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Flavian Mwasi
December 16
Entrepreneur | Social Philosopher | Life Coach

What is an absolute truth that no scientist wants to hear?

1. That the universe did not start with a “big bang" as alleged. This is just
senseless theory, and that if the universe had indeed started with a big
bang, that’s very unfortunate because debris would be traveling away from
each other as a result of zero gravity instead of coming together—
something even a toddler can explain.
2. That the entire universe is in fact the work of intelligent design, and if so,
then it follows that there has to be an intelligent designer.
3. That there's an infinite BEING behind creation who has no beginning and
no end—a mystery that cannot be solved with mere human intellect.
4. That the theory of evolution has long been proven wrong especially when
you study micro-organisms that have maintained the same profile and
exhibit the same behavior they have always exhibited for thousands of
5. That the only evidence of evolution is the evolution of intelligent behavior
which has resulted in mutation in micro-organisms, and scientific
advancement for humans, but has not fundamentally altered the genetic
structure of the organisms themselves.
6. That the universe is in fact much younger than scientific theory likes to put
it that the earth alone is 4.54 billion years old. This is merely guesswork and
nothing can be this old, but they like to put it this way to confuse you. That
going by the rate of rapid degradation of the earth and it's stellar cousins,
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the planets, being occasioned by many factors including heat, strong winds,
global warming and other unknown factors, the age of the earth could not
possibly be more than 10,000 years old.
7. That the method of using carbon dating has long been proven to be quite
erroneous, sometimes with a margin of astronomical errors of up to 90% in
some cases, but continues to be used despite all the scientific facts against
its use because of the cost it would incur to change all the textbooks in the
world history to prove how the method was wrong.
8. That science has failed to explain the manifestation of the paranormal and
other unexplained phenomena which, we so much believe exists in different
forms, manifestations and dimensions. They try to bury their heads in the
sand like an ostrich by maintaining denial instead of trying to explore it by
acknowledging the overwhelming evidence of its existence and
understanding what causes it and why it exists.
9. That science has completely failed to explain human existence, while
reducing existence to a mere accident simply because they don’t
understand it’s complexity. That when you carefully observe it, life is more
than a mere accidental instance. It is something unexplainable, complex
and sophisticated for the human mind to comprehend. They simply dismiss
existence as a systematic method of elimination of the weak by the strong
and survival of the fittest a.k.a. natural selection.
10. The tragedy of it all is that these ridiculous theories continue to be
consumed as truth by our children in science classrooms and labs, while
forbidding all other alternative beliefs and teachings as mere fiction.

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