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COM-3013 Professional Communications

Formal Presentation (worth 15% of final evaluation)

Due Date for Submission: December 6, 2020 11:59 PM

Method of Submission: In-Class Presentation.
File Format: Power Point Presentation / Prezi

The purpose of this assignment is to provide professional evidence of what you have learned and put
your new skills into action. The idea of this project is for you to reflect on the key learning's from
Professional Communications module and show how this project will help you in real life. This is an
opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability in the areas of key employability skills and showcase
your developed and newly learned skills. Your performance in both the academic report and
experiential presentation will be marked and feedback will be provided by the professor.

The aims of the project are to enable students to:

• Integrate academic and experiential knowledge gained through industry-focused project.
• Assimilation of knowledge, develop decision-making, reflective and report writing skills.

This project fosters key employability skills of students which include:

• Project management
• Communication
• Report writing for business
• Information technology
• Applying theory to practice
• Creativity
• Knowledge of working practices
• Professional behaviour
• Time management
• Organizational skills

*These are all employability skills and attributes that employers seek evidence of in graduates


The Presentation
You have done most of the groundwork now, and you have been selected for an interview. The hotel
manager, direct supervisor and human resources manager will be screening resumes to shortlist
candidates for an in-person interview. It is time to make a GREAT first impression, build your case and
show value!

Your Task

( option 1)
1. You will record a 2-3 minutes video in a professional setting and professional attire for the
2. You are going to answer two questions. Question one cannot be changed. Question two can be
1. Tell me something about yourself? – Mandatory
2. Why should we hire you? OR your option

Option 2

1. Instead of recording a video, you can present the same questions of option 1 in our virtual class
during our last session ( week 14)

This is an individual assignment. You do not need to use any presentation software like Powerpoint or

Please review the rubrics for full details as to how your presentation performance will be assessed.

Students who do not complete as scheduled will obtain a ZERO grade for this assignment unless they
have a valid reason for not attending and contact their professor immediately to provide documented
proof of the reason for not completing and arrange to reschedule an alternate date/time to submit.

Rubric Criteria
First Impression and Your appearance is professional; you are wearing a business
poise suit. Good posture is used. Eye contact is maintained. No
nervous habits are exhibited.
Knowledge Answer reflected an explicit understanding of the question
LANGUAGE The language was clear, informative and compelling; no
problems with word choice, grammar or style.
Elocution and Voice The student uses a clear voice and correct, precise
pronunciation of terms
Timing Time is respected

Max Points: 15

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