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Our paper has tried to analyze the probable reasons as to why the respondents responded in
such a manner in the survey which hints towards the underlying political condition in our
country. Based on the responses of 2000 participants on various political issues, we have raised
three questions, the answers to which reflects the deep-rooted political misculture and the
growing distrust of citizens on government institutions and politicians. Even though there are
multitude limitations to our analysis, it is safe to say that dissatisfaction of the respondents with
the political elites for crippling the democratic practices is reflective of the feelings of the entire
population of this country.

Table- A (contains the relevant data required to support evidence for the

Areas Categories collapsed Percentage

Politicians are extremely corrupt Strongly Agree 44.2%

Strongly Disagree 2.5%
Politicians serve their own interest rather Partly and Strongly Agree 86.1%
than that of the people

Partly and Strongly Disagree 13.7%

The current political system is rotten Partly Agree 39.6%
Quite Disagree 19.2%
Image of Politicians Negative 19.3%

Positive 35.95%
Neutral 44.75%
Satisfaction with democratic development Satisfied 87.8%
Not Satisfied 12%
Politicians promise a lot but don’t do much Agree 74.2%
Disagree 25.75%
Source- Data Book Trust (21a, 25b,c, 30c,d,f,I, 36), where n=2000

1. Why do the citizens of this country think that corruption has seeped in every
level of different political parties starting from top tier politicians right down to
the lowest activists?
From the data in the table, it is very safe to say that the people in this country think that the
politicians at every level are corrupt. A whopping 44.2% of the respondents thinks that the
politicians are extremely corrupt. There are various credible reasons as to why people think this
way. The top politicians have been involved in various financial scandals in the last few decades
like sending money abroad, huge corruption allegations etc. and the lack of transparency has
convinced the people of their involvement. In the district levels, the local politicians are involved
in criminal activities such as extortion, money laundering, bribing, assaults and many more
criminal activities. By using the name of the party, they are looking after their own interest as
86% of the respondents believe. Evidence of such activities has been portrayed in popular media
as well. For several years this country has developed a political system based on money, power,
dominance etcetera rather than people’s well-being. That is why around 40% of the respondents
partly agree that the current political system is rotten whereas on 20% don’t. These all are the
evidences as to why people hold such a view on the corruption among politicians.

2. What is the image of Politicians in public opinion?

Politicians are the leaders of political parties who stand before the public to lead the nation.
They are chosen by the people. The table above shows us how people see the politicians.

Politicians are known by their actions. From the data we can say that 19.3 % percent people have
negative views on politicians. There are various reasons why people possess negative view
towards politicians. In Bangladesh the politicians are fonder of staying in power rather than
serving the public. They make fake promises to gain vote from the public to get the hold of
power. The politicians are also involved in various kinds of corruption throughout the history
such as embezzlement, fraud, bribery, cronyism and last but not least nepotism. For all of these
reasons 19.3 % people have negative image of the politicians in Bangladesh.

On the other hand, 35.95 % people have good perception about politicians. Politicians works for
the betterment of the people. Most of the time the development on any nation is initiated by the
politicians. This kind of development and public welfare enhances the reputation of the
politicians and thus lead towards public supporters. Whereas a big number of people (44.75%)
has a neutral point of view on politicians because they care about the results rather than
supporting any individual politician. In the final analysis from the data above our conclusion is
that the politicians should work hard for the nation rather than focusing on the power. All
together most of the people of our country have neutral opinion (44.75%) about the politician
and 35.95% of the public shares a positive Feelings towards the politician and rest of them have
negative view on politicians.
3. Why the people of Bangladesh are less interested in politics even though it is a
democratic country?

Bangladesh is a democratic country besides it is also a weak state in where democracy is

preached more than practiced. In where crimes and corruption are often founded. And these are
one of the main reasons that why people of Bangladesh are less interested in politics. Usually
people don’t want to get touch with corruption or any kinds of criminal activity. But from the
survey, it is showing 87.2% people are rather slightly satisfied or completely satisfied with the
democratic development of the Bangladesh. So, it can be said that people of Bangladesh are
more satisfied with democratic development. Besides from the survey, it is showing 86.8%
people have confidence on parliament. But on the other hand, it is seen that 62.1% agree that
there is no point in voting as political parties can do whatever they want. Another 86.3% people
think that political leaders commit a lot but in reality, they rarely do anything. And other surveys
are also saying that most of the political matters are corrupted. So basically, it can be analyzed
that though people are satisfied with the democracy and parliament but people are not satisfied
with the with the political leaders and parties. They think that there is no need of vote as
political parties can do whatever they want. Moreover, the leaders are not honest they don’t
fulfill their commitments and most of them are linked with corruption. For these things people
don’t want to add with politics. But it is also true that people may take less participation in
politics but it is certain that eventually man are linked with the politics. Rather it can be said
that people are not active in politics directly. So, because of corruption people are less interested
in politics.


A holistic picture regarding the political ecology of this country can be interpreted from analysis
above. Though the sample size was very small the survey has addressed some of the key
questions. regarding the political climate of Bangladesh. It hints towards a growing discontent
among the masses, as the political institutions are not fulfilling their roles properly. It is high
time to drastically change the political culture and instill more transparency, responsibility,
nonviolence and truthfulness.

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