Goetia Girls Com Dantalion and Crocell Compress

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DANTALIONI SEERESS OF FAR-SIGHT VISION: The Seventy-first Spirit is Dantalioni. She is a Great and
Mighty Duchess, whom appears in the form of a beautiful woman amidst a hall of Scrying mirrors,
which to depict the countenances of all women's and men's faces; sometimes she is seen as a
powerful Sorceress whom has a living Mirror in her possession via which she watches many a 'Snow
White' to that of a Prince, or one to see her within visions as being seated in an office of an intelligence
gathering agency filled with many computer screens, which to depict the lives of all those being
watched, and those who are observed are totally unaware that they are being spied upon. She will have
a book in her hand, which to contain many secret things concerning the deeds of others and each to
have a Number whom as an unknowing 'Prisoner' frequent their island of a reality; it will appear at
times that she is part of an artificial intelligence belonging to a computer and she being its sentient
manifestation of a Holographic projection inside of ones head. Her Office is to teach all Arts and
Sciences unto her Master and to declare the Secret counsels of any one; for she knows the thoughts of
all men and women, and can change them at will. She will only do what is asked of her after she has
been sexually satisfied by her Master via those most vivid Erotic Lucid Dreams she will initiate. She can
cause love, and show the likeness of any person anywhere in the world. She governs over 36 Legions
of Spirits like unto her self of intelligence gathering nature.

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CROCELLA WATER NYMPH: The Forty-Ninth Spirit is Crocella, or Crokelli. She appears in the form of
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an Angelic Nymph, whom is most beautiful to behold of vision, to be sometimes seen in a bath or to be
on a beach near unto the Sea as a Beach Babe playing Dead or Alive Extreme Volleyball; at other times
she is envisioned to be swimming naked amidst a lake or that of frequenting a school swimming pool
wearing her iconic spray on tight camel-toe swimming costume or to be sojourning in a Sauna with her
most loving Sisters within ones Visions and Dreams. She is a Great and Strong Duchess, speaking
mystically of hidden things. She teaches the art of Sacred Geometry whose geometric forms manifest in
water as well as the Liberal Sciences. She, at the command of the Exorcist, will produce great noises
like the rushing of many waters, although there be none; she warms the waters with her Spirit,
wherefore its essence is changed as well as discovering baths and underground streams. She will only
bestow her gifts after she has had her sexual way with her Master via those vivid Erotic Lucid Dreams
she will most fervently induce after being Evoked. She was of the Order of Potentates, or Powers,
before her fall; she Governs 48 Legions of water Nymphs like her self.

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