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Date 181 a1 SUBJECT: SCIENCE Pexiod: 2

SEHOOL: DEIPxem yidlolaya DUvadion'!Yonmin
CLASS VIIL Gils 3n medabe lditee

lopic nHicibes hd PLASTics

ieneual obiedives
Cogmi+ve "Domoin Soence
h e Knouwtedge, Con copd-o
o impo jn
he opblicoiy oSoen e
To impau
Oux daily e
Heive DomoJn
b) ueapmdng obilik Jn Students
.To uelop
To dovelnp 9uuAponaiity.

Psyhomotoy. Domain
skil o9up
To i p a t
hudenS Osewaiom
obsewadi on omang Omo

he skill o
To dwelp
the Students
Speii Objedives
a To toch obeu-Jhe maonimg

obeu h e Paljme.
bTo teoc
Toteoth abau he pe o Symtic
bues and Nylon hre.
Obout h e Royon
To Pobae.Ondplaaic
T o e och
eachin Aid -
ienealclassuo om equipmen's like V?¥ m
S y n e ic. b u e s Ond plasits ondiaguom,

BloKboaud, chalk, and dusteu.

Teachig Mehod| edmique :


O Leduv Nethod
mmaHtalim method.
QLa m On vaweu echnique

wio Knautedge
Sudants ove p iCus naule dqe dbuuu
b e s , Naduad SawC Ond Odiid Souvtes?


-Owaion Epeded maue

(SIe dots utich
e uoea O e
made p o
waue do we
02. Fiom
Cotlton, ODTl, Sik.

what is AyntHaic Pablemai c


Exploraion, -

Fibxes shidh oue made by

human beinq aue

o mon maded Yi b s .
Colled Syntladic ibes

Aim o SBodement - Todoy e uin Study

Obeu he -topic SynttsiNhe
eacbing Doin Bekaudoutal ohedhes eohg eGumm StuaionS
PupiLsac kou A#ty-
C Expected £hudent.tivly Blacxhooud Evaluain-
Meanimgo Shuden-
e to
ull be Dev eloping DLeshons
dslinee -The clotus c we ean Fabuch
LAJOd Pumay
Sumiaoe Snadicbre Me mode 6 uuchmaeual/|
mOm- m a d e

Student will be
02 m A do quwe
e P a b i e 04 a i s buea ase otu Pely 0 2 Give H a n
Omd meH
Oble to daine e owca o u i c Poly mRos masuy
Payme meymeRTS paO 03 Osine
S+udent-l} be PomeA
able to iali ne.| OTaduatlas
Polyeahey. Fbue wjh*umom ublamatic Ouan. e ol SyTadic
moge is Colde d Save
NyIon aym
PuPiL Teaa Stad-emend
oym OCuA Im
Hbued t i d aue thtaimed bu |hnon bamas aue
(Odled yntoic bye ov Tm ade bye
ASy nta b e iso doin ol Smal Ukiks jomed Ctton
+oto, eac >mall Uni+ is adUOI a comico
wlor bmall Units bmbine to
Un+Coued o Polmey
PotymexiS made Bmony Ape adin Onits
ypesoSumitie Studendxsilbe Deydopin Oudions pes o Syntadic.Cive apuope
be abe to dRumime NOme h e Onimod ukid SCbD om . Nglon.
aboud- dJeont- ves s Silx? hes C ive momp
pe o sHa 2iS NoJuAal diKis oenr b. oHisbr=
OH Cohos maki Nulon
om SKuvm
Student ill be 3. 0haimimg k asibe? Polyale o
oble to dine i s economical
KoyonbHe a&ic
Abxe widh haue uspexi urblemodic Quaion.
3 Stodent &imilat to K
abeto eplouy
2Studnt will be
obleto give
PUPIL Teo cka StoCmend
pmple o Rbue uich io oimed byclania_aodmerd
an o
DODd pulp i s b e S Calde ohloide O oa,
O Osuial ooven
k Ond Con be
Uke l k
d om Kounol ibuab
ilx. AÀDug isibue is olso boe
Soute Sed odod ulb ve it
amon made bre i. Com
i S miie
N n 1S mon made ibe i t h Cotton to
Ytope-ies oNylon Qe dsuos quiUy mox e bedsad.
Ond ouns its
.tia Stae bie. Aope. Nylonisoa i v e emoplo-
Non isUy b uou,
eato uwaahmd eloathc

KeCaplaim- bu-
wichhe obtoined Gm nOual Xuce
S isa om-made bue?

83 ive eople s Syntuicaue

ome uOK
uth enomples 7
. Dekne payom Pbxe
onmd Natual pbre)
leuntiade bowean Snlaic
03Give he renimgond polme

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