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, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'I form of the verb' Q®°iOz
<Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. nxx grammar …Õ Simple Present Tense JO\ì~¡°. nx…Õ 1. Positive Form
2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form J#° 4 parts <Í~°¡ óä½› <Œß=ò.
D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
=°#=ò ï ~ Q® ° ¼•~Ÿ Q ê, J•"Œ@°Qê, „¬ ^ Í „ ¬ ^ Í KÍ † Ç ò XH› „¬ x x ‹¬ ¶ zOKÇ ° @ä› ½
The First form of the Verb L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I take coffee every morning. 2. My father sends me money every month.
3. They work hard. 4. My brother always reads books.
=°#=ò J•"Œ@°…èH›, g•°„¬_ÈH›, W+¬“O…èH› J‹¬•° Z„¬æ\÷H© K͆ǰx XH› „¬xx
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "donot / doesnot + I form of the verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I don't smoke at all. 2. My father doesn't tolerate indiscipline.
3. They do not neglect work at all. 4. She doesn't see movies.

=°#=ò ï~Q®°¼•~Ÿ Qê, J•"Œ@°Qê, „¬^Í„¬^Í K͆Çò XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz W`Ç~¡°•#°
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Do/Does + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Do you wake up early in the morning ? 2. Does she paint pictures ?
3. Do they conduct tests every week ? 4. Does he ofen go to Vizag ?


=°#=ò J•"Œ@° …èH›, ï~Q®°¼•~ŸQê K͆ǰx XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz negative sense …Õ
ã „ ¬ t ß O KÇ ° @#° ‹¬ ¶ zOKÇ ° @ä› ½ "Don't / Doesn't + I form of the Verb"
Ex : 1. Don't you ride a bike ? 2.Doesn't she go to movies at all ?
3. Don't they come to your house at all ? 4. Doesn't she cook well ?

, : 94406 16425

D ~ËA Hùxß verbs, "Œ\÷ †³òH›ø three forms <Í~¡°ó䛽O^¥O.

I Form II Form III Form Meaning

1. Begin began begun P~¡Oa•OKÇ°@

2. Break broke broken „¬Q®°•Qù@°“@
3. Bring brought brought `³KÇ°ó@
4. Build built built xiàOKÇ°@
5. Buy bought bought Hù#°@
6. Catch caught caught JO^ΰHù#°@
7. Chide chid chidden p"Œ@°Á Ì„@°“@
8. Choose chose chosen Z#°ßHù#°@
9. Come came come =KÇ°ó@
10 Creep crept crept ‡ã •ä›½@
11. Deal dealt dealt x~¡Þ‚²ìOKÇ°@
12. Draw drew drawn w†Çò@, …ìQ®°@
13. Dream dreamt dreamt H›•Q®#°@
14. Drink drank drunk ã`ŒQ®°@
15. Drive drove driven #_È°„¬ô@
16. Eat ate eaten u#°@
17. Fall fell fallen „¬_È°@
18. Feel felt felt J#°ƒ•’¶u ‡ÚO^ΰ@
19. Fight fought fought ‡é~Œ_È°@
20. Find found found H›#°Qù#°@

D ~ËA Spoken English lesson …Õx Positive Form, Negative Form, Question Form,
Negative Question Form ƒìQê <Í~°¡ óä½› <Œß~°¡ H›^¥! Z@°=O\÷ confusion …èä½› O_¨ =°~¡• XH›ª•i
D 4 parts KÇ^=Î O_•! g°~¡° own Qê Hùxß "ŒH꼕° practise K͆°Ç O_•.

12 There is no success without hardship.
, : 94406 16425

XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ „¬îië KÍ‹#² XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
‹¬¶zOKÇ° KÇ°O^ΰ=ò. J#Qê P „¬x =°#=ò =¶\ìÁ_È° KÇ°#ß ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#䛽 „¬îië J~ò#k.
J "Í°=ò last Sunday XH› Hindi movie KǶ‰§=ò. J <Í#° x#ß „¬sH›Æ „¦ÔA K³eÁOKŒ#°.
J "Œ~¡° last year <³•¶Á~°¡ H÷ shift J~ò<Œ~¡°. J <Í#° x#ß train miss J~ò<Œ#°.
Ì„á "ŒH›¼=ò•° Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ „¬îië KÍ‹²# „¬#°•#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› Yzó`"Ç °³ #Ø ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ J#Qê x#ß, Q®`Ç "Œ~¡O, Q®`Ç <³•, Q®`Ç
‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH› Q®`OÇ …Õx =°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^³#á #° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ „¬îië KÍ‹#² XH›
„¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"II form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
Subject - Singular, Plural U^³á##° 'Verb †³òH›ø II form' =KÇ°ó#°.

1. <Í#° x#ß =¶ father H÷ letter ã"Œ‰§#°. 7. x#ß „²<ŒH÷x ZH±•„
Ìã ‹¹ XH› Q®O@ late Qê
I wrote a letter to my father yesterday. =zó#k.
The Pinakini Express arrived one hour
2. "Í°=ò last week exhibition KǶ‰§=ò.
late yesterday.
We saw the exhibition last week.
8. N Z<£.\÷. ~Œ=¶~Œ=ô 1983 …Õ `³•°Q®°
3. =¶ brother last month Delhi "³ˆìÁ_È°.
My brother went to Delhi last month.
^͉O× ‡•s“ U~Œæ@° K͉§~¡°.
Sri N.T.Rama Rao formed the Telugu
4. P"³° last year M.A. pass J~ò#k. Desam Party in 1983.
She passed M.A. last year.
9. N=°u WOk~Œ QêOn• 1984…Õ KÇx‡é
5. x#ß <³•¶Á~°¡ …Õ ƒ•ìsQê =~¡ÂO „¬_•#k. †Ç¶~¡°.
It rained heavily in Nellore yesterday. Smt. Indira Gandhi died in 1984.

6. "Œ~¡° lastmonth P W•°Á Mìm K͉§~¡°. 10. <Í#° x#ß =¶ friend H÷ help K͉§#°.
They vacated that house last month. I helped my friend yesterday.

, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'II form of the Verb' Q®°iOz
<Í ~ ¡ ° ó ä › ½ <Œß=ò. nxx grammar …Õ Simple Past Tense JO\ì~¡ ° . nx…Õ
1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form J#°
4 parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~¡° „¬îiëKÍ‹²# XH› „¬xx ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
'II form of the Verb' L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

Ex : 1. I bought text books yesterday. 2. We celebrated Sankranthi last week.

3. They helped me last time. 3. She passed S.S.C. in 2002.
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~¡° K͆ǰx XH› „¬xx ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"did not + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

Ex : 1. I did not meet my friend yesterday. 2. We did not seek his help last time.
3. It didnot rain here last night. 4. He did not come to office last Monday.
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~¡° KÍ‹²# XH› „¬xx ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Did + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

Ex : 1. Did you write the test well yesterday? 2. Did he draw the salary last week?
3. Did they vacate the house last month ? 4. Did she join college last year?


Q®`ÇO…Õ K͆ǰx XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz negative sense …Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Didn't + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

Ex : 1. Didn't you go to library yesterday ?

2. Didn't he take coaching last time ?
3. Didn't they open the shop yesterday ?
4. Did n't she come to your house yesterday?

, : 94406 16425

XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ XH›~°¡ K͆°Ç ƒÕ=ô XH› „¬xx
Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ° KÇ°O^ΰ=ò. P „¬x „ ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë OÇ [~¡°Q®°@ …è^°Î . ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò
#O^ΰ [~¡°Q®°#°.
J "Œ~¡° ö~„¬ô g°\÷OQ·…Õ D q+¬†Ç°O discuss J ö~„¬ô Degree students classes boycott
Kͪ•ë~°¡ . Kͪ•ë~°¡ .
J `ÇÞ~¡…Õ „ã ƒ¬ •’°`ÇÞO ordinance pass KÍ‹¬°ëOk. J <Í#° ö~„¬ô =¶ friends `Ë picnic "³ˆ×`Œ#°.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ K͆°Ç ƒÕ=ô „¬#°•#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ J#Qê ~ö „¬ô, =KÍ"ó Œ~¡O, =KÍó <³•, =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O
…èH› ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx =°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^³#á #° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ K͆°Ç ƒÕ=ô XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
"Will + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ =…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
Subject - Singular, Plural U^³á##° "Will + I form" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
1. <Í#° ö~„¬ô <³•¶Á~¡° "³ˆ×`Œ#°. 7. <Í#° ~ö „¬ô h䛽 D q+¬†°Ç O inform Kͪ•ë#°.
I will go to Nellore tomorrow. I will inform you this matter tomorrow.
2. "Í°=ò next Sunday g°\÷OQ· U~Œæ@° 8. "Í°=ò =KÍó <³• new house …ÕH÷ shift
Kͪ•ë=ò. J=ô`Œ=ò.
We will arrange a meeting next We will shift to the new house next
Sunday. month.
3. =¶ brother next month car HùO\ì_È°. 9. J`Ç_È° `ÇÞ~¡…Õ promotion ‡ÚO^ΰ`Œ_È°.
My brother will buy a car next month. He will get a promotion soon.
4. P"³° D proposal `Ç„¬æH› X„¬C䛽O@°Ok. 10. =¶ sister ö ~ „¬ ô interview H÷ attend
She will accept to this proposal. J=ô`Œ~¡°.
5. "Œ~¡ ° =°#ä› ½ JH› ø _È Jxß =‹¬ ` Ç ° •° My sister will attend the interview
H›e檕ë~°¡ . tomorrow.
They will provide us all the facilities 11. "Œ~¡° =KÍó <³• XOQË•°…Õ branch open
there. Kͪ•ë~°¡ .
6. "Œ~¡° `ÇÞ~¡…Õ P W•°Á Mìm Kͪ•ë~¡°. They will open a branch in Ongole next
They will vacate that house soon. month.

, : 94406 16425

12. <Í#° ö~„¬ô telephone bill pay Kͪ•ë#°. EXERCISE

I will pay the telephone bill tomorrow. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
13. "Í°=ò ö~„¬ô …Õ J`ÇxH÷ XH›
watch present Kͪ•ë=ò. 1. <Í#° ö~„¬ô =¶ native place H÷ "³ˆìë#°.
We will present him a watch in the 2. "Í°=ò next Sunday sea-shore H÷
marriage tomorrow. "³ˆ×`Œ=ò.
14. Finance Minister =KÍó 28# ‡•~¡"
Á °³ O\˜…Õ 3. =¶ brother next month M.B.A. entrance
budget ㄬ"͉×Ì„_È`Œ~¡°. test H÷ appear J=ô`Œ_È°.
The Finance Minister will present the 4. P"³° Dª•i „¬OKŒ~òf ZxßH•› …Õ ‡é\©
Budget in the Parliament next 28th. KÍ‹¬°ëOk.
15. <ŒQê~¡°#
û †Çüx=i•\© ªé=°"Œ~¡O _•ãw 5. "Œ~¡° `ÇÞ~¡…Õ <³•¶Á~¡°…Õ business start
„¦¬e`Œ•° ㄬH›\÷‹¬°ëOk. Kͪ•ë~°¡ .
Nagarjuna University will announce 6. "Í°=ò next year D town …Õ house
the degree results next Monday. HùO\ì=ò.
16. =¶ uncle Dª•i =òx•„¬…˜ ZxßH•› …Õ 7. <Í#° next year transfer H÷ try Kͪ•ë#°.
‡é\©KªÍ •ë~°¡ . 8. =¶ father <Œä›½ =KÍó "Œ~¡O money
My uncle will contest in the Municipal „¬O„¬ô`Œ~¡°.
elections this time.
9. =°# =òY¼=°Oãu ~ö „¬ô _••bÁ…Õ „ã ^¬ •¥xx
17. =¶ sister next July …Õ B.Sc. join H›•°ª•ë~°¡ .
J=ô`Ç°Ok. 10. "Œ~¡° =KÍó <³• XOQË•°…Õ XH› new
My sister will join B.Sc. next July. showroom open Kͪ•ë~°¡ .
18. =¶ lecturers =¶ „¬sH›Æ• `Ç~¡°"Œ`Ç tour 11. Ì+Hê=`Ÿ WO_•†Ç¶H÷ next president
x~¡Þ‚²ìª•ë~°¡ . J=ô`Œ~¡°.
Our lecturers will organize a tour after 12. "Í ° =ò ö ~ „¬ ô g°ä› ½ =¶ x~¡ â † Ç ° O
our examinations. `³e†Ç°*誕ëO.
19. <Í#° ö~„¬ô h䛽 <Œ note book Wª•ë#°. 13. „
ã ^¬ •¥x ~ö „¬ô =°# ~ŒRO…Õ „¬~¼¡ \÷ª•ë~°¡ .
I will give you my note book tomorrow.
14. Intermediate Board D ª•i „¬sH›Æ•°
20. Indian Cricket Board Dª•i Dravid x strict Qê x~¡Þ‚²ì‹¬°ëOk.
Captain KÍ‹¬°ëOk. 15. =¶ uncle `ÇÞ~¡…Õ U.S.A. "³ˆ×`Œ~¡°.
The I.C.B. will make Rahul Dravid
captain this time. Z
An honest man is the noblest work of God. 24
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Future form ' (Will + I form of the
verb) Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. nxx grammar …Õ Simple Future Tense JO\ì~¡°. nx…Õ 1.
Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form J#° 4
parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.

ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ K͆°Ç ƒÕ=ô XH› „¬xx ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 ''Will +
I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1.I will buy a camera tomorrow. 2. We will visit Hyd. next month.
3.They will finish this work next week. 4. He will join M.C.A. next June.

ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ K͆°Ç x XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Will + not + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1.I will not help you in this matter. 2. We will not delay the work tomorrow.
3.They will not settle down in this town. 4. He will not stay here tomorrow.

ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ K͆°Ç ƒÕ=ô XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz „
ã t
¬ ßOKÇ°@#°
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Shall/Will + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Shall I bring you the text books ? 2. Will you join M.C.A. next year ?
3. Will they help you there tomorrow? 4. Shall we visit Mysore next month ?


ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ K͆°Ç x XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz negative sense
…Õ ã „ ¬ t ß O KÇ ° @#° ‹¬ ¶ zOKÇ ° @ä› ½ "Shalln't / Won't + I form of the Verb"
Ex : 1.Won't you stay here tomorrow ? 2. Won't he come here next week?
3.Won't they pay the bill next month? 4. Shalln't I wait for you tomorrow ?

, : 94406 16425

=°#O Hùxß „¬#°•° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO =¶\ìÁ_È°KÇ°#ß ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ continuous Qê
K͆ÇòKǶO^ΰ=ò. P „¬#°•° ㄬ‹¬°`ÇëO [~¡°Q®° KǶ#ßq. =°#=ò W„¬C_È° continuous Qê
KÍ‹¬¶ë=ô#ß XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz W`Ç~¡°•ä›½ ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° W„¬C_È° type-writing <Í~¡°ó䛽O@°<Œß#°. J "Í°=ò ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO <³•¶Á~¡°…Õ LO@°<Œß=ò.
J =¶ lecturers D <³• lessons revise KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°. J J`Ç_È° W„¬C_ùH› H›^ŠÎ ã"Œ‹¬°ë<Œß_È°.
Ì„á "ŒH›¼=ò•x߆Çò XH›~¡° ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò continuous Qê KÍ‹¬¶ë#ß „¬#°•#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê =°#=ò =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò# J#Qê D ~ËA, D "Œ~¡O, D <³•, D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O,
W„¬C_È°, ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° continuous Qê KÍ‹¬¶ë=ô#ß XH› „¬xx ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Am / Is / Are + 'ing' form" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : Am, Is, Are J#° D =ü_•O\÷x Present 'Be' forms JO^ΰ~¡°.
"ŒH›¼=ò…Õ Subject – > 'I' J~ò#„¬C_È° 'am + 'ing' form'
He, She, It J~ò#„¬C_È° 'is + 'ing' form'
We, You, They J~ò#„¬C_È° 'are +'ing'' form' =KÇ°ó#°.

1. <Í#° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO <³•¶Á~¡°…Õ B.L. K͆Çò 6. D ~ËA trains Jhß P•‹¬ ¼ OQê #_È °
KÇ°<Œß#°. ‹¬°ë<Œß~ò.
I am doing B.L. in Nellore at present. All the trains are running late today.
2. "Í°=ò ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO Bank colony …Õ x=t‹¬°ë 7. =¶ English lecturer D "Œ~¡O =¶ä›½
<Œß=ò. grammar teach KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°.
We are living at Bank colony at Our English lecturer is teaching us
present. grammar this week.
3. =¶ brother D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O competitive 8. <Í#° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO =¶ friend room …Õ stay
exams H÷ prepare JQ® ° KÇ ° <Œß_È ° . KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß#°.
My brother is preparing for the I am staying in my friend's room at
competitive exams this year. present.
4. P"³° W„¬C_È° guests •ä›½ =°~Œ¼^Î KÍ‹°¬ #
ë ßk. 9. =¶ Ì„^Îí#߆ǰ¼ ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO business KǶ‹¬°
She is treating the guests now. 䛽O@°<Œß~¡°.
5. ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO "Œ~¡° P WO\÷H÷ ~¡¶. 2000 J^³í My elder brother is looking after
K³eÁ‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°. business at present.
They are paying a rent of Rs. 2000 for 10. D ~ËA WH›ø_È ƒ•ìs =~¡ÂO „¬_°È KÇ°#ßk.
that house at present. It is raining here heavily today.

, : 94406 16425

11. "Í°=ò D ~ËA q[†Ç°"Œ_È "³ˆ×Ãë<Œß=ò. EXERCISE

We are going to Vijayawada today. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
12. P"³° =°…èi†Ç¶`Ë ƒì^•Î„¬_È°KÇ°#ßk.
She is suffering from malaria.
13. "Í°=ò D summer …Õ =¶ Hê•h …Õ 1. <Í#° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO govt. job HË‹¬O try
water problem face KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß=ò. KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß#°.
We are facing water problem in our 2. "Í°=ò D ~ËA =¶ class farewell party
colony at present. [~¡°„¬ô䛽O@°<Œß=ò.
14. <ŒQê~¡°û# ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO XH› ‚²ìOn ‹²x=¶…Õ 3. =¶ parents ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO =¶ village …Õ
#\÷‹¬°ë<Œß_È°. LO@°<Œß~¡°.
Nagarjuna is acting in a Hindi movie 4. N KÇ O ã ^ Î ƒ ì|° D ~ËA H› $ ‘•â l …ìÁ … Õ
at present. „¬~¡¼\÷‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°.
15. ~Œ‚¬•…˜ ^
ã ¥q_£ „
ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ÇOë =°# cricket team 5. "Œ~¡° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO JH›ø_È XH› shopping
x lead KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß_È°. complex xià‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°.
Rahul Dravid is leading our cricket 6. <Í#° W„¬C_È° XH› private company …Õ job
team at present. KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß#°.
16. "Í°=ò D Ì‹•=ô•…Õ English <Í~¡°ó䛽O@° 7. "Í ° =ò D ~ËA g°\÷ O Q· H ÷ U~Œæ@°Á
<Œß=ò. KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß=ò.
We are learning English in these 8. ã „ ¬ ‹ ¬ ° ë ` Ç O J`Ç _ È ° =¶ä› ½ ƒìQê
holidays. ‹¬‚¬ìH›i‹¬°ë<Œß_È°.
17. =¶ Hê…èl students D ª•i [#àƒ•’¶q° 9. P"³° W„¬C_È° guest •ä›½ lunch `džǶ~¡°
programme …Õ ‡•…ç¾O@°<Œß~°¡ . KÍ‹¬°ë#ßk.
Our college students are participating
10. "Í°=ò D ~ËA T.V. …Õ match KǶ‹¬°ë
in the Janmabhoomi programme this
11. =¶ uncle ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO ##°ß KÇkq‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°.
18. =¶ sister ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO Hyd. …Õ training
‡ÚO^ΰKÇ°#ßk. 12. "Í°=ò D "Œ~¡O pending files clear
My sister is undergoing training in
Hyderabad now. 13. ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO P shop …Õ 15 =°Ok „¬x
19. J`Ç_°È „
ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë OÇ XH› private school …Õ „¬x
KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß_È°. 14. J`Ç _ È ° W„¬ C _È ° wedding cards print
He is working in a private school now. KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß_È°.
20. "Œ~¡° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO =¶ä›½ material supply
15. =¶ grandfather ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO „¬îië rest
KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°. f‹¬°ä›½O@°<Œß~¡°.
They are supplying us material now. Z
Empty vessels make much noise. 34
, : 94406 16425


11. h=ô ã „ ¬ ‹ ¬ ° ë ` Ç O P office …Õ ZO^Î ° ä› ½ D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
„¬xK͆ǰ@O…è^ΰ ?
Why aren't you working in that office
at present ?
1. h=ô D ~ËA Hê…èlH÷ "³ˆ×¤@O…è^¥ ?
12. h=ô D ~ËA college H÷ ZO^ΰ䛽 "³ˆ×¤@O 2. g°~¡° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO "ŒiH÷ material supply
…è^ΰ ? K͆ǰ@O…è^¥ ?
Why aren't you going to college today? 3. J`Ç _ È ° ã „ ¬ ‹ ¬ ° ë ` Ç O U problem face
13. h=ô studies Ì„á ZO^ΰ䛽 concentrate K͆ǰ@O…è^¥ ?
K͆ǰ@O…è^ΰ ?
Why aren't you concentrating on your
4. P"³° W„¬C_È° D medicines f‹¬°HË=@O
studies ? …è^¥ ?
14. g°~¡ ° ã „ ¬ ‹ ¬ ° ë ` Ç O P WO\ÕÁ ZO^Î ° ä› ½ 5. "Œ~¡ ° ã „ ¬ ‹ ¬ ° ë ` Ç O ï ~ á ` Ç ° •ä› ½ loans
x=tOKÇ@…è^ΰ ? W=Þ@O…è^¥?
Why aren't you living in that house at
6. h=ô D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O P course K͆ǰ@O
present ?
…è^¥ ?
15. J`Ç_È° D "Œ~¡O duty H÷ ZO^ΰ䛽 attend
J=@O…è^ΰ ? 7. g°~¡ ° ‹¬ i Qê accounts maintain
Why isn't he attending the duty this K͆ǰ@O…è^¥ ?
week ? 8. P†Ç°# ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO new cases take up
16. P"³ ° ã „ ¬ ‹ ¬ ° ë ` Ç O WH› ø _È ä › ½ ZO^Î ° ä› ½ K͆ǰ_ÈO…è^¥ ?
~Œ=@O…è^ΰ ?
Why isn't she coming here at present?
9. P"³° „ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë OÇ H›^•Î•° "ã Œ†Ç°@O…è^¥ ?
17. "Œ~¡ ° ã „ ¬ ‹ ¬ ° ë ` Ç O business ZO^Î ° ä› ½ 10. g° father h䛽 money „¬O„¬@O…è^¥ ?
K͆ǰ@O…è^ΰ ? 11. h=ô D scooter ZO^ΰ䛽 use K͆ǰ@O
Why aren't they doing business at …è^ΰ ?
present ?
12. g°~¡° rules ZO^ΰ䛽 follow J=@O…è^°Î ?
18. P"³° W„¬C_È° g°`Ë ZO^ΰ䛽 LO_È@O…è^ΰ?
Why isn't she staying with you now ? 13. "Œ~¡° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO books ZO^ΰ䛽 publish
19. D camera ZO^ΰ䛽 „¬xK͆ǰ@O…è^ΰ ? K͆ǰ@O…è^ΰ ?
Why isn't this camera functioning ? 14. P†Ç°# ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO films …Õ ZO^ΰ䛽 act
20. "Œ~¡° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO h ïHO^ΰ䛽 ‹¬‚¬ìH›iOKÇ@O K͆ǰ@O…è^ΰ ?
…è^ΰ ? 15. P"³ ° D ~ËA "Œi`Ë Hyderabad
Why aren't they co-operating with you
ZO^ΰ䛽 "³ˆ×¤@O…è^ΰ ?
now ?
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. 40
, : 94406 16425

=°#=ò Hùxß „¬#°•° Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ continuous Qê KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _•
†ÇòO^ΰ=ò. P „¬#°•° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO K͆Çò@…è^ΰ. Q®`ÇO…Õx HùO`Ç Hê•=ò continuous Qê
¬ Oë _•# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz W`Ç~°¡ •ä›½ ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° x#ß h HË‹¬O library ^ÎQ~¾® ¡ Z^ΰ~¡° KǶ‹¬¶Oë _•<Œ#°.
J "Í°=ò last month bank test H÷ coaching f‹¬°HùO@¶O_•<Œ=ò.
J =¶ father J„¬C_È° <³•¶Á~°¡ …Õ „¬x KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _• <Œ~¡°.
J P"³° last year Intermediate KÇ^°Î =ô KǶO_•#k.
Ì„á "ŒH›¼=ò•° Q®`ÇO…Õ continuous Qê KÍ‹¶
¬ Oë _•# „¬#°•#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ J#Qê x#ß Qêx, Q®`"Ç Œ~¡O, Q®`Ç <³•, Q®`Ç ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O
…èH› Q®`ÇO…Õx =°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^³á##° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° continuous Qê KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _•#
XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Was / Were + 'ing' form" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : 'Was' 'Were' J#° D ~ï O_•O\÷x Past 'Be' forms JO^ΰ~¡°.

"ŒH›¼=ò…Õ I, He, She, It (Singular) - subject Qê L#ß„¬C_È° 'was' =KÇ°ó#°.
We, You, They (Plural) - subject Qê L#ß„¬C_È° 'were' =KÇ°ó#°.

1. "Í°=ò last week exams "ã Œ‹¬¶Oë _•<Œ=ò. 7. =¶ father J„¬C_È° business KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _•
We were writing examinations last <Œ~¡°.
week. My father was doing business then.
2. J`Ç_°È last year hostel …Õ stay KÍ‹¶
¬ Oë _• 8. "Í ° =ò last month study classes H÷
<Œ_È°. attend J=ô`ǶO_•<Œ=ò.
He was staying in the hostel last year. We were attending the study classes
3. P"³° J„¬C_È° steno Qê „¬x KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _•#k. last month.
She was working as a steno then. 9. "Í°=ò ~Œãu T.V. …Õ XH› English movie
4. "Œ~¡ ° x#ß O `Œ P q+¬ † Ç ° O discuss KǶ‹¬¶Oë _•<Œ=ò.
KÍ‹¬¶ë=ô<Œß~¡°. We were watching an English movie
They were discussing that matter on T.V. last night.
yesterday. 10. =¶ uncle J„¬C_È° High Court …Õ lawyer
5. "Œ~¡° J„¬C_È° =¶ä›½ help KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _•<Œ~¡°. Qê practise KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _•<Œ~¡°.
They were helping us then. My uncle was practising as a lawyer
in the High Court then.
6. <Í#° x#ß h HË‹¬O wait KÍ‹¶
¬ Oë _•<Œ#°.
I was waiting for you yesterday.

, : 94406 16425

11. "Í°=ò x#ß D time …Õ Circar Express EXERCISE

…Õ ã „ ¬ † Ç ¶ }O KÍ ‹ ¬ ¶ ë O _•<Œ=ò. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
We were travelling by the Circar Ex-
press at this time yesterday.
12. "Œ~¡ ° Q® ` Ç " Œ~¡ O „¬ O _È ° Q® [~¡ ° „¬ ô 1. <Í#° ~Œã`ÇO`Œ "Í°…çøx L<Œß#°.
䛽O@¶O_•<Œ~¡°. 2. "Í°=ò x#ß cards distribute KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _•
They were celebrating the festival last
week. 3. J`Ç_È° last year „¬îiëQê studies Ì„á con-
centrate KÍ‹¶ ¬ Oë _•<Œ_È°.
13. Mrs. Malathi =¶ä›½ last year Maths
teach KÍ‹¶
¬ Oë _•#k. 4. P"³° last month typhoid `Ë ƒì^•Î„_¬ °È
Mrs. Malathi was teaching us Math-
ematics last year. 5. "Œ~¡° last week South India ‹¬O^ÎiÅ
14. "Í°=ò last month public examinations ‹¬¶Oë _•<Œ~¡°.
"ã Œ‹¬¶Oë _•<Œ=ò. 6. J`Ç_È° WO`Ç䛽 =òO^ΰ HêOãïQ‹¹ ‡•s“
We were writing public examinations
Hê~¡¼H›~Që¡ ê „¬xKÍ‹¶ ¬ Oë _•<Œ_È°.
last month. 7. "Œ~¡° last month greeting cards sale
15. J`Ç _ È ° last year KŒ…ì hard work KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _•<Œ~¡°.
KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _•<Œ_È°. 8. <Í # ° x#ß D „¬ ô ‹¬ ë H › O HË‹¬ O "³ ` Ç ° ä› ½
He was doing hard work last year. `ǶO_•<Œ#°.
16. "Í°=ò x#ß „¦O¬ H›<
Æ H£ ÷ U~Œæ@°Á KÍ‹¶
¬ Oë _• 9. "Í°=ò last month Physics subject pre-
<Œ=ò. pare JQ®°KǶO_•<Œ=ò.
We were making arrangements for the 10. P"³ ° x#ß O `Œ Ju^•Î ° •ä› ½ =°~Œ¼^Î
function yesterday. KǶ‹¬¶Oë _•#k.
17. Accident [iy#„¬C_È°, J`Ç_È° car KŒ…ì 11. P"³° x#ßO`Œ important letters type
fast Qê #_È°„¬ôKÇ°O_•<Œ_È°. KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _•#k.
He was driving the car very fast when 12. "Í°=ò x#ß P time …Õ T.V. …Õ serial
the accident happened. KǶ‹¬¶ë<Œß=ò.
18. <Í#° x#ß D book refer KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _•<Œ#°. 13. J`Ç_È° last year <³•ä›½ ~¡¶. 4,000 r`ÇO
I was refering to this book yesterday. draw KÍ‹¶ ¬ Oë _•<Œ_È°.
19. "Œ~¡° J„¬C_È° rice business KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _• 14. "Œ~¡ ° J„¬ C _È ° KŒ…ì strict Qê rules
<Œ~¡°. ‡•\÷‹¶¬ Oë _•<Œ~¡°.
They were doing rice business then. 15. <Í#° last year News reporter Qê „¬x
20. Last week <Í#° notes `dž¶
Ç ~¡° KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _• KǶ‹¬¶Oë _•<Œ#°.
I was preparing notes last week. Z
Rome was not built in a day. 44
, : 94406 16425

11. h=ô WO`Ç䛽=òO^ΰ D book ZO^ΰ䛽 EXERCISE

refer KÍ‹¬¶ëO_È…è^ΰ ? D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
Why weren't you refering to this book
previously ?
12. g°~¡° WO`Ç䛽=òO^ΰ D course ZO^ΰ䛽 1. h=ô x#ß P time …Õ JH›ø_È x•|_•
x~¡Þ‚²ì‹¬¶ëO_È…è^ΰ ? =ôO_È…è^¥?
Why weren't you conducting this 2. g°~¡ ° last year D books follow
course previously ?
J=ô`ǶO_È…è^¥ ?
13. J`Ç _ È ° last year ZO^Î ° ä› ½ job
KÍ‹¬¶ëO_È…è^ΰ? 3. P"³° x#ß notes ã"Œ‹¬°ëO_È@O…è^¥ ?
Why wasn't he doing job last year ? 4. "Œ~¡° WO`Ç䛽 =òO^ΰ D problem face
14. P"³° WO`Ç䛽=òO^ΰ medicines ZO^ΰ䛽 KÍ‹¬¶ëO_È…è^¥ ?
Why wasn't she taking medicines 5. J`Ç_È° last year job KÍ‹¬¶ëO_È…è^¥ ?
previously ? 6. h=ô last week duty H÷ attend J=ô`ǶO_È
15. g°~¡ ° J„¬ C _È ° grammar ZO^Î ° ä› ½ …è^¥ ?
Why weren't you learning grammar 7. P"³° last year D college …Õ KÇ^ΰ=ô
then? `ǶO_È…è^¥ ?
16. J`Ç_È° J„¬C_È° money ZO^ΰ䛽 save 8. "Œ~¡ ° WO`Ç ä › ½ =òO^Î ° D town …Õ
KÍ‹¬¶ëO_È…è^ΰ ? x=t‹¬¶ëO_È…è^¥ ?
Why wasn't he saving money then ?
17. P"³° J„¬C_È° g°ä›½ D subject ZO^ΰ䛽 9. g°~¡° WO`Çä½› =òO^ΰ D scooter ZO^ΰ䛽
teach KÍ‹¬¶ëO_È…è^ΰ ? use KÍ‹¬¶ëO_È…è^ΰ ?
Why wasn't she teaching you this 10. J`Ç_È° last year job HË‹¬O ZO^ΰ䛽 try
subject then ? KÍ‹¬¶ëO_È…è^ΰ ?
18. g°~¡° J„¬C_È° games ZO^ΰ䛽 practise
KÍ‹¬°ëO_È…è^ΰ ? 11. "Œ~¡° h䛽 J„¬C_È° salary ZO^ΰ䛽 pay
Why weren't you practising games KÍ‹¬¶ëO_È…è^ΰ ?
then ? 12. h=ô last week library H÷ ZO^Î ° ä› ½
19. J`Ç _ È ° J„¬ C _È ° h =¶@ ZO^Î ° ä› ½ =‹¬¶ëO_È…è^ΰ ?
qO@¶O_È@O…è^ΰ ?
Why wasn't he listening to your words 13. g°~¡° J„¬C_È° J`Çx ‹¬‚¬ð†Ç°O ZO^ΰ䛽
then ? HË~¡°`ǶO_È…è^ΰ ?
20. "Œ~¡° x#°ß J„¬C_È° ZO^ΰ䛽 ‡ã é`Ç•‚²ì‹¬¶Oë _È 14. x#ß buses ZO^ΰ䛽 u~¡°Q®°`ǶO_È…è^ΰ ?
…è^ΰ ?
Why weren't they encouraging you 15. g°~¡° J„¬C_È° accounts ZO^ΰ䛽 maintain
then ? KÍ‹¬¶ëO_È@O…è^ΰ?

Ability is poorman's wealth. 50
, : 94406 16425

=°#=ò Hùxß „¬#°•° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx HùO`ÇHê•O continuous Qê KÍ‹¬¶ëO^ΰ=ò. P „¬#°•°
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ "³ò^Î…áÿ HùO`ÇHê•=ò …èH› KŒ…ìHê•=ò continuous Qê [~¡°Q®° `ǶO_È°#°. W…ì
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ KÍ‹¶
¬ Oë _È° XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz W`Ç~°¡ •ä›½ ‹¬¶zOKÇ° KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° WH› #°Oz ï~Q®°¼•~ŸQê classes 䛽 J "Í°=ò =KÍ<ó •³ holidays =¶ =îi…Õ
‚¬ð[~¡=`ǶO\ì#°. Q®_È°„¬ô`ǶO\ì=ò.
J "Œ~¡° WH›#°Oz =°#`Ë ‹¬‚¬ìH›i‹¬°ëO\ì~¡°. J J`Ç_°È WH›#°Oz =°#`Ë stay KÍ‹°¬ Oë \ì_È°.
D "ŒH›¼=ò•° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ continuous Qê KÍ‹¬¶ëO_È° „¬#°•#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ J#Qê ~ö „¬ô, =KÍ"ó Œ~¡O, =KÍó <³•, =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O
…èH› ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx =°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^³#á #° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ continuous Qê KÍ‹°¬ Oë _È°
XH› „¬xx ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Will + be + Verb + ing form " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : 'Be' J#° ^¥xx 'Future' 'Be' form JO^ΰ~¡°.

"ŒH›¼=ò…Õ subject - Singular, Plural U^³á##¶ "will + be + ing form " =KÇ°ó#°.

1. <Í # ° WH› # °Oz sincere Qê „¬ x 6. <Í # ° WH› #°Oz =¶ uncle advice
KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì#°. ‡•\÷‹°¬ Oë \ì#°.
I will be working sincerely hereafter. I will be following my uncle's advice
2. "Í°=ò =KÍó<³• =¶ Ti…Õ stay hereafter.
KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì=ò. 7. "Í°=ò WH›#°Oz ï~Q®°¼•~ŸQê rent pay
We will be staying at our village next KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì=ò.
We will be paying rent regularly
3. =¶ sister next year university …Õ 8. =¶ brother P.G. `Ç~¡°"Œ`Ç job H÷ try
KÇ^ΰ=ô`Ƕ LO@°Ok. KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì_È°.
My sister will be studying in the My brother will be trying for a job after
university next year. his P.G.
4. J`Ç _ È ° WH› #°Oz =°#ä› ½ help 9. =KÍó<³• "Œ~¡° teacher post •ä›½
KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì_È°. interviews x~¡Þ‚²ì‹¬°ëO\ì~¡°.
He wil be helping us hereafter. They will be conducting the interviews
5. "Œ~¡° next month „¬sH›Æ•ä›½ prepare for the teacher posts next month.
J=ô`Ç°O\ì~¡°. 10. <Í#° WH›#°Oz ㄬu~ËA new words
They will be preparing for the <Í~¡°ó䛽O@°O\ì#°.
examinations next month. I will be learning new words every day
, : 94406 16425

11. "Í°=ò WH› #°Oz D new vehicle use EXERCISE

KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì=ò. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
We will be using this new vehicle
12. =¶ father next year business 1. <Í#° WH›#°Oz h䛽 `Ç~K ¡ °Ç Qê …ÿ@~Ÿ• "ã Œ‹¬¶ë
KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì~¡°. LO\ì#°.
My father will be doing business next 2. "Í°=ò next two months D game ƒìQê
year. practise KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì=ò.
13. P"³° WH›#°Oz homeopathic medicines 3. =¶ brother WH›#°Oz <Œ ^ÎQ~ö¾® LO\ì_È°.
She will be taking Homeopathic 4. P"³° ~ö „¬ô D time H÷ WH›ø_Èä½› =‹¬°Oë @°Ok.
medicines hereafter. 5. =°# Maths teacher ~ö „¬ô, =°~¡°<Œ_È° =°#
14. "Œ~¡° WH› g°^Î@ strict Qê accounts doubts clarify KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì~¡°.
maintian KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì~¡°. 6. WH› #°Oz <Í#° Z„¬æ\H÷ „ › C¬ _È° h䛽 inform
They will be maintaining the accounts KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì#°.
strictly hereafter.
7. =KÍ ó < ³ • JO`Œ =òY¼=°Oã u Zxß H › •
15. "Í ° =ò WH› # °Oz rules follow J=ô
`Ç°O\ì=ò. „
ã K
¬ Œ~¡O…Õ ‡•…ç¾O\ì~¡°.
We will be following the rules 8. =KÍó <Œ•°Q®° ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡=ò•° =¶ cousin
hereafter. Madras …Õ Engineering KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì_È°.
16. =¶ sister next year M.Phil KÍ‹°¬ Oë @°Ok. 9. <Í#° WH›#°Oz Z䛽ø=Qê G.K. books
My sister will be doing M.Phil next refer KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì#°.
10. "Œ~¡° ö~„¬ô =°#HË‹¬O JH›ø_È Z^ΰ~¡°
17. "Œ~¡° WH› g°^Î@ ㄬu"Œ~¡O tests KǶ‹¬°ëO\ì~¡°.
They will be conducting tests every 11. WH› g°^Î@ D mill ƒìQê „¬xKÍ‹¬°ëO@°Ok.
week hereafter. 12. =KÍó <³•O`Œ "Œ~¡° Hù`Çë F@~¡Á list `dž¶ Ç ~¡°
18. <Í#° WH›#°Oz diary ã"Œ‹¬°ëO\ì#°. KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì~¡°.
I will be writing diary hereafter. 13. D course …Õ <Í#° x#°ß guide KÍ‹¬°ëO
19. "Í°=ò =KÍó"Œ~¡O Chemistry practicals \ì#°.
KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì=ò. 14. "Í°=ò ö~„¬ô D time H÷ Bangalore KÍ~¡°
We will be doing Chemistry practicals
next week.
20. <Í#° WH›#°Oz money save KÍ‹°¬ Oë \ì#°.
I will be saving money hereafter.
Where there is a will, there is a way. 54
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ ''Will + be + verb + 'ing' form"
Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. nxx grammar …Õ Future Continuous Tense JO\ì~¡°.
nx…Õ 1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative
Question Form J#° 4 parts <Í~°¡ óä½› <Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹°¬ 䛽O^¥=ò.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ Continuous Qê KÍ‹¬¶ë=ôO_È° XH› „¬xx
Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 ''will + be + Verb + 'ing' form L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I will be helping you hereafter.
2. We will be writing examinations next month.
3. He will be doing job next year .
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ continuous Qê KÍ‹¬¶ëO_Èx XH› „¬xx
Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "will +not + be+ Verb + 'ing' form" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I willnot be wasting my time hereafter.
2. We will not be coming here hereafter.
3. They will not be doing this business hereafter.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ continuous Qê KÍ‹¬¶ëO_ȃÕ=ô XH› „¬xx
Q®°iOz ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Shall / Will + be + Verb+'ing' form'
Ex : 1. Shall I be refering to this book ?
2. Shall we be making arrangements tomorrow ?
3. Will they be living in Hyderabad hereafter ?
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ continuous Qê KÍ‹¬¶ëO_Èx XH› „¬xx
Q®°iOz negative sense …Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Shalln't / Won't + be +
Verb + 'ing' form" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Shalln't we be using this vehicle hereafter ?
2. Won't you be working here next year ?
3. Won't they be supplying us the material hereafter ?

, : 94406 16425

=°#=ò Hùxß „¬#°•° W„¬C_Í (just) KÍ‹²†ÇòO^ΰ=ò. Hùxß „¬#°•° WO`Ç䛽 =òO^Í
=¶\ìÁ_È°KÇ°#ß ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#䛽 (already) KÍ‹²†ÇòO^ΰ=ò. XHùøH›ø ª•i W`Ç~¡°•`Ë
=¶\ìÁ_È°KÇ°#ß„¬C_È° XH›~¡° XH› „¬xx WO`Ç =~¡ä›½, W„¬æ\÷ =~¡ä›½ (sofar) Zxß ª•~¡°Á KÍ‹#
² n
J <Í#° just W„¬C_Í J`Çxx H›e‰§#°. J "Í°=ò already exam fee pay K͉§=ò.
J "Í°=ò D "Œ~¡ë just W„¬C_Í q<Œß=ò. J "Œ~¡° W„¬æ\÷=~¡ä›½ D "Œ~¡O 20 files clear KÍ‹²<Œ~¡°.
Ì„á "ŒH›¼=ò•° just W„¬C_Í Hêx, already WO`Ç䛽 =òO^³„¬C_Ë Hêx „¬îiëKÍ‹²# „¬#°•#°
D q^•Î=òQê (i) just W„¬C_Í „¬îië KÍ‹²# „¬xx ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽, (ii) XH› Yzó`Ç"³°Ø# ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#°
‹¬¶zO„¬H› already WO`Ç䛽=òO^³„¬C_Ë „¬îië KÍ‹²# „¬xx ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 =°i†Çò (iii) =°#=ò
=¶\ìÁ_È°KÇ°#ß ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò =~¡ä›½ (sofar) XH› „¬xx Zxߪ•~¡°Á KÍ‹#² k ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Have / Has + III form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õ
Subject - I, We, You, They, J~ò#„¬C_È° 'have' =KÇ°ó#°.
Subject - He, She, It J~ò#„¬C_È° 'has' =KÇ°ó#°.

1. <Í#° just W„¬C_Í D letter receive KÍ‹¬° 7. "Í°=ò just W„¬C_Í J`ÇxH÷ money pay
䛽<Œß#°. K͉§=ò.
I have received this letter justnow. We have paid him money justnow.
2. "Í°=ò just W„¬C_Í lunch f‹¬°ä›½<Œß=ò. 8. =¶ brother just W„¬C_Í office #°Oz
We have taken lunch justnow. =KŒó_È°.
3. =¶ father just W„¬C_Í |†Ç°@䛽 "³ˆì¤~¡°. My brother has come from office just
My father has gone out justnow. now.

4. P"³° just W„¬C_Í xã^Î …èzOk. 9. <Í#° already <Œ application form submit
She has just woken up. K͉§#°.
I have already submitted my
5. Pinakini Express just W„¬C_Í =zó#k.
application form.
The Pinakini Express has arrived just
now. 10. "Í ° =ò already D q+¬ † Ç ° O…Õ XH›
x~¡â†Ç°O f‹¬°ä›½<Œß=ò.
6. <Í # ° just W„¬ C _Í J`Ç x H÷ message
We have already taken a decision in
„¬O‡•#°. this matter.
I have sent him the message justnow.
, : 94406 16425

11. =¶ brother already computer course EXERCISE

„¬îië K͉§_È°. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
My brother has already completed the
computer course.
1. <Í#° just W„¬C_Í lunch f‹¬°ä›½<Œß#°.
12. =¶ sister already visa 䛽 apply KÍ‹#
² k.
My sister has already applied for the 2. "Í°=ò just W„¬C_Í D "Œ~¡ë q<Œß=ò.
3. =¶ |
ã ^Î~Ÿ just W„¬C_Í <Œä›½ phone K͉§_È°.
13. "Œ~¡° already meeting 䛽 U~Œæ@°Á KÍ‹²
†Çò<Œß~¡°. 4. P"³° just W„¬C_Í D item `dž¶
Ç ~¡° KÍ‹O² k.
They have already made the
5. "Œ~¡ ° just W„¬ C _Í programme ‡ã •~¡O
arrangements for the meeting.
14. <Í#° already P movie KǶ‰§#°.
I have already seen that movie. 6. <Í#° already text books Jhß Hù<Œß#°.
15. "Í°=ò already Principal #° consult 7. "Í°=ò already "ŒiH÷ D q+¬†°Ç O inform
J~ò<Œ=ò. K͉§=ò.
We have already consulted the
8. J`Ç_È° already bill pay K͉§_È°.
16. =¶ lecturers already syllabus „¬îië 9. P"³ ° already certificates receive
K͉§~¡°. KÍ‹¬°ä›½#ßk.
Our lecturers have already completed
10. "Œ~¡° already tickets book K͉§~¡°.
the syllabus.
17. <Í # ° already =¶ father ä› ½ letter 11. <Í # ° W„¬ æ \÷ = ~¡ ä › ½ D course …Õ
ã"Œ‹²<Œ#°. 15 classes H÷ attend J~ò<Œ#°.
I have already written a letter to my 12. "Í°=ò W„¬æ\÷=~¡ä›½ ~¡¶. 10,000 =‹¬¶•°
18. <Í#° W„¬æ\=÷ ~¡ä½› _•bÁ 4 ª•~¡°Á visit K͉§#°.
I have visited Delhi four times sofar.
13. =°#=ò W„¬æ\÷=~¡ä›½ 200 H÷.g° ㄬ†Ç¶}O
19. ‹¬ z <£ >ÿ O _È ¶ •ø~Ÿ W„¬ æ \ ÷ = ~¡ ä › ½ 364
oneday matches P_•<Œ_È°. 14. =¶ English lecturer W„¬ æ \÷ = ~¡ ä › ½
Sachin Tendulkar has played 364 4 poems teach KÍ‹²<Œ~¡°.
oneday matches so far.
15. J`Ç _ È ° WO`Ç = ~¡ ä › ½ studies HË‹¬ O
20. †Ç°O_È=üi W„¬æ\=
÷ ~¡ä½› 60 „
Ì Qá ê #=••° ~¡¶. 50,000 Y~¡°ó KÍ‹²<Œ_È°.
Yandamuri has written more than 60
novels so far. Z
Make hay while the sun shines. 64
, : 94406 16425


11. h=ô WOHê books ZO^ΰ䛽 Hù#…è^ΰ ?
D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
Why haven't you yet bought books?
12. g°~¡° WOHê D q+¬†°Ç O ZO^ΰ䛽 discuss
K͆ǰ…è^ΰ ? 1. h=ô WOHê exam fee pay K͆ǰ…è^¥ ?
Why haven't you yet discussed this 2. g°~¡ ° WOHê Jxß sujects prepare
matter ? J=…è^¥?
13. J`Ç_°È WOHê D <³• salary ZO^ΰ䛽 draw
3. J`Ç_È° WOHê office #°Oz uiy ~Œ…è^¥?
K͆ǰ…è^ΰ ?
Why hasn't he yet drawn his salary 4. P"³° WOHê items `džǶ~¡° K͆ǰ…è^¥ ?
this month ?
5. "Œ~¡° WOHê shop open K͆ǰ…è^¥ ?
14. P"³° WOHê "Œix party H÷ ZO^ΰ䛽 invite
K͆ǰ…è^ΰ ? 6. =~¡ÂO WOHê PQ®…è^¥ ?
Why hasn't she yet invited them to 7. g°~¡° WOHê new house …ÕxH÷ shift
the party? Hê…è^¥ ?
15. Train WOHê ZO^ΰ䛽 |†Ç°•°^Í~¡…è^ΰ ?
Why hasn't the train yet departed ? 8. h=ô WOHê D <³ • report submit
16. "Œ~¡° WOHê P house ZO^ΰ䛽 vacate K͆ǰ…è^¥ ?
K͆ǰ…è^ΰ? 9. g° father D <³• h䛽 WOHê money
Why haven't they yet vacated that „¬O„¬…è^¥ ?
house ?
10. J`Ç_È° WOHê orders JO^ΰHù#…è^¥ ?
17. g°~¡ ° P loan WOHê ZO^Î ° ä› ½ clear
K͆ǰ…è^ΰ ? 11. h=ô WOHê duty …Õ ZO^ΰ䛽 KÍ~¡…è^ΰ ?
Why haven't you yet cleared that
12. g°~¡° WOHê P work ZO^ΰ䛽 finish
loan ?
K͆ǰ…è^ΰ ?
18. "Œ~¡° WOHê WH›ø_•H÷ ZO^ΰ䛽 ~Œ…è^°Î ?
Why haven't they yet come here ? 13. J`Ç_È° WOHê ZO^ΰ䛽 licence 䛽
19. J`Ç_È° WOHê D ~ËA office H÷ ZO^ΰ䛽 apply K͆ǰ…è^ΰ ?
"³ˆ×¤…è^ΰ ? 14. P"³° WOHê ZO^ΰ䛽 ready J=…è^ΰ ?
Why hasn't he yet gone to office
today ? 15. "Œ~¡° WOHê P book ZO^ΰ䛽 publish
20. P"³° WOHê D <³• doctor x ZO^ΰ䛽 K͆ǰ…è^ΰ ?
consult Hê…è^ΰ ?
Why hasn't she yet consulted the
doctor this month ?
Don't try to master too many things. 70
, : 94406 16425

D ~ËA Hùxß verbs, "Œ\÷ †³òH›ø three forms <Í~¡°ó䛽O^¥O.

I Form II Form III Form Meaning

121. ascend ascended ascended Z䛽ø@

122. ask asked asked J_È°Q®°@
123. assemble assembled assembled ‹¬=¶"͉×=°Q®°@
124. assist assisted assisted ‹¬‚¬ð†Ç°=òK͆Çò@
125. associate associated associated ‹¬‚¬ì"Œ‹¬=òK͆Çò
126. assume assumed assumed T‚²ìOKÇ°@
127. assure assured assured ‚¬ðg°WKÇ°ó@
128. astomish astomished astomished P‰×ó~¡¼„¬~¡KÇ°@
129. attach attached attached JO\÷OKÇ°@
130. attack attacked attacked „Ì |á _È°, ^¥_•K͆ò
Ç @
131. attain attained attained ‡ÚO^ΰ@
132. attempt attempted attempted ㄬ†Ç°ußOKÇ°@
133. attend attended attended ‚¬ð[~¡Q®°@
134. attest attested attested ª•H›¼Æ =òK³„C¬ @
135. attract attracted attracted PH›iÂOKÇ°@
136. avoid avoided avoided x~Ëk•OKÇ°@
137. babble battled battled =^Î~¡°@
138. bake baked baked ~ù>ÿ“•° Hê•°ó@
139. bamish bamished bamished |‚²ì‹¬ø~¡}K͆Çò
140. beetch beetched beetched ã`Í#°æ@

D ~ËA Spoken English lesson …Õx Positive Form, Negative Form, Question Form,
Negative Question Form ƒìQê <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß~¡° H›^¥! Z@°=O\÷ confusion …èä½› O_¨ =°~¡• XH›ª•i
D 4 parts KÇ^=Î O_•! g°~¡° own Qê Hùxß "ŒH꼕° practise K͆°Ç O_•.

72 Fame is the perfume of heroic deeds.
, : 94406 16425

XHùøH›øª•i =°#O XH›~°¡ Q®`OÇ …Õ „¬îië KÍ‹# ² ~ï O_È° „¬#°•…Õ =òO^ΰQê „¬îië J~ò#
XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ° KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
ï~O_È° „¬#°•° XH›ö~ KÍ‹²=ôO_È=KÇ°ó …èH› "Í~¡° "Í~¡° =¼ä›½ë•° KÍ‹²=ôO_È=KÇ°ó.
J <Í#° x#ß WH›ø_È䛽 =KÍó^¥xH÷ =òO^ΰ, =¶ brother #° H›e‰§#°.
J "Í°=ò x#ß work start KÍÀ‹ =òO^ΰ, "Í°<Í[~¡° J#°=°u f‹¬°ä›½<Œß=ò.
J <Í#° camera Hù<Í =òO^ΰ, ^¥xx ƒìQê test K͉§#°.
J "Í°=ò J`Çxx H›eÀ‹ ^¥xH÷ =òO^Í, XH› x~¡â†Ç°O f‹¬°ä›½<Œß=ò.
Ì„á "ŒH›¼=ò•° Q®`ÇO…Õ KÍ‹²# ï~O_È° „¬#°•…Õ =òO^ΰQê „¬îië KÍ‹²# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
D q^•Î=òQê Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ J#Qê x#ß, Q®`"Ç Œ~¡O, Q®`<Ç •³ , Q®`Ç ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH›
Q®`ÇO…Õx =°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^³á##¶ =°#=òQêx, "Í~ùH›~¡°Qêx „¬îiëKÍ‹²# ï~O_È° „¬#°•…Õ
=òO^ΰQê „¬îië J~ò# XH› „¬xx ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Had + III form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õ
Subject - Singular, Plural U^³#
á #° 'had + III form of the verb' L„¬†¶
³ yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
1. <Í#° class H÷ =KÍó^¥xH÷ =òO^ΰ, lesson 5. <Í#° D college …Õ join J†Í°¼^¥xH÷
ƒìQê prepare J~ò<Œ#°. =òO^ΰ <³•¶Á~¡°…Õ KÇkq<Œ#°.
I had prepared the lesson well before I had studied in Nellore before I joined
I came to the class. this college.

2. x#ß "Í°=ò ï~á…èÞÀ‹“+¬<£H÷ "³ˆõ¤ ‹¬iH÷ train 6. guests JO^Î~¡¶ "³o¤# `Ç~¡°"Œ`Ç J`Ç_È°
"³o¤‡é~ò#k. rest f‹¬°ä›½<Œß_È°.
The train had left before we went to He took rest after the guests had gone.
the railway station yesterday. 7. KŒ…ì books refer KÍ‹²# `Ç~¡°"Œ`Ç J`Ç_È°
3. <Í#° degree …Õ join J†Í°¼^¥xH÷ =òO^Í XH› book ã"Œ‰§_È°.
type <Í~¡°óHùx<Œ#°. He wrote a book after he had refered
I had learned type-writing before I to many books.
joined degree. 8. Notes Jhß
count KÍ‹²# `Ç~¡°"Œ`Ç <Í#°
4. x#ß <Í#° class H÷ "³ˆõ¤ ‹¬iöH lecturer J`ÇxH÷ money pay K͉§#°.
attendance f‹²Hù<Œß~¡°. I paid him money after I had counted
The lecturer had taken the attendance all the notes.
before I went to the class yesterday.

, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ ''Had' + III form of the
Verb" Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. nxx grammar …Õ Past Perfect Tense JO\ì~¡°.
nx…Õ 1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative
Question Form J#° 4 parts <Í~°¡ óä½› <Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹°¬ 䛽O^¥=ò.
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ =°#=ò „¬îiëKÍ‹²# ï~O_È° „¬#°•…Õ =òO^ΰQê „¬îië
KÍ‹²# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 'Had' + III form of the Verb L„¬†³¶yOKÇ
Ex : 1. I had finished my work before I went out.
2. We had known the news before you told us.
3. He had gone out before I went there.
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#° K³„¬CKǶ J„¬æ\÷ =~¡ä›½ WOHê „¬îiëK͆ǰx XH› „¬xx
Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Had + not+ III form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I had not yet got this job by then.
2. We had not yet received the message by that time.
3. He had not yet completed his studies by then.
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ =°#=ò „¬îië KÍ‹²# ï~O_È° „¬#°•…Õ =òO^ΰQê
KÍ‹²# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Had + III form of the
Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Had you taken lunch before you came here ?
2. Had you booked the tickets before they came here ?
3. Had you counted the notes before you paid him money ?
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#° K³„¬CKǶ J„¬æ\÷ =~¡ä›½ WOHê „¬îië K͆ǰx XH› „¬xx
Q®°iOz negative sense …Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Hadn't + III form of the
Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Hadn't you yet woke up by that time ?
2. Hadn't he yet got ready by then ?
3. Hadn't they yet commenced the programme by that time ?

, : 94406 16425

D ~ËA Hùxß verbs, "Œ\÷ †³òH›ø three forms <Í~¡°ó䛽O^¥O.

I Form II Form III Form Meaning
140. beetch beetched beetched ã`Í#°æ@
141. believe believed believed #=òà@
142. bellow bellowed bellowed ~¡OïH"͆Çò@
143. belong belonged belonged #=òà@
144. blend blended blended H›•°„¬ô@
145. booze boozed boozed q°ug°i ã`ŒQ®°@
146. borrow borrowed borrowed J„¬CQê f‹¬°Hù#°@
147. boycott boycotted boycotted |‚²ì‹¬øiOKÇ°@
148. breathe breathed breathed ‰§Þ‹²OKÇ°@
149. cajole cajoled cajoled ‡Úy_• "³¶‹¬yOKÇ°
150. calculate calculated calculated …ÿH›øÌ„@“@
151. cancel cancelled cancelled ~¡^ΰíK͆Çò@
152. canvas canvassed canvassed ‡ã •^•Í†°Ç „¬_°È @
153. capture captured captured ª•Þn•#=òKÍ‹°¬ Hù#°
154. carry carried carried "³¶‹¬°Hùx‡é=ô@
155. cease ceased ceased x•°„¬ô@
156. celebrate celebrated celebrated [~¡°„¬ôHù#°@
157. certify certified certified „¬ã`Ç=ò WKÇ°ó@
158. chant chanted chanted ‡•_È°@
159. cheat cheated cheated "³¶‹¬„¬ôKÇ°ó@
160. chew chewed chewed #=°•°@
D ~ËA Spoken English lesson …Õx Positive Form, Negative Form, Question Form,
Negative Question Form ƒìQê <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß~¡° H›^¥! Z@°=O\÷ confusion …èä½› O_¨ =°~¡• XH›ª•i
D 4 parts KÇ^=Î O_•! g°~¡° own Qê Hùxß "ŒH꼕° practise K͆°Ç O_•.

82 Ability is of little account without opportunity.
, : 94406 16425

=°#=ò Hùxß „¬#°•° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› Yzó`"
Ç °³ #
Ø ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò …Õ„¬• „¬îiëK†
Í ò
Ç ^ΰ=ò.
P „¬xx Z„¬æ\÷ …Õ„¬• „¬îië K͆Çò^Î"³¶ ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° ö~„¬ô L^ΆǰO …Õ„¬• q[†Ç°"Œ_È KÍ~¡°ä›½O\ì#°.
J "Í°=ò next Monday …Õ„¬• report `dž¶Ç ~¡°Kͪ•ë=ò.
J "Œ~¡° g°ä›½ =KÍó 15th …Õ„¬• orders „¬O„¬ô`Œ~¡°.
J <Í#° ~ö „¬ô ª•†Ç°Oã`OÇ …Õ„¬• D answers Jhß <Í~¡°ó䛽O\ì#°.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› Yzó`"
Ç °³ #
Ø ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò …Õ„¬• „¬îië K͆ò
Ç „¬#°•#°
D q^•Î=òQê ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› Yzó`"Ç °³ #Ø ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò …Õ„¬• J#Qê ~ö „¬ôQêx, =KÍó "Œ~¡O, =KÍó <³•,
=KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH› ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx =°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò …Õ„¬•<³#á #° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ „¬îië
K͆Çò XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Will have + III form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õ
Subject - Singular, Plural U^³á##° 'Will have + III form' L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
1. <Í#° ~ö „¬\÷ …Õ„¬• D #=• KÇk"ͪ•ë#°. 6. "Œ~¡° =KÍó <³• …Õ„¬• family <³•¶Á~°¡ H÷ shift
I will have read this novel by tomorrow. Kͪ•ë~°¡ .
2. "Í°=ò next week …Õ„¬• D work finish They will have shifted their family to
Kͪ•ë=ò. Nellore by next month.
We will have finished this work by next 7. Nagarjuna University next 15th …Õ„¬•
week. Degree results announce KÍ‹¬°ëOk.
3. g°~¡ ° next Monday …Õ„¬ • orders Nagarjuna University will have
JO^ΰ䛽O\ì~¡°. announced the Degree results by 15th
You will have received the orders by of next month.
next Monday. 8. <Í#° ~ö „¬ô ª•†Ç°Oã`OÇ …Õ„¬• g°ä›½ inform
4. =¶ brother next May …Õ„¬• degree „¬îië Kͪ•ë#°.
Kͪ•ë_°È . I will have informed you by tomorrow
My brother will have completed his evening.
degree by next May. 9. "Í°=ò next Sunday …Õ„¬• D cards Jhß
5. P"³° ~ö „¬\÷ …Õ„¬• XOQË•°H÷ uiy =‹¬°Oë k. distribute Kͪ•ë=ò.
She will have returned to Ongole by We will have distributed all these
tomorrow. cards by next Sunday.

, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ "Will + have + III form of the Verb"
Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. nxx grammar …Õ Future Perfect Tense JO\ì~¡°. nx…Õ 1. Positive
Form 2. Question Form J#° 2 parts <Í~°¡ óä½› <Œß=ò. D 2 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹°¬ 䛽O^¥=ò.


ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°ë…Õx XH› xsâ`Ç ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò …Õ„¬• XH›~¡° „¬îië K͆Çò XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 'Will have' + III form of the Verb L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex :

1. I will have done this workly tomorrow.

2. We will have completed the course by next week.

3. He will have cleared the file by next Monday.

4. They will have distributed cards by tomorrow.


ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°ë…Õx XH› xsâ`Ç ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò …Õ„¬• XH›~¡° „¬îië K͆Çò XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 'Will have' + III form of the Verb L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex :

1. Will you have received the orders by next week?

2. Will he have joined the duty by next 5th?

3. Will she have written the novel by next June?

4. Will they have made arrangements by next week?

, : 94406 16425


=°#=ò Hùxß „¬#°•° Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ ‡ã •~¡Oa•Oz „
ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë =
Ç ò WOH›#°
continuous Qê K͆Çò KÇ°O^ΰ=ò. XH› „¬xx =°#=ò Zxß ~ËA•°Qê, ZO`Ç Hê•OQê, Z„¬æ\÷
#°O_• K͆ò Ç KÇ°#ßn W`Ç~°¡ •ä›½ ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° ï~O_È° ~ËA• #°Oz D notes `džǶ~¡° K͆ÇòKÇ°<Œß#°.
J "Í°=ò <Œ•°Q®° <³•• #°Oz D room …Õ LO@°<Œß=ò.
J L^ΆǰO #°Oz "Œ~¡° T.V. …Õ match KǶ‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°.
J 1990 #°Oz =¶ father D business KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•° Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ ‡ã •~¡Oa•Oz, „
ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë OÇ WOH›#° continuous
Qê K͆ÇòKÇ°#ß „¬#°•#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•ÎOQê =°#=ò =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò# continuous Qê KÍ‹¬¶ë=ô#ß XH› „¬xx ZO`Ç
Hê•OQêJ#Qê Zxß Q®O@•°Qê, Zxß ~ËA•°, Zxß <³••°, Zxß ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡=ò•°Qê K͆ÇòKÇ°#ßn
"Have been / Has been + Verb + 'ing' form " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
Subject –> I, We, You, They J~ò#„¬C_È° 'have been',
Subject –> He, She, It J~ò#„¬C_È° 'has been' =KÇ°ó#°.

1. <Í#° <Œ•°Q®° <³•• #°Oz English 5. "Œ~¡° <Œ•°Q®° ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡=ò• #°Oz D
grammar <Í~¡°ó䛽O@°<Œß#°. Hê•h…Õ x=t‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°.
I have been learning English They have been living in this colony
grammar for four months. for four years.
2. "Í°=ò ï~O_È° <³•• #°Oz bank test H÷ 6. ‡é~ò# ªé=°"Œ~¡O #°Oz WH›ø_È =~¡ÂO
prepare JQ®°KÇ°<Œß=ò. „¬_È°KÇ°#ßk.
We have been preparing for the bank It has been raining here since
test for two months. Monday last.
3. =¶ brother 1995 #°Oz POã^•¥ƒì¼OH± 7. <Í#° L^Ά°Ç O 7 Q®OII• #°Oz =¶ friend
…Õ „¬x KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß_È°. HË‹¬O Z^ΰ~¡°KǶ‹¬°ë<Œß#°.
My brother has been working in the I have been waiting for my friend
Andhra Bank since 1995. since 7 a.m.
4. P"³ ° ï ~ O_È ° ~ËA• #°Oz [Þ~¡ O `Ë 8. "Í°=ò ï~O_È° <³•• #°Oz water
ƒì^•Î„_¬ °È KÇ°#ßk. problem face KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß=ò.
She has been suffering from fever for We have been facing water problem
two days. for two months.

, : 94406 16425

9. =¶ mother ï~O_È° <³•• #°Oz Homeo- EXERCISE

pathic medicines f‹¬°ä›½O@°#ßk.
D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
My mother has been taking
Homeopathic medicines for two 1. <Í#° XH› Q®O@ #°Oz WH›ø_È bus HË‹¬O
months. wait KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß#°.
10. <Í#° ~ï O_È° ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡=ò• #°Oz govt. 2. "Í°=ò ï~O_È° ~ËA• #°Oz pending files
job HË‹¬O try KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß#°. clear KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß=ò.
I have been trying for a government 3. P"³° 11 'O' clock #°Oz letters type
job for two years. KÍ‹¬°ë#ßk.
11. "Í°=ò ï~O_È° ~ËA• #°Oz function H÷ 4. =¶ friend KŒ…ì ~ËA•°Qê <Œä›½ help
U~Œæ@°Á KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß=ò. KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß_È°.
We have been making arrangements 5. =¶ lecturers "Œ~¡O ~ËA• #°Oz =¶ä›½
for the function for two days. special HêÁ‹¬°•° f‹¬°ä›½O@°<Œß~¡°.
6. x#ß \ ÷ #°Oz <Í # ° D book refer
12. =¶ father Q®`Ç 8 ‹¬OII•°Qê D business KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß#°.
7, ï~O_È° <³•• #°Oz <Í#° English Ì„á
My father has been doing this
concentrate K͆ÇòKÇ°<Œß#°.
business for the past eight years.
8. P"³ ° XH› <³ • ~ËA•°Qê XH› #=•
13. „¬ k xq°+¬ = ò• #°Oz telephone ã"Œ‹¬°ë#ßk.
ã"³¶Q®°KÇ°#ßk. 9. "Œ~¡° XH› ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O #°Oz =¶ä›½ ƒìQê
The telephone has been ringing for ‹¬‚¬ìH›i‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°.
ten minutes.
10. <Í # ° J~¡ Q ® O @ #°Oz D serial
14. J`Ç_È° L^ΆǰO #°Oz P T.V. set repair KǶ‹¬°ë<Œß#°.
K͆ÇòKÇ°<Œß_È°. 11. ‡•s“ Jƒ•’¼~¡°Ö•° ï~O_È° ~ËA• #°Oz
He has been repairing that T.V. set WO\÷O\÷H÷ ㄬKŒ~¡O KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°.
since morning. 12. ªÏ~¡ƒ˜ Q®OQ®¶b Q®`Ç P~¡° ‹¬O=`Ç•~Œ•°Qê
15. =¶ uncle Q®`Ç 12 ‹¬OII•°Qê lawyer Qê ãH÷ïH\˜ P_È°KÇ°<Œß_È°.
practise K͆ÇòKÇ°<Œß~¡°. 13. "Í°=ò ~ï O_È° ~ËA• #°Oz D workshop
My uncle has been practising as a x~¡Þ‚²ì‹¬°ë<Œß=ò.
lawyer for the past twelve years. 14. _•ãw q^¥¼~¡°Ö•° "Œ~¡O ~ËA• #°Oz
HêÁ‹¬°•° |‚²ì+¬øi‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°.
16. <Í # ° ï ~ O_È ° ~ËA• #°Oz D #=•
KÇ^ΰ=ôKÇ°<Œß#°. 15. =¶ grand father ~ï O_È° ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡=ò•°Qê
cancer `Ë ƒì^•Î„_ ¬ °È KÇ°<Œß~°¡ .
I have been reading this novel for two
No pains, No gains. 90
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ "Have / Has + been + Verb
+ 'ing ' form " Q®°iOz <Í~°¡ óä½› <Œß=ò. nxx grammar …Õ Present Perfect Continuous
Tense JO\ì~¡°. nx…Õ 1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form
4. Negative Question Form J#° 4 parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ ㇕~¡Oa•Oz ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#䛽 WOH›#°
continuous Qê KÍ‹¬¶ë#ß XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "have / has + been +
Verb + ' ing ' form " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I have been doing this job for two years.
2. We have been facing this problem for one month .
3. He has been staying with us since July.
Q®`Ç HùO`ÇHê•OQê =°#=ò KÍ‹¬¶ëO_Èx XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 (P „¬xx
ZO`Ç Hê•OQê KÍ † Ç ò @…è ^ Ë) "have / has + not+ III form of the Verb"
Ex : 1. I have not met him for two days.
2. We have not come here since Sunday last.
3. He has not sent me money for two months.
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ ㇕~¡Oa•Oz ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#䛽 WOH›#¶
continuous Qê KÍ‹¬¶ë#ß XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Have /
Has + been + Verb + 'ing' form" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Have you been trying for a job for two years ?
2. Has he been helping you for a long time ?
3. Have they been practising this game since Monday last ?
Q®`ÇO…Õx HùO`ÇHê•OQê =°#=ò KÍ‹¬¶ëO_Èx XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz negative sense …Õ
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Haven't / Hasn't + III form of the Verb "
Ex : 1. Haven't you gone to office for five days ?
2. Hasn't he met you since Monday last ?

, : 94406 16425


=°#=ò Q®`ÇO…Õ KÍ‹²# ï~O_È° „¬#°•#° Q®°iOz `³e†Ç°*è†Çò KÇ°O^ΰ=ò. XH› „¬x „¬îië
J~ò#k. ï ~ O_È = „¬ x "³ ò ^Î \ ÷ „¬ x H› O >è =òO^Î ° HùO`Ç H ê•OQê continuous Qê
J <Í#° x#ß =¶ friend room H÷ "³ˆ‹Áõ i¬ H÷, J`Ç_°È ~ï O_È° Q®O@•#°O_• lessons KÇ^°Î =ô KǶO_•<Œ_È°.
J "Í°=ò x#ß auditorium H÷ "³ˆÁõ ‹¬iH÷, J„¬æ\÷H÷ „¬k xq°‘•• #°Oz chief guest =¶\ìÁ_È°
J x#ß ‹².†Ç°O. =KÍ‹ó i¬ H÷, J„¬æ\÷H÷ J~¡QO® @ =òO^ΰQê<Í „ã [¬ •° ground …Õ gather JQ®° KÇ°O_•<Œ~¡°.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•° Q®`OÇ …Õx ~ï O_È° „¬#°•…Õ =òO^ΰQê KÍ‹¶
¬ Oë _•# XH› „¬xx ZO`ÇHê•OQê
KÍ‹°¬ Oë _•<Œ"³¶ ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•ÎOQê Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ „¬îië KÍ‹#² ~ï O_È° „¬#°•…Õ "³ò^Î\÷ „¬xx ~ï O_È=
„¬xH›O>è =òO^ΰ continuous Qê ZO`Ç Hê•OQê, ZxßQ®O@•°, Zxß ~ËA•°, Zxß <³••° =òO^ΰQê
KÍ‹¬°ë#ßn ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Had + been + Verb + 'ing' form " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ =…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
Subject Singular, Plural U^³á##¶ 'had been + 'ing' form' =KÇ°ó#°.

1. <Í#° x#ß class H÷ "³ˆõÁ ‹¬iH÷, J~¡Q®O@ 4. =¶ brother Q®=~¡ß"°³ O@° job ‡ÚO^Í^¥xH÷
=òO^ΰ #°OKÍ lecturer lesson teach =òO^ΰ ~ï O_È° ‹¬O=`Ç•~Œ•°Qê private
KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß~¡°. school …Õ „¬xKÍ‹°¬ Oë _•<Œ_È°.
The lecturer had been teaching the My brother had been working in a
lesson for half-an-hour before I went to private school for two years before he
the class yesterday. got the govt. job.
2. "Í°=ò x#ß ª•†Ç°Oã`OÇ ground H÷ KÍ~°¡ 䛽<Í 5. "Í°=ò last week Mysore KÍ~¡°ä›½<Í^¥xH÷
‹¬iH÷ ï~O_È°Q®O@• =òO^ΰ#°O_Í "Œ~¡° =òO^ΰ ï~O_È° ~ËA•°Qê JH›ø_È =~¡ÂO
match P_È°`ǶO_•<Œ~¡°. „¬_°È `ǶO_•#k.
They had been playing the match for It had been raining there for two days
two hours before we reached the before we reached Mysore last week.
ground yesterday evening.
6. <Í#° x#ß press H÷ "³ˆõ¤ ^¥xH÷ =òO^ΰ XH›
3. "Í°=ò Ongole town H÷ shift J†Í°¼^¥xH÷ Q® O @ #°O_• J`Ç _ È ° cards print
=òO^ΰ, <Œ•°Q®° ‹¬O=`Ç•~Œ•#°Oz KÍ‹°¬ Oë _•<Œ_È°.
Q®°O@¶~¡°…Õ x=t‹¬¶Oë _•<Œ=ò. He had been printing the cards for one
We had been living in Guntur for four hour before I went to the press.
years before we shifted to Ongole town.

, : 94406 16425

7. "Œ~¡° course "³ò^Ε°Ì„>è“ ^¥xH÷ "Œ~¡O EXERCISE

=òO^ΰ #°O_• admissions f‹¬°ä›½O D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
They had been taking the admissions
1. x#ß =¶ WO\÷H÷ guests =KÍó^¥xH÷ =òO^ΰ
for one week before they commenced
ï~O_È° Q®O@• #°Oz =¶ mother items
the course.
`dž¶Ç ~¡° KÍ‹°¬ Oë _•#k.
8. <Í#° last month J`Çxx H›eÀ‹ ^¥xH÷ 2. Train =KÍó^¥xH÷ Q®O@ =òO^ΰ#°O_Í <Í#°
„¬k~ËA• =òO^ΰ#°O_• J`Ç_°È fever `Ë platform g°^Î wait KÍ‹°¬ O ë _•<Œ=ò.
ƒì^•Î„_¬ °È KÇ°<Œß_°È . 3. "Í°=ò x#ß theatre H÷ "³ˆõ¤ ‹¬iH÷, Q®O@
He had been suffering from fever for =òO^ΰ #°OKÍ JH›ø_È KŒ• =°Ok queue
ten days before I met him last month. …Õ x•|_• L<Œß~°¡ .
9. <Í#° ~Œãu WO\÷H÷ KÍ~¡°ä›½<Í ^¥xH÷ ï~O_È° 4. x#ß Prime Minister =KÍó^¥xH÷ ï~O_È°
Q® O @• =òO^Î ° #°O_Í „² • Á • ° xã ^ Î Q®O@• =òO^ΰ #°O_• ~ŒR <Œ†Ç°ä›½•°
‡é`ǶO_•<Œ~¡°. airport ^ÎQ®¾~¡ wait KÍ‹°¬ O
ë _•<Œ~¡°.
Children had been sleeping for two 5. x#ß <Í#° college H÷ "³ˆõ¤ ‹¬iH÷ J„¬æ\÷H÷
hours before I reached home last night. ï~O_È° Q®O@• =òO^ΰ #°OKÍ clerk stu-
dents H÷ hall tickets issue KÍ‹°¬ Oë _•<Œ_È°.
10. P"³° Delhi "³ˆõ¤^¥xH÷ =òO^ΰ <Œ•°Q®°
<³•• #°Oz WH›ø_È Hindi <Í~°¡ ó 䛽O@¶O_• 6. P film shooting ‡ã •~¡Oa•OKÍ ^¥xH÷ <³•
#k. ~ËA• =òO^ΰ #°O_• "Œ~¡° H›^¥Š KÇ~ó•¡ °
She had been learning Hindi here for [~¡°„¬ôKǶO_•<Œ~¡°.
four months before she went to Delhi. 7. J`Çx father retire J†Í°¼^¥xH÷ ï~O_È°
‹¬O=`Ç•~¡=ò• =òO^ΰ#°O_Í J`Ç_°È job
11. <Í#° meeting hall H÷ "³ˆõ¤ ^¥xH÷ Q®O@ KÍ‹¬°ë<Œß_È°.
=òO^ΰ #°O_• "Œ~¡° P q+¬†°Ç O discuss 8. <Í#° x#ß office H÷ "³ˆ¤õ^¥xH÷ Q®O@ =òO^ΰ
KÍ‹¶¬ Oë _•<Œ~¡°. #°O_Í P"³° letters type K͆òÇ KÇ°O_•#k.
They had been discussing the matter
for one hour before I went to the
9. <Í#° x#ß JH›ø_Èä½› "³ˆ¤õ‹i¬ H÷ Q®O@ =òO^ΰ
meeting hall.
#°O_• "Œ~¡° function H÷ ready JQ®°
12. J`Ç_È° x#ß =¶ WO\÷H÷ =KÍó^¥xH÷ Q®O@ 10. <Í#° x#ß class 䛽 "³ˆõ¤‹¬iH÷ J~¡Q®O@
=òO^ΰ #°Oz "Í°=ò chess P_È°`Ƕ =òO^ΰ #°O_• lecturer lesson explain
=ô<Œß=ò. KÍ‹°¬ Oë _•<Œ~¡°.
We had been playing chess for one
hour before he came to our house
yesterday. Z
Flattery is the food of fools. 100
, : 94406 16425

6. Test 䛽 appear J†Í°¼^¥xH÷ =òO^ΰ ZO`Ç
D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
Hê•OQê h=ô lessons revise KÍ‹°¬ Oë \ì=ô?
Howlong will you have been revising 1. ö ~ „¬ ô h=ô WH› ø _•H÷ =KÍ ó ^ ¥xH÷ Q® O @
the lessons before you appear for the =òO^Î ° Qê WO\÷ ^Î Q ® ¾ ~ ¡ lessons

7. <Í#° ö~„¬ô g° room H÷ =KÍó^¥xH÷ =òO^ΰ 2. =°#=ò ª•†Ç°Oã`OÇ JH›ø_•H÷ "³ˆ¤õ ^¥xH÷
ï ~ O_È ° Q® O @•° =òO^Î ° Qê "Œ~¡ ° test
ZO`Ç À ‹ „¬ ô Qê g°~¡ ° matter discuss ã"Œ‹¬¶ëO\ì~Œ?
Howlong will you have been 3. h=ô |†Ç ° @ä› ½ "³ ˆ õ ¤ ^¥xH÷ J~¡ Q ® O @
discussing the matter before I come
=òO^ΰQê ready J=ô`Ç°O\ì"Œ?
to your room tomorrow?
4. J`Ç_È° Delhi "³ˆõ¤ ^¥xH÷ ï~O_È° <³••°
8. =°#=ò "³ˆõ¤ ^¥xH÷ =òO^ΰ ZO`ÇÀ‹„¬\÷ =òO^ΰQê Hindi <Í~¡°ó䛽O@¶O\ì_¨?
#°O_• "Œ~¡° JH›ø_È „¬xKÍ‹¬°ëO\ì~¡°?
5. Function "³ò^Ε° J†Í°¼ ^¥xH÷ Q®O@
Howlong will they have been working
=òO^ΰQê<Í guests =‹¬¶ëO\ì~Œ?
before we go there?

9. Train =KÍ^
ó ¥xH÷ =òO^ΰ ZO`Ç‹
À „¬\÷ #°O_• 6. „¬sH›•Æ ° "³ò^Ε° J†Í°¼ ^¥xH÷ =òO^ΰ Zxß
~ËA•°Qê g° lecturers lessons revise
clerk tickets issue KÍ ‹ ¬ ° ë O \ì_È ° ? KÍ‹¬¶ëO\ì~¡°?
Howlong will the clerk have been

issuing the tickets before the train 7. Promotion ‡ÚO^Í ^¥xH÷ ZO`Ç Hê•O
=òO^ΰQê h=ô tH›Æ} ‡ÚO^ΰ`Ç°O\ì=ô?

10. =°#=ò "³ˆõ¤ ^¥xH÷ =òO^ΰ ZO`ÇÀ‹„¬\÷ 8. |‹¬ ° • |†Ç ° •°^Í ö ~ ^¥xH÷ ZO`Ç À ‹ „¬ ô
=òO^ΰQê "Œ~¡° tickets W‹¬°ëO\ì~¡°?
#°Oz "Œ~¡° JH›ø_È U~Œæ@° KÍ‹¬°ëO\ì~¡°?
Howlong will you have been making

arrangements before the go there? Z

Concentration is the essence of all knowledge. 106
, : 94406 16425

XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò Q®`OÇ …Õ ~ï Q®°¼•~ŸQê …èH› J…"Œ@°Qê KÍ‹°¬ Oë _•# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò. P J•"Œ@° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO…è^ΰ. ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO ï~Q®°¼•~ŸQê K͆Çò@…è^ΰ. XH›„¬C_È°
ï~Q®°¼•~Ÿ Qê KÍ‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ~¡=ò.
J <Í#° z#ß„¬C_È° KŒ…ì ƒìQê KÇk"Í"Œ_•x.
J "Í°=ò =¶ ‹¬¶ø•° ~ËA•…Õ ~ï Q®°¼•~ŸQê P@•° P_Í "Œˆ×¤=ò.
J P"³° J„¬C_È° guests #° ƒìQê treat KÍ‹¬°ëO_Ík.
J "Œ~¡° XH›ø„¬C_È° XH› z#ß Ti…Õ x=tOKÍ"Œ~¡°.
Ì„á "ŒH›¼=ò•° Q®`ÇO…Õ XH›~¡° ï~Q®°¼•~ŸQê …èH› J…"Œ@°Qê KÍ‹¬°ëO_³_• „¬#°•#°
D q^•Î=òQê Q®`OÇ …Õ =°# z#ß `Ç#O…Õ, Hê…èl ~ËA•…Õ =°iOïH„¬C_³<á Œ Q®`OÇ …Õ ~ï Q®°¼•~ŸQê …èH›
J•"Œ@°Q®ê, „¬^„Í ^¬ Í KÍ‹°¬ Oë _³_• XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
" Used to + I form of the Verb" L„¬†Ç³¶ yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : 'Used to' J#°#k XH› Anomalous Verb. Wk Past Tense …Õ =¶ã`Ç"Í°
L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°. Present Tense, Future Tense •…Õ L„¬†³¶yOKÇ䛕_È^ΰ.
"ŒH›¼=ò…Õ Subject - Singular, Plural U^³á##° 'used to' =KÇ°ó#°. 'Used to' `Ç~¡°"Œ`Ç
verb Z•Á„¬C_È° I form …Õ LO_È=…ÿ#°.

1. <Í#° <Œ Hê…èl ~ËA•…Õ ï~Q®°¼•~ŸQê …ÿáã|s 6. N=°u ƒ•ì#°=°u XH› „ ¬ C _È ° `Ç q °ˆ×
H÷ "³•°ëO_Í"Œ_•x. ‹²x=¶•…Õ ä›•_¨ #\÷‹¬°ëO_Ík.
I used to go to library regularly during Smt. Bhanumathi used to act in Tamil
my college days. movies also once.
2. "Í ° =ò J„¬ C _È ° KŒ…ì hard work 7. N Z<£ . \÷ . P~Ÿ . =°Oz ã H › = °tH› Æ }
KÍ‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ~¡=ò. ‡•\÷‹°¬ Oë _Í"Œ~¡°.
We used to work hard then. Sri N.T.R. used to maintain good
3. =¶ brother 90's …Õ Delhi …Õ Bank
8. N=°u WOkQêOn• Z䛽ø=Qê English
Manager Qê „¬xKÍ‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ_È°.
My brother used to work as a Bank
Smt. Indira Gandhi used to speak
Manager in Delhi during 90' s.
English mostly.
4. Mrs. Madhavi =¶ä›½ J„¬C_È° Hindi teach 9. P ~ËA•…Õ ‹¬°h…˜ Q®"Œ‹¬ø~Ÿ =°# ãH÷ïH\˜
KÍ‹¬°ëO_Ík. \©"£°#° lead KÍ‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ_È°.
Mrs. Madhavi used to teach us Hindi Sunil Gavaskar used to lead our
then. Cricket team in those days.
5. "Œ~¡ ° XH› „ ¬ C _È ° KŒ…ì z#ß WO\ÕÁ 10. N „².q. #~¡tO‚¬ð~Œ=ô N=°u WOk~Œ
x=t‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ~¡°. QêOn•H÷ ~Œ[H©†¶
Ç •…Õ ‹¬•‚¬ð•° W‹¬°Oë _Í
They used to live in a small house "Œ~¡°.
once. Sri P.V. Narasimha Rao used to advise
Smt. Indira Gandhi in politics once.
, : 94406 16425

11. <Í#° XH›„¬C_È° KŒ…ì heavy Qê smoke EXERCISE

KÍ‹°¬ Oë _Í"Œ_•x.
I used to smoke heavily once. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
12. "Í°=ò J„¬C_È° =¶ lecturers H÷ ƒìQê
respect WKÍó "Œˆ×¤O. 1. <Í#° KÇ^°Î =ô䛽<Í ~ËA•…Õ early morning
We used to respect our lecturers then. xã^…Î ‹
è °¬ Oë _Í"Œ_•x.
13. =¶ father <Œä› ½ J„¬ C _È ° ã „ ¬ u <³ • 2. "Í°=ò „ ã u ¬ ~ËA ª•†Ç°Oã`OÇ Hã Hï÷ \˜ practise
~¡¶. 2000/Ð „¬O„¬ôKÇ°O_Í"Œ~¡°. KÍ‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ~¡=ò.
My father used to send me Rs. 2000 3. =¶ Head-master J„¬C_È° =°=òà•#°
every month then. KŒ…ì severe Q®ê tH÷Æ‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ~¡°.
14. H›„²…˜^Í"£ XH›„¬C_È° ㄬu =¶¼KŸ…Õ ^¥^¥„¬ô 4. =¶ father <Œä›½ z#ß„¬C_È° grammar
5 qïH\˜• f‹¬°ä›½<Í"Œ_È°. teach KÍ‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ~¡°.
Kapil Dev used to take five wickets 5. =¶ father XH›„¬C_È° ~ËAH÷ 15 Q®O@•°
almost in every match once.
work KÍ‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ~¡°.
15. "Í°=ò z#ß„¬C_È° ‹¬OãHêOu „¬O_È°Q® KŒ…ì 6. "Í°=ò ‹¬¶ø…˜…Õ English =¶\ìÁ_Ȱ䛽<Í
grand Qê [~¡°„¬ô䛽<Í "Œ~¡=ò.
We used to celebrate Sankranti
festival very grand in our childhood 7. =¶ lecturers =¶ä›½ KŒ…ì ƒìQê lessons
days. explain KÍ‹² K³À„æ"Œ~¡°.

16. XH› „ ¬ C _È ° ã „ ¬ [ •° x*ì~òf Q® • 8. „¬ O _•\˜ <³ ã ‚ ¬ ú `Ç # buttonhole …Õ

<Œ†Ç°ä›½•#° Z#°ßHù<Í"Œ~¡°. Z•Á„¬C_È° Q®°…ìa Ì„@°“䛽<Í"Œ~¡°.
People used to elect honest leaders 9. =¶ grand mother Z•Á„C¬ _ȶ ƒ•’Q= ® n¾`Ç
once. KÇ^ΰ=ô`Ç°O_Ík.
17. =¶ Hê…èl ~ËA•…Õ "Í°=ò À‹ß‚²ì`Ç°•`Ë 10. "Í°=ò z#ß„C¬ _È° „ ã u¬ ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O "Í‹q ¬
KŒ…ì ƒìQê enjoy KÍÀ‹"Œ~¡=ò. Ì ‹ •=ô•° =¶ Ti…Õ Q® _ È ° „¬ ô `Ç ° O_Í
We used to enjoy ourselves with our "Œ~¡=ò.
friends in our college days. 11. <Í#° school classes …Õ Hindi …Õ =°Oz
18. <Í#° ‹¬¶ø•° ~ËA•…Õ ã„¬u ‡é\©…Õ KŒ…ì =¶~¡°ø•° score KÍ‹°¬ Oë _Í"Œ_•x.
P‹¬HHë÷ ~› O¡ Qê ‡•…ç¾<"Í Œ_•x. 12. "Í ° =ò students Qê L#ß „ ¬ C _È ° ANR
I used to participate in every movies Z䛽ø=Qê KǶ‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ~¡=ò.
competition very interestingly in my
school days. 13. <Í#° J„¬C_È° ㄬu q+¬†Ç°O =¶ father `Ë
discuss KÍ‹ À "Œ_•x.
19. J`Ç _ È ° XH› „ ¬ C _È ° XH› z#ß ‘•„¬ ô …Õ
salesman Qê „¬xKÍ‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ_È°. 14. =¶ brother XH›„¬C_È° K³_ÈÛ"Œi`Ë À‹ß‚¬ìO
He used to work as a salesman in a KÍ‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ_È°.
small shop once. 15. "Œ~¡° J„¬C_È° ㄬu „¬O_È°Q® KŒ…ì ƒìQê
20. =¶ À‹ß‚²ì`Ç°_È° P#O^£ J„¬C_È° KŒ…ì celebrate KÍ‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ~¡°.
Z䛽ø=Qê money Y~¡°ó KÍ‹¬°ëO_Í"Œ_È°.
My friend Anand used to spend money
lavishly then.
Great talkers are never great doers. 110
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
=°#=ò D~ËA =°# Spoken English Course …Õ "Used to + I form of the Verb"
J#° structure Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. nxx grammar …Õ Anomalous Verb JO\ì~¡°. nx…Õ
1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form J#° 4
parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
Q®`OÇ …Õ HùO`ÇHê•O ~ï Q®°¼•~ŸQê …èH› J•"Œ@°Qê „¬^„
Í ^
¬ Í KÍ‹¶
¬ Oë _•# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Used to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ =…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I used to write letters to the foreigners then.
2. We used to help one another in our college days.
3. She used to teach us Hindi in our school days.
Q®`ÇO…Õ HùO`ÇHê•OQê ï~Q®°¼•~ŸQê Qêx, J•"Œ@°…èH› Qêx =°#=ò K͆ǰx XH› „¬xx
Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Didnot + use to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†¶
³ yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I did not use to go to library in my school days.
2. We did not use to miss the classes then.
3. He did not use to work hard once.
Q®`OÇ …Õ HùO`ÇHê•=ò ~ï Q®°¼•~ŸQê Qêh, J•"Œ@°Qê Qêh KÍ‹°¬ Oë _³_• XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
ã „ ¬ t ß O KÇ ° @#° ‹¬ ¶ zOKÇ ° @ä› ½ "Did + use to + I form of the Verb "
Ex : 1. Did you use to play games in your school days?
2. Did he use to stay with you in those days?
3. Did they use to celebrate every festival grandly then ?
Q®`OÇ …Õx HùO`Ç Hê•O J•"Œ@° …èH› ~ï Q®°¼•~ŸQê KÍ‹°¬ Oë _Èx XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz negative
sense …Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Didn't+use to + I form of Verb "
Ex : 1. Didn't you use to attend the classes regularly at school ?
2. Didn't he use to pay rent regularly then ?
3. Didn't they use to maintain the accounts regularly once ?

, : 94406 16425

=°#=ò H›ey†Çò#ß "Œ\÷x Possessives JO^ΰ~¡°.
XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO =°#O …è^¥ "Íï~=ï~á<Œ H›ey†Çò#ß "Œ\÷ Q®°iOz
J <Œä›½ D ~ËA urgent work =ô#ßk. J =¶ä›½ D <³•…Õ public exams =ô#ßq.
J J`ÇxH÷ ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò =°Oz income =ô#ßk. J P"³°ä›½ XH› gold necklace =ô#ßk.
D "ŒH›¼=ò•° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO =°#O …è^¥ "Íï~=ï~á<Œ H›ey†Çò#ß "Œ\÷ Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê „ã ‹¬ °¬ `ë OÇ =°#=ò =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò# J#Qê D ~ËA, D "Œ~¡O, D <³•, D
‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O, „ã ‹¬ °¬ `ë OÇ =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ H›ey†Çò#ß@°=O\÷ "Œ\÷ Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Have / Has" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õ
I, We, You, They - Subject Qê =ô#ß„¬ô_È° 'have' L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
He, She, It - Subject Qê =ô#ß„¬ô_È° 'has' L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. <Œä›½ D ~ËA WO@~¡¶Þ¼ L#ßk. 6. <Œä›½ W^Îí~¡° sisters L<Œß~¡°.
I have an interview today. I have two sisters.

2. =¶ä›½ D "Œ~¡O English test =ô#ßk. 7. =¶ä›½ WO\ÕÁ Jxß facilities =ô<Œß~ò.
We have English test this week. We have all facilities in our house.

3. =¶ brother 䛽 government Job =ô#ßk. 8. Sachin Tendulkar 䛽 batting …Õ =°Oz
My brother has a govt. Job. skill =ô#ßk.

4. =¶ sister 䛽 college …Õ =°Oz friends Sachin Tendulkar has good skill in

L<Œß~¡°. batting.

My sister has good friends in the 9. =¶ cousin H÷ =°Oz knowledge =ô#ßk.

college. My cousin has good knowledge.

5. "ŒiH÷ D town …Õ =°Oz „¬•°ä›½|_• 10. "ŒiH÷ D town …Õ =°Oz property

=ô#ßk. =ô#ßk.
They have good influence in this town. They have good property in this town.

, : 94406 16425

11. =¶ uncle H÷ teaching …Õ =°Oz EXERCISE

experience =ô#ßk. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
My uncle has good experience in

12. =¶ä›½ D "Œ~¡O office …Õ inspection

1. <Œä›½ W„¬C_È° English class =ô#ßk.
=ô#ßk. 2. =¶ä›½ Hê…èl…Õ Ì„^Îí …ÿáã|s =ô#ßk.
We have inspection in our office this
3. J`ÇxH÷ driving licence =ô#ßk.
4. P"³°ä›½ =°Oz qualifications =ô#ßq.
13. =¶ä›½ D work …Õ KŒ…ì risk =ô#ßk.
We have much risk in this work. 5. "ŒiH÷ Ti…Õ lands =ô#ßq.
14. "ŒiH÷ D ~ËA town …Õ meeting =ô#ßk. 6. Jq°`Œƒ˜|KÇó<£ä›½ =°Oz Ja•=¶#°•°
They have a meeting in the town today. =ô<Œß~¡°.
15. <Œä›½ D ~ËA 1020 temperature =ô#ßk. 7. =¶ä› ½ D town …Õ KŒ…ì =°Ok
I have a temperature of 1020 today. |O^•Î°=ô•° =ô<Œß~°¡ .

16. =¶ä›½ D <³•…Õ public „¬sH›Æ•° =ô#ßq. 8. =¶ Hê•h…Õ ã „ ¬ ‹ ¬ ° ë ` Ç O =¶ä› ½ water

We have public examinations this problem =ô#ßk.

month. 9. "ŒiH÷ W„¬C_È° Ì‹•=ô•° =ô<Œß~ò.

17. =¶ brother H÷ =°Oz income =ô#ßk. 10. HêOãQï ‹¹H÷ ‡•~¡"
Á °³ O@°…Õ =°Oz "³°*ìi\©
My brother has good income. =ô#ßk.
18. P"³°ä›½ WO\ÕÁ =°Oz ‡ã é`Œ•‚¬ì=ò =ô#ßk. 11. W„¬C_È° <Œ^ÎQ®¾~¡ ~¡¶. 2000 =ô#ßq.
She has good encouragement in her
12. =¶ WO\ÕÁ =¶ä›½ internet facility =ô#ßk.
13. <Œ ^ÎQ®¾~¡ Oxford Dictionary =ô#ßk.
19. <Œä›½ D ~ËA P„¦Ô‹¬°…Õ heavy work
=ô#ßk. 14. <Œä›½ D~ËA „¬îië rest =ô#ßk.
I have heavy work in the office today.
15. "ŒiH÷ WO\ÕÁ KŒ…ì=°Ok servants
20. =¶ä›½ D ª•i KŒ…ì opportunities =ô<Œß~¡°.
We have many opportunities this time.
What cannot be cured must be endured. 120
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
=°#=ò D~ËA =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Have / Has' • Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò.
D ~ï O_•O\÷x grammar …Õ Anomalous Verbs JO\ì~¡°. nx…Õ =°#=ò 1. Positive
Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form J#° 4 parts
<Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
Vㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò =°#=ò H›ey†Çò#ß@°=O\÷ "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Have / Has "
Ex :
1. I have good friends here. 2. We have a test today.
3. She has a gold necklace. 4. He has good experience in business.
ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë =
Ç ò =°#=ò H›ey†ÇòO_Èx "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "don't / doesn't have"
Ex :
1. I don't have the driving licence. 2. We don't have any problem here.
3. He doesn't have a job. 4. She doesn't have brothers.
Vㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò =°#=ò H›ey†Çò#ß@°=O\÷ "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Do / Does + have " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex :
1. Do you have leisure today? 2. Do you have an interview this week?
3. Does he have good income? 4. Does she have a fever now?
Vㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò =°#=ò H›ey†ÇòO_Èx "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz negative sense …Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#°
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Don't / Doesn't have" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ =…ÿ#°.
Ex :
1. Don't you have any work today? 2. Don't you have rest at all?
2. Doesn't she have classes today ? 3. Doesn't he have money with him now?

, : 94406 16425


XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ XH›~°¡ H›ey†ÇòO_•# "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz
J =¶ä›½ x#ß ‹Ì •=ô LO_•#k. J <Œ^ÎQ~
¾® ¡ x#ß ~¡¶. 500 LO_•#q.
J =¶ä›½ x#ß P„¦Ô‹¬°…Õ KŒ…ì work =ôO_•#k. J "ŒiH÷ XH›„¬C_È° =°Oz property =ôO_•#k.
D "ŒH›¼=ò•° Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ XH›~°¡ H›ey†ÇòO_•# "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz
D q^•ÎOQê Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ J#Qê x#ß, Q®`"Ç Œ~¡O, Q®`<Ç •³ , Q®`Ç ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH›
Q®`OÇ …Õx =°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^³#á #° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ H›ey †ÇòO_•# "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz
'Had' L„¬†³¶yOKÇ =…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õ
Subject - Singular, Plural U^³á##¶ 'had' L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. x#ß <Œ^ÎQ~¾® ¡ ~¡¶. 5000 LO_•#q. 6. =°#ä› ½ XH› „ ¬ C _È ° ö H Oã ^ Î O …Õ stable
I had Rs. 5000 with me yesterday. government LO_Ík.
2. last Sunday <Œä›½ K³<³áß…Õ interview We had a stable government at centre
=ôO_•#k. once.
I had an interview in Chennai last 7. N.T.R.H÷ J„¬ C _È ° =°Oz popularity
Sunday. LO_•#k.
3. Last month =¶ä› ½ public exams N.T.R. had a good popularity then.
LO_•#q. 8. XH›„C¬ _È° "ŒiH÷ 100 acres land LO_•#k.
We had public examinations last They had 100 acres land once.
month. 9. <Œä›½ x#ß Journey …Õ =°Oz H›OÌ„h
4 =¶ cousin H÷ J„¬C_È° government job LO_•#k.
LO_•#k. I had a good company on my journey
My cousin had a govt. job then. yesterday.
5. =¶ä› ½ x#ß office …Õ heavy work 10. P"³°ä›½ ~Œãu KŒ…ì [Þ~¡=ò LO_•#k.
LO_•#k. She had a high fever last night.
We had heavy work in office yesterday.

, : 94406 16425

11. a.*.ÿ „.² H÷ Q®`OÇ …Õ `Çq°ˆ×<Œ_È°…Õ _•.†°Ç O.Hï . EXERCISE

support LO_•#k. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
The B.J.P. had the support of D.M.K. in
Tamil Nadu in the past.
1. =¶ä›½ last Sunday EAMCET LO_•#k.
12. "ŒiH÷ J„¬C_È° KŒ…ì job opportunities
2. <Œä›½ x#ß Q®°O@¶~¡°…Õ work LO_•#k.
They had many job opportunities once. 3. =¶ä›½ last year six subjects LO_•#q.
13. =¶ä› ½ last Sunday special class 4. P"³°H÷ J„¬C_È° KŒ…ì ornaments LO_•#q.
LO_•#k. 5. J`ÇxH›„C¬ _È° KŒ…ì ‹¬=°‹¬¼•° LO_•#q.
We had a special class last Sunday.
6. =¶ä›½ last month WH›ø_È heavy rains
14. =¶ä›½ J„¬C_È° experienced lecturers
We had experienced lecturers then. 7. =¶ä›½ last week u~¡°=°•…Õ =°Oz
15. x#ß =¶ä›½ ‹
Ì •=ô LO_•#k. ^Î~Å¡ #=ò •a•Oz#k.
We had a holiday yesterday. 8. "ŒiH÷ last year =°Oz harvest („¬O@)
16. WOk~Œ, ~Œr"£ Hê•O…Õ HêOãQï ‹¹ ‡•s“H÷ LO_•#k.
=°Oz support LO_•#k. 9. =¶ä› ½ last time "Œi co-operation
The congress party had the people's LO_•#k.
support during the tenure of Indira and
10. "ŒiH÷ last week Hyderabad …Õ training
classes LO_•#q.
17. Last year business …Õ "ŒiH÷ =°Oz
profits LO_•#q. 11. =¶ä›½ J„¬C_È° WO\ÕÁ XH› pet dog LO_Ík.
They had good profits in their business 12. <Œä›½ WO`Ç䛽=òO^ΰ Andhra Bank …Õ
last year. Account LO_Ík.
18. =¶ =°^•Î¼ XH›„C¬ _È° =°Oz unity LO_Ík. 13. =¶ä›½ x#ß office …Õ XH› urgent meeting
We had good unity among us once. LO_•#k.
19. =°# WO_•†Ç°<£ \©O…Õ =°#䛽 XH›„C¬ _È° 14. XH›„¬C_È° "ŒiH÷ D \º<£…Õ six buildings
=°Oz spin bowlers LO_Í"Œ~¡°. LO_•#q.
We had good spin bowlers in our Indian
15. =¶ä›½ J„¬C_È° Hê…èl…Õ =°Oz friends
team once.
20. J`ÇxH›„C¬ _È° =°Oz P^¥†Ç°O LO_•#k.
He had good income then.
Too many cooks spoil the broth. 130
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Had" Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò.
'Had' #° grammar …Õ Anomalous Verb JO\ì~¡°. nxx Past tense …Õ L„¬†¶ ³ yª•ë=ò.
nx…Õ 1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form
J#° 4 parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
=°#=ò Q® ` Ç O …Õ H› e y†Ç ò O_•# "Œ\÷ x Q® ° iOz ‹¬ ¶ zOKÇ ° @ä› ½ "Had"
Ex : 1. I had an interview last Sunday. 2. We had holidays last month.
3. He had many problems once. 4. They had heavy work yesterday.
=°#=ò Q®`ÇO…Õ H›ey†ÇòO_Èx "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Did not + have"
Ex : 1. I did not have class work yesterday. 3. He did not have rest yesterday.
2. We did not have any problem then. 4. They didn't have this property
=°#=ò Q®`OÇ …Õ H›ey†ÇòO_•# "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz „
ã t
¬ ßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Did +
have" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Did you have work yesterday? 2. Did you have good opportunities once?
3. Did he have training last month?4. Did they have good harvest last time ?
=°#=ò Q®`ÇO…Õ H›ey†ÇòO_Èx "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz negative sense …Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#°
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Didn't + have" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Didn't you have class yesterday?
2. Didn't he have this job then?
3. Didn't she have good company on journey yesterday?
4. Didn't they have income once ?

, : 94406 16425


XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ H›ey†ÇòO_ȃÕ=ô "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz

J <Œä›½ ö~„¬ô college …Õ special class LO@°Ok. J P"³°ä›½ ö~„¬ô q㉧Ou LO@°Ok.
J =¶ä›½ exams `Ç~°¡ "Œ`Ç ‹Ì •=ô•° LO\ì~ò. J "ŒiH÷ D ª•i =°Oz profits LO\ì~ò.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ XH›~°¡ H›ey †ÇòO_ȃÕ=ô "Œ\÷x
Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•ÎOQê ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ ~ö „¬ô, =KÍó "Œ~¡O, =KÍó <³•, =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH›
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°ë…Õx =°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^³á##° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° H›ey†ÇòO_ȃÕ=ô "Œ\÷x
Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Will have" L„¬†³¶ yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note :
Subject Singular, Plural U^³á##¶ "Will have" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. <Œä› ½ ö ~ „¬ ô P„¦ Ô ‹ ¬ ° …Õ special duty 5. h䛽 =°Oz ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°ë LO@°Ok.
LO@°Ok. You will have a bright future.
I will have special duty in the office 6. g°ä› ½ selection `Ç ~ ¡ ° "Œ`Ç training
tomorrow. LO@°Ok.
2. =¶ä›½ =KÍó Pk"Œ~¡O Hê…èl…Õ function You will have training after the
LO@°Ok. selection.
We will have function in the college 7. "ŒiH÷ D season …Õ =°Oz sales
next Sunday. LO\ì~ò.
3. =¶ brother H÷ next year promotion They will have good sales in this
LO@°Ok. season.
My brother will have a promotion next 8. =¶ä›½ =KÍó <³• school …Õ P@• ‡é\©•°
year. LO\ì~ò.
4. "ŒiH÷ =KÍó March …Õ public exams We will have sports competitions in our
LO\ì~ò. school next month.
They will have public examinations 9. g°ä›½ „¬sH›Æ• `Ç~¡°"Œ`Ç Ì‹•=ô•° LO\ì~ò.
next March. You will have holidays after the

, : 94406 16425

10. h䛽 D q+¬†Ç°O…Õ =¶ co-operation EXERCISE

LO@°Ok. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
You will have our co-operation in this
matter. 1. hä› ½ ö ~ „¬ ô D q+¬ † Ç ° O…Õ <Œ help
11. g°ä›½ =°~¡• WOHùH› J=Hê‰×O LO@°Ok. LO@°Ok.
You will have another opportunity. 2. g°ä› ½ JH› ø _È =°Oz programmes
12. J`ÇxH÷ JH›ø_È KŒ…ì troubles LO\ì~ò. LO\ì~ò.
He will have many troubles there.
3. =¶ brother H÷ next month Delhi …Õ
13. "ŒiH÷ next year KŒ…ì syllabus LO@°Ok. interview LO@°Ok.
They will have heavy syllabus next
4. g°ä›½ next year WOHùH› ï~O_È° subjects
14. <Œä›½ next year increment LO@°Ok. 5. P"³°ä›½ D medicine ^¥Þ~Œ quick relief
I will have increment next year.
15. =°#䛽 =KÍó E<£…Õ Municipal elections 6. =¶ä›½ ö~„¬ô JH›ø_È =°Oz entertainment
We will have Municipal elections next
June. 7. g°ä›½ ö~„¬ô JH›ø_È KŒ…ì >ÿØ"£° LO@°Ok.
16. g°ä› ½ next month JH› ø _È seminar
8. hä› ½ D q+¬ † Ç ° O…Õ "Œi ‹¬ ‚ ¬ ì Hê~¡ O
LO@°Ok. LO@°Ok.
You will have a seminar there next 9. =¶ä›½ D ~ËA Hê…èl…Õ staff meeting
month. LO@°Ok.
17. =¶ brother 䛽 next Sunday Hyderabad 10. h䛽 life …Õ Jxß comforts LO\ì~ò.
…Õ g°\÷OQ· LO@°Ok. 11. h䛽 God blessings LO\ì~ò.
My brother will have a meeting in
12. J`ÇxH÷ ㄬu q+¬†Ç°O…Õ WH› #°Oz =¶
Hyderabad next Sunday.
support LO@°Ok.
18. P"³°ä›½ ö~„¬ô H›O\÷H÷ operation LO@°Ok.
13. "ŒiH÷ D ª•i KŒ…ì fã="³°# Ø punishment
She will have an operation to her eye
14. h䛽 future …Õ J`Çx =•# KŒ…ì troubles
19. "ŒiH÷ next year =°Oz Q® ° ië O „¬ ô
LO@°Ok. They will have good
recognition next year. 15. g°ä›½ D ª•i =°Oz remuneration
20. <Œä›½ ö~„¬ô KŒ…ì leisure LO@°Ok. LO@°Ok.
I will have much leisure tomorrow.
Time and tide wait for none. 140
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
=°#=ò D~ËA =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Will have' Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò.
nx…Õ =°#=ò 1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative
Question Form J#° 4 parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°ë…Õ XH›~¡° H›ey†ÇòO_ȃÕ=ô "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Will have "
Ex : 1. I will have leisure tomorrow. 2. We will have inspection next month.
3. He will have a bright future. 4. They will have a meeting tomorrow.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°ë…Õ XH›~¡° H›ey†ÇòO_Èx "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Won't have "
Ex : 1. I won't have any trouble from them.
2. We won't have any risk there.
3. He won't have their support next time.
4. She won't have any recognition there.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ XH›~°¡ H›ey†ÇòO_ȃÕ=ô "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz „
ã t
¬ ßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Shall
have / Will have " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Shall I have leave tomorrow? 2. Shall we have dinner tonight?
3. Will you have comforts there? 4. Will they have exams next month?
Vƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ XH›~°¡ H›ey†ÇòO_Èx "Œ\÷x Q®°iOz negative sense …Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#°
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Shalln't / Won't + have " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Won't you have leisure tomorrow? 2. Won't you have a goal?
3. Won't she have help from them? 3. Won't they have job opportinities in
future ?

, : 94406 16425


XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò W`Ç~°¡ •`Ë =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß„ô¬ _È° „
ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë =
Ç ò =°#=ò L#ß ª•Ö#=ò
(Position) ‹¬Ö•=ò (Place) ‹²Öu (Condition) Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° XH› English lecturer x. J "Í°=ò W„¬C_È° exam hall …Õ L<Œß=ò.
J N J|°í…˜ H›…ì"£° =°# ãÌ„‹²_³O\˜. J "Í°=ò D ~ËA KŒ…ì busy Qê L<Œß=ò.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•° =°#=ò W`Ç~°¡ •`Ë =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß„ô¬ _È° „
ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë =
Ç ò =°#=ò L#ß ª•Ö#=ò
(Position) ‹¬Ö•=ò (Place) ‹²Öu (Condition) Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê W„¬C_È°, ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò =¶\ìÁ_È°KÇ°#ß ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò# =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° L#ß
XH› Position, Place or Condition ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 Present 'Be' forms J~ò#
"Am/ Is/ Are" •#° L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note :
'I' Subject Qê L#ß„¬ô_È° "am"
He, She, It Subject Qê L#ß„¬ô_È° "is"
We, you, they Subject Qê L#ß„¬ô_È° "are" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. <Í#° XH› _•ãw q^¥¼iÖx. 6. Cricket XH› P‹¬H÷ëH›~¡"³°Ø# P@.
I am a degree student. Cricket is an interesting game.

2. "Í°=ò D ‡¦•¼H›s“ „¬x"Œ~¡=ò. 7. "Í°=ò W„¬C_È° HêÁ‹¹ ~¡¶=ò…Õ L<Œß=ò.

We are the workers of this factory. We are in the class-room now.

3. =¶ father XH› bank officer. 8. =¶ grandfather W„¬C_È° hospital …Õ

My father is a bank officer. L<Œß~¡°.
4. =¶ mother XH› Q®$‚²ì}÷. My grandfather is in the hospital now.

My mother is a house-wife. 9. "Œ~¡° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO Delhi …Õ L<Œß~¡°.

5. India XH› Qù„¬æ ^͉×=ò. They are in Delhi at present.

India is a great country. 10. =¶ father W„¬C_È° P„¦Ô‹¬°…Õ L<Œß~¡°.

My father is at his office now.

, : 94406 16425

11. „²•Á•° "Í°_Èg°^Î L<Œß~¡°.
Children are upstairs. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.

12. [O`Ç°=ô•° J_Èq…Õ LO\ì~ò. 1. <Í#° XH› bank L^˼yx.

Animals are in the forest.
2. ªÏ~¡"£ Q®OQ®¶b =°# team captain.
13. <Í#° W„¬C_È° KŒ…ì happy Qê =ô<Œß#°. 3. N KÇOã^΃ì|° T.D.P. J^•Î¼ä›½Æ _È°.
I am very happy now.
4. N A.P.J. Abdul Kalam =°# ~ŒR„¬u.
14. "Í°=ò D ~ËA KŒ…ì busy Qê L<Œß=ò.
5. =¶ uncle XH› heart specialist.
We are very busy today.
6. =¶ elder sister XH› post graduate.
15. =¶ cousin KŒ…ì ªé=°i.
My cousin is very lazy.
7. Mr. Rao =¶ Physics lecturer.

8. ‚
Ì ìá ^Î~Œƒì^ΰ XH› Qù„¬æ KŒiã`Œ`ÇàH› #Q®~=
¡ ò.
16. "Œ~¡° KŒ…ì c^Î"Œ~¡°.
They are very poor. 9. =¶ parents „
ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë OÇ =¶ =îi…Õ =ô<Œß~°¡ .

17. D~ËA "Œ`Œ=~¡}O KÇ•ÁQêL#ßk. 10. _•ãw q^¥¼~¡°•Ö ° W„¬C_È° Physics lab …Õ
The weather is cold today.
11. u~¡°„¬u XH› †Ç¶ã`Œ ‹¬Ö•=ò.
18. D ~ËA question paper KŒ…ì H›+¬“OQê
L#ßk. 12. H›=°…˜‚¬ð‹¬<£ XH› Qù„¬æ #@°_È°.
The question paper is very difficult 13. `³•°Q®°^͉O× XH› ‡ã •Of†Ç° ‡•s“.
14. U‹¬°Hã ‹
© °¬ ë JO^ÎiH© „
ã ƒ¬ •’°=ô.
19. h=ô KŒ…ì |•‚Ôì#OQê =ô<Œß=ô.
15. ‡ã •¦ <£• XH› ‡•‰§ó`¼Ç ^͉=× ò.
You are very week.

20. =¶ grandmother J<Œ~ËQ®¼OQê L<Œß~¡°.

My grand mother is ill.

A great deal of talent is lost for want of a little courage. 150
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
=°#=ò D~ËA =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Am, Is, Are' • Q®°iOz
<Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D =ü_•O\÷x grammar …Õ Present Tense 'Be' forms JO\ì~¡ ° .
nx…Õ 1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form
J#° 4 parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.

ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë =
Ç ò =°#=ò =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò# =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ L#ß XH› Position,
Place, Condition Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "am / is / are " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

Ex : 1. I am a clerk in this office. 2. We are in the play - ground now.

3. He is our M.L.A. 4. They are very busy today.


ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° …èx XH› Position, Place, Condition Q®°iOz
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "am not / is not / are not " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I am not an innocent man. 2. He is not in the town today.

3. They are not helpful to us. 4. This book is not useful to us.


„¬‹¬°ë`Ç=ò =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° L#ß XH› Position, Place, Condition Q®°iOz
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Am / Is / Are " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ =…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Are you an officer here? 2. Is he on duty now?

3. Are they poor ? 4. Is she a foreigner ?


ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë =
Ç ò =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ …èx XH› Position, Place, Condition Q®°iOz negative
sense …Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Isn't / Aren't " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

Ex : 1. Aren't you an employee? 2. Isn't she your sister?

3. Aren't they degree students ? 4. Isn't he at home today ?

, : 94406 16425


XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ LO_•# ª•Ö#=ò (Position)
‹¬Ö•=ò (Place) ‹²Öu (Condition) Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° last year degree q^¥¼iÖx. J "Í°=ò 1985…Õ Vizag …Õ L<Œß=ò.
J =¶ father J„¬C_È° XH› bank officer. J P"³° last week hospital …Õ =ôO_•#k.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•° Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ XH›~°¡ LO_•# ª•Ö#=ò (Position) ‹¬Ö•=ò
(Place) ‹²Öu (Condition) Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ x#ß, Q®`"Ç Œ~¡O, Q®`<Ç •³ , Q®`Ç ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O =°#=ò …èH›
"Í~ùH›~°¡ LO_•# Position, Place or Condition ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 Past 'Be' forms J~ò#
"Was / Were" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note :
'I, He, She, It' SubjectQê L#ß„¬ô_È° "was"
We, you, they Subject Qê L#ß„¬ô_È° "were" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. <Í#° last year XH› WO@~Ÿ q^¥¼iÖx. 6. H›~¶
¡ ß•° J„¬C_È° =°# ~ŒR ~Œ[^•¥x.
I was an Intermediate student last year. Kurnool was the capital city of our
2. J„¬C_È° N N.T.R. =°# =òY¼=°OãuQê state then.
LO_•<Œ~¡°. 7. P"³° J„¬C_È° =¶ hostel warden.
Sri N.T.R. was our Chief-Minister then. She was our hostel warden then.
3. Smt. WOk~ŒQêOn• J„¬ C _È ° =°# 8. <Í#° x#ß P time …Õ library …Õ L<Œß#°.
„ã ^¬ •¥#=°Oãu. I was in the library at that time
Smt. Indira Gandhi was our Prime- yesterday.
minister then. 9. "Í°=ò last week =¶ native place …Õ
4. Mr. Rao =¶ä›½ J„¬C_È° „
ã x² •‡•….̃ LO_•<Œ=ò.
Mr. Rao was our Principal then. We were at our native place last week.
5. ƒì|¶ ~Œ*è O ã ^ Î ã „ ¬ ª •^£ =°# "³ ò ^Î \ ÷ 10. =°# =òY¼=°Oãu x#ßO`Œ _•bÁ…Õ L<Œß~°¡ .
~ŒR„¬u. The Chief-minister was in Delhi
Dr. Babu Rajendra Prasad was our first yesterday.

, : 94406 16425

11. "Í°=ò x#ß D time …Õ „¬sH›Æ ‚¬ð•°…Õ EXERCISE

L<Œß=ò. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
We were in the examination hall at this
time yesterday.
1. x#ß Pk"Œ~¡=ò.
12. =¶ father last week camp …Õ =ôO_•<Œ~¡°.
My father was on camp last week. 2. =¶ father J„¬C_È° P ‹¬¶ø…˜ ‚
Ì ì_£=¶‹¬~“ QŸ ê
13. "Í ° =ò z#ß„¬ C _È ° Hyderabad …Õ LO_•<Œ~¡°.
3. H›„²…˜^Í"£ J„¬C_È° =°# team captain..
We were in Hyderabad in our child-
hood days. 4. <Í#° J„¬C_È° XH› z#ß„²•Á"Œ_È#°.
14. =°# Indian team last month Australia
5. XH›„C¬ _È° WO_•†Ç¶ KŒ…ì c^Î ^͉=
× ò.
tour …Õ =ôO_•#k.
Our Indian team was on tour in 6. "Œ}÷N P~ËA•…Õ XH› ㄬ=òY #\÷.
Australia last month.
7. WO@~Ÿ…Õ Sanskrit <Œ second language.
15. Accident time …Õ <Í#° Bus stop ^ÎQ®¾~¡
L<Œß#°. 8. N N.T.R. TDP ª•Ö„ä¬ ½› _È°.
I was at the bus stop at the time of
accident. 9. N ‰×OH›~Ÿ^ΆǶˆ˜ ‰×~¡à J„¬C_È° =°# ~ŒR
16. <Í#° x#ß KŒ…ì busy Qê LO_•<Œ#°. Q®=~¡ß~Ÿ.
I was very busy yesterday. 10. =¶ grandfather J„¬C_È° =¶ =îi ‹¬~æ¡ OKŸ.
17. "Í°=ò XH›„¬C_È° KŒ…ì c^Î"Œ~¡=ò.
We were very poor once.
11. <Í#° x#ß office H÷ …è\˜ J~ò<Œ#°.
18. x#ß match KŒ…ì interesting Qê =ô#ßk. 12. <Í#° z#ß„¬C_È° KŒ…ì „²iH÷"Œ_È#°.
The cricket match was very interesting
13. "Œ~¡° XH›„C¬ _È° KŒ…ì ^•Î#=O`Ç°•°.
19. P"³° x#ß J<Œ~ËQ®¼OQê LO_•#k. 14. P"³° x#ß WO\ÕÁ XO@iQê LO_•#k.
She was sick yesterday.
15. x#ß English question paper KŒ…ì easy
20. x#ß Manager <ŒÌ „ á KŒ…ì HË„¬ O Qê Qê LO_•#k.
The manager was very angry with me
yesterday. Z
A live ass is better than a dead lion. 160
, : 94406 16425


11. x#ß h=ô English class …Õ ZO^ΰ䛽 …è=ô? D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
Why weren't you in the English class
1. x#ß programme ƒìQê …è^¥?
12. J`Ç_È° h䛽 JH›ø_È ZO^ΰ䛽 helpful Qê 2. D chapter last year syllabus …Õ …è^¥?
Why wasn't he helpful to you there? 3. x#ß JH›ø_È U problem …è^¥?
13. P"³° x#ß function …Õ ZO^ΰ䛽 …è^ΰ? 4. Olden days …Õ =°#^͉×O…Õ Jqhu…è^¥?
Why wasn't she in the function
5. QêOn• Qêi ‹²^¥œO`Œ•° ‹¬i†³°Ø #qHê"Œ?
yesterday ?
14. hÀ „ ~¡ °
first list …Õ ZO^Î ° ä› ½ …è ^ Î ° ?
6. ‡ã •*ÿä½› •“ ° xiàOKÇ@O J„¬æ\÷ „
ã ƒ
¬ •’°`ŒÞxH÷
Why wasn't your name in the first list?
ª•^•Î¼„_¬ …È ^è ¥?
15. x#ß ‡é\©…Õ h"³O^ΰ䛽 …è=ô? 7. J„¬æ\ÕÁ „¬O*샘 ‹¬=°‹¬¼ KŒ…ì H÷Á+¬“"³°Ø#k
Why weren't you in the competition Hê^¥?
yesterday? 8. P ‹¬O^Î~Ä¡•O…Õ J`Ç_°È ‹¬O`Ë+¬OQê…è_¨?
16. x#ß\÷ match …Õ Ganguly ZO^ΰ䛽 …è_È°? 9. WOk~ŒQêOn• =°Oãu=~¡O¾ …Õ M.S.R ‹¬ƒ•’°¼_°È
Why wasn't Ganguly in yesterday's
17. x#ß ZO^ΰ䛽 Ì‹•=ô Hê^ΰ? 10. Ongole XH› „ ¬ C _È ° Guntur l…ìÁ … Õxk
Why wasn't it a holiday yesterday? Hê^¥?
18. P ~ËA•…Õ _È|°Ä䛽 ZO^ΰ䛽 q•°=…è^ΰ? 11. h=ô x#ß P time …Õ WO\ÕÁ ZO^ΰ䛽…è=ô?
Why wasn't money valuable in those 12. P ~ËA•…Õ money ‹¬ O ‡•kOKÇ @ O
ZO^ΰ䛽 ‹¬°•ƒ•’O Hê^ΰ?
19. W„¬æ\÷ ~ËA•O`Ç "ÍQ®OQê J„¬æ\÷ ~ËA•°
13. D rules Jhß XH›„¬C_È° ZO^ΰ䛽…è=ô?
ZO^ΰ䛽 …è=ô?
Why weren't those days so fast as these 14. P"³° x#ß journey …Õ *ìãQ®`ÇëQê ZO^ΰ䛽O_È
days? …è^ΰ?
20. XH›„æ\
¬ ÷ WO_•†Ç¶ D<Œ\÷ WO_•†Ç¶ JO`Ç 15. h=ô x#ß JH›ø_È ‹¬i†³Ø°# ‹¬=°†Ç¶xH÷
|•OQê ZO^ΰ䛽 …è^ΰ? ZO^ΰ䛽…è=ô?
Why wasn't yester-India so strong as
today's India?
When love and skill work together, a masterpiece is expected. 166
, : 94406 16425


XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ LO_ȃÕ=ô

ª•Ö#=ò (Position) ‹¬Ö•=ò (Place) ‹²Öu (Condition) Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ° KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° next year officer Qê =ôO\ì#°. J N Ì+Hê=`Ÿ next President Qê LO\ì~¡°.
J next two weeks <Í#° =¶ =îi…Õ LO\ì#°. J "Œ~¡° WH›#°Oz =°#`Ë<Í LO\ì~¡°.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ LO_ȃÕ=ô ª•Ö#=ò
(Position) ‹¬Ö•=ò (Place) ‹²Öu (Condition) Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê ƒ•’=+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ J#Qê ~ö „¬ô, =KÍ"ó Œ~¡O, =KÍ<ó •³ , =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O
=°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° LO_ȃÕ=ô Position, Place or Condition ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
Future 'Be' form J~ò# "Will be" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note :
Subject Singular, Plural U^³á##¶ "will be" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. <Í#° next year Branch Manager Qê 6. P"³° g°ä›½ next year Head-mistress Qê
LO\ì#°. LO\ì~¡°.
I will be the Branch Manager next year. She will be your Head-mistress next
2. "Í°=ò next year final year q^¥¼~¡°Ö•°Qê year.
LO\ì=ò. 7. ö~„¬ô Ì‹•=ô.
We will be the final year students next Tomorrow will be a holiday.
year. 8. <Í#° ö~„¬ô D >ÿØO…Õ g°\÷OQ®°…Õ LO\ì#°.
3. ~Œ‚¬•…˜ ã^¥q_£ =°# \©O next captain. I will be in the meeting at this time
Rahul Dravid will be the next captain tomorrow.
of our team. 9. "Í°=ò WOHùH› ï~O_È° ‹¬O=`Ç•~Œ•° D
4. ö~„¬ô match winner J`Ç_Í. \º<£…Õ<Í LO\ì=ò.
He will be the winner of the match We will be in this town two more years.
tomorrow. 10. ö~„¬ô E-TV…Õ XH› special programme
5. WH›#°Oz P†Ç°# h䛽 ‹¬O~¡H›Æ䛽_È°. =ôO@°Ok.
He will be your guardian hereafter. There will be a special programme on
E.TV tomorrow.
, : 94406 16425

11. =KÍ ó "Í ‹ ¬ q …Õ water problem KŒ…ì EXERCISE

fã=OQê LO@°Ok. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
Water problem will be severe next
1. N=°u =°OA• =¶ Hê…è l H÷ next
12. Ì‹•H›Æ<£ `Ç~¡°"Œ`Ç 15 ~ËA• training
Principal Qê =ôO\ì~¡°.
There will be a 15 day training after 2. ö~„¬\÷ =¶¼KŸ…Õ ~Œ‚¬•…˜ ã^¥q_£ ïHÌ„“<£Qê
the selection. =ôO\ì_È°.
13. "Í°=ò WH› administration …Õ KŒ…ì strict 3. 2008 =~¡ä›½ N=°u ªéx†Ç¶ QêOn•
Qê LO\ì=ò. HêOãQï ‹¹ ‡•s“ J^•Î¼ä›½Æ ~ŒeQê LO\ì~¡°.
We will be very strict in administration
hereafter. 4. <Í#° ö~„¬ô D >ÿØ"£°H÷ _ȶ¼\©…Õ LO\ì#°.
14. =KÍó ~ï O_È° <³••° D ‡ã •O`ÇO…Õ =~ŒÂ•° 5. "Í°=ò WH›#°Oz work …Õ sincere Qê
LO\ì~ò. LO\ì=ò.
There will be rains in this area next two 6. ö ~ „¬ ô match KŒ…ì interesting Qê
15. <Í#° ö~„¬ô KŒ…ì busy Qê LO\ì#°.
7. Dª•i question paper easy Qê
I will be very busy tomorrow.
16. ö~„¬ô WH›ø_È "Œ`Œ=~¡}O KÇ•ÁQê LO@°Ok.
The weather will be cold here 8. "Œ~¡° WH› =¶ WO\ÕÁ<Í LO\ì~¡°.
tomorrow. 9. "Í ° =ò WH› # °Oz KŒ…ì careful Qê
17. "Í°=ò h䛽 JH›ø_È KŒ…ì helpful Qê LO\ì=ò.
=ôO\ì=ò. 10. J`Ç_È° P committee H÷ next Chairman
We will be helpful to you there.
Qê LO\ì_È°.
18. ö~„¬ô P„¦Ô‹¬°…Õ staff meeting =ôO@°Ok.
There will be a staff meeting in the
11. <Í#° h䛽 WH›ø_È helpful Qê =ôO\ì#°.
office tomorrow. 12. =¶ brother next year university …Õ
19. =KÍó ~ï O_È° <³••° =¶q°_• ^•Î~¡ KñH›Qê LO\ì_È°.
LO@°Ok. 13. N=°u =¶•u 2008 =~¡ä›½ D scool …Õ
The price of mango will be cheap next
Head-mistress Qê LO\ì~¡°.
two months.
20. ~ö „¬ô ‡•s“ KŒ…ì grand Qê =ôO@°Ok.
The party will be very grand tomorrow. Z
One man's meat is another man's poison. 170
, : 94406 16425


11. h=ô ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ ZO^ΰ䛽 successful Qê D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
Why won't you be successful in future?
1. h=ô ö~„¬ô camp …Õ LO_È"Œ?
12. D course g°ïHO^ΰ䛽 useful Qê LO_È^°Î ?
Why won't this course be useful to you? 2. P†Ç°# P college H÷ next Principal Qê
13. ƒ•’q+¬¼`°Ç …ë Õ soft -ware H÷ ZO^ΰ䛽 _•=¶O_£
=ôO_È^ΰ? 3. P"³° next year D dept …Õ LO_È^¥?
Why won't there be demand for soft-
ware in future? 4. "Œ~¡° WH› P Ti…Õ LO_È~Œ?
14. J`Ç_°È ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ =°Oz position …Õ 5. g°~¡° ö~„¬ô P game …Õ LO_È~Œ?
Why won't he be in a good position in 6. ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ ƒ•ì~¡`^Ç ‰Í O× …Õ Jqhu LO_È^¥?
7. ö~„¬ô Ì‹•=ô =ôO_È^¥?
15. P"³° P~ËQ®¼OQê ZO^ΰ䛽 =ôO_È^ΰ?
Why won't she be healthy? 8. J`Ç_°È WH› h ƒ•ìQ®ª•Þq°Qê LO_È_¨?
16. "Œ~¡° Dª•i ‡é\©…Õ ZO^ΰ䛽 =ôO_È~°¡ ? 9. P†Ç°# WH› P post …Õ ZO^ΰ䛽 =ôO_È_È°?
Why won't they be in the competition
this time?
10. h=ô ö ~ „¬ ô discussions …Õ ZO^Î ° ä› ½
17. h=ô ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ "Œ¼‡•~¡~O¡ Q®O…Õ ZO^ΰ䛽
LO_È=ô? 11. g°~¡° WH› P club …Õ members Qê ZO^ΰ䛽
Why won't you be in the business field =ôO_È~¡°?
in future?

18. D book =°#ä› ½ ZO^Î ° ä› ½ 12. "Œ~¡° WH› g°^Î@ ZO^ΰ䛽 H›e‹²=ôO_È~¡°?
=ô„¬†³¶Q®„¬_È^ΰ? 13. h=ô WH› g°^Î @ <Œ`Ë ZO^Î ° ä› ½
Why won't this book be useful to us?
co-operative Qê LO_È=ô?
19. Next year #°O_• degree course ZO^ΰ䛽
‹¬°•ƒ•’OQê =ôO_È^°Î ? 14. J`Ç_È° P „¬^Îq…Õ Z䛽ø= Hê•O ZO^ΰ䛽
Why won't the Degree course be easy LO_È_È°?
from next year on words?
15. D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O ZO^ΰ䛽 =~ŒÂ•° =ôO_È=ô?
20. "Œ~¡ ° D ~¡ O Q® O …Õ ZO^Î ° ä› ½ ‹² Ö ~ ¡ O Qê
Why won't they be constant in this field? Z
The hands that help are holier than the lips that pray. 176
, : 94406 16425


XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò „
ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë =
Ç ò L#ß ª•Ö#=ò (Position) ‹¬Ö•=ò (Place) ‹²Öu (Condition)
…Õ ZO`ÇHê•OQê L#ßn ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J "Í°=ò 1995 #°O_• D town …Õ L<Œß=ò. J P"³° KŒ…ì Hê•OQê J<Œ~ËQ®¼OQê L#ßk.
J "Œ~¡° Q®`Ç 5 ‹¬OI • #°O_• U.S.A. …Õ =ô<Œß~¡°. J <Í#° Q®`Ç 5 ‹¬OI •°Qê D Hê…èl…Õ lecturer Qê L<Œß#°.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•° =°#=ò „
ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë =
Ç ò L#ß ª•Ö#=ò (Position) ‹¬•Ö =ò (Place) ‹²u
Ö (Condition)
…Õ ZO`ÇHê•OQê L#ßn ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê „ã ‹¬ °¬ `ë =Ç ò =°#=ò L#ß XH› Position, Place or Condition …Õ ZO`Ç Hê•OQê ,
Zxß ~ËA•°, Zxß <³••°, Zxß ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡=ò•°Qê L#ßk ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
'Have been' / 'Has been' L„¬†³¶yOKÇ =…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õ
'I, We, You, They ' SubjectQê L#ß„¬ô_È° "Have been"
He, She, It Subject Qê L#ß„¬ô_È° "Has been" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. <Í#° Q®`Ç <Œ•°Q®° ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡=ò•°Qê D 6. <Í#° Q®`Ç 10 ‹¬O=`Ç•~Œ•°Qê D H›O„
Ì h
college student Qê =ô<Œß#°. L^˼yQê =ô<Œß#°.
I have been a student of this college I have been an employee of this
for four years. company for the past ten years.
2. "Í°=ò 1995 #°O_• D Hê•h "Œ‹¬°•°Qê 7. N †Ç ° O.\÷ . H› $ +¬ â ƒ ì|° Q® ` Ç ï ~ O_È °
=ô<Œß=ò. ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡=ò•°Qê „ ã H¬ ê‰×Ol…ìÁ H›…Hÿ ~“› °¡ Qê
We have been the residents of this =ô<Œß~¡°.
colony since 1995. Sri M.T. Krishna Babu has been the
3. N KÇOã^΃ì|° 1994 #°O_• T.D.P. Collector of Prakasam District for the
J^•Î¼ä›½Æ •°Qê L<Œß~°¡ . past two years.
Sri Chandra Babu has been the 8. <Í#° 1985 #°Oz D H›ƒ
Á ˜ ‹¬ƒ•’°¼_•Qê
President of the T.D.P. since 1994. =ô<Œß#°.
4. N=°u =¶•f^Íq Q®`Ç 5 ‹¬OII•°Qê =¶ I have been a member of this club
Hê…èl „ã x² •‡•…˜Qê =ô<Œß~°¡ . since 1985.
Mrs. Malathi Devi has been our 9. =¶ cousin KŒ…ì Hê•OQê K³ < ³ ß å … Õ
Principal for the past five years. LO@°<Œß_È°.
5. "Œ~¡° KŒ…ìHê•OQê =¶ ‡Ú~¡°Q®°# =ô<Œß~°¡ . My cousin has been in Chennai for a
They have been our neighbours for a long time.
long time.

, : 94406 16425

10. <Œ z#ß`# Ç O #°O_• =¶ father <Œä›½ EXERCISE

Q®°~¡°=ô. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
My father has been my teacher since
my childhood.
11. z#ß„æ¬\÷ #°O_• Harish =°i†Çò <Í#° 1. <Í # ° z#ß ` Ç # =ò #°O_• =¶
close friends Qê =ô<Œß=ò. grandparents `Ë<Í L<Œß#°.
Harish and I have been close friends 2. "Í°=ò KŒ…ì Hê•OQê D state …Õ<Í
since childhood.
12. Q®`Ç "Œ~¡O ~ËA•°Qê "Í°=ò KŒ…ì busy
Qê =ô<Œß=ò. 3. Q®`Ç "Œ~¡O ~ËA•°Qê degree students
We have been very busy for the past stricke …Õ L<Œß~¡°.
one week. 4. Q®`Ç 15 ‹¬OII•°Qê P†Ç°# lawyer Qê
13. KŒ…ìHê•OQê P"³° J<Œ~ËQ®¼OQê =ô#ßk. L<Œß~¡°.
She has been ill for a long time. 5. x#ß\÷ #°Oz P"³° =¶ WO\ÕÁ<Í L#ßk.
14. Q®`Ç <Œ•°Q®° ~ËA•°Qê P†Ç°# leave …Õ 6. "Œ~¡° Q®`Ç 25 ‹¬OII•°Qê =¶ town …Õ
leading businessmen Qê L<Œß~¡°.
He has been on leave for the past four
days. 7. N KÇOã^΃ì|° `Ç# college ~ËA• #°O_Í
15. Q®`Ç "Œ~¡O ~ËA•°Qê "Œ`Œ=~¡}O KÇ•ÁQê ~Œ[H©†Ç¶•…Õ L<Œß~¡°.
L#ßk. 8. <Í#° 1995 #°O_• D ‹¬O‹¬…Ö Õ L^˼yx.
The weather has been cold for the last 9. Q®`Ç 4 ‹¬OII•°Qê P case ^Î~Œ¼„¬ôë…Õ L#ßk.
one week.
16. J„¬æ¬\÷#°Oz P†Ç°# <Œg°^Î HË„¬OQê 10. "Í°=ò Q®`Ç HùO`Ç Hê•OQê troubles …Õ
=ô<Œß~¡°. L<Œß=ò.
He has been angry with me since then. 11. P"³° Q®`Ç "Œ~¡O ~ËA•°Qê HË=¶…Õ L#ßk.
17. P"³° 10 ~ËA•°Qê hospital …Õ =ô#ßk. 12. P ‹¬O‹¬Ö ª•Ö„O² z# <Œ\÷ #°O_• P†Ç°#
She has been in the hospital for ten ^¥xH÷ chairman Qê L<Œß~¡°.
13. Q®`Ç 20 ‹¬OII•°Qê J`Ç_°È "ŒiH÷ #=°àH›"°³ #
18. Q®`HÇ ùkí~ËA•°Qê "Œ~¡° <Œä›½ KŒ…ì helpful
Qê =ô<Œß~¡°. À‹=䛽_È°Qê L<Œß_È.
They have been helpful to me for a few 14. J`Ç_È° Q®`Ç 20 ‹¬OII•°Qê `³•°Q®°^͉×O
days. Hê~¡¼H›~¡ë Qê L<Œß_È°.
19. J„¬æ\÷#°Oz J`Ç_È° active Qê =ô<Œß_È°. 15. Q®`Ç 25 ‹¬OII•°Qê „¬tó=° ƒÿOQê…˜ …Õ
He has been active since then. H›=ü¼x‹¬°“ ‡•s“ Jk•Hê~¡=ò…Õ L#ßk.
20. P case Q®`Ç 10 ‹¬O=`Ç•~Œ•°Qê qKŒ~¡}…Õ
That case has been under trial for ten
years. Z
One must hope for better times. 180
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Have been / Has been" •
Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. Have been / Has been J#° nxx grammar …Õ Present Perfect
'Be' form JO\ì~¡°. nx…Õ 1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form J#° 3
parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 3 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° L#ß XH› Position, Place or Condition …Õ ZO`Ç
Hê•OQê LO@°#ßn ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò`Ë ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Have been / Has been"
Ex : 1. I have been here since 7 'O' clock.
2. We have been on special duty for three days.
3. He has been ill for a long time.
4. She has been with us since July last.
Q®`ÇO…Õx HùO`ÇHê•OQê =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° …è#@°=O\÷ XH› Position, Place,
Condition ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "havenot been / has not been" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I havenot been in the town for two days.
2. We have not been in the office since morning.
3. She hasnot been well for one week.
ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò =°#=ò=ô#ß XH› position, place, condition •…Õ ZO`Ç Hê•OQê =ôO@°#ßn
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Have been / Has been" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Have you been busy for one week ?
2. Have they been here since morning ?
3. Has he been your Principal for four years ?
4. Has she been sick since yesterday ?

, : 94406 16425

=°#=ò ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ Hùxß „¬#°•° K͆°Ç =…ÿ ##° L^Í‰í ¼× =ò H›ey †ÇòO^ΰ=ò. XHùøH›øª•i
W`Ç~¡°•`Ë =¶\ìÁ_È° KÇ°#ß„¬ô_È° =°#=ò (I, we) ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ P „¬#°•#° K͆ò Ç L^Í‰í ¼× =ò#°
Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° ö~„¬ô leave apply Kͪ•ë#°. J "Í°=ò D ª•i ^΋~¬ Œ „¬O_È°Q® =¶ Ti…Õ [~¡°„¬ô䛽O\ì=ò.
J "Í°=ò D town …Õ<Í settle J=ô`Œ=ò. J <Í#° next month scooter HùO\ì#°.
D q^•Î=òQê ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ ~ö „¬ô, =KÍó "Œ~¡O, =KÍó <³•, =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH›
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx U W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^³#á #° <Í#° (I) , …èH› "Í°=ò (we), =°#=ò XH› „¬xx K͆Çò
L^Íí‰×¼=ò#° (idea) ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Shall + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : WKÇ@ =° # =ò `Ç„¬æH› K͆Çò„¬#°•° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@…è^ΰ . öH=•O XH› „¬xx

K͆Çò L^Íí‰×¼=ò#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@. 'Shall' J#° form öH=•O I, We J#° subjects 䛽
=¶ã`Ç"Í° =KÇ°ó#°.
'<ŒÑ L^Íí‰×¼=ò '<Í#°Ñ ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@ Ð 'I shall'
'=¶Ñ L^Íí‰×¼=ò#° "Í°=ò ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@ Ð 'We shall'
1. <Í # ° ö ~ „¬ ô Ì ‹ q°<Œ~Ÿ … Õ ‡•…ç¾ O \ì#°. 6. "Í ° =ò ö ~ „¬ ô g°\÷ O Q· … Õ D q+¬ † Ç ° O
I shall participate in the seminar. KÇiªó •ë=ò.
2. "Í°=ò =KÍó "Œ~¡O "³°‹
Ø ¶
¬ ~Ÿ visit Kͪ•ë=ò. We shall discuss this matter in the
We shall visit Mysore next week. meeting tomorrow.
3. <Í#°=KÍó <³• computer course join 7. <Í#° =KÍó "Œ~¡O <Œ L^˼Q®O Q®°iOz
XH› x~¡â†Ç°O f‹¬°ä›½O\ì#°.
J=ô`Œ#°. I shall take a decision about my
I shall join the computer course next studies next week.
8. "Í°=ò =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O <³•¶Á~°¡ …Õ branch
4. "Í°=ò =KÍó [#=i…Õ family Hyderabad open Kͪ•ë=ò.
H÷ shift Kͪ•ë=ò. We shall open a branch in Nellore next
We shall shift our family to year.
Hyderabad next January. 9. <Í#°`ÇÞ~¡…Õ Delhi "³ˆ×`Œ#°.
I shall leave for Delhi soon.
5. <Í#° =KÍó Pk"Œ~¡O =¶ friends x =¶ 10. "Í°=ò =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O q[†Ç°"Œ_È…Õ
WO\÷H÷ invite Kͪ•ë#°. settle J=ô`Œ=ò.
I shall invite my friends to my house We shall settle down in Vijayawada
next Sunday. next year.

, : 94406 16425

11. <Í#° =KÍó "Œ~¡O bank test H÷ appear
J=ô`Œ#°. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
I shall appear for the bank test next
week. 1. <Í#° ö~„¬ô D q+¬†Ç°O…Õ h䛽 help
12 "Í°=ò next Monday bank Manager Kͪ•ë#°.
#° consult J=ô`Œ=ò. 2. "Í ° =ò =KÍ ó "Œ~¡ O H© Þ *˜ ‡é\©
We shall consult the Bank Manager
next Monday.
13. <Í#° next week leave H÷ apply 3. <Í#° =KÍó <³• ãHù`Çë course …Õ join
Kͪ•ë#°. J=ô`Œ#°.
I shall apply for leave next week. 4. "Í°=ò `ÇÞ~¡…Õ WH›ø_È W•°Á construct
14. "Í°=ò =KÍó Uㄲ…˜…Õ annual day Kͪ•ë=ò.
5. <Í#° ~ö „¬ô x#°ß P„¦‹
Ô °¬ …Õ H›•°ª•ë#°.
We shall celebrate the annual day
next April. 6. "Í°=ò =KÍó "Œ~¡O „Ì O_••OQ· files clear
15. <Í#° ö~„¬ô "ŒiH÷ D q+¬†Ç°O Kͪ•ë=ò.
`³e†Ç°*誕ë#°. 7. <Í # ° ö ~ „¬ ô J`Ç x `Ë D q+¬ † Ç ° O
I shall inform them this news tomor- =¶\ìÁ_È°`Œ#°.
row .
8. "Í°=ò =KÍó <³• 5 # =¶ ‡•„¬ birthday
16. "Í°=ò ö~„¬ô JH›ø_È guests 䛽 =‹¬u
U~Œæ@° Kͪ•ë=ò. KŒ…ì grand Qê celebrate Kͪ•ë=ò.
We shall provide accommodation 9. <Í#° =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡=ò Q®°O@¶~¡° A.C.
for the guests there tomorrow. Hê…èl…Õ join J=ô`Œ#°.
17. <Í#° next time P job HË‹¬O ㄬ†Ç°`ÇßO 10. "Í°=ò =KÍó _•Ì‹O|~Ÿ…Õ Hù`Çë WO\ÕÁH÷
Kͪ•ë#°. shift J=ô`Œ=ò.
I shall try for that job next time.
11. <Í#° ö~„¬ô marriage …Õ J`ÇxH÷ XH› watch
18. "Í°=ò =KÍó <³• P W•°Á Mìm Kͪ•ë=ò.
present Kͪ•ë#°.
We shall vacate that house next
month. 12. "Í°=ò =KÍó "Í‹¬q…Õ tour x~¡Þ‚²ìª•ë=ò.
19. <Í#° ö~„¬ô SBI …Õ ~¡¶. 50,000/Ð 13. <Í#° next summer …Õ English grammar
_•‡•l\˜ Kͪ•ë#°. <Í~¡°ó䛽O\ì#°.
I shall deposit Rs. 50,000/- in the 14. "Í ° =ò D ª•i function H÷ =¶
SBI tomorrow.
|O^•Î°=ô•O^Îih P‚¬ðÞxª•ë=ò.
20. "Í°=ò ö~„¬ô g°\÷OQ·H÷ Jxß U~Œæ@°Á
Kͪ•ë=ò. 15. <Í#° D ª•i ZxßH›•…Õ BJP H÷ F@°
We shall make all the arrangements "ͪ•ë#°.
for the meeting tomorrow. Z
Cut your coat according to the cloth. 188
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Shall' Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò.
'Shall' J#° ^¥xx grammar …Õ Anomalous Verb - (Future Form) JO\ì~¡°. nx…Õ =°#=ò
1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form J#°
4 parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ XH› „¬xx K͆ò
Ç L^͉œ ¼× =ò#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Shall + I form of the Verb "
L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°. I, We - Subject Qê L#ß„¬C_È° =¶ã`Ç"Í° 'shall' =KÇ°ó#°.
Ex : 1. I shall meet you tomorrow.
2. We shall celebrate the Farewell Party next Sunday.
3. I shall appear for the I-CET next May.
4. We shall organize a tour next month.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ XH› „¬xx K͆°Ç H› ‡é=ô@#° (L^͉œ ¼× =ò …èH)› negative sense …Õ ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Shall not + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I shall not continue my studies next year.
2. We shall not stay here tomorrow.
3. I shall not join this course.
4. We shall not seek his help in this matter.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ XH› „¬xx K͆ò
Ç L^͉œ ¼× =ò#° Q®°iOz „
ã t
¬ ßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Shall
+ I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Shall I consult the Manager tomorrow?
2. Shall we visit Mysore next month?
3. Shall I come here tomorrow?
4. Shall we play a friendly match next Sunday?
Vƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ =°#=ò K͆°Ç x XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz (L^͉œ ¼× =ò …èH)› negative sense …Õ
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Shalln't + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Shalln't I wait for you tomorrow?
2. Shalln't we invite them to the party next week?
3. Shalln't I bring books for you?
4. Shalln't we stay here tonight?

, : 94406 16425

=°#=ò Hùxß „¬#°•° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ `Ç„æ¬ H› K͆°Ç =…ÿ#x x~¡~â òOKÇ°HùO^ΰ=ò. XHùøH›ø
ª•i W`Ç~°¡ •`Ë =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß„C¬ _È° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ `Ç„æ¬ H› K͆ò
„¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
1 <Í#° D ª•i `Ç„æ¬ H› prize Qï •°ª•ë#°. 2. "Í°=ò =KÍ ó<³• `Ç„¬æH› loan clear KÇªÍ •ë=ò.
3. P"³° D ª•i =°#•#° `Ç„æ¬ H› P‚¬ðÞx‹¬°Oë k. 5. ªÏ~¡"£ Q®OQ®¶b =°~¡• captain J=ô`Œ_È°.
D q^•Î=òQê =°#=òQêx "Í~ùH›~°¡ Qêx ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ ~ö „¬ô, =KÍ"ó Œ~¡O, =KÍó
<³•, =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH› ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx =°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^³#á #° `Ç„æ¬ H› definite Qê K͆°Ç ƒÕ=ô
XH› „¬xx ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
" Will + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
Subject Singular, PluralU^³á##° "Will + I form" =KÇ°ó#°.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ K͆°Ç ƒÕ=ô XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz XH› Q®\“÷ x~¡†
â °Ç O f‹¬°Hùx P „¬xx `Ç„æ¬ H›
K͆Çò@Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@.
1. <Í#° D „¬sH›Æ…Õ `Ç„¬æH› pass J=ô`Œ#°. 6. "Œ~¡° =KÍó _•‰×O|~¡°…Õ D HË~¡°• „¬îië
I will pass this examination definitely. Kͪ•ë~°¡ .
They will complete this course next
2. "Í°=ò Yzó`ÇOQê D q+¬†Ç°O…Õ h䛽 December.
support Kͪ•ë=ò. 7. ZxßH›• H›g°+¬<£ `ÇÞ~¡…Õ ZxßH›• `Ín•#°
We will support you in this matter. ㄬH›\÷‹¬°ëOk.
3. h=ô `Ç Þ ~¡ … Õ appointment orders The Election Commission will
JO^Îΰ䛽O\ì=ô. announce the election dates soon.
You will receive the appointment 8. D train ~ö „¬ô L^Ά°Ç O 10 Q®OII•ä›½ _••bÁ
orders soon. KÍ~¡°ä›½O@°Ok.
This train will reach Delhi at 10 a.m.
4. ~Œ‚¬•…˜ ã^¥q_£ Indian team H÷ next tomorrow.
captain J=ô`Œ_È°. 9. "Œ~¡° ö~„¬ô J`Çxx hospital …Õ admit
Rahul Dravid will become the next Kͪ•ë~°¡ .
captain of the Indian team. They will admit him to hospital
5. Mrs. ªéx†Ç¶ QêOn• =°~¡• J"Í°n• #°O_• 10. "Œ~¡° =KÍ ó<³• ãHù`Çë product #° =¶ï~ø\˜
‡•~¡"Á °³ O\˜ä½› ‡é\© Kͪ•ë~°¡ . …ÕxH÷ q_È°^Ε Kͪ•ë~°¡ .
Mrs. Sonia Gandhi will contest to the They will release a new product into
Parliament from Amethi again. the market next month.

, : 94406 16425

11. =¶ "Í°<Í[~Ÿ ö~„¬ô Vizag camp "³ˆ×`Œ~¡°. EXERCISE

Our Manager will go on camp to
Vizag tomorrow.
D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
12. =òY¼=°Oãu _••…ÕÁ…Õ ~ö „¬ô „ã ^¬ •¥x`Ë ~ŒR
‹¬=°‹¬¼•° KÇióª•ë~°¡ . 1. <Í#° ö~„¬ô `Ç„¬æH› „¬sH›Æ „¦ÔA pay Kͪ•ë#°.
The C.M will discuss the state
2. "Í ° =ò D q+¬ † Ç ° O…Õ hä› ½ `Ç „ ¬ æ H›
problems with the P.M. in Delhi
tomorrow. ‹¬‚ì¬ H›iª•ë=ò.
13. D world cup ‡é\©•…Õ =°# Indian 3. =¶ father ~ö „¬ô =¶ „ã x ² •„¬…#
˜ ° consult
team finals H÷ KÍ~¡°ä›½O@°Ok. J=ô`Œ~¡°.
The Indian team will reach the finals
in this world cup tournments.
4. P"³° ö~„¬ô `Ç# 21= „¬ô\÷“# ~ËA [~¡°„¬ô
14. H›=ü¼x‹¬°“ ‡•s“ "Œ~¡° =KÍ ó ªé=°"Œ~¡O 䛽O@°Ok.
‚Ì ìá ^Î~Œƒì^£…Õ ƒ•ìs ~Œ¼b x~¡Þ‚²ìª•ë~°¡ . 5. "Œ~¡° =KÍó<³• bank loan clear Kͪ•ë~°¡ .
The Communist parties will organise
6. ö~„¬ô annual day celebrations …Õ "Í°=ò
a huge ralley in Hyderabad next
Monday. XH› <Œ\÷H› „ã ^ ¬ iΠŪ•ë=ò.
15. "Œ~¡° D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O "Œ¼‡•~¡O…Õ Ì„^Îí 7. Lª•àx†Ç¶ †Çüx=i•\© E<£ 16#
amount „Ì @°“|_• „Ì _È`Œ~¡°. B.Ed., entrance test x~¡Þ‚²ì‹¬°ëOk.
They will invest a big amount in the
business this year.
8. ö~„¬ô =¶ WO\÷H÷ guests =ª•ë~°¡ .
16. =¶ uncle retire J†Ç ° # `Ç ~ ¡ ° "Œ`Ç 9. =¶ brother next year USA "³ˆìë_È°.
business start Kͪ•ë~°¡ . 10. =¶ father D ª•i =òx‹²„…¬ ˜ ZxßH•› …Õ
My uncle will start business after his ‡é\©KªÍ •ë~°¡ .
17. "Œ~¡° `ÇÞ~¡…Õ XH› English dictionary 11. "Œ~¡ ° ö ~ „¬ ô 7 p.m H÷ programme
publish Kͪ•ë~°¡ . ‡ã •~¡Oa•ª•ë~°¡ .
They will publish a new English 12. "Í°=ò next Sunday Hindi test "ã Œª•ë=ò.
Dictionary soon.
13. =¶ father next June …Õ =¶ brother x
18. C.B.I. P öH‹¬° ^Î~Œ¼„¬ôë KÍ‹¬°ëOk.
The C.B.I. will investigate the case. B.Tech …Õ admit Kͪ•ë~°¡ .
19. ö~„¬ô H›…ÿH›“~¡° programme #° inaugurate 14. <Í # ° x#°ß =°~¡ • ö ~ „¬ ô ª•†Ç ° Oã ` Ç O
Kͪ•ë~°¡ . H›•°ª•ë#°.
The Collector will inaugurate the
programme tomorrow.
15. English lecturer ~ö „¬ô =°#䛽 new poem
20. ㄬƒ•’°`ÇÞO `ÇÞ~¡…Õ ordinance pass explain Kͪ•ë~°¡ .
The government will pass the
ordinance soon.
Birds of the same feather gather together. 198
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Will' Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò.
'Will' J#° ^¥xx grammar …Õ Anomalous Verb - (Future Form) JO\ì~¡°. nx…Õ =°#=ò
1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form J#° 4
parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ `Ç„æ¬ HK
› †
Í ò
Ç XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Will
+ I form of the verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I will help you in this matter. 2. We will organize a tour next month.
3. She will join MBA next June. 3. He will participate in the seminar next Sunday.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ K͆°Ç x XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz negative sense
…Õ ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽"Won't + I form of the verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I won't stay here tomorrow. 2. We won't settle down in this town.
3. He won't come here next week. 4. They won't accept to this proposal.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°ë…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ `Ç„¬æH›K͆Çò XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ㄬtßOKÇ°@#°
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Will + I form of the verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Will you post this letter?
2. Will you visit Tirumala next month?
3. Will you complete the course next December?
4. Will they vacate the house next month?
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ XH›~°¡ K͆°Ç x XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz negative sense
…Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽"Won't + I form of the verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Won't you come here tomorrow?
2. Won't you stay here tonight?
3. Won't you join college next year?
4. Won't they pay the bill tomorrow?

, : 94406 16425

XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò W`Ç~°¡ •`Ë =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß„C¬ _È° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ
XH› „¬xx K͆ò Ç J=Hê‰×=ò (Possibility) #° Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò. P „¬x [~¡Q= ® KÇ°ó,
[~¡Q®H›‡é=KÇ°ó. ‹¬O^Í‚¬ì=òQê (doubtful) K³„¬CKÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° ö~„¬ô =¶ brother `Ë K³<³áß "³ˆ×¤=KÇ°ó. J "Í°=ò |‚¬•‰§ =KÍó <³• D W•°Á Mìm K͆°Ç =KÇ°.ó
J P"³° `ÇÞ~¡…Õ „¬îiëQê HË•°HË=KÇ°ó. J D ~ËA ~ŒãuH÷ H˪•ë l…ìÁ…Õ =~¡ÂO „¬_È=KÇ°ó.

D q^•Î=òQê ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ ~ö „¬ô, =KÍó "Œ~¡O, =KÍó <³•, =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH›
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°ë…Õx =°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^³á##° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° XH› „¬xx K͆Çò J=Hê‰×=ò
(Possibility) Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"May + I form of the Verb" =KÇ°ó#°.

öH=•O XH› „¬xx K͆Çò J=Hê‰×=ò#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@ (doubtful).

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
Subject Singular, Plural U^³á##° "May + I form" =KÇ°ó#°.

1. <Í#° ö~„¬ô
office H÷ late Qê ~Œ=KÇ°ó. 6. P"³° |‚¬•‰§ D proposal X„¬CHË=KÇ°ó.
I may come to office late tomorrow.
She may accept to this proposal.
2. "Í°=ò |‚¬•‰§ D \º<£…Õ<Í settle 7. D ª•i |‚¬•‰§ Congress öHOã^ÎO…Õ
Hê=KÇ°ó. ã „ ¬ ƒ •’ ° `Ç Þ O U~Œæ@° KÍ † Ç ° =KÇ ° ó .
We may settle down in this town. The Congress may form the govt. at
centre this time.
3. =¶ brother Dª•i teacher post
8. "Œ~¡ ° |‚¬ • ‰§ D "Œ~¡ O …Õ orders
My brother may get the teacher post JO^ΰHË=KÇ°ó.
this time. They may receive the orders this

4. "Œ~¡° |‚¬•‰§ =°#䛽 JH›ø_È =‹¬u week.

H›eæOKÇ=KÇ°ó. 9. P"³° `ÇÞ~¡…Õ „¬îiëQê HË•°HË=KÇ°ó.

They may provide us accommodation She may recover completely soon.
there. 10. "Œ~¡° |‚¬•‰§ ö~„¬ô g°\÷OQ· "Œ~ò^¥
5. D ~ËA G.T. Express late Qê ~Œ=KÇ°ó. "͆ǰ=KÇ°ó.
The G.T. Express may arrive late They may postpone the meeting
today. tomorrow.
, : 94406 16425

11. <Í#° |‚¬•‰§ =KÍó Pk"Œ~¡O K³<ßá³ "³ˆ¤×=KÇ°ó.
I may go to Chennai next Sunday. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
12. "Œ~¡° |‚¬•‰§ ~ö „¬ôª•†Ç°Oã`OÇ q[†Ç°"Œ_È
KÍ~¡°HË=KÇ°ó. 1. <Í#° |‚¬•‰§ Dª•i „¬sH›Æ second class
They may reach Vijayawada tomorrow …Õ pass Hê=KÇ°ó.
2. "Í°=ò |‚¬•‰§ D ~ËA D „¬x „¬îië
13. "Œ~¡° ö~„¬ô =°#䛽 Ì‹•=ô ㄬH›\÷OKÇ=KÇ°ó.
They may declare a holiday for us
tomorrow. 3. =¶ father D "Œ~¡ O <Œä› ½ money
14. |‚¬•‰§ ~ö „¬ô, =°~¡°<Œ_È° H˪•ë l…ìÁ•…Õ „¬O„¬=KÇ°ó.
=~¡ÂO„¬_È=KÇ°ó. 4. P"³° K³<³áß…Õ =KÍó "Œ~¡O heart specialist
It may rain in the coastal districts x consult Hê=KÇ°ó.
tomorrow and day after tomorrow. 5. ö~„¬ô match …Õ |‚¬•‰§ ~Œ‚¬ì…˜ ã^¥q_£
15. "Œ~¡ ° D „¬ x H÷ ‹¬ ° =¶~¡ ° 4000~¡ ¶ . team x lead K͆ǰ=KÇ°ó.
demand K͆ǰ=KÇ°ó. 6. D ª•i 䛕_¨ T.D.P. öHOã^ÎO…Õ B.J.P. H÷
They may demand Rs. 4000 for this =°^Îí`Ç° W=Þ=KÇ°ó.
7. "Œ~¡° `ÇÞ~¡…Õ `Ç=° x~¡† â °Ç O „
ã H¬ \
› O÷ KÇ=KÇ°ó.
16. N "³OH›†°Ç ¼<Œ†Çò_È° =°~¡• ‡•s“ „
Ìã ‹²_O³ \˜
8. ö ~ „¬ ô _•ã w q^¥¼~¡ ° Ö • ° HêÁ ‹ ¬ ° •°
Sri Venkaiah Naidu may become party
President again. 9. |‚¬ • ‰§ Indian team =KÍ ó PQ® ‹ ¬ ° “ … Õ
17. Degree `Ç~°¡ "Œ`Ç =¶ brother |‚¬•‰§ job WOQêÁO_£ „¬~¡¼\÷OKÇ=KÇ°ó.
H÷ try K͆ǰ=KÇ°ó. 10. Ex†Ç°~Ÿ _¨H›“~¡°Á WOHùH› "Œ~¡O strike
My brother may try for a job after his Hù#ª•yOKÇ=KÇ°.ó
Degree. 11. `ÇÞ~¡…Õ „ ã ƒ
¬ •’°`ÇÞO †Çò=䛽• HË‹¬O XH›
18. =¶ cousin =KÍó _•Ì‹O|~Ÿ…Õ USA „¬^ŠÎH›O ㄬ"͉×Ì„@“=KÇ°ó.
"³ˆ×¤=KÇ°ó. 12. XH›\÷ ï~O_È° <³••…Õ P†Ç°# L^˼QêxH÷
My cousin may leave for the USA next ~Œr<Œ=¶ K͆ǰ=KÇ°ó.
19. J`Ç _ È ° g°ä› ½ D q+¬ † Ç ° O…Õ help
13. "Œ~¡° `ÇÞ~¡…Õ WO_•†Ç¶ä›½ uiy ~Œ=KÇ°.ó
14. |‚¬ • ‰§ "Œ~¡ ° P‹¬ Ö • O…Õ `Ç Þ ~¡ … Õ XH›
shopping complex xiàOKÇ=KÇ°ó.
He may help you in this matter.
20. "Œ~¡ ° |‚¬ • ‰§ J`Ç x x clerk Qê 15. =¶ brother `Ç# vizag tour cancel
x†Ç°q°OKÇ=KÇ°ó. KÍ‹¬°HË=KÇ°ó.
They may appoint him a clerk.
Borrowed garments donot fit well. 208
, : 94406 16425

XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò W`Ç~°¡ •`Ë =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß„C¬ _È° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ
XH›~°¡ XH› „¬xx K͆°Ç Q®• ª•=°~¡¼œ =ò (ability) #° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J "Í°=ò D ‹¬=°‹¬¼#° ‹¬•ƒ•’=òQê „¬i+¬øiOKÇ Q®•=ò.
J <Í#° ~ËA䛽 „¬k Q®O@•° „¬xK͆ǰQ®•#°.
J "Œ~¡° Dª•i "Œ¼‡•~¡O…Õ =°Oz profits ‡ÚO^ÎQ•® ~¡°.
J =¶ brother English ƒìQê =¶\ìÁ_ÈQ®•_È°.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•…Õx „¬#°•x߆ü Ç ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ XH› „¬xx
K͆°Ç Q®• ª•=°~¡¼œ =ò (ability) #° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ ~ö „¬ô, =KÍ"ó Œ~¡O, =KÍ<ó •³ , =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH›
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx U W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^³#á #° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ XH› „¬xx K͆°Ç Q®• ª•=°~¡¼œ =ò#°
(ability) ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
''''Can + I form of the VerbÑÑÑÑ L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
Subject Singular, Plural U^³á##¶ 'CanÑ L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. <Í#° WOwÁ+¬µ fluent Qê =¶\ìÁ_ÈQ®•#°. 6. N =°<Ëà‚¬ì<£‹²OQ· Hêjà~¡° ‹¬=°‹¬¼#°
I can speak English fluently. „¬i+¬øiOKÇQ®•~¡°.
2. "Í ° =ò Jxß subjects ï ~ O_È ° <³ • •…Õ Sri Manmohan Singh can solve the
prepare HêQ®•=ò. Kashmir problem.
We can prepare all the subjects within 7. <Í#° D „
ã ‰¬ ßוxßO\÷H÷ answer K͆°Ç Q®•#°.
two months. I can answer all these questions.
3. <Í#° h ‹¬=°‹¬¼#° J~¡ÖOKÍ‹¬°HËQ®•#°. 8. "Í°=ò D q+¬†Ç°O…Õ J`Çxx convince
I can understand your problem. K͆ǰQ®•=ò.
4. Oral practice ^¥Þ~Œ g°~¡ ° English We can convince him in this matter.
improve KÍ‹¬°HËQ®•~¡°. 9. P"³° U q+¬†°Ç OÌ„<
á <
á³ Œ argue K͆°Ç Q®•^ΰ.
You can improve English through oral She can argue on any matter.
practice. 10. "Œ~¡ ° D work <Œ•°Q® ° ~ËA•…Õ
5. ‹¬z<£ >ÿO_ȶ•ø~Ÿ ㄬ„¬OKÇO…Õ U ƒº•~Ÿ „¬îiëK͆ǰ Q®•~¡°.
<³á<Œ Z^ΰ~ùø#Q®•_È°. They can complete this work in four
Sachin Tendulkar can face any bowler days.
in the world.
, : 94406 16425

11. =¶ q^¥¼~¡°•Ö ° D ª•i 90% =¶~¡°ø•° EXERCISE

score K͆ǰQ®•~¡°.
D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
Our students can score 90% of marks
this time.
12. =¶ mother U item S<Œ KŒ…ì ƒìQê 1. <Í # ° xq°‘•xH÷ 60 „¬ ^ ¥•° type
prepare K͆ǰQ®•^ΰ. K͆ǰQ®•#°.
My mother can prepare any item very 2. "Í°=ò WH›ø_È h䛽 help K͆ǰQ®•=ò.
3. h=ô D „¬sH›Æ easy Qê ‡•‹¹ HêQ®•=ô.
13. J`Ç_°È ~ËAH÷ ~¡¶. 200 ‹¬O‡•kOKÇQ•® _È°.
He can earn Rs. 200 per day.
4. J`Ç_È° <Œ•°Q®° ƒ•ì+¬•° ^•¥~Œˆ×OQê
14. "Í°=ò ~ËAH÷ 20 Hù`Ç„
ë ^
¬ ¥•° <Í~°¡ óHËQ®•=ò.
We can learn twenty new words every
5. =°#=ò train …Õ u~¡°„¬uH÷ S^ΰQ®O@•…Õ
day. KÍ~¡°HËQ®•=ò.
15. "Œ~¡° business …Õ ~¡¶. 5,00,000 =~¡ä›½ 6. <Í#° h䛽 D amount <Œ•°Q®° ~ËA•…Õ
invest K͆ǰQ®•~¡°. uiy K³eÁOKÇQ®•#°.
They can invest upto Rs. 5,00,000 in 7. S.P. U ƒ•ì+¬…Õ<³<á Œ ‡•@•° ‡•_ÈQ•® _È°.
the business.
8. <Í # ° "ŒiH÷ D q+¬ † Ç ° O explain
16. <Í#° „².l q^¥¼~¡°Ö•ä›½ 䛕_¨ English
teach K͆ǰQ®•#°.
I can teach English even to the P.G. 9. "Í°=ò h䛽 D ~ËA ~¡¶. 10,000 adjust
students. K͆ǰQ®•=ò.
17. =°<Ë^•³~á ¼¡ O`Ë =°#O U^³<á Œ ª•k•OKÇQ•® O. 10. <Œ•°Q®° <³••…Õ g°~¡° „¬îië English
We can achieve anything with our will <Í~¡°óHù#Q®•~¡°.
power. 11. P\Õ…Õ "³ˆÃ× .¤ H›$‘•â express JO^ΰHËQ®•=ô.
18. Hard work `Ë <Í#° <Œ •HÆê¼xß KÍ~¡Q®•#°.
12. ï~O_È° ~ËA•…Õ "Í°=ò D cards Jhß
I can reach my goal through hard work.
distribute K͆ǰQ®•=ò.
19. <Í#° U „¬i‹²`Ö °Ç •<³<
á Œ ^•³~á ¼¡ OQê Z^ΰ~Ëø
Q®•#°. 13. "Œ~¡ ° D season …Õ =°Oz profits
I can face any circumstances ‡ÚO^ÎQ®•~¡°.
courageously. 14. <Í#° 24 Q®O@•¶ „¬xK͆ǰQ®•#°.
20. P~¡° <³••…Õ "Œ~¡° D building xiàOKÇ 15. D tournments …Õ =°# Indian team
Q®•~¡°. easy Qê cup ïQ•=Q®•^ΰ.
They can build this building in six
months Z
Character is destiny. 216
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Can' Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò.
'Can' J#° ^¥xx grammar …Õ Anomalous Verb - (Future Form) JO\ì~¡°. nx…Õ =°#=ò
1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form J#°
4 parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ XH›~°¡ XH› „¬xx K͆°Ç Q®• ª•=°~¡¼Ö =ò#° (capacity)
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Can + I form of the verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I can speak English fluently. 2. We can solve this problem easily.
3. He can do any work. 4. They can win the match today.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ XH›~°¡ XH› „¬xx K͆°Ç …èH› ‡é=ô@#° (ª•=°~¡¼Ö =ò
…èH›‡é=ô@) ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Cann't + I form of the verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I cann't understand Hindi. 2. We cann't face this problem.
3. He cann't get rank this time. 4. They cann't do anything.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ XH›~°¡ XH› „¬xx K͆°Ç Q®• ª•=°~¡¼Ö =ò#° (capacity)
Q®°iOz ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Can + I form of the verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Can he lead the team towards success?
2. Can you guess the result?
3. Can we achieve our target?
4. Can they clear the loan this month?
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õ XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ XH›~°¡ K͆°Ç …èx XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz (ª•=°~¡¼Ö =ò#°
…èH›‡é=ô@ Q®°iOz) negative sense …Õ ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Cann't + I form of the verb "
Ex : 1. Cann't you complete the course this month?
2. Cann't you provide us some work?
3. Cann't he clear this loan ?
4. Cann't they make arrangements?

, : 94406 16425

XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò W`Ç~°¡ •`Ë =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß„C¬ _È° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ
=°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ XH› „¬xx K͆°Ç =•‹²# qk• (duty) …èH› ƒì^•Î¼`Ç•#° (responsibility)
Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° ö~„¬ô election duty H÷ attend J"Œe. J "Í°=ò D<³• WO\÷„¬#°ß K³eÁOKŒe.
J =°#=ò life …Õ XH› aim H›ey†ÇòO_¨e. J \©K~Ç •Ÿ Hùxß principles ‡•\÷OKŒe.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•…Õ ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ XH› „¬xx
K͆°Ç =•‹²# qk• (duty) …èH› ƒì^•Î¼`Ç•#° (responsibility) Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ ~ö „¬ô, =KÍ"ó Œ~¡O, =KÍ<ó •³ , =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH›
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx =°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^³#á #° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ XH› „¬xx K͆°Ç =•‹²# qk•
(duty) …èH› ƒì^•Î¼`Ç (responsibility) Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
''''Should + I form of the VerbÑÑÑÑ L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
Subject Singular, Plural U^³á##¶ 'shouldÑ L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. <Í#° ㄬu~ËA 10 a.m. H÷ duty H÷ attend 5. L^˼Q®‹°¬ •ë ° ~ËAH÷ 8 Q®O@•° „¬xK͆¶
Ç e.
J"Œe. Employees should work eight hours
I should attend the duty at 10 a.m. in a day.
everyday. 6. _¢ =á³ ~Ÿ• JO^Î~°¡ licence H›eyLO_¨e.
2. "Í°=ò ㄬu"Œ~¡O H›…ÿH›“~ŸH÷ report submit All the drivers should possess the
K͆Ƕe. licence.
We should submit the report to the 7. q^¥¼~¡°•Ö ° =°Oz Hã =
› °tH›}
Æ ‡•\÷OKŒe.
collector everyweek. Students should maintain good
3. g°~¡° application form `Ë certificates discipline.
enclose K͆Ƕe. 8. =°#O x*ì~òf Q® • <Œ†Ç ° ä› ½ •#°
You should enclose the certificates Z#°ßHË"Œe.
with the application form. We should elect honest leaders.
4. "Œ¼‡•~¡‹¬°ë•° ㄬƒ•’°`ŒÞxH÷ accounts 9. =°#=ò „¬ @ “ } ì•…Õ traffic rules
KǶ‡•e. ‡•\÷OKŒe.
Businessmen should show the We should follow the traffic rules in
accounts to the government. the towns.

, : 94406 16425

10. =°#=ò `ÇeÁ^ÎOã_È°•#° QÒ~¡qOKŒe. EXERCISE

We should respect our parents.
D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
11. =°#=ò =°# ^͉×O HË‹¬O „¬xK͆Ƕe.
We should work for our country.
1. <Í#° D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O hardwork K͆Ƕe.
12. g°~¡° g° À‹ß‚²ì`Ç°•ä›½ ‹¬‚¬ìH›iOKŒe.
You should co-operate with your 2. =°#=ò =zó # J=Hê‰× = ò#°
friends. qx†³¶yOKÇ°HË"Œe.
13. parents „²•Á•O^Îih ‹¬=¶#OQê treat
3. g°~¡° „²Hß÷H± "³ˆÃ× ¤@䛽 principal permission
Parents should treat all the children
equally. 4. J`Ç_È° `Ç# `Ç=òàx KÇkqOKŒe.
14. <Œ†Ç°ä›½•° ㄬ[•ä›½ sincere Qê À‹=
K͆Ƕe. 5. P"³° health care f‹¬°HË"Œe.
Leaders should serve the people 6. "Œ~¡° D <³…ìY~¡°…Õ„¬• tax K³eÁOKŒe.
15. „ã ƒ¬ •’°`ÇÞ orders #° =°#O obey K͆Ƕe. 7. g°~¡° Z„¬æ\H÷ „
› C¬ _È° =¶ä›½ q+¬†°Ç O inform
We should obey to the government
orders. 8. =°#O =°# culture x QÒ~¡qOKŒe.
16. =°#=ò =°Oz J•"Œ@°Á J•=~¡°óHË"Œe.
We should cultivate good habits.
9. =°#=ò =°# „
Ì ^Î•í ‹¬•‚¬ð•#° ‡•\÷OKŒe.
17. ƒ•’ä½› •ë °
temple …Õ x‰×Å|íO ‡•\÷OKŒe. 10. _¨H›~“ °¡ Á `Ç=° =$uëH÷ „¬îië <Œ¼†Ç°O K͆¶
Ç e.
Devotees should maintain silence in
the temple. 11. =°#=ò ƒ•’Q=
® O`Ç°x ^Ά°Ç Hù~¡ä½› ‡ã •~¡#
18. WO_•†Ç¶…Õ ‹
¢ •ëÔ ° ª•Oã„^
¬ ¥†Ç° ^ΰ‹¬°•ë ° K͆Ƕe.
^•ÎiOKŒe. 12. g°~¡° P`Çàq‰§Þ‹¬O develop KÍ‹¬°HË"Œe.
Women should wear traditional dress
in India. 13. ^•Î#=O`Ç°•° c^Î"ŒiH÷ ‹¬‚𬠆ǰO K͆¶Ç e.
19. =°#O c^Î"ŒiH÷ ‹¬‚¬ð†Ç°O K͆Ƕe. 14. „²•Á•° =°Oz moral stories KÇ^Î"Œe.
We should help the poor.
20. ‹Ôx†Ç°~Ÿ• `Ç=° Ex†Ç°~Ÿ•x encourage
15. q^¥¼~¡°Ö•° "Œi knowledge x improve

K͆Ƕe. KÍ‹¬°HË"Œe.
The seniors should encourage their
Art is long, Life is short. 226
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Should' Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò.
'Should' J#° ^¥xx grammar …Õ Anomalous Verb - (Future Form) JO\ì~¡°. nx…Õ =°#=ò
1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form J#° 4
parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ qk•Qê, ƒì^•Î¼`ÇQêK͆ò
Ç XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Should + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. We should maintain discipline. 2. You should possess the licence.
3. He should seek their permission. 4. They should pay the bill regularly.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ K͆°Ç 䛕_Èx XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Should not + I form of the verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. We should not blame others. 2. You should not neglect the work.
3. He should not do like that. 4. They should not cause trouble.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ qk•Qê, ƒì^•Î¼`ÇQê K͆°Ç =•‹²# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Should + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Should we attend the special duty tomorrow?
2. Should you consult the Manager today?
3. Should he come here?
4. Should they pay penalty?
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°ë…Õ K͆ǰ䛕_Èx XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz negative sense …Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#°
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Shouldn't + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Shouldn't we know the matter?
2. Shouldn't we interefere in this matter?
3. Shouldn't he appear for this test?
4. Shouldn't they participate in this seminar?

, : 94406 16425

XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò W`Ç~°¡ •`Ë =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß„C¬ _È° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ
XH›~¡° `Ç„¬æx‹¬iQê (compulsory) KÍ‹² f~¡=•‹²# „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J ö~„¬ô <Í#° J`Çxx Yzó`ÇOQê H›e‹² f~Œe. J g°~¡° Yzó`ÇOQê =òO^ΰQê "Í°<Í[~Ÿ J#°=°u f‹¬°HË"Œe.
J J`Ç_°È D ª•i exam pass J~ò f~Œe. J"Œ~¡° `Ç„¬æx‹¬iQê licence H›ey†ÇòO_¨e.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ `Ç„æ¬ x‹¬iQê (compulsory) KÍ‹²
f~¡=•‹²# „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ° KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ ~ö „¬ô, =KÍ"ó Œ~¡O, =KÍ<ó •³ , =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH›
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°ë…Õx U W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^³á##° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° Yzó`ÇOQê, `Ç„¬æx‹¬iQê
(compulsory) KÍ‹² f~¡=•‹²# XH›„¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽

''''Must+ I form of the VerbÑÑÑÑ L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
Subject Singular, Plural U^³á##¶ 'MustÑ L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. <Í#° D ~ËA D work complete KÍ‹² 6. "Œ~¡° customers #° satisfy KÍ‹²f~Œe.
f~Œe. They must satisfy the customers.
I must complete this work today. 7. <Í#° D "Œ~¡O Yzó`ÇOQê =¶ T~¡°
2. "Í ° =ò MCA admission ‡ÚO^Î ° @ä› ½ "³o¤f~Œe.
entrance test 䛽 appear J~òf~Œe. I must go to my village this week.
We must appear for the entrance test 8. =°#=ò D J=Hê‰×=ò#° qx†³¶yOKÇ°
to get admission to MCA. 䛽xf~Œe.
3. g°~¡° WO@~¡¶Þ¼ ‹¬=°†Ç°O…Õ originals We must avail ourselves of this
submit KÍ‹²f~Œe. opportunity.
You must submit the originals at the 9. g°~¡° ㄬu important point note KÍ‹¬°Hùx
time of interview. f~Œe.
4. MBA course 䛽 J`Ç_°È donation pay KÍ‹² You must note every important point.
f~Œe. 10. Indian team finals KÍ~¡°@䛽 D ~ËA
He must pay donation for MBA course. match ïQezf~Œe.
5. P"³° "³O@<Í _¨H›~“ #
Ÿ ° consult J~òf~Œe. The Indian team must win the match
She must consult the doctor today to reach the finals.
, : 94406 16425

11. Court orders ã „ ¬ H ê~¡ O "Œ~¡ ° P W•°Á
MìmKÍ‹²f~Œe. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
They must vacate the house according
to the court orders. 1. <Í#° `Ç„¬æx ‹¬iQê Hindi <Í~¡°óHùxf~Œe.
12. "Í°=ò D ~ËA WH›ø_È |†Ç°•°^Íif~Œe. 2. "Í°=ò Yzó`ÇOQê D course complete
We must start here today. KÍ‹²f~Œe.
13. P"³° WOHùH› "Œ~¡O ~ËA•° hospital …Õ 3. h=ô `Ç„¬æx ‹¬iQê penalty K³eÁOzf~Œe.
LO_•f~Œe. 4. =°#O `Ç„¬æx ‹¬iQê Principal permission
She must stay in the hospital one more f‹¬°Hùxf~Œe.
week. 5. =°#O Z…ìï Q á < Œ ª•†Ç ° Oã ` Ç O …Õ„¬ •
14. "Œ~¡° `Ç„¬æx ‹¬iQê ö~„¬ô HË~¡°“䛽 ‚¬ð[~¡° Q®°O@¶~¡° KÍ~¡°HË"Œe.
J~òf~Œe. 6. P†Ç°# D ~ËA `Ç„¬æx ‹¬iQê WH›ø_È䛽
They must attend the court tomorrow. =zóf~Œe.
15. q^¥¼~¡°•Ö ° „
ã u
¬ q+¬†°Ç O `³•°‹¬°Hùx f~Œe. 7. P"³° Z…ìïQ<á Œ D "Œ¼k• #°Oz HË•°HË"Œe.
Students must know everything.
8. =°#=ò next Monday …Õ„¬• amount
16. D <³•…Õ "Œ~¡° loan clear KÍ‹²f~Œe. deposit KÍ‹²f~Œe.
They must clear the loan this month.
9. g°~¡ ° D ã „ ¬ † Ç ° `Ç ß O …Õ `Ç „ ¬ æ x ‹¬ i Qê
17. `Ç e Á ^ Î O ã _ È ° •° „² • Á • #° `Ç „ ¬ æ x ‹¬ i Qê succeed J"Œe.
educate KÍ‹²f~Œe.
10. h=ô Z…ìïQá<Œ "Œix D q+¬†Ç°O…Õ
Parents must educate their children.
convince K͆Ƕe.
18. h=ô h honesty x prove KÍ‹°¬ Hùxf~Œe. 11. =°#O Hùxß ‹²^¥œO`Œ•ä›½ H›@°“|_• LO_¨e.
You must prove your honesty.
12. D game …Õ =°#O "Œix F_•Oz f~Œe.
19. XH› =°Oz teacher Jxß L`Çë=° •H›Æ}ì•°
13. =°#O Z…ìïQá<Œ „¬sH›Æ•ä›½ =òO^ΰ D
book publish KÍ‹²f~Œe.
A good teacher must possess all good
14. ã „ ¬ u =ò‹² Á O `Ç „ ¬ æ x ‹¬ i Qê =°Hêø
20. „
ã u
¬ ‚²ìO^ΰ=ô ƒ•’Q=
® n¾`Ç KÇkqf~Œe.
Every Hindu must read the Bhagavad
15. =°#=ò Z…ìïQá<Œ D ª•i best rank

Bad workmen quarrel with their tools. 236
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Must' Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò.
'Must' J#° ^¥xx grammar …Õ Anoamalous Verb - (Future Form) JO\ì~¡°. nx…Õ =°#=ò
1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form J#° 3 parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò.
D 3 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ `Ç„æ¬ H› KÍ‹f
² ~¡=•‹²# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Must + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I must pass this test.
2. We must learn Sanskrit.
3. You must prepare all the lessons.
4. They must finish this work today.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ =°#=ò Z\÷“ „¬i‹²`Ö °Ç •…Õ#° K͆°Ç 䛕_Èx XH›
„¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Must not+ I form of the Verb " L„¬†¶ ³ yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. We must not lose heart in our difficulties.
2. We must not fear to our problems.
3. He must not know this news.
4. They must not repeat this mistake.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ Yzó`OÇ Qê KÍ‹f
² ~¡=•‹²# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Must + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex :
1. Must I appear for the entrance test ?
2. Must we enclose original certificates ?
3. Must you submit this report tomorrow ?
4. Must they vacate the house next month ?

, : 94406 16425

XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~¡° XH› „¬xx K͆ǰQ®ey#
ª•=°~¡¼Ö =ò#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° x#ß interview ƒìQê K͆ǰQ®ey<Œ#°.
J "Í°=ò last year =°Oz results ‡ÚO^ÎQ®eQê=ò.
J J`Ç_È° x#ß =¶ä›½ amount adjust K͆ǰQ®ey<Œ_È°.
J "Œ~¡° x#ß match easy Qê ïQ•°= Q®ey<Œ~¡°.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•° Q®`OÇ …Õ XH›~°¡ XH› „¬xx K͆°Ç Q®ey# ª•=°~¡¼Ö =ò#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ x#ß, Q®`Ç "Œ~¡O, Q®`Ç <³•, Q®`Ç ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH› Q®`OÇ …Õx
=°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^³#á #° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ XH› „¬xx K͆°Ç Q®ey# ª•=°~¡¼Ö =ò#° (ability)
"Could + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
Subject Singular, Plural U^³á##¶ "Could" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. <Í#° Degree …Õ 90% =¶~¡°ø•° score 6. <Í#° x#ß interview …Õ Jxß questions
K͆ǰQ®ey<Œ#°. answer K͆ǰQ®ey<Œ#°.
I could score 90% of marks in Degree. I could answer all the questions in the
2. "Í°=ò x#ß ï~O_È° Q®O@•…Õ <³•¶Á~¡° interview yesterday.
KÍ~¡°HËQ®eQê=ò. 7. "Í°=ò last time P problem easy Qê solve
We Could reach Nellore within two K͆ǰQ®ey<Œ=ò.
hours yesterday. We could solve that problem easily
3. Sachin Tendulkar KŒ…ì z#ß =†Ç°‹¬°•…Õ last time.
ㄬ„¬OKÇ records create K͆ǰQ®ey<Œ_È°. 8. ‡éb‹¬°•° <Í~¡‹¬°Ö•#° ï~O_È° ~ËA•…Õ
Sachin Tendulkar could create the Q®°iëOKÇQ®ey<Œ~¡°.
world records at a young age. The police could identify the criminals
4. =¶ sister x#ß ‡•@• ‡é\©…Õ first prize within two days.
‡ÚO^ÎQ®ey#k. 9. <Í # ° <Œ 19= †Í ° @†Í ° „² . l. „¬ î ië
My sister could win the first prize in
I could complete my P.G. at the age
the singing competition yesterday.
of 19.
5. N KÇ O ã ^ Î ƒ ì|° `Ç # 45= U@<Í 10. "Í°=ò Hùkí ~ËA•…Õ<Í `Ç„¬C `³•°‹¬°HË
=òY¼=°Oãu J=Q®ey<Œ~¡°. Q®e<Œ=ò.
Sri Chandra Babu could become We could realise our mistake in a few
Chief- minister at the age of 45. days.

, : 94406 16425

11. <ŒQê~¡°û# J#ß=°†Ç°¼ ‡•ã`Ç…Õ ƒìQê act EXERCISE

Nagarjuna could act well in the role of
D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
12. =¶ brother last year ~¡¶. 50,000 save
K͆ǰQ®ey<Œ_È°. 1. <Í # ° x#ß <Œ•°Q® ° lessons
My brother could save Rs. 50,000 last <Í~¡°óHù#Q®ey<Œ#°.
year. 2. <Í # ° x#ß g°\÷ O Q· … Õ ^•³ á ~ ¡ ¼ OQê
13. <Í#° ~ï O_È° <³••…Õ<Í Short Hand Writing =¶\ìÁQ®ey<Œ#°.
<Í~¡°óHù#Q®eQê#°. 3. "Í°=ò last time 6 <³•••Õ loan clear
I could learn Short Hand Writing within K͆ǰQ®ey<Œ=ò.
two months.
4. =¶ brother KŒ…ì z#ß =†Ç°‹¬°•…Õ<Í Bank
14. Last time <Í # ° J`Ç x amount 10
officer J=Q®ey<Œ_È°.
~ËA•…Õ repay K͆ǰQ®ey<Œ#°.
I could repay his amount within ten 5. P"³° x#ß guest •#° KŒ…ì ƒìQê treat
days last time. K͆ǰQ®ey#k.
15. "Í ° =ò last time =°Oz „¦ ¬ e `Œ•° 6. "Œ~¡° ï~O_È° <³••…Õ<Í business ƒìQê
ª•k•OKÇQe® y<Œ=ò. pickup K͆ǰQ®e<Œ~¡°.
We could achieve better results last 7. <Í # ° x#ß „¬ s H› Æ KŒ…ì ƒìQê
time. ã"Œ†Ç°Q®ey<Œ#°.
16. P"³ ° typhoid attack #°Oz „¬ î ië Q ê 8. "Í°=ò ï~O_È° <³••…Õ<Í house construct
She could recover from the attack of
typhoid completely. 9. J^Î$+¬= “ ‰§`Ç°ë "Í°=ò P „
ã =
¬ ¶^Î=ò #°O_•
17. =¶ brother x#ß interview ƒìQê escape J=Q®ey<Œ=ò.
K͆ǰQ®ey<Œ_È°. 10. Q®`Ç „¬sH›Æ•ä›½ <Í#° XH› <³•…Õ<Í Jxß
My brother could do the interview well subjects prepare J=Q®ey<Œ#°.
yesterday. 11. <Í#° J`ÇxH÷ x#ß q=~¡OQê explain KÍ‹²
18. Indian bowlers Pakistan batsmen K³„¬æQ®ey<Œ#°.
„¬~¡°Q®°•° K͆ǰ䛽O_¨ J_È°ÛHËQ®ey<Œ~¡°. 12. J`Çx parents ‡ã é`Œ•‚¬ìO`Ë `Ç# •H›¼Æ O
The Indian bowlers could prevent the
Pakistan batsmen from making runs.
ª•k•OKÇQe® y<Œ_È°.
19. "Í ° =ò x#ß J`Ç x x D q+¬ † Ç ° O…Õ 13. =¶ friends ‹¬‚¬ð†Ç°O`Ë "Í°=ò x#ß P
X„²æOKÇQ®ey<Œ=ò. „¬x ‹¬°•ƒ•’OQê „¬îië K͆°Ç Q®ey<Œ=ò.
We could convince him in this matter 14. Last time "Í°=ò Ì‹•=ô•° ƒìQê enjoy
yesterday. K͆ǰQ®ey<Œ=ò.
20. "Œ~¡° "Œ¼‡•~¡O…Õ 5 ‹¬OII…Õ 25 •H›Æ•° 15. "Œ~¡° J„¬C_È° business …Õ Ì„^Îí amount
‹¬O‡•kOKÇQe® y<Œ~¡°. invest K͆ǰQ®ey<Œ~¡°.
They could earn 25 lakhs in the
business in 5 years.
A tree is known by its fruit. 244
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Could' Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò.
'Could' J#° ^¥xx grammar …Õ Anomalous Verb JO\ì~¡ ° . nx…Õ =°#=ò
1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form J#° 4
parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ XH› „¬xx K͆°Ç Q®• ª•=°~¡¼Ö =ò#° (capacity)
H› e y†Ç ò O_È ° @#° Q® ° iOz ‹¬ ¶ zOKÇ ° @ä› ½ "Could + I form of the verb "
Ex : 1. I could speak well in the meeting yesterday.
2. We could complete the course successfully.
3. He could win the election with good majority last time.
4. They could achieve the target last time.
Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ ª•=°~¡¼Ö =ò …èH› XH›~°¡ K͆°Ç …èH‡› é~ò# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Could not + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I could not attend the meeting yesterday.
2. We could not write exam well last time.
3. He could not help us last time.
4. They could not satisfy the customers.
Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ XH›~°¡ ª•=°~¡¼Ö =ò`Ë K͆°Ç Q®•y# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Could + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Could you find his address easily yesterday?
2. Could you do the interview well yesterday?
3. Could he pass the Group-2 exam in the first attempt?
4. Could they clear the loan in time?
Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ XH›~°¡ ª•=°~¡¼Ö =ò …èH› XH› „¬xx K͆°Ç …èH‡› é=ô@#°
Q®°iOz negative sense …Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Couldn't + I form of the
Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Couldn't you pay the bill last month?
2. Couldn't you stay there alone last night?
3. Couldn't he help you last time?
4. Couldn't they reach the station in time?
, : 94406 16425

XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò W`Ç~°¡ •`Ë =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß„C¬ _È° „
ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë =
Ç ò =°#=ò K͆°Ç =•‹²#
J=‹¬~¡=ò#ß XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° D ~ËA L.I.C. office 䛽 "³ˆ×¤=•‹² =ô#ßk.
J "Í°=ò D "Œ~¡=ò tax pay K͆ǰ=•‹² †Çò#ßk.
J J`Ç_È° D ~ËA duty …Õ join J==•‹² †Çò#ßk.
J P"³° doctor #° consult Hê=•‹²†òÇ #ßk.
Ì„á "ŒH›¼=ò•° ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò XH›~¡° K͆ǰ =•‹²# J=‹¬~¡=ò#ß XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
D q^•Î=òQê „ã ‹¬ °¬ `ë =Ç ò =°#=ò =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ W„¬C_È°, D ~ËA, D"Œ~¡O, D
<³•, D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~°¡ K͆°Ç =•‹²# J=‹¬~=¡ ò#ß XH› „¬xx ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Have to / Has to + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
I, we, you, they subject Qê =ô#ß„¬ô_È° 'have to'.
He, She, it subject Qê =ô#ß„¬ô_È° 'has to' =KÇ°ó#°.

1. <Í#° W„¬C_È° "³O@<Í railway station 䛽 6. "Œ~¡° D<³• D W•°Á Mìm K͆ǰ=•‹²
"³ˆ×¤=•‹² †Çò#ßk. †Çò#ßk.
I have to go to railway station They have to vacate this house this
immediately now. month.
2. "Í°=ò D "Œ~¡O house tax K³eÁOKÇ=•‹² 7. P"³° D ~ËA ª•†Ç°Oã`ÇO doctor #°
†Çò#ßk. consult Hê=•‹²†Çò#ßk.
We have to pay house tax this week. She has to consult the doctor this
3. g°~¡° application D~ËA „ ã x
² •‡•…˜ä½› evening.
submit K͆ǰ=•‹²†Çò#ßk. 8. "Í°=ò =¶ =îiH÷ 4 H÷.g° #_È==•‹²
You have to submit the application †Çò#ßk.
form to the principal today. We have to walk 4 Kms. to our village.
4. =¶ brother D Sunday Hyderabad …Õ 9. g°~¡ ° D work D~ËA finish
interview H÷ attend J==•‹²†Çò#ßk? K͆ǰ=•‹²†Çò#ßk.
My brother has to attend an interview You have to finish this work today.
in Hyderabad this Sunday. 10. =¶ father D ~ËA camp 䛽 "³ˆ×¤=•‹²
5. <Í#° D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O hard work K͆°Ç =•‹² †Çò#ßk.
†Çò#ßk. My father has to go on camp today.
I have to work hard this year.
, : 94406 16425

11. P"³° ㄬu~ËE afternoon „²•Á•ä›½ lunch EXERCISE

box f‹¬°ä›½"³ˆ×¤=•‹² †Çò#ßk.
D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
She has to take lunch box for children
every afternoon.
12. "Œ~¡° D game ƒìQê practice K͆°Ç =•‹² 1. <Í#° D "Œ~¡O =¶ brother H÷ money
†Çò#ßk. „¬O„¬=•‹²=ô#ßk.
They have to practise this game well. 2. "Í ° =ò D <³ • …Õ Bank loan clear
13. g°~¡ ° =òO^Î ° Qê J`Ç x x H› • ==•‹² K͆ǰ=•‹²=ô#ßk.
†Çò#ßk. 3. h=ô text books Jxß Hù#=•‹²=ô#ßk.
You have to meet him first. 4. School Children uniform ^•ÎiOKÇ
14. P"³ ° ã „ ¬ ‹ ¬ ° ë ` Ç O rest f‹¬ ° Hù#=•‹² # =•‹²=ô#ßk.
†Çò#ßk. 5. "Œ~¡° „ ã u
¬ ª•†Ç°Oã`OÇ study classes H÷
She has to take rest at present. attend J==•‹²=ô#ßk.
15. <Í#° text books refer K͆°Ç =•‹²†ò
Ç #ßk. 6. J`Ç_°È sincere Qê work K͆°Ç =•‹²=ô#ßk.
I have to refer to the text books.
7. P"³° D medicine ~ËAH÷ ï~O_È°ª•~¡°Á
16. "Í ° =ò ã „ ¬ u ~ËA accounts maintain f‹¬°Hù#=•‹²=ô#ßk.
K͆ǰ=•‹²†Çò#ßk. 8. <Í#° ㄬu ~ËA =¶ „²•Á•#° school ^ÎQ®¾~¡
We have to maintain the accounts
drop K͆ǰ=•‹²=ô#ßk.
every day.
9. "Í°=ò "Œ~¡O ~ËA•HùH›ª•i report submit
17. "Í°=ò ~ËE P„¦Ô‹¬°…Õ 10 Q®OII•° „¬x K͆ǰ=•‹²=ô#ßk.
We have to work ten hours in our office
10. <Í#° ㄬu ~ËA manager 䛽 account
18. g°~¡° Z„¬æ\÷H›„¬C_È° =¶ä›½ matter inform 11. J`Ç_È° "Œ¼‡•~¡ „¬#°• g°^Πㄬu~ËA
K͆ǰ=•‹²†Çò#ßk. ㄬ†Ç¶}O K͆ǰ=•‹² =ôO@°Ok.
you have to inform us the matter from 12. P"³° ㄬu~ËA 5am H÷ xã^Î …è==•‹²
time to time . =ôO@°Ok.
19. English improve KÍ‹¬°Hù#°@䛽 g°~¡° 13. J`Ç _ È ° `Ç # old parents ä› ½ serve
English magazines KÇ^°Î ==•‹²†ò
Ç #ßk. K͆ǰ=•‹²=ô#ßk.
You have to read English magazines 14. <Í#° „ã u¬ ~ËA college …Õ 10 hours teach
to improve English. K͆ǰ=•‹²=ôO@°Ok.
20. "Œ~¡° D <³•…Õ entrance test 䛽 appear 15. "Œ~¡ ° ã „ ¬ u <³ • bank ä› ½ ~¡ ¶ . 2500
J==•‹²†Çò#ßk. K³eÁOKÇ=•‹²=ô#ßk.
They have to appear for the entrance
test this month.
Man proposes and God disposes. 254
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D ~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Have to / Has to' Q®°iOz <Í~°¡ óä½› <Œß=ò.
nx…Õ =°#=ò 1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question
Form J#° 4 parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò Hêh, ï~Q®°¼•~ŸQê Qêh XH›~¡° K͆ǰ=•‹²# J=‹¬~¡=òO_È° XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Have to / Has to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I have to work ten hours daily. 4. They have to consult the Manager every Monday.
3. He has to go on camp every week. 2. We have to pay rent on 5th every month.
ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò Hêh, J‹¬…ÿ„¬æ\÷H© Hêh XH›~¡° K͆ǰ=•‹²# J=‹¬~¡=òO_Èx XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Don't have to / Doesn't have to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ
Ex : 1. I don't have to take any risk in my job.
2. We don't have to attend the duty on Sundays.
3. He doesn't have to care anyone.
4. They don't have to show any guarantee.
„¬‹¬°ë`Ç=ò Hêh, ï~Q®°¼•~ŸQê Qêh XH›~¡° K͆ǰ=•‹²# J=‹¬~¡=òO_È° XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Do / Does + have to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ
Ex : 1. Do you have to speak English in your college?
2. Do you have to discuss every matter with your Manager?
3. Does he have to lookafter his business?
4. Does she have to take this medicine daily?
„¬‹¬°ë`Ç=ò Hêh, J‹¬…ÿ„¬æ\÷H© Hêh XH›~¡° K͆ǰ=•‹²# J=‹¬~¡=òO_Èx XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Don't have to / Doesn't have to + I form of the
Ex : 1. Don't you have to go on camps at all?
2. Don't you have to wake up early in the morning?
3. Doesn't he have to know the details every time?
4. Don't they have to encourage him?

, : 94406 16425

XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ K͆°Ç =•‹²# J=‹¬~=
¡ ò =zó# XH›
„¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° x#ß sudden Qê <³•¶Á~¡° "³ˆ×¤=•‹² =zó#k.
J "Í°=ò last week special class H÷ attend Hê=•‹² =zó#k.
J =¶ sister last year studies discontinue K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k.
J =¶ brother last Sunday interview H÷ attend Hê=•‹² =zó#k.
Ì„á "ŒH›¼=ò•° Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ K͆ǰ=•‹²# J=‹¬~¡=ò =zó# XH› „¬xx
Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•Î=òQê Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ x#ß, Q®`"Ç Œ~¡O, Q®`Ç <³•, Q®`Ç ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH› Q®`OÇ …Õx
=°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^³á##° =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
" Had to + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
Subject Singular, Plural U^³á##¶ 'Had to' =KÇ°ó#°.

1. <Í#° x#ß urgent „¬xg°^Î =¶ native 6. "Œ~¡° last month sudden Qê P house
place "³ˆ×¤=•‹² =zó#k. vacate K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k.
I had to go to our native place on some They had to vacate that house
urgent work. suddenly last month.
2. "Í°=ò x#ß Bank Manager #° consult 7. "Í°=ò last month money J„¬C K͆°Ç =•‹²
J==•‹² =zó#k. =zó#k.
We had to consult the Bank Manager We had to borrow money last month.
yesterday. 8. =¶ father x#ß bank #°Oz ~¡¶. 10,000
3. =¶ brother last month job H÷ resign withdraw K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k.
K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k. My father had to withdraw Rs. 10,000
My brother had to resign to his job from the bank yesterday.
last month. 9. "Í°=ò x#ß =~¡Â=ò=•# programme
4. P"³° last week hospital …Õ LO_È=•‹² cancel K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k.
=zó#k. We had to cancel the programme due
She had to stay in the hospital last to rain yesterday.
week. 10. "Œ~¡° x#ß g°\÷OQ· postpone K͆ǰ=•‹²
5. <Í#° x#ß =¶ friends H÷ help K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k.
=zó#k. They had to postpone the meeting
I had to help my friends yesterday. yesterday.

, : 94406 16425

11. <Í#° =¶ grandfather 䛽 `Ë_È°Qê x#ß EXERCISE

<³•¶Á~¡° "³ˆ×¤=•‹² =zó#k.
I had to accompany my grandfather D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
to Nellore yesterday.
12. "Í ° =ò Q® ` Ç ~ Œã u =¶ friends WO\ÕÁ 1. <Í#° x#ß Exam fee pay K͆ǰ=•‹²
Q®_È„¬=•‹² =zó#k. =zó#k.
We had to spend in our friends house
last night.
2. "Í°=ò Last week bank …Õ Rs. 2500
K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k.
13. "Œ~¡° Q®`Ç ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O business …Õ KŒ…ì 3. "Í°=ò x#ß P village H÷ 5 Kms #_È°=
#+¬“O face K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k.
They had to face heavy loss in =•‹² =zó#k.
business last year. 4. P†Ç ° # Q® ` Ç Zxß H › • =òO^Î ° ‡•s“
14. =¶ cousin last year studies discontinue =¶~¡=•‹² =zó#k.
K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k. 5. =¶ lecturers last year special classes
My cousin had to discontinue her f‹¬°Hù#=•‹² =zó#k.
studies last year. 6. x#ß journey …Õ "Í°=ò KŒ…ì risk face
15. "Í ° =ò x#ß P train …Õ ordinary K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k.
compartment …Õ ã„¬†Ç¶}O K͆ǰ=•‹² 7. "Í°=ò last time Group-2 „¬sH›Æ䛽 Hyd.
=zó#k. …Õ coaching f‹¬°Hù#=•‹² =zó#k.
We had to travel in the ordinary
compartment in the train yesterday. 8. "Œ~¡° x#ß P"³°#° hospital …Õ admit
16. last year <Í # ° Maths H÷ HËzOQ· K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k.
f‹¬°HË=•‹² =zó#k. 9. "Œ~¡° last month family Nellore H÷ shift
I had to take coaching for Mathematics K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k.
last year. 10. "Í°=ò x#ß "Œi ‹¬‚¬ð†Ç°O HË~¡=•‹²
17. "Í°=ò x#ß principal HË‹¬O two hours wait =zó#k.
K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k. 11. <Í#° x#ß text books Hù#=•‹² =zó#k.
We had to wait for the principal two 12. =¶ brother last year hostel …Õ stay
hours yesterday.
K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k.
18. <Í#° x#ß office H÷ leave apply K͆°Ç =•‹² 13. P"³° x#ß guests 䛽 special items
I had to apply for leave to office
`džǶ~¡° K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k.
yesterday. 14. <Í#° last Sunday Bangalore …Õ XH›
19. "Í°=ò x#ß P q+¬†Ç°O =¶ father `Ë seminar …Õ participate KÍ † Ç ° =•‹²
discuss K͆ǰ=•‹² =zó#k. =zó#k.
We had to discuss that matter with my 15. P"³ ° last month Hyderabad Care
father yesterday. hospital …Õ treatment ‡ÚO^Î = •‹²
20. "Œ~¡° last year "Œi house J=°à=•‹² =zó#k.
They had to sell their house last year.
Be a Roman when you are in Rome. 264
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D ~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Had to + I form of the Verb' J#°
structure Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. nxx Past necessary action JO\ì~¡°. nx…Õ =°#=ò
1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form J#°
4 parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ K͆°Ç =•‹²# J=‹¬~=
¡ ò =ôO_•# XH› „¬xx ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
" Had to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I had to go to Chennai last week. 2. He had to join a private college last year.
3. We had to help him yesterday. 4. They had to deposit Rs. 10,000 last time.
Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ K͆°Ç =•‹²# J=‹¬~=¡ ò =ôO_Èx XH› „¬xx ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
" Did not + have to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I did not have to meet him yesterday.
2. We did not have to take permission.
3. He did not have to apply for leave yesterday.
4. They did not have to stay here last night.
Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ K͆°Ç =•‹²# J=‹¬~= ¡ ò =ôO_•# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz

ã t
¬ ßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 " Did + have to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†¶
³ yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Did you have to consult the doctor yesterday?
2. Did he have to appear for the test last month?
3. Did she have to go to hospital yesterday?
4. Did they have to take coaching last time?
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ K͆ǰ=•‹²# J=‹¬~¡=ò =ôO_Èx XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
negative sense …Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 " Didn't + have to + I form of the
Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Didn't you have to pay rent then?
2. Didn't he have to come here yesterday?
3. Didn't she have to stay in the hospital last time?
4. Didn't they have to buy the tickets yesterday?

, : 94406 16425

XHùøH›øª•i ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ K͆°Ç =•‹²# J=‹¬~=
¡ ò =ôO_È° XH›
„¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° ö~„¬ô office 䛽 early Qê "³ˆ×¤=•‹² LO@°Ok.
J g°~¡° next week …Õ„¬• D work „¬îië K͆ǰ=•‹² LO@°Ok.
J =°#=ò ö~„¬ô "ŒiH÷ money pay K͆ǰ=•‹² LO@°Ok.
J =¶ brother next year hostel …Õ stay K͆ǰ=•‹² LO@°Ok.

Ì á "ŒH›¼=ò•° ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ K͆°Ç =•‹²# J=‹¬~=
¡ ò =ôO_È° XH›
„¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
D q^•ÎOQê ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ ~ö „¬ô, =KÍ"ó Œ~¡O, =KÍ<ó •³ , =KÍó ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH›
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°ë…Õx =°i†Í° W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^³á##° =°#=ò…èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° K͆ǰ=•‹²# J=‹¬~¡=ò#ß
XH›„¬xx ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Will have to + I form of the verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
Subject Singular, Plural U^³á##¶ "will have to" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. <Í#° next Monday Hyderabad "³ˆ×¤=•‹² 6. "Œ~¡° ö~„¬ô g°\÷OQ·ä›½ attend J==•‹²
LO@°Ok. LO@°Ok.
I willhave to go to Hyderabad next They will have to attend the meeting
Monday. tomorrow.
2. "Í ° =ò =KÍ ó " Œ~¡ O exam fee pay 7. <Í # ° D report =KÍ ó " Œ~¡ O P„¦ Ô ‹ ¬ ° …Õ
K͆ǰ=•‹² LO@°Ok. submit K͆ǰ=•‹² LO@°Ok.
We will have to pay the exam fee next I will have to submit this report in the
week . office next week.
3. g°~¡° =°~¡• XH›ª•i principal #° consult 8. "Í°=ò D work next week complete
J==•‹² LO@°Ok. K͆ǰ=•‹² LO@°Ok.
You will have to consult the principal We will have to complete this work
again. next week.
4. =¶ brother selection `Ç~¡°"Œ`Ç XH› <³• 9. "Œ~¡° `ÇÞ~¡…Õ P house vacate K͆°Ç =•‹²
training ‡ÚO^Î=•‹² LO@°Ok. LO@°Ok.
My brother will have to undergo They will have to vacate that house
training for one month after the soon.
selection. 10. h=ô JH› ø _È KŒ…ì problems face
5. P"³° WOHùH› <³•~ËA•° D medicine K͆ǰ=•‹² =‹¬°ëOk.
f‹¬°HË=•‹² LO@°Ok. You will have to face many problems
She will have to take this medicine for there.
one more month.

, : 94406 16425

11. J`Ç _ È ° next year KŒ…ì hard work EXERCISE

K͆ǰ=•‹² LO@°Ok.
He will have to work hard next year. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
12. P"³° =KÍó ï~O_È° <³••° „¬sH›Æ•ä›½ prepare
J==•‹² LO@°Ok. 1. <Í#° next Sunday interrew H÷ attend
She will have to prepare for the exams
next two months.
J==•‹² LO@°Ok.
13. "Œ~¡° =òO^ΰQê licence ‡ÚO^Î=•‹² 2. "Í°=ò next year English …Õ Phonetics
LO@°Ok. <Í~¡°óHù#=•‹² =ôO@°Ok.
They will have to get the licence 3. =°#=ò WH›g°^Î@ KŒ…ì sincere Qê
earlier. work K͆ǰ=•‹² =ôO@°Ok.
14. ö~„¬ô <Í#° "ŒiH÷ `Ë_È°Qê K³<³áß "³ˆ×Á=•‹² 4. =¶ brother visa HË‹¬O apply K͆°Ç =•‹²
LO@°Ok. =ôO@°Ok.
I will have to acompany them to 5. P"³° =KÍó 6 <³••…Õ D course „¬îië
Chennai tomorrow.
K͆ǰ=•‹² =ôO@°Ok.
15. =°#=ò D ‹¬=°‹¬¼#° =òO^ΰQê solve
6. g°~¡° =òO^ΰQê "ŒiH÷ D q+¬†Ç°O
K͆ǰ=•‹² LO@°Ok.
We will have to solve this problem inform K͆ǰ=•‹² =ôO@°Ok.
earlier. 7. <Í#° "Œi`Ë ~Œr „¬_È=•‹² =ôO@°Ok.
16. "Œ~¡° D business …Õ ‹¬°=¶~¡° ~¡¶. 5 8. =°#=ò D q+¬ † Ç ° O…Õ JO^Î i
•H›Æ•° invest K͆ǰ=•‹² LO@°Ok. ‹¬‚¬ìHê~¡O ‡ÚO^Î=•‹² =ôO@°Ok.
They will have to invest Rs. 5 lakhs in 9. P"³° lecturer post ‡ÚO^ΰ@䛽 M.Phil
this business.
K͆ǰ=•‹² =ôO@°Ok.
17. =°#=ò ~ö „¬ô railway station ^ÎQ~¾® ¡ guests 10. ‡éb‹¬° "Œ~¡° [†Í°Oã^Î case KŒ…ì
#° receive KÍ‹¬°Hù#=•‹² LO@°Ok. *ìãQ®`ÇëQê deal K͆ǰ=•‹² =ôO@°Ok.
We will have to receive the guests at
the railway station tomorrow. 11. =°#=ò JH› ø _È "Œi`Ë Hùxß
18. g°~¡° =¶ä›½ ~ö „¬ô JH›ø_È =‹¬u H›eæOKÇ=•‹² q+¬ † Ç ° =ò•…Õ adjust J==•‹²
LO@°Ok. =ôO@°Ok.
You will have to provide us the 12. q^͉§•ä›½ "³ˆ×ä@䛽 h=ô English ƒìQê
accommodation there tomorrow. <Í~¡°óHù#=•‹² =ôO@°Ok.
19. h=ô h worth prove KÍ ‹ ¬ ° HË=•‹² 13. g°~¡ ° =òO^Î ° Qê Rs. 1000/-
LO@°Ok. K³eÁOKÇ=•‹² =ôO@°Ok.
You will have to prove your worth. 14. P"³° ö~„¬ô guests #° ƒìQê treat K͆ǰ
20. "Œ~¡ ° ï ~ O_È ° <³ • •…Õ D KÍ † Ç ° =•‹² =•‹²=ôO@°Ok.
=ôO@°Ok. 15. ~ö „¬ô ~Œã+“¬ |O^£…Õ =°#O^Î~O¡ ‡•…ç¾#
They will have to clear this loan in two
months. =•‹² =ôO@°Ok.

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. 274
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D ~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Will have to' Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò.
nx…Õ =°#=ò 1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question
Form J#° 4 parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°ë…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ K͆ǰ=•‹²# J=‹¬~¡=òO_È° XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Will have to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I will have to work hard next year.
2. We will have to face this problem one more year.
3. He will have to undergo training next month.
4. They will have to pay the bill tomorrow.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ K͆°Ç =•‹²# J=‹¬~= ¡ òO_Èx XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
negative sense …Õ ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Will not have to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†¶
³ yOKÇ
Ex : 1. I will not have to meet him there tomorrow.
2. We will not have to take risk hereafter.
3. He will not have to do any job hereafter.
4. They will not have to make arrangements for us.
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~°¡ K͆°Ç =•‹²# J=‹¬~=
¡ òO_È° XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Will have to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Will you have to enclose the certificates?
2. Will you have to receive the guests tomorrow?
3. Will he have to explain to them this matter again?
4. Will they have to vacate this house next month?
ƒ•’q+¬¼`Ç°…ë Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ K͆°Ç =•‹²# J=‹¬~=
¡ òO_Èx XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
negative sense …Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Won't have to + I form of the Verb
" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Won't you have to clear this loan?
2. Won't you have to pay any donation?
3. Won't he have to resign to this post?
4. Won't they have to vacate this house next month?

, : 94406 16425


XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò W`Ç~°¡ •`Ë =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß„C¬ _È° „

ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë =
Ç ò K͆°Ç =…ÿ#x J#°Hù#°KÇ°#ß
XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ° KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° computer course join J==…ÿ##° 䛽O@°<Œß#°.
J "Í°=ò D town …Õ business start K͆Ƕ•#°ä›½O@°<Œß=ò.
J =¶ brother D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O USA "³ˆì¤•x J#°ä›½O@°<Œß_È°.
J P"³° BL K͆Ƕ•#°ä›½O@°#ßk.
Ì„á "ŒH›¼=ò•° ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO XH›~¡° K͆ǰ=…ÿ#x J#°Hù#°KÇ°#ß „¬#°• Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°
D q^•Î=òQê „ã ‹¬ °¬ `ë OÇ =°#=ò =¶\ìÁ_°È KÇ°#ß ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò# D ~ËA, D <³•, D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O =°#=ò
…èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° K͆ǰ=…ÿ#x J#°Hù#°KÇ°#ß XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽
"Want to + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õ
Subject- I, We, You, They Qê L#ß„¬ô_È° 'Want to' L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
He, She, It, - Subject Qê L#ß„¬ô_È° 'Wants to' L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. <Í # ° D ~ËA <³ • ¶Á ~ ¡ ° "³ ˆ ì¤ • x 6. <Í#° Group-I „¬sH›Æ䛽 appear J"Œ•#°
J#°ä›½O@°<Œß#°. 䛽O@°<Œß#°.
I want to go to Nellore today. I want to appear for Group-I
2. "Í°=ò D town …Õ<Í settle J"Œ•x examinations.
J#°ä›½O@°<Œß=ò. 7. "Í°=ò D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O house Hù<Œ•#°
We want to settle down in this town. 䛽O@°<Œß=ò.
3. =¶ brother D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O MBA join 8. P"³° D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O B.L. KÍ † Ç ¶ •x
J"Œ•x J#°ä›½O@°<Œß_È°. J#°ä›½O@°#ßk.
My brother wants to join MBA this She wants to do B.L. this year.
year. We want to buy a house this year.
4. =¶ brother D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O USA 9. P"³° D ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O Guntur …Õ M.Sc.
"³ˆì¤#°ä›½O@°<Œß_È°. KÇ^Î"Œ•x J#°ä›½O@°#ßk.
My brother wants to go to the USA this She wants to study M.Sc in Guntur
year. this year.
5. "Œ~¡° K³<³áß…Õ business start K͆Ƕ•x 10. "Œ~¡° D ª•i Annual day KŒ…ì grand
J#°ä›½O@°<Œß~¡°. Qê celebrate K͆Ƕ•#° 䛽O@°<Œß~¡°.
They want to start business in They want to celebrate annual day
Chennai. very grand this year.

, : 94406 16425

11. N KÇOã^΃ì|° =°~¡• 䛽„¬æO #°O_• EXERCISE

JÌ‹OcÁH÷ ‡é\© K͆Ƕ•#°ä›½O@°<Œß~¡°.
Sri Chandra Babu wants to contest
D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
to the Assembly from Kuppam again.
12. =¶ brother Dª•i teacher post H÷ try 1. <Í # ° D ª•i EAMCET coaching
K͆Ƕ•x J#°ä›½O@°<Œß_È°. f‹¬°HË"Œ•x J#°ä›½O@°<Œß#°.
My brother wants to try for the teacher 2. "Í°=ò ㄬ‹¬°ë`ÇO English <Í~¡°óHË"Œ•x
post this time. J#°ä›½O@°<Œß=ò.
13. <Í # ° "³ ° HêxH› … ˜ WO[h~¡ ° J"Œ•x
3. =¶ brother car Hù<Œ•#°HùO@°<Œß_È°.
I want to become a mechanical
4. P"³° Dª•i function H÷ JO^Îih invite
K͆Ƕ•x J#°ä›½O@°#ßk.
14. =¶ sister B.Ed entrance test 䛽 appear 5. "Œ~¡° D ~ËA D q+¬†Ç°O serious Qê
J"Œ•x J#°ä›½O@°#ßk. discuss K͆Ƕ•x J#°ä›½O@°<Œß~¡°.
My sister wants to appear for B.Ed 6. <Í#° D ~ËA bank #°O_• money draw
entrance test. K͆Ƕ•x J#°ä›½O@°<Œß#°.
15. "Œ~¡° D <³•…Õ <³•¶Á~¡°…Õ branch open 7. =¶ father D"Œ~¡O rest f‹¬°HË"Œ•x
K͆Ƕ•x J#°ä›½O@°<Œß~¡°. J#°ä›½O@°<Œß~¡°.
They want to open a branch in Nellore 8. P"³° D "Œ~¡O leave 䛽 apply K͆Ƕ•x
this month. J#°ä›½O@°#ßk.
16. <Í#° D "Œ~¡O =¶ native place H÷ "³ˆì¤•x 9. "Í°=ò D <³• Bangalore visit K͆¶ Ç •#°
J#°ä›½O@°<Œß#°. 䛽O@°<Œß=ò.
I want to go to my native place this
10. "Œ~¡° D ‹¬Ö•O…Õ shopping complex
construct K͆Ƕ•#°ä›½O@°<Œß~¡°.
17. =¶ father `Ç # job H÷ resign
K͆Ƕ•#°ä›½O@°<Œß~¡°. 11. <Í#° D ~ËA "ŒiH÷ D q+¬†Ç°O inform
My father wants to resign to his job. K͆Ƕ•x J#°ä›½O@°<Œß#°.
18. "Œ~¡° D <³• D house vacate K͆¶ Ç •x 12. "Í°=ò D <³•…Õ lessons Jhß revise
J#°ä›½O@°<Œß~¡°. K͆Ƕ•#°ä›½O@°<Œß=ò.
They want to vacate this house this 13. P"³° K³<³ßå…Õ eye specialist #° H›•"Œ•#°
month. 䛽O@°#ßk.
19. "Í°=ò D <³• u~¡°=°• visit K͆Ƕ•x 14. "Œ~¡° D~ËA =°^•¥¼‚¬ìßO shopping
J#°ä›½O@°<Œß=ò. K͆Ƕ•#°ä›½O@°<Œß~¡°.
We want to visit Tirumala this month.
15. <Í#° Dª•i Q®\“÷ x~¡† â °Ç O f‹¬°HË"Œ•x
20. <Í#° D q+¬†Ç°O…Õ =¶ friend H÷ help J#°ä›½O@°<Œß#°.
K͆Ƕ•x J#°ä›½O@°<Œß#°.
I want to help my friend in this matter. Z
Jack of all trades, master of none. 284
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Want to' Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. nx…Õ
=°#=ò 1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question Form
J#° 4 parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.

ã ‹
¬ °¬ `ë =
Ç ò =°#=ò K͆°Ç =…ÿ#x J#°Hù#°KÇ°#ß XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 " Want
to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I want to buy a scooter this month.
2. We want to help him now.
3. He wants to join M.C.A. this year.
4. She wants to stay with us.
ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò =°#=ò K͆ǰ=…ÿ#x J#°Hù#x XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Do not /
Does not + want to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I do not want to seek his help in this matter.
2. We do not want to interefere in his matter.
3. He does not want to do job at present.
4. She does not want to continue her studies.
ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò =°#=ò K͆ǰ=…ÿ#x J#°Hù#°KÇ°#ß XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz ㄬtßOKÇ°@#°
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 " Do / Does + want to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Do you want to study in Hyd. this year?
2. Do you want to learn Hindi?
3. Does he want to do M.B.A this year?
4. Does she want to appear for the I-CET?
ㄬ‹¬°ë`Ç=ò =°#=ò K͆ǰ=…ÿ#x J#°Hù#x XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz negative sense …Õ
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 "Don't / Doesn't + want to + I form of the Verb "
L„¬†³¶yOKÇ =…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Don't you want to come with us?
2. Don't you want to stay with them?
3. Doesn't he want to join college this year?
4. Doesn't she want to go on tour with them?

, : 94406 16425


XHùøH›øª•i =°#=ò Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ K͆°Ç =…ÿ#x J#°Hùx# XH›„x
¬ x
Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°O^ΰ=ò.
J <Í#° x#ß h䛽 phone K͆Ƕ•x J#°Hùx<Œ#°.
J "Í°=ò last week friendly match P_¨•x J#°Hùx<Œ=ò.
J J`Ç_È° Q®`Ç ZxßH›•…Õ ‡é\© K͆Ƕ•x J#°Hùx<Œ_È°.
J P"³° last year M.A. join J"Œ•x J#°Hùx#k.
Ì„á "ŒH›¼=ò•° =°#=ò Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò #O^ΰ K͆ǰ=…ÿ#x J#°Hùx# XH›„¬xx
Q®°iOz ‹¬¶zOKÇ°KÇ°#ßq.
Dq^•ÎOQê Q®`OÇ …Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ x#ß, Q®`Ç "Œ~¡O, Q®`<Ç •³ , Q®`Ç ‹¬O=`Ç•~¡O …èH› Q®`OÇ …Õx
U W`Ç~¡ ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^³á##¶ =°#=ò …èH› "Í~ùH›~¡° K͆ǰ=…ÿ#x J#°Hùx# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
"Wanted to + I form of the Verb" L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

* Note : "ŒH›¼=ò…Õx
Subject Singular, Plural U^³á##¶ 'Wanted to' L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.

1. <Í#° x#ß x#°ß H›•"Œ•x J#°ä›½<Œß#°. 6. <Í#° last time J`Çx ‹¬‚¬ð†Ç°O HË~Œ•x
I wanted to meet you yesterday. J#°ä›½<Œß#°.
2. "Í°=ò last Sunday picnic 䛽 "³ˆì¤•x I wanted to seek his help last time.
J#°ä›½<Œß=ò. 7. "Í°=ò "Œix x#ß consult J=ô^¥=°x
We wanted to go on a picnic last J#°ä›½<Œß=ò.
Sunday. We wanted to consult them yesterday.
3. =¶ brother last month vehicle Hù<Œ•x 8. =¶ father =¶ brother x last year
J#°ä›½<Œß_È°. central school …Õ admit KÍ † Ç ¶ •x
My brother wanted to buy a vehicle
My father wantd to admit my brother
last month.
to central school last year.
4. =¶ sister x#ß competition …Õ 9. P"³ ° last summer …Õ painting
participate K͆Ƕ•x J#°Hùx#k. <Í~¡°óHË"Œ•x J#°ä›½#ßk.
My sister wanted to participate in the She wanted to learn painting last
competition yesterday. summer.
5. "Œ~¡° x#ß JH›ø_È work start K͆Ƕ•x 10. "Œ~¡ ° last week cards distribute
J#°ä›½<Œß~¡°. K͆Ƕ•x J#°ä›½<Œß~¡°.
They wanted to start the work there They wanted to distribute the cards
yesterday. last week.

, : 94406 16425

11. <Í # ° x#ß J`Ç x H÷ letter ã " Œ†Ç ¶ •x EXERCISE

J#°ä›½<Œß#°. D "ŒH›¼=ò•° English …ÕxH÷ translate K͆°Ç O_•.
I wanted to write a letter to him
12. "Í°=ò last Sunday office …Õ meeting
x~¡Þ‚²ìOKŒ•x J#°ä›½<Œß=ò. 1. <Í#° x#ß =¶ native place H÷ "³ˆì¤•x
We wanted to conduct a meeting in
the office last Sunday. 2. "Í ° =ò last month new shop open
13. "Í°=ò x#ß ƒ•ìs ~Œ¼b x~¡Þ‚²ìOKŒ•x K͆Ƕ•x J#°ä›½<Œß=ò.
J#°ä›½<Œß=ò. 3. NTR J„¬C_È° 'ƒ•ì~¡`^ Ç ‰Í O× Ñ ‡•s“ U~Œæ@°
We wanted to organise a huge ralley K͆Ƕ•x J#°Hùx<Œ~¡°.
yesterday. 4. P"³ ° MLA seat ä› ½ try KÍ † Ç ¶ •x
14. "Í ° =ò =òO^Î ° Qê<Í "ŒiH÷ inform J#°Hùx#k.
K͆Ƕ•x J#°ä›½<Œß=ò. 5. "Œ~¡° last year Hyderabad H÷ family shift
We wanted to inform them earlier. K͆Ƕ•x J#°Hùx<Œ~¡°.
15. =¶ friend last time student union 6. <Í # ° last Sunday Tirumala visit
elections …Õ ‡é\© K͆¶
Ç •x J#°ä›½<Œß_°È . K͆Ƕ•x J#°Hùx<Œ#°.
My friend wanted to contest in the
7. "Í°=ò last month computer course …Õ
student union elections last time.
KÍ~Œ•x J#°Hùx<Œ=ò.
16. P"³ ° x#ß =¶`Ë WH› ø _•H÷ ~Œ"Œ•x
J#°ä›½#ßk. 8. =¶ brother last time bank loan H÷ apply
She wanted to come here with us
K͆Ƕ•x J#°Hùx<Œ_È°.
yesterday. 9. P"³° x#ß function H÷ JO^Îih invite
17. "Í°=ò last week farewell party celebrate K͆Ƕ•x J#°Hùx#k.
K͆Ƕ•x J#°ä›½<Œß=ò. 10. "Œ~¡ ° last year D town …Õ house
We wanted to celebrate the farewell Hù<Œ•x J#°Hùx<Œ~¡°.
party last week. 11. <Í # ° last month L.I.C. policy
18. <Í#° x#ß P HË~¡°• q=~Œ•° `³•°‹¬°HË"Œ•x f‹¬°HË"Œ•#°ä›½<Œß#°.
J#°ä›½<Œß#°. 12. "Í°=ò J`ÇxÌ„á collector H÷ complaint
I wanted to know the details of that K͆Ƕ•#°ä›½<Œß=ò.
course yesterday.
13. J`Ç _ È ° actual Qê doctor J"Œ•x
19. "Í°=ò last month holidays =¶ =îi…Õ J#°ä›½<Œß_È°.
Q®_‡È ••x J#°ä›½<Œß=ò.
We wanted to spend our holidays at
14. P"³° ~Œãu =¶ WO\ÕÁ stay K͆Ƕ•x
our village last month.
20. "Œ~¡° last year D temple H÷ Ì„^Îí amount 15. "Œ~¡° x#ß meeting boycott K͆Ƕ•x
donate K͆Ƕ•x J#°ä›½<Œß~¡°. J#°ä›½<Œß~¡°.
They wanted to donate a big amount
to this temple last year.
All roads lead to Rome. 294
, : 94406 16425

What have we learnt today ?
=°#=ò D ~ËA Uq° <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò ?
D ~ËA =°#=ò =°# Spoken English Course …Õ 'Wanted to' Q®°iOz <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò.
nx…Õ =°#=ò 1. Positive Form 2. Negative Form 3. Question Form 4. Negative Question
Form J#° 4 parts <Í~¡°ó䛽<Œß=ò. D 4 parts XH›ª•i revise KÍ‹¬°ä›½O^¥=ò.
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~¡° K͆ǰ=…ÿ#x J#°Hùx# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 " Wanted to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I wanted to go to my village yesterday.
2. We wanted to visit Delhi last month.
3. He wanted to learn Grammar last summar.
4. They wanted to invite the collector to the function.
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~¡° K͆ǰ=…ÿ#x J#°Hù#x XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 " Did not + want to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. I did not want to meet him there yesterday.
2. We did not want to help him last time.
3. He did not want to participate in the programme last week.
4. They did not want to sell that house last time.
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~¡° K͆ǰ=…ÿ#x J#°Hùx# XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
ㄬtßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 " Did + want to + I form of the Verb " L„¬†¶
³ yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Did you want to pay him money yesterday?
2. Did he want to see that movie last Sunday?
3. Did she want to practise type writing last year?
4. Did they want to inform him this matter yesterday?
Q®`ÇO…Õx XH› ‹¬=°†Ç°=ò#O^ΰ XH›~¡° K͆ǰ=…ÿ#x J#°Hù#x XH› „¬xx Q®°iOz
negative sense …Õ ã„¬tßOKÇ°@#° ‹¬¶zOKÇ°@䛽 " Didn't + want to + I form of the
Verb " L„¬†³¶yOKÇ=…ÿ#°.
Ex : 1. Didn't you want to continue the course last month?
2. Didn't he want to stay with you last time?
3. Didn't she want to do that job then?
4. Didn't they want to buy that site then?


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