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Raili Brush

Elmer Damian

Isaak Lorton

MKTG 1010: Customer Service

Professor: Ashley Cox

August 7, 2021


Page 3 Division of Roles Contract (CHRO) - Raili Brush

Page 4-5 Detailed Internal Customer Experience Strategy (CHRO) - Raili Brush

Page 6-7 Detailed External Customer Experience Strategy (COO)

Page - Detailed CRM Strategy (CIO)

Page - Detailed Speed of Service Technology Strategy (CIO)

Page - Phone (IVR) Script (CIO)

Page - Detailed Corporate Social Media Strategy (CMO) - Raili Brush

Page - Detailed Social Media Strategy (CMO) - Raili Brush

Page - Detailed Loyalty Program (COO) - Elmer Damian

Page - Detailed CS Training Focus (CHRO) Elmer Damian

Division of Roles Contract

In order to fairly divide the roles of this project we have agreed to split the work as follows:

Chief Operations Officer (COO) - Elmer Damian

Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) – Group Effort

Chief Information Officer (CIO) - Isaak Lorton

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) - Raili Brush

Detailed Internal Customer Experience Strategy (CHRO)

Benefits & Company Practices Given to Our Internal Customers

Here at Black Rock Resort we value our internal customers. We want everyone to come

to work and feel as though they are with their second family. In order to create this work

environment we have implemented a few strategic practices.

Learning Opportunities - We believe learning is a constant in life, we offer

reimbursements for courses taken at the local university pertaining to your career path here at

Company Name. Your knowledge is important to us and we want you to know that we value

everything you bring to the table, both currently and in the future.

Weekly group activities - During working hours we offer optional activities for everyone

to get to know each other and bond on different levels. Whether it be a meal, friendly sports

competition or utilizing amenities on the property, we want everyone to be taken care of and feel

part of the team.

Monthly Surveys- We will conduct monthly surveys for our team members to keep a

gauge on what needs to change, what is going smoothly and learn how to improve. As a business

there are limitations to how much you can grow when you are not receiving feedback from

internal customers. We can only thrive with honest internal customer feedback! We want to know

how we can help make this a better experience for you.

Clear Expectations and Weekly Schedules - Giving clear expectations from the beginning

is important to us so that we all have the same knowledge on what our individual roles are.

Everyone will have access to this so we are all on the same page. Weekly schedules will include

who is working what days and times, as well as events that are going on around the property.

This is something that needs to be looked at on a daily basis.

Sick Days, Mental Days, Vacation Days and Paid Days Off - Whether you are full time or

part time we want you to know that your well being is of the utmost importance. Depending on

your position we will offer a point based system for paid time off. As a company, we don’t need

to know if you utilize these days for vacation, illness or other reasons.

Everyone here is valued and your hard work does not go unrecognized. We truly

appreciate our internal customers and know that we could not function without each of you. To

show our deep appreciation, we will hold raffles to win nights at the resort, vacations and cash

prizes for our internal customers. Should there be any

Detailed External Customer Experience Strategy (COO)

Our goal and mission are to always provide outstanding customer service through the warmth

feeling of hospitality, with integrity, teamwork, leadership and empowerment.

We will be more inclusive and create a customer service best practices guide explaining the

roles we have in each department and ask for the employee’s feedback to implement them within

our business guidelines.

As part of our hotel training, we need to make sure that everyone in our organization is on the

same page, and according to each department be on board with providing exceptional customer

experience, to increase retention rate and attract prospective customers to use our services. As

these customers’ experiences will reflect on our brand

Our client’s interaction with our company does not start when they arrive to the front desk, it

starts much before that, from the moment they use our website to schedule their trip, until they

return to the safety of their houses. We have the opportunity to “wow” our clients with the

exceptional customer service we provide and making the source of communication available and


Creating communication channels

All employees should feel heard and that their voice matters, we will have an open channel of

communication among different departments, so the internal issues get solved quickly, rather

than going through a chain of command. By using an instant messaging format that connects all

departments, for example Slack for business. As long as our employees have all the tools, our

clients will have a better experience when they approach us with questions or concerns.

Not only that but the client also needs to have a form of direct communication with the customer

service. We will open options for direct messaging on the website, private emails, and phone


Empowering the customer service representative.

The employee needs to know the extent of their ability and how much they can do for the client

without the fear of being summoned to coaching or development because of misuse of

company’s resources or not doing enough when the options are available.

We will include packages that they can offer, and discounts to help fit clients within a budget,

without the need of going up the chain of command asking for management approval.

Detailed CRM Strategy (CIO)

Detailed Speed of Service Technology Strategy (CIO)

Phone (IVR) Script (CIO)

Hi there! This is Isaak calling from SoundWavez BnB. Just wanted to call and let you

know about this fantastic new package we just started offering. Have you thought about

coming to Salt Lake City anytime soon? Great! Right now we are offering a 3 day

winter package with all-day ski passes to Brighton resort included! And of course we

have great food options available for the whole family. When were you thinking of

coming to Salt Lake City? Oh, that’s fantastic, we have some availability for those days,

actually! I see we have you on our email list, just want to check is still your email? Great, just wanted to verify that. I’ll go ahead

and send you this package information for those days as well as the link to reserve your

stay. Thank you for talking to me today! We look forward to seeing you soon! Ok, bye


Detailed Corporate Social Media Strategy (CMO)

As a brand utilizing social media, it is important to have a solid understanding of how it can be

utilized to promote our company. It is crucial that we are targeting the correct audience, engaging

with said audience, sharing quality content and defining our goals for marketing on social media.

Selecting a social media platform shouldn’t be selected based on what is most popular now.

Finding age demographics, understanding the type of content you plan on sharing and knowing

how customers are accessing social media is the starting point for selecting a platform. Using

these rules of thumb is how we selected YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Twitter

alone has millions of investors and financial journalists. This gives us a way of reaching people

and corporations in ways that we couldn’t if we stuck to conventional ways. Using multiple

platforms allows us to reach a wider variety of consumers, in fact, most consumers use two or

more social media platforms each day.

Living in the era of communication is important to know what type of content is most helpful for

current customers and prospective customers. The content shared must constitute interest or there

will be no value in the post. By creating visually engaging posts, videos and other content we

will use less text so that consumers do not just scroll by, rather, they will stop and engage.

Sharing things that engage consumers and spark interest can be done by posting upcoming events

in or around the hotel, offering exclusive deals, and giving customers a way to directly contact

the company with questions, concerns, suggestions or complaints.

Attainable goals for social media can include closing more deals, grow clients, increase revenue,

etc. By laying these goals out, we can focus on the bigger picture.

Detailed Social Media Strategy (CMO)

With technology being at the forefront of innovation, marketing strategies using social media

platforms are more important than ever. To optimize customer engagement online we have

selected four social media platforms to focus on: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. On

these platforms we will market our loyalty program, offer exclusive discounts that are only

available to followers, and will highlight our hotel and its offered amenities.

In order to gain traction and a follower count, we will use paid advertising across multiple

platforms. The advertisements will be in the form of endorsements, affiliates, brand ambassadors

and banner displays. Paid promotion on individual posts will be used as well. Utilizing the

analytics on these platforms will highlight where we engage most with customers which we will

use as guides to find exactly what content we should be sharing. We will create branded hashtags

for our customers to follow and share so that we can engage with our customers not only on our

page, but theirs as well.

Analytics will be our best source of data to learn about our followers. We will gain insights as to

when most of our followers are active and post during that time frame to get more engagement

on each post.

As we gain clients and followers our relationship with them will be top priority. The content we

share will be curated to build trust, highlight amenities, offer exclusive deals and share events

going on within our local community. By highlighting local businesses and events we will gain a

deeper, more meaningful relationship with our community. To build deeper relationships with

our customers the captions we use on each post will provoke conversation.

Detailed Loyalty Program (COO)

Our hotel’s loyalty program is primarily designed for customers and staff members. We

will provide a point-based program in which our guests can accumulate points for every dollar

spent in any of our chain hotels.

Our loyalty program can potentially become a great source of customer data that our

marketing team can use to boost our place in the market within the hospitality industry and even

more, a tool that can unlock options for a new source of revenue.

Perks and Benefits

Our goal is to help our guests do more with their budget and let them know that we are

with them during their business trip, vacation, or other reasons. We have partnerships with local

and renowned businesses everywhere we have a presence (a detailed list of our partnership can

be found in our website or contacting customer service.)

Our guests can choose to join in any of our rewards programs, currently Gold and

Diamond; and they can use their rewards points for future room reservations in any of our hotels,

and once they check-in, they can also request a room upgrade according to the type of

membership they own either gold or diamond.

The Gold membership is intended for recurrent customers without any business

affiliation, and Diamond membership for businesses and entrepreneurs. Our staff members will

be awarded with a gold membership that includes a family and friend’s discount.

Both rewards programs provide our customers with saving opportunities at restaurants,

retailers, car rentals, flights, tours, and other in-town activities. Additionally, our Diamond

membership gives businesses discounts for event room reservation, catering, and large group

activities. Guests with a Diamond membership have access to our VIP lounge room.

Integrating the Customer Relation Management platform in our loyalty program will help

to define us as a competitive business and make all business transactions easier for tracking

record keeping.

Our customers will have the ability to reserve a room using the integrated CRM platform

in our website and add any item as they see fit for their stay. They can also use their reward

points to pay or discount the total cost of their reservation. The customer will receive a

confirmation email or text with a link to a barcode or QR code that they can show when they


The CRM will have a built-in point of sale system that will allow our customers to input

their information once and save them time and be less concerned about the places where they

input their information while completing their reservations or paying for services they require.

The CRM will automatically add and deduct reward points and will notify the customer of

current eligible points. Thus, making it easier for the client, the marketing team, and staff


Detailed CS Training Focus (CHRO)

Agenda for a two-day training seminar

Our goal and mission are to always provide outstanding customer service through the warmth

feeling of hospitality, with integrity, teamwork, leadership and empowerment.

All new hires will adhere to the following agenda, at completion of which, they will be prepared

to fulfill the demands for each role that they have been assigned to.

Day 1.

1. Orientation

It is very important to have the new hires learn about our company’s culture and guidelines, it is

a good opportunity to get to know each other and set expectations.

1.1 Getting to know each other.

• Names and fun facts around the class.

1.2 Who we are and brand story

• This will be an opportunity to explain how the company was founded, our Mission,

Values and what sets us apart from other hotels. They can be proud to be ambassadors of our

company name.

1.3 Meeting with HR Admin.

• HR Admin will handout and collect any paperwork

• Explain Benefits & Company Practices Given to Our Internal Customers

• HR will explain the employee resources and set the expectations while reviewing the staff

guidelines, dress code policy, do’s and don’ts, etc.

2. Employee handbook

Our new hires will be given access to the employee handbook orientation, the handbook will be

comprehensive and be prepared with instructions of every role so that they can learn the

dynamics of different roles. Thus, cross-training will prepare them to assist in other roles when

we see ourselves short staffed.

2.1 HR will have the employee handbook ready on print and other formats for easy access,

including the following:

• Having paper copies available in the back office at each location

• Emailing a digital version of the handbook to all existing employees

• Keeping digital copies on a dedicated drive (Google, Dropbox, etc.)

• Notifying employees of the handbooks’ accessibility through the company’s digital

communication channels.

3. Using Technology in our hotel.

Technology is an important part of the hospitality industry, and as such all employees need to be

trained in the use of the software and equipment available in our hotel.

• Using the employee ID to clock in and clock out from work.

• Using touchpad tools like tablets and smartphones

• Accessing the business system to review room availability for cleaning and tasks

• How to review available resources and put purchases orders

4. Lunch on the company’s budget.

• This will be a good time to tell them about historical events, enjoy the restaurant food and

chef’s specialties.

5. Tour

• A Manager will lead a tour around the building’s facilities, lobby, restaurants, back doors,

rooms, maintenance room areas and housekeeping department, management offices and HR.

6. Memorable pictures of day 1 and dismiss.

• Time for HR to help new hires with remaining documents if necessary.

Day 2

All new hires should be in their assigned department with their team lead.

• Shadowing an experienced employee, Housekeeping with housekeeping and maintenance

with maintenance, the same with banquets and event managers.

1. Shadowing 101

• Shadowing with the more experienced employees is important for the new hires to learn

in action the procedures of their role, it will also be a good opportunity to break the ice among

employees and build trust, they will also learn how to react in difficult circumstances

2. Manager Coaching

The manager as a coach will help to create a workplace in which the new hires see managers as

coaches who observe their performance to help them improve, rather than critical,

unapproachable bosses.

• Time to discuss shifts and attendance policy.

• Review skills

3. Courses and Training

• Time allowed for new hires to review and acknowledge business policies

• Complete Payroll information

• Complete trainings and review future trainings


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