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Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
1 (a) electrons; 2

(b) (i) (droplets) repel each other / repulsive force / like Ignore: attraction of paint to object 2
charges repel; Ignore: references to paint sticking
(droplets) spread out / finer spray;

(ii) Any two from 2

(object) attracts droplets /paint OR opposite Ignore: references to paint sticking
charges attract;
paint reaches back of object / obscured places (at
same time);
less paint wasted;

(c) risk of spark / shock /damage; Accept: lightning, fire, explosion, 2

Reject: risks from current electricity

related risk reduction; risk reduction method needs to apply to stated

e.g. earth connection, appropriate use of risk
insulation Accept: earthed, earthing, grounding, rubber
Reject: “rubber earth strip (under cars)”
Chapter - 7

Answer Accept Reject Marks
2 (a) (i) (Signal has) two values; On or off, 0 or 1, 2
two signal strengths
(ii) Any two of 2
The idea of increased frequency (of wave or send more bits/sparks,
modulation); send morse code more
quickly, send other
The idea of regeneration (allowing more data to
The idea of using increased bandwidth; The response should
The idea of using additional (signal) level; be about the signal, so
The idea of multiplexing (e.g. use more than one ignore:
channel); idea of just sending a
longer message
using optical fibre(s)

(b) (i) (wave) speed = frequency x wavelength v = f x λ (accept 1


(ii) Substitution; Bald answer;; 2

Calculation; Power of ten error (for
e.g.: 820 000 x 366 1 mark) e.g. 300 000
= 300 120 000 or 300 000 000 or 3 x 108 (m/s) m/s
Alternative correct
units (for 2 marks) e.g.
300 000 km /s
Chapter - 7

Question Answer
nswer Accept Reject Marks
2 (c) 183 (m); 1

(d) Any three of: Sparks generate radio 3

MP1 Electrons move OR there is a current Or Lightning causes
negative charge moves; (radio) interference;
MP2 (Discharge) to earth OR across cloud OR to Correct reference to
named object – tree, house, lightning conductor; electrostatic attraction
MP3 Air conducts; / repulsion ;
MP4 Phenomenon e.g. thunder clap / lightning;
Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
3 (a) C Silver 1

(b) Must be in the correct context Do not award marks for

repeat of stem
Any two from: Accept:
lifting sheet for A, metal
plate for B

• negative charge moves or electrons move; charge is not enough for first
• (charge moves through wire) from plate B / to lifting
sheet A;
A has gained electrons /B
has lost electrons for 2
• therefore produces unbalanced /net charge on A/B; marks

Ignore references to ‘poles’

‘current’ 2
Reject ideas about positive
charge moving
Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
3 (c) Must b
bee in the correct cont
context Ignore unqualified
Any two from
from ‘opposite
‘opposite charges

• (top of) dust

dust be
comess posi
e; allow an answer in
terms of charge 2
• negative charge on lifting
lifting sheet
sheet A separa
tion e.g. induced
attracts dus
dustt; charge on dust (‘to
positive ‘bottom
• force
forc e of
of a
action > weight of dust;

(d) Answer
Answerss must bbe
e in tth
he con
extt of the do no
not cred
credit repeat of
strea mo
off water an
andd charge
d ro
rodd stem

• the water
water (mole
uless) have a charge; 2

• opposite charges attract / like charges allow (negative

repel; charged
charge d ro
rodd attracts
(positively) char

Total 7
Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks

4 (a) Electrical; 2
Chemical / potential;
(b) (i) Charge = current x time; Accept rearrangements and standard symbols 1
e.g. current = charge
ignore units
(ii) Substitution; 3


Matching correct unit i.e. coulomb/C; Allow mC

Q = 400 x 3.5 x 3600
Allow 5040
MAX 2 if
time not converted into s (1.4, 1400, 60, 60 000,seen)
POT error seen
(c) Longer (charging) time needed; 2

Any one of


Lower current OR charge (supplied at a) lower


rate of charging lower/ less energy available;

Total 8 marks
Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
5 (a) Any ONE simple effect, e.g. Ignore theoretical approaches e.g. use a 1
attract scraps of paper / deflect water stream / charged “object”
deflect (gold leaf) electroscope/use a coulomb- Allow any practical suggestion e.g. attracts
meter hair/balloon

(b) (charges) are transferred / lost; Allow move or jump 2

electrons; Allow
• “negative electrons”
• e-
reject for 1 mark “positive electrons”

(c) Points may be shown on a labelled diagram 3

Methods that would not distinguish charge (e.g.
picking up paper scraps, bending a water
stream) can score ONLY MP1

MP1. Charge rods (of different plastics); Allow rubbing with the cloth as charging by
Accept alternative method e.g. induction
MP2. Method to allow to swing freely (suspend /
watch glasses);
MP3. Observation of attraction and repulsion;
Allow method describing deflections of a
charged gold leaf electroscope (GLE) for up to
3 marks
MP1 (GLE) Charge rods;
MP2 (GLE) Use of (charged) GLE;
MP3 (GLE) Looking for rise and fall of leaves;

(Total for Question 5 = 6 marks)

Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
6 (a) electrons move; Allow 2
negative charges for
from balloon to cloth; electrons
Ignore all references to
• positive electrons
• explanations in terms
of movement of
positive charge

(b) Idea that movement is due to attraction; Allow unlike charges 2

between negative charges in the hair and (positive)
balloon (however expressed);

(c) The balloon is an insulator; Allow poor conductor 1

(d) A sensible suggestion including movement of Allow 1

electrons; • ‘charge(s)’ for
e.g. electrons
electrons move from air/water/hair onto balloon • the charge on the
charges move from the hair into the air balloon is neutralised
water is a conductor so electrons move (into air/from Ignore all references to
balloon) ‘positive charge’

(Total for Question 6= 6 marks)

Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
7 (a) MP1 Due to friction; Allow idea of 2
materials rubbing

MP2 Idea of electron transfer; Ignore “charge”

Reject (for MP2
mark) idea of
protons moving

(b) (i) Idea of spark / ignition / fire / explosion Ignore reference to 1

shock and petrol

(ii) Idea of current (in the wire); ignore references 2

OR to positive charges
Idea of charge moving (in the wire);

Idea that this discharges tanker; Allow:

OR No charge is left
No voltage/ p.d. remains; No overall charge
Charge is removed
Tanker becomes

further discussion
of danger

Total 5 marks
Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
8 (a) movement of 3
positive {charge /
any 3 of: electrons} can only
score MP1 and MP5
MP1. idea of {rubbing / tearing} of ignore ‘friction’
{materials / surfaces};

MP2. idea of movement / transfer of


MP3. electrons have negative charge;

MP4. (object becomes) negatively

charged by gaining electrons OR
positively charged by losing

MP5. need for insulating material(s);

(b) any 2 of: 2

MP1. idea of opposite charges OR reject if mentions
positive and negative charges; positive electrons
ignore ‘different’
condone ‘unlike’
MP2. idea of attraction;

MP3. idea of an (attractive) force larger

than the weight of the loose end of

Total 5 marks
Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
9 (a) A carbon; (1)

(b) A negatively charged electrons; (1)

(c) D steel; (1)

(d) C 2 N poles facing; (1)

Total for Question 9 = 4 marks

Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
10 (a) (i) MP1. (due to) friction (between car and allow idea of materials 2
ground/air); rubbing

MP2. idea of electron transfer; allow ‘scraped off’ for

ignore “charge”, “static”
reject (for MP2 mark)
protons moving /
positive electrons

(ii) idea of an insulator OR insulating e.g. rubber tyre 1

material (between car and ground); allow RA e.g. ‘tyre is a

ignore comments
relating to charge being
unable to move e.g. ‘car
not earthed’

(b) (i) (otherwise there would be a risk of) ignore “to avoid travel 1
shock / spark / fire / explosion; sickness”

(ii) any 2 from:

MP1. metal (strap) is a conductor;

MP2. (hence) idea of current / charge reject references to

moving (in the strap/metal/wire); positive charge/protons

MP3. (electrons flow) between allow ideas of “earthing”

earth/ground/road and car; or “grounding”
e.g. “It (charge/car) is
earthed by the strap”

Total 6 marks
Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
11 (a) (i) P = I x V; accept standard 1
symbols or in words
or rearranged

(ii) substitution and rearrangement; 2


(I =) 110/230
(I =) 0.48 (A) allow 0.5, 0.47826 (A)
condone 0.47, 0.4782

(b) (i) any suitable suggestion; ignore references to 1

e.g. cable
carries a high(er) current overheating/melting
has low(er) resistance

(ii) L or live; 1

(iii) any suitable suggestion; 1

double insulated
does not have a metal case / has a case is not a
plastic case conductor / is an

(c) substitution into a suitable equation; no mark for the 3

equation as given in
the paper
time in correct units; allow if x60 / 3300
seen anywhere in

(E = I x V x t )
(E =) 0.17 x 230 x 55…………1 mark
(E =) 0.17 x 230 x 55 x 60…2 marks
(E =) 130 000 (J)……………………3 marks 129 030 (J)
allow 131 835 for use
OR of V = 235V

(E = P x t)
(E =) 40 x 55…………………1 mark
(E =) 40 x 55 x 60……………2 marks
(E =) 130 000 (J)…………………3 marks 132 000(J)

total marks = 9
Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
12 (a) A 1

(b) (i) suitable scales;  Must use > half width and 4
half height of grid
 to nearest ½ square, up to
6 points plotted;; two marks available for this,
-1 each error
 reject dot to dot
 allow a reasonably smooth
curve of best fit; curve, points should be
evenly distributed about the
Chapter - 7

(ii) V= I x R in words, or accepted symbols 1

or rearranged

(iii) value of I from graph; allow ECF from graph 4

rearranged equation/sub into
equation; answers without working can
evaluation; gain full marks
I= 1.6 (±1/2 a small square)
10 = 1.6 x R OR R = 10/1.6 R= 6.25
R= 6.3 allow answers which round to a
 / ohms number in the range 5.8 to 6.3

(iv) any three descriptions from:- allow 3

MP1. as V increases I increases (at as I increases V increases

MP2. constant gradient/constant R graph line linear (at first)

(at first);

MP3. I is proportional to V;

MP4. gradient changes at high nonlinear above ~ 15 V

voltage/eq; graph is less steep at high

MP5. I smaller (than previously) R increases for V > 15V (to

for V > 15V; ~8)

slows down
positive correlation

(v) any two conclusions from:- allow 2

MP1. resistance is constant at first; V and I are proportional at first,
it obeys Ohms law at first

MP2. resistance is not constant / non-ohmic /does not obey

resistance increases as V (or I) Ohms law / V and I are not
increases; proportional

MP3. because X gets hot(ter); increasing temperature

MP4. X is a filament lamp;

total marks = 15
Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
13 (a) any four in any order 4
power supply; accept battery
variable resistor/connecting wires/switch;
accept variable
power supply for
2 marks

(b) i any 1 of the following: 1

MP1. resistance changes with temperature;
MP2. temperature affects current;
MP3. the wire will get hot because of the

ii any suitable method; 2

further detail;
e.g. allow water bath
use a switch
only on for short time
allow wire to cool between readings
use only low current

(c) 4 correct lines score 3 marks;;; 3

2 or 3 correct lines score 2 marks;;
1 correct line scores 1 mark;

-1 if multiple lines drawn to or from the same


Total 10 marks
Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
14 (a) any three of the following: 3

MP1. current increases during first allow ‘at first’ for

0.04s/ to maximum of 0.4A; first 0.04s
MP2. current increase is linear
/proportionate to time;
MP3. (then) current drops for next 0.44s allow 0.5s
/ by 0.48s;
MP4. current decrease is nonlinear;

MP5. (final)current constant value is 0.2 allow 0.5s

A/ from 0.48s onwards;

b i 0.2 A; 1

ii V= I R; accept words or 1
standard symbols
iii substitution; accept ecf from 4
rearrangement; bi
unit; independent mark
12 =0.2R
R= 12/0.2

iv P= IV; accept words or 1

standard symbols
v substitution; accept ecf from 2
evaluation; bi
P= 0.2 12
2.4 (W)

c filament heats up very rapidly (at the allow wire for 2

start); filament
causing it to melt/ break;

Total 14 marks
Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
15 (a) marks are for how 3
components are
connected so
ignore circuit
MP1. ammeter connected in series with
filament lamp;
MP2. voltmeter connected in parallel with allow voltmeter
filament lamp; connected in
parallel with lamp
and ammeter
MP3. suitable method of varying the
voltage (e.g. by using variable
resistor or using variable power

(b) any 4 of: 4

MP1. read ammeter / voltmeter OR
record current / voltage;
MP2. current is measured for more than
one voltage;
MP3. repeat readings and calculate
average (mean);
MP4. plot graph;
MP5. suitable experimental precaution,
e.g. check meters for zero error /
switch off current between

Total for question 15 = 7 marks

Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
16 a light; must be in this order 2
(to) electrical; only

b (i) charge = current x time; allow rearrangements 1

and standard symbols
e.g. Q=Ixt
reject use of c/C for
current and charge

(ii) substitution; 2


(charge =) 2.3 x 15
(charge =) 35 (C) allow 34.5

c idea that solar panels will still produce electricity if allow idea that they 1
one breaks / does not receive light; still work if one breaks
/ does not receive light

ignore ideas relating to

independent switching

Total for question 16 = 6 marks

Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
17 a C; 1

b (i) (independent) temperature; must be this way round 2

(dependent) resistance;

(ii) label on both axes with units; ignore orientation 4

scale on both axes; sensible linear scale using
≥50% of the grid
plotting;; tolerance is +/- 0.5 square
-1 for each error

(iii) suitable curve passing no more than 1 square from 1

any point;

(iv) value in the range 420 – 480 (Ω) allow ecf from line drawn 1
in (iii) ± 1/2 sq

(v) any three from: 3

MP1. idea of thermometer reading being the e.g.
actual temperature of the thermistor;  position thermometer
closer to the thermistor
 position thermometer at
the same height as the
 placing thermistor at the
bottom (of the beaker)
 stirring the water
MP2. measure a greater range of temperatures; allow ‘measure for higher
temperatures’ etc.
MP3. take readings to fill in the gap in the allow ‘measure more
temperature range; temperatures’ in the
absence of MP2 and MP3
MP4. idea of measuring temperature/resistance allow
to greater precision; use a temperature sensor
and data logger
more sensitive / digital
MP5. take repeats AND average;
Chapter - 7

c (i) voltage = current x resistance; allow rearrangements and 1

standard symbols
e.g. V = I x R
reject c/C for current
(ii) substitution AND rearrangement; allow ecf from (i) 2
evaluation to 2 or more significant figures;

(current =) 6.10 / 1060
(current =) 0.00575 (A) allow 5.75 mA
0.0058 (A)

(iii) resistance decreases; 3

voltage stays the same;
(I=V/R therefore) current increases;

Total for question 17 = 18 marks

Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
18 (a) (i) power = voltage x current; allow rearrangements and use of 1
standard symbols e.g. P = V x I
do not allow c/C/A for current

(ii) substitution; 3

6.5 = 230 x I
(I =) 6.5 / 230
(I =) 0.028 (A) allow 0.03, 0.0283, 0.02826… (A)
do not allow 0.02 (A)

2 (b) 1 mark for each correct;;; 3

S1 S2 S3 Lamp

up up up on

down down down off

up up down off

down up up off

up down down on

Total for question 18 = 7 marks

Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
19 a (i) correctly drawn thermistor symbol; 1
line through the
symbol must be
diagonal and ‘ice
hockey stick’ shaped
but can be in any

(ii) correct symbol for a voltmeter connected 2

in parallel with any component;
component is the lamp; DOP

b (i) voltage = current  resistance; allow rearrangements 1

and standard symbols
e.g. V = I  R

(ii) dimensionally correct substitution; 3

evaluation; -1 for POT error (not
converting mA to A)
5.6 = 0.79  R
(R =) 5.6/0.79
(R =) 7.1 (Ω) allow 7 (Ω), 7.09 (Ω),
7.089 (Ω),

7.08 (Ω) gets 2

marks only

c brightness increases; 3
and any two from:
 (because) thermistor resistance
 (therefore) current increases; ignore references to
 (therefore) voltage of lamp

d (current) decreases / eq; condone idea of 1

current halving

Total for question 19 = 11 marks

Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
20 (a) cell; condone battery 1

(b) (indicator) lamp; allow (light) bulb, (filament) lamp 1

(c) (fixed) resistor; reject resistance 1

(d) light dependent resistor / 1


Total for question 20 = 4 marks

Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
21 (a) D (2500 J); 1

D is the only correct answer

A is incorrect because this is the wasted output energy

B is incorrect because this is the (useful – wasted) output energy
C is incorrect because this is the useful output energy

(b) any two from: 2

MP1. there is a current in allow answer in terms of electron
the coil / wire; movement e.g. electrons move
through coil
MP2. coil / wire has allow electrons collide (with ions in
resistance; the coil);
MP3. electrical energy condone electrical energy
transferred to thermal transferred to heat energy

(c) (i) power = current  voltage; allow in standard symbols and 1

e.g. P = I  V
reject C, A for current
reject W for power

(ii) substitution OR allow dimensionally correct 2

rearrangement; substitution
evaluation to at least 3 s.f.; reject 10.8 (A)

2500 = I  230 OR current
= power / voltage
(I =) 10.9 (A) allow 10.86, 10.87, 10.869… (A)

(iii) if current increases above allow ‘too large a current’ 3

13A (for a sustained length
of time);
fuse (wire) melts / eq.; condone ‘fuse blows’
circuit is broken; allow current is cut off / eq.

Total for question 21 = 9 marks

Chapter - 7

Answer Notes Marks
22 (a) (i) voltage = current  resistance; allow in standard symbols and 1
e.g. V = I  R
reject C, A for current

(ii) substitution; 4
evaluation; -1 if rounding error e.g. 11.42

4.80 = 0.42  R
(R =) 4.8 / 0.42
(R =) 11 allow 11.4, 11.43, 11.42857…
ohms / 

(b) (i) charge = current  time; allow in standard symbols and 1

e.g. Q = I  t
reject C for current and charge

(ii) dimensionally correct can be scored even if time not 2

substitution; converted to seconds

(Q =) 0.42  45 ( 60)
(Q =) 1100 (C) allow 1130, 1134 (C)
18.9, 19 (C) gets 1 mark only

(iii) time (to charge fully) 3

current reduces;
(because) resistance of cable allow longer {wire / lead} has
has increased; greater resistance

Total for question 22 = 11 marks

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