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Science in science fiction

Jonathan Allday
King’s School, Canterbury, UK

Science fiction, from Star Trek to Star Wars, is hugely popular and pupils
will surely have encountered good and bad physics there, but do they really
notice? Discussing the science implied in books and movies, such as in the
use of transporters, can be a good way of getting students interested in

I imagine that we, as teachers, are all continually notion behind it is beyond projectable science. The
searching for something (anything!) that will keep transporter, however, is another matter.
us in contact with our pupils. Most of us would
agree that the chances of interesting pupils in our Transporters
subject are substantially improved if you can get
them moderately interested in you personally to The transporter device was introduced by the
start with. For a while it helps if you are reading series’ creator Gene Rodenberry as a means of
the same sort of books, listening to the same keeping the progress of the story’s plot as rapid
sort of music and watching the same sort of TV as possible. Roddenberry realized that using
(fortunately I think Buffy is worth watching. . . ). shuttlecraft to move the characters to and from
However, this can’t last and eventually one’s taste the surface of planets would lengthen the story,
is going to start appearing to be quaint, dated since there would be a need to explain to the
and perhaps dinosaur-like. I am beginning to feel audience exactly what was happening. A device
evolution catching up with me already. However, capable of instantly beaming the crew about would
for those lucky enough to be in more nearly the speed things up considerably. Since the early
same time zone as their pupils, I would like to days the uses of the transporter have become more
offer some suggestions as to how science fiction sophisticated, even to the point when it has been
(especially TV science fiction) can be drawn into used to ‘beam’ a child out of the womb rather than
physics lessons to illuminate some interesting bothering with a caesarean section.
issues. According to the detailed technology ‘bibles’
developed for the series, transporters work
by scanning the body and recording all the
Star Trek information regarding the atoms and molecules
As a starting point let us consider the doyen of within it. The matter is then broken down into
science fiction shows on TV—Star Trek. Like it energy and stored in a beam that is focused on the
or loathe it, this show has been responsible for arrival point, and then the information (pattern)
introducing a large number of SciFi staples into used to re-create the matter.
the genre. Chief among these have been the warp All this sounds quite unpromising as far
drive, which propels the ship from star to star in the as discussing serious science is concerned. At
length of a 50-minute episode, and the transporter one level, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
device. Warp drive does not give us much scope prevents the storage of information as required
for sensible work with pupils, since the basic (the transporters have ‘Heisenberg compensators’

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J Allday

to get round this problem. . . ), and some discussion such a system and consider the forces acting on
of this point could usefully be made. However, if it. At the orbiting station the gravity is sufficient
we imagine that a transporter device is possible, to provide the centripetal acceleration, but lower
then some interesting basic physics points can be than this the gravity is too strong—implying that
made. A ship in geostationary orbit (or more the cable is in tension.
correctly synchronous orbit) above a planet would The structure would be constructed by
be travelling at a much greater speed than the manoeuvering a small asteroid into the correct
surface. Hopefully the crew on board the ship is orbit (and this would be mined for the construction
traveling at the same speed, so they must have a resources) and lowering the cable. In fact, the best
certain amount of kinetic energy associated with way would be to send another cable out from the
this. What happens to this kinetic energy when asteroid upwards—this would maintain the centre
they materialize on the surface? If it is transported of gravity of the system at the orbital radius. The
with them, then they will materialize moving at second cable would also provide a bonus. At its
considerable speed relative to the surface, with extreme end the gravity is not strong enough to
unfortunate consequences. maintain a synchronous orbit, so the cable is in
A similar thing happens in an H G Wells story tension with the force on it pulling towards the
when the hero is given God-like powers. At the centre. Any payload that is winched to the satellite,
climax of the story, he is so confused and desperate and then sent to the end of the upper cable, could
that he orders the world to stand still to give him be launched into space simply by letting go! The
a moment to think. Unfortunately, he forgets to system would act as a catapult.
specify that all the objects not rigidly attached to Space elevators of this form have been
the world should stop as well. . . . used in some science fiction stories, but they
There is another problem associated with were first considered by the Russian engineer
energy—what happens to the gravitational poten- K E Tsiolkovsky in 1895. The author Arthur
tial energy (GPE) lost by the crew when they trans- C Clarke made their use more popular in
port down? An A2 group should be able to use the literature (see his novel The Fountains of
the mgh formula to calculate how much this is, Paradise). Kim Stanley Robinson has put an
and then to refine the calculation using the correct interesting twist on this by using an elevator to
formula for GPE = GMm/r. My calculations help in the colonization of Mars in his book Red
suggest that a man of average mass would lose Mars. However, the Martian application has a
something like 50 MJ of energy in such a trans- problem associated with it—the Martian moons
port from geostationary orbit. To put this in more orbit at a lower altitude than the elevator asteroid
accessible terms, the pupils should then estimate and would periodically crash into it. The solution
what temperature rise this would cause in the per- is beautifully simple, yet grand. Small rockets
son (assuming them to be composed of water)— are placed at the centre of the cable and fired
giving an answer of about 180 ◦ C! to displace it slightly. The result is a first-order
While on the subject of geostationary orbits stationary wave oscillating like a sonometer wire
(sorry, synchronous orbits), it might be worth and timed so that the elevator moves out of the way
mentioning another piece of technology that just as the Martian moon passes. There are plenty
sounds like science fiction, but actually is being of references to space elevators on the web. Try:
explored as a technical possibility. A satellite
in synchronous orbit would appear to float space elevator 020327-1.html and www.eureka
motionless above the planet’s equator, in which ELEVATOR/Space Elevator
Homepage.html as good starting points.
case why not lower a cable to the surface?
Such a structure would need to be very strong
to support its own weight, but perhaps mono- Deflectors and screens
filament carbon fibre could be used. These fibres The various star ships in the Star Trek series
would be woven together to provide a cable (or are capable of travelling at hundreds of times
multiple cables) and an elevator system set up the speed of light. (By the way, the ‘warp
capable of lifting payloads to the synchronous factor’ is supposedly based on a logarithmic scale
satellite. It is an interesting exercise to sketch asymptotic to factor 10, a ‘fact’ that is sometimes


Science in science fiction

ignored in the scripts.) Even at more sensible

projected speeds (say 0.25c), there is the danger
of collision with micrometeorites and interstellar
atoms, which would have a devastating effect. The
main deflector array (the dish at the front of the
ship) is designed to produce a beam that sweeps
the path in front of the ship clear of such debris.
Projected designs for small interstellar probes use
large lumps of material to act as barriers (blocks of
ice would do the trick). The screens mentioned in
the series are defensive barriers that repel hostile
particle beam weapons. Figure 2. Gerard K O’Neill with a painting of the
interior of his design for Island 1, a space habitat.
(Photo courtesy Space Frontier Foundation.)
One of the perennial problems that creators of TV Construction of the station is on a grand scale.
science fiction have to deal with is gravity, or rather It is a cylinder over 8400 m long and 840 m in
the absence of it. The brilliant film Apollo 13 diameter rotating about its long axis to provide a
actually constructed sets inside a jet plane and simulation of gravity.
flew it in parabolic paths so that the actors were This only works with a large enough station,
genuinely weightless for short periods. Such because otherwise the rotation rate has to be
expense, however, is well beyond a TV budget. quite high, and the differential between the feet
Normally the answer is to create some device and the head is sufficient to produce some rather
that produces artificial gravity. In Star Trek unpleasant side effects.
the ingenuity extends to an inertial damping There are plenty of clips of the CGI-generated
field, which protects the crew from the incredible station that can be taped from the series (the series
accelerations exerted as the ship goes into and out is also becoming available on DVD). It would be
of warp. an interesting estimation exercise to give the pupils
A more realistic approach was taken in the a clip and get them to measure the rotation rate.
series Babylon 5 (in the spacecraft constructed by According to the data about the station available
humans). Bablyon 5 itself is a giant space station on the Internet, there is an acceleration of 1.4g on
constructed in the aftermath of a war that nearly the inside surface. This corresponds to a rotation
annihilated the human race. The station is intended period of about 30 seconds. I am not sure that they
as a base for commerce and diplomacy to prevent have got this right, but would be interested to hear
further war (if only it were that simple. . . ). of other estimations that have been made.
According to the technical literature, Baby-
lon 5 is an O’Neill class station, after the American
futurist and physicist Gerard K O’Neill, who was
the first to take seriously the engineering neces-
sary for permanent colonies in space. Babylon 5
is large enough to have soil deposited on its in-
ner surface with plants growing and lakes dotted
about the curved inner walls. People interested
in following this up can consult
html for information about Babylon 5. There is
also a website devoted to the work of G K O’Neill
with lots of very interesting and useful informa-
tion about how his work is being continued. This
latter site is highly recommended:
Figure 1. The Babylon 5 station. introduction.html. G K O’Neill published a book


J Allday

in 1978 that summarized his ideas in a popular RP: Retch

way. This was updated in 2000. Details are to be XP: Obviously physics from an unknown
found on universe
NR: Unrated. When a movie is obviously a
General movie physics parody, fantasy, cartoon or is clearly based
on a comic book it can’t be rated but may
Generally when I go to the movies, I leave behind
still have some interesting physics worth
any notion of being a physicist (sad to say) and get
swallowed up in the plot (although in Goldeneye
I was disturbed by Bond’s ability to free fall and The website contains detailed reviews of
catch up with an airplane falling under power. . . ). various movies (Star Wars: Episode 1 gets an XP
Fortunately there are others who are diligently rating) with interesting discussions of where and
inspecting and rating movies for the quality of the in what way the physics is lacking (or not). Many
physics that they contain. The interesting aspect of of the reviews would make interesting reading for
this is that it is not just SciFi movies that are rated. pupils.
Even ordinary thrillers are rated according to the There are many other ways in which science
quality of their physics. The website that deals fiction can be used in the classroom. I have
with this is and only suggested a few to get people started. I
their ‘mission statement’ is: am always on the lookout for new references and
thoughts related to this and can best be contacted
In the name of physics decency, to protect
the minds of children everywhere, so that
they may grow up in a world where they Received 3 November 2002
know the difference between speed and PII: S0031-9120(03)99999-0
velocity, we have taken the responsibility
to rate movies for their portrayal of
excessively bad physics. Jonathan Allday read Physics as an
The rating system that they use is: undergraduate and completed a PhD in
particle physics at Liverpool. He is a
GP: Good physics in general closet Trekkie, grew up on Thunderbirds
and likes Buffy the Vampire Slayer
PGP: Pretty good physics (just enough flaws to because of the good script-writing. . . .
be fun) Jonathan has compiled a series of clips
PGP-13: Children under 13 might be tricked illustrating the scientific foibles of SciFi
and will be using them as the basis of an
into thinking the physics were pretty good; IOP-sponsored talk at the ASE meeting
parental guidance is suggested in January.


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