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Feedback relationships

I -a neglected theme in physics

Fedor Srobar
Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics. Czechoslovak Academy o f Sciences, Chaberski 57,
Prague 8, CS-182 51, Czechoslovakia

Received 29 April 1991, in final form 29 August 1991

Abstract. Feedback mechanisms play a substantial part RRum6. Les mkcanismes de couplage riactif jouent un
in many phenomena scattered across various provinces of rBle important dam boucoup de phenomknes dispers6s
physics. Their mmt prominent manifestation is the parmi diverses branches de physique. Leur manifestation
bistability in what may broadly be formulated as the la plus prominente est la bistabiliti dam ce qu'on pourrait
inputloutput behaviour of the system. Several concrete generalement formuler comme le comportement entrkl
instances are analysed using a modified signal Row graphs sortie du sys16me. Quelques exemples concrets sont
(causal diagrams) method. Presence of at least one analysis en employant la methode de graphes au courents
feedback loop in the representative diagram appears, by de signaux modifiie (la melhode de diagram" causals).
induction. to be the sine qua non for the occurrence of La p+sence d a u moins une boucle de couplage rbaactif
bistability. As a sufficient condition, the sum of the so- dans le diagramme representatif risulte. par induction,
called transmission functions of all the diagram loops, as d%trela condition sine quo non pour I'apparition de la
a plotted function of the output variable. must cross the bistabilite. La condition suffisante consiste en ce que la
critical level of unilv twice. somme de fonetionn de transmission de toutes les boucles
dans le diagramme, trade en fonction de la variable de
sariie. doii iraverser le niveau critique aunith deux iois.

1. lntroductlon The material is presented as two parts. Section 2 is

a free-standing survey of the principles. The method is
Feedback mechanisms are surely not ubiquitous in shown at work in the analysis of a simple physical
the world; they are nonetheless not infrequent either system, the van der Waals gas. Section 3, more
and are quite often rightly invoked a s an explanation advanced in terms of physics and the required math-
of observed phenomena. Whilst electronic circuit ematical and computational techniques, contains a
theory has develaped, in a natural way, a perspicuous sequence of more complicated examples and some
notation to describe the feedback relationships involv- general conclusions.
ing currents and voltages, other disciplines are less
lucky in this respect: formulations are either qualitat-
2. The prlnclples
ive and vague or the feedback features remain implicit
in iiie anaiytlcai description and niay esca~,eiiotice
2.1. Diagrammatical representation
altogether. In physics, the situation is particularly
of the causal links
unsatisfactory in education: in most introductory
courses the concept of the feedback influence is Signal flow graphs [ I , 21 have been used in circuit and
absent. systems theory for more than three decades. They are
In this article the case study method is employed to particularly well suited to formulate problems of an
demonstrate the occurrence of feedback patterns in abstract and fundamental nature, such a s those
v~ri:ouss?~bRe!dsof physics. (The se!~r!inn ofcxzmp!es rooted in n~!work !opo!ngy. The veyqion of this
is to a certain degree random, reflecting the author's method used here-the causal diagrams-originated
personal preoccupations.) Also, we hope t o bring to independently in a different thematic context, that of
notice the potential of the diagrammatic method non-linear electronic transport in solids [3]. (Paradoxi-
which, to our knowledge, has not been employed in cally, the inspiration came not from the graph theory
physics. While the analysis of feedback relationships but from the Feynman diagrams of quantum field
may be its forte, this method has much wider scope, theory.) The signals transmitted by the diagram lines
being eminently suited to express causal connections. are infinitesimal increments; this feature ties the
2 F Srobdr

In figure 2 are shown three simple diagrams span-

ning the vertices a,, a>and containing a closed oriented
path, a feedback loop, with the transmission function
I , equal to f a , o , , or8,.2'rap, and for the diagrams (a),
(b) and (c), respectively. Oriented lines labelled on one
end only (-a, and a>+) are not diagram edges and
only serve to indicate the input and output ports of
the whole diagram, that is, vertices where the externally
controlled change @ ' a ! ) is injected and the resulting
ici change ( 6 4 ) is monitored, respectively. In diagrams
(such as those in figure I ) with no internal signals
coming to the input port through diagram lines, one
has h'a, = 60, and the lines labelled with only one
vertex can be omitted if the location of the input
and/or output port is obvious. All three patterns
shown in figure 2 have transmission function =

Flgure 1. Diagrams representing elementary causal ha2/6'a, = %,02/(l - 1,). For diagram ( a ) this follows
relationships. (a) basic convention, ( b ) serial from the relations 6a, = 'rO,.,6a,, 6a, = F a , +
determination. (c) parallel determination, ( d ) two &6a,. For the other two diagrams the proof IS
parallel influences on a2 originating in a,. analogous.
Relation 60, = r;: ha, = ha^ defines the diagram
a, + a2 inverted w i d regard to that in figure I(a). A
useful lemma [4] states that the diagram for parallel
causal diagrams closely to the tirst-order differentiai determination, figure iiuj, can be inverted by
equations. inverting one of the branches and changing the
Basic conventions and rules are summarized in transmission function sign of the second branch
figure I . The primitive pattern ( a ) portrays the dif- (figure 3). The inverted pattern contains a feedback
ferential relation ha, = r.,. ha,. The change da, in loop I = a2a,a2with the transmission function f , =
quantity a , is construed as the cause of the change 60, 'ra2a,(-2ro!a2)= -2re,mJ'ra,a2. The proof Follows
the equat~onchain role, = lGJ2 = ('& + 2 r#,J'
in quantity a,. Signals ha,, 6a, are supposed to reside
O l '-t 1Ii1 l. -l 1* f ain i /':o(al) = $&/(! - !i). Making refer-
on :he vii:iies a,, a,. r,, , is. called :hi transmksioa ' '+

function of the oriented line a, a,. It is generally equal ence to figure 2(b), the last expression is recognized as
to the partial differential coefficient aa#a, evaluated the transmission function of the diagram in figure 3.
under proper conditions. The next three patterns Typically, one is interested in the relationship
represent serial ((b): ha, = fs,olra~a3hal) and parallel between :WO quantities X and Y that are bound by a
((c): 60, = fo,o,6a,+ r,,,,Sn,, and ( d ) :ha, = + set of (generally) non-linear relations G'"(X, Y , { U , ] ) =
*rn,n2)hah) determination. 0 (i = I , 2 , . . . ,n ) involving also some 'inner' variables
a, ( j = I , 2, . . . ,m ) whose number depends on the level
of detail. Differentiating one obtains a set of linear
algebraic equations relating the variations 6X, 6 Y,
Figure 2. Simple panerns containing two vertices and a and da,
single feedback loop.

I? 1 4 1
,!=I,',.... ",,

Each of these equations contributes one' or more

edges to the diagram spanned by the vertices X,Y,
{a,} representing system variables. This diagram is
transformed using the above rules to a form in which
only vertex X is the recipient of an externally

Flgure 3. Inversion of the parallel pattern. figure l(d1.

Feedback relationships in physics 3

controlled change (input) 6’X. (The total signal 6 X at

the vertex X may also include contributions coming
from other diagram vertices.) This excitation then
propagates along the oriented lines of the diagram
and the ratio SY/S‘X defines the transmission func-
tion rxI of the diagram between vertices X and Y. The FlQure 4. Diagram portraying the van der Waals
differential equation of the Y-versus-X characteristic equation.
is dY/d‘X = l X y .Having this differential equation and
the corresponding diagram provides in most cases
more insight into operation of the physical system with
than just having an analytic expression of the Y-versus-
X characteristic. = “(awjap’), = - (w - b)/p’
The procedure is demonstrated on the examples
that follow. As we are expressly interested in the = -(w - b)’/RT
feedback relationships, all the cases analysed have a t
least one closed loop in the representative diagram. It loo.= “(ap’/Jp), =1
will he seen that, in accordance with general theory of
signal flow graphs [I], the transmission functions can ‘nc,r = ’(JP’/~P& = 1
be written in the form

where F(X, Y) is a well behaved function and (Upper-left indices refer to individual items of the set
(3) used to evaluate the differential coefficients.)
Y) = z l / x ( X ,Y)
rjS(X% (2) Equation set (4) can be represented by the diagram in
figure 4, with edge labels a, b, c indicating which
is the transmission functions sum extending over all equation of the set (4) contributed the given diagram
closed 1 0 0 ~ sin the diaeram. Only~.s i m ~ l eloODSare edge. When we consider the external changes in press-
included, i n the sens; that no oriented edge is ure p as the sole primary cause of changes in the
encountered more than once on the given closed path system, there is n o need to modify the diagram:
and the loop cannot he decomposed into two or more the change Sp injected at vertex p propagates along
constituent loops. Formula ( I ) presents a generaliz- the oriented edges and the corresponding output 60
ation ofthe expression valid for the simple patterns of can be monitored at vertex v . There is a feedback loop
figure 2. in the diagram-the closed path wpcp’w with the trans-
mission function
1.2. An illustrative example: the van der Waals
Analysis of this simple and well known equation pro-
vides a suitable entry point both to the theme of Using the rules of section 2.1, the transmission func-
feedback relationships in physics and to applications tion of the whole diagram can be written
of the diagrammatic method.
Introducing auxiliary quantities p‘ and pc, we can
p’(w - h ) = RT (34
P‘ = P + Pc (36)
= -(w-b)‘/RT
(I--- RT v’
The differential equation of the isotherms is dvldp =
(We consider the nomenclature as familiar or self- 18%.
evident to the reader.) What we are after is the dif- The controlling influence of the feedback loop on
ferential equation for the van der Waals isotherms; the van der Waals isotherms is apparent from the
equations (3) are therefore differentiated under the example in figure 5 . The two-phase interval of volume
condition of constant temperature: values (characterized by dv/dp > 0) is coextensive
with the volume interval of supercritical feedback,
6v = f“.”SP’ (40) llwp(w) > I (existing for T < T, = 8a/27hR). Van der
Waals gas possesses, unlike the ideal gas (for which
Sp’ = I& + l,c,.6p, (46) rloop 0), a built-in feedback mechanism that may,
under proper conditions, be the cause of instability of
the single-phase states.
4 F Srabar

0 5 lo 0 0.5 1.0
p lMPal ti..,
Flgure 5. Isotherms (left-handpanel) and feedback loop transmission function-versus-molarvolume dependences
(right-handpanel) for t h e van der Waals gas (CO,: a = 3.64 x 106MPacm'mol-2.b = 42.7cm'molr': T, = 31T).
Common vertical scale, temperature values in "C label t h e curves.

3. Examples of physical systems exhibiting 6n = t,6T (8b)

leedback behaviour
6T = !,6F + t,& (SC)
1 1 I?#""*.
.. "..CL.>
. " . . . I,,CP. "n
L. C
" o..~.,"l.n"~
C"..C..""..16C Wi!h
behaviour of semieondueton and insulators ot fi - t/c
' I.( = i/n I , = nO/T',
The actual physical situation which exists when
measurements of the current-voltage characteristics tm = i / A = F/A. (9)
of such solids are made can he quite complicated, with Equations (8) define the diagram in figure 6 with the
possibly several thermal and electronic mechanisms transmission function
being at work concurrently 151. Diagrammatic
analysis may help here to sort out various effects [3].
We take the case of an ideal thermistor [6], where
the only source of deviation from Ohm's law is the
increment in carrier concentration due to the Joule
heat. The system equations are
i=enpF n = Aexp(-@IT) is the transmission function of the feedback loop iTni
ihr verien i, The branch "(.';j
T = G+iF/A (7) represents Ohm's law; lor a thermistor a parallel path
with i the current density, F the electric field intensity, FTni is appended to connect the vertices F and i,
e the elementary charge, n the carrier concentration, p expressing influence of F upon i mediated by the
the carrier mobility (considered constant), A a changes in temperature.
constant with the dimension of carrier concentration, The differential equation of the current-voltage
0 a temperature parameter proportional to the curves has the form di/dF = I&, F ) and must be
carrier activation energy, Tothe ambient temperature integrated numerically, using, for example, some
and A the effectivethermal conductivity of the sample/ routine of the Runge-Kutta type. (This is no specific
ambient interface. disadvantage, since equations (7) cannot be solved to
Differentiating (7). we get yield a closed-form explicit expression for either i or
Fin terms of the other variable.) An example is shown
S i = 't,6F + rn,6n (8a) in figure 7. Again, the shape of the i-F curves is
controlled by the feedback loop. There being only one
crossing p i n ! of !hc curve with the critical level
Figure 6. Diagram representing effects of Joule sell. 01unity, the i-F traces do not exhibit a full sigmoidal
heating on the current-voltage behaviour 01 a (S-shaped) character. This would require intervention
Semiconductor or insulator. of other mechanisms or formation of current fila-
ments [5].
F a
i T-"
J 1
- 3.2. Semiconductor injection laser with WO sections
This laser construction, proposed early in the history
of semiconductor lasers [7], contains a tandem
Feedback relationships in physics 5




F I V 1"
Flgure 7. Characteristics of an ideal thermistor: field intensity and transmission function of the feedback loop a s
functions of the current density. To = 3 0 0 K . 0 = 3WOK. values of A in WcmPK-' label the curves.

arrangement of an electrically pumped optical gain

section ( I ) and a saturable absorber section (2) %/ = g,w, ( I46)
situated in a common Fabry-Perot resonator. Such
lasers have been the subject of renewed interest recently 'LOn2=
-g,w8/(2Bn, + 7;' + nPwag;) (14~)
owing to their bistable behaviour. The emerging field
of optical computing necessitates such elements. The = (2&B
l","@ + f l o W g g h / ( 7 ; ' - g,w,y,
analysis here follows [4]; quantities characterizing the
two sections are indexed with i = I and i = 2, - g,w8Yd (14d)
The rate equations for electrons (concentrations = (2Bn,B
21n2mD + npw8&)vJ(T;' - g,w8v,
n,), and photons (no)are
d n , / d r = PI - B n : - g , n , w , - n , / r , (124 - gz WS?Z ). (1 4 4
g( is the derivative of the gain function.
dn,/dr= P , - B n : - g , n , w , - n , / r , (126) Equation set (13) and its immediate diagrammatical
equivalent can, after some manipulations including
dn,ldr= ( v , g , + y d n , w , - np/rp application of the inversion lemma, be presented by
the diagram in figure 8. In simple terms, the meaning
+ BB(v,fl: + yzn:). (W of the individual edges can be interpreted as follows.
The P,(proportional to electric current) are the pump- Change in the pumping rate results in a change of the
ing rates (Pi= 0), B is the radiative recombination carrier concentration in the first section (edge P , n , ) .
coefficient, wg is the group velocity of light, 7,are the This, via radiative recombination processes, trans-
non-radiative recombination lifetimes, xp is the lates into a change in the photon concentration within
photon lifetime in the cavity, y,(y, +
yi = I ) are the the optical cavity (edge n,n,). Existence of the edge
O(nDP,)is connected with the stimulated emission.
volume fractions of the two sections and /Iis the
spontaneous emission coefficient. The dependence of Carrier concentration in the absorber section is
the gain on the carrier concentrations is approximated controlled by the photons (edge ' ( n p n z ) ) .Radiative
by a quadratic function g,(n,) = an: + bn, + c. The recombination of carriers in this section, in its turn,
terms g,n,w, express the stimulated photon emission influences the photon concentration (edge *(n2nP)).
in the respective sections. The diagram in figure 8 contains two circular paths
We are interested in finding the differential form of (feedback loops) I,: P , n , n , P , and 12: npn2np.The
the equation expressing the steady-state light-current
characteristic; the left-hand sides ofequations (12) are
therefore equal to zero. After differentiation we get Flaws 0. Representation 01 the steady-state relationships
in the two-sections injection laser [4].
6P,= l",P 6n, +
I"/ 6% (130)

6n, = 'rnDn26nP ( 1 36)

6n,, = 1. I P 6n, + 't.,.,6n2. (134
The following notation has been used:
rnlp, = 2Bn, + r;' + n,w,g; (1 4a)
6 F Srobar

T I p, 11026 "3 s-'l c

Flgure 9. Correlated curves of the light-current characteristics (lelt-hand panel) and the feedback loop transmission
functions (right-hand panel) of a two-sections injection laser [4l. Full line: y, = 0.5. broken curves: y , = 1. Other
Darameter values in the main text.

transmission function of the diagram between vertices 3.3. Fabry-Perot reonator filled
P, (electrical input) and no (optical output) can he with saturable absorber
written as This is another instance of an optically bistable sys-
tP,"n = [P,",L,"JI - (11, + Ql (15) tem. Vast two-dimensional arrays of solid-state
microresonators functioning as optical logic gates
where the transmission functions of the two feedback have already been fabricated [ S I .
loops are A semiclassical mean-field formulation of ahsorp-
= LP">
2 tive histability in the Fahry-Perot cavity can be found
ti, = - b,.,r","D%pP, 11,
in the paper of Mandel and Erneux [9]. A resonator of
(16) length L, filled with a medium with linear absorption
coefficient a and delineated by two mirrors with reflec-
The differential equation of the steady-state light- tivity R is pumped by a coherent monochromatic field
current characteristic is then of amplitude y. This injected (input) field (acting as a
dno/dPi = CP,"~. (17) component of the internal field defined below) gives
rise to the atomic polarization s and changes the
Equations (15)-(17) have been numerically evaluated population difference d between the upper and lower
for the following parameter values: B = 1.33 x levels of the atoms of the medium. The reaction field
I O ~ " c m ' s ~ ' ,fi = IO-', ys = 6.7 x IO'cms-', i,= radiated by polarization together with the incident
T* = Ions, T~ = 3.73ps, a = 2.67 x 10-'5cms, 6 = I x field form the total internal (output) field x. It is this
10-'6cm", c = - 165cm.'. Two values ofthe pumped field which-nce established-controls the processes
section volume fraction, y , = 1 and y , = 0.5, corre- in the medium.
spond to the customary laser and optically bistable If suitably normalized, the above quantities obey
two-section device, respectively. The results are given the Maxwell-Bloch time evolution equations:
in figure 9, again as a confrontation of the input/
output characteristics with the feedback loops' tran- dx/dt = -x+y-ZCs (184
sition functions. The scale of the ti axis has been
adjusted so as lo highlight the overall course of the klds/dt = -s + xd (186)
curves rather than their incidence with the critical
level of unify; it is nevertheless apparent that the sum klldd/df = - d + I - xs (Iscl
ti = 0,+ t,* for y , = 0.5 has a shape compatible with
S-shaped no-versus-P, characteristics. It grows where k, and kllare the field relaxation rates divided
monotonically with increasing npfrom small positive by the transverse and longitudinal atomic relaxation
values, crosses the level of unity, reaches a maximum rates, respectively, and C = aL/[2(1 - R)] is the
and decreases monotovically again, crossing the critical bistahility parameter. The first terms on the right-
level once more. It is to be noted that only the sum ti hand sides of ( 1 8 ) refer to the decay processes; the
behaves in this way, For the customary one-section product terms xd and xs represent the cooperative
laser, y , = I , there is no crossing point of the I&) effects.
curve with the critical level; consequently, there IS no Diagrammatical analysis of this problem [IO] starts
bistable behaviour. with differentiation of the stationary (d/dr = 0)
Feedback relationships in physics 7


affinity to the right-hand side of equation (15).

rP ---dx

- r,J
- (r,, + r,> + I,,)'
Input/output characteristics and the companion of

r,(x) = r,, + + r,, are given in figure I I . (Stationary

values 1/(1 + x*) and x/(l + 2)were substituted for
d and s respectively.) The x-versus-y curves exhibit
Flgura 10. Causal diagram representing satwaled bistable behaviour (i.e., portions with dx/dy < 0) for
absorber-filled Fabrflerot resonator (101. Labels C C,,, = 4. The shape of the x-y characteristics
attached lo edges refer to the individual equations of the again correlates with the of the r,,(x) CUrYe
se1 (19).
relative to the critical level of unity.
Plots of transition functions of the individual feed-
version of equations (18). back loops 1, (i = I , 2,3) together with the sum r,* are
displayed in figure I 2 for a supercritical (C = IO) case.
6x = "r,Sy + "r,,6s (19a) It is seen that only r,, has the shape conducive to
6s = ' r , 6 x +%,ad (196) A related treatment of the dispersive optical bistab-
ility in a lossy saturating Fabry-Perot etalon [I I ] is
Sd = 'r,6x + 'r,,6s ( 1 9 ~ ) couched in the more phenumenulugical language of
classical optics. Only a brief outline is given here.
with "tTZ= I , V, = - 2C, 'r,, = d, 'r,, = x, 'rXd = --s The analysis starts from the description of the lossy
and 'lid = - x. (Upper left indices indicate the parent etalon given by Garmire [IZ]. 4". IOU, and I, are the
equation from the set ( I Q . ) input, output and cavity light intensities, respectively.
The causal diagram associated with (19) is shown in A cavity of length L , filled with material characterized
figure IO. It contains three closed paths, I, = xsx, by an index of refraction n and an absorption
li = sds, and 1, = xdsx, with the transmission functions coefficient U , is enclosed by two mirrors with reflcc-
, -
- b r , r,, = -2Cd
jl (200)
tivities R, and R,. The simple form of the saturating
non-linearity is assumed

r,* 'rs:td, = -2 6n(I,) = Snsr/(l + r). (22)

= (206)
where I' = IC/&and theconstants I, and 6n, character-
r,, = 'r,~rdl0r,, = 2Csx. (204 ize the saturation. Sn(1,) is the change in the index of
refraction produced by the presence of the optical
Introduction of these quantities makes it possible to field in the cavity. Associated with this index change
write the transmission function of the diagram in is a phase change A = 6n(I,)k,L (k, is the free space
figure 10 (which can be found by eliminating the inner wavenumher); the average half-round-trip phase
variables 6s and Sd from (19)) in a form that has change for light inside the cavity is 4 = A - bo,where

Flgura 11. Sum of the transmission functions of the three feedback loops in t h e diagram of figure 10 (right-hand panel)
controls the course of t h e inpulloutput characteristics (left-hand panel) 01 t h e non-linear Fabry-Perol resonator (101.
Three qualitative regimes-subcritical (C = 1). Critical (C = 4) and supercritical (C = lO)-are Shown.

1c :1.4.10
5 ,1:4 F

x 10

c= 4

0 5 10 15 20 -20 -10 01 to
8 F $lobar

the presence of at least one feedback loop in the
CY10 representative diagram is the necessary condition for
the occurrence of sigmoidal (S-shaped) characteristics.
in3 This means that the causal configuration of the
controlling factors is such as to determine this
behaviour. The sufficient condition is more quanti-
tative in nature and follows from the relation dY/
d'X = f X Y in conjunction with equations (1) and (2).
Empirically, the functions F(X, Y) and tls(X, Y ) are
Ii = -20
i=l -10 01 10 20
always well behaved in the physically relevant vari-
able domain so that any singularity on the right-hand
', side of ( I ) is connected with I,, crossing the critical
unity level. Even though analytic separation of X and
Flpure 12. Transmission functions of t h e individual Y is not always feasible, it can he easily effected
feedback loops of the diagram shown in figure 10 and numerically, as it was done in section 3. I. Throughout
their sum. Dependence on variable x 1101. this paper, transmission functions of the feedback
loops were plotted to show their dependence on Y.
The qualitative features of the Y-versus-Xcharacteris-
& is the low-intensity detuning. Both I,. and I,,, can tics are therefore controlled by the position of the
be expressed in terms of I,, 6, and the cavity ti ( Y ) curve relative to the straight line I,,( Y) = 1.
parameters L, a, R, and R,. hen there are two points of intersection, full sig-
The causal diagram representing the system is given moidal characteristics are formed. This corresponds
in figure 13. Again, there is a correlation between the to the bistable behaviour. It should be stressed that all
Iouc-versus-Iimcharacteristics and the curves depicting the loops of the diagram cooperate in the fulfillment
the transmission function f,(lou,) of the single feed- of this condition. In the case treated in section 3.1
hack loop / = I,Sn@4.Ic that is apparent in the there is only one crossing point; the Y-versus-X
diagram [I I]. characteristics exhibit a maximum X value.
A more general form of the denominator of the
3.4. Conclusions expression on the right-hand side of ( I ) can be found
The diagrammatic representation of causal relation- in [I], including products of the transmission func-
ships, as a complement to the customary analytical tions of non-touching loops. However, all loops of the
description, provides an instructive overall map of the diagrams in figures 8 and 10 touch each other so that
physical systems. Diagram edges can express simple these higher-order terms do not appear. It would be
mathematical relationships between quantities. For interesting to know whether there exist physical sys-
instance, the configuration of the two edges pp' and tems where these terms have to be included.
pcp' in figure 4 with transmission functions equal to
unity expresses the addition in equation (36). In most References
cases, however, individual edges represent physical
processes, thus providing higher-level building blocks [ I ] Mason S 1 and Zimmerman H J 1960 Elecrronic
for the description. This, in conjunction with the Circuiu. Signols ond Sysrem (New York: Wiley)
'inherent ability to show up the topology ofthe mutual [2] llmer H N 1977 Signo@usqraphen in der Elekrronik
relationships makes the diagrams a useful tool for (Berlin: Technik)
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The analysed instances suggest the conclusion that [4] Srobir F 1988 Phys. Slar. Sol. b IM 581
[SI Berglund C N a n d Klein N 1971 Proe. IEEE 59 1099
.. Macklen
161 E D 1979 Thermlsrors (New York
Flpure 13. Causal links in the lossy saturating Fabry- Electrochemical Publications)
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Description in terms of classical optics I l l ] . [8] Murdocca M 1990 Inl. J . Oploelecrron. 5 191

1, -Im",
[9] Mandel P and Erneux T 1984 Oprical Bisrabiliry 2 ed
C M Bowden, H M Gibbs and S L McCall (New
York Plenum) p 447
1101 SrobAr F 1990 Phys. Srar. Sol. b 159 229

0 t-6*
illj SrobAr F 1991 Ciech. J . Phys. 41 M)
[I21 Garmire E 1989 IEEE J . Quantum Eleclron. 25 289

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