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Lesson Plan

Date: 10/07/2021 Subject: Biology Period: 2

Class: IX School: DEI Prem Vidyalaya, Duration: 40 Minutes
Girls Intermediate College
Topic: Cell- Basic Unit of Life.

1. General Objectives
• Objectives of Cognitive Domain:
a) To impart the knowledge, concept of science.
b) To impart the applicability of science in our daily life.
• Affirmative Domain:
a) To develop responding ability in Students.
b) To develop responsibility among students.
• Psychomotor Domain:
a) To impart the skill of group activity in Students.
b) To develop the skill of observation.

2. Specific Objective
a) To teach about the meaning of cell and its structure.
b) To teach about the functions of cell
c) To teach about the cell theory of cell
d) To teach about the proxaryotic cells.
e) To teach about the features of cell theory.

3. Teaching Aid
General classroom equipment like ppt on cell or diagram, Blackboard, Chalk and Duster.

4. Teaching Method/ Technique:

a) Lecture Method.
b) Demonstration method.
c) Question and Answer Technique.

5. Previous Knowledge:
Students have previous knowledge of human body and its parts.


Question Expected Answers

1. What is building made up of? Bricks
2. What is a fundamental Unit in chemical structure? Atoms
3. What is Human body made up of? Problematic

Aim of Statement: Today we will study about the Cell- Basic Unit of Life.


Question Expected Answers

1. What is building made up of? Bricks
2. What gives the building shape? Arrangements of Bricks.
3. What does Human body require in order to grow? Food, Air, Water.
4. What is human body made up of? Bones, Tissues.
5. What is the fundamental Unit of body? Problematic
Explanation: In the organisms, Cell is the basic Structural functional Unit of Life.
Aim of Statement: Today, we will Study about the topic Cell- Basic Unit of Life.

S.No Teaching Behavioral Developmentary Student Blackboard Evaluation

Point Objectives Questions Activity
1. Meaning • Students will be 1. What is the Bricks Meaning of • Name the
of Cell able to define building Cell. organisms
Cell. made up of? It is derived which have
• Students will be 2. What is the Rectangle from word cells.
able to identify shape of Cella • Who
Cell organelles. bricks of (meaning)- discovered
• Students will be building? Hallow cell & on
able to talk 3. Human body Problematic which year?
about different is composed Question.
types of cells. of?
2. Structure Students will be able 1. What are Hands, Cell are of two • What are
of Cell. to recognize the Legs, Neck. types: Unicellular
different type of cell necessary 1. Unicellular. cells?
elements for 2. Multi- • Give the
human Cellular. example of
body? Unicellular
2. How does By Bones, cells?
they work? Nerves. • What are
3. What multicellular
elements Problematic cells?
are involved Question.
in the
of all smaller
parts of your

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