New Hello 3rd Year Unit 9 - 2021

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Hello! 3rd year Sec.

– Unit 9 - 2021

‫الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Unit 9

2021 - 2020
Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021



A meeting that has been arranged for a particular time ‫وقت معين‬
and place
someone who has formally ً ‫ رسميا‬asked for a job , a place at a
applicant ‫مقدم الطلب‬
college ‫ كلية‬etc., especially by writing a letter.
showing a lot of care and attention ‫اهتمام‬
‫يقظ الضمير‬/‫مجتهد‬
a document ‫ مستند‬that describes your education and the jobs
CV (Curriculum
that you have done, used when you are trying to get a new
Vitae) ‫السيرة الذاتية‬
candidate ‫مرشح‬/‫متقدم‬ Someone who tries to get a particular job
a store or a part of a store where medicines are prepared ‫تُ َعد‬
pharmacy ‫صيدلية‬
and sold
sociable ‫اجتماعي‬/‫ودود‬ friendly , liking to be with other people.
choir ‫كورال‬/‫فرقة‬ A group of people who sing together
achievement H‫انجاز‬ something important that you achieve (do)
able to speak or write a language very well without stopping
fluent )‫طَلِق (في اللغة‬
or making mistakes.
daycare centre ‫دار‬ A place where people who are old or ill can be looked after
‫رعاية‬ during the day
neighbourhood / ‫حي‬
a small area of a town or the people who live there.
an ability to do something well, especially because you have
skill ‫مهارة‬
practiced it.
reputation ‫سمعة‬ The opinion that people have of a person, product, company, etc.
sales H‫المبيعات‬ The part of a company that deals with ‫ يتعامل مع‬selling
Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
product ‫ُمنتَج‬ Something that is made or grown to be sold
Describing ‫ تصف‬a company ‫ شركة‬, organisation ‫منظمة‬/‫ مؤسسة‬,
established H‫ثابت‬/‫راسخ‬
etc. that has been in existence ‫ موجودة‬for a long time
grade ‫صف‬/‫تقدير‬/‫درجة‬ A number or letter that shows how well you’ve done in your
‫دراسي‬ exams or school work ‫حرف أو رقم يبين مدي األداء في اإلمتحانات‬

More Vocabulary:

ambitious (adj.) ‫طً ُموح‬ applicant )‫متقدم (لوظيفة مثال‬

‫ حي‬/ ‫ُمجد ومجتهد في عمله‬
conscientious CV = curriculum vitae ‫السيرة الذاتية‬
(well) established pharmacy ‫صيدلية‬
‫موجود من فترة طويلة‬/‫به‬
sociable ‫اجتماعي‬ well-organised ‫منظم جدا‬
achievement ‫انجاز‬ fluent )‫ فصيح (في لغة‬/ ‫طًلِق‬
‫ حي‬/ ‫منطقة سكنية‬
druggist ‫ صيدلي‬neighbourhood ‫ سكان‬/ ‫سكني‬
skill ‫مهارة‬trainee ‫متدرب‬
conscience ‫الضمير‬neighbours ‫الجيران‬
neighbourly ‫ ُم ِعين‬/ ‫ودود‬fluently ‫بطالقة‬
fluency ‫الطالقة‬
achieve ‫يحقق‬
drug store ‫صيدلية‬skilful ‫ماهر‬
a job interview ‫مقابلة للحصول علي وظيفة‬ obvious errors ‫أخطاء واضحة‬
formally ‫بشكل رسمي‬ sales experience ‫خبرة في المبيعات‬
reputation ‫سمعة‬ reputable ‫حسن السمعة‬
the medical
financial donations ‫تبرعات مالية‬ ‫مهنة الطب‬
‫مركز لرعاية األطفال‬
appointment ‫ تعيين‬/ ‫ موعد‬day-care centre
‫أو كبار السن‬
‫ صف‬/ ‫ مرتبة‬/ ‫درجة‬
grade trainee accountant ‫محاسب متدرب‬
‫مهارات مكتسبة (بالتدريب‬
hard skills personal skills ‫مهارات شخصية‬
hire = employ ‫يوظف‬ a bonus )‫عالوة (للموظفين‬
a paid holiday ‫أجازة مدفوعة األجر‬ sick leave ‫أجازة مرضية‬

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
promote ‫يعزز‬/‫يُروج‬/‫يُ ًرقي‬ promotion ‫ترقية‬
salary ‫مرتب‬ part-time job ‫وظيفة مؤقتة‬
full-time job ‫وظيفة دائمة‬ go bankrupt ‫يُفلس‬
make profits ‫يحقق أرباحا‬ customer service ‫خدمة العمالء‬
personnel manager ‫مدير شئون العاملين‬ natural talent ‫موهبة طبيعية‬
health ‫العاملين في مجال‬
desirable ‫مرغوب‬
professionals ‫الصحة‬
the general public ‫ عامة الجمهور‬enquiries ‫استفسارات‬
experience with ‫خبرة في التعامل مع‬
representative ‫ ممثل‬/ ‫مندوب‬
computers ‫الكمبيوتر‬
personal details ‫ تفاصيل شخصية‬technical skills ‫مهارات فنية‬
language skills ‫ مهارات اللغة‬interests ‫ ميول‬/ H‫اهتمامات‬
the nile delta ‫ دلتا نهر النيل‬activity ‫نشاط‬
place of residence ‫محل اإلقامة‬ ‫مؤهالت علمية‬
certificate ‫ شهادة‬acquire ‫يكتسب‬
tempt ‫ يُغري‬hobbies ‫هوايات‬
‫ غرفة‬/ ‫وظيفة خالية‬
vacancy practical skills ‫مهارات عملية‬
mental abilities ‫ القدرات العقلية‬ambition (n) ‫الطُموح‬
basic / essential skills ‫ مهارات أساسية‬morale ‫الروح المعنوية‬
assistant editor ‫ مساعد رئيس التحرير‬deadline ‫الموعد النهائي‬
conversely ‫ بشكل مضاد أو معكوس‬stubborn ‫عنيد‬
‫ شركة أدوية‬contact ‫ يتصل بـ‬/ ‫اتصال‬
graded ‫ متدرج‬selfish ‫أناني‬

The Listening Text:

Interviewer : Good morning, Mr. Farag. Please sit down.
Mr. Farag : Thank you.
Interviewer : First of all, thank you for sending us your CV. I see you have a
degree in biology and chemistry from Alexandria University.
Mr. Farag : That’s right.
Interviewer : And you’re twenty-five years old. Do you have a driving licence?
Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021

Mr. Farag : Yes, I do. I passed my test last year.

Interviewer : What have you been doing since you left university?
Mr. Farag : I’ve been working as a sales assistant in my uncle’s pharmacy.
Interviewer : I see, so you have some sales experience. I wonder if you could tell
me why you’re leaving your uncle’s company?
Mr. Farag : Yes, of course. I should start by saying that I have gained a lot of
useful experience working for my uncle, but I’m quite ambitious and I’d like to
travel round in my job and visit other places.
Interviewer : Good. Does your uncle know you’re trying to find another job?
Mr. Farag : Yes, he does. He’s encouraging me to look for jobs.
Interviewer : Good. And why do you want to work for us?
Mr. Farag : My uncle’s told me that yours is an established company with a very
good reputation in the medical profession.
Interviewer : That’s right.
Mr. Farag : My uncle has sold your products for many years and has never had
any problems with them.
Interviewer : And why do you think you’d be good at the job?
Mr. Farag : Well, I’ve always been a conscientious worker and I’m a sociable
person, so I’ll enjoy meeting and talking to customers. I’m also well organised, so
I’d always make sure I arrived on time for appointments.
Interviewer : Now at the moment, you’re living with your parents in Nasr City.
How would you feel if we asked you to work in another part of the country?
Mr. Farag : That’d be no problem. If I were given the job, it wouldn’t matter to
me where I was living and working.
Interviewer : Fine. Thank you very much for your time, Mr. Farag. We have your
telephone number and email address at the pharmacy. I’ll contact you on
Saturday morning to let you know the result of this interview.
Mr. Farag : Thank you very much. Goodbye.
Interviewer : Goodbye.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
Read the following CV (Curriculum Vitae) carefully

Ahmed Fawzy
Home address )‫عنوان المنزل (محل اإلقامة‬
EI Tonsy St, Bahary,
Alexandria, Egypt
Contact Information ‫معلومات التواصل‬
Phone: 1020348004
DOB: 17/05/1999
Nationality: ‫ الجنسية‬Egyptian
2015- 2018 English Secondary School, Alexandria General Secondary Education
Certificate (GSEC) Thanawiya Amma 2018 - 96%
2018- present: English language, Cairo University
WORK EXPERIENCE ‫خبرة العمل‬
2016-2018 Editor of school magazine
ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS ‫اإلنجازات والجوائز الرسمية‬
Academic ‫العلمية‬
2018 - Special award for highest grade in English language
Sports: University Football Club - Captain of first team
Other activities: ‫أنشطة أخري‬
Charity work in home neighbourhood - in daycare centre for older people (two
afternoons); camping; member of school book club and school choir
IT: Computing Grade 5
Experience in using Microsoft Office (Word and Excel)
Languages: Fluent in English
A little spoken Spanish and French
INTERESTS ‫الميول واالهتمامات‬
Sports: Football, squash, athletics
Travel: I enjoy meeting people from other countries.
I have travelled to Europe and Australia. My ambition is to visit the Far East ‫الشرق‬
‫( األقصي‬China and Japan).

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021

Word Study & Language Notes

:‫ الحظ االختصارات اآلتية‬

information technology ‫تكنولوجيا‬
DOB date of birth ‫تاريخ الميالد‬ IT
BA bachelor of arts ‫ليسانس آداب‬ PhD doctor of philosophy ‫دكتوراه الفلسفة‬
BSc. bachelor of science ‫بكالريوس علوم‬ MSc. Master of science ‫ماجستير علوم‬
General Secondary Education
GSEC Co. company ‫شركة‬
Certificate ‫شهادة الثانوية العامة‬
mph mile per hour ‫ميل في الساعة‬ Kph kilometer per hour
Tel. no. telephone number wk week / work
St. street rd. road
cm centimetre km kilometre
ASAP as soon as possible ‫بأسرع ما يمكن‬ p/t part time ‫جزء من الوقت‬
f/t full time ‫وقت كامل‬/‫طوال الوقت‬ Prof. professor ‫أستاذ جامعي‬
Dr. doctor App Application‫تطبيق‬
As soon as possible ‫بأسرع ما‬ Automatic teller machine ‫جهاز‬
‫يمكن‬ ‫الصرف اآللي‬
HR Human resources ‫الموارد البشرية‬ PR Public relations
24/7 All the time ‫طوال الوقت‬ OT Overtime ‫عمل اضافي‬
ID identification ‫هوية‬ VIP Very important person
Etc. Et Cetera ‫الي آخره‬ e.g. For example (Exempli Gratia)
Artificial Intelligence ‫الذكاء‬ Intelligence Quotient ‫نسبة أو معدل‬
‫اإلصطناعي‬ ‫الذكاء‬
World Wide Web ‫شبكة االنترنت‬ Internet service provider ‫مزود خدمة‬
www ISP
‫العالمية‬ ‫االنترنت‬
OS Operating system ‫نظام التشغيل‬ CD Compact disk ‫قرص مضغوط‬

 interview (n) )‫ صحفية‬/ ‫ تليفزيونية‬/ ‫ مقابلة (إذاعية‬/)‫مقابلة شخصية (للوظيفة‬

 to interview (v) ‫يُجري مقابلة أو حوار مع‬
 interviewer (n) ‫ُمحاور – من يجري الحوار أو المقابلة‬
 interviewee (n) ‫الشخص الذي تُجري معه المقابلة أو الحوار‬

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
 appoint …(as) ‫يُعين في وظيفة‬
He was appointed (as) the head of the department.

 appoint …to ‫يُعين لكي‬..

A committee was appointed to consider the plans.

 appointee )‫ال ُمعين (شخص تم تعيينه في وظيفة‬

 appointment ‫ ميعاد‬/ ‫موعد‬

● He has an appointment with his doctor next Thursday.
 conference ‫مؤتمر‬
● Representatives from over 100 countries attended
the International Peace Conference in Geneva.
 meeting ‫اجتماع‬
● I've got a meeting with Mr. Edwards this afternoon.
● I have an appointment to see the doctor.

appointment ‫۩ الحظ األفعال التي تستخدم عادة مع‬

● Have an appointment ‫لديه موعد‬ ● Make an appointment ‫يأخذ موعد‬
● Book an appointment ‫يحجز موعد‬ ● Cancel an appointment ‫يلغي موعد‬
● Keep an appointment ‫يلتزم بالميعاد‬ ● Miss an appointment ‫يفوته الميعاد‬

reputation ‫۩ الحظ األفعال والصفات التي تستخدم عادة مع‬

● Get/gain/acquire a reputation ‫يكتسب سمعة‬
● Deserve a reputation ‫يستحق سمعة‬
● Build a reputation ‫يبني سمعة‬
● Ruin someone’s reputation ‫يدمر سمعة‬
● Tarnish someone’s reputation ‫يلطخ سمعة‬
● A good/an excellent reputation ‫ ممتازة‬/ ‫سمعة طيبة‬
● A bad reputation ‫سمعة سيئة‬
● An enviable reputation ‫سمعة يُحسد عليها‬
● A well-deserved reputation ‫سمعة يستحقها‬
● an undeserved reputation ‫سمعة ال يستحقها‬

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
 apply for )‫ الخ‬، ‫ مكان في الجامعة‬/ ‫ جنسية‬/ ‫ تأشيرة‬/ ‫يتقدم بطلب (للحصول علي وظيفة‬
 apply in person ‫يتقدم بالطلب شخصيا‬ apply in writing ً‫يقدم الطلب كتابة‬
 apply to + inf. ‫ يتقدم بطلب لكي‬..  apply ‫يُطبق‬
 apply to + n ‫ينطبق علي‬  apply to + n ‫يتقدم بالطلب إلي‬
● She applied for a job with the local newspaper.
● She is going to apply for citizenship ‫ الجنسية‬next month.
● You should apply immediately, in person or by letter.
● He has applied to join the police.
● The offer only applies to ‫ ينطبق علي‬flights from London and Manchester.
● I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them.
● Some of the children seem unable to apply ‫ يُطبق‬what they have learned.

Find /found / found ‫ يعثُر علي‬/ ‫يجد‬

Found /founded ‫ يُنشيء‬/ ‫يؤسس‬
Be founded on )‫ مثال‬،‫االحترام‬/‫مبني علي (الثقة‬
Be found = exist )‫يُ ْوجـَد (في مكان مثال‬
Find out about = know about

●I managed to find a solution to the problem.

●This university was founded in 1950.
●Their relationship was founded on trust and respect.
●These flowers are found only in Africa.
●I haven’t found anything out about him yet.

Produce (U) ‫منتجات غذائية (مزروعة أو مصنّعة) –ال تُ َعد‬

Produce (v) = manufacture ‫صنِع‬ َ ُ‫ي‬/‫يُنتِج‬
Product (C/U) ‫جاصل الضرب‬/‫ ناتج‬/ )‫منتج ( أي نوع من المنتجات سواء غذائية أو غيرها‬
●This shop sells only fresh produce.
● This technology can be used to produce interactive educational programs.
●Most companies haven't tested their products on humans yet.

 on time = punctual, not late ‫في الوقت المحدد – بدون تأخير‬

 The train arrived on time.
 in time = early enough / soon enough ‫ مبكرا بما يكفي‬/ ‫في الوقت المناسب‬
 He was in time for the 7 o'clock train.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
Wages – salary – fare – fees
Wages ‫أجور (عمال مثال) بالساعة أو اليوم أو األسبوع‬
 The workers went on strike ‫ قاموا بإضراب‬because they wanted higher wages.
Salary ‫مرتب شهري أو سنوي‬
This bank manager gets a salary of 40,000 dollars a year.
Fare ‫ مواصالت‬4‫أجرة‬ Taxi fare bus fare plane fare
Fees ‫رسوم أو أتعاب‬ lawyer's fees school fees ‫رسوم مدرسية‬
Doctors' fees are very high nowadays.

 applicant )‫ قرض‬/ ‫ منحة‬/ ‫ تأشيرة‬/ ‫ جنسية‬/ ‫متقدم (بطلب كتابي) للحصول علي شيء (وظيفة‬
 candidate ‫مرشح في انتخابات‬/ ‫ ُمرشح لمنصب‬/)‫امتحان‬/ ‫متقدم (لوظيفة‬
● He was one of 30 applicants for the manager's job.
● There are only three candidates for the job.
● Candidates are not allowed to use a calculator in this exam.
:‫ عادة قبل الصفة إذا جاء بعدها االسم‬a / an ‫۩ تُستخدم األداة‬
a clever doctor  a good education
:‫۩ الحظ ما يلي‬
qualify as + ‫بعدها الوظيفة‬
● She wanted to improve her English so she could qualify as a translator.
qualify to + inf.
● Our three-week course will qualify you to teach English overseas.
qualify for + noun
● He wanted to qualify for the Olympics.
Special (= not ordinary) ‫ متميز‬/‫من نوع خاص‬
Special care ‫ رعاية خاصة‬, special attention ‫اهتمام خاص‬
special occasion ‫مناسبة خاصة‬
The government gives special care to reclaiming the desert.
This is a special kind of cloth.

private ‫( تفيد الملكية‬opposite: public ‫)عام‬

a private school ‫مدرسة خاصة‬ a private hospital ‫مستشفي خاص‬
This is my private life. You have no right to interfere.‫يتدخل‬.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021

‫وينطبق نفس الكالم علي‬What ‫ واالسم بعد‬How ‫الحظ استخدام صفة بعد‬
● How + adj. = What + n. ● How old …? = What age…?
● How tall…? = What height…? ‫ارتفاع‬/‫ ● ما طول‬How long…? = What length…?
● How big…? = What size…? ● How wide…? = What width…?
● How far …? = What distance …? ● How high…? = What height…? ‫ما ارتفاع‬
:‫۩ الحظ استخدام النهايات اآلتية لتكوين االسم من فعل أو صفة‬

-ness -tion/-sion -ment -ant

happiness reputation ‫السكان‬ appointment ‫موعد‬ applicant ‫متقدم‬
sadness profession ‫مهنة‬ achievement ‫ انجاز‬accountant ‫محاسب‬
madness ‫الجنون‬ application ‫طلب‬ arrangement ‫ ترتيب‬consultant ‫استشاري‬
illness ‫المرض‬ qualification ‫مؤهل‬ government contestant ‫متسابق‬
weakness ‫ضعف‬ possessions ‫ممتلكات‬ treatment servant ‫خادم‬
blindness ‫العمي‬ decision ‫قرار‬ agreement participant ‫ُمشارك‬
forgetfulness ‫النسيان‬ permission ‫اذن‬ retirement ‫تقاعد‬ inhabitant ‫أحد السكان‬

-ity -ance/ence -ship -hood

possibility ‫امكانية‬ absence ‫غياب‬ friendship ‫الصداقة‬ childhood ‫الطفولة‬
probability ‫احتمال‬ silence ‫ صمت‬/ ‫سكون‬ relationship ‫عالقة‬ motherhood ‫األمومة‬
responsibility ‫مسئولية‬ independence ‫استقالل‬ membership ‫عُضوية‬ fatherhood ‫األبوة‬
complexity ‫تعقيد‬ appearance ‫ظهور‬ partnership ‫شراكة‬ neighbourhood ‫الجيرة‬
scarcity ‫نُدرة‬ resistance ‫مقاومة‬ ownership ‫ملكية‬ brotherhood ‫األخوة‬
rarity ‫نُدرة‬ existence ‫وجود‬ leadership ‫زعامة‬/‫ قيادة‬likelihood ‫احتمال‬
purity ‫نقـاء‬ importance ‫أهمية‬ citizenship / ‫ مواطنة‬manhood ‫الرجولة‬

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
Words and their antonyms:

ambitious ً lazy
‫ط ُموح‬ ‫كسول‬
conscious ‫ واعي‬unconscious ‫فاقد الوعي‬
‫راسخة ومعروفة (لوجودها‬
established unknown ‫غير معروف‬
)‫منذ فترة طويلة‬
unsociable / / ‫غير اجتماعي‬
sociable ‫اجتماعي‬
introvert ‫منطوي‬
neighbourly ‫ ودي‬unfriendly ‫غير ودي‬
nasty ‫ سيء‬nice / lovely ‫ لطيف‬/ ‫جميل‬
extinguish (a fire) ‫ يطفئ‬light (a fire) ‫يشعل‬
deride ‫ يسخر من‬respect ‫يحترم‬
well-organised ‫ منظم تنظيما جيدا‬poorly organised ‫منظم تنظيما سيئا‬
Essential ‫ أساسي‬Inessential ‫غير أساسي‬
Practical ‫ عملي‬Impractical ‫غير عملي‬
Obvious ‫ واضح‬unclear ‫غير واضح‬
‫يمكن‬/‫غير ضروري‬ ‫ال يمكن‬/‫ضروري‬
dispensable indispensable
‫اإلستغناء عنه‬ ‫اإلستغناء عنه‬

Words and their synonyms:

especially ‫وخصوصا‬/‫وال سيما‬ particularly

pharmacy ‫صيدلية‬ drug store
pharmacist/chemist ‫صيدلي‬ druggist
CV ‫سيرة ذاتية‬ resume
achievement ‫انجاز‬ accomplishment
sociable ‫ودود‬/‫اجتماعي‬ friendly
grade ‫تقدير‬/‫درجة‬ mark/score
indicate ‫يبين‬/‫يوضح‬ show
company ‫شركة‬ firm
drugs ‫أدوية‬/‫عقاقير‬ medicines
mistake ‫خطأ‬ error
look after ‫يعتني بــ‬ take care of
ambition ‫طُ ُمـوح‬ aspiration
conscientious ‫مجتهد‬ diligent
obvious ‫واضح‬ clear

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
Prepositions and Expressions:

‫يتقدم بطلب للحصول‬

apply for (a job / a visa) work in a job ‫يعمل في وظيفة‬
‫ مالئم‬/ ‫متصل بـ‬
a long way from ‫ علي مسافة بعيدة من‬relevant to
focus on ‫ يركز علي‬be in existence ‫يكون موجودا‬
Fluent in ‫ طَلِق في‬look for ‫يبحث عن‬
‫يمكنه الحصول‬
‫ يتناول‬/ ‫يتعامل مع‬
deal with have access to ‫على أو الوصول‬
)‫(موضوع‬ ..‫إلي‬
have a good command
compete against ‫يتنافس ضد‬ ‫لديه إلمام جيد بـ‬
get into/enter
care about ‫يهتم بـ‬ ‫يلتحق بالجامعة‬
an interview with ‫مقابلة مع‬
reply to ‫يرد علي‬
someone ‫شخص‬
an interview for
.. ‫ مقابلة من أجل‬make up for ‫يُعوض‬
‫يري أو يسمع أو‬
make for = head for ‫ يتجه إلي‬make out ‫يفهم شيء‬
‫ينسجم مع أو يكون‬
at the present time ‫ في الوقت الحالي‬get on with ‫علي عالقة جيدة‬
‫يدرس مقرر‬
work experience ‫ خبرة العمل‬Do a course in
‫دراسي في‬
Under/over 30 years
Do the accounts ‫يقوم بعمل الحسابات‬ ..‫فوق سن‬/‫تحت‬
Insist on ‫ يُصـر علي‬Suitable for ‫مناسب لـ‬

Irregular Verbs:

hold/held/held ‫ يمسك‬lay/laid/laid ‫يضع‬

hurt/hurt/hurt ‫ يصيب بأذى‬lead/led/led ‫يقود‬
keep/kept/kept ‫يحفظ‬ ‫يميـل‬
kneel/knelt/knelt leap/leapt/leapt
‫يركع‬ ‫يقفز‬
kneel/kneeled/kneeled leap/leaped/leaped

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021

verb noun adjective

applicant ‫متقدم‬ applicable to ‫ُمنطبق‬
apply ‫يتقدم بطلب‬
application ‫طلب‬ ‫علي‬
prepare ‫ يجهز‬/ ‫يستعد‬ preparation ‫ تجهيز‬/ ‫استعداد‬ prepared ‫مستعد‬
organise ‫ينظم‬ organisation ‫تنظيم‬ organised ‫منظم‬
interview ‫مقابلة‬
interviewer ‫يجري المقابلة‬
ِ ‫الشخص الذي‬
interview ‫يجري مقابلة‬
interviewee ‫الشخص الذي تُ َجري له‬
assistant ‫مساعد‬/‫معاون‬/‫بائع‬
assist ‫يُساعد‬
assistance H‫مساعدة‬
process ‫يُحضر‬/‫يعالج‬ process ‫عملية‬ processed ‫ُمعالَج‬
qualify ‫ يتأهل‬/ ‫يؤهل‬ qualification ‫مؤهل‬ qualified ‫ُمؤَ هَل‬
appointment ‫ تعيين‬/ ‫موعد‬
appoint ‫ يوظف‬/ ‫يعين‬ appointed ‫معين‬
appointee )‫الشخص المعين (في وظيفة‬
trainer ‫ُمد ِرب‬
trained ‫ُمد ََرب‬
train ‫ يتدرب‬/ ‫يدرب‬ trainee ‫متدرب‬
training ‫التدريب‬
conscientious ‫حي‬
conscience ‫الضمير‬
‫يقظ الضمير‬/‫الضمير‬
establishment ‫انشاء‬ established
establish ‫ أنشأ‬/ ‫ أسس‬/ ‫أثبت‬
‫مؤسسة‬/‫منشأة‬/ ‫معترف به‬/‫ثابت‬/‫راسخ‬
production ‫االنتاج‬
produce ‫يُنتج‬ product ‫ُمنتَج‬ productive ‫انتاجي‬
produce ‫ منتجات‬/ ‫غالت‬
reputed ‫حسن السمعة‬
reputation ‫سمعة‬
ُ reputable ‫حسن السمعة‬
fluency )‫طالقة (في اللغة‬ fluent ‫طَلِق‬
editor ‫ رئيس تحرير‬/ ‫محرر‬
edit ‫ يُ ِعد للنشر‬/ ‫يحرر‬ editorial ‫مقالة افتتاحية‬
edition )‫طبعة (من كتاب‬

Collocations and Vocabulary for translation

apply modern ‫ يطبق التكنولوجيا‬economic sanctions ‫عقوبات اقتصادية‬

technology ‫ الحديثة‬against ‫ضد‬
Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
a fluent speaker
‫ متحدث طلق‬communication skills ‫مهارات التواصل‬

the voice of
critical thinking skills ‫مهارات التفكير الناقد‬ ‫صوت الضمير‬
prick of conscience ‫ تأنيب الضمير‬public amenities ‫المرافق العامة‬
obvious contradiction ‫ تناقض واضح‬menial work ‫عمل وضيع‬
current job
‫ الوظيفة الحالية‬previous job ‫الوظيفة السابقة‬

a permanent job ‫ وظيفة دائمة‬a temporary job ‫عمل مؤقت‬

a contract of
career opportunities ‫فرص عمل‬ ‫عقد عمل‬
a rise in salary ‫ زيادة في المرتب‬above average ‫فوق المتوسط‬
below average ‫ أقل من المتوسط‬business hours ‫ساعات العمل‬
multinational H‫شركة متعددة‬
reduced prices ‫أسعار مخفضة‬
company ‫الجنسيات‬
‫تصبح شاغرة‬
fall vacant On condition that ‫بشرط‬
social disease ‫ مرض اجتماعي‬constructive criticism ‫نقد بنَاء‬
constructive role ‫ دور بنَاء‬destructive impact ‫تأثير مدمر‬
creative ideas ‫ أفكار إبداعية‬revolutionary ideas ‫أفكار ثورية‬
‫ الناتج القومي‬Products of the
Gross national product ‫نواتج التفاعل‬
‫ االجمالي‬reaction
It’s worth mentioning
..‫ من الجدير بالذكر أن‬..mentioned above ‫المذكورة أعاله‬
stability ‫استقرار‬ security ‫أمن‬
innocence ‫براءة‬ Alternative ‫بديل‬
surgery ‫جراحة‬ standards ‫مستويات‬/‫معايير‬
population ‫السكان‬ X-rays ‫اآلشعة السينية‬
‫اآلشعة فوق‬ ‫اآلشعة تحت‬
ultraviolet rays infrared rays
‫البنفسجية‬ ‫الحمراء‬

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
Choose the correct answer:
1- Ali is the most (consensus – dangerous – conscientious - pernicious)
student in the class. He works hard and cares about what he does.
2- When they are applying for a job, some people start their (BSc. – AD –
DVD - CV) with personal details. Others put their qualifications first.
3- Our school is very (sterilized – organised – despised - devised). The staff
and students are always on time and everyone knows exactly what they have
to do.
4- Our family has a well-(attached – detached – talented – established)
business. It was started by my grandfather in 1935.
5- I need some medicine. Is there a/an (bakery – pharmacy – grocery –
embassy) near here.
6- If you want them to interview you for the job, send them your (BA – CV
– WC – BC).
7- You are the most (well-established / well-organised /well-behaved /
well-dressed) person I know. You never forget anything and you are never late.
8- My uncle was always (conscientious – jealous – envious - ambitious).
He was always looking for a better job.
9- If you need any medicine, there is a (chemistry – pharmacy – privacy -
policy) in the village.
10- My bank is an (abandoned – accomplished - established – attended)
company. It has been in business for over 100 years.
11- The company received over 100 CVs from interested (applicants – employers
– bosses - managers).
12- My brother is more (ambitious – selfish – sociable - unreliable) than
me. He gets on with everyone he meets.
13- She doubts whether she'll ever be able to fulfil her (ambition –
ammunition – addiction – animation).
14- Ali has applied (in – with – for – to) join the navy.
15- He is a very good man. He always does his work (conscientiously –
carelessly – lazily – suddenly).
16- I wish everyone was as (conscientious – unconscious – suspicious –
delicious) as you are about getting to work on time.
17- A (geneticist – physicist – enthusiast - pharmacist ) is someone whose job is
to prepare medicines in a shop or hospital

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
18- The campaign ‫ حملة‬was poorly (deprived – furnished – organised –
trained), so it did not succeed.
19- We get (on – off – away – in) with all our neighbours. Everyone is so
20- The people in this part of town are always very (adventurously –
aimlessly – neighbourly - cleverly), especially if someone needs help.
21- (Emergency – Fluency – frequency - infancy) is perhaps the most
important language skill.
22- Even though he has only been here for six months, he can speak English
(abruptly – arrogantly – fluently – currently).
23- Some of the children seem unable to (apply – comply – rely – multiply)
what they have learned.
24- My father has (ignored – avoided – prevented – achieved) many things
to be proud of in his life.
25- Sara is (blunt – affluent - fluent – frequent) in three languages: Arabic,
English and German.
26- Most of the houses in our (flat - neighbourhood – apartment – hotel)
are quite old.
27- An (announcement – appointment – argument - achievement) is
something important that you have done.
28- (Abundant – Fluent – Adjacent - Applicant) means able to speak a language
well without stopping.
29- (Daytime – Daydream - Daycare - Daylight) is a centre where people
who are old or ill can be looked after during the day.
30- I filled in the (abbreviation – absorption - application – allegation) form
and sent it off.
31- Are you (planned – blamed – trained – betrayed) in the use of this
32- I've got another job (conference - interview – advertisement –
announcement) tomorrow.
33- This (training – working – employing – hiring) provides opportunities to
acquire new skills
34- The only thing he seems to care (in – with – about – at) is money.
35- He possessed no (academic – domestic – elastic – organic)
36- My friends and I stay in (compact – contact – attract – contact) by

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
37- Both boys and girls can apply (to join – for joining - - join – joined) the
38- He had an (accomplishment – agreement – appointment –
argument) to see the dentist but he chickened out ‫ خاف‬at the last moment.
39- His previous employer describes him as honest, hard-working
and (dangerous – conscientious – anxious – envious).
40- It was not until the 1940s that public opinion polling ‫استطالاع الرأي العام‬
became an (banished – brushed – crashed – established) part of the political
41-  The company needs to reduce its dependence on just one
particular (conduct – obstruct – product – instruct).
42- She has built up an enviable (reputation – radiation – reaction –
realization) as a psychotherapist. ‫معالج نفسي‬
43- She was offered (employees – employer - employment – employable)
in the sales office.
44- When I was eight years old, I joined our school (cooker – choir-
character – charisma).
45- To work as a translator, you need (fluency – affluence – influence –
consequence) in at least one foreign language.
46- He is very downhearted ‫مكتئب‬/‫ حزين‬about the poor (greed – grain –
grape – grade) he got in school.
47- I am surprised that a company with your good (reputation – recreation
– revelation – radiation) would produce such poor quality goods.
48- His plan is to get a (debris – degree – decree – referee) in economics
and then work abroad for a year.
49- A lot of new families have moved into the (adulthood – neighbourhood
– fatherhood – brotherhood).
50- Who is the current (edition – editorial – creditor – editor) of the Times?
51- The (conduction – production – reduction – infection) of the film cost
twenty million US dollars.
52- You didn't do anything wrong, - you should have a clear (conscience –
conscious – conscientious – consciousness).
53- (Personal - Hard – Unusual – Political) skills include computer
programming, web design and typing.
54- (Humidity - Enmity – Density – Creativity) and flexibility are personal

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
55- Her (accommodation - ambition – addiction – aggression) was to be a
famous singer.
56- Since retiring from the company, she has done (voluntary – anniversary
– contemporary – summary) work for a charity.
57- The (completion - competition – compensation – composition)
attracted over 500 contestants ‫ متسابقين‬representing 8 different countries.
58- I've decided to (make – act – play – do) a course in Spanish.
59- He is a (content – current – frequent – fluent) speaker of French.
60- There is a (daycare – daydream – daylight – daybreak) centre for the
elderly in our neighbourhood.
61- Trees absorb carbon dioxide and (deduce - produce – induce –
reproduce) oxygen.
62- I insured ‫يؤمن علي‬my property with a/an (extinguished – established –
polished – smashed), reputable company.
63- The exhibition helped her (watch – avoid - establish – destroy) herself
as an artist.
64- Despite her (regulation - reputation – reclamation – renovation) as a
trouble-maker, she was promoted to department manager.
65- Have you booked another (accomplishment – advertisement –
appointment – amusement) at the clinic?
66- These ideas are often difficult to (apply – reply – imply – supply) in
67- (Caliphates - Candidates – Cellmates – Coordinates) should be at their
desks 5 minutes before the start of the examination.
68- He had his back to me and didn't seem very (sociable – social – socialist
– sociologist).
69- Our school (character - choir – chapter – charger) won the competition.
70- (Frequency – Fancy - Fluency in French is required for this job.
71- The present law has failed to (achieve – charge – cheer – cheat) its
72- My grandfather is at a (month – day – year – week) care centre
73- The President stressed the importance of (neighbourly – cowardly –
ugly – silly) relations between Egypt and Russia.
74- She grew up in a wealthy (brotherhood – childhood – manhood –
neighbourhood) of New York.
75- You need good communication (mills - skills – pills – bills) for this job.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
76- We chose that company because we thought they were (comparable –
dispensable – reputable – irreparable).
77- Nuclear power plants (produce – deduce – conduct – deduct) twenty
percent of the country's energy.
78- My brother is in sixth (decade – blade – grenade – grade).
79- It is a/an (astonished – demolished - established – diminished) fact that
smoking causes many diseases.
80- This book has lots of (degraded – graded – granted - coated) English

Reported Statements

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect

say say say to tell
says says says to tells
said said said to told
.‫ أو تحذف‬that ‫ و يمكن استخدام‬inverted commas ‫تحذف‬
:‫ تتغير األزمنة من مضارع إلى ماضي و من ماضي إلى ماضي تام كما يلي‬

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect

write / writes wrote will Would
wrote had written shall Would
is / are writing was / were may Might
have / has written had written can Could
has / have been writing had been writing must had to
was / were writing had been writing

:‫ هناك كلمات معينة تتغير في غير المباشر كما يلي‬

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
now then tonight that night
this that tomorrow the next day
these those yesterday the day before /
the previous day
here there today that day
(two days) ago (two days)before / earlier yet by then
last week the week before / the next week the following
previous week week
the day before two days before the day after in two days’ time
yesterday tomorrow
tomorrow the next morning this that afternoon
morning afternoon
next Friday the following Friday

‫ في المباشر وغير المباشر‬tell ‫ واستخدام‬say ‫۩ الحظ الفرق بين استخدام‬

tell/told ‫۩ البد من استخدام ضمير مفعول بعد‬
say to/said to ‫۩ يأتي ضمير المفعول بعد‬

✗ We know that what they are telling has already been said many times.
✓ We know that what they are telling us has already been said many times.

✗ He told to journalists that he was innocent.

✓ He told journalists that he was innocent.

✗ He told that older people tended to be less confident about speaking English.

✓ He said that older people tended to be less confident about speaking English.

:‫ الحظ تغيير الضمائر‬

 She said, “I shall pay my debts‫ ديون‬tomorrow.”
She said (that) she would pay her debts the next day.

He said to me, “I sent the letter two days ago.”

He told me (that) he had sent the letter two days before / two days earlier.

He said to me, "I didn't see the robbers last night."

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
He told me (that) he hadn't seen the robbers the night before / the
previous night.
:said ‫ يمكن استخدام األفعال اآلتية بدال من‬
claimed ‫ادعي‬/ complained / mentioned ‫ ذكر‬/ indicated ‫ أوضح‬/ asserted ‫ أكد‬/
agreed / reported / explained
He said, “The service in this restaurant is not good.”
He complained that the service in that restaurant was not good.
He said, “I won't tell anyone what you said.”
He agreed he wouldn't tell anyone what I had said.

:‫ الماضي من األفعال الناقصة وزمن الماضي التام ال تتغير في غير المباشر‬

Would / should / ought / had better / might / used to / could
He said, “I used to clean my room every day.”
He said he used to clean his room every day.
He said, "We could see the mountain after we had reached the top of the
He said that they could see the mountain after they had reached the top
of the tower.
:‫ في المضارع‬say(s) ‫ ال تتغير األزمنة إذا كان فعل‬
She says, “I live in a small flat in Cairo.”
She says she lives in a small flat in Cairo.
:‫ال تتغير األزمنة إذا كانت الجملة تعبر عن حقيقة‬
She said, “Metals expand when they are heated".
She said that metals expand when they are heated.
:‫ال تتغير األزمنة إذا كانت الجملة قيلت منذ فترة وجيزة‬
He said just now, “I have already seen the film.”
He said just now he has already seen the film.
:‫ يتغير الزمن في الحالة األولى فقط‬if ‫في حالة وجود‬
He said, “If it rains, I’ll stay at home.”
He said if it rained, he would stay at home.
:and added that ‫ أو‬and that ‫في حالة وجود جملتين نستخدم‬
He said to me, “I didn’t post the letter. I’ll ask John to post it for me.”
He told me he hadn’t posted the letter and that he would ask John to post
it for him.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
:v+ing ‫ عند نقل الجملة إلى غير المباشر ويأتي بعدها‬said to ‫يمكن استخدام األفعال اآلتية بدال من‬

Admit/admit to / deny / apologize for/objected to/blame .. for /insisted

on / suggest / congratulate .. on + (v-ing)

He said, “Let’s watch the news on TV.”

He suggested watching the news on TV.
:‫ يمكن تحويل الجملة بالطريقة العادية‬deny that / admit that ‫ بعد‬
 He said, “I didn't see the accident.”
He denied seeing the accident.
He denied that he had seen the accident. + inf ‫ عند تحويل الجملة إلى غير المباشر ويأتي بعدها‬said to ‫ األفعال اآلتية بدال من‬H‫يمكن استخدام‬

promised/offered /agreed/threatened/ refused/reminded/decided/

encouraged/invited/requested +(to+inf.)

 He said, “I’ll lend you the money you need.”

He promised to lend me the money I needed.
He promised that he would lend me the money I needed.

 He said to me, “You ought to do your job well.”

He advised me to do my job well.
:..It was ‫الحظ أن أسلوب التعجب في غير المباشر يتحول إلي جملة عادية تبدأ بـ‬
 He said, “How terrible!”
He said that it was terrible.

‫۩ الحظ ما يلي‬
‫ مع األفعال اآلتية‬that + sentence ‫ يمكن أيضا ً استخدام‬-1

).should + inf( ‫ وفاعل ومصدر أو‬that ‫ يمكن استخدام‬insist/suggest ‫ بعد الفعلين‬-2

suggest ‫) بعد الفعل‬noun( ‫ يمكن استخدام اسم‬-3

‫يبين" اذا كان فاعل الجملة كلمات مثل‬/‫ أحيانا بمعني "يوضح‬suggest ‫ يستخدم الفعل‬-4
research/studies/data/statistics/results/evidence/opinion polls

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
insist on/threaten ‫) بعد الفعل‬noun( ‫ يمكن استخدام اسم‬-5

● She admitted that she had had a hard time understanding the lesson.
● He denied that he had forged the money.
● He promised that he would help me with my homework.
● I decided that it would be best to tell Nora the truth.
● He reminded me that we had worked together before.
● He became angry and threatened that he would go to the police.
● They insisted that everyone come to the party.
● They insisted that everyone should come to the party.
● Her mother suggested that she go and see the doctor.
● Her mother suggested that she should go and see the doctor.
● The doctor suggested rest as an alternative to surgery.
● Opinion polls suggest that only 10% of the population eat healthy food.
● Their actions threaten the stability and security of the region.
● He has insisted on his innocence from the beginning.

Exercises on grammar

1. He (said – asked – wondered – wanted to know) he wouldn't be able to

sleep until he had finished the homework.
2. She said that she (want – wants – wanted – is wanting) to be a writer.
3. She admitted that her brother (was helping – is helping – he is helping –
he was helping) her with her homework that afternoon.
4. She said they (meet – are meeting – have been meeting – were meeting)
them there the following Saturday.
5. She (asked – wondered – complained – ordered) that she had waited for
more than an hour for her appointment.
6. They promised that they (phone – would phone – will phone – phones) us
as soon as they arrived.
7. He admitted that he (arrives – has arrived – had arrived – will arrive) late
the night before.
8. She (blamed – refused – asked – explained) that she was hoping to come
and see me the following week.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
9. I admitted that I (don't have – am not having – didn't have – doesn't have)
any plans.
10. He denied (to be – had been – was – being) at the scene of the crime
11. I explained that I (would have to – will have to – will – shall) ask my
12. Peter (asked – wondered – promised – wanted) he would phone me that
13. She said, "I (didn't see – won't see – wasn't seen – hadn't seen) anyone
until I have finished.
14. She refused (lending – lend – to lend – to lending) me the money I
15. He denied (to forge – forging – forged – had forged) the cheque.
16. He said metals (are contracting – contracts – contract – contracting) when
they are cooled.
17. She promised that she (will – can – shall – would) help me soon.
18. He admitted that he (robs – was robbed – has robbed – had robbed) the
house the night before.
19. He explained that he (loses – was losing – had lost – to lose) his way in the
desert a few weeks earlier.
20. They complained that they (are treated – have been treated – will be
treated – had been treated) badly by the shop owner the previous day.
21. He says water (evaporated – evaporates – is evaporating – was
evaporating) if it is boiled.
22. He said that she (was going - is going – will be going – is gone) to learn to
23. I complained that it (was – is – is being – has been) rather late and that it
was time for him to go to sleep.
24. I said he (was going to – will – may – shall) retire the following year.
25. My son (asked – wondered – inquired – explained) that his book was really
26. She promised that she (will - would – can – shall) be home the next
27. John said that he (had seen – sees – was seeing- to see) that movie once
28. She (admitted – asked – told – refused) that the accident was her fault.
29. He (said – encouraged – refused =- denied) him to take the exam again.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
30. She (insisted – blamed – congratulated – complained) him on getting great
exam results.
31. He (insisted – blamed – denied – complained) eating the last chocolate
32. He said that he (doesn't have - didn't have – wasn't having – isn't having)
enough time to finish the job.
33. She said that she (wants – was wanting – wanted – will want) to visit Cairo
the following week.
34. The Nile (has been – was – had ben – is) the longest river in the world.
35. She says she (is being - is – was being – were) ready for the exam.
36. He promised that he (would – will – can – may) be home the next
37. Manal said that her brother (is helping – has been helping – was being
helped - was helping) her do the washing up that afternoon.
38. Tarek explained he (is – has been – was being – was) hot because he was
playing tennis.
39. Mona shouted that the animal (was – was being – has been – will have
been) dangerous.
40. Ali (blamed - admitted – decided – told) that he had lost the pen that I had
lent him.
41. He said that when he (has been to – goes - had been – will go) to the
museum, he had seen the statues.
42. Nadia said that she (has – has been having – had been having – was
having) a test the following week.
43. She admitted that she (didn't really know – wasn't really knowing – isn't
really knowing – doesn't really know) the vocabulary that she needed to know.
44. He told me that he had played basketball (the following day – the next day
- the day before – the following week).
45. She says that she (is – has been – had been – is being) ready now to go to
the shops.
46. Mother (told – tells - said – refused) that we could watch TV after finishing
our homework.
47. She said that she (can go – will go – could go – may go) home on her own.
48. They said that they (hadn't been – hasn't been – haven't been – won't
be) to the art gallery for a long time.
49. He decided (going – gone - to go – goes) to England to study medicine.
50. He said that he (thinks – will think – would think – is thinking) about it.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
51. He threatened (to call – calling – he calls – to be calling) the police if I
didn't leave.
52. The scientist said, “Atoms (will be – have been – were – are) the smallest
53. My coach said that he (would not be able to – isn’t able to – won’t be able
to – able to) be at the next game.
54. She told me she (sees – is seeing - would see – would have seen) him later.
55. He told me he (doesn’t see – hasn’t seen – won’t see - hadn't seen) her
56. She told them she (is cleaning - had been cleaning – was cleaning – cleans)
the house all morning.
57. He said that he (would have finished – will have finished – finished – is
finishing) that paper by the next day.
58. They said that they (never were – have never been - had never been – are
never) there before.
59. He said there (is - had been – have been – has been) an accident outside
the supermarket the night before.  
60. Sarah said that her father (took – takes – is taking – was taking) her to
school every day.
61. He refused (take – taken – taking – to take) part in anything illegal.
62. He (refused – objected – complained – reminded) me that we had met
before at a conference in London.
63. Martin (promised - claimed – threatened – congratulated) that he was
with friends at the time of his wife's murder.
64. She (decided – complained – offered – refused) that her boss gave her too
much work.
65. He (mentioned – promised – decided - refused) that he was having
problems, but he didn’t explain.
66. Did they say how long the operation (takes – is taking - would take –
67. She (said – told – suggested – reminded) that she was sorry she was late.
68. Ahmed told me that some animals (have had - have – are having – were
having) the ability to sense the Earth’s magnetic field and to use this sense for
69. My teacher said that an ultraviolet ray (was – has been – is being – is)
longer than an x-ray.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
70. Mona has just said that she (studied - studies – was studying – had been
studying) Biology because she wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
71. She insisted that we (stay – are staying – to stay – staying) at
her house instead of a hotel.
72. Journalists in Cairo reported that seven people (have been shot – have
shot – had shot - had been shot).
73. He (mentioned – threatened – objected – blamed) that he had never been
to Paris.
74. We (complain – blame – object – insist) on the highest standards of
cleanliness in the hotel.
75. My mother told me I had better (took – to take – take – taken) an
umbrella and added that it was going to rain.
76. They agreed that elections (will hold - would be held – are held – are
holding) in May.
77. Postal workers are (complaining - threatening – blaming – objecting) a
strike if they don’t receive a pay increase.
78. The passengers were (said – mentioned - told – agreed) their flight was
about to depart.
79. He (said – told – reminded – blamed) that he hadn’t seen the movie the
night before.
80. The teacher (said – told – reminded – blamed) me I could go home.
81. David told Peter that Mona (would leave – will leave – leave – leaving) for
her native place the next day.
82. Tom said he (wants – is wanting – wanted – has wanted) to visit his friends
that weekend.
83. Peter said he (gets – is getting – has got – got) up every morning at seven
84. Susan (complained - told – insisted – blamed) me she could come that
85. She told me she really (wished – wishes – has wished – is wishing) she had
bought that new car.
86. She (said – mentioned - promised – explained) to give me the money back
the next day.
87. She offered (to drive – driving – drive – drove) us to the airport.
88. He warned her that he would shoot her if she (doesn’t keep – wasn’t
keeping – hasn’t kept - didn’t keep) quiet.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
89. The employer said that he would pay my wages (the next day – the day
before – the previous week – the year before).
90. The professor told the class that ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ was the best
book he (ever reads – has ever read – was ever reading - had ever read).

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021

Communication Skills: Asking & answering personal questions

Do you have any work experience? ‫هل لديك أي خبرة بالعمل؟‬
What are your interests and hobbies? ‫االهتمامات والهوايات‬
Which exams have you passed? ‫ما هي اإلمتحانات التي اجتزتها ؟‬
Where are you from?
Which skills have you got? ‫ما هي المهارات التي لديك؟‬
Where were you born and what's your nationality? ‫أين ولدت وما هي جنسيتك؟‬
Can you tell me about any awards or achievements? ‫الجوائز الرسمية واالنجازات‬

Test 1 on Unit 9

A- Vocabulary and Structure

Choose the correct answer:
1. She stated that a wise woman would choose her future husband on the basis
of his (qualities – quantities – degrees – marks) of character.
2. There has been a gradual improvement in our (sales – sails – sells – souls)
figures over the last two years.
3. Every participant will receive a (certificate – permit – permission – mark) at
the end of the course.
4. These toys are not suitable (with – for – at – about) for children under five.
5. You will be employed to (insist – resist – assist – consist) in the development
of new equipment.
6. (Applications – Fabrications - Qualifications – Locations) are important but
practical experience is always an advantage.
7.  Staff may not leave early without the (admission – emission – confession –
permission) of the director.
8. He lost all his (possessions – impressions – omissions – sessions) in the fire.
9. He was (limited – submitted - permitted – vomited) to go abroad with the
proviso that ‫ بشـرط‬he should return at the end of two years.
10. This university offers financial (attendance – abundance - assistance –
avoidance) to students.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
11. The family (possessed – ceased – addressed – passed) documents that
proved their right to ownership. ‫حقهم في الملكية‬
12. After retiring, she became involved in (centenary – legendary - voluntary –
literary) service in the local community.
13. Egypt is a/an (member – organ – climber – number) of the United Nations
14. She speaks Spanish with great (fancy – currency – emergency – fluency).
15. He (admitted – insisted – complained – objected) taking bribes.
16. She (blamed - insisted – asked – wondered) that her critics were wrong.

B- Reading Comprehension

Read the passage then answer the questions:

Medical experts say the most effective way to prevent the spread of disease is for
people to wash their hands with soap and water.
The World Bank, the United Nations, and the London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine carried out a study to urge hand washing around the world. They
say that programs to increase hand washing with soap could be among the most
effective ways to reduce infectious diseases. They say that one-million lives could
be saved each year if people washed their hands with soap often.
Doctors say many diseases can be prevented from spreading by hand-washing.
These include influenza, the common cold, hepatitis and infectious diarrhea.
Hand washing destroys germs from other people, animals or objects a person has
touched. When people get bacteria on their hands, they can infect themselves by
touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Then these people can infect other people.
The experts say the easiest way to catch a cold is to touch your nose or eyes after
someone nearby has sneezed or coughed. Another way to become sick is to eat
food prepared by someone whose hands were not clean.
The experts say that hand washing is especially important before and after
preparing food, before eating and after using the toilet. People should wash their
hands after handling animals or animal waste, and after cleaning a baby. The
experts say it is also a good idea to wash your hands after handling money and
after sneezing or coughing. And it is important to wash your hands often when
someone in your home is sick.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
The experts say the most effective way to wash your hands is to rub them together
after using soap and warm water. They say you do not have to use special anti-
bacterial soap. Be sure to rub all areas of the hands for about ten to fifteen
seconds. The soap and the rubbing action remove germs. Rinse the hands with
water and dry them.
Experts say that people using public bathrooms should dry their hands with a paper
towel and use the towel to turn off the water. They also advise using the paper
towel to open the bathroom door before throwing the towel away.
Choose the correct answer:
1-The best title to this passage could be:
a) paper towels b) infectious diseases
c) health programmes d) the importance of hand swashing
2-Hand-washing with soap could be among the most effective ways to --------------
infectious diseases.
a) induce b) reduce c) deduce d) produce
3-The underlined word 'they' refers to:
a) experts b) hand c) bacteria d) germs
4-We understand from the passage that ordinary soap is ------------- anti-bacterial
a) less effective than b) more effective than
c) as effective as d) not as effective as

Answer the following questions:

5-What are three things you should do with paper towels when using a public

6-Mention three diseases that can be prevented by hand washing.

7-Find words in the passage which mean:
a) A person who is very knowledgeable about a particular area
b) Successful or producing the results that you want
8-What is the easiest way to catch a cold?

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
D- Writing
Write an essay of about 180 words about:
The advantages and disadvantages of running your own business"."
9- A)Translate into Arabic:
1- Studies have found that when you stop thinking about your own problems
and focus on someone other than yourself, your stress levels start to decrease
and your immune system is strengthened and your overall sense of life
satisfaction increases. 
2- The world of work is changing and for many people it is unlikely that they
will stay in the same job or even the same career path for the whole of their
working life.
B) Translate into English:

‫ ینبغى ان یكون للمشاھیر من الكتاب والعلماء والریاضین دور مؤثر فى مساعدة الجمعیات الخیریة‬-1
‫ مصر فخورة بعلمائھا الذین حققوا إنجازات علمیة هائلة في جمیع المجاالت‬-2

Test 2 on Unit 9

A- Vocabulary and Structure

Choose the correct answer:
1. I have very poor technical (bills – skills – hills – wills). Could you help me fix
my computer?
2. Getting into university would be my greatest (abandonment – achievement –
adjustment - amazement).
3. (Spill – Spell – Skill - shell) is the ability to do something well.
4. A (neighbourhood – fatherhood – brotherhood - manhood) is a small area of
town or the people who live there.
5. My sister said, "I won't be able to be at the next game". -My sister said
that she (isn't able – wouldn't be able – were able – will be able) to be at the
next game."
6. My grandmother said, "A long time ago there were no cell phones!" My
grandmother said that a long time ago there (have been – has been – had been –
would be) no cell phones.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
7. John said, "I am going to work for a new company next month." John said
that he (was going to work – is going to work – has been going to work – will go
to work) for a new company the following month.
8. Mary said, "I have just come back from Europe." Mary said that she (has just
come back – would just come – had just come back – will just come back) from
9. Sarah said, “My head is aching “. Sarah said that her head (has been aching –
was aching – had been aching – was being ached).
10. Michael said, “You can borrow my book”. Michael told me that I (could
borrow – can borrow – have borrowed – had borrowed) his book.
11. Paul admitted, “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.” Paul admitted that he
(hadn't brushed – wasn't brushing – hasn't brushed – hasn't been brushing) his
teeth yet.
12. My father said, “I could swim very fast when I was a child” My father said
that he (could – can – will – may) swim very fast when he had been a child.
13. (Identifiable – Justifiable – Enviable - Sociable) means friendly or liking to be
with other people.
14. Mark is very (precious – conscientious – dangerous – delicious) in doing his
work, so his colleagues all have confidence in him.
15. (Assailant – Complainants - Applicants – Infants) interested in applying for
the position should submit their CVs no later than February 15.
16. He has a/an (conference - interview – view – review) next week for the
manager's job.
B- Reading Comprehension
Read the passage then answer the questions:
            In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation of observed events that are
related.   A theory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists picture
the way an observed event could be produced. A good example of this is found in
the kinetic molecular theory, in which gases are pictured as being made up of many
small particles that are in constant motion.  
                A useful theory, in addition to explaining past observation, helps to
predict events that have not as yet been observed. After a theory has been
publicized, scientists design experiments to test the theory. If observations confirm
the scientists' predictions, the theory is supported. If observations do not confirm
the predictions, the scientists must search further. There may be a fault in the
experiment, or the theory may have to be revised or rejected.

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
                Science involves imagination and creative thinking as well as collecting
information and performing experiments. Facts by themselves are not science. As
the mathematician Jules Henri Poincare said: "Science is built with facts just as a
house is built with bricks, but a collection of facts cannot be called science any
more than a pile of bricks can be called a house."
A ) Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d:
1- A useful theory is one that helps scientists to --------------.
a) find errors in past experiments b) make predictions
c) observe events d) publicize new findings
2- ‘Bricks’ are mentioned in the passage to indicate how --------------.
a) mathematicians approach science
b) building a house is like performing experiments
c) science is more than a collection of facts
d) scientific experiments have led to improved technology
3-The closest ANTOYM to the word “confirm” is -----------.
a)disprove b)approve c) prove d)agree
4-According to the passage, science is built with ----------.
a)fantasies b) mysteries c) dreams d) facts

A) Answer the following questions:

5-When is a theory supported?
6-What does the underlined word “this” refer to?
7-Find words in the passage which mean:
a) to refuse to accept, use or believe something =
b) objects positioned one on top of another =
8-Mention Three things that science involves

D- Writing
Write an essay of about 180 words about:
Why it is important to learn foreign languages

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 9 - 2021
A)Translate into Arabic:
1- Many international organizations now realize that environmental
degradation is one of the major threats facing our planet.
2- Humans have only been given one Earth to live on, and if the
environment becomes irreparably damaged, it could mean the end of
human existence.
B) Translate into English:
.‫تلعب المدرسة دورا فعاال في خلق جيل واع بتحديات المستقبل‬
.‫مهارات التفكير الناقد ضرورية لنجــاح عملية التعلم‬

Essam Wahba
H‫لمتابعة شرح المنهج علي اليوتيوب‬
Telegram ‫لالنضمام لجروب وقناة ثانوية عامة علي‬


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