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® sproutsocial conser tosss7es231 mth | toon - EXESRRERERO | Social Media + Paoms + Indusles + Caour Growth Manotng sights + Sprout + Rosoueas > AlTopes Q sean Instagram for Brands: How To Build A Creative, Engaging, High- Impact Strategy 2 pected crore scone tne nes rpaveipnang patos soe al ots Fa trom cc! pat ofcomeron tenveen bcs nd costar. eae scorn oer 28st an en compared pan eet Henle ‘to other social networks, Instagram is the number one network that + corm Consomor voto xo ars renal People abo have pst perceptos of econ stag. Acog - 2 shod cry, peonl cine oconte nds on grams nna Sep somone commas bso What was once 8 mobil based photo and video-sharing network snow 3 fullsevce social makating platform. Instagram cordinues to rltout new business features tke shopping options creator tools and content formats, ‘making increasingly brane. Instagram stile visual dren socal network, butt takes more than pubshing atactve images or videos to achieve success. Successful ‘marketing on Instagram ste product of a thoughtful yet nimble strategy that’s grounded in concrete goals, a clear brand identity, crest content erect communty engagement custome! service and social data. Tohelp you develop your Instagram marketing strategy. weve put together this comprehensive gui that wil walk you though: + setting goats + tacotying your audience + creating a content pion “+ Engoaing wth your nstagram community ‘+ Analyzing and appving data to retne your strategy ee MY Lm: [reals Co) yr lm riclsieclul ‘Before you stat posting for your brandon Instagram, you need a sat purpese and goals te guide your svatery ‘Begin with big-pctre objectives tha back up why youre on Instagram in the fst place For example, anew business might use the platform to bul brand awareness and share promotions wth loca followers to get people in the doos A wetestablshed enterprise company, on te oter hand, might tntend to boost customer loyally and expand branded content partnerships. ‘Otner goss to consider include but aren tinted to: + Generate lacs and sales + Increase community engogement + Promote products and sonices + Track understand and take on competitors Marketers’ primary goals for social media ‘Also, consider ram works whe setting goals. For instance, Istagam doesn alow ks tobe embedded in posts. Ad atematvey wt nkin bi, uses typcally bounce fom post profile bio tolink. then aly to the website, makingit 3 somewhat clunky user ‘experience. Therefore ather than poz content that atamps to deve ‘2b trae, you could focus on creating Instagram spect, interactive content that delves value to your auence without tem ever having to leave the platter, ‘Once you nave your goals in mind, estabish which metic willbe Key performance indcaters (KPIs that determine youre meeting, exceeding oF faling short of your goals Let's break down afew key metrics you should onside or your nstagram sate: ‘+ Awareness Impressions each and fellower count + Engogement Likes, comments shares, clicks end overall engegement + Conversion: Social wa ink ks product buon elks on shopping content| + Customer care: Response time, solution fate, and sentiment For afl tof macs forever stage of the customer Journey, downoad the Social Media Metrics Map. OTe Ti MCU mole ete es Lumele iary Develop your content and get Ct ‘Contents the foundation of your Instagram presence. The highiywsua ‘ature of stagram gives you a unique opportunity to creatively showcase yourbrand’s culture, products and sences, events and people As you bainsteum the direction of your content ask yourselt ‘+ How do me want cur business pref t look, sound and fel? + What sores do we want to te tough Instagram? + What kinds of content formats west support eur gous? “+ What can we share thats veualy intresting? ‘+ What wi nstagram allow us to do that oer platforms dont? tn terms of tat ast question instagram nasa oto oer. As he pltorm has expended, so have the avalabie content optons Instagram for brand. ‘Between regular posts, REO, IST. ve, Sols, Shop content and other avaliable content formats, theres a lato consider in you Instagram content strotogy. tight be tempting to check every single content box, but it's best to start smal men scale up as you igure out what kindof content gets your followers to doubletap and engage, [As you plan out your content. consider @ balance of content formats tat vl workbest forthe resources you have and the engagement you want fom your avatence. you're starting fom scratch on Instagram, do a competitive anatsisto see how other brands in your nasty appcoach Instagram content. Then, use your fangs a5 inspiration fer the ways which you can How MeUndies weeves customer The marketer's guldetolntagram Everything you need te know ‘are into the fabric oftheir brand Role about lov = B sproutsociel Instogram Data: How to Examine Your Pertormance 4 Build and grow stronger f @e como relationships on social sconce, engage our coment ae mone management lato but for connection,

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