Treatment of Disorders in Traditional Medicine: Ageing III

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Stress is one of the main factors that trigger and feed the functional disorders of the
human system and the ageing processes. It is a proven fact that factors of extreme stress cause
untimely death. For his own health and comfort, each man must make effort to avoid stress
and to discover the joy of living.

In order to guard against premature ageing, one must avoid excess of coffee, narcotics,
cigarettes, alcohol and medicine. Our living environment is also very important: the toxins
from the environment and the foods we consume help speeding the degenerative processes,

In order to speed the regeneration of our body,

we should get used to living in a healthy environment,
with medicinal herbs that treat us and we should avoid
any disorder in our body and in our thinking.

It is advisable to avoid allopathic medication,

because this kind of remedy treats the symptoms and
disguises our disorders for a short time. When the
patient realizes the fact, the disbalance has affected
almost the entire body and it may be too late to save

Alcohol abuse wrecks our brain and body and our morality as persons as well; it
predisposes to cirrhosis, gastritis, mental affections and hallucinations. The alcoholics go as
far as giving up food for alcohol, developing episodes of delirium tremens, respectively fits of
fainting with high risk of cerebral vascular accident and death. The alcoholic must become
aware that alcohol is harmful to him, and not only to him but to his family, to his friends and
to everybody around him as well.

Monitoring the behavior of the persons who gave up alcohol, it has been shown that
they will develop other kinds of addictive behaviors: abuse of sweets, food and sex. The
traditional medicine specialists can find an appropriate treatment for each patient who is in

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such a situation, when they have found out the reasons that made the patient fall in love with
alcohol instead of falling in love with life and with the joy of living.

A proper treatment will balance such persons

both physically and emotionally. The mixtures used in
these cases are rich in chrome, zinc and magnesium.

The wrong approach in the treatment of alcohol

addicts is to give the patient smaller amounts of
alcohol for the rest of his life, in order to keep the
phenomenon under control (namely in an anti-abuse
system - considering that alcoholism is an incurable
affection). Such be the case, the addiction cannot be
cured. This method of treatment is inefficient and it
ruins the patient's health.

The traditional therapies balance the patient's

body; they also appease the need of alcohol, therefore
the traditional treatment methods are efficient in
eradicating alcoholism.

The traditional treatments are also efficient in the treatment of allergies. The allergic
manifestations occur against the background of serious immune disorders. The immune
deficiencies decrease the body's resistance and weaken its guard against the allergens from the
environment. Hundreds of people suffer from allergies in spring and in summer; they are
affected by the blooming of flowers and by the micronic particles of pollen in the atmosphere.
These particles are breathed into the body; they come in contact with the immune system, at
the level of immunoglobulines; they take part in specific chemical reactions releasing

Histamine triggers the allergic reaction and the affected person starts developing
symptoms such as: pruritis (itch), rhinorrhea, and rhinitis. Unless this type of allergy is
treated, major disorders will develop in the body in time, disorders that create a favorable
environment for other types of allergies, such as the alimentary ones. The food allergies may
also be caused by alimentary excesses or by improperly cooked food. The allergies create the
background for the onset of other affections. Should the immune disorders and the delicacy of
the body be more pronounced in the area of the skin, then skin allergies will occur; should
they be located in the area of the brain, then cerebral allergies will develop, with symptoms
such as: chronic fatigue, epileptic seizures; concentration and memory disorders. In these
situations, if the body is intoxicated with allergenic agents, - instead of nourishing the body,
the blood will cause major disorders.

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The acute allergic reactions, such as those caused by mold or by chemical compounds
trigger complete disorder in the human body. The patient grows irascible; he is always hungry
and thirsty; he has nervousness fits, hypersensitivity, rashes, diarrhea, etc. The pulse is
quickened; instead of 70-78 beats per minute, there is an increased rate by 20-40 beats per
minute higher than normal. In situations like that, each disorder will be recorded and
monitored; the triggering factor is identified and the patient will avoid to come in contact with

Each type of allergy has a specific

clinical picture. However, in the respective
picture certain symptoms prevail, depending on
the affected system. For instance, in the case of
the renal apparatus, the prevailing factor is
chronic fatigue.

The allergies of the central nervous

system are characterized by diminished
concentration capacity, incoherent thinking,
nervousness, headaches, aggressive behaviors,
depression, emotional and behavioral instability,
changes of mood, sudden switches from sadness
to joy or to ecstasy followed by emotional
breakdown, fits of dejection and pathological
sadness, episodes of hallucination and delirium,
etc. In the case of children, the allergies may
develop as chronic fatigue, as well.

The correct treatment of allergies is vital for the recovery of health. It is a proven fact
that in 90 percent of the cases, the schizophrenic behaviors are triggered by internal disorders
caused by an allergic reaction to the ingested foods or chemical substances.

The skin allergies develop as erythema (redness of skin), depigmentation, dehydration

and desquamation. Pulmonary allergies develop by suffocation and want of air. They may
degenerate into asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. The symptoms of cardiovascular allergies
are as follows: tachicardia, arrhythmia, erythema, palor, parestesia, red and purple hands;
syncope and cardiorespiratory arrest. Gastric disorders cause xerostomia (dryness of mouth),
borborygmus, aerocolia, hemorrhagic ulcer, lingual deposits, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting,
abdominal pain. Other disorders caused by allergies may develop at the level of the skeletal
system, in the area of the auditive apparatus (tinnitus - ringing in the ear), and in the area of
the renal apparatus as well (frequent and short mictions).

Irrespective of their location and intensity, all these manifestations can be ameliorated
and treated by acupuncture techniques and by administration of certain medicinal herb

+4 021 619 11 17 / 0745 430 351 /

mixtures with a proper formula and in a proper dosage. First of all, the traditional medicine
specialist must see how deeply the body is affected and what he should do to restore the
patient's health.

Modern man lives in a society that

encourages the consumption of synthetic products.
Daily we use chemical products that are harmful to
the human body.

When starting a traditional treatment, the

patient will need to reveal both these aspects of his
life and the particular features of his living style in
the preliminary discussions with the physician, so
that the physician should be able to correct the
harmful habits and to improve the respective life
style for the patient's own benefit, but also so he
should prevent major disorders, disorders that aid
the degenerative processes and cause premature
ageing or death.




The ageing process starts at cellular level

In the age-stopping procedures, an important and it affects every organ. This process
element is that which the physician decides develops in each organ differently. The
to use in the activity area of the EDTA organs lose energy at a different speed, not
molecule in order to extract every heavy all of them simultaneously. The masters in
metal in excess or other metals that are not traditional medicine know this truth and
found in the natural composition of the therefore they approach the treatment in
human body (but are nevertheless present). the order of the priorities and depending on
how much each organ is affected.
By the HELATIO method, the excess
amount of calcium is extracted from organs
to be reinserted into the skeletal system in
proper amounts in the area of calcium
deficit. Osteoporosis is treated by this

+4 021 619 11 17 / 0745 430 351 /

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