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70 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Calculate Stresses

F 319.4 kips
= = 0.282 ksi
A 1132 in

@ Support B (Tension on Top Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F (299.8 ft kips)(12 in/ft)
f = = 0.282 ksi = 0.046 ksi (tension)
S A 10,964 in
Maximum Compression:
M F (299.8 ft kips)(12 in/ft)
f = = 0.282 ksi = 1.129 ksi (compression)
S A 4,249 in

@ Positive Moment in Span A-B (Tension on Bottom Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F (28.3 ft kips)(12 in/ft)
f = = 0.282 ksi = 0.202 ksi (compression)
S A 4,249 in
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 71

Maximum Compression:
M F (28.3 ft kips)(12)
f = = 0.282 ksi = 0.313 ksi (compression)
S A 10,964 in

@ Positive Moment in Span B-C (Tension on Bottom Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F (300.3 ft kips)(12 in/ft)
f = = 0.282 ksi = 0.566 ksi (tension)
S A 4,249 in
Maximum Compression:
M F (300.3 ft kips)(12 in/ft)
f = = 0.282 ksi = 0.611 ksi (compression)
S A 10,964 in

b) If the concrete 28 day compressive strength is 5000 psi, does the beam satisfy the ACI allowable
service stresses?

Maximum allowable tension:

= 0.530 ksi < 0.566 ksi N. G.

Maximum allowable compression:

0.6(5 ksi) = 3.0 ksi > 1.129 ksi OK

The calculated tensile stress at the bottom of the beam in Span B-C exceeds the ACI allowable tensile
stress. At this point many engineers (most?) would simply add more prestressing force until the
calculated stress was less than the allowable stress (more cowbell! for those of you who took my class or
watched my videos). This would result in a costlier design, as well as increasing all the negative effects
of over-compressing the system (increased shortening, restraint cracking, over-balancing, etc.).
However, an experienced post-tensioning engineer or a student who has taken my UCLA or Cal Poly,
San Luis Obispo class would instead investigate modifying the balanced load by modifying the drape in
the non-controlling span (the short span) in an attempt to decrease the tensile stress in the controlling
span (the longer span).

c) Repeat a) & b) with “x”=12 in (a decreased drape and balanced load in Span A-B). Calculate
only the tensile stresses for this part and check them against the ACI allowable tensile stress.

Revised Equivalent Loads

Revised Drape in Span A-B

4 in + 9.5 in
a ( ) = 22 in = 15.25 in

Revised Equivalent Load in Span A-B

15.25 in
8Fa 8(319.4 kips)
12 in/ft
w = = = 1.074 klf
L (55 ft)
72 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Revised Net Loads on “Concrete Only” in Span A-B

w = 2.0 klf 1.074 klf = 0.926 klf

Moment Distribution

Revised Fixed-End Moments in Span A-B

wL 0.926klf( )
FEM = = = 233.4 ft kips
12 12

Calculate Revised Stresses

@ Support B (Tension on Top Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F 397.3 ft kips(12 in/ft)
f = = 0.282 ksi = 0.153 ksi (tension)
S A 10,964 in
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 73

@ Positive Moment in Span A-B (Tension on Bottom Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F 179.7 ft kips(12 in/ft)
f = = 0.282 ksi = 0.226 ksi (tension)
S A 4,249 in

@ Positive Moment in Span B-C (Tension on Bottom Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F 261.0 ft kips(12 in/ft)
f = = 0.282 ksi = 0.455 ksi (tension)
S A 4,249 in

Maximum allowable tension:

= 0.530 ksi > 0.455 ksi OK

That was a good solution in that we did not add any cost or unnecessary prestressing force in order to
reduce the controlling tensile stresses to below the allowable. However, an even better solution is to try
and reduce cost and precompression by decreasing the prestressing force in the non-controlling span.
This is achievable as long as stressing can occur at Grid C. If stressing were only possible at Grid A,
then we would use the design in the previous step.

d) Repeat a) & b) above with “x” = 4 in (fully draped again) and reduce the number of tendons in Span
A-B only to 8. Calculate only the tensile stresses at the bottom of the beam in the spans for this part and
check them against the ACI allowable tensile stress.

Revised Equivalent Loads

Revised Force in Span A-B

F = 8 tendons 26.62 = 213.0 kips

F 213.0 kips
(Span A B) = = 0.188 ksi
A 1132 in

Revised Equivalent Load in Span A-B

23.25 in
8Fa 8(213.0 kips)
12 in/ft
w = = = 1.091 klf
L (55 )

Revised Net Loads on “Concrete Only” in Span A-B

w = 2.0 klf 1.091 klf = 0.909 klf

74 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Moment Distribution

Revised Fixed-End Moments in Span A-B

wL 0.909klf( )
FEM = = = 229.1 ft kips
12 12

Calculate Revised Stresses

@ Positive Moment in Span A-B (Tension on Bottom Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F 174.9 ft kips(12 in/ft)
f = = 0.188 ksi = 0.306 ksi (tension)
S A 4,249 in

@ Positive Moment in Span B-C (Tension on Bottom Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F 262.3 ft kips(12 in/ft)
f = = 0.282 ksi = 0.459 ksi (tension)
S A 4,249 in

Maximum allowable tension:

= 0.530 ksi > 0.459 ksi OK
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 75

Prestress Losses
Loss of prestress is given a tremendous amount of time in some Prestressed Concrete courses. However,
the practicing structural engineer spends very little time concerned with these losses. There are several
contributing factors that determine the losses a tendon will experience over time and weeks can be spent
evaluating and calculating each component. While the final effective force a tendon achieves is critical
to the design, standard friction loss values have been established over the years by practicing engineers.
Most consulting structural engineering firms have an established built-in default value for prestressed
tendon losses in the company’s design criteria and software. With these typically conservative values the
computation of specific tendon friction loss values are rarely required. To do this for every different
tendon length, configuration and stressing condition on a project would be extremely tedious and time
consuming, and would usually not affect the final design at all.

Most design firms and computer software programs will use a 15 ksi long-term stress loss value for
determining the effective tendon force. This value is typically conservative for single ended pulls
(elongating one end of the tendon only) less than 120 feet and double ended pulls up to 250 feet. Tendon
pulls of longer than 250 feet are rare due to limitations on concrete pour sizes and finishing times. For
very long single ended pulls, there may be a significant difference in force along the length on the
tendon between the stressing and dead end, with the effective force diminishing away from the stressing
end. This difference in force can affect the balance load and the flexural stresses. Most commercial
computer software such as PTData have options to calculate the losses for longer pulls in those unique
and rare cases. This book will only briefly discuss losses in this section and the reader is referred to the
Post-Tensioning Institute for a more in-depth discussion if necessary. While it’s not necessary to spend a
significant amount of time computing each source of stress loss it is important that a designer understand
the source of the losses.

The tendons in a cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete floor system are stressed (literally stretched) and
anchored with a maximum stress of 0.70fpu according to ACI 318 Section When 270 ksi
tendons are used, this equates to 0.70(270 ksi) = 189 ksi. Therefore, the final effective stress that most
designers will use which incorporates the 15 ksi long-term loss is 189 ksi – 15 ksi = 174 ksi. The factors
that contribute to the long-term losses are as follows:

Post-tensioned Members (Cast-in-Place)

Elastic shortening. When the prestress force is transferred to the concrete, the concrete
compresses elastically (∆ = PL/AE), which decreases the length of the stretch of the tendons.
Shrinkage. The shrinkage of the concrete creates a volume and length change in the concrete
and also decreases the length of the stretch of the tendons.
Creep. Over time concrete under sustained loads “creeps” in the direction of the load. Again,
this results in another decrease in the length of the stretch of the tendons.
Steel Relaxation. Relaxation is a material property of steel where the molecules reorient
themselves to decrease their stress.
Wobble. In elements with significant depth (i.e., beams) the change in direction of the
tendons causes horizontal resistance.
Friction. Long tendons develop friction in the plastic sheathing, despite being greased.
Wedge seating. When the jack releases the strand will recoil somewhat as the wedges seat
into the anchor.
76 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Pre-tensioned Members (Precast)

Pre-tensioned members experience all of the same losses that post-tensioned members do, with the
exception of friction and wobble since the tendons are stressed in casting beds prior to the concrete
being placed.
Flexural Design

So far everything we’ve done up to this point fell within the “working stress” or “service” category,
where the actual design loads are used to evaluate the member. As stated previously, prestressed
concrete must not only satisfy stress limits under service loads but it must also satisfy ultimate strength

The following is intended as a review of material properties that were taught in your introductory
reinforced concrete course. If you need something more than this refresher you should consult a
reinforced concrete design textbook.

Review of Non-Prestressed Steel Stress-Strain Relationship for 60 ksi Steel

78 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Prestressing Steel Stress-Strain Relationship for fpu = 270 ksi Steel

Note: The yield stress level is not the maximum stress for design.

Review of Flexural Strength in Non-Prestressed Reinforced Members

& by setting C = T;

A f
0.85f b

Remember, in non-prestressed reinforcing steel whenever the strain in the steel is greater than εy the
stress is fy, however this will not be the same for the prestressing reinforcement. When ε is greater than
εy in the prestressing steel we still don’t know what the stress is. Thankfully, the ACI Code is there to
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 79

A f
& by setting C = T; a =
0.85f b

Determining the Ultimate Stress in Bonded (Typically Pretensioned) Steel

γ f d
f =f 1 ρ + (ρ ρ) (
β f d
& if compression steel is used, then the term ρ + (ρ ρ ) shall not be taken less than
0.17 & d’ shall be no greater than 0.15dp.

Definition of Terms:
d = depth from the compression face to the centroid of the non-prestressed tension reinforcement
d’ = depth from the compression face to the centroid of the compression reinforcement
dp = the depth to the prestressing steel centroid from the compression face

A (non prestressed steel)

ρ =
A (non prestressed steel)
ρ =
(and note that d remains as previously defined)

fpu = Maximum tensile stress (270 ksi is the most common)

γ = Factor. For low relaxation steel use γ = 0.28
Aps = the area of the prestressing reinforcement
ρ =
80 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Limits for Flexural Reinforcing

The strength reduction factors, φ, are listed in Table 21.2.1.

ACI 318 Table 21.2.2 – Sections are tension controlled (ductile) if εt 0 005 n h r m ns n
steel. For beams and one-way slabs this will almost always be in the non-prestressed rebar. For tension
controlled flexural members, φ = 0.9. Beams should always be designed to be tension controlled and
compression steel should be added to achieve this, if necessary.

Determining the Ultimate Stress in Un-Bonded (Post-Tensioned) Steel

For members with a span to depth ratio of 35 or less (beams):

f =f + 10,000 + (Table

fpy & fse + 60,000 (all in psi)

where fse = the effective prestressing stress at service after losses.

In most design firms the assumed loss in most elements is taken as 15 ksi.

∴fse = 0.70fpu – 15 ksi = 0.7(270 ksi) – 15 ksi = 174 ksi, or 174,000 psi

For all design examples in this book using unbonded tendons we will use an effective prestressing stress
of 174 ksi.

For members with a span to depth ratio greater than 35 (one & two-way slabs):

f =f + 10,000 + (Table

fpy & fse + 30,000 (all in psi)

The same maximum reinforcement limits for bonded tendons apply to unbonded tendons (ACI 318
Table 21.2.2).
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 81

Example #1 – Flexural Strength with Bonded Tendons


Previous example w/ 7 Bonded “Harped” Tendons.

Aps/tendon = 0.153 in2

The maximum useable moment capacity at midspan, the maximum midspan factored point load, and the
maximum useable moment capacity 10 ft from the support.

φMn at midspan
γ f d
f =f 1 ρ + (ρ ρ)
β f d
γ = 0.28

β = 0.85 for 4 ksi concrete

ρ = = 0.0026 (note: d = 30 in - 4 in = 26 in)
16 in(26 in)
ρ= = 0.0072 (note: d = 30 in - 2.5 in = 27.5 in)
16 in(27.5 in)

ρ = = 0.0014
16 in(27.5 in)
82 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

0.28 270ksi 27.5 in (60ksi)

∴f = 270ksi 1 0.0026 + (0.0072 0.0014)
0.85 4ksi 26 in (4ksi)

(note: the quantity inside the brackets is 0.26)

fps = 270ksi(1-0.329[0.26]) = 246 ksi

Since the compression steel was used to calculate fps, we need to check that the part of the equation
represented by:

f d
ρ + (ρ ρ)
f d

is greater than 0.17. Since 0.26 > 0.17 we will use 0.26. If the quantity in the brackets was less than 0.17
we would use 0.17 in the calculation.

Also, since we used the compression steel in the calculation of fps we need to verify that d’ is less than or
equal to 0.15dp.

d’ = 3 in
0.15dp = 0.15(26 in) = 3.9 in > 3 in ∴ ok to use compression steel in fps equation.

Note: If this were not satisfied then we could not use the compression steel to determine f ps.

Cut a section at midspan.

First assume that the compression steel yields, and then check that assumption later.

Using equilibrium, solve for the concrete force Cc.

Cc = Tps + Ts – C’s = 263.2 kips + 189.6 kips – 37.2 kips = 415.6 kips

Now use the Whitney Stress Block to find “a” & “c”.

C 415.6k
a= = = 7.64 in
0.85f b 0.85(4ksi)(16 in)

a 7.64 in
& c= = = 8.99 in
β 0.85
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 83

Draw the strain diagram and check to see if the compression steel is yielding and to verify that the
member is tension-controlled.

Now draw the complete force diagram and sum moments to determine the nominal moment capacity,
Mn and useable moment capacity, φMn .

∴Mn = [37.2 kips(24.5 in) + 415.6 kips(23.68 in) – 263.2 kips(1.5 in)]/12 in/ft
= 863.1 ft-kips

φMn = 0.9(863.1 ft-kips) = 776.9 ft-kips

84 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Find maximum factored point load at midspan (Use load factors: 1.2D + 1.6L)

We will assume that the only uniform load is the beam’s weight itself.

(30 in)(16 in)

w = 1.2( )(0.15 kcf) = 0.60 klf

w L P L 0.60 klf(40 ) P 40
∴M = + = + = 120 + 10P
8 4 8 4

Set equal to φMn and solve for Pu.

120 ft kips + 10P = 776.9 ft kips ∴ Pu(max) = 65.7 kips

Very Important – Where’s the Equivalent Load?

The reason that we included this simple statics exercise is to demonstrate that equivalent loads and the
“concrete only” moment diagram, etc. have nothing to do with the calculation of ultimate strength (at
least for simply supported members, but we will address that later). Those concepts were only used to
determine the service level stresses in the concrete. This could have been any beam (concrete, steel,
wood) given to you in your statics class, and given a maximum moment capacity you would have solved
it exactly this same way. We could now solve for the support reactions and draw the moment diagram
with the applied Pu & wu loading, etc. and these would represent the true, statically correct reactions and
moments for the system. The fact that there is prestressing steel in the beam has nothing to do with those
reactions and moments in this statically determinate beam.
Be sure that you understand why we did not include the equivalent upward point load for the ultimate
strength check in this example. The design of prestressed concrete will always be confusing and abstract
for you unless this is clear.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 85

c) φMn at 10 ft from the support

We will follow the same exact procedure, but with a new d p depth.

We will not go through the numbers again here, but the procedure is the same as before and as follows:

1. 0.15dp = 3.08 in > 3 in so it is still ok to use compression steel

2. Calculate fps at 10 ft from the support (this will not be the same as it was at midspan).

3. Determine Cc, “a” & “c” at this location.

4. Draw the strain diagram to verify that the compression steel yields (we will ignore it if it is not
yielding) and verify that the member is tension controlled.

5. Set up the force diagram and sum moments about any point to determine φMn.
86 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Example #2 – Flexural Strength with Unbonded Tendons


Beam w/ 7 Unbonded Tendons with a Parabolic Profile

Aps/Tendon = 0.153in2


The maximum useable moment capacity, φMn at midspan.

40 (12 in/ft)
Span to depth ratio = = 16 < 35 (this is typical for beams)
30 in
∴ Use f =f + 10,000 +
fpy & fse + 60,000

7(0.153 in )
ρ = = 0.000374
110 in(26 in)
(note: b = width of the compression face = 110 in)

fse = 0.70fpu – 15 ksi = 0.7(270 ksi) – 15 ksi = 174 ksi

4,000 psi
∴f = 174,000 psi + 10,000 psi + = 290,951 psi = 291 ksi

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