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;;. . ; 4th Year No. 49

ht-"'~ f}O,PfI-,
cf:'rC ~il ",'" ok :;'r-kfJ..l.i-I\'C Jl ''C tTlIl\.tJ
ADDIS ABABA - 25th June, 1998
1',Jliahn'I-(a~ I~ "'"}.Iily'j "f~1111 "'dJ"r-T 9""hCo.T ml14;~T fmllJ " :'", ",',

h'P~ ch#rc ht~/Iuf.j ~.,.-. Proclamation No. 120/1998
f ~J?(lJ~'P. Ui1:t~ 1jt~'i ,.-c,.-c h.1hi:""f."" Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research
I " 'iri
O?"" 78"7..f hT

~ '"

. "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
,"..', ' ,~~~~

1~ 7.f C?7. ',.Es4lblishmentPrQclamation ;... Page 776

I' ~~~~

. '

fif.r;/Iilf.1 'h'P~ -hTC' PROCLAMATIONNO. 120/1998

f ihf,m:"ce 111H-'rn.cJ>fi9UC9""C' k. "}ia1:T¥-T A PROCLAMATION,TO PROVIDE FOR THE
I t,,'}-V-A'.f,~11\"'-,f"'I\.ff foo"h~ 9""1:Ch"""OO'rfi BIODIVERS~~~~:~~V ATION'AND
fhfC "}0(11.-l-
9uh"}.f"'~(adS..e~{)l Vihf,m~'C1I1IT iallTC WHEREAS, its varied geographic and climatic con-
f"'7".,~IH'fi ,C)!}I\9""1\"" f,1I"). 00(1&\ 2\;1 "I\:fID- M1I1o."'T , ditions has endowed Ethiopia with a wide ,ange of Biodiver-
It") J.;.. nOOlfS: : , sity and it is one of theJew regions of the ~pl'ld having
,! f,1I n~,)tp-l' 5 (l?t1h(t.}'fi nT.cJ>~l, ~'Plt,T fOlJ.".,.1-ID- :,~iologic~l potent~al; . >.
fihf,m.J-f£v-n.t,.I\v.,?.,: f"'-tICfi -: fb,. "}~iaTtfi fmS WHEREAS, these biological resources which include
: flCG:';f: ~~:.,.}: ~~"}~.~~' I\/bl\"~""II7...nt.'Cfi AII7T ~tJ plants, animals and microorganisms, have immense con- ,

.,...,l1t-T h('':'f'~: 1:c7i .fl\m" oo~'h..f f"'L'r~ 11lIT ~bution to the development of the 'country's ~griculture,
" , ' "',..' ?, ';,; ;~" mdustry.. and health seCtOfSlhas well ,~ to VarIOUS other
I n~~f~-: .i.. ", ,- .. " .;, " ' ~ developmentenqeavours; . "

fhfC "}.nlT I\ID-'r ooh(a:'- -: f1:C:';fi 9""Y:l n.c;~T ' WHEREAS, climatic change, frequent occurrence of
oPia4.4-"'- : f ih11-f1<h'rC hAII7T IJ1:1T
;,c I1A"'OOllJm~ drought, desertification, population growth that does not keep
,', ,"

i u-~;J-OOaJ.OOC~"}JlV-9""f f'"hf,m:'-ceUo(l'-"Tn.cJ>"}.fl\.,fiflt1- pace with development and implementation of industrial and

f..,-f1C'i"fifl\. "}P,.iaT? -I:h'i 1\":("'1" .,...,l1t.'C 001l'"}-:f,1I"} agricultural technologies which do not take conserv~tion of
I vo(1-1-ooA(I 1\."-" OIl7f,Y:A u-~:J- ~.fm4'T n~trfiTm- biodiversity into.consideration contribute to the irreversible
I mUJ f.,.Ft' n"'L'r~ 1111""I\f, fOlJ.I~C(aID-: 'r4-T hltlto. los~ of the.biological resoJIrces.and this situation has become
",' . an Increasmgconcern; " " , .. ,

, ~fll'~ {)oo9""IIJi:';, ., WHEREAS, '~xplortl1g"coll~cti~g, co~;~rving and ""

Ink.TV-A-.f .VI\ID-"}ih,."m:J-~ VllT nOlJ..,I1l\oP.cJ>7T: utili~~ngthe biodiversity ofth~couritry is"'oneof the priority
I\oofHiAift -:mll-f nfll\ct~""; I\Ulf4>f:"fi "'00t-9""~ 1':"9"" I\f, areaS'whidi are neCessary forsuswmible development ,

I I\1I7'PA '.v-t.."-sPi-" 'UIf«P!f-.:f.-l'

;.:"1:~('. '-"th~T A.,(alltTID- activities;
hOlJ.1I1Tm" I\A"7.T hiaiLA::L'htf).,1-,,qtlt l1."}~ nooll')' i

.f"J",," 'P ;J ~;J~T ;J111f1;r.Pf.-f:. ititii

Unit Price 3.40 Negarit a.p.O.Box 80,001
'IX" :U~ t..Y..t.&\ ~;M"'" ;JtLllJ <l:1'C ~il (}~ I~ +,Iill] '1.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 49 25111
June, 1998-Page 777

n'll\9" h.,.": ,,~7{ h,:,'r-k.f n,'hf,ID;J-ce Oofl:t I\f, WHEREAS, in line with protecting its sovereignrights
.fl\:""} t\-ql\ce OD-o:" h"7ithnC .,.."} I\.,.."} 0-0-1: hl1"";J: over its'biodiversity at international level and the potential
hAc.:-t-CC: nf:"~ID-9" ql\9" 1\"7.1~ f(a1D- flC hlj:"'~ contributionsof this resourceto the welfare of the Ethiopian
m"''''L;J- .f1\ID-nODIf). nq 1\9" h.,.": ID-I\o"fODIP~:" n"7.111 people and the people of the world as a whole, Ethiopia has
I\ODmn~ I I\OD"}hflh-Olf'nh..,fla- 1'~9" I\f, l\"7tpA f.,.it agreed to respect various international conventions in con-
"7"7"f nODIfS:; serving and properly utilizing its biologicalresources;
f ,'hf,ID;J-ce O-O:,."} If'n.4> I 9"C9"Clf' hm.4>.,.9" n01C
WHERB\S~ it has become necessary to establish an
h.,.": ,,~7{ f"7..fhlf'lD-"} : f"7.OD~.lf' f"tJ'it.,.fI-oC ht}A
institute which is responsible for undertaking, directing and
"7tp.,.C n"7it4.1\1- I
coordwating biodi:versity,conservation,research and proper'); ~~~.~ce ..:"~"'h~.""'ce: &T-oA.h ,'h1 utilizaf{onend~~o\lfsat n~tionall~v~; "

OD"}"'p';f:h1eNt 2?i(1)OD';l:"f"7.h"'I\~;
. < ;J-ID-~A;~ NOW, 'I'iffiREfORE, inacto¥dance wjtl'rArti~le55(1)
Ii' hlifJ"CC~itc". of theConsbtution of the Federal,Democrati,c,'Republicof
" : "i.: "" '\.
f,1J h~l- ",'" ~~fih"lD;J-ce" O.fl~"'~I1.4>lf'~e9"C9"C
', ,,"', 1\.,.A"f; Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed. as follows: '
:,.~:,. "7*'k"tJ' h'Pl- <kIf'Cliff1/!Df:l~'
;, ".' .,.-01\0I\.m+'"
f,"fl\AII' ' , 1. Short Tide
I' :"C=\"'L
,.. .~.,' '.",. This Proclamation may be cited as. the "Institute of
f.4>t\-h1f1it "'1\ :"C1"9" t}I\(amlD-nit.,..,.c IULIJhtpl-
ID-~' . '
Biodiyersity Co~~en;ationand Research Establishmen(
ProclamationNo. 120/129~." ,

Ii' "u;hJ',1D7ce'" o-o:f"

':','~ ";,""'c" ",",1.;'-,""'"
111/1\:"nh"}~ htaflll
lD-it1' ,

2..:; Definition
f~')'P:" I fh "}Mi:"lf' fer .4>:""},'htplt:" fI~ODI\o"flf'
In this Proclamation un!ess the context reqUIres
1IC.f1P"f h9""f:"lf' it-olf'ch "}.&lV-9"n"''';1;1k ~:"lf' otherwise:
nh"}~~:" f"7.1J.O:""} plCq+-OOIJ~C f"tJ'm;
1) "Biodiversity" me~ns the variability amqng living
'+AA'~m-,~' ;
organisms, including plants, anixnalsand microor-
I~' '~'P'C'H--oPIJt:'c" "71\:" ,'hf,1D~11\TID- ",-oitp"f
ganisms, and the ecological complexes of which
,'hf,ID~bt\"'TID- ht}I\:" ;1cn+AT;1-OC':" 11\"7

they are part and this includes diversity within

'k~l' n "7.1\tpIDIf' ~,,:,. ID-itlf' f"7. 'i ~n:" f.,. 4.1f'a'
species (genes),between species and ecosystems;
P'C~:" .. ~ID-I ",
2) ,"Ecosystem" means a natural system in which
f. ull~tP,JA"~I\~ "'1D~.~.1i I1lJtf:"1 fi1?Jh.,.I\Att:
living and non-living things are found interacting
., n"t1~1D-9" ,'hf,ID:" 1AID- .,,,c' ;~it1' f"7.1~
fh."7.t}A ~"}-oC ~ID-I with each other ,ina dynamic process;
9.-' uUfl;J! 1'n.4>" "71\:" n.,.4.1f'a' fhS:S:C ,,.~;J- lD-it1'
3}, "Gene" means a chemicalcompositionfound in all
R"7.1J.ft:f' hl).~"} h"}.c;:~ f"" fh"}itlt:" : Irvingthings, that transmitsall inherited characteris-
, '.. "
'ftJY\'P:"lf' flf' .4>:""},'htplt"" hmflO~ ~ID- I
, 4) "In situ 'conserVation" means conserving plant,
~. U1\.flP;J- If'n.4>" "71\:" ht~lf'a' fh~5:C. v-~;J-
lD'~ n"7'iC °"7.t}'t~ fh"}itlt:" : fh~'P:"lf' animal and microbial genetic resources in their
,flf'.4>~" ,'htplt.,. hmfUl;" .~ID-I natural habitats,
~,u.('ID'" "71\:" -"7"}~OP9"f.,.4.1f'a' (aID-1Df,'J'"O,'h'" 5) "Ex situ conservatiort;' means conserving plant,
f(aID'~:" OD-o:" f.,.(amlD-)\t}A' ~ID-II anilIlaland microbialgeneticresources out sid~their
'.. . natural habitats;

,J 6) "persoJ?,"means any natural orjuridical person.

f.' QD'k'k9"
Ii' f ,'hf,ID;J-ce 0-0:" If'n.4>lf' 9"C9"C 1\."}iti:""~:" 3. Establjshment
.(hlLIJ n~'I\ un. ,it-t:"~-I:" hf.,.fll\ f"7.nM,)'f,'h'" 1) The ,Institute of Biodiversity Conservation allfJ
(a1D'~:".fl\lD- ~ ") f:F1\ f~';''t.A OD"}..,P':"ht}A Research (hereinafter "the Institute~') is hereby
If'i IUlIJ h'Pl- "''kcJ:;'''A II" establi~tledas an aut9nomous body of the Federal
I' .~"}it1=:"~1.: "'~&~-I: ~1\.:"f:k1 f..,-o.Clf'9"C9"~ Governmenthaving its ownjuridic~ personality.
~cl-:" f,1flf'A== 2) The Institute,shall be accountable to the Ethiopian
I '1X":UG'~ 4..j.,~:1A ~';J~''''.;Jf,~1fJ+'1'(~ ~P. (}~I~ .,., ~'9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 49 25thJune, 1998~P~g,e.778
'",,'- ' . . '. c";
g' Ifli ODr-t.f o.~ ,
f11.1il-t:r-f.-f:lfliODP'~.f n;:r- nh.'lil hnt1 1f1i"'1.hil 4~ Head Office "
, t.I\t.~-f: ',.n"'lliTm-9" P'tt:t. ':"C,~tt:, ODp'(,1 0."" The Institute shall have its.head office in Addis Ababa
t .
I t\. Ii ~tD- ~"f.I\A:: ' and may have branch offices elsewhere as necessary.

~?;. ~I\"7 . "

5. Objec~ve ..'.' '
The objective of the Institute shall be to causellnd ensure
I f11.1il-t')-~i: ~I\"7fV11,-f: ih~tD;J-ctV-n:r-"'.'lmli : the appropriate conservation, research, development and
. nh'1t1n' "'-'lmn:'>
" '" ' ,: : "'.'lnt\;r'1li t\1II\ct m4>"I;J-
"'.'ltD-A "7.1;l'1li OD1.~1~'"7l;J1'r ~lfliA :: su.stainable utilization of the country's biodivC?rsity.
, .',' ;:'" .
Ii' 6.' PowersandDuties
P' A 1IJ1li .p.!~mC
: ."

\ " "" . P'AtlJ1li "''1'1c>"f ~1i~;J-AI The Institute shall have the powers and.duti~sto:
I 1) initiate policy and legislative.proposals on con-
Ii' . fV1~1:i)~'~!ih~tD;J-'C V-n;" 'rn.+ : 9"C9"Cli
hm:j>+~.fI1tODt\h1: fTt\.(aS'fih'1 Vl}P"f1 "7OD servation, research and utilization of biodiversity
1UJ.:r-S".~~:"~9" P'('. I\~ "7lfAli ODIfl\TlD-1 and, upon approval,'enforce as well as ensure their
ODh;J-.,.AI"::;>' "
implementation; , .

f{' nODI\tiJ. V1t:-f:fflll.1"f:lD-1fiJ61f:r-. : f" 1ill}""li ,2) explor~and surveythe diverity and distributionof
f'r :J>:"1 ",~fi,."f '," V11:r- h9""f:r-li P'C6e-:r- nOD'+ the country's plant, animal and microbial genetic
l:r-li n"7(t""l\~II{l;J- 'rn.+ fflll.lD-t\-:r-1OD(t1l(t-nli resources;collect samplesfor ex-situ conservation
t\9"C9"Cli t\A",:" P't,.?J"f m+"I;J- "'.'llD-~ and facilitate utilization of these genetic,resources
"71:~'1 I for research and development;
C. fV1(''':1 ih~tD"'C V!'{1:r-t\ODmn:" fllP;J-li;J- 3) cons~rve,the country's biological resources using
I . 'rn.+ 1I1o?J"f1 P'('. I\~ "7lfAI ex-situ and in situ conservationmethods;
g. f ih~dJ;J-'C v.o:" 'rn.+c;' 9"C9"C ODCV'-1-nc>"f 4) device a strategy to harmonize biodiversity con-
h~lo('-I\celi hAI\'C f'1-nCli: f11.1~il:r-('li servation and research programmes with federal
A "7:,- il:r-t-i:)(?J"fli T ;JC
iJ:" Jl.. fflll.lIJlIJoo-n:r-1 and regional agricultural, industrial and health
ilA:r- OD4ofil I developmentstrategiesand plans;
?;. fV1(,1:1 fih~tD;J-'CV1.1:r- l\"7nAK'1 hflll.oPt\h 5) in line with developing and further utilizing.the
~TtD. httl\+ ;JC n~""lnc ~,t1C1'CI?J"f1 nV1C country's biodiversity, popularize and introduce
tD.p,., hh1P,. hAA tD~"'I\lD-t1,'h(,.fTlD"l}~t\m'r local landraces in different parts of the country;
t1t\-n:r-OoAh"7il.,.lftD:" : n.,.t\.ff. f.,.t.'rC:li (tlD- . identifyand study agro-ecologieswhereman-made
(t(..7i ~~'1c>"f9"h1.~:r-f:()o-th v-n:r- f"'ODS"OD~t1 ' and natural calamities are causing genetic ~rosion'
TlD-1httt1n.~~~ n"7'rli:r-li nODt\f"" +1.9" ll..A and -from such assessment
' take measures by res-
h.,.(tn(tnlD-li n11.t~p;J-/ ''rn.+ h"t11lD- IIC
toring the lost materialsin the localityfrom ex situ
nODth+9"OD/.\ft fOD.,.tt:r-"''1t1t.:r-1 "7hlim1 I . conservedgermplasm;
}. V1(,1:' n.,.UJ."7(' f ih~tD;J-'C, v-n:r- t\"7nAK'1 6) enrich the country's biodiversitythrough introduc-
"'1.hilt.I\1.~1: n~t\9" h+~ l.~jf f ih~tD;J-''Cv-n:r- tion of germplasm from international sources and
h~e- "7iltIPlIJ:r-li +1.9" ll.A hV1C ftDm-:r-1 repatriating germplasm of Ethiopian origin from
. 1'O.f?J~~ .,.h;J-:r-t\,. "7ilODt\il I elsewherein theworld;
.~. 11.''''f-k.f Kt1A nODlr1 f.r-+nt\:FTlD- f ih~tD;J-'C 7) implement international conventions, ,agreements
, . and obligationson biodiversity,to which Ethiopia
V11:r-~J:~1 fflll.ODt\h1:~t\9" h+tt: il9"9"~"'"f : . ,

lD-t\"~-li '11o;J-?J"f (~"''1t1C '''.'It.KOO- "'1n.lD-1 is a party and to take part in domestic and
'r~"'- "71:l'1 I 741.'lU-9" fih~tD;J-'C V-n:r-1 nflll.OD . internationalconferencesand seminarswithrespect
t\h.,: nh1C' lD-il'rli ~l\9"~+tt: ~t1~?J"f I\~ to biodiversity;
POl}.,.tt:I ' 8) maintain and deve.lopinternational relations with
~. t\ih~m;J-'C V-n~ '1'(1.+ 9"C9"Cli A"7:r-fi:hth bilateraland multi-lateralbodies having the poten-
iJCJ:;J-li "'I\~ 1:;J~ i\ODilm:r- "ff\o;J-li h:"9" tial of providingaid and technical,assistancefor the
ttl\TtD- "7liTlD-9" m11i"f ;JC ~t\9" h+~'11"f.~:r- support of biodiversity conservation and develop-
. ODODil~.'h /

i' f ih~tD;J-'Cv-n:r- 'rn.+ : 9"C9"C r "' 9) work in cooperationwith the concernedfederal and
hm:J>+9"1 nO?ODt\h:r- hflll.ODt\h;J-TlD- f~lo('.Ali regionalbodies withrespectto protection,research,
fhAA httl\:r-;JC nOD""1nC ODP'(..:r-I
, ,

conservationand utilizationof biodiversityresour-

t 1~ i~{;'iiu..d.A~;M~:n~~ +';'I'C; ~ii (a~ !~ .,., Xiif] '1.9". Federal ~~garitGazeta - No. 4925111
June, 1998-page 779
to) developa nationalzoologicalmuseumand national
I' 1Ith.t.ce f""}l\""" o.i"oPllhc "Ci 1Ith.t.ce 1i~CI
herbarium for animal and plant specimens to
(,f'J" n"71.t.l"" l\i"oPt."7(,9'"fCi i"m'+"7.9'"f h1
provide researchers and other utilizers with the
A ..,1\"""oPl\m"";
, , "
I~' fV1(,i:") ihf.m;J-ce Q..1""oPm"}CiFC'T"""I\"7ID:" I
11) devise and conduct research which will enable to
1\"71'Ci""I l\oPmn:" : 1\"77i7iAI l\"7nA~"'Ci 1\111\<1:
assess and determine~the diversity and distribution
-r:"'J"I\"7'PA f"7..fl\"fI\. 'J"C'J"~"f"}"711~.(";
of, the country's biological resources, to use ap-
II' f FCI}.f'-oPU.("C -rCi""Ci'J"C'J"C"711~.("If01(,i:"} , propriate conservationand improvement methods,
f ihf.ID;J-'e. 011"" oPm1Ci rc'T""" f"7.1t.'J"~ and to enrich and sustainal:Sty
use these resources;
1Df.'JU f"7.;.fCi'" hl\i".,."f"} hl\.,..("'l" noPi""}nf. 12) conduct research on ecosystems; assess the level
'mS"7 "'~:k9'"f") l\oP+mACi "f'1~"} l\oP11.1I f"7. and 'distributionof the country's biological resour-
.fl\"f~' frA..""v"p"f"} l\"7.tlPl\h;J-TID-' hl11\"" ces in these ecosystemsand identify processes that'
, "7:" ~O(1; promote or threaten their existence; formulate and
, If..ihf.ID;J-'e O-O"""}noPmn:" I n"7nA~"'Ci 1\111\<1: propose policy ideas to concerned authorities
I -r:"'J" "')lID.~ n"7.("~'" ~1.(" f"'1I~i"fto-"} which enable to promo~ethe healthyprocesses and
, i"""'.C:Ci.(" ;J~,"7n~:t";J-"" ; control the threatening ones; ,

19.' fihf.ID;J-'CC O:O""hm'1n:" I A"7""Ci hm.+"''J'' , 13) encourageand supportpublicparticipationin the

I, f"7.tlPl\hi: Clihl\ce h'Pt.~"f") "7-rCi""Ci 1\1D1.~"" conserVation,development and use of biological
iJ1:1~ hUff."}ltcehlPt.c:"f ;JC""})lITlITlOO- resources;
"7 .("~..,; 14) study traditional, knowledge on conserVation,
I?;' f ihf.lD;J-ce V-o..,. -rn:J>Ci 'J"C'J"C") n"7.tlPl\h..,. hhU utilization and improvement of biological resour-
,.t.ceCi I}I\'J"~+~
i"*"7"" ;JC.
noPi"ClnC I V1(,i: ces and integrate the knowledge with scientific
nibf.lD;J-ce ,V-01: I\f. .fl\"""} fl\.I}I\ce~"" oP1I"" approachesfor further development; ,

, 1\"7~;J1-rCi -r:"".7."} '1\"7l\hnCf"7.1l\"f~ C'J")f 15) develop regional and international cooperation in
9'"f"} h..,CI-o' '11\TID. I}1\'J"h"'tt: l\'J"'J"~"'"fCi biodiversity consrvation ana research activities;
nV1(,i: ih.,.."f tlPlP~:,. oPlD-ft.("; based on international agreements and national
n;. f01kf: ihf.lD;J-ce V0(1""tIP~)f9'~ f""""}Ci legislation take'appropriate action to maintain the
, -r:"'J". I\f. f"7.0J0I\.n"'.") FC''''' oPtiC;)"" ; sovereignrightsof thecountry over itsbiodiversity;
16) design strategiesand develop informationnetwork
I~' fV1(,i:1 ihf.m;J-ce V..1"" -rn.+Ci 'J"C'J"C h:"'J"
I\tlP1"}'1..,.i; net fftl\m~ fftlD- ;)f.A l\"7ii:t."" systemto collect,documentand utilize information
on the country's biodiversity;
~"})l.,.'J" V-O..,."}nf.OA-r -r:"'J" I\f. 1\"7'PA f"7.1
17) in cooperationwith appropriateinstitu40ns acquire
l\"fA fq~hifl\"X hm.+"''J'' ""})lJ;-oC 'h..,lJ-o
sufficient trained human resources and build
I11\TID.hl11\"" jc noPi"'1nC tlPrt."" ;
, capacity for biodiversty conservation and research
I~' n"'''1~i''ft~ II"}.(" l\l\ihf.fD;J-ceV1I""-rn.+ I
and develop the use of biotechnology to further
A"7""Cihm:fo+'J"T1 R.1Ih "ID-.,.t ""})lftC2t
"'utilize these biological resources;
h-ofl.Y"}tlP1Ci~ tl1..9'"fCi hT'J"UC"" i"*"7"" ;JC
18) create awarenessamong the public on biodiversity
noPi"'1nC fhih1W"" Ft. oPFt."" ;
conservation, development and utilization by
Ii' nihf.lD;J-ce 0-0"" hmCln:",Cihm.+"''J'' ~1.(" fh"7l1 closely working with mass media and educational
4 ~..,. h 1 A.., 1\""" tIP l\ m""; "
f1' fihf.lD;J-ce V1I"" Cioo-CiI\tlPft1lft1l : (\"7lPt'fA"" 19) provide consultancy. services with respect to
1D1.1D-'T" h1C I\tlPI\h I 1Df.i}'»hlD-'T" h1C 1\"7l\ biodiveristyconservation and utilization;
oPlTI""I\"7.4..A,. 4.'+.(" oPl\m""; 20) give permit to those who need to collect,dispatch,
f1~',I\"7.ftmlD- h1A""f\o"" i"1R.1D-")fh1/'\"'f\o"" htt:1 import or export any biological specimen/sample;
tlPlDft"}CitlPft1lft..1 ; . 21) detennine and collect commensurate fees for
f11' 'f"}11~"" CI"(1."" tlPt'"} I ID-/.\ tIP'P'PA I nl\oo- servicesit renders;
oPhftl\Ci' tlPhftl\ f 22) own property~e~ter into contracts, sue and be sued
f1f.' I}I\"7ID-"}""7l\4..~'J" f"7..fl\4../.\" l\.1\.."f "...,Clc:"f"} in its own name;
"7hCiID"} II , . 23) perform such other duties as.are conducive to the
attainmentof its objectives.

1Jt 111' 4..1..t.&\~~t:r-;J"I1)"''''c

" ' . . .
~ii ."11!~ .,., !iifj'J.fD.
' -Federal Negarit G~eta -
No. 49'2)lh June? 1998-Page

~. fh. ,}ia"t""f.1: M1:9°

7. Organizationof theInstitute.
h. '}ia"I:""f.i:; The Instituteshall have:
~ /
it~'}J.t''PCjFt. "ia h.lJ;; 1) a GeneralManager;
!. "'}J.t' ~h""A "'CjFt. ""h..fJ;f'hCj 2) a DeputyGeneral Manager;and,
r.. hia~lt1.t& ,pt..r-7f~ 3)' the necessary staff. ,
f,'i~:J-A :: 8. The Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization
, ','

. ' Board - .
~. fh. :'-f-A-.f..,..ICCj~(:~C ~'C~\"" flCJ.t' The Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization
fh.""f-k.f..,,,,CCj ~C~C J.t'C~"" flCJ.t' hllll n4."" Board shall, without prejudice to 'the powers and duties
n""'J; -hTC G"u/Iuf"itu f.r-(a~t& T..,qCCj ;)It~~"" entrusted to it under Proclamation No. 79/1997, have
'h'}~+lI1n.,. If'i. n"-~fIIJ~ nibt.ID:1-'£ II"''''' Tn:J>'i ~ith respect to biod.iversity conservation and research the
9°c..~C 1..1~' f"7.h+f\':'- "-""ICCj\;)lt4.~"" f,'i~;J-AI followingpowersanddutiesto: .

Ii' nlUJ ""'J; f"-oPf\hi:"" f"hia-t""f.i: 'It~9'~ 1) ove~ee the proper implementationand execution of
'h'}JlO-9° .FAIIJ'}Cj +..,qc-:1r , n"7.1Q Ft. Itf, the objectives, and the powers and duties' of the
oP"'I\~t&') oPh;J-+AI I Institute provided in this'prrdamation;' ,
I' h. '}ia"I:""f.i: f"7_.foP~~:ft&j} f7"lll1. Cj fib.., 2) review and submit to the Gov~mment Policy and
, , . I

,/Uffl:f oP1~1~Cj h. '}ia-t""f.i: +111~ O"'~O"" legislativeproposals initiated by the Institute;

Y:ci:,- nh-A f\~'}"'F:f. "7:"1 '; 3)'- evaluate and approve the Institute's pro~es on
r.. nh.")ia'I:""f.i: f"7_t]~~ f ibf,ID;J-'£' II"''''' TO:J>Cj biodiversity conservation and research and ensure
~C~C "fc-..,t.'l"";f''}oP1~1~Cj "7X"i:,. f OFt- their implemeri~tion;
Itf, oP.,.It~ID-")~ oPh:J-.r-At;' oP-fIlJII1CI 4) cause, the study and impl~mentation of an ~p-
!!. f\h. '}(l-t:r-f...,: "-""IC h4.~~~ hOD=f flf~ propriate organizationalstructure,management sys-
, 'Y:C~:J-,£oP"':"c: fhwt.i; I1IIS fhia+.cs~c~'}...
tem and administrativeregulations for the effective
.hn'}'Y. nFt- Itf, 'h'}Jlt&A "7J.t'I , I dischargeof the Institute's responsibilities;
5) approvenominatjonof.theDeput)' GeneralManager
?i'fh.'}li.f:""f.":,}~h:'-A 'PCj Ft. hia h.fJ;Cj
of the Institute and other personnel accountable to
'f\.,.CjID-Ft. hiah..t'~ +111~flf). ;)lt4.9':f") ~~Q

the General Manager;

"7X"Y.:" ; ,

6) approve reports submitted by the General Manager

~. (~"'CjID-
Ft. hilh..fJ; f"7.+COt&")fh.1ia"l:""~i:,} , of the Institute;
~?:(:..,. "7X"Y.:" ; ,"

. 1) deliberateand make appropriate decisions on other

.~. f\h. '}ia-t""f.i: ,It", tiP".."" 0"7.1..'-;'f\.fr>~ 1-Jlf-~
issuesessentialfor thefulfilmentof the objectivesof
I\f, noP~hc "'10.1D-') .t&"k oPiall1"" ::
, the Institute.
9. ,GeneralManagerof the Institute
! i! 0 iIII '1'''''''0 p'~. 1;1111;.1';': 1) The General Mariager shall be appointed by the .

I ji' .pCjID- Ft- "iatl.fJ; nflc,-;,h:"t.a.~"" noP'}"'F%- Governmentupon therepommendationofthe Board.

/ - f,"li",A;. \
,2) The General Manager shall be the chief executive

I' tpCjID-Ft. "lih_.fJ; fh.1ia-t:'-f.i: "'Cj Ft. officer of the Institute. and, shall, subject to the
Jtiat_~"7. If'i ~(1C'-;'Cjnflc'-;'~ hfllJ"~~"" h}i.."" general directives of the Board, and through the
f-k.f "'''1C'' ~C~C J.t'CJ;"" n"7.(aIl1t& hll1:J>ltf, Board from the Ethiopian Agricultural Research
ClDoP~.f OQwl"" fh. ")ia"l:""f.i:") Ft.9'~ f,oPt-A f Organization,direct and administerthe activities of
.fia.,..cs¥:t-A; the Institute. '"

f.' filII "")+X" '}o-ia h,.+X" (I) "1I1:J>I\f, "~;J1C 3) Without limitingthe generalityof sub-Article(2) of
'h")Y.+lI1n+ .r'i "'CjID-Ft- hiah.lJ;! this Article,the GeneralMana.gershall:
II) (ULI' h"'J; ".,+;r ~ f+oPt\hi:""') fh. ")ia-t"" (a) exercise the powers and duties of the Institute
f..f:,} FA(fJ")Cj """"IC-~ nFt. It" .ft&I\A! specifiedunder Article 6 of this Proclamation;
f\) h. '}iai:""f..i: .r-II1~ f\1f~n"" "''''C'i ~C~C (b) employand administerpersonnelin accordance
'.('cJ;:'~ OIDIIJID-oPoP~.fCj ""'Q"'~"" Ql\:ft& 'Yiththe regulations enacted for the Ethiopian

i f\.f\"~ ,;h-);f ,'-oPp..C-f fh. ')ia-t""f.i:'} AgriculturalResearchOrganiZation,which the

wt..r-7fJ. "+1't-A; .fia+.csJ.t't.AI Institute is accountable to, and other ap-
th) . fh. '}ia"l:""f.i:'} f Ft. .rc-..,t-~Cj n1:"" propriatelaws; ,

.fll;J~Af l1.4.+J.t'~ nFt- Itf, .ft&I\AI (c) . preparetheworkprogramme'andbudgetof the

" Institute and implem,entsame upon approval;

(.. .
. '.'

,,.. ififli u...~.1A ~;1~"" ;11LIII<IITC'!ii lt~I~ .,., Iif1 ,.,... ~edera1N~garitGazeta"-:""l'l°.4925thJune,199$-~~~~781
. " .n
00) I\~ 1lai:Tf.-I: OT~.,.y,.I\T OlTtj fJPt. (d) eff~t experidi~e in accordance~:.\vitlr.thebud-
.fC'..,t.fO oolP~T 11"-0 IDQ;)",1.c.fJlA; \ get. and work programme appfbv,e<t for the
IP) h.1lai:Tf.-I: hY'laT~ 1D11f"f;JC O"'l11.C: Institute;. . ," '

;JT~ "'T~H~."f 1Jo&h. 1lai:Tf.-I:1 ,e.lDh"lA; (e) represent the ,institute' in alI-'its '.d~alings with,
~) fh. 1lai:Tf.'1:1 q~7'C t7"CT h";J~'" Oh.Tthird parties; an~ : :

~k.f .,...Ctj fOC"'C .(-C~T iptj ~,e.J.hTC (t) prepare and. submit,. through the Director,
I oh'/A' A{1C~ ,"'CIIIA ,II " General of the Ethiopian Agric1ilturalResearch .
i' 'f'tj JPt. hlah..f:( I\h. 1lai:Tf.-I:f JPto :"/A~tj:tj Organization, to the Board the annual reports of
O"7..fla~A'" 001111hJP/An,1tj T..,q~ Ohd.A I\h. 1 the Institute. "

lai:Tf.-I:' 9'*hTIA 'f'tj JPt. hlah..f~ : I\Aofto"f 4) The General Manager may de1egate part of his
, ;)"d.~~ IPt'Tl;"f O~h/Atjl\.'laT"IAtj: ,e.~"/AII powersantidutiesto the DeputyGeneral'Manager
, ' , . and to other officials and employees of the InstihIte
OlT . to the extentnecessary for the efficient performance
I' '

of the activitiesof the Institute.

Ii' th. 1lai:Tf.-I:'
, OlT
' hOl/.h+&T' M£R>"f
f+~1f)1f) "lftj/A;
10. Budget
1) The budg~tof the Institute shall be drawn from the
v) h001"'~T OlTtj .(-1-'1'
followingsources: .
1\) h~ 1la"tTf.-I: 1,o.t 'htj,
(a) budget and subsidy allocated by the Govern-
.da) h"7tjT~'" Ao" ""61'"11 , '

ment; ,

I' RIll' h1+:t 1D-la'h1+:t (Ii)'hTIIl+ftT M£R>"f

f"7.11~ 11"-0 Oh.Tf"k.f' -oda.t.i£ 'l1h 1D,e.,..
(b) income of the Institute; and
O"7.lDhl\~ Ao" 111h "'+"7~ ,If':' 0001..,JPT (c) any
" other source. '
. I' , " '

f~,e.tj1la ih.., oolP~T I\h.1lai:Tf.-I: q""7~"f ~) The incomeobtainedfrom thesourcesreferredto in

sub-Article (1) of this Article shall be kept in the
aylaUtOl/.1 ,e.~"1A11 '

! '
EthiopianNation~ Bank or in a bankdesignatedby
the National Bank and shall be utilized, in accor-
t Iii' ft.,... ool,..,-oT
dance wit;hthe financial law of the government,to
[ Ii.J\.'lai:T~-I:' fT~&tj Thht\~ flf). f'L"'-o
00';..,-0:" ,e.,e.tflAll
achieve the objectivesof the Institute.
11. Books of Accounts
. I' fh.1h'tT"-I: f~ .,... ool,..,-oT O'f'tjlD-~JlTC
lD,e.fO"Cft OOl/.la,e.oo~ "Jl"'C 1) The. Institute shall keep comple~e and accurate
OfqOD-I: ~l.
books of accounts. '

2) The books of accounts of the Institute shall be
audited annually by the Auditor General or by an
II' fL:J"1: hla~"1.~T
auditor designatedby him. .
f ih,e.1D7~ V-oT I\oola-ola-o , f' I\"7lPtoQ;LT f
12. Requirement of Pennit .

1D1.~ h1C I\oo"h : 1D,e.,..h~ 1't1C I\"7laooIf)T

Any person that needs to collect, dispatch, import or
fCPJ.~IA'""n~~'" la~ hh. 1hi::t-f.1: U.(- "7~If)T'
export any biological specimen/sample shall secure
permissionfrom the Institute.
13. PenaJty
If' ,.1\ :"If)T
" Any person who collects,dispatchs, exports or importS
fh. 111i::,."-I: 4.:J"Y: It,e.,:,~ID-f ih,e.1D7~ V-oT
any biological specimen/sample without permit from
flaOlaO : .flat.Q;L : 1D1.1D:61'" h1C f"h : ID~'" h~
the Institute'shall be punished with'five to ten years of
h1C flai.tolf) "71~~'" (aID-hh,..laT qoo:" 'hlah hJPC
imprisonmentand from fifteen to twenty thousand birr
, qoo;T O"7.1.Cla~lat'Ttj hhJPt. ",..laT it... ~lah '/,
fine. .
it... 1IC nOl/.1.Claf11"-o 00"'651,e."'1f)1AII
14. Duty to Cooperate
Any person, instistute or organization shaJI'bave the
Ii' fOOTIIOC..,1..7
duty to cooperate with the Institute in theimplemen-
""'~~'" la~ : 1D,e.,..T*'" 1D,e.,..,(-C~T I\1l'" h"'~
tation of this Proclamation.
h~~S'" hh. 1lai:Tf.-I: ;JC foo.,.IIO(: ..,1..:1"hl\O:r- II
15. Transferof Rights and Obligations,
I?;' f-oftTtj "'1..7~"f 00"'''I\tj:
. The rights and obligations of the former Plant Genetic
fbb'f'T 1:~i:h "7bhlA ~1JlIJo"" f~C ~1la"T ~O:J"
Resources Centre and the Wildlife Conservation and
/AOy:"tj hlll:J"+'" ,(-C~T OOOIl/A,e.71D<kf~O~T
DevelopmentOrg~ization are'herebytransferredto the
T*"7T~ oo-oTtj "'1..7~"f fIIiu h"'~ I\h.1lai::r-f.-I:
Institute. .

T"IA~ 'f'1AII
I /

i . 12r ifTI'~+ ~'~II) ~ A~!~ .,.,- !Df~~;' Federal.Negarit,

Gazeta- No.49 25*June,1998-Page 782

II. TLA"t~T:I"'''7~cr~.:':1D-ihi~ .16. InapplicableLaws

hll.lI "''':Eo ,;JC f"t?l., "7'i:fm-'r .11..,011.11"''':Eo No law shall, insofar as it is inconsistent with thiS
OTOOl\h1: "'~f"~ ,,~ T~An.~T 1\~'r l.1D-" II Proclamation, be applicable with respect to ryatters
Ii. 1\":( fOU'iOT ~Il provided for in this Proclamation.
17. Effective Date
~111\":Eohl\t, I~ +') !ifj Ct.,.. 1.,.r: f~'i f,11''iAII
This Proclamation shall come into force as of the 25th
1\.4.'" 1\Oq I\t, !~ .,.., Iifj Ct.,.. day of JUl!e,1998.

p./C ~;J'" 1.~~ Done at Addis Ababa, this 25thday of June, 1998.
fh.Tf"kl A..1.~."ce .4.""h~Uce ~ToflA.h

./ /

. ". <:
.,- . ,
.' --- '-"

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