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Exercise 1:
1. With women especially, there is a great deal of social pressure
to conform to a certain physical shape.
2. Significantly, even at this late date, Lautrec was considered
somewhat conservative by his peers.
3. Therefore after six months the dieter is behaving according to
all twenty-six goals and she has achieved a substantial
reduction in sugar intake.
4. Modern houses have so many labour-saving contraptions that it
is difficult for the person at home to have adequate exercise by
doing chores, cooking, and looking after a family.
5. It is difficult to imagine exactly what is meant by saying that
such a classification is natural as any collection of implements
could be classified in this way.

Exercise 2:
1. A primary education system was established throughout Ireland
as early as 1831.
2. This will reduce the amount of drug required and so the cost of
3. The press reflected the living culture of the people; it could
influence opinion and reinforce existing attitudes but it did not
devise new forms of entertainment.
4. Thus, he should have investigated how the patient has coped
5. The court thinks it just and equitable to repay the property.
6. Dieters often feel that they should totally eliminate high-fat and
high-sugar foods.
Exercise 3:
The publishing company rejected the book which I wrote because
they thought it horrible. However, I did the best I could, and I think it
was stunning. I am not going to replicate it the way they said I should.

Exercise 4:
Topic 1: Some students tend to play computer games rather than do
sports. Why is this?
Nowadays, some students prefer playing computer games to doing
sports. Firstly, online games are being made to be captivating and
amusing day by day. Because of this, students are effortlessly
attracted by the graphics and the effects involved. When they
become addicted to virtual games, they obviously do not want to go
outside and do exercises. Secondly, sport doesn’t use at an important
function regularly in some countries’ schools. For examples,
Vietnamese schools only have two lessons for physical education a
week. Their schedule mainly concentrates on other subjects such as
Literature, Maths and English. Although there are just a few sport
lessons, some students seems not to be joyful. In another word,
when the P.E class starts, they ignore all the activities and take their
smartphones to play games. Moreover, most teenagers today have
inconsequential body-clocks. This reason leads to laziness, which can
not exist while doing exercises. In conclusion, computer games are
not harmful at all, but young generation should adjust their schedule
equally to have a great deal of time doing sports.

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