Jfs Shreya Gupta A1802020036 Mba-Ib

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Behavioural Science Course

“The best contribution one can make to

humanity is to enhance oneself”

Behavioural Skills: Path to





BATCH: 2020-2022


ENROLLMENT NO: A1802020036


“Behaviour is the mirror in which we can display our


-Mahatma Gandhi
“Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself,
to become what he potentially is.
The most important product of his effort is his own personality.”
-Erich Fromm

Dear Students,

In this fast-paced world, one finds it difficult to spare time to stop and reflect on various life
events. When this happens, it is possible that one feels that all the efforts had gone in the wrong
direction and one is still far away from his or her goal. The art of achieving goal lies in
understanding our self, building on our strengths and overcoming weaknesses. This facilitates
the process of self-awareness, self-acceptance and progression towards self-reform- a key to
Happiness. Through experiential training, Behavioural Science Course would facilitate
movement towards self-reform and develop better interpersonal skills to achieve personal and
professional success.

The LAP is an integral part of the Behavioural Science Course. It is a tool for introspection,
self-exploration and self-governance. It involves an initiative to reflect on the discussions and
activities during the various workshops of Behavioural Science Courses. It also involves writing
down personal learning during class exercises and discussions.
This Learning Articulation Portfolio may cover following information as a self-report:

• Personal self profile at the time of joining the course

• Your understanding of course content.
• Self-rating against personal enhancement skills
• Difficulties and obstacles in your personal development and learning the application
of the subject.
• Experiences which one feel are relevant to your training for personal and
professional enhancement (specifically during the training period)
• Assessment of own self as an excellent professional after the training through Self-
Rating, Interventions and Self-Profiling.

This Portfolio works as an assessment and evaluation tool for self-knowledge and will further
help you develop the ability to:
• Recognize the uniqueness and expression of yourself and that of others

• Inculcating the ability to accept self and others

• Communicate the awareness to yourself and others

• Monitor events in your life and make decisions for the present and future.

• Realize your true strength & potential for Success.

For successful completion of the Behavioural Science programme, you are required to write
about your experiences and learning from each activity and discussion during all workshops in
this portfolio. Writing the portfolio will definitely help in inculcating the learning and bringing
positive change in your behaviour and personality.

Your Personal Portfolio will be reviewed at the end of each semester till the completion of the
Programme. Self Assessment, Self Analysis, Synthesis, Focus, Exploration, Honest Expression,
Initiative and Consistency are some elements that will help you to maintain this Personal
portfolio and enhance Behavioural Skills for success in life.

Wishing you a great insightful learning experience…!

Dr Taranjeet Duggal
Professor, Dept of Psychology & Behavioral Sciences
Amity Business School
Amity University

“The unaware life is not worth living”.







Unleashing Self
(Entry Level)
I describe myself as I am Shreya Gupta, pursuing MBA-IB from Amity International Business School. I am 22
years old. I wish to become a businesswoman in future. I like to spend time with my family, I love nature, I like to
drive. I find driving very therapeutic. I am an introvert, but I am confident enough to deliver a speech in front of an
audience. I am a bit emotional and sometimes I get angry quickly. I am a well-organized girl who doesn’t like
clutter. I want everything to be in its right place. The places where I lag is the fact that I’m an introvert. I shy away
from interacting with new people and making new friends. I find it difficult. Sometimes I like staying in my comfort
zone and refuse to come out of it. What I have been told by my friends is that I’m a gullible person.

If I could do anything for work, no matter the skills I do or don’t have, it would be ____ styling/ interior



If money didn’t matter, I would spend most of my time doing



But considering present situations I aspire to become __a



My perfect day starts with _waking up to sunlight _____________ and ends with ___a gala time with

family____________________________________. I could be happier today if __my thoughts__wouldn’t

have distracted me.

Something I’ve wanted to change in my life is__my ability to overthink______________________


The last training I participated in was___a MSME affiliated training program on electric


A habit I failed to remove from my life is__being an introvert________________________________.

One skill that I always wanted to learn is, __studying interior designing_________________.

________________________________________________________________ is something that I always

wish to do, but don’t have time.

My greatest strengths are __that I’m creative and I’d like to believe that I have good oratory



And I will use it this year to__enhance my professionalism towards working in


I draw most energy by trying different stylying


I overcame my last fear by __actually doing


A person I admire most is __everyone close to me________________________________________,

because ______I try to learn something from each one of them________


A book that inspired me the most is _________________________________, because _______________


I expect following three leanings from the behavioural science course _More practicality towards life,

learning about people’s psychology_and understanding myself even

better.__________________________, ______________________________________________,

Mapping from Universal Skill-set Inventory

Following Universal skills have been identified to be relevant in Industry 4.0. Read them carefully and

write five soft skills for excelling in your dream industry ___social skills_____________________,

_________technical skills______________, _____complex problem solving skills_________________,

___________Process skills________________________________, _________Systems skills________.

“The Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with a single step”.
-Lao Tzu
Self-rating Scale at Entry level to be attached here

Skills- 3/5
Calmness- 4/5
Time management- 3/5
Emotional intelligence- 4.5/5

Personal v/s Ideal self

I am Shreya Gupta, pursuing MBA-IB from Amity International Business School. I am 22 years old. I wish to
become a businesswoman in future. I like to spend time with my family, I love nature, I like to drive. I find driving
very therapeutic. I am an introvert, but I am confident enough to deliver a speech in front of an audience. I am a bit
emotional and sometimes I get angry quickly. I am a well-organized girl who doesn’t like clutter. I want everything
to be in its right place. The places where I lag is the fact that I’m an introvert. I shy away from interacting with new
people and making new friends. I find it difficult. Sometimes I like staying in my comfort zone and refuse to come
out of it. What I have been told by my friends is that I’m a gullible person. I have changed a little during the
pandemic. I have become anxious and get bothered by even the smallest of things which I never used to, before. I’ve
become an overthinker.

My ideal self- I think one should accept themselves as they are and be comfortable in their own skin; However, if
given a chance, I’d love to be an extrovert and one thing which I would really want to get rid of would be my
anxiety. I want to be able to live in the moment and stop thinking about the past. I want to be more carefree and have
a practical approach towards life.

Johari Window
Friend Window

Arena Blind Spot

Emotional I’m hard working and can
achieve everything I wish to if I start believing in myself more.

I like staying in my own comfort zone N.A.

Sometimes I make impulsive decisions
Façade Unkown
Uses of 10 daily items

Deodorize food containers
Wipe away tough streaks on glass.
Dry shoes
Wrap gifts.
Keep the refrigerator vegetable drawer dry and free of smells

Olive Oil-
Shine stainless steel
Moisturize cuticles
Treat dry skin
Dust wooden furniture
Silence squeaky doors

Remove coffee or tea stains from the bottom of a cup
Make wool sweaters fluffier
Clean a dishwasher
Kill weeds between cracks in paving stones and sidewalks

Baking Soda-
Exfoliate skin.
Scrub pans
Brush teeth
Settle a stomach during occasional indigestion

Zip Lock bags-

Knead dough
Store homemade soup.
Ice an injury
Gather herbs from the garden
Ice an injury

Make eggs or cream whip up faster and higher
Keep chicken moist
Clean drains.
Keep shells from cracking when boiling eggs.
Remove dirt from leafy vegetables, 

Polish cars
Erase a white board
Apply stains to furniture or crafts
Buff and shine shoes

Hang pieces of art or photos on a wall
Prevent a jacket or a blouse from gaping open
Keep a rug in place.
Stop seat cushions from sliding off kitchen chairs
Remove pills from sweaters

Coffee filters-
Diffuse the flash on a camera.
Serve popcorn or other snacks
Make yogurt dip
Prevent soil from draining out of flowerpots
Serve pita sandwiches.

Attribution Theory and its determinants
Attribution Theory states that people make sense of their surroundings on the basis of what they consider is the cause
and what is the effect of a phenomenon. It suggests that individuals observe their own behavior or experience, try to
figure out what caused it and then shape their future behavior accordingly. For e.g. If a consumer has had a bad
experience with a locally made product, he or she may conclude that the bad product is bad because it is locally
made. The purpose of behind making attribution is to achieve cognitive control over one’s environment by
explaining and understanding the causes behind behaviors and environmental occurrences. Making attributions gives
order and predictability to our lives and helps us to cope. When you make attributions, you analyze the situation by
making inferences about the dispositions of others and yourself as well as inferences about the environment and how
it may be causing a person to behave.
Attribution theory proposes that the attributions people make about events and behavior can be classified as either
internal or external.

In an Internal or dispositional attribution, people infer that an event or a person’s behavior is due to personal factors
such as traits, abilities or feelings. In an external or situational attribution, people infer that a person’s behavior is
due to situational factors. For e.g. Shyama’s car breaks down on the freeway. If she believes that the breakdown
happened because of her ignorance about cars, she is making an internal attribution. If she believes that the
breakdown happened because her car is old, she is making an external attribution.

It can even be classified as Stable vs Unstable.

When people make a stable attribution, they infer that an event or behavior is due to stable or unchanging factors.
When making an unstable attribution, they infer that an event or behavior is due to unstable or temporary factors. For
E.g. Naresh gets a D on his sociology term paper. If he attributes the grade to the fact that he always has bad luck, he
is making a stable attribution. If he attributes the grade to the fact that he didn’t have much time to study that week,
he is making an unstable attribution.

Self-Assessment Test
Have you had ethical dilemmas in your life? How did you reason your
way through them? What ethics theory best suits your approach?
What does integrity mean to you? Do you aspire to be a virtuous
person? Has someone of high moral principles been an inspiration to
I once faced an ethical dilemma at a place where I was doing my internship. I saw some bad things
happening and I had an opportunity to report those bad doings to my superior but I did not do that that day.
All that night I was thinking if I should tell this issue or report this issue and then next day I did it. It gave
me immense satisfaction that I could stop a wrongful act by my actions and till date I feel grateful about it.
Not only I saved the reputation of the company, but people started looking me with more respect than ever.
The theory which best describes my approach is the theory of ‘Utilitarianism’ as I knew the consequences
of the wrongful act that was happening in the organization and felt to report it in order to save the
organization’s reputation.

Integrity to me is the respect that one carries with themselves. In my opinion, if you lack integrity, you lack
self respect. Someone of high moral principles has always been an inspiration for each one of us as they
motivate us and give us the zest to compete in this world full of cut throat competition. It makes you feel
optimistic and the fact that anything can be achieved by anyone at any time.


Problem Areas Actions to be taken Course of Satisfaction Level

Development (to be filled in end
of each semester)
Anxiety Stop Over Finished 12 4/5
thinking, sessions of
Focus on the yoga and
positive, do positive
yoga thinking
Time Created a time Followed the 4/5
management table to be timetable and
followed was able to
complete most
of the
assignments on
Impulsive Self control Was able to 3.5/5
behavior control myself
from impulsive
increased self
“If you can plan, you can do”


(Attach Separate sheet for each activity)



NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: Personal Self v/s Ideal Self


To write about our current self and our ideal self


I got to know more about myself, my short comings and my strength which I would
always struggle to find before.

Name of the Activity- Johari Window
Objective- To create your own Johari window
Learning- It gave me a chance to introspect and learn more about myself. About the
things which I previously did not know about. I found some positives while some
negatives and areas where I need to work upon.

Name of the Activity- Uses of 10 daily items
Objective- To understand the alternate uses of even things which we see on a daily
Learning- It gave me a chance to look through the items in my house and brainstorm
on each item and their alternative uses.

Name of the Activity- Attribution theory and its determinants
Objective- To write about the attribution theory and understand its importance.
Learning- Before reading about the attribution theory, I never knew that there are two
aspects for every situation. It can be seen internally or externally or if the situation
occurs out of stable factors or unstable factors. It opened doors for me to take things

Name of the Activity- Self assessment test
Objective- To see where we stand on self awareness, self management, social
awareness and relationship management
Learning- I got to know where I stand my self awareness, relationship management,
social awareness and self management levels. In some quadrants I scored high and in
some quadrants I scored low. This helped me manage my levels in each of these
quadrants and see where I lag and which area is my plus point.

Name of the Activity- Ethical dilemma and integrity
Objective- to write about your own personal experiences on these two topics
Learning- I realized that even I have been into ethical dilemmas and they are a part of
our daily lives. One cannot escape from it. I understood the importance of integrity
and how important it is to be honest with yourself. If you are not honest with
yourself, then you cannot expect others to be the same with you.
Faculty Assessment Sheet- Semester Wise
(To be filled and retained by the Faculty teaching in the respective Semester)
(Attach Separate sheet for each semester)

Please mark on the following parameters on the scale of 5, 1 being

the lowest & 5 being the highest.

S. No Parameters Rating Remarks

1 Punctuality/ Discipline 1 2 3 4 5

2 Conduct in the class 1 2 3 4 5

3 Participation in the 1 2 3 4 5
class activities

4 Reporting of Projects & 1 2 3 4 5

Assignments assigned

5 Overall Behaviour 1 2 3 4 5
change observed during
the Semester

Visible Behaviour Observation Assessment (Behaviour skills identified,

improved, developed etc.) (to be filled by the faculty)




Faculty Name……………..

“In the final analysis it is not what you do for your students but what you have taught them to
do themselves that will make them successful Hum an Being”.
- Ann Lander


(At the end of the course- semester wise)

I) Behavioral Science Course has helped me:

Improve my inter personal skills and helped me introspect and understand
myself better.

II) Behavioral Skills that I inculcated in my Personality:

Confidence, self love

III) Key learning (based on class activities, role plays, discussions, analysis
Increased confidence, self belief
IV) What did I do well (Both inside & outside the class):
I think I am good at delivering presentations and even preparing for them.

V)Shortcomings I perceived about myself:

That I over think and take a lot of stress

VI) How my strengths are restricted by my shortcomings:

Taking stress leads to a lot of opportunities slipping your way.

VII) My initiatives to overcome such shortcomings:

Think less and Act more. It even helps in reducing the stress and you feel a sense of
accomplishment at the end of each task that you do.

Unleashing Self
(Exit Level- Last semester of the program)
I am ___________________________________________________________. I have always prioritized

_____________________________________ in the past, __________________________________ over

______________________________________. After studying this course, I am able to make changes like


_____________________________________________________in my life.

I got there by utilizing my greatest strength of ________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________, work more on the skill of

________________________________________________________________, and start learning how to


I cultivated these skills by saying ‘no’ to ____________________________________________________


The things that have robbed me of happiness in the past, that I will say ‘no’ to this year are ____________


When I need support to stay on track, I will rely on____________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ from now, I will be

_________________________________________________________________. Which gets me closer to

becoming ____________________________________________________________________________.

“Success in not the final destination but a beautiful journey”

- Ben Sweetland
Self-rating Scale at Exit Level to be attached here
It has been a great journey walking with each one of you through the ups
and downs of the learning curve and mutual give and take. Hope this
course has enabled you to accept the challenges of life and emerge

Wishing you all the best of luck for your future endeavors. Keep
shining bright and spreading joy.

“Tomorrow is the first page of a 365page book, write a good one”

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