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ACS Cycle

24 Calibra/on Plan – Rou/ne programs

Time (orbits)‫ ‏‬
Proposal Title Frequency
Required Products Notes
(FTE)‫ ‏‬ Required
External Internal
14506-17-18 ACS CCD Daily Monitor 3x/week 624 Periodic 0.5 Ref files Dark, bias crea/on
Summer correc/on Monitoring of CTE losses to
ACS External CTE Monitor Yearly 8 0.5 1% abs

14507 2017 formula calibrate correc/on formula
Chiaberge Twice in Nov 16 Web, cte
14508 ACS Internal CTE Monitor 12 May 17 0.04 10% CTE EPER test
Cycle ref files

ACS CCD Hot Pixel Annealing 4 weeks 156 Periodic 0.25 Ref

Avila ACS UV Contamina/on
Yearly 2 0.1 Ref, ISR 1% SBC sensi/vity
14510 Monitor
Coe Nov 16 L-flat, Distor/on, Photometry
ACS CCD Stability Monitor 3x in cycle 4 0.1 Ref files 1%
14511 Mar/Jul 17 Back to original version
Borncamp ~Dec16 Track flat field changes, uses
ACS Internal Flat Fields 2x/cycle 16 ~Aug17 0.1 Ref, ISR <1%
14512 lamps. Back to original version
Avila ACS SBC darks 0.04
Yearly 4 10%
14514 Post flash calibra/on Yearly 1 March 17 0.02 1% Post-flash ref file
14515 ACS SBC MAMA Recovery as needed 4 0.004 - - Aeer irregular safing

Total orbits‫ ‏‬ 14
817 1.654

Non-rou/ne calibra/on programs
Bohlin ACS photmetric calibra/on 0.3
Zeropoints Photometric standards, new
Yearly 9 March 17 <1% K-type star added
14863 ISR
Anderson Repinning and reformula/on To be taken during the same
of the ACS CTE model as needed 12 0.35 Model, ISR
14864 anneal

Total orbits (rou/ne+non-rou/ne cals)‫ ‏‬ 23 829

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