic variation with m1 and m2. The
OipA Induce inflammation, especially for IL-8 strains with vacA s1/m1 alleles are more strongly associ-
DupA Induce inflammation via CagA, OipA and/or ated with gastric epithelial damage and gastric ulcers[5,8-13].
VacA As shown in Figure 1A, oligomer p88 forms anion-
HP-NAP Neutrophil activation
Lewis x and y antigens Molecular mimicry, autoimmunity
selective channels in the cytoplasmic membrane, which
LPS Low toxicity can further react with early and late endosomal compart-
Other ments (EE/LE) to form anion-selective channels in the
IceA Homolog of type Ⅱ restriction endonuclease vacuole membrane. Such channels increase permeability
to small organic molecules and cations Fe3+/Ni2+ which
H. pylori: Helicobacter pylori; BabA: Blood-group-antigen-binding adhesion;
can further interact with NH4+ from H. pylori generating
CagA: Cytotoxin associated gene antigen; DupA: Duodenal ulcer promot-
ing A; HP-NAP: H. pylori neutrophil activation protein; IceA: Induced by
an osmotic force for the driving water influx and vesicle
contact with epithelium factor antigen; LPS: Lipopolysaccharide; Nox1: swelling, and finally leads vacuolation[5,8-12]. On the other
NADPH oxidase 1; OipA: Outer inflammatory protein A; Vac A: Vacuolat- hand, the p88/EE/LE complex could be activated by
ing cytotoxin A; IL: Interleukin. Bax and Bak, resulting in mitochondrial transmembrane
potential (ΔΨm) disruption, followed by the release of
was first isolated from the gastric mucosa of gastritis pa- cytochrome c from mitochondria to cytoplasm, activation
tients by Marshall and Warren in 1983[1]. More than 50% of caspase-9 and caspase-3, and finally proceeding to
of the world population is infected with H. pylori. The apoptosis[10-12,14-17]. However, that apoptosis is inhibited by
bacterium highly links to peptic ulcer diseases (PUD) and CagA (Figure 1C)[11,14,18].
duodenal ulcers. Ten to fifty percent of infected individu-
als develop PUD, and 1%-3% of PUD patients progress CagA
to gastric cancer[2]. The gastric cancer risk in H. pylori- Cag A, a 120 to 145 KDa protein, is encoded on the
infected people was 2 to 7 times of that of the uninfect- cag pathogenicity island (cag PAI) which is a 40 kb locus
ed. Over half of gastric cancer patients have associated (containing 31 genes) that encodes for a type Ⅳ secretion
H. pylori infection[3,4]. The WHO classified H. pylori as a system (T4SS), and is the only known effector protein
group Ⅰ carcinogen in 1994[3]. to be injected into host cells[4,12,19,20]. Infection with cagA
positive H. pylori strains has a high rate of severe gastric
inflammation, gastritis, atrophic gastritis, and gastric
VIRULENCE FACTORS OF H. PYLORI adenocarcinoma[3,4,12,19-24]. Approximately 60%-70% of
The pathogenesis of H. pylori is caused by its virulence isolates are cagA positive. However, this rate varies geo-
factors shown in Table 1. Those virulence factors are graphically, to nearly 100% for East Asian countries and
responsible for H. pylori colonization [urease, flagella, and 60% for Western patients[4,21].
blood-group-antigen-binding adhesion (BabA)] and sur-
vival [NADPH oxidase 1 (Nox1), superoxide dismutase, nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) pathway: Cag A is a mul-
catalase, phospholipase A, alcohol dehydrogenase] as well tiple effector via phosphorylation independent and de-
as infected tissue inflammation and even damage [Vac A, pendent pathways (Figure 1B and C). Once H. pylori ad-
Cag A, outer inflammatory protein A (OipA), duodenal heres to the host’s gastric epithelial cells, CagA is injected
ulcer promoting A (DupA), H. pylori neutrophil activation into cytosol through T4SS to activate NF-κB-inducing
protein (HP-NAP), Lewis x and y antigens, and lipopoly- kinase (NIK) and IκB kinase α/β (IKKα/β) resulting in
saccharide (LPS)][4-7]. Of those virulence factors, VacA subunit IκBα of NF-κB (trimer IκBα/p50/p60) phos-
and CagA play the key roles. phorylation and then degradation[8,12,19,25-28]. Active NF-

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Wang YC. Medicinal plants and H. pylori -induced diseases

VacA (p10/p88) CagA
p33/p55 Muropeptide

P33/P55-EE/LE complex CagA

l kin n
Bax/Bak activation c o r Ab orylatio NIK
Sr spph Muropeptide
pho Ras
ΔΨm disruption NOD-1
CagA /Sos/Grb2/Ras
Vacuolation p-CagA
Cyt c release Raf
MKK4 NF-κB (IκBα/p50/p65)
Caspase activation MEK1/2
JNK degradation

D phox Cell proliferation

gp91 phox
p-p47 Oxidative
AP-1 (Fos/Jun)
O p50/p65
Nox1 Elk-1/SRE
O2 phox
Chemokine: IL-8 Cytokines (IL-6, INF-γ, TNF-α) Inflammatory factors:
H2O2 H2O2 ICAM-1, COX-2, iNOS

Vascular epithelial cell
ICAM-1 Activation

Neutrophil E

Figure 1 Signal transduction and immune response in Helicobacter pylori infected gastric epithelial cells. A: VacA-induced apoptosis; B: NF-κB pathway; C:
Mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway; D: Nox-1 pathway; E: IL-8/neutrophil pathway[5,8-12,14-17,19,25-39]. LPS: Lipopolysaccharide; IL: Interleukin; TLR4: Toll-like receptor 4;
NF-κB: Nuclear factor-kappaB; NIK: NF-κB-inducing kinase; VacA: Vacuolating cytotoxin A; CagA: Cytotoxin-associated gene antigen; PAK1: p21-activated kinase; IKKα/β:
IκB kinase α/β; MAPK: Mitogen-activated protein kinase; MKK4: MAPK kinase 4; MEK1/2: MAPK/ERK kinase 1/2; INF-γ: Interferon-γ; TNF-α: Tumor necrosis factor-α;
NOD1: Nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain protein 1; COX-2: Cyclooxygenase-2; ICAM-1: Intercellular adhesion molecule-1; iNOS: Inducible nitric oxide synthase.

κB (dimer p50/p60) translocates into the nucleus to tran- cellular signal regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2), and p38
scribe the inflammatory factor genes [cyclooxygenase-2 kinase, for which the JNK pathway involves p21-acti-
(COX-2), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vated kinase (PAK1), mitogen-activated protein (MAP)
and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)], proinflam- kinase kinase 4 (MKK4), and JNK; the p38 pathway
matory cytokine genes [interleukin-6 (IL-6), interferon-γ involves MAP kinase 3/6 (MKK3/6) and p38; and the
(INF-γ), and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)], and che- MEK/ERK pathway involves complex CagA/son of
mokine IL-8 gene[8,19,25,27,29-31]. This is called the NF-κB sevenless/growth factor receptor bound 2/rat sarcoma
pathway (Figure 1B). All of those related proteins can (CagA/Sos/Grb2/Ras), Raf, MAPK/ERK kinase 1/2
result in severe inflammation for infected cells. H. pylori (MEK1/2), and ERK1/2. The MAPK cascades lead to
muropeptide can also enter into cytosol through T4SS transcription factor [activator protein 1 (AP-1), Elk-1/
to bind with nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain serum response element (Elk-1/SRE), Nox1, and NF-
protein 1 (NOD1), and thereafter activates NF-κB[12,28,29]. κB] activation, leading to translation of chemokine IL-8,
On the other hand, H. pylori LPS, TNF-α, and IL-1 can cytokines (IL-6, TNF-α, INF-γ), and inflammatory fac-
enter into cell cytosol via toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) to tors (COX-2, ICAM-1, and iNOS) as well as NADPH
initiate the NF-κB pathway (Figure 1B)[19,25,27,29,30]. oxidase activation[27-29,31-35].

mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway (MAPK): Nox-1 pathway: The Nox-1 family consists of members
Aside from the NF-κB pathway, MAPK pathway activa- gp91phox, p22phox, p47phox, p67phox, and p40phox, in which
tion is induced by CagA (Figure 1C). MAPK concerns gp91phox and p22phox persist in cytosol, and p40phox, p47phox,
three key kinases: C-terminal Jun-kinase (JNK), extra- and p67phox are located in the cell membrane[36,37]. When

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Wang YC. Medicinal plants and H. pylori -induced diseases

a host cell is attacked by H. pylori, p47phox is immediately Plant extracts and fractions
phosphorylated (p-p47) along with p67phox, p40phox, and Numerous studies have been carried out to investigate
GTPase-Rac to translocate to the cell membrane to form the anti-H. pylori activity of plant extracts, partially puri-
a gp91phox/p22phox/p-p47phox/p67phox/p40phox/GTPase- fied fractions, natural compounds, and synthetic com-
Rac complex, an active NADPH oxidase. Active p67phox pounds. Anti-H. pylori activity for the medicinal plant
oxidizes NADPH to NADP+ and H+ which pass through extracts and partially purified fractions is listed in Table
gp91phox and are released to the environment; at the same 2, which has those results categorized as 4 classes accord-
time, gp91phox reduces O2 to O2-. and follows hydrogen ing to their minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC): (1)
peroxide production, resulting in oxidative stress in the H. strong activity (MIC: < 10 μg/mL); (2) strong-moderate
pylori infected cells (Figure 1D)[33,35,38,39]. activity (MIC: 10-100 μg/mL); (3) weak-moderate activ-
ity (MIC: 100-1000 μg/mL); and (4) weak activity (MIC:
SHP-2/ERK pathway~CagA phosphorylation de- >1000 μg/mL). In Table 2, 34 studies including more
pendent: With exception to the CagA independent path- than 80 plants were collected. Surprisingly, only a few
way, CagA can suffer phosphorylation by Src and Ab1 studies exhibited strong (2.9%, 1/34)[52] and strong-mod-
kinases, and then forms a complex with Src homology 2 erate (11.8%, 4/34)[53-57] activity. Most studies revealed
(SH2)-domain containing protein tyrosine phosphatase weak-moderate (50%, 17/34) [58-73] and weak (32.4%,
(SHP-2) to activate ERK1/2 (Figure 1C). Both MEK/ 11/34)[74-81] activity against H. pylori. Notably, a few plant
ERK and SHP-2/ERK pathways not only lead to NF- extracts possessed strong anti-H. pylori activity. The great-
κB (Figure 1B) and Nox1 (Figure 1D) activation, but also est of them was Impatiens balsamina L. (Balsaminaceae),
result in cell proliferation (Figure 1C)[12,19-21,28,29]. a Taiwanese folk medicinal plant. The acetone, 95%
ethanol, and ethyl acetate pod extracts showed strong
IL-8 anti-H. pylori activity with 1.25-2.5 μg/mL of MICs and
As aforementioned, IL-8 is a chemokine which is regu- 1.25-5.0 μg/mL of minimum bactericidal concentrations
lated by the transcription factors NF-κB, AP-1, and Elk/ (MBCs) against multiple-antibiotic [clarithromycin (CLR),
SRE. IL-8 plays a key role in H. pylori infection and is an metronidazole (MTZ), and levofloxacin (LVX)] resistant
important feature in H. pylori-infected patients. As shown H. pylori strains. Such activity exceeded that of MTZ and
in Figure 1E, IL-8 infiltrates into vascular endothelial cells approximated that of amoxicillin (AMX), one of the
to activate the CD11b/CD18 dimer. The active CD11b/ most effective drugs used in the eradication of H. pylori
CD18 dimer forms a complex with neutrophil (CD11b/ infection worldwide[52]. The Persea Americana Mill. (Laura-
CD18/neutrophil), and then further binds to ICAM-1 on ceae), a Mexican medicinal plant, in methanol extract also
the vascular endothelial cell membrane (CD11b/CD18/ showed strong anti-H. pylori activity with < 7.5 μg/mL
neutrophil/ICAM-1). That tetramer (CD11b/CD18/ of MIC[53]. Remarkable anti-H. pylori activity was reported
neutrophil/ICAM-1) infiltrates into gastric epithelial cells for three Paskin indigenous medicinal plant extracts: the
and releases high amounts of ROS (O2-., H2O2, HOCl, Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile (Fabaceae) aqueous extract, the
OH•, and 1O2) through neutrophil NADPH oxidase, Fagonia arabica L. (Zygophyllaceae) acetone extract, and
resulting in oxidative burst[27,29,33,40]. Additionally, IL-8 can the Casuarina equisetifolia L. (Casuarinaceae) methanol ex-
activate polymorphonuclear cells and/or macrophages tract, all of them having 8 μg/mL of MIC[61]. The chlo-
to produce IL-12 which further amplifies the T-cell re- roform fractions from the methanol extracts of Centaurea
sponse to H. pylori[29]. solstitialis ssp. Solstitialis and Centaurea solstitialis ssp. solstitia-
lis (flowers) also exhibited significantly lower MIC (1.95
μg/mL) against H. pylori, both plants having been used as
ANTI-H. PYLORI ACTIVITY OF Turkish anti-ulcerogenic folk remedies[59]. The leaf hex-
ane fraction of Aristolochia paucinervis Pomel, a Moroccan
MEDICINAL PLANTS medicinal plant, demonstrated higher inhibitory activity
Various pharmacological regimens have been studied (MIC: 4 μg/mL) against H. pylori[58].
in the treatment of H. pylori infection. Antibiotics[41,42],
proton-pump inhibitors[43,44], H2-blockers[45,46], and bis- Natural compounds from plants
muth salts[47] are suggested standard treatment modalities, Aside from plant extracts, much literature has reported
which are typically combined in dual, triple, and quadru- on the anti-H. pylori activity of plant compounds. Table 3
ple therapy regimens in order to eradicate H. pylori infec- lists 28 studies including 131 compounds to address their
tion[41,48]. Some problems may arise upon administration anti-H. pylori activity in which phenolics/simple phenols/
of those eradication regimens, i.e. the cost[48], the efficacy polyphenols, flavonoids, quinones, coumarins, terpenoids,
of antibiotics regarding the pH (for instance, amoxicillin alkaloids, and other compounds are involved. Some of
is most active at a neutral pH and tetracycline has greater these compounds’ chemical structures are shown in Fig-
activity at a low pH)[48] and resistance to the antibiot- ure 2. Notably, MICs for those compounds were much
ics[49-51]. Therefore, some patients undergoing such drug lower than those of plant extracts (Table 2), over 50% of
regimens experienced therapeutic failure. which being lower than 10 μg/mL. Specifically, of those

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Wang YC. Medicinal plants and H. pylori -induced diseases

Table 2 Anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of medicinal plant extracts and fractions

Plant Test sample MIC/MBC Ref.

Strong activity (MIC: < 10 μg/mL)
Impatiens balsamina L. Pod acetone/95% ethanol/ MIC: 0.625-2.5 μg/mL Wang et al[52]
ethyl acetate extracts MBC: 1.25-2.5 μg/mL
Strong-moderate acticity (MIC: 10-100 μg/mL)
Persea americana, Annona cherimola, Guaiacum coulteri, Methanol extract MIC: 7.5-15.6 μg/mL Castillo-Juárez et al[53]
Moussonia deppeana
Myristica fragrans (seed), Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary leaf ) Methanol extract MIC: 12.5-25 μg/mL Mahady et al[54]
Curcuma amada Roxb., Mallotus phillipinesis (Lam) Muell., 70% Ethanol extract MIC: 15.6-62.5 μg/mL Zaidi et al[55]
Myrisctica fragrans Houtt., Psoralea corylifolia L.
Achillea millefolium, Foeniculum vulgare (seed), Methanol extract MIC: 50 μg/mL Mahady et al[54]
Passiflora incarnata (herb), Origanum majorana (herb) and
a (1:1) combination of Curcuma longa (root), ginger rhizome
Carum carvi (seed), Elettaria cardamomum (seed), Methanol extract MIC: 100 μg/mL Mahady et al[54]
Gentiana lutea (roots), Juniper communis (berry),
Lavandula angustifolia (flowers), Melissa officinalis (leaves),
Mentha piperita (leaves), Pimpinella anisum (seed)
Abrus cantoniensis, Saussurea lappa, Eugenia caryophyllata Ethanol extract MIC: 40 μg/mL Li et al[56]
Hippophae rhamnoides, Fritillaria thunbergii, Magnolia officinalis, Ethanol extract MIC: 60 μg/mL Li et al[56]
Schisandra chinensis, Corydalis yanhusuo, Citrus reticulata,
Bupleurum chinense, Ligusticum chuanxiong
Myroxylon peruiferum Methanol extract MIC: 62.5 μg/mL Ohsaki et al[57]
Weak-moderate acticity (MIC: 100-1000 μg/mL)
Aristolochia pauciner6is Rhizome/leave fraction MIC: 4-128 μg/mL Gadhi et al[58]
Cistus laurifolius, Spartium junceum, Cedrus libani, solstitialis, Solvent extract and hexane MIC: 1.95-250 μg/mL Yeşilada et al[59]
Momordica charantia, Sambucus ebulus, Hypericum perforatum fraction
Larrea divaricate Cav (leaves and tender branches) Aqueous extract MIC: 40-100 μg/mL Stege et al[60]
Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile, Calotropis procera (Aiton) Methanol/acetone extract MIC: 8-256 μg/mL Amin et al[61]
W.T. Aiton, Fagonia arabica L., Adhatoda vasica Nees,
Casuarina equisetifolia L.
Zingiber officinale 95% Ethanol extract MIC: 10-160 μg/mL Nostro et al[62]
Tephrosia purpurea (Linn.) Pers. Methanol extract and fraction MIC: 25-400 μg/mL Chinniah et al[63]
Terminalia macroptera (root) Root solvent fraction MIC: 100-200 μg/mL Silva et al[64]
Black myrobalan (Teminalia chebula Retz) Water extract MIC: 125 μg/mL Malekzadeh et al[65]
MBC: 150 μg/mL
Rubus ulmifolius leaves Ethyl acetate/methanol MIC: 134-270 μg/mL Martinia et al[66]
Amphipterygium adstringens Bark petroleum ether fraction MIC: 160 μg/mL Castillo-Juárez et al[67]
Lycopodium cernuum Hexane fraction MIC: 16-1000 μg/mL Ndip et al[68]
MBC: 125-1000 μg/mL
Ageratum conyzoides, Scleria striatinux, Lycopodium cernua Methanol extract MIC: 63-1000 μg/mL Ndip et al[69]
MBC: 195-15000 μg/mL
Sclerocarya birrea Acetone/aqueous stem bark MIC: 80-2500 μg/mL Njume et al[70]
Including Artemisia ludoviciana subsp.mexicana 43 plants Methanol/aqueous extract MIC: 312-500 μg/mL Castillo-Juárez et al[53]
Pteleopsis suberosa Stem bark methanol extract MIC: 313-500 μg/mL Germanò et al[71]
Ageratum conyzoides, Scleria striatinux, Lycopodium cernua Methanol extract MIC: 32-1000 μg/mL Ndip et al[69]
Including Cuminum cyminum L., Cynara scolymus L., Ethanol extracts MIC: 600-10000 μg/mL Nostro et al[72]
Origanum vulgare L. 17 plants
Allium sativum Aqueous extract MIC: 2000-5000 μg/mL Cellini et al[73]
Weak acticity (MIC: > 1000 μg/mL)
Mentha × piperita, Peppermint Oil, Origanum vulgare, Essential oil IC50: 160-1460 μg/mL Cwikla et al[74]
Pimpinella anisum, Aniseed Oil, Syzygium aromaticum
Chamomila recutita L., Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil. 96% Ethanol extract MIC: < 625-1250 μg/mL Cogo et al[75]
Allium ascalonicum Linn. (leaf) Methanol extract MIC: 625- 1250 μg/mL Bolanle et al[76]
Sclerocarya birrea Stem bark acetone/aqueous MIC90: 60-2500 μg/mL Njume et al[70]
Punica granatum, Quercus infectoria Ethanol extract MIC: 160-> 2500 μg/mL Voravuthikunchai et al[77]
Mentha × piperita, Peppermint Oil, Origanum vulgare, Essential oil IC50: 160-1460 μg/mL Cwikla et al[74]
Pimpinella anisum, Aniseed Oil, Syzygium aromaticum
Including Anthemis melanolepis 13 plants 70% Methanol extract MIC: 625-5000 μg/mL Stamatis et al[78]
Including Cuminum cyminum L. 17 plants Ethanol extract MIC: 75-10000 μg/mL Nostro et al[72]
Plumbago zeylanica L. Acetone extract MIC: 320-10240 μg/mL Wang and Huang[79]
MBC: 5120-81920 μg/mL
Anisomeles indica (L.) O. Kuntze, Alpinia speciosa (Wendl.) K. Schum., 95% Ethanol extract MIC: 640-10240 μg/mL Wang and Huang[80]
Bombax malabaricum DC., Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr.
Allium sativum Aqueous extract MIC: 0.1% (v/v) Cellini et al[73]
Including Cymbopogon citratus (lemongrass) 13 plants Essential oil Ohno et al[81]

MIC: Minimum inhibitory concentration; MBC: Minimum bactericidal concentration.

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Wang YC. Medicinal plants and H. pylori -induced diseases

compounds, 5 compounds [2-methoxy-1,4-naphtho- Coumarins are widely found in plants. Basile et al[99] re-
quinone (MeONQ)[95], terpinen-4-ol[106], pyrrolidine[106], ported that aegelinol and its derivative [benzoyl aegelinol
1-methyl-2-[(Z)-8-tridecenyl]-4-(1H)-quinolone[107], and isolated from Ferulago campestris (Apiaceae) roots] showed
1-methyl-2-[(Z)-7-tridecenyl]-4-(1H)-quinolone[107]] of anti-H. pylori activity with 5-25 μg/mL of MIC. In fact,
MICs or 50% MICs (MIC50) were lower than 1 μg/mL, many coumarin derivatives are synthetic and are com-
which were similar to or lower than that of AMX. mercially sold as supplementary diet products. Jadhav et
al[100] and Kawase et al[101] studied the anti-H. pylori activity
Phenolics, simple phenols, and polyphenols: Pheno- of 23 and 24 synthetic coumarin derivatives, respectively,
lic compounds are commonly distributed in plants. They wherein they found those coumarin derivatives to have
are classified as phenolics, simple phenols, and polyphe- anti-inhibitory activity, but not particularly high (MIC: 10
nols. Cinnamic acid and chlorogenic acid are the com- to > 100 μg/mL).
mon representatives of phenolics (Figure 2). Tannin is a
group of polymeric phenolic substances, which is divided Terpenoids: Terpenoids derived from terpenes contain-
into two categories based on their chemical nature: hy- ing oxygen in molecule. Isoprene is the basic structural
drolyzable and condensed tannins (Figure 2). As listed on unit of terpenes. Monoterpenes (C 10H 16), diterpenes
Table 3, boropinic acid (a cinnamic acid derivative from (C20), triterpenes (C30), and tetraterpenes (C40) com-
Boronia pinnata Sm.) had the lowest MIC (1.62 μg/mL)[82]; monly occur in nature (Figure 2). Arjunglucoside I is an
MICs for corilagin (a hydrolyzable tannin from Geranium oleanane saponine isolated from Pteleopsis suberosa Engl.
wilfordii) against 6 H. pylori strains were 2-4 μg/mL[83]; el- Et Diels stem bark (Combretaceae), which possesses
lagic acid (a hydroxydiphenic acid from Rubus ulmifolius anti-H. pylori activity (MIC: 1.9-7.8 μg/mL) against vacA/
leaves) showed anti-H. pylori activity with 2-10 μg/mL cagA positive and metronidazole-resistant strains [102].
of MICs[66], whereas 3-farnesyl-2-hydroxybenzoic acid Trichorabdal A (a diterpene from Rabdosia trichocarpa)
(a hydroxybenzoic acid prenylated derivative from Piper showed strong anti-H. pylori activity with 2-5 μg/mL of
multiplinervium) had 3.75-12.5 μg/mL of MICs against 5 H. MICs[103]. A remarkable anti-H. pylori compound, terpin-
pylori strains[84]. en-4-ol, was isolated from Sclerocarya birrea (Anacardiaceae)
with 0.004-0.06 μg/mL of MIC50, being similar to that of
Flavonoids: Flavonoids are widely distributed through- AMX (MIC50: 0.0003-0.06 μg/mL)[106].
out the plant kingdom. The family consists of 7 mem-
bers: flavones, flavanones, flavonols, flavanols, flavan- Alkaloids: Heterocyclic nitrogen compounds are called
3-ols (the structural unit of condensed tannins), alkaloids (Figure 2). The first pharmaceutically used
anthocyanidins, and chalcones with C6-C3-C6 skeleton alkaloid was porphine from the opium poppy Papaver
feature (Figure 2). As indicated in Table 3, the lowest somniferum [112]. 1-Methyl-2-[(Z)-8-tridecenyl]-4-(1H)-
MICs of flavonoids against H. pylori peaked at querce- quinolone and 1-methyl-2-[(Z)-7-tridecenyl]-4-(1H)-
tin 3-methyl ether (isorhamnetin) (MIC: 3.9 μg/mL), quinolone were isolated from Evodia rutaecarpa fruits tra-
a methoxylated flavonol aglycone from Cistus laurifolius ditionally used in Chinese medicine. Both alkaloids were
leaves[93]; kaempferol, a flavonol from Rubus ulmifolius found to have the relatively low MIC against H. pylori (<
leaves (MBC: 6 μg/mL)[66]; and cabreuvin, an isoflavone 0.05 μg/mL), which was similar to AMX and CLR[107].
derivative from Myroxylon peruiferum (MIC: 7.8 μg/mL)[57].
Mechanisms of anti-H. pylori action
Quinones: Quinones are aromatic rings with two ketone As aforementioned, numerous studies have reported nat-
substitutions (Figure 2). These compounds, largely re- ural products’ anti-H. pylori activity. However, only a few
sponsible for flower color, are ubiquitous in nature and papers have concerned the action mechanisms. Within
highly reactive. In Table 3, MeONQ (a naphthoquinone this literature, the mechanisms include urease activity
isolated from I. balsamina L.) has the strongest anti-H. inhibition, anti-adhesion activity, DNA damage, protein
pylori action of those quinones with 0.156-0.625 μg/mL synthesis inhibition, and oxidative stress, which are each
of MICs and 0.313-0.625 μ g/mL of MBCs against addressed below.
multiple-antibiotic (CLR, MTZ, and LVX) resistant H.
pylori strains. The activity was equivalent to that of AMX Urease activity inhibition: Both Acacia nilotica and
as well as not being influenced by pH (4-8) or heat (121 ℃ Calotropis procera extracts possessed anti-H. pylori activ-
for 15 min) treatments. Interestingly, MeONQ abounds ity possibly due to inhibition of urease activity through
in the I. balsamina L. pod at the level of 4.39% (w/w)[95]. competitive and mixed type mechanisms, respectively, in
Subsequently, 2-(hydroxymethyl)anthraquinone followed, which both Vmax and affinity (Km) were changed for the
which is an anthraquinone isolated from Tabebuia impetigi- latter type[61]. The anti-H. pylori actions of 1,2,3,4,6-penta-
nosa Martius ex DC (Taheebo) with 2 μg/mL of MIC[96]. O-galloyl-β -D-glucopyranose from Paeonia lactiflora roots
were considered to work in multiple manners. The hydro-
Coumarins: The chemical structure of coumarins are phobicity of the compound facilitates it to bind to cell
benzene fused with an α-pyrone ring (Figure 2), which membranes resulting in the loss of membrane integrity as
are responsible for the characteristic odor of hay[112]. well as inhibition of urease activity and UreB (an adhesin)

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Wang YC. Medicinal plants and H. pylori -induced diseases

Table 3 Anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of compounds from plants

Compound Original plant MIC/MBC Ref.

Phenolics/Simple phenols/Polyphenols
Boropinic acid Boronia pinnata MIC: 1.62 μg/mL Epifano et al[82]
Corilagin, 1,2,3,6-tetra-O-galloyl-b-D-glucose Geranium wilfordii MIC: 2-8 μg/mL Zhang et al[83]
Egallic acid Rubus ulmifolius leaves MIC: 2-10 μg/mL Martinia et al[66]
3-Farnesyl-2-hydroxybenzoic acid Piper multiplinervium MIC: 3.75-12.5 μg/mL Rüegg et al[84]
Epigallocatechin gallate, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin, MIC: 8-256 μg/mL Mabe et al[85]
Magnolol Magnoliae officinalis MIC: 10-20 μg/mL Bae et al[86]
Psoracorylifols Psoralea corylifolia MIC: 12.5-25 μg/mL Yin et al[87]
Resveratrol Red wine MIC: 25-100 μg/mL Paulo et al[88]
Cinnamic acid MIC: 80-200 μg/mL Bae et al[86]
Allixin Allium sativum MIC90: 50 μg/mL Mahady et al[89]
Paeonol, benzoic acid, methyl gallate, Paeonia lactiflora Roots MIC: 80-320 μg/mL Ngan et al[90]
1,2,3,4,6-Penta-O-galloyl-β-D-glucopyranose MBC: 320-1280 μg/mL
Including 3-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-8-prenylchromane-6-propenoic Brazilian propolis MIC: 130-1000 μg/mL Banskota et al[91]
acid 10 phenolic acids
Chlorogenic acid Anthemis altissima MIC: 312.5-1250 μg/mL Konstantinopoulou et al[92]
Quercetin 3-methyl ether, Cistus laurifolius leaves MIC: 3.9-62.5 μg/mL Ustün et al[93]
quercetin 3,7-dimethyl ether, kaempferol 3,7-dimethyl ether
Kaempferol Rubus ulmifolius leaves MBC: 6 μg/mL Martinia et al[66]
Kaempferol 4’-methyl ether, quercetin, rhamnetin, isoquercetrin, Anthemis altissima MIC: 6.25-50 μg/mL Konstantinopoulou et al[92]
taxifolin, eriodictyol
Including licoisoflavone B and licoricidin 16 flavonoids Licorice MIC: 6.25-50 μg/mL Fukai et al[94]
Cabreuvin Myroxylon peruiferum MIC: 7.8 μg/mL Ohsaki et al[57]
3,5,7-Trihydroxy-4’-methoxyflavanol, keampferol-3,4’-dimethyl ether Brazilian propolis MIC: 500-1000 μg/mL Banskota et al[91]
2-Methoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone Impatiens balsamina L. MIC: 0.156-0.625 μg/mL Wang et al[95]
MBC: 0.313-0.625 μg/mL
2-(Hydroxymethyl)anthraquinone, anthraquinone-2-carboxylic acid, Tabebuia impetiginosa MIC: 2-8 μg/mL Park et al[96]
Lapachol, plumbagin Martius ex DC
Idebenone, duroquinone, menadione, juglone, benzoquinone, MIC90: 0.8-25 μg/mL Inatsu et al[97]
coenzyme Q1, coenzyme Q10, decylubiquinone
Emodin Rhei Rhizoma MIC86-99: 250 μg/mL Wang and Chung[98]
Benzoyl aegelinol, aegelinol Ferulago campestris MIC: 5-25 μg/mL Basile et al[99]
(Apiaceae) roots
24 Synthetic coumarin derivatives MIC: 10-40 μg/mL Jadhav et al[100]
23 Synthetic coumarin derivatives MIC50: 23->100 μg/mL Kawase et al[101]
Arjunglucoside I Pteleopsis suberosa MIC: 1.9-7.8 μg/mL De Leo et al[102]
Trichorabdal Rabdosia trichocarpa MIC: 2.5-5 μg/mL Kadota et al[103]
Sivasinolide, altissin, 1-epi-tatridin B, desacetyl-β-cyclopyrethrosin, Anthemis altissima MIC: 12.5-50 μg/mL Konstantinopoulou et al[92]
(Z)-R-santalol (7), (Z)-β-santalol, (Z)-lanceol Santalum album MIC: 7.8-31.3 μg/mL Ochi et al[104]
Stigmasta-7,22-diene-3β-ol Impatiens balsamina L. MIC: 20-80 μg/mL Wang et al[95]
MBC: 20-80 μg/mL
Plaunotol Plau-noi MIC90: 12.5 mg/mL Koga et al[105]
Terpinen-4-ol Sclerocarya birrea MIC50: 0.004-0.06 μg/mL Njume et al[106]
1-Methyl-2-[(Z)-8-tridecenyl]-4-(1H)-quinolone, Evodia rutaecarpa fruits MIC: < 0.05 μg/mL Hamasaki et al[107]
Tryptanthrin Polygonum tinctorium MIC: 2.5 μg/mL Hashimoto et al[108]
Other compounds
Pyrrolidine Sclerocarya birrea MIC50: 0.05-6.3 μg/mL Njume et al[106]
Diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, diallyl tetrasulfide, allicin MIC: 3-100 μg/mL O’gara et al[109]
MBC: 6-200 μg/mL
Palmitoyl ascorbate MIC: 40-400 μg/mL Tabak et al[110]
Capric acid, lauric acid, myristic acid, myristoleic acid, MBC: 0.5-5 mmol/L Sun et al[111]
palmitoleic acid, linolenic acid, monolaurin, monomyristin

MIC: Minimum inhibitory concentration; MBC: Minimum bactericidal concentration.

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Wang YC. Medicinal plants and H. pylori -induced diseases

Phenolics and simple phenols Cinnamic acid Chlorogenic acid



Tannins 1,2,3,6-tetra-O-β-D-galloyl-glucose (hydrolyzable tannin) Epigallocatechin gallate (condensed tannin)

Flavonoids Kaempferol Licoisoflavone B



Quinones 2-methoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone Emodin




Terpenoids Stigmasta-7,22-diene-3β-ol Erpinen-4-ol

22 28
1820 29
12 17 OH
11 23 24 26
19 13 16 25
1 9 14
2 27
10 8 15
3 5 7
HO 4 6

Coummarins Aegelinol 7-methoxy-4-methylcoumarin



Alkaloids Methyl-2-[(Z)-8-tridecenyl]-4(1H)-quinolone (evocarpine)

Figure 2 Chemical structures of some anti-Helicobacter pylori compounds from medicinal plants.

expression[90]. The inhibitory effect of resveratrol against soluble extract (a commercial product) may be through
H. pylori was possibly due to inhibition of urease activity[88]. urease activity inhibition and disruption of energy produc-
The action mode of mixed oregano and cranberry water- tion by inhibition of proline dehydrogenase at the plasma

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Wang YC. Medicinal plants and H. pylori -induced diseases

membrane[113]. In an in vivo study, both the dichlorometh- pathway for arylamine carcinogens, is catalysed by cyto-
ane fraction and the ethanolic extract of Calophyllum brasil- solic arylamine N-acetyltransferase. Rhein, one of the
iense stem bark decreased the number of urease-positive bioactive component of Dahuang, effectively inhibited
Wistar rats, which was confirmed by the reduction of H. N-acetyltransferase activity and H. pylori growth[121].
pylori presence in histopathological analysis[114].

Anti-adhesion activity: The turmeric, borage, and fresh ANTI-H. PYLORI-INDUCED GASTRIC
parsley water extracts were found to inhibit adhesion of INFLAMMATION OF PLANT PRODUCTS
H. pylori 11637 to the human stomach section; moreover,
Once H. pylori attaches to host cells, the signal trans-
33.9%-61.9% of inhibition rates for antigens Lewis a
duction is immediately initiated, and then transcrip-
and Lewis b were observed[115]. The Glycyrrhiza glabra root
tion/translation of the relevant inflammatory proteins,
aqueous extract and polysaccharides exhibited strong
especially for IL-8, IL-6, INF-γ, TNF-α, COX-2, and
anti-adhesive activity under a fluroscent microscopy of
ICAM-1, through NF-κB, MAPK, MEK/ERK, SHP-2/
human gastric mucosa aliquots with fluorescent-labeled
ERK, and Nox-1 pathways (Figure 1). Those proteins
H. pylori[116]. EPs 7630, a commercial product of the Pel-
can further induce immune response cascades resulting in
argonium sidoides DC (Geraniaceae) root extract, showed
severe H. pylori-infected gastric mucosa inflammation. As
good anti-adhesive activity in a dose-dependent manner
(0.001-10 mg/mL)[117]. Plaunotol, an acyclic diterpene proposed in the Correa pathway[22], the H. pylori-induced
alcohol isolated from the leaves of the plau-noi tree in gastric chronic inflammation can progress to superficial
Thailand, was found to suppress adhesion of H. pylori to gastritis, atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia,
adenocarcinoma cells as well as inhibit IL-8 secretion in a and finally adenocarcinoma. Specifically, atrophic gastritis
dose-dependent manner[118]. is a critical initiating step in the progression toward gas-
tric cancer[22-24]. There have been many studies focusing
Oxidative stress: MeONQ exhibited very strong bac- on anti-H. pylori-induced inflammation and the relevant
tericidal H. pylori activity[95]. The possible mechanisms of mechanisms, in which NF-κB and MAPK pathways were
MeONQ are due to the high redox potential of the com- the most discussed.
pound. When MeONQ enters the cell membrane, it is
immediately metabolized by flavoenzymes and undergoes Inhibition of NF-κ B pathway
serial redox cyclic reactions to produce a high amount The H. pylori-induced NF-κB pathway is presented in
of ROS (O-•, MeONQ-•, and H2O2). Those ROS further Figure 1B. Many natural products were found to have
damage cellular macromolecules and may lead to H. pylori anti-H. pylori induced inflammation activity through the
death[95]. suppression of NF-κB activation. Apigenin, one of the
most common flavonoids, is widely distributed in fruits
Amphiphilic nature of compounds: Anti-H. pylori and vegetables, especially abound in parsley and celery.
compound terpinen-4-ol from Sclerocarya birrea (Anacar- Apigenin treatments (9.3-74 μmol/L) significantly in-
diaceae) is a monocyclic monoterpene derivative with hibited NF-κB activation, thus, the IκBα expression
amphiphilic nature. The strong anti-H. pylori activity of increased and inflammatory factor (COX-2, ICAM-1,
the compound was thought to be a result of its hydro- ROS, IL-6, and IL-8) expressions decreased. Specifically,
philicity and hydrophobicity. The hydrophilicity allows the ROS levels decreased partially based on the intrinsic
this compound to diffuse through surrounding water to scavenging property of apigenin[122]. Curcumin, a natural
the bacterial cell wall, whereas the hydrophobicity lets polyphenol, presents in turmeric. Activation-induced
this compound close in on and partially bind to the cy- cytidine deaminase (AID) is a downstream member of
toplasmic membrane resulting in the loss of membrane NF-κB regulated by NF-κB. Curcumin significantly sup-
integrity[107]. pressed NF-κB activation as well as IKK activation and
IκBα degradation; and therefore inhibited AID activity in
Others: Glabridin (a major flavonoid of GutGards®) the H. pylori-infected adenocarcinoma cells[123]. Capsaicin,
exhibited anti-H. pylori activity. Additionally, GutGard® a terpenoid, is an active compound of chilies and chili
showed a potent inhibitory effect on DNA gyrase and peppers. The compound significantly inhibited H. pylori-
dihydrofolate reductase with 4.40 and 3.33 mg/mL of induced IL-8 production through inhibition of IKK and
IC50, respectively[119]. Emodin (1,3,8-trihydroxy-6-meth- NF-κB activation in a dose- and time-dependent man-
ylanthraquinone), a major bioactive compound of Radix ner[124]. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), an active
et Rhizoma Rhei (a Chinese herb medicine), induced H. compound of propolis, has been reported to have anti-
pylori DNA damage[98]. Flavonoids vitexin, isovitexin, inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. CAPE
rhamnopyranosylvitexin, and isoembigenin from Piper inhibited H. pylori-induced NF-κB and AP-1 DNA bind-
carpunya Ruiz & Pav. showed anti-H. pylori activity. Those ing activity in a dose- and time-dependent manner in H.
compounds effectively released myeloperoxidase from pylori-infected AGS cells. The suppression of NF-κB
rat peritoneal leukocytes as well as inhibited of H+,K+- (Figure 1B) and MAPK (Figure 1C) pathway activation
ATPase activity[120]. N-Acetylation, a major metabolic was involved, and thus TNF-α, IL-8, and COX-2 expres-

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Wang YC. Medicinal plants and H. pylori -induced diseases

sions decreased. Additionally, CAPE also suppressed H. 8-256 μg/mL) in vitro. The product was given in diet
pylori-induced cell proliferation[125]. San-Huang-Xie-Xin- (0.5%) for 2 wk to Mongolian gerbils. The H. pylori colo-
Tang (SHXT), a traditional oriental medicinal formula nization reduced by 10%-36% and gastric mucosal injury
containing Rhizoma Coptidis (Coptis chinesis Franch), Scutel- significantly decreased[85]. Both kaempferol and trypt-
lariae radix (Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi), and Rhei rhizome anthrin showed anti-H. pylori activity[66,109]. A mixture of
(Rheum officinale Baill), has been used to treat gastritis, kaempferol and tryptanthrin at 5.0 mg/bw of treatment
gastric bleeding, and peptic ulcers. SHXT and baicalin (an dose was orally administered to Mongolian gerbils twice
active compound of SHXT) was found to decrease IκBα a day for 10 d. The viable counts of H. pylori in the stom-
phosphorylation and inflammatory factor (IL-8, COX-2, ach significantly decreased[132]. Quercetin, a flavonoid, is
and iNOS) expressions in H. pylori-infected AGS cells, widely present in fruits and vegetables. H. pylori-infected
of which the transduction factor NF-κB activation was guinea pigs were orally given quercetin at 200 mg/kgbw
inhibited. SHXT and baicalin might exert anti-inflam- per day, which significantly decreased neutrophil leuko-
matory and gastroprotective effects in H. pylori-induced cyte infiltration, H. pylori colonization, and lipid peroxide
gastric inflammation[126]. Zaidi et al[127] examined the anti- concentration in the pyloric antrum[133]. The carotenoid-
inflammatory effects of selected Pakistani medicinal rich acetone extract of Chlorococcum sp. (a microalgae) was
plants and found that 12 plants (including Alpinia galangal) orally given to H. pylori-infected BALB/c mice at 100
exhibited strong inhibitory activity against IL-8 secretion mg/kgbw per day. The algae meal significantly decreased
in H. pylori-infected AGS cells at 100 μg/mL of 70% eth- H. pylori density in the stomach and INF-γ and IL-4
anol extracts. Moreover, significant ROS suppression was levels in splenocytes; the H. pylori-induced inflammation
demonstrated in the 6 included Achillea millefolium extracts. in BALB/c mice was effectively inhibited[134]. A green
Notably, an in vivo study of anti-inflammatory effects of tea product containing 30.7% epigallocatechin gallate,
CAPE was reported by Toyoda et al[128]. CAPE has inhibi- 17.0% epigallocatechin, 6.4% epicatechin gallate, 5.7%
tory effects on H. pylori-induced gastritis in Mongolian gallocatechin, 4.2% gallocatechin gallate, 4.1% epicat-
gerbils through the suppression of NF-κB activation in echin, and 1.1% catechin was given in drinking water at
which TNF-α, INF-γ, IL-2, IL-8, KC (IL-8 homologue), 500-2000 ppm doses for 6 wk to H. pylori-infected Mon-
and iNOS expressions significantly decreased. golian gerbils. Gastritis and the prevalence of H. pylori in
With exception to H. pylori-induced cell inflammation, the Mongolian gerbils were significantly suppressed in a
paeoniflorin (a benzoic acid derivative from Paeonia lacti- dose-dependent manner[135]. Additionally, a garlic ethanol
flora pall roots) exhibited dramatic inhibition of NF-κB aqueous extract was given at 1%-4% of dosages in a diet
activation in a time- and dose-dependent manner in hu- to H. pylori-infected Mongolian gerbils. The garlic extract
man gastric carcinoma cells (SGC-7901). Moreover, the significantly decreased hemorrhagic spots in the glandular
compound enhanced 5-fluorouracil-induced apoptosis of stomach and gastritis scores as well as decreased stomach
the gastric carcinoma cells[129]. weight, which might be useful as an agent for prevention
of H. pylori-induced gastritis[136]. In a 4-wk short-term
Inhibition of MAPK pathway H. pylori infection model, H. pylori-infected C57BL6/J
β-Carotene is a well-known carotenoid and 10-20 μmol/ mice were orally administered apple peel polyphenol (150
L treatment doses significantly decreased p-38, JNK, and 300 mg/kgbw per day). The treatment significantly
ERK1/2 phosphorylation as well as decreased DNA decreased H. pylori colonization, gastritis scores, and
binding activity of NF-κB and AP-1 in H. pylori-infected malondialdehyde levels in the animals[137]. The Thai medi-
AGS cells in a dose-dependent manner. The ROS level, cines finger-root and turmeric rhizome with 95% ethanol
iNOS and COX-2 expressions also decreased. Both NF- extracts were given to H. pylori-infected Mongolian ger-
κB (Figure 1B) and MAPK (Figure 1C) pathway activa- bils in a basal diet at 100 mg/kgbw per day. The finger-
tion were inhibited by β-carotene[130]. As aforementioned, root extract effectively decreased mucosal/submucosal
curcumin significantly inhibited NF-κB activation[123]. chronic and acute inflammation scores for those Mon-
Foryst-Ludwig et al[131] reported that curcumin inhibited golian gerbils. The turmeric extract only reduced chronic
IκBα degradation, IKKα/β activity, and NF-κB DNA- inflammation scores, without anti-acute inflammation ef-
binding activity in H. pylori-infected AGS cells. Addition- fects[138]. In 32-wk and 52-wk animal tests, apigenin treat-
ally, JNK1/2, ERK1/2, and p38 phosphorylation were ments (30-60 mg/kgbw per day) effectively decreased H.
also remarkably suppressed by the compound. The sup- pylori colonization, atrophic gastritis, and dysplasia/gas-
pressions of both NF-κB (Figure 1B) and MAPK (Figure tric cancer rates in H. pylori-infected Mongolian gerbils.
1C) pathway activation were demonstrated in curcumin. Apigenin has the remarkable ability to inhibit H. pylori-
induced gastric cancer progression as well as possessing
potent anti-gastric cancer activity[139].
There have been a few studies to discuss anti-H. pylori and
anti-H. pylori induced gastric inflammation (or gastritis) CONCLUSION
activities of natural products in animals. As aforemen- H. pylori infection may result in severe gastric inflam-
tioned[85], tea catechins had anti-H. pylori activity (MIC: mation and gastric cancer. CagA is a key virulent factor,

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Wang YC. Medicinal plants and H. pylori -induced diseases

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P- Reviewer: Balaban YH, Kanizaj TF, Zhu YL S- Editor: Ma YJ

L- Editor: A E- Editor: Ma S

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