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Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

1 Aim of engine testing is to get specified to justify rating of engine to validate design data all of the above
2 A 4 cylinder 4 stroke petrol engine has 35kW 140kW 2100kW none of the above
p(mi)= 1000kPa, stroke volume, Vs=
0.001m3, N=4200 rpm. The power
developed within the cylinder is
3 unit sof thermal efficiency is kJ/s kJ/kWh it is unitless none of the above
4 A 4 cylinder S.I. engine develops 100kW 116kW,51.3% 16kW,86.2% 29kW,77.5% none of the above
running at constant speed . When
ignition of each cylinder is cut off
successively at the same speed the B.P. is
71,70,71,72 kW. The F.P. of the engine
and mechancial efficiency respectively
5 A blower / compressor driven by engine super charger turbocharger both (a) and (b) none of the above
shaft to increase charge density is called

6 A engine indicator is used to

determine the following BWP and mep temprature and IHP m.e.p. and IHP BHP and IHP
7 A free piston engine has gear driven a turbocharger coupled engine, compressor, gear driven supercharger
supercharger turbine supercharger and separate power turbine

8 A fuel meter shows that an engine 14 39 23 none of the above

consumed 100cc of fuel in 20 seconds of
specific gravity 0.78. the mass flow rate
of fuel in kg/hr is about
9 A single cylinder four stroke engine
having box 18 cm and stroke 36
cm,revolving at 285 rpm having mean
effective pressure 7.2 bar.the
indicated power is… 31.4 KW 7.85 KW 15.7 KW none of the above
10 Air consumption is measured by air flow
meter of orifice type and uses water
manometer showing ΔHw as pressure differencein
cm of water. If Cd is coefficient of discharge , ρa density of air,
ρw density of water and A is the area of orifice in sq.m., the
mass flow rate of air equal to

11 An engine developes 100kW at fuel load 0.335 0.313 0.324 none of the above
and consumes 25 kg/hr of fuel having
higer C.V. as 46000 kJ/kg and lower
C.V. as 43000kJ/kg. approximate value of
thermal efficiency is
12 An engine develops 100kW within the 30 (1/120) 0,3 37.5
cylinder using fuel having C.V.= 40000
kJ/kgcwith brake thermal efficiency =
0.24 and mechanical efficiency= 0.8. the
fuel consumption in kg/hr is
13 An engine develops 12kW and F.P. is 67% 33% 75% none of the above
4kw. The mechanical efficiency of
engine is about
14 An engine develops 30 kW and uses fuel 0.049 0.292 0.042 none of the above
0.14 kg/min of C.V. 44000kJ/kg, its
thermal efficiency isabout
15 An engine has an output of 50kW and (1 / 200) kg/kWh (50/4) kg/kWh 0.3 kg/kWh none of the above
consumes (1/4) kg fuel per min, its sfc
equal to
16 An engine runs of constant speed and 40% 100% 66.67% none of the above
develops 80 kW of output with 80%
mechanical efficiency at full load. The
mechanical efficiency at 50% load wiil be

17 An exhaust gas driven blower / super charger turbocharger both (a) and (b) none of the above
compressor to increase charge density is
18 An S.I. engine has a compression ratio of 0.154 0.586 1.705 none of the above
6 and has an indicated efficiency of 0.3
its relative efficiency is about
19 As compared to winter,during
summer,volumetric efficiency of IC
engine will increase decrease remain same unpredictable
20 At what load the bsfc of S.I. engine is 0-30% load 30-60% load 60-80% more than 80%load
21 At what point a C.I. engine to be run of at maximum rated at perticular speed less than Nmax at maximum B.P. none of the above
give minimum bsfc speed
22 Average B.P. in a C.I. engine is 10 23 kW 16kW 36kW none of the above
kW/m3/min of FAD. It develops 44kW
power without supercharging. When the
engine is supercharged. Increase in
volume of FAD is 3 m3/min and increase
in B.P. due to increased pressure of 0.76
bar is 6kW. The blower used for
supercharging requires 13kW of power.
Increase in net B.P. is
23 B.P. of a 4 cylinder 4 stroke engine is 440 kW 1760 kW none of the above
measued by brake dynamometer which
4.4 × 10^5 kW
develops a torque of 1000Nm at 4200
rpm. The B.P. is about
24 best method of measurement of B.P. is rope brake prony brake dynamometer hydraulic dynamometer all are equal
25 Best method to measure indicated mean mechanical indicator electronic indicator electrical indicator all are equally efficient
effective pressure(imep) is by
26 Brake mean effective pressure and 0.8 1.25 80 none of the above
indicated mean effective pressure of an IC
engine are 8 bar and 10 bar respectively.
The mechanical efficiency of the engine
when running at 4000 rpm is

27 Brake mean effective pressure for four B.P.= pALN / (2×60) B.P.=pAL(N/2) / 60000 B.P.= pALN / 60 B.P.= pALN / 60000
stroke I.C. engine is related by the
equation ( when BP(kW), A(sq.m), L(m),
N(rpm),p(brake mean effective pressure
in kPa)
28 brake mean effective pressure is an
engine depends upon its speed only torque only speed and torque speed and power
29 Brake thermal efficiency of C.I. engine is 20-28% 30-40% 40-5-% more than 50%
30 Brake thermal efficiency of S I engine
usually varies between 25 to 30 % 30 to 60 % 60 to 80 % more than 80%
31 Brake thermal efficiency of S.I. engine at 15- 25 % 25-30% 30-40% >40%
full load is
32 bsfc is expressed as the fuel consumed by kg per km of distance per hour per kW of B.P. per hour per kW of I.P. per hour
the engine in travelled
33 Chemilumme scence analyzer is used
for measuring… HC CO NOX CO2
34 Compressed air of turbocharger is cooled reduces density of air increases volumetric efficiency increases density of air both (b) nad ©
in aftercooler before supply to engine
because it
35 Curve A and B shows the variation of S.I. (A), C.I.(B) C.I.(A), S.I.(B) can not predict
bsfc with B.P. or load at constant speed .
Curve A is for ________ engine and
curve B is for ________ engine

36 Curve a in Fig 1 represents the ƞv Vs speed ƞm Vs speed bsfc Vs speed none of the above
performance curve of S.I. engine between
________ Vs speed
37 Curve B in Fig. 1 represents the ƞv Vs speed ƞm Vs speed bsfc Vs speed none of the above
performance curve of a S.I. engine
between _________ Vs speed
38 Curve C in Fig. 1 represents the ƞv Vs speed ƞm Vs speed bsfc Vs speed none of the above
performance curve of a S.I. engine
between _________ Vs speed
39 Efficiency of turbocharged engine more same less can not predict
compared to naturally aspirated engine is

40 Endurance test for I C engine is

conducted for 100 hrs 200 hrs 400 hrs 500 hrs
41 Engine indicator is used to measure bmep imep B.P. I.P.
42 F.P._________ with increase in speed increases remains same decreases can not say
43 Flame ionization detector is used for
measuring HC CO NOX CO2
For 4 cylinder 4 stroke engine bore is
11cm,stroke is 13 cm,engine speed is
2250 rpmthe swept volume is 0.18 m3/sec 0.37 m3/sec 0.0927m3/sec none of the above
45 For 4 cylinder engine the I.P. = 100kW , 0.2 0.4 0.8 none of the above
B.P. = 20 kW/ cylinder , it mechanical
efficiency is
46 For the same load mechanical efficiency higher same lower can not say
of C.I. engine compared to S,I, engine is

47 From the engine indicator

diagram,we obtain imep bmep mechanical efficiency relative efficiency
48 mass of fuel tomass which affect the combustion
Fuel air ratio is of air reciprocal of air-fuel ratio phenomenon all of the above
49 amount of heat
energy consumed in
the combustion brake up of the total energy input amount of energy lost
heat balance sheet indicates… chamber into different parts through xhaust all of the above
50 Heat losses in the engine are indicative of Thermal efficiency of indicated power brake power None of the above
51 I.P. of the engine can be determined by Willan's line method Morse test motoring test none of these

52 power friction
means less brake lower friction means high brake higher friction means high lower friction means high
Identify the correct statement power power brake power bsfc
53 If a= net area of indicator diagram in a×K / l
square mm. , l=length of indicator
diagram in cm and k=spring constant in -9 -6 -1
N/sq.m./m, the imep in bar equals a×K×10 / l a×K×10 / l a×K×10 / l
54 If n is theorem,number of power
stroke per minute in four stroke
engine is… n/2 n 2n 4n
55 If n is therpm,number of power
stroke per minute intwo stroke
engine is… n/2 n 2n 4n
56 If p= imep (kPa), A= area of pLAn / (60×1000) pLAn/ (60× 10^6) pALn/ 60 (pALn×(10^6))/60
cylinder(,L=length of stroke (cm),
n=number of strokes/min then I.P. in kW
is given by the expression
57 If performance of SI engines of
different manufacturer having
different capacities sizes and systems
are to be compared, the common engine cylinder
parameter would be diameter B.H.P. speed mean effective pressure
58 If power developed is in kW the overall B.P. / Rate of heat B.P. / Rate of heat supplied in fuel in I.P. / Rate of heat supplied in I.P. / Rate of heat supplied in
thermal efficiency is defined as supplied in fuel in kJ/s kJ / hr fuel in kJ/s fuel in kJ / hr

59 If work developed by the engine per cycle W W/ stroke volume W/ length of stroke W × stroke volume
is W then the indicated mean effective
pressure equals to
60 In a heat balance sheet, the heat utilized heat utilized in I.P. heat utilized in B.P. heat utilized in F.P. none of the above
apart from heat carried away by cooling
water and exhaust gases and heat losses
unaccounted for we consider

61 In an eight cylinder engine the fuel 0.5 kg/kWh 1 kg/kWh o.25 kg/kWh 0.125 kg/kWh
supplied was 4000kg in 2 hours and the
output is 8000 kW. Its bsfc is about
62 In prony brake test if weight on hanger W (W×l) 2πN / 60000 (W×l) 2πN / 60 (W×l) 2πN / 1000 none of these
is kN, l is the length of load arm in m and
N is the speed in rpm , the B.P. in kW
equals to
In the air base method of measuring damp out the provide constant velocity
air flow,the air base is provided to…. pulsation have constant temp have constant flow of flow
64 Increase in charge density will increase volumetric efficiency power output both (a) and (b) none of the above

65 Increase in F.P. of an engine causes reduced B.P. increased cooling load increased s.f.c. all of the above
66 Increase in speed to improve B.P. is maximum volumetric robust engine fuel supply All of the above
limited by efficiency
67 Increasing the power output by increasing weight to power ratio utilization of energy in fuel Air fuel ratio HUCR
the C.R. is mainly limited by
68 Indicated power is directly
preportional to.. air consumption torque cylinder peak pressure none of the above
69 Indicated specific fuel consumption (isfc) kg per km of distance per hour per kW of B.P. per hour per kW of I.P. per hour
is expressed as fuel consumed by the travelled
engine in kg
70 Indicated thermal efficiency of C.I. more same Less volatility can not predict
engine is _______ than the indicated
thermal efficiency of S.I. engine at all
71 Indicated thermal efficiency when fuel 1 / (C.V.) mf / C.V. 3600 / (mf × C.V.) none of the above
consumption is mf is in kg/hr per kW of
indicated power and C.V. is calorific
value of fuel is expressed
72 Indicator diagram is plot of_______ on p-V p-T T-V T-p
cartesian co-ordinates
73 Indicator diagram is used to measure imep speed temperature F.P.
74 pressure required to inject
Mean effective pressure is the pressure acting on which is acting on the piston the fuel in the combustion
pressure… the crank shaft through out the power stroke chamber none of the above
75 Mechanical efficiency if an IC engine I.P. / B.P. F.P. / I.P. B.P./ F.P. (I.P. - F.P. )/ I.P.
76 friction power to brake power to indicated indicated power to
Mechanical efficiency is a measure of brake power friction power to indicated power power frictional power
77 Mechanical indicators are suitable to low speed engines medium speed engines 1500-3000 rpm high speed engines more than none of above
measure imep in case of upto 1500rpm 3000 rpm
78 Mechanical losses in engine equal to B.P. / I.P. I.P. / B.P. I.P. - B.P. B.P.- I.P.
79 Morse test in multi cylinder engine is mechanical efficiency thermal efficiency air standard efficiency relative efficiency
used to determine
80 single cylinder CI Single and multi SI and CI
Morse test is applicable to engines Single cylinder SI engine multi cylinder CI engines engines
81 morse test is applicable to single cylinder SI multicylinder SI engine multicylinder CI engine both (b) and ©
82 volumetric
Morse test is conducted on IC efficiency of multi- thermal efficiency of two-stroke mechanical efficiency of brake power produce by
engine to determine …….. cylinder engines engines multi-cylinder engines individual cylinders
83 Morse test is conducted on the
engine to calculate the mechanical single cylinder SI only on two stroke
efficiency of ……… engine single cylinder CI engine multi-cylinder engines engines
84 single cylinder CI
Morse test is conductedto engines multi cylinder engine VCC engine horizontal engine
85 Most accurate method of determinig Measurement of brake
friction power is by Willan's line Morse test Motoring test and
86 Most commonly used dynamometer
on account of simplicity of
construction is the brake type hydraulic type prony swinging field type eddy current type
87 Motoring test carried out on IC fuel consumption at full
engine to determine ……… BP IP FP load
88 Non dispersive infrared analyzer is
widely acceptedinstrument for Unburned
measuring hydrocarbons carbon monoxide carbon dioxide NOX
89 Objectives of supercharging are to increase power output reduce weight to power ratio compensate loss of power at high All of the above
90 output increases if volumetric efficiency increases decreases has no effect on output none of the above

91 Overall efficiency of S.I. engines with higher lower same none of the above
slightly lean mixtures
indicated power vs both vs speed under various bemp vs piston speed under nth vs piston speed under
Performance mep shows.. speed condition various conditions various condition
93 superchanging
reduces knocking in there can be limited supercharging at high altitude supercharging results in
Pick up the wrong statement diesel engines superchargingin petrol engines is essential fuel economy
94 Supercharging There can be limited
reduces knocking supercharging in petrol engines Supercharging at high Supercharging results in
Pick up the wrong statement: in diesel engines because of detonation altitudes is essential fuel economy
95 Power available at output shaft is called I.P. B.P. F.P. unavailable power

96 power developed within the cylinder is I.P. B.P. F.P. unavailable power
97 Power output of an engine can be speed C.R. charge density All of the above
improved by increasing
98 power output of engine using more same less can not say
supercharger compared to turbocharger is

99 Power outuput of a static engine at high higher lower same can not predict
altitude compared to power output at sea
level is
Power produced by the engine is speed of the engine Number of power strokes per Number of power stroke
given by PmLAN/60 kW where N is is rpm speed of the engine in Hz minute per second
101 Prony brake`are used for testing small engine large capacity engine high speed engines multi cylinder engine
102 Ratio of B.P. to I.P. is called mechanical efficiency thermal efficiency Volumetric efficiency none of the above
103 Reason for not using very high suction increased weight increased detonation in SI engine increased F.P. and bearing loads All of the above
pressures in an engine with the help of
supercharger / turbocharger are :
Rope brake dynamometer fells under Mechanical friction transmission type
category of type dynamometer Hydraulic dynamometer torsion type dynamometer dynamometer
105 sfc of an engine indicates fuel consumed inkg/hr fuel consumed inkg/min fuel consumed inkg/s fuel consumed per kW
developed per hour
amount of fuel
consumed per unit
power developed amount of fuel consumed per unit amount of fuel consumed per
Specific fuel consumption is per hour indicated power per hour hour all of the above
107 Specific output of an engine equals to B.P. / (A×L) I.P. / Vs (A×L) / B.P. Vs / I.P.
108 Supercharging in C.I. engines is limited peak pressures and mean cylinder wall temperature load on bearings and fuel All of the above
by temperature in economy
109 Supercharging is a process of increasing pressure in the suction pressure of the charge Temperature of charge charge density
the cylinder
110 Supercharging is essential for stationary engine marine engine aircraft engine none of the above
111 Supercharging is usually not employed in static or mobile static engines at high altitudes aero engines at the time of take none of the above
S.I. engine in the following cases : engines off
112 The air box/swept volume ratio
shpuld be in range for single cylinder
engine 10-100% 200-300% 500-600% 1000%
113 The base and smroke of a single
cylinder four stroke engine are
100mm and 160 mm respectively.If
the brake torque is 50 NM the bmep
is… 5 bar 7-6 bar 10 bar 15 bar
114 The best method of measuring speed mechanical
is tachometer electrical tachometer magnetic pickup none of the above
The boiling point of a four cylinder
engine is 30 with all cylinder firing
and 20 with one cylinder cut.The
mechanical efficiency is.. 60% 75% 80% none of the above
116 power available the energy developed inside the engine
The brake power is the.. output shaft cylinder energy lost due to friction none of the above
117 The brake power of diesel engine,
keeping other parameters constant, decreasing density increasing the temperature of increasing the pressure of decreasing the pressure
can be increased by ….. of intake air intake air intake air of intake air
118 The brake thermal efficiency of SI
engines is in the range of… 35% to 60% 25% to 35% 60% to 80% none of the above
119 The frictional power (F.P.) is given
by ……… F.P.=B.P.- I.P. F.P.=I.P.-B.P. F.P.= B.P./I.P. F.P.= I.P./B.P.
120 The frictional power is bp+ip bp-ip bp/ip none of the above
121 The mean effective pressure for four
stroke engine is PmALN PmALN/2 2PmALN 4PmALN
122 The mean effective pressure maximum pressure instantaneous pressure at
indicates the ……. developed minimum pressure any instant average pressure
123 The measurement of friction power
by Willans line method is applicable c.I. engine at any engine at perticular
only to perticular speed s.I. engine at perticular speed speed none of the above
The most accurate dynamometer is… priny brake type hydraulic type swinging field type eddy current type
125 The power actually developed by
the engine cylinder of an I.C.
engine is known as ………. theoretical power actual power indicated power none of the above
126 The range of mechanical efficiency for
automobile is 0-30 % 30 to 50 % 70-80 % 90-100 %
The ratio of brake mean effective
pressure to indicated mean mechanical
effective pressure is called ………. efficiency overall efficiency indicated thermal efficiency volumetric efficiency
128 The ratio of brake power to
indicate power of an engine is
…….. thermal efficiency brake thermal efficiency mechanical efficiency overall efficiency
129 The ratio of brake power to indicated
power of an engine is thermal efficiency brake thermal efficiency mechanical efficiency overall efficiency
130 The ratio of indicated thermal efficiency relative efficiency efficiency ratio volumetric efficiency brake or overall efficiency
of an engine to its air standard efficiency
is called
131 The ratio of indicated thermal
efficiency to the air standard cycle
efficiency is called… net efficiency efficiency ratio relative efficiency overall efficiency
132 The ratio of work obtained at
crankshaft in a given time to the
energy supplied during same time is mechanical
called ……… efficiency brake thermal efficiency indicated thermal efficiency volumetric efficiency
133 One half of the total
The spark timing and combustion rate pressure occurs at
should be such that TDC ignition delay is reduced peak pressure occurs at TDC none of the above
134 The total power developed by
combustion of fuel is bp ip fp none of the above
The volumetric efficiency of a well
designed engine is the angle…. 30 to 40% 40 to 60% 60 to 70% 75 to 90%
The volumetric efficiency of the
well designed engine may be …….. 20% 40% 80-90% 55-70%
inversly as specific directly as specific fuel as square as specific fuel as root as specific fuel
Thermal efficiency varies fuel consumption consumpition consumption consumption
138 Utilization of energy in exhaust gases increase decrease remains same can not say
cause power output to
139 Volumetric efficiency increases with increase in suction increase in suction temperature decrease in speed all of the above
140 Volumetric efficiency is defined as (actual mass charge (actual mass charge inducted)/ mass of (actual mass charge inducted)/ none of above
inducted)/ mass of charge corresponding to swept volume mass of charge corresponding to
charge corresponding at atmospheric temperature and swept volume
to swept volume pressure

141 Volumetric efficiency of a

supercharged engine is ……… 1 can’t determine greater than 1 less than 1
142 Volumetric efficiency of the
naturally aspired engine is
……….. less than 1 greater than 1 1 2
143 Volumetric effiency of a
supercharged engine is…. 1 can't determine greater than 1 less than 1
144 brathing capacity of the pressure rise in the
Volumetric effiency is a measure of.. power of the engine speed of the engine engine cylinder
145 Which engine is more economical for low a two stroke engine a S.I. engine a C.I. engine both S.I. and C.I. engines are
load operation? equally economical
146 which is assumed constant in determining mechanical efficiency brake thermal efficiency indicated thermal efficiency none of these Willan's line method

147 Which is not a supercharger ? centrifugal root blower vane blower pump
148 Which is not an objective of to increase power to increase weight to power ratio to increase charge density at none of the above
supercharging output high altitudes
149 which is th best way to measure F.P. of an Willan's line method Morse test motoring test all are equally effective
I.C. engine
150 which of the dynamometer cannaot be prony brake hydraulic swing field
used for measurement of B.P. at high
151 which of the following dynamometer is prony brake hydraulic swinging field eddy current
suitable for measuring B.P. of an aircraft

Which of the following factors will not fine atomization and
assist in improving thermal efficiency even distribution of Minimum heat loss during Higher surface to volume
of a compression ignition engine? fuel compression clear exhaust ratio
153 Which of the following is more constant pressure pulse turbocharging pulse converter turbocharging all are equal
advantageous method of turbocharging / turbochaging

154 Which one of the following is

performed for super charging of I C
engine? Root blower Axial flow compressor sliding vane type compressor Reciprocating compressor
155 Morse test can be
conducted for petrol Morse test can be conducted for Morse test can be conducted Morse test can be
Which statement is uncorrect engine diesel engine only for multi cylinder engine conducted for CFR engine
156 Willan's linw method for determining C.I. engines engine runs at constant speed both (a) and (b) none of these
F.P. is applicable to
157 William's line method is to C.I. engine S.I. engine both C.I. and S.I engine none of the above
Sr NoImage
Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
1 In a four stroke cycle, the minimum beginning of suction end of suction beginning of end of exhaust
temperature inside the engine cylinder stroke stroke exhaust stroke stroke
occurs at the
2 The thermal efficiency of a standard Otto 25% 50% 70% 100%
cycle for a compression ratio of 5.5 will be

3 The exhaust valve in a four stroke cycle opens at 50° before opens at bottom opens at 50° after may open and close
petrol engine bottom dead centre dead centre and bottom dead centre anywhere
and closes at 15° closes at top dead and closes at 15°
after top dead centre before top dead
centre centre
4 The expansion of fuel in a four stroke starts at 15° before starts at top dead starts at 15° after may start and end
cycle diesel engine top dead centre and centre and ends at top dead centre and anywhere
ends at 30° after top 30° after top dead ends at 30° before
dead centre centre bottom dead centre

5 In a four stroke cycle petrol engine, the 30° before top dead 30° after top dead 30° before bottom 30° after bottom
charge is ignited at centre centre dead centre dead centre
6 The pressure inside the cylinder is equal to below above May be above or
__________ the atmospheric pressure below
during the exhaust stroke.
7 In a four stroke cycle petrol engine, the opens at top dead opens at 20° before opens at 20° after May open or close
inlet valve centre and closes at top dead centre and top dead centre and anywhere
bottom dead centre closes at 40° after closes at 20° before
bottom dead centre bottom dead centre.

8 Theoretically, a four stroke cycle engine half same double four times
should develop __________ power as that
of a two stroke cycle engine.

9 A two stroke cycle engine gives higher lower May be lower or cant say
__________ mechanical efficiency than a higher
four stroke cycle engine.
10 In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the opens at 30° before opens at 30° after opens at bottom may open and close
exhaust valve bottom dead cnetre bottom dead centre dead centre and anywhere
and closes at 10° and closes at 10° closes at top dead
after top dead centre before top dead centre
11 The two stroke cycle engines have lighter Agree Disagree May be true or Cant Say
flywheel. false
12 The thermodynamic cycle on which the Otto cycle Joule cycle Rankine cycle Stirling cycle
petrol engine works, is
13 The inlet valve of a four stroke cycle 130° 180° 230° 270°
internal combustion engine remains open
14 The working pressure and temperature low very low same very high
inside the cylinder of an internal
combustion engine is __________ as
compared to a steam engine.
15 The scavenging efficiency of a tour stroke below 50% between 50 and 85% between 85 and between 95 and
cycle diesel engine is 95% 100%
16 The petrol engines are also known as compression ignition spark ignition May be C.I or S.I cant say
__________ engines.
17 A two stroke cycle engine occupies larger Yes No
floor area than a four stroke cycle engine.

18 In a four stroke cycle petrol engine, the equal to below above Cant predict
pressure inside the engine cylinder during
the suction stroke is __________ the
atmospheric pressure.
19 A diesel engine is __________ as equally efficient less efficient more efficient None of the above
compared to petrol engine, both running
at rated load.
20 Which of the following statement is wrong A four stroke cycle For the same power The petrol engines all of the above
? engine develops developed, a four are costly than
twice the power as stroke cycle engine diesel engines.
that of a two stroke is lighter, less bulky
cycle engine and occupies less
floor area.

21 The engines in which the combustion of internal combustion External combustion May be Internal or None of the above
fuel takes place inside the engine cylinder engines. engines. External
are called combustion

22 In a petrol engine, if diesel is used, then not run run more efficiently run at high speed explode
the engine will
23 Number of working strokes per min. for a equal to one-half twice four-times
four stroke cycle engine are __________
the Speed of the engine in r.p.m

24 In a two stroke engine, the working cycle two revolutions of one revolutions of half revolutions of None of the above
is completed in the crankshaft. the crankshaft. the crankshaft.
25 In a petrol engine, the mixture has the beginning of suction end of suction end of compression none of these
lowest pressure at the stroke stroke stroke

26 The cylinder of a gas engine is made smaller larger May be smaller or None of the above
__________ than that of the petrol engine. larger

27 In a four stroke cycle petrol engine, the starts at top dead starts at 30° before starts at 30° after may start and end
expansion centre and ends at top dead centre and top dead centre and anywhere
bottom dead centre ends at 50° before ends at 50° after
bottom dead centre bottom dead centre

28 A two stroke cycle engine gives half same double four times
__________ the number of power strokes
as compared to the four stroke cycle
engine, at the same engine speed.
29 If the temperature of intake air in internal remain same decrease increase None of the above
combustion engine increases, then its
efficiency Will
30 As compared to air standard cycle, in increase maximum reduce maximum increase maximum decrease maximum
actual working, the effect of variation in pressure and pressure and pressure and pressure and
specific heats is to maximum maximum decrease maximum increase maximum
temperature temperature temperature temperature
31 The __________ engines can work on spark ignition compression ignition Both None of the above
very lean mixture of fuel
32 The fuel valve in a four stroke cycle diesel opens at 15° after opens at 15° before opens at top dead may open and close
engine top dead centre and top dead centre and centre and closes at anywhere
closes at 20° before closes at 20° after bottom dead centre
bottom dead centre top dead centre

33 In a four stroke cycle engine, the sequence suction, suction, expansion, expansion, compression,
of operations is compression, compression and compression, expansion, suction
expansion and exhaust suction and exhaust and exhaust
34 In an internal combustion engine, the scavenging detonation supercharging polymerization
process of removing the burnt gases from
the combustion chamber of the engine
cylinder is known as
35 In a four stroke cycle petrol engine, the starts at 40° after starts at 40° before starts at bottom may start and end
compression bottom dead centre bottom dead centre dead centre and anywhere
and ends at 10° and ends at 30° after ends at top dead
before top dead bottom dead centre centre
36 In a four stroke engine, the working cycle one revolution of the two revolutions of three revolutions of four revolutions of
is completed in crankshaft the crankshaft the crankshaft the crankshaft
37 During suction stroke of a four stroke TRUE FALSE May be True or Cant say
petrol engine, the inlet valve opens and False
the charge is sucked into the cylinder as
the piston moves upwards from the bottom
dead centre
38 In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the starts at 40° after starts at 40° before starts at top dead may start and end
compression bottom dead centre top dead centre and centre and ends at anywhere
and ends at 10° ends at 40° after top 40° before bottom
before top dead dead centre dead centre
39 In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the opens at 20° before opens at 20° after opens at top dead may open and close
inlet valve top dead centre and top dead centre and centre and closes at anywhere
closes at 40° after closes at 20° before bottom dead centre
bottom dead centre bottom dead centre

40 Thermal efficiency of a two stroke cycle equal to less than greater than None of the above
engine is __________ a four stroke cycle
41 Which one of the following engines will 30 kW four-stroke 30 kW two-stroke 30 kW two-stroke 30 kW four-stroke
have heavier flywheel than the remaining petrol engine petrol engine diesel engine diesel engine
ones? running at 1500 running at 1500 running at 750 running at 750
r.p.m r.p.m. r.p.m. r.p.m.
42 The firing order in an I.C. engine depends arrangement of the design of crankshaft number of cylinders all of these
upon cylinders
43 A device which converts heat energy into Heat engine I.C. Engine E.C. Engine All of the above
mechanical work is known as
44 Steam power plant is Internal combustion External combustion All of the above None of the above
Engine engine
45 Open cycle gas turbine power plant is Internal combustion External combustion All of the above None of the above
Engine engine
46 Closed cycle gas turbine power plant is Internal combustion External combustion All of the above None of the above
Engine engine
47 Jet engines and rockets are Internal combustion External combustion All of the above None of the above
Engine engine
48 Advantage of internal combustion engines Greater mechanical Higher ratio of Lower overall All of the above
over external combustion engines is simplicity. weight and bulk to efficiency
49 Advantage of internal combustion engines Greater mechanical Lower ratio of Higher overall All of the above
over external combustion engines is simplicity. weight and bulk to efficiency
50 Disadvantage of external combustion Lesser mechanical Higher ratio of Less overall All of the above
engines over internal combustion engines simplicity. weight and bulk to efficiency
is output
51 Advantage of external combustion engines Use of cheaper fuel Greater mechanical Higher overall None of the above
over internal combustion engines is simplicity. efficiency

52 Cylinder of engine is supported by Piston Cylinder head Cylinder block Connecting rod
53 The top end of cylinder is covered by Cylinder block Cylinder head Combustion Piston
54 The space enclosed between the upper part Cylinder block Cylinder head Combustion Piston
of the cylinder and the top of the piston chamber
during the combustion process is called
55 The pipe which connects the inlet port of Intake manifold Exhaust manifold Push rod None of the above
the engine to the air intake is
56 Piston rings are used To Prevent leakage To take Air-Fuel To discharge All of the above
mixture into product of
cylinder combustion
57 A gas turbine is an External combustion Internal Combustion All of the above None of the above
engine Engine

58 External combustion engines are suitable Large Small For all size Cant say
for generation of power
for_________capacity power plant
59 Which is not an advantage of I.C. Low weight to power Less maintenance Use costly fuel like Does not required
Engines? ratio cost petrol and diesel a furnace

60 Crank and crankshaft is made of Cast Iron Aluminium alloy Steel Forged Hardened steel
61 Speed of crankshaft of a four stroke engine 1500 rpm 3000 rpm 6000 rpm none of the above
is 3000 rpm. The speed of camshaft is

62 If clerance volume of a petrol engine is Seven 1 by 7 Eight 1 by 8

100 cc and the stroke volume is 700 cc.
It's compression ratio is
63 The length of the stroke of an I.C. engine 6000 m/min 60 m/min 15 m/min 120 m/min
is 20 cm and it runs at 300 rpm. The mean
piston speed of the engine is
64 In a four stroke engines, one cycle having 1 2 3 4
suction, compression, expansion and
exhaust strokes are completed in ____
revolution of crankshaft

65 In two stroke engines the cycle consisting 1 2 3 4

of suction, compression, expansion and
exhaust strokes are completed in _____
revolution of crankshaft
66 An engine which is supplied a gaseous Gas engine Petrol engine Diesel engine Dual fuel engine
fuel or high volatile fuel along with air
during initial part of compression stroke
in the cylinder head and liquid fuel is
injected into combustion chamber near the
end of compression stroke is called
67 An engine having cylinders arranged In-line engine V-Engine Radial engine An opposed
radially and their connecting rods are cylinder engine
connected to the same crank and crank
shaft is called
68 An engine having their cylinders axis in In-line engine V-Engine Radial engine An opposed
parallel and connected to same crank shaft cylinder engine
are called
69 An engine having two banks of cylinder In-line engine V-Engine Radial engine An opposed
having their axis inclined to each other cylinder engine
but connected to the same crank and
crankshaft is called a
70 An engine having two cylinder banks In-line engine V-Engine Radial engine An opposed
located in the same place on opposite sides cylinder engine
of the crankshaft is called
71 An engine cylinder houses two pistons, Radial engine V-Engine opposed cylinder Opposed piston
each drives a separate crankshaft, such an engine engine
engine is called
72 An engine which is supplied mixture of Gas engine Petrol engine Both A and B Neither A nor B
fuel and air during suction stroke is called

73 During suction stroke a diesel engine Air only Fuel only Mixture of fuel and none of the above
sucks air
74 An engine having combustion of fuel and Gas engine Petrol engine Diesel engine none of the above
air due to auto-ignition is called
75 A constant volume cycle engine is used in Petrol engine Diesel engine Duel combustion none of the above
76 A two stroke petrol engine has Suction and exhaust Suction and exhaust Two ports namely Three ports namely
valves operated by valves operated by inlet and exhaust inlet, transfer and
one cam separate cam ports covered and exhaust ports
uncovered by covered and
movement of piston uncovered by
in cylinder movement of piston
in cylinder

77 Scavenging is a process which is used in Four stroke gas or Four stroke diesel Two stroke petrol or none of the above
petrol engine engines diesel engines
78 Which of the following is not the part of Each stroke is Compression and Mixture of fuel and Exhaust is at
therotical cycle of a four stroke engine completed in 180 expansion process air is admitted atmospheric
deg. Revolution of are reversible below the pressure
crankshaft adiabatic atmospheric
79 Correct timing in opening and closing of To improve power To reduce specific Both A and B none of the above
suction and exhaust valves in a petrol and efficiency fuel consumption
engine helps
80 Which of the following doesnot reelate to Suction in below Exhaust is above Compression and Heat is added with
actual cycle in case of diesel engine atmospheric atmospheric expansion processes the help of heat
pressure pressure are polytropic reservior
81 If the suction valve of a petrol engine Less than 20 deg. 20 deg. More than 20 deg. None of the above
opens 10 deg. before TDC and closes at 20
deg. After BDC at 1000 rpm, the suction
valve at 3000 rpm must close after BDC at
an angle of
82 Closing of exhaust valve few degrees after Induct more fresh Drive out exhaust Both A and B none of the above
TDC is delayed in case of four stroke charge gases efficiently
petrol engine even after opening of suction
valve os as to
83 Late closing of suction valve will cause the Increase Decrease Remains the same none of the above
volumetric efficiency to
84 The inlet valve of a four stroke engine 160 deg. -170 deg. 180 deg. -190 deg. 220 deg.- 240 deg. 260 deg.- 270 deg.
remins open for about
85 A 150 cc motor cycle represents Clearance volume Stroke volume Cylinder volume none of the above
86 Heat Engine converts.. Kinetic energy into Potential energy Heat energy of Mechanical energy
mechanical energy into mechanical combustion of fuel into heat energy
energy into mechanical

87 Which of the following is an example of Steam engine Boiler Closed cycle gas Petrol Engine
Internal combustion engine? turbine
88 Which of the following is an example of Open cycle gas Petrol engine Diesel Engine All of the above
Internal combustion engine turbine
89 Advantage of reciprocating Internal Overall efficiency is Low weight to power Lower initial cost All of the above
combustion engines over External high ratio
combustion engine is
90 Disadvantage of reciprocating Internal Overall efficiency is Low weight to power Lower initial cost None of the above
combustion engines over External high ratio
combustion engine is
91 Advantage of External combustion Overall efficiency is Cheaper fuel can be Lower initial cost Low weight to
engines over reciprocating Internal high used power ratio
combustion engine is
92 In two stoke IC engine thermodynamic One revolution of Two revolution of Three revolution of Four One
cycle of operation is completed in ... crank shaft. crank shaft. crank shaft. revolution of crank
93 In four stoke IC engine thermodynamic One revolution of Two revolution of Three revolution of Four One
cycle of operation is completed in ... crank shaft. crank shaft. crank shaft. revolution of crank
94 In a single cylinder, single spark plug SI 500 1000 2000 None of the above
engine working on two stroke cycle at
1000 rpm the number of sparks produced
by spark plug per minutes will be

95 In a single cylinder, single spark plug SI 500 1000 2000 None of the above
engine working on four stroke cycle at
1000 rpm the number of sparks produced
by spark plug per minutes will be

96 In a four stroke IC engine cam shaft Half the speed of Twice the speed of Same the speed of None of the above
rotates at a speed which is crank shaft. crank shaft crank shaft
97 In a single cylinder, single inlet valve and 500 1000 2000 4000
exhaust valve SI engine working on four
stroke cycle at 2000 rpm the inlet valve
will opens .........number of times per
98 In a single cylinder, single inlet valve and 500 1000 2000 4000
exhaust valve SI engine working on four
stroke cycle at 1000 rpm the exhaust valve
will opens .........number of times per
99 Which of the following statement is SI engines have CI engines have SI engines are None of the above
correct for IC engines higher speed than CI higher speed than SI heavier in weight
engines engines than CI engine
100 Spark plugs are used in CI engines SI engines Both SI and CI None of the above
101 Fuel is injected in SI engine At the end of At the start of At the start of During combustion
compression stroke. suction stroke. compression stroke. of fuel.

102 Fuel is injected in CI engine At the end of At the start of At the start of At the valve
compression stroke. suction stroke. compression stroke. overlap.

103 Which engine is more suitable for ship Two stroke petrol Four stroke petrol Two stroke diesel Four stroke diesel
propulsion? engine engine engine engine

104 Which engines are widely used for heavy Two stroke petrol Four stroke petrol Two stroke diesel Four stroke diesel
duty trucks? engine engine engine engine
105 Which of the followings are not the parts Spark plug and Inlet and exhaust Crank and None of the above
of two stoke SI engines? ignition coil valves connecting rod

106 Which of the followings are not the parts Spark plug and Camshaft and rocker Crank and None of the above
of two stoke SI engines? ignition coil arm connecting rod

107 Which of the followings are not the parts Spark plug and Camshaft and rocker Crank and Inlet and exhaust
of four stroke SI engines? ignition coil arm connecting rod ports

108 Which of the followings are not the parts Spark plug and Camshaft and rocker Crank and Inlet and exhaust
of four stroke CI engines? ignition coil arm connecting rod valves

109 Which of the followings are the parts of Spark plug and Camshaft and rocker Crank and Inlet and exhaust
two stroke CI engines? ignition coil arm connecting rod valves

110 Which of the following is not the common Piston and piston Spark plug Carburettoer Both B and C
part for SI and CI engine? rings

111 In the SI engine spark is produced at 130 before TDC of 130 after TDC of 130 before BDC of 130 after BDC of
crank rotation. crank rotation. crank rotation. crank rotation.
0 0 0 0
112 In the CI engine fuel injection starts 10 before TDC of 10 after TDC of 10 before BDC of 10 after BDC of
crank rotation. crank rotation. crank rotation. crank rotation.
113 In the CI engine inlet valve opens 50 before TDC of 50 after TDC of crank 50 before BDC of 50 after BDC of
crank rotation. rotation. crank rotation. crank rotation.
In the CI engine inlet valve closes 0 0 0 0
114 35 before TDC of 35 after TDC of 35 before BDC of 35 after BDC of
crank rotation. crank rotation. crank rotation. crank rotation.
115 The time for which both inlet and exhaust Valve sharing Scavenging Valve overlap Valve combing
valves remains open in reciprocating IC
engine is called as
116 Valve overlap is provided in reciprocating Scavenging inside Cooling the To expel the All of the above
IC engines for the engine cylinder combustion chamber exhaust gases out of
engine cylinder
In the CI engine exhast valve opens 0 0 0 0
117 35 before TDC of 35 after TDC of 35 before BDC of 35 after BDC of
crank rotation. crank rotation. crank rotation. crank rotation.
118 Cylinder block provides housing for Inlet and exhaust Spark plug Fuel injector None of the above
119 Cylinder head provides housing for Inlet and exhaust Spark plug Fuel injector All of the above
120 Piston rings are used in reciprocating IC High pressure leak To connect piston To connect piston All of the above
engines for proof between piston and connecting rod and cylinder
and cylinder wall

121 Connecting rod is used in reciprocating IC Connect piston and To transfer To transfer force All of the above
engines to crank shaft reciprocating from piston to crank
motion of piston to shaft
rotating motion of
crank shaft
122 Gudgeon pin is used in reciprocating IC To connect piston To connect piston To connect None of the above
engine and connecting rod and crankshaft crankshaft and
123 Camshaft and crankshaft are connected to Spur Gears Chain and sprocket Timing belt By any one of the
each other by above
124 In reciprocating IC engine flywheel is camshaft crankshaft Gear box None of the above
mounted on
125 In four sroke CI engine fuel injector is Cylinder head Cylinder block Crankcase Fuel pump
mounted on
126 Materials used for cylinder block of Cast Iron and Mild Steel Stainless steel brass
reciprocating IC engine is Aluminum alloy

127 Materials used for cylinder liner of Cast Iron Mild Steel Stainless steel alloy Babbitt
reciprocating IC engine is
128 Connecting rod of reciprocating IC Babbitt Forged steel Mild Steel Aluminum alloy
engines are made from
129 Square engine means Square cross section Bore is equal to Both the above None of the above
of cylinder stroke
130 Volume travelled by piston from TDC to Clearance volume Swept volume Total volume Cubic volume
BDC is termed as

131 Compression ratio is the ratio of Clearance volume to Swept volume to Swept volume and None of the above
swept volume clearance volume clearance volume
to clearance
132 Which of the following statement is not Compression ratio of Compression ratio of Higher the All of the above
true SI engines are CI engines are compression ratio
greater than CI greater than SI lower will be the
engines engines engine indicated
133 Working fluid in fuel air cycle is Atmospheric air Fuel vapour, air and Only fuel vapour None of the above
considered as residual gases of
previous cycle

134 With increase in temperature of working Specific heats of Specific heats of Specific heats None of the above
fluid in the IC engine working fluid working fluid remains same statement is
increases decreases correct
135 Due to variation in the specific heat, the Increases as Decreases as Remains sane as None of the above
effective temperature of working fluid at compare to its compare to its compare to its statement is correct
the end of compression stroke temperature rise temperature rise due temperature rise due
due to constant to constant specific to constant specific
specific heat. heat. heat.

136 In four stroke cycle petrol engine, during Only air is sucked in Only petrol is Mixture of petrol None of the above
suction stroke sucked in and air sucked in

137 Fuel air cycle analysis of IC engine takes Effects of fuel and Effects of increase of Dissociation of All of the above
into consideration air mixture specific heat of working fluid at
working fluid with high temperature
increases in
138 Scavenging process in 2 stroke engine Power output Fuel consumption Speed None of the above
helps in increasing the
139 Carbon deposits in a cylinder wall results Clearance volume Effective Piston displacement None of the above
into increase of compression ratio
140 Expansion ratio compared to compression more equal less Can't say
ratio in case of diesel engine is

141 The weight to power ratio of multicylinder decreases remains same increases can't say
engine compared to single cylinder engine
with same compression ratio for each
142 In case of 2 stroke engine, which of the Diesel engine can It has one valve each Slightly compressed It has lower
following statement is not applicable not be built for suction and charge enters into compression ratio
operating on two exhaust the cylinder through
stroke cycle transfer port

143 Which of the following can identify Absence of Absence of oil Absence of valve All of the above
whether an engine is 2 stroke or 4 stroke lubricating oil sump drains and valve
engine mechanism
144 Which is not true in case of actual 2 stroke Compression and There is a loss of Admission of fresh None of the above
cycle expansion processes power due to charge and exhaust
are polytropic dissipative effects both takes place at
present in the system atmospheric

145 Which is not assumption of theoretical Air behaves like a Dissipative effects Suction and Expansion and
cycle as applied to diesel engines perfect gas are neglected discharge is at compression are
atmospheric polytropic
146 Which of the following is not related to Working medium is Charging and All processes are All of the above
assumptions of air standard cycle air which behaves discharging reversible and
like a perfect gas processors are there are no
omitted unintended heat
147 If W1 is positive work transfer, W2 is W / W1 W1 / (W1-W2) W2 / W1 (W1-W2) / W
negative work transfer and W is the net
work transfer. The work ratio is given by
the equation
148 Let W be the net work done and Vs be the Vs x W Vs / W W / Vs None of the above
stroke volume then mean effective
pressure is given as
149 Volumetric efficiency of the engine Heating of air in Increase in suction Increased resistance Increasing the
increases due to intake manifold pressure to inlet valve speed of the engine
beyond optimum
150 A fuel air cycle takes into account Mixture of fuel and Variation of specific Variation in air fuel All of the above
air with residual heat with ratio
gases temperature
151 With very lean mixtures, the efficiency of Very less Nearly same Very large None of the above
fuel air cycle compared to air standard
cycle is
152 With increase in temperature, the ratio of Both increases Both decreases Both remains same Specific heat ratio
specific heats and efficiency of Otto cycle increases,
153 Variation in specific heat with reduce increase Remains same None of the above
temperature will cause the work to
154 What is the effect of increse in decreases increases No change None of the above
tempertaure on specific heats Cp and Cv
of a gas ?
155 Value of R with increase in tempeature decreases increases No change None of the above
will be
156 Is the work developed by the engine is TRUE FALSE Can't say Anything out of A
affected by the combustion of fuel and air or B is possible

157 Disintegration of burnt gases at high Molecular Molecular dissociation Chemical

temperature due to combustion is called contraction expansion equilibrium
158 Due to dissociation of gases actual increase decrease Remains same None of the above
maximum pressure and temperature
159 The work developed by the engine due to increase decrease Remains unaffected None of the above
dissociation of gases will
160 The efficiency of the cycle due to increase decrease Remains unaffected None of the above
dissociation of gases
161 In dissociation process Heat is evolved Heat is absorbed Not related with None of the above
162 Dissociation process starts generally at About 11000C About 5000C About 20000C None of the above
163 Heat released in re-association is mainly Developing more Increasing No such heat None of the above
contributes in work temperature of releases in re-
exhaust gases association process

164 The effect of dissociation is less Petrol engine Diesel engine Gas engine None of the above
pronounced in which engine?
165 The effect of dissociation is less The property of Because of high Mixture is lean All of the above
pronounced in diesel engine because diesel compression ratio
166 The effect of dissociation is less The property of Mixture is Mixture is lean Both B and C
pronounced in diesel engine because diesel heterogeneous
167 Without dissociation the maximum Lean mixture Stoichiometric Rich mixture Can be occurred at
temperature occurs at mixture any type of mixture

168 The efficiency of fuel air cycle compared Less More Same can't say
to air standard cycle is
169 The dissociation of the gases results into--- Increase Decrease No change
-------in specific fuel comsumption

170 Dissociation of gases with lean mixtures Increase Decrease remains same
171 Dissociation of gases with air-fuel ratio More less Same ca't sayn
13:1 compared to lean mixtures
172 Dissociation of CO2 at 2000K compared More Less Same Can't say
to at temperature of 1500K is
173 Dissociation of gases is__________with More Less Same Can't say
theoretically chemical correct mixture
compared to rich mixture

174 Dissociation of gases is__________with More Less Same Can't say

Higher A.F. ratios compared to
stoichiometric A.F. ratios
175 The efficiency of the fuel-air Increases Decreases Remains same Can't say
cycle__________with increase in C.R.
176 The temperature of the exhaust Increases Decreases Remains same Can't say
gases________with rich mixtures
177 The losses in actual cycles other than that Time losses Heat transfer losses Exhaust blow down All of the above
of fuel air cycles are losses
178 The losses caused due to not burning of Time losses Heat transfer losses Exhaust blow down pumping losses
fuel at constant volume is called losses
179 Ideal compression and expansion Time losses Heat transfer losses Exhaust blow down pumping losses
processes are reversible adiabatic and losses
actual processes are polytropic it it results
180 The opening of exhaust valve before BDC Time losses Heat transfer losses Exhaust blow down pumping losses
in a vertical engine results into losses
181 In actual cycles the work is required to Time losses Heat transfer losses Exhaust blow down pumping losses
induct the mixture/air into cylinder and losses
work is done by piston on the exhaust gaes
in order to expel from cylinder.It results
182 The mean effective pressure of the actual Less More Equal can't say
cycle compared to air standard cycle is

183 The increase in speed of the engine Increase Decrease Doesn't change Can't say
will________the rubbing friction losses

184 The percentage increase in specific heat at Increases Decreases remains same Can't say
constant volume with constant
compression ratio,the efficiency of otto
185 Intake manifolds are made of die cast improve appearance Reduce heat losses Reduce weight All of the above
aluminium instead of cast iron to
186 The amount of liquid droplets in mixture Velocity of mixture Speed of the engine Load on the engine All of the above
of fuel and air prepared by carburetor lag
behind in intake manifold depends upon

187 The condensation of liquid droplets in the Passing the exhaust Providing hot spots Providing heating All of the above
intake manifolds can be reduced either by manifolds near the in the manifolds element in the
intake manifolds manifolds
188 Pressure losses in the intake manifolds can Providing smooth Providing large Minimum bends All of the above
be reduced by surface cross-section
189 Which is not part of design consideration To assist Pressure losses are Low velocity of Proper shape and
of intake manifolds vaporisation of minimum mixture size so as not
mixture restrict the flow
190 Which is not requirement for exhaust Minimum back Generate noise Reduce emissions Transfer less heat
system pressure to vehicle body
191 If diesel is used in petrol engine, it will Low Compression More density Less volatility Low burning point
not run. What is the correct reason? ratio
192 Which of the following is not true about Less power to No secondary These are self Can use solid fluid
EC engines? weight ratio working fluid starting
193 Which of the following is not true about More power to Not self starting Higher efficiency Can use solid fuels
IC engine? weight ratio
194 Which of the following is not an EC Wankel Stirling Steam Close cycle gas
engine? turbine
195 Which of the following is not an IC Wankel Stirling Open cycle gas Close cycle gas
engine? turbine turbine
196 Which of the following is true about IC Higher overall Does not require Separate device for can use solid fuels
engine as compared to EC engine? efficiency starting torque heat addition and
197 What is the function of an engine To support To support camshaft To provide space for To support journal
cylinder? crankshaft piston reciprocate bearings

198 The main function of crankcase is To support journal To maintain air tight To guide rocker To provide place
and bearing of contact between arm, push rod etc for combustion
crankshaft and piston and cylinder
maintain alignment
199 Which of the following parts does not take Piston Gudgeon pin Crank Cylinder
part in process of transmission of gas force
to the output shaft?
200 Material for piston should not have Less specific gravity High thermal More ductility High wear
conductivity resistance
201 As compared to diesel engines, petrol High, High Low, High High, Low Low, Low
engines are___speed and have
____compression ratio
202 Upper limit of compression ratio of petrol Knocking tendency High volatility Low ignition High Ignition
engine is due to temperature temperature
203 Upper limit of compression ratio of diesel Detonation tendency High ignition Increased size and No upper limit for
engine is due to temperature weight diesel engine
204 An valve overlap increases, volumetric Increase Decrease Remains Unaffected 0.5
efficiency tends to__________
205 Which is not true for an air standard cycle Value of specific All the processes are All the processes Working medium
analysis? heats and physical reversible are instantaneous does not
constants do not undergoes
change chemical changes
206 Which of the following is not an Working substance Due to combustion, Operation is Working substance
assumption for an air-standard cycle? has a fixed mass chemical frictionless does not have
composition kinetic energy

207 Which is not an assumption for fuel-air No heat exchange Frictionless No chemical change Value of specific
cycle? between the gases processes in either fuel or air gas constant
and cylinder walls prior to combustion changes but of
specific heat
remains same
208 Which is true about assumption for fuel- Shows general effect Shows general effect Shows general Shows general
air cycles? of compression ratio of fuel-air ratio on effect of variation in effect of variation
on engine efficiency engine efficiency inlet temperature on in inlet pressure on
engine efficiency engine efficiency

209 Which of the the following assumption is Intake and exhaust Compression and Air fuel ratio is Heat rejection is
not common for both air standard and fuel both take place at expansion processes fixed instantaneous
air cycles? atm. Pressure are isentropic process

210 Which is not true about fuel-air otto cycle? Shows general effect Heat rejection is Heat addition is During exhaust,
of fuel-air ratio on assumed to be assumed to be pressure inside the
engine efficiency instantaneous instantaneous cylinder is greater
than atmospheric

211 Duel cycle has 5 thermodynamics 5 3 4 5 by 2

processes. These processes will take place
in _________stroke
212 For an otto cycle, the temperature ratio of 8 9 7 10
after and before compression is 2.5 , then
compression ratio will be nearly____

214 Which of the following is not considered Time required for Change in air-fuel Heat loss to cylinder Friction between
in fuel air cycle analysis? heat addition and ratio walls moving parts
215 What is the effect of increase in Both increases Cp increases, R Cp increses, R Cp increases, R
temperature on Cp and R decreses remains constant unpredictable
216 What is the effect of increase in Both increases Cv increases, R Cv increses, R Cv increases, R
temperature on Cv and R decreses remains constant unpredictable
217 During adiabatic compression, Cp Increases Decreases Remains constant Unpredictable
218 Due to variation in specific heats due to Peak pressure and Peak pressure Peak pressure Peak pressure and
temperature temperature both reduces while peak increases while temperature both
reduce temperature peak temperature increases
increases decreases
219 In which cycle work done is maximum? Fuel-Air cycle Air-Standered cycle Actual cycle Cant compare

220 Dissociation effect is prominent for____ Rich mixture Lean mixture Chemically correct Both rich and lean
mixture mixture
221 Dissociation effect is pronounced in___ Petrol engine Diesel engine Both C.I and S.I Cant compare
222 Dissociation effects are pronounced in S.I Heterogeneous Higher compression Higher temperature Higher pressure
engines. Which is not among the reason mixture ratio
for this?
223 What is the relationship between thermal Directly proportional Inversely Not related to each Both are same
efficiency and specific fuel consumption? proportional others

224 Relative fuel air ratio is the ratio of Actual fuel air ratio Actual fuel air ratio Chemically correct Chemically correct
to chemically correct to chemically correct fuel air ratio to fuel air ratio to
fuel air ratio on fuel air ratio on Actual fuel air ratio Actual fuel air ratio
mass basis volume basis on mass basis on volume basis

225 Relative to efficiency air standared cycle Deceases DOES NOT Increases Cant predict
the efficiency of fuel air cycle AFFECT
____mixture weakens
226 The efficiency of fuel-air cycle relative to Gain increses as Gain increses as Gain increases as The gain is
that of air standered cycle as the mixture compression ratio compression ratio initially but independent of
weakens. The relation between this gain in increses decreases decreases after compression ratio
efficiency and compression ratio is_____ certain value

227 Which of the following is not effect of Lower specific heat Less chemical Higher efficiency Efficiency equals to
lean mixtures? equilibrium losses air standard
228 Which of the following is not effect of rich High temperature High chemical Higher specific fuel Higher efficiency
mixture? equilibrium losses consumption
229 For given compression ratio, exhaust Lean mixture Rich mixture Chemically correct Cant predict
temperature is maximum for__ mixture
230 If compression ratio is increased, what Both will incrased T3 increases, T4 T3 decreases, T4 Both will decrease
will happen to maximum cycle decreases increases
temperature (T3) and exhaust temperature
231 Which of the following is considered in Losses due to Time losses Chemical Pumping losses
fuel air cycle incomplete equillibrium losses
232 Consider following statements 1. Air 1 and 2 Only 1 Only 2 neither 1 or 2
standard cycle is theoretical cycle 2. Fuel
air cycle is theoretical cycle of these
correct statement/s is/are
233 Consider following statements are 1. Air 1 and 3 1,2 and 3 Only 1 Only 3
standard cycle is theoretical 2. Fuel -air
cycle is theoretical 3 . Actual cycle is
practical of these correct statements are
234 The losses taking place due to non- Direct losses Puming losses Dissociation losses Time losses
indstaneous heat addition or rejection are
termed as-
235 To reduce time losses,what is done Spark is introduced Spark is introduced Spark is introduced Time losses cant be
before TDC after TDC exactly at TDC reduced

What is the range of optimum spark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

236 13 to 26 0 to 5 30 to 40 40 to 50
advance for S.I engine?
237 Which of the following factor will not Mixture strength Throttle position Ignition advance Intake pressure
affect time loss?
238 Blow down losses can be reduced by Exhaust valve Exhaust valve intake valve Intake valve
adjusting opening timing closing timing opening timing closing timing
239 Pumping loss ____ at part throttle and ___ Decreases, decreases Decreases, increases Increases, Increases,
as speed increasses Decreases increases
240 Which will not be logical choice for 6 8 10 14
compression ratio of S.I engines?
241 Exhaust valve opening and closing timing Engine power Speed Temperature Efficiency
mainly depends upon___
242 The increase in speed of the engine Increase Decrease Doesn't change Can't say
will________the rubbing friction losses

243 The percentage increase in specific heat at Increases Decreases remains same Can't say
constant volume with constant
compression ratio,the efficiency of otto
244 Intake manifolds are made of die cast improve appearance Reduce heat losses Reduce weight All of the above
aluminium instead of cast iron to
245 The amount of liquid droplets in mixture Velocity of mixture Speed of the engine Load on the engine All of the above
of fuel and air prepared by carburetor lag
behind in intake manifold depends upon

246 The condensation of liquid droplets in the Passing the exhaust Providing hot spots Providing heating All of the above
intake manifolds can be reduced either by manifolds near the in the manifolds element in the
intake manifolds manifolds

247 Pressure losses in the intake manifolds can Providing smooth Providing large Minimum bends All of the above
be reduced by surface cross-section
248 Which is not part of design consideration To assist Pressure losses are Low velocity of Proper shape and
of intake manifolds vaporisation of minimum mixture size so as not
mixture restrict the flow
249 Which is not requirement for exhaust Minimum back Generate noise Reduce emissions Transfer less heat
system pressure to vehicle body
250 If Vc= clearance volume Vs= stroke Vc(P2-P1) (P1-P2) (Vs-Vc) Vs(P2-P1) (P2-P1) (Vs+Vc)
volume, P1= inlet pressure, P2= exhaust
pressure, then the pumping loss
numerically equals to
251 For petrol engine arrange the various Time loss,exhaust exhaust loss,time heat loss,time heat loss,exhaust
losses as percentage of total losses in loss,heat loss loss,heat loss loss,exhaust loss loss,time loss
ascending order
254 At full load, the thermal efficiency of an 10 to 20% 30 to 35% 60 to 70% 80 to 90%
IC engine is in the range
255 Thermal efficiency of petrol engine as higher lower same for same same for same
compared to diesel engine speed torque
256 Specific fuel consumption of diesel engine higher lower same for same same for same
is compared to petrol engine is speed torque
257 For SI engine to have maximum thermal lean rich chemically correct does not depend on
efficiency, fuel air mixture should be mixture strength

258 SI engine gives maximum power output lean rich chemically correctpower is
when fuel-air mixture is independent of
259 If dissociation is not considered peak at the chemically when the mixture is when the mixture is when the mixture is
temperature is obtained correct fuel air ratio slightly rich slightly lean too rich
260 Due to dissociation, peak temperature is chemically correct slightly rich mixture slightly lean too rich mixture
observed at fuel-air ratio mixture
261 Due to dissociation exhaust gas increases Decreases remain unaffected firstly increases
temperature and then decreases

262 Dissociation is negligible when mixture chemically correct slightly rich slightly lean Too lean
263 With dissociation maximum power is chemically correct slightly rich mixture slightly lean too rich mixture
obtained at fuel-air ratio mixture
264 M.E.P. is maximum when fuel-air mixture stoichiometric slightly rich slightly lean Too lean
265 MEP is maximum when air fuel ratio is slightly lower than slightly higher than Too much higher stoichiometric
stoichiometric stoichiometric than stoichiometric

266 If mixture is made rich gradually and increase Decrease remain constant increase initially
continuosly, MEP will continuously contiuously and then decrease
267 When mixture is rich efficiency is high power is less maximum maximum pressure
temperature is lower is high

268 When mixture is lean efficiency is less power is high maximum maximum pressure
temperature is less is lower
269 Time losses in engine cycle are due to Heat transfer gas leakage progressive friction
between gas and combustion
cylinder wall
270 Spark at TDC will result in less wok done Highest work done zero work work done is
independent of
spark time
271 The major loss in a SI engine is due to pumping incomplete variation in specific blow down
combution heat and chemical

272 Major loss in Diesel engine is….loss incomplete Direct heat friction pumping
273 Difference in the efficiencies of fuel air Time loss blow down loss Chemical Friction loss
cycle and air standard cycle is due to equilibrium loss
274 For CI engines actual efficiency is 60-80 100 40-50 30-35
……percent of fuel air cycle efficiency
275 Relative fuel air ratio can be defined as Actual air: fuel Chemically correct chemically correct (Actual air-
ratio/chemically air: fuel ratio/actual fuel: air ratio/actual stoichiometric
correct air fuel ratio air:fuel ratio fuel:air ratio air)/actual fuel
276 As mixture strength varies, efficiency of Increase with Decrease with Independent of Changes
fuel: air cycle varies. Relative change in increase in increase in change in proportional to
efficiency with respect to air standard compression ratio compression ratio compression ratio square of
cycle compression ratio
277 Heat engine converts Kinetic energy into Potential energy Heat energy of Mechanical energy
mechanical energy into mechanical combution of fuel into heat energy
energy into mechanical
278 Which of the following is an example of Steam engine Boiler Closed cycle gas Petrol Engine
internal combution engine? turbine
279 Which of the following is an example of Open cycle gas Petrol engine Diesel engine All of the above
internal combution engine? turbine
280 Disadvantage of reciprocating Internal Overall efficiency is Low weight to Lower initial cost None of the above
combution engines over External high power ratio
combution engine is
281 Advantage of External combution engines Overall efficiency is Cheaper fuel can be Lower initial cost Low weight to
over reciprocating internal combution high used power ratio
engine is
282 In a single cylinder, single spark plug SI 2000 1000 200 4000
engine working on two stroke cycle at
2000 rpm, the number of sparks produced
by spark plug per minutes will be

283 In a single cylinder, single spark plug SI 400 4000 2000 8000
engine working on four stroke cycle at
4000 rpm, the number of sparks produced
by spark plug per minutes will be:
284 In a single cylinder, single inlet valve and 1000 2000 4000 8000
exhaust valve engine working on four s
stroke cycle at 4000 rpm the inlet valve
will open for….times per minutes.
285 In a single cylinder, single inlet valve and 400 2000 4000 8000
exhaust valve SI engine working on two
stroke cycle at 4000 rpm the exhaust
valve will open for….times per minutes.

286 Fuel is injected in SI engine At the end of At the start of At the start of During combustion
compression stroke suction stroke suction stroke of fuel

287 Fuel is injected in CI engine At the end of At the start of At the start of At the valve
compression stroke suction stroke compression stroke overlap

288 Which of the following are not the parts of Spark plug and Inlet and exhaust Crank and None of the above
two stroke SI engine? ignition coil valves connecting rod
289 Which of the following are not the parts of Spark plug and Camshaft and crank and Inlet and exhaust
four stroke SI engine? ignition coil rocker arm connecting rod ports
290 The time for which both inlet and exhaust Valve sharing Scavenging Valve overlap Valve combing
valves remains open in reciprocating IC
engine is called as
291 Cylinder block provides housing for Inlet and exhaust Spark plug Fuel injector None of the above
292 Cylinder head provides housing for Inlet and exhaust Spark plug Fuel injector All of the above
293 AT1.jpg
Name of the component 1 of the figure is Crank shaft Camshaft Connecting rod Rocker arm

294 AT2.jpg
Name of the component 2 of the figure isCrank shaft Camshaft Connecting rod Rocker arm
295 AT3.jpg
Name of the component 3 of the figure isCrank shaft Camshaft Connecting rod Rocker arm
296 AT4.jpg
Name of the component 4 of the figure isValve Camshaft Connecting rod Rocker arm
297 AT5.jpg
Name of the component 5 of the figure isCrank shaft Camshaft Connecting rod Rocker arm
298 AT6.jpg 4-stroke, SI engine
Find the type of engine shown in the figure 2-stroke, SI engine 4-stroke, CI engine 2-stroke, CI engine
299 AT7.jpg
Figure 1 shows following operation in 2-Compression of Suction of new Exhaust of gases Transfer of fresh
stroke, SI engine charge above the charge in the out of engine charge into
piston crankcase and cylinder cylinder
compression of
charge above

300 AT8.jpg
Figure 2 shows following operation in 2-Compression of Suction of new Exhaust of gases Transfer of fresh
stroke, SI engine charge above the charge in the out of engine charge into
piston crankcase and cylinder cylinder
compression of
charge above
301 AT9.jpg
Figure 3 shows following operation in 2-Compression of Suction of new Exhaust of gases Transfer of fresh
stroke, SI engine charge above the charge in the out of engine charge into
piston crankcase and cylinder cylinder
compression of
charge above

302 AT10.jpg
Figure 4 shows following operation in 2-Compression of Suction of new Exhaust of gases Transfer of fresh
stroke, SI engine charge above the charge in the out of engine charge into
piston crankcase and cylinder cylinder
compression of
charge above

303 AT11.jpg
Figure 1 shows which arrangement of Two cylinder inline Two cylinder V- Opposed piston None of the above
reciprocating IC engine shape
304 AT12.jpg
Figure 2 shows which arrangement of Two cylinder inline Two cylinder V- Opposed piston None of the above
reciprocating IC engine shape
305 AT13.jpg
Figure 3 shows which arrangement of Two cylinder inline Two cylinder V- Opposed piston None of the above
reciprocating IC engine shape
306 AT14.jpg
Name the part of IC engine shown in the Cylinder
figure block Cylinder head Oil pan None of the above
307 AT15.jpg
Name of the part 1 in the following figurePiston
is top Connecting rod Connecting rod Piston pin

308 AT16.jpg
Name of the part 3 in the following figurePiston
is top Connecting rod Connecting rod Piston pin

309 AT17.jpg
Name of the part 4 in the following figurePiston
is top Connecting rod Connecting rod Piston pin

310 AT18.jpg
Name of the part 3 in the following figurecamshaft
is Crank shaft valves Timing belt
311 AT19.jpg
Name of the part 4 in the following figurecamshaft
is Crank shaft valves Timing belt
312 AT20.jpg
Name of the part 5 in the following figurecamshaft
is Crank shaft valves Timing belt
313 AT21.jpg
Figure shows which system of Lubrication system Starting system Valve operating
reciprocating IC engine system Cooling system
314 AT22.jpg
Following valve operating system is Single cylinder, 4- Multi cylinder, 4- Multi cylinder, 2-
used in which type of reciprocating IC stroke engine stroke engine Single cylinder, 2- stroke engine
engine stroke engine
315 AT23.jpg
Engine shown in the figure is called as Opposed piston Radial piston Inline cylinder V-shaped engine
engine engine engine
316 AT24.jpg
Engine shown in the figure is widely usedShip
for engine Airplane engine Heavy duty trucks Car engine
317 AT25.jpg
Type of the engine shown in the figure is2-stoke, SI engine 2-stoke, CI engine 4-stoke, SI engine 4-stoke, CI engine
318 AT26.jpg
The valve overlap angle in the 250 of crank 350 of crank 300 of crank 450 of crank
following valve timing digram is rotation rotation rotation rotation
319 Which of the following is incorrect? Petrol engine Carburetor is Diesel engine Spark plug is
works on Otto used in petrol works on Otto used in petrol
cycle engines cycle engine
320 A petrol engine in which diesel is Not run Increase Decrease Run normally
used as a fuel. What will happen? knocking knocking
321 If diesel is used in petrol engine it Low compression More density of Less volatility of Low burning
will not run. What is correct ratio of petrol diesel diesel point
reason? engine

322 Stoichiometric ratio means Chemically Chemically Air fuel ratio for Air fuel ratio for
correct air fuel correct air fuel maximum power maximum
ratio by volume ratio by mass economy
323 Stoichiometric ratio means Chemically Air fuel ratio Air fuel ratio Air fuel ratio
correct air fuel gives maximum gives maximum gives maximum
ratio efficiency power economy
324 Air fuel ratio is ratio of ______ of Mass, volume Volume, mass Volume, volume Mass, mass
air to ______ of fuel.
325 Two stroke engine produces more Two stroke Two strokes Two stroke Two stroke
power than 4 stroke engines engine has 2 engine has 1 engine is bigger engine has more
because power strokes in power stroke in in size compression
one cycle every 2 strokes ratio
326 Which of the following is not true? Efficiency of 2 Efficiency of 2 2 stroke engine UBHC
stroke engine is stroke engine is produces more emissions are
more than 4 less than 4 stroke power than 4 more in 2 stroke
stroke engine engine stroke engine engines
327 By using fresh charge, the burned charging supercharging scavenging turbocharging
gases are removed from combustion
chamber. This process is called

328 In Otto cycle the process of heat suction exhaust compression expansion
addition takes place after which
329 In Otto cycle the process of heat volume pressure Volume and enthalpy
addition takes place at constant pressure both
330 In Diesel cycle the process of heat volume pressure Volume and enthalpy
addition takes place at constant pressure both
331 Which of the following is not true Less power to No secondary These are self Can use solid
about EC engine? weight ratio working fluid starting fuels
332 Which of the following is not true More power to No self starting Higher efficiency Can use solid
about IC engine? weight ratio fuels
333 Which of these is not an EC engine? Wankel engine Stirling engine steam engine Closed cycle gas
334 Which of these is true about IC Higher overall Does not require Uses two fluids Uses solid fuels
engine as compared to EC engines efficiency starting torque exchanging heat
with each other
335 Which of these is not an IC engine? Wankel engine Diesel engine closed cycle gas Open cycle gas
turbine turbine
336 What is the function of engine To support crank To support cam To provide space To support
cylinder? shaft shaft for reciprocating journal
motion of piston

337 Oil galleries are Place where oil is Drilled passages The storage from None of the
stored in cylinder block where oil is above
temporarily through which splashed
lubricating oil
338 Which of this property is not so High thermal High casting High corrosion High impact
important in selecting he material conductivity properties resistance resistance
for cylinder?
339 The main function of crank case is To support To maintain air To guide rocker To provide
journal and tight contact arms and push space for
bearing of between piston rods combustion
crankshaft and and cylinder
340 Rigidity is most important Intake manifold Exhaust manifold Piston rings Crank case
consideration in selecting the
material for
341 In IC engines valves are opened Pressure By cam lobes Electrical circuit None of the
with the help of difference located on cam above
between inside shaft
the cylinder and
outside the
342 Which of this having provision for Engine cylinder Cylinder head Crank case Fuel injector
valve seat, valve guide and water
343 Material used for cylinder head of Cu alloys Stainless steel Medium carbon High speed steel
racing cars is steel
344 Which of the following does not piston Gudgeon pin crank cylinder
take part in the process of
transmitting force from gas to
output shaft?
345 Low inertia is the most desirable Piston flywheel Crank Spark plug
property for
346 Low inertia is the most desirable Piston valves Both A and B One of the
property for above
347 Material for piston should not have Less specific High thermal More ductility High wear
gravity conductivity resistance
348 For thermodynamic analysis, IC open closed isolated adiabatic
engine is ____________ system.
349 ___________ approach is used for Control mass Control volume Control enthalpy Steady flow
thermodynamic analysis of IC
350 As compared to diesel engines, Low, low High, high Low, high High, low
petrol engines have ________ speed
and have ______ compression ratio.

351 Upper limit of compression ratio in Knocking High volatility Low ignition High ignition
petrol engine is because of tendency temperature temperature
352 Upper limit of compression ratio in Detonation High ignition Increased size There is no
diesel engine is because of tendency temperature and weight upper limit for
diesel engine
353 Actual cycle of the IC engine 4 1 3 6
consists of how many processes?
354 In ideal cycle, engine inlet valve 1800, 1800 More than 1800 , Less than 1800 , None of the
remain open for _________ and Less than 1800 More than 1800 above
exhaust valve remain open for
355 In actual IC engines, suction and 1800, 1800 More than 1800 , Less than 1800 , Less than 1800 ,
exhaust valve remains open More than 1800 More than 1800 Less than 1800
respectively for _________ and
_________ rotation of crank shaft
356 Main reason due to which valves Inertia effect Ram effect Thermal loads Scavenging
are not opening and closing at dead effect
357 For high speed engines, valve less same more Can be anything
overlap as compared to low speed
engines is
358 For high speed engines, valve increases, Increases, almost Decreases, decreases,
overlap _________________ in increases remains same increases almost remains
degrees of crank rotation and same
____________ in milliseconds
359 In actual engine inlet valve closes Few degree after Few degree after At BDC None of the
BDC in exhaust BDC in above
stroke compression
360 In actual engine inlet valve opens Few degree Few degree after Few degree after None of the
before TDC in BDC in exhaust TDC in suction above
exhaust stroke stroke stroke
361 In actual engine exhaust valve Few degree after Few degree after At BDC after Few degree
opens BDC in exhaust BDC in completion of before BDC in
stroke compression expansion stroke expansion stroke
362 In actual engine exhaust valve Few degree Few degree after At BDC after Few degree after
closes before TDC in TDC in suction completion of BDC in exhaust
exhaust stroke stroke expansion stroke stroke

363 In actual engine, the inlet valve For taking the For scavenging In order to To overcome
opens few degree before TDC in advantage of reduce the work the effect of
exhaust stroke because ramming effect in removing the inertia of the
gases during valve
exhaust stroke
364 In actual engine, the inlet valve For taking the For scavenging In order to To overcome
closes few degree after BDC in advantage of reduce the work the effect of
compression stroke because ramming effect in removing the inertia of the
gases during valve
exhaust stroke
365 In actual engine, the exhaust valve For taking the For scavenging In order to To overcome
opens few degree before BDC in advantage of reduce the work the effect of
expansion stroke because ramming effect in removing the inertia of the
gases during valve
exhaust stroke
366 In actual engine, the exhaust valve For taking the For scavenging In order to To overcome
closes few degree after TDC in advantage of reduce the work the effect of
suction stroke ramming effect in removing the inertia of the
gases during valve
exhaust stroke
Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
A theory in which chain carriers are formed in
Preferencial burning of Chain reaction Hydroxylation
1 one step and destroyed in the next step relate
carbon theory theory None of the
to the theory of combustion as

2 Time interval between instant the spark is given Ignition delay Ignition delay
and the point a tiny flame appears is called Igniton lag period angle Either 'a' or b'
Angle tuned by crank between the point of Ignition delay Ignition delay
spark and formation of flame is called Igniton lag period angle Either 'a' or b'

4 In a vertical engine, the crank angle before TDC Ignition delay Ignition delay Angle of spark
at the instant spark is given is called Igniton lag period angle advance
The travel of flame speed (m/s) in the S.I.
combustion chamber is approximately 5 to 15 15 to 35 35 to 50 > 50
Decrease in
6 Increase in erature and
pressure,temperature compression Decrease in
Ignition lag in S.I. engine reduces due to and compression ratio ratio residual gases Both a and c
Very rich
7 Stoichiometric mixture(15 to
Minimum ignition lag is obtained when Rich mixture(5 to 10%) mixture Lean mixture 30%)
None of the
Ignition delay period with increase in speed Increases Decreases Remains same above
Ignition delay angle________with increase in None of the
speed Increases Decreases Remains same above
10 The speed of the flame propagation increases pressure and Slightly rich
with increase in Compression ratio temperatur mixtures All of the above
Increase in turbulence________the flame None of the
speeds Increases Decreases Doesn't affect above
Increase in speed of the engine________the None of the
flame speeds Increases Decreases Doesn't affect above
Increase in the size of similar
13 engines__________the crank angle turned None of the
during flame travel across the cylinder Increases Decreases Doesn't affect above
Flame speed in combustion chamber
during flame travel are Low at
14 High at beginning and beginning and
at the end whereas end and high Constant
low in the middle in the middle throught Cannot predict
Self Ignition temperature(SIT) of Higher Lower Same Cannot
iso-octane fule(C8H18) is_________ predict
15 than the SIT of n_heptane
Ignition of Ignition of
mixture at the mixture
16 end of without flame
Ignition of fuel due to compression front reaches None of the
autoignition in petrol engine means spark stroke to it above
Rapid release
of energy in
some part of
17 combustion
Rapid and uniform rate chamber
of pressure rise due to without flame None of the
Abnormal combustion in SI engine relates to combustion front Both A and B above
Detonation in SI engines takes place when The flame The flame
front reaches front doesn't
18 End part of charges to end of the reach to end
reaches to SIT and its part of the part of the
delay period is over charge charge Both a and c
Loss of the power and Failure of
Detonation in SI engine may result into efficiency Pre-ignition spark plug All of the above

Both in petrol
and diesel None of the
Pre-igntion can occur Diesel engine Petrol engine engines above

21 Center of cylinder Near the inlet near the None of the

A spark plug should be located at the head valve exhaust valve above

22 Use of two spark plugs in middle of cylinder None of the

head causes detonation tendancy to Increases Reduce Remains same above
reduction in suction Reduction in
23 pressure and coolant
Detonation in SI engine may be decreased by temperature Reducing CR temperature All of the above
Increased load on engine may_______ the None of the
detonation in SI engine Increase Decrease Have no effect above
Never over It does not
SI engines are Always over loaded loaded Both A and B matter

26 Which of the following factor decreases Advancing the Larger sized Fuels with high
detonation in SI engines Increased CR spark timing engine S. I.T.
To reduce detonation the charge away from High ignition
spark plug should have Low density delay period Lean mixture All of the above
to improve its
28 Compression ratio in SI engine is kept lower To avoid thermal None of the
than diesel engine To reduce its weight preignition efficiency above
Slightly rich mixture (5 to 10%) will ______ None of the
knocking in SI engines Increase Decrease Have no effect above
30 A compact engine having design to promote None of the
turbulence will________ detonation tendancy Increase Decrease Have no effect above
Low speed of High surface
31 High length of flame the flame area to None of the
The objectives of SI engine design are travel travel volume above
The combustion chamber of S.I. Engine should To reduce
32 have progressively reduced volume of charge To increase rate of To improve pressure rise None of the
from point of igintion combustion power output of end gases above
Kept near
Kept away from the from the end
end charge of the Cooled by charge of the
Exhaust valves of the SI engine should be mixture water jacket mixture Both a and b
Combustion chambers of SI engines are Reduce length
34 developed into hemispherical shapes since It has better of flame travel Reduces heat
appearance losses Both B and C
T-head combustion chambers used by ford in
35 the past are not suitable for modern SI engines Needs two cam shafts Has long flame High surface to
because to operate each valve travel volume ratio All of the above
Which factor in the design of combustion Exhaust valves
36 chamber to avoid knocking and detonation in SI away from end Cooling of
engine is not applicable Long flame travel gas exhaust valve Small bore
Increase in
37 Detonation and Knocking in SI engine can be Retarding the spark Reduction in surface to None of the
controlled by timing speed volume ratio above
High High thermal
38 A well designed combustion chamber of petrol Low volumetric compression output and None of the
engine is the one which has efficiency ratio efficiency above

39 which is not applicable to Ricardo combustion Provides high Reduce length Large mass of Provides cooler
chamber design turbulence of travel end charge cylinder head
40 Modern SI engine use F head combustion Provides high shorter flame Low surface to
chamber because of turbulence travel volume ratio All of the above

41 If n heptane in a mixture of iso octane and n- None of the

heptane by volume is 30%.Its octane rating is 30 70 50 above
Has no effect
42 Promotes auto- on None of the
Iso octane in a fuel for petrol engine Reduces auto-ignition ignition autoignition above

43 alpha methyl 2,2,4 trimethyl alpha- methyl

To assign knock rating of fuels for SI engines the napthelene and iso- pentane and n- napthelene None of the
fuels are considered as octane heptane and n-heptane above
44 If a fuel for SI engine has high octane rating it High calorific Lower ignition higher ignition
shows that fuel has High volatility of fuel value delay delay

The engine can

Maximum be run without None of the
Highest usefuel compression ratio relates to Maximum power efficiency detonation above
Petrol available in the market has octane rating
as 40 to 50 51 to 75 70 to 80 86 to 100
Volatility API gravity None of the
Ignition quality of SI engine fuels is expressed as Octane rating rating rating above
fuel Engine can run
48 HUCR represents the compression ratio at comsumption without None of the
which Power output is minimum detonation above
Octane Octane
49 Octane number less number more number less Octane number
Performance number gives rating of fuel with than 1 than 1 than 100 more than 100

Knock limited Knock limited Knock limited

Knock limited imep of imep of test imep of test imep of test
test fuel - knock fuel + knock fuel x knock fuel /knock
limited imep of iso limited imep limited imep limited imep of
Performance number= octane of iso octane of iso octane iso octane
Toluene and heptane are reference fuels used
in octane rating heptane rating toluene rating D.N.rating
52 Performance number of iso-octane is 1 100 zero 50
The maximum compression ratio which can be
used without knocking is HCR HUCR PN ON
54 Ideal fuel for SI engine should have low SIT high SIT low CV less volatility
More permits low
55 Which is not true about L-head combution High rate of tendency to compression requires less
chamber? combustion detonate ratio maintenance
Permits more Permits less
56 Main drawback of T-head combution chamber compression More flame compression
is More maintenance ratio travel ratio
In T-head combution chamber, spark plug is near exhaust
located near intake valve centrally valve near injector

Permits higher
Which is not true about I-head combution Higher volumetric Non-uniform compression Less flame
chamber? efficiency pressure rise ratio travel

59 Main drawback of F-Head combution chamber Improper positioning More knocking Difficult
is of spark plug tendency Less efficiency manufacturing
Quality Quantity None of the
For petrol engine the method of governing is Hit and miss governing governing governing above
Economizer is used to provide enriched mixture Full throttle
during Starting Idling Cruising opening
When the throttle is suddenly opened, the
62 mixture from the simple carburettor tends to
become Rich Lean Stoichiometric Not affected
The choke in automobile carburettor system is Stoichiometric
meant for supplying Lean mixture Rich mixture mixture Weak mixture
Modern carburettor provide the correct qaulity
of air-fuel mixture during Starting Idling Cruising All conditions

The essential conditions for combution are i)

The presence of combustible mixture ii)
65 Initiation by any means like spark plug is not
required iii) Stabilization and propagation of
flame in the combution chamber Out of
these following is correct All correct I and III II and III I and II
Air quantity is
Fuel quantity is more more than Both the Fuel quantity is
In the rich mixtures used for automobile than stoichiometric stoichiometric quantities are more than the
applications…… quantity quantity same air quantity
Air quantity is
Fuel quantity is more more than Both Fuel quantity is
In the Lean mixtures used for automobile than stoichiometric stoichiometric quantities are more than the
applications….. quantity quantity same air quantity
Correct quantity of
quantity of fuel-air ratio
Correct quantity of fuel- fuel-air ratio which gives
air ratio which gives which gives complete
Stoichiometric air fuel ratio suggests….. more economy more power combution All of the above
Practical limits of fuel air ratio for combution in
SI engines is….. 0.11 to 0.05 0.2 to 0.1 0.05 to 0.033 0.2 to 0.033
Range of air
fuel ratio to
get Range of air
combustion fuel ratio for
Range of air fuel ratio close to obtaining
which gives stoichiometric maximum
Practical limits for air fuel ratio in SI engines comfortable working conditions in SI power in SI
provides….. of SI engine engine engine All of the above

Volumetric Engine size

Mixture ratio and efficiency and and volumetric Mixture ratio
Ignition limits in the SI engine depends upon…. temperature temperature efficiency and engine size
Maximum pressure obtained in normal SI
engine during motoring is about….. 2 bar 15 bar 8 bar 40 bar
Pressure during motoring in SI engine None of the
compared to CI engine is…. Less more same above
74 Maximum pressure in SI engine is about….. 10 bar 70 bar 50 bar 30 bar
Approximate temperature produced by spark 20,000 2,000 10,000
plug is….. 5,000 deg.celsius deg.celsius deg.celsius deg.celsius

76 The preparation phase in SI engine will last for 20 deg. Of crank 40 deg. Of 30 deg. Of 10 deg. Of
about….. rotation crank rotation crank rotation crank rotation

77 The peak pressure in SI engine will be observed About 10 deg. Before About 10 deg.
when crank position is…. TDC After TDC At TDC At BDC

78 The peak temperature in SI engine will be About 10 deg. Before About 10 deg.
observed when crank position is…. TDC after TDC At TDC At BDC

Separation of
79 Separation of velocity combustion
On P.Ѳ. Diagram, start of second phase in the line from compression Constant Fall of curve from
combustion of SI engine is indicated by…. line pressure pressure motoring curve
When crank When crank When crank
On P.Ѳ. Diagram, separation of combustion When crank angle is angle is about angle is about angle is about
curve from motoring curve in SI engine takes about 10 deg. Before 10 deg. after 10 deg. before 10 deg. After
When crank When crank When crank
On P.Ѳ. Diagram, first measurable rise of When crank angle is angle is about angle is about angle is about
pressure in SI engine takes place about 10 deg. Before 10 deg. after 10 deg. before 10 deg. After
approximately…. TDC TDC BDC BDC
Which phase of combustion takes place during Preparation Propagation of
expansion stroke….. Ignition lag phase flame After burning
During propagation of flame in SI engine crank
rotates by about…. 20 deg. 40 deg. 30 deg. 10 deg.
During afterburning phase in SI engine crank
rotates by about… 20 deg. 190 deg. 170 deg. 10 deg.
0.01 mm to None of the
Gap size in spark plug electrodes in about…. 10 to 20 mm 1 to 2 mm 0.1 mm above

86 As compared to level of fuel in float chamber,

the carburettor nozzle opening is at……level same higher lower fluctuating
SI engines in which diesel is used as a fuel run with run with less
will…… not run at all detonation run normally efficiency
If diesel is used in SI engine, it will not run. low burning
What is the correct reason? low compression ratio more density less volatility point
Performance number of SI engine fuel Corresponds to octane Relates to the Either a or b None of the
rating fuels having above
89 number more
than 100

The maximum resistance to detonation is by Iso octane n heptane Alpha methyl cetane
the fuel nonane
A dope or additive is a compound when Decreasing Increasing self Anti knock None of the
91 added in fuel have an effect on compression ratio ignition characteristic above
Which of the following are dopes for SI TEL TML Phenol All of the above
engine fuels
Addition of ethyl bromide in TEL helps in Improving anti knock Reducing anti Prevents lead None of the
characteristics knock deposits above

Now a days a unleaded petrol is in the It has better anti knock It is cheaper as Lead deposits It is highly
market because property compared to are poisonous refined petrol
leaded petrol

Stoichiometric air-fuel ratio of petrol engine

is roughly 18/1 25/1 15/1 10/1
Venturi in the carburettor results in Decrease of air velocity Increase of air Decrease of Increase of
96 velocity fuel flow manifold
97 The choke is closed when the engine is accelerating hot cold idling
98 Lean air mixture is required during Idling starting Accelerating cruising
99 The limits of air-fuel for SI engine are 8/1 to 18/1 8/1 to 50/1 25/1 to 50/1 50/1 to 100/1
In a SI engine for maximum power, relative 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.6
fuel-air ratio is
For maximum thermal efficincy, the fuel-air Lean Rich Stoichiometric May be lean or
ratio mixture in SI engines should be rich
During starting petrol engines require Stoichiometric mixture Lean mixture Rich mixture Any air-fuel
ratio is alright
For petrol engine the method of governing is Hit and miss governing Quality Quantity None of the
governing governing above
Economizer is used to provide enriched Starting Idling Cruising Full throttle
mixture during opening
When the throttle is suddenly opened, the Rich Lean Stoichiometric Not affected
105 mixture from the simple carburettor tends to
Precise petrol injection system is Direct injection Sequential Both Manifold or
106 injection port injection
The choke in automobile meant for Lean mixture Rich mixture Stoichiometric Weak mixture
supplying mixture
Modern carburettor provide the correct Starting Idling Cruising All conditions
quality of air-fuel mixture during
A simple carburettor supplies rich mixture Starting Idling Cruising Acceleration
Combustion is defined as Chemical combination Chemical Chemical All the above.
of hydrogen and combination of combination
carbon in the fuel and hydrogen and of hydrogen
oxygen in the air carbon in the and carbon in
fuel and the fuel and
nitrogen in the both oxygen
air and nitrogen
in the air.
Combustion is defined as Rapid oxidation to Its a chemical Both A and B Only A
liberate energy in the reaction of
form of heat contents of
fuel and
111 oxygen in the
air to produce
energy in the
form of heat.

Favourable conditions for combustion are The presence of Some means Stabilization All of the above
combustible mixture of initiation of and
combustion propagation of
112 flame in the

Favourable conditions for combustion are The presence of Initiation by Stabilization Both A and C
combustible mixture any means like and
spark plug is propagation of
113 not required flame in the

Favourable conditions for combustion are: 1. All are correct I and III II and III I and II
The presence of combustible mixture 2.
Initiation by any means like spark plug is not
required 3. Stabilization and propagation of
flame in the combustion chamber. Out of
these following is correct
In the rich mixturers used for automobile Fuel quantity is more Air quantity is Both the Fuel quantity is
than stoichiometric more than quantities are more than the
115 applications
quantity stoichiometric same air quantity.
In the Lean mixturers used for automobile Fuel quantity is more Air quantity is Both the Fuel quantity is
than stoichiometric more than quantities are more than the
116 applications
quantity stoichiometric same air quantity.
Stoichiometric air fuel ratio suggests Correct quantity of fuel Correct Correct All of the above
-air ratio which gives quantity of quantity of
more economy fuel -air ratio fuel -air ratio
which gives which gives
more power complete
Practical limits of air fuel ratio for 9 to 21 5 to 10 20 to 30 5 to 30
combution in SI engines is
Practical limits of fuel air ratio for 0.11 to 0.05 0.2 to 0.1 0.05 to 0.033 0.2 to 0.033
combution in SI engines is
Practical limits for air fuel ratio in SI engines Range of air fuel ratio Range of air Range of air All of the above
provides which gives fuel ratio to fuel ratio for
comfortable working get obtaining
of SI engine combustion maximum
close to power in SI
stochiometric engine
conditions in SI
SI engine is also called as Petrol engine Gasoline Spark ignition All of the above
121 engine engine

SI engine is also called as Auto ignition engine Compression Otto engine Diesel engine
122 ignition engine

Ignition limits in the SI engine depends upon Mixture ratio and Volumetric Engine size Mixture ratio
temperature efficiency and and volumetric and engine size
temperature efficiency

Correct sequence of combustion stages in SI Propagation of Preparation Propagation of After

engine is phase,ignition phase phase,propaga phase,prepara burning,Propag
and after burning tion of flame tion phase and ation of phase
and after after burning and
burning preparation
Maximum pressure pobtained in SI engine 2 bar 15 bar 8 bar 40 bar
duering motoring is about
Pressure during motoring in SI engine Less More same None of the
compared to CI engine is above
127 Maximum pressure in SI engine is about 10 bar 70 bar 50 bar 30 bar
SI engine contains homogeneous mixture of Only vaporized fuel Fuel and air Vaporized Vaporized
and oxygen fuel,air and
residual gases
and residual
Approximate tempearture between 5,000 deg. celsius 20,000 deg. 2,000 deg. 10,000 deg.
electrodes of spark plug is celsius celsius celsius
Flame advancement from the start of Temperature of flame Only Temperature Only pressure
formation of first nucleus of combustion front itself, density of Temperature of flame front and
depends on surrounding mixture of flame front itself and temperature
130 and temperature itself, density of inside cylinder
inside of cylinder. surrounding

The preparation phase in SI engine will take 20 deg. Of crank angle 40 deg of 30 deg. Of 10 deg. Of
about crank angle crank angle crank angle
The peak pressure in SI engine will be About 10 deg. Before About 10 deg. At TDC At BDC
132 observed when crank angle is TDC after TDC

The first phase of combustion in SI engine is Ignition lag Preparation Both A and B None of the
named as phase above
In the ignition lag phase of SI engine Growth and Its just Its just All of the above
development of semi temperature pressure rise
134 following things happens
propagating nucleus of rise phase phase.
Ignition lag in SI engine depends on Only B Nature of Temperature Both B and C
following parameters fuel,pressure coefficient,
135 and proportion of
temperature exhaust gases

Temperature Coeficient of the fuel is Relation between Relation Relation Relation

temperature ,the rate between between between
of acceleration of temperature temperature temperature
oxidation or burning and the rate of and the rate of and pressure.
and pressure acceleration of acceleration of
oxidation or oxidation or
burning. burning.

Ignition lag phase is also Mechanical process Mechanical Chemical None of the
137 and Chemical process above
Start of second phase in the combustion of Separation of velocity Constant Fall of Separation of
SI engine is indicated by line from compression pressure on P- pressure P-Ө combustion
line on P-Ө diagram. Ө diagram. diagram. curve from
motoring curve
on P-Ө
Separation of combustion curve from When crank angle is When crank When crank When crank
about 10 deg. Before angle is about angle is about angle is about
139 motoring curve in SI engine takes place
TDC 10 deg. after 10 deg. Before 10 deg. After
First measurable rise of pressure in SI engine When crank angle is When crank When crank When crank
about 10 deg. after angle is about angle is about angle is about
140 takes place approximately
TDC 10 deg. before 10 deg. Before 10 deg. After
Maximum heat energy is liberated during Ignition lag Preparation Propagation of After burning
phase flame
Which phase of combustion takes place Ignition lag Preparation Propagation of After burning
during expansion stroke phase flame
During propagatuion of flame in SI engine 20 deg. 40 deg. 30 deg. 10 deg.
crank rotates by about
During afterburning phase in SI engine crank 20 deg. 190 deg. 170 deg. 10 deg.
rotates by about
During combustion in SI engine heat is Ignition lag Preparation Propagation of After burning
145 liberated due to reassociation of molecules in phase flame

Gap size in spark plug electrodes is about 10 to 20mm 1 to 2 mm 0.01 mm to None of the
0.1 mm above
A-fuel mixture in the SI engine is prepared In the clearance Can be Prepared in Prepared in the
volume in cylinder of prepared the carburetor carburetor
147 engine anywhere outside the inside the
outside the cylinder cylinder
Volatility property of the fluid helps in Increasing vaporization decreasing Can increase None of the
148 of fuel vaporization of or decrease above
fuel vaporization
During combustible mixture preparation carburetor Carburetor Carburetor, All of the above
and intake intake
149 process fuel droplets are vaporized in
manifold manifold and
Maximum fuel economy occurs on the side Small value of air-fuel Large value of Depends on None of the
ratio air-fuel ratio the working above
150 of following air fuel ratio
condition of SI
The important factors which significantly Time available for The Design of the All of the above
affects process of carburetion are preparation of mixture temperature induction
151 of intake air in system and
the intake combustion
manifold chamber
The important factors which significantly Time available for The Design of the Both A and D
affects process of carburetion are preparation of mixture temperature induction
of exhaust system and
gases in the combustion
exhaust chamber
For high speed S I engines following things Less time available for More time It varies with All of the above
occurs mixture preparation available for fuel properties
Volatility of the fuel affects following Mixing of fuel with air Vaporization Both A and B None of the
and above
154 processes in S I engine
distribution of
Stoichiometric condition in S I Engine is It creates some It gives Exact quantity Both B and C
such that pollutants with complete of the air is
combustion of fuel and combustion of mixed with
155 air mixture the air fuel fuel to burn
mixture mixture

When SI engine is Idling Leaner mixture is Mixture close Richer mixture It may vary
required to is required with
156 stoichiometric atmospheric
condition is condition
Idling condition of the SI engine is When engine is When engine When engine Only crankshaft
running but no power is running but is not running is rotating
out put from crank power is but power out
shaft produced from put from crank
Crankshaft shaft

When SI Engine is idling mixture enrichment To produce maximum For Both A and B None of the
is done power which is compensating above
required during idling. diluted
mixture in the
because of
158 exhaust gases
in the cylinder
which remains
in previous
For full load on S I engine following changes Mixture should be Mixture should Mixture Mixture should
should be made in mixture prparation prepared with fuel be prepared should be be prepared
quantity increased with fuel prepared with with fuel and
quantity fuel and air air quantity
decreased quantity increased
During cruising of S I engine Richer mixture is Leaner mixture Both of the Nothing is right
160 required is required above

With increasing Air-Fuel ratio in S I engine Increases in the leaner Decreases in First increases All of the above
Maximum power region of the mixture the richer up to a point
region of the at which
mixture maximum
power is
obtained and
then it is
decreases on
the leaner side
of the mixture

Maximum efficiency from the S I engine can At any air fuel ratio Depends on Leaner In the region of
be obtained working mixture region richer air-fuel
condition of compared to ratio compared
the engine stoichiometric to
conditions stoichiometric
Fuel economy from the engine can be When engine is When engine When engine When engine is
running at normal is running at is running at running at very
163 expected
speed very very low high speed very high speed
Fuel economy should not be expected in SI When vehicle is When engine Both A and B Only A
engine for which following cases climbing on hills is pulling large
quantity water
from well

Cruising speed of S I engine is High speed working Normal Full load All of the above
condition of an engine working working
condition of an condition of an
engine engine
For Full throttle valve opened condition of We get less brake We get only Brake horse We get
an S I engine horse power required brake power is maximum
horse power changing brake horse
Air-fuel mixture required for condition of Same at all working Same at a Is different at None of the
best fuel economy and maximum power is conditions of an engine region close to all working above
167 stoichiometric conditions of
conditions an engine

For proper working of S I engine, I . There Statements I, II and III Statement II is Statement I is All Statements
is always combustible range II. No proper are correct correct correct are correct
168 combustible range can be decided III. Richer
mixture is always prepared IV. Leaner
mixture is always prepared
For producing maximum power excess fuel Incomplete More CO is More CO2 is Both A and B
burning leads to combustion formed formed
Carburator is used to Meter air-fuel quantity Increase air- Decrease air- Mix air-fuel.
fuel quantity fuel quantity
Carburetor is designed To get easy To meter the It supporting It is a acting as
combustion in engine liquid quantity device in a fuel and air
to prepare the piping mixer
required air-
171 fuel mixture
which varies
with load on

In S I Engine homogeneous mixture is Combustion chamber Intake Carburetor Exhaust valve

prepared in manifold
Air- fuel ratio must be changed with Starting Warm up Acceleration All of the above
following conditions of an SI engine
Steady operating conditions of an SI engine Continuous operation Continuous Continuous None of the
is of engine at constant operation of operation of above
speed and for constant engine at engine at
load on engine constant speed changing
and for speed and for
changing load constant load
on engine on engine

For normal power range following air fuel 22 to 1 17 to 1 5 to 1 2 to 1

ratio is prefered
During cruising range of operation of SI 0 to 20% 20 to 78 % 90 % to 100% All the ranges
engine throttle position is opened by are suitable
During normal operating condition of engine 15% of rated load 90% of rated 50% of rated No load is
load on engine shoud be load load applied
During maximum power requirement rich Decreasing Reducing Avoids All of the above
mixture provided also has advantage of temperature of flame detonation
exhaust manifold temperature because of
which is overheated at and the prevention of
high load cylinder overheating of
temperature exhaust valve

Multi cylinder engines needs air-fuel ratio Same as single cylinder Leaner than Richer than Always close to
engines the single the single stoichiometric
179 which is
cylinder cylinder conditions
engines engines
In multi cylinder engines, cylinder close to Richer mixture Leaner mixture Stoichiometric None of the
180 carburetor receives condition above
In multi cylinder engines,cylinder away from Richer mixture Leaner mixture Stoichiometric None of the
181 carburetor receives condition above
In multi cylinder engines,in all the cylinders Only I is True Only I is false Both I and II None of the
182 I. Air-fuel ratio is same, II.Air-fuel ratio is are true above
Idling Cruising Starting Maximum
Transient condition of SI engine is power range
Transient condition of SI engine is I. Only I and II Only I,II, IV and Only III All I,II,III,IV and
184 Starting II. Acceleration III. Idling IV. V V
Deceleration V. Warming up
Transient conditions in SI engine occurs Evaporation of fuel is Quantity of Distribution of All of the above
because of incomplete fuel in intake fuel to various
manifold may cylinders may
be increasing be different
or decreasing

Transient conditions in SI engine occurs Evaporation of fuel is Quantity of Both A and B None of the
because of incomplete fuel in intake above
manifold may
be increasing
or decreasing

Transient conditions in SI engine occurs More mixing of fuel Quantity of Engine load is None of the
because of and air fuel in intake constant above
manifold may
be increasing
or decreasing
Transient conditions in SI engine occurs Cold days starting Quantity of Engine load is All of the above
because of problems fuel in intake changing
manifold may
be increasing
or decreasing

Petrol is mixture of hydrocarbons having Same boiling points Different More boiling None of the
189 boiling points points above

Petrol having high vapour pressures and low Light ends Heavy ends Bulky ends Low ends
boiling points are called
191 Petrol fuel which is more volatile are called Heavy ends More ends Light ends Bulky ends
When 10% of fuel is vaporised it is called 90 per cent point 10 per cent Any point 110 per cent
point point
During starting, richer mixture is sent It is transient condition It is steady It provides It provides light
condition heavy ends of ends of fuel in
193 through carburetor because
fuel in cylinder cylinder

When 100% of fuel is vaporised it is called 100 per cent point 10 per cent End point 110 per cent
point point
During cold starting, richer mixture is Because lean mixture Because lean Because lean All of the above
provided is created in cylinder mixture is mixture is
because of less created in created in
vapourized fuel cylinder cylinder
availability in air. because of less because of
fuel availability more air
in air. availability in
same quantity
of fuel.

During cold starting problems Vaporized fuel in Vaporized fuel Vaporized fuel Vaporized fuel
carburetor is in carburetor is in carburetor in carburetor is
condensed in intake condensed in is condensed condensed in
manifold, cylinder and intake in carburetor, intake
piston top manifold, cylinder and manifold,
carburetor piston top cylinder and
itself carburetor

During cold starting problems air-fuel 2 to 3 times normal 5 to 10 times 10 to 20 times 1 to 2 times
amount of fuel normal normal normal amount
197 mixture sent to engine is
amount of fuel amount of fuel of fuel

During cold starting problems air – fuel ratio 30 to 1 10 to 1 3 to 1 2 to 3

required is
Petrol engines are Quality governed Mechanically Quantity All of the above
governed governed
Pump which provide additional fuel quantity Liquid pump Vapor pump Fuel pumpAcceleration
during acceleration is called as pump
During acceleraton lean mixture is reached in More quantity of fuel During Because more Fuel lags
cylinder because is vaporized but not acceleration fuel is behind in
sent in cylinder during intake consumed intake manifold
working of the cylinder manifold is during as vaporized
supporting the acceleration fuel is passed
working of and hence we in the cylinder
carburetor as send leaner and more fuel
more and mixture is collected in
more fuel is intake manifold
sent to intake which is not
manifold vaporized
instantly from during
the carburetor subsequent
strokes as
during normal
conditions of

Acceleration term refers to Increasing speed of Increasing Increasing Increasing

engine speed of speed of choke speed of fuel
202 throttle valve valve opening flow
opening or or closing
Requirements of carburetor are To meter the liquid in To prepare To provide rich All of the above
such a quantity that air- homogeneous mixture during
fuel ratio is changed air-fuel idling and
according to steady mixture acceleration
and transient working
conditions of an engine

Simple carburetor doesn't have which of the Float chamber Auxiliary air Venturi Throttle valve
following element in its arrangement port
Carburetor depression is a Velocity difference Temperature Pressure None of the
difference difference above
Pressure at throat section of venturi in Above atmospheric Atmospheric It is any Below
206 simple carburetor is pressure pressure pressure atmospheric
Carburetor depression is pressure difference Pressure in float Pressure in Pressure in Pressure in
between chamber and at float float chamber venturi section float chamber
section in venturi and at throttle and at float and at inlet
valve section section in section in jet
in jet tube venturi tube

Simple carburetor can be used for following Engine running at Engine running Engine running Engine running
applications constant speed with at constant at varying at very very
load varying on engine speed without speed without low speed
208 load varying load varying without load
on engine on engine varying on

Jet tube in simple carburetor is also called as Choke tube Venturi tube Both A and B Only A
Nozzle lip is Level difference It is tip of main It is pressure Level
between level of fuel jet difference difference
in throttle valve and between level
level of fuel in float of tip of main
chamber jet and level of
fuel in float

Nozzle lip is provided in simple carburetor To avoid overflow of To get proper To maintain To maintain
liquid fuel from float working of proper vapor liquid level in
chamber simple quantity float chamber
carburetor produced in
Minimum cross section in venturi is caleed Main jet area Throat Venturi area Float
Main suction or vacuum is created in simple float chamber choke valve Throat section Throttle valve
carburetor at section section
Fuel quantity in the all the types of Throat Needle valve Choke valve Throttle valve
214 carburetors is mainly controlled with the
help of which of the following device
Which of the following device is directly Throttle valve Throat Needle valve Choke valve
connected to accelerator in vehicle
During cold starting problems in winter Throat section is closed Choke valve is Throttle valve Main jet is
216 seasons in india closed is closed closed

Pressure at the throat at fully open position 1 to 2 mm Hg below 10 to 20 mm 4 to 5 mm Hg 0.5 to 2 mm Hg

atmospheric pressure Hg below below below
217 of throttle condition lies in between
atmospheric atmospheric atmospheric
pressure pressure pressure
Throttle valve is placed on which side of On atmospheric Air At venturi Before venturi After venturi
venturi side
At high speed of engine and for fully open More air-fuel mixture Less air-fuel More air Less fuel
position of throttle valve. it send to cylinder. mixture it send mixture it send mixture it send
to cylinder. to cylinder. to cylinder.

Drawbacks of simple carborator are It provides richest It provides Both A&B None of the
mixture when speed leanest above.
engine is high. mixture when
speed engine
is less.

In case of simple carburetor for high speed More vacuum at Less air from Less vacuum Too high
221 engines too rich mixture is created because throttle section atmosphere at throat vacuum at
of following reason throat
In the simple carburetor which of the Compensating jet Emulsion tube Back suction All of the above
following modification is necessory for control
increasing air flow to compenset for rich
During idling condition of SI engine mixtue At throat section After throttle After throat After choke
is diluted because of exhaust gases presence because of suction valve because section valve because
created at that point of suction because of of suction
223 in cylinder, so fuel is provided in venturi
tube created at that suction created at that
point created at that point
Idle adjust in idling arrangement is used Petrol bleed Fuel bleed Air bleed Mixture bleed
mainly to control the
__________ is the process of preparation of
225 mixture of fuel and air before admission to Mixing Carburettion Evaporation Condensation
Which of the following is not the part of fuel Fuel filter and fuel
226 Carburettor Throttle valve Spark plug
induction system. pump
To control
To control none of the
227 The function of carburettor is, To control A:F ratio amount of
both A and B above
A:F ratio and
None of the
228 The function of carburettor is to control, Speed A:F ratio quantity of
Temperature of Volatility of
229 The process of carburettion depends on Speed of engine All of the above
suction air fuel
Volatile fuels with heating in intake manifolds Decrease volumetric Decrease Supply rich
230 Both A and B
will efficiency power output mixture
Time available in seconds for process of None of the
231 0.0075 to 0.01 0.01 to 0.02 0.03 to 0.04
carburettion at about 4000 rpm is about above
Increased temperature of inlet air, causes Same of the
232 Increase Decrease Remains same
volumetric efficency of engine to above
none of the
233 A carburettor is used in case of Gas Engines Petrol Engines Diesel Engines
The chemically correct mixture for petrol is
234 12:01 15:01 17:01 18:01
Mixture requirements at different load and Part load
235 Starting and Idling Acceleration All of the above
speeds of petrol engine are running
Cruishing range as percentage of designed load none of the
236 0 to 20 20 to 75 80 to 100
refers to above
none of the
237 Idling of engine refers to No load 0-20% load 20-40 % load
Chemically none of the
238 To develop maximum power, mixture supplied is Rich Lean
correct above
To have minimum specific fuek consumption ot
Chemically none of the
239 to achieve maximum economy of fuel, mixture Rich Lean
correct above
supplied is
Engine at the time of starting and idling needs Chemically none of the
240 Rich Lean
mixture which is, correct above
At low load running (zero to 20% load of rated Chemically none of the
241 Rich Lean
power) engine requires mixture which is, correct above

Chemically May be lean or

242 During sudden acceleration, engine requires Rich mixture Lean mixture
correct mixture rich mixture
Mixture requirements by the engine part load Chemically
243 Rich Lean Cant say
running ( cruising range) is, correct
244 A:F ratio needed during maximum power is 12 to 13.5:1 15:01 16 to 17.5:1 18 to 20:1
A:F ratio needed for minimum specific fuel
245 12 to 14:1 15:01 16.5 to 17.5:1 18 to 20:1
consumption of S.I. engine is,
A:F ratio needed at the time of starting and
246 11 to 12:1 13 to 15:1 16 to 18:1 18 to 20:1
idling is
A:F ratio required for low load running in the none of the
247 12 to 14:1 15 to 17:1 17 to 20:1
range of zero to 20% load is, above
A:F ratio used during part load running cruising
248 11 to 14:1 15:01 16 to 17.5:1 18 to 20:1
range from
Quantity none of the
249 A petrol engine is ____________ Quality governed Both A and B
governed above
The tip of main nozzle with reference to petrol none of the
250 At the same level At higher level At lower level
level in float chamber is above
251 During idling of engine of engine, it requires Lean fuel-air mixture No fuel in air Rich mixture
air-fuel ratio
Prepare A:F ratio as Energy is
Prepare Non-
required during supplied to Supply rich
Which of the following is not the requirement of Homogeneous
252 starting, idling, no load change fuel mixture during
a good carburettor? (Heterogeneous
running, cruising, from liquid to acceleration
) mixture
maximum power vapour form
It provides
It provides very lean
It provides required air- increasing mixture at low
Which is not the drawback of a simple
253 fuel ratio at all throttle richness of A:F speeds which is All of the above
position ratio as speed not adequate to
increases ignite the

Not required
Kept in open since the
Kept in closed closed
position when carburettor can none of the
254 A choke in the carburettor is position when cold
cold starting produce A:F above
starting the engine
the engine ratio during
cold starting

During no load (idling) running of engine, the

Stoichiometric Extreamly lean none of the
255 throttle valve is kept slmodt in closed position. A Rich mixture
mixture mixture above
simple carburettor will provide
During part none of the
256 The idle jet does not supply fuel during Idling Both A and B
load running above
Which of the following is not the Prepare AF ratio as Prepare non Energy is Supply rich
requirement of the carburetor required during homogeneous supplied to mixture during
257 starting, idling, mixture change fuel acceleration
maximum power and from liquid to
acceleration vapour form
Which is not drawback of simple carburetor? It provides required air It supplies It provides None of the
fuel ratio at all throttle increasingly very lean above
258 position rich mixture as mixtures at
speed increases low speeds

A choke in the carburetor is Kept in closed position Kept in open Not required None of the
when cold starting the position when since above
engine cold starting carburetor can
259 the engine produce
required AF
ratio during
cold starting
During no load running of the engine, the Rich mixture Stoichiometric Extremely lean None of the
260 throttle valve is kept almost closed. A simple mixture mixture above
carburetor will provide
The idle jet does not supply fuel during idling During part Both a and b None of the
load running above
Compensating devices are provided in To vary quantity of To supply AF To vary AF To supply rich
carburetor mixture according to ratio always as ratio according mixtures during
the load on the engine needed by to various acceleration
economy operating only
running conditions

An emulsion tube or air bleed method is used To maintain air fuelTo increase AF To decrease None of the
in modern carburetor ratio at all speeds ratio with AF ratio with above
decrease in increase in
load speed
A carburetor which is installed above intake Up draught carburetor Down draught Side draught None of the
264 manifold and flow ofmixture is assited by carburetor carburetor above
gravity is called
Carburetor which uses horizontal draft tube Up draught carburetor Down draught Side draught None of the
265 above
is called carburetor carburetor
Actual air fuel ratio supplied by carburetor at Lean Rich same Can't say
high altitudes compared to sea level
Which is not the advantage of gasoline Exact AF ratio at all Same mixture Economy of Low volumetric
injection as compared to carburetor loads strengths to fuel during efficiency
all cylinders idling and
low load
Which is not a method of fuel injection in SI Directly into the In to the inlet Near inlet Directly into the
engine cylinder before the manifold port during cylinder in high
268 end of compression during suction pressure
stroke suction stroke stroke injection system

Continuous port fuel injection refers to Near the inlet port Near the inlet Directly into None of the
injection of fuel manifold the cylinder above
In continuous inlet manifold injection 1.2 bar 1.5 bar 2 bar 3 bar
270 system, the fuel is injected at a pressure of
refers to injection of fuel
GDI refers to injection of fuel Near the inlet port
Into the Directly into None of the
271 intake the cylinder above
Which of the following is not the advantage High volumetric Low Ease of cold High initial cost
of GDI efficiecy emissions starting
In MPFI injection system Each cyclider has Injectors are Fuel from All of the above
separate fuel injector mounted on fuel tank is
273 the inlet ports pumped
Which is not an advantage of MPFI system? Uniform air fuel ratio Ease of cold Low sfc Elaborate
274 to each cylinder starting arrangement of
If flame travel from point of ignition upto Auto ignition normal abnormal None of the
275 end of combustion chamber without change above
in speed, the combustion is called
The combustion of mixture without a flame Auto ignition normal abnormal None of the
276 above
front is called
The throttle valve is placed in a draft tube On atmospheric side On engine At the venturi None of the
277 of the venturi side of the above
The choke valve is placed in a draft tube On atmospheric side On engine At the venturi None of the
278 of the venturi side of the above
The venturi is the portion in a draft tube converging section diverging Minimum All of the above
279 section cross secional
The main jet of the main metering system is Above the level of below the At the same Any
situated the petrol in float level of the level arrangement
280 can be possible
chamber petrol in float
The nozzle lip is the level difference between Venturi and level of Venturi and Throttle valve None of the
281 petrol in float throttle valve and choke above
chamber valve
The use of vent on a float chamber ensures Filling of petrol if Leak off Maintaining None of the
level of petrol goes connection atmospheric above
down for overflow pressure in
case float chamber
The carburetion does not perform this atomization vaporization Mixing air Increasing the
function temperature of
and fuel in
283 right the mixture
proportionnear to its
ignition point
The carburetor depression is The pressure drop The pressure The pressure All of the above
because of whch air drop because drop because
284 is sucked inside of which fuel of charge is
is sucked taken inside
the cylinder
Operating the choke in cold starting means Closing the choke Opening the Opening the Closing the
285 valve choke valve throttle valve throttle valve
In idling system, the idling port opens in a Venturi side of On engine Exactly at the None of the
286 draft tube of carburetor on throttle valve side of front of above
throttle valve throttle valve
Stoichiometric air fuel ratio of petrol is 10:01 12:01 15:01 18:01
Equivalence ratio means Actual fuel air ratio to stoichiometric Mass of fuel to Mass of air to
stoichiometric fuel air fuel air ratio to mass of air mass of fuel
288 ratio Actual fuel air

If air fuel ratio is greater than 16:1 then ixture is lean Chemically rich perfect
The function of the venturi in the carburetor is To decrease fuel flow To increase To decrease To increase air
fuel flow air velocity velocity
To get maximum power aim is To use all fuel in To utilize all To get more To get less fuel
combustion chamber oxygen in economy consumption
If the bonnet space is limited, the carburetor updraught downdraught Horizontal Slant draught
used is draught
In constant choke carburetor or open choke Air flow area Fuel flow area Both air and Pressure drop
293 carburetor ___________ is kept constant. fuel flow areas

A venturi of fixed dimension is used in Constant choke Constant Multiple Multijet

294 carburetor vacuum venturi carburetor
carburetor carburetor
In ______________ carburetor, pressure drop is Constant choke Constant Multiple Multijet
295 kept constant. carburetor vacuum venturi carburetor
carburetor carburetor
If the equivalence ratio is greater than one lean Chemically rich perfect
then, mixture is correct
Fuel flow rate as per demand is varied by SU Apha Solex None of the
297 varying pressure difference in _____ above
Fuel flow area is varied in ____________ Solex Zenith Carter SU
In this carburetor, air lifts fuel droplets against Updraught downdraught Side draught Cross draught
If inlet temperature of air increases Efficiency of IC engine Efficiency of IC Both efficiency Both efficiency
___________ increases but power engine and power and power
output decreases decreases but output output increase
power output decrease

301 Chemixally correct air fue ratio of octane is 13.14:1 15.14:1 17.14:1 1.17:14
Which air fuel ratio gives maximum power for SI 15:01 18:01 08:01 12:01
303 Which air fuel ratio gives minimum BSFC 15:01 16:01 19:01 12:01
Rich mixture is required during Idling and cruising Cruising and Idling and Idling and
304 acceleration cruising and acceleration
305 The choke is used when engine is Cold hot accelerating idling
SI engines use mixtures having AF ratio 4:1 to 24:1 3:1 to 17:1 15:1 to 80:1 1:1 to 5:1
For SI engine for maximum power, relative fuel 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
air ratio should be
Lean mixture is required during Idling and cruising Cruising and Cruising only Cruising,
308 starting starting and
For maximum thermal efficiency aim is to Use all the oxygen Use all the fuel To get To get
present in combustion present in maximum maximum
309 chamber combustion pressure in the temperature in
chamber cylinder the cylinder

The mixture requirements during staarting and Rich and rich Rich and lean Lean and lean Lean and rich
idling are
For maximum economy mixture should be rich lean stoichiometric inert
The pressure difference between float chamber Nozzle lip Nozzle dip Carburetor Potential
and throat is depression difference
When choke is closed, suction presssure is Air intake Nozzle Both air intake Every where
313 applied on and nozzle

Economiser system comes into action during cruising idling starting Full throttle
During cruising, mixture provided by simple Increasingly rich Increasingly Constant Sometimes
carburetor is lean chemically rich,
correct sometimes
During acceleration, mixture provided by simple Increasingly rich Increasingly lean Chemically
carburetor is lean correct
During idling, mixture provided by simple Increasingly rich Increasingly lean Chemically
carburetor is lean correct
The fuction of the choke is to provide Lean mixture Some mixture Rich mixture Stoichiometric
Simple carburetor provides correct quality of At all operating During During cruising Only at one
319 mixture conditions acceleration only throttle
only position
The correct expression for nozzle lip is Tip height – fuel Tip height – throat height – Fuel surface
surface height throat height float chamber height

The tip of the nozzle is kept At the same level as At level above At level below Sometimes
that of fuel in float the fuel level the fuel level above,
chamber in float in float sometime
chamber chamber below the fuel
level in float
The drawbacks of carburetor includes Non uniform Less breathing Slow response All of the above
distribution in multi capacity to change in
322 cylinder engines operating

MPFI means Metal point fuel Multi point Metal power Multiple pin
injection fuel injection fuel injection fuel injection
In port injection system, location of injector is Inside cylinder near Near Inside intake Inside cylinder
intake port carburetor manifold near near exhaust
intake port port

In carburetor, choke is located on which side of Engine side Air Filter side At the venturi Any where
the venturi?
In carburetor, throttle valve is located on which Engine side Air Filter side At the venturi Any where
side of the venturi?
In complete caruretor, idling passage opens in a Engine side of throttle Venturi side of At the venturi None of the
327 draft tube at which position? valve throttle valve above

The cold start injector provides Stoichiometric mixture Rich mixture Lean mixture Heating of fuel
Ignition lag, spreading of flame and after petrol engines diesel engines PI engines Turbocharged
329 burning are the stages observed during engines
combustion in
The combustion will not start immediately after Flame propogation After burning Ignition lag motoring
spark because of
The time interval between formation of spark Spark advance Ignition lag Propogation Burning lag
and appreciable pressure rise is lag
The cycle is
When engine
taking place
When the vehicle is not is running at The cycle is not
332 A motoring curve is plotted when due to
running no load fired
combustion of
Which of the following is not necessary
Presence of Presence of Formation of
333 condition for starting of combustion process in Compression of charge
fuel oxygen spark
SI engines?
Rise in Rise in
334 Effect of spark in SI engines is____ Ionisation of gases Rise in volume
pressure temperature
In SI enginesmaximum amount of fuel is burnt Flame
335 Pre-burning Ignition lag After burning
during the stage____ propagation
Linear Sinusoidal
336 In SI engines the flame travels in____ Spherical shape Circular shape
direction pattern
Mixture flow
337 In D-MPFI system the quantity sensed is ____ Pressure Volume Temperature
The D-MPFI system responds to vacuum sensed Exhaust
338 Carburettor Intake manifold Piston
in____ manifold
339 L-MPFI ststem responds to____ Pressure Volume Temperature Flow rate
Ignition lag, After burning, After burning,
Arrange the phases of combustion in ascending Ignition lag, after
flame flame Ignition lag,
340 order according to amount heat evolved in each burning, flame
propagation, propagation, flame
phase propagation
after burning ignition lag propagation
In SI engines flame speed decreases with increase Peak Compression
341 Intake temperature Residual gases
in temperature ratio
In SI engines, Maximum flame speed is obtained Between 1 to Between 1.1 Greater than
342 Less than 1
when equivalance ratio is___ 1.1 to 1.2 1.2
With same With
343 With increase in compression ratio, flame travels Faster Slower
speed fluctuations
In SI engines flame speed always increases Compression
344 Turbulence Air-fuel ratio Residual gases
with____ ratio
With increase in speed, the crank angle required
345 Increases Decreases Remains same Cant predict
for flame propagation___
If cooling water temperature is decreased flame
346 Increases Decreases Remains same Cant predict
Increasing cooling water temperature in SI
347 Increases Decreases Remains same Cant predict
engines, kncocking tendency_____
To reduce knocking, the fuel in SI engine should
348 Low High Any Automatic
have ____ self ignition temperature

Auto-ignition Auto-ignition of
Sudden ignition of Pre-ignition of
of charge charge after
349 Detonation in SI engine means charge before delay charge before
before the the delay
period is over the spark
spark period is over

Spark is
Flame reaches the Flame reaches Spark is
350 Knocking in SI engine occurs when___ unburnt charge before after the delay produced
before charge
delay period is over period is over several times
coming in
Flame reaches the Ignition takes
Ignition starts Flame travels
351 Pre-ignition takes place when____ unburnt charge before place after
before spark very fast
delay period is over spark
Decrease Do not affect
352 Larger combustion chambers Increase detonation Cant say
detonation detonation
To prevent knocking flame propagation should
353 Retareded Accelerated Sinusoidal Upfront
To reduce knocking in SI engines, self ignition
354 High Low Varying Constant
temperature of fuel should be ____

Which of the following is not an effect of Higher flame More knocking Does not affect
355 Less delay period
increased intake temperature? speed tendency anything
As load increases, the knocking tendency of SI
356 Increases Decreases Cant predict Remains same
As the speed of flame travel increases,
357 Increases Decreases Cant predict Remains same
358 AS distance of flame travel increases, detonation Increases Decreases Cant predict Remains same
Detonation tendency is maximum for air:fuel
359 8:1 to 10:1 10:1 to 12:1 12:1 to 14;1 16:1 to 18:1
To reduce detonation, the spark plugh should be
360 Near to intake valve At the corner Centrally Neat Piston
Remote corner
361 Which is not a probable location of preignition? Spark plugh tip Exhaust valve Intake valve
of chamber

Delay period is Delay period is Delay period is

Delay period is less and
362 Knocking in SI engines will be less if less and flame high and flame high and flame
flame speed is high.
speed is less speed is high speed is less
Large ratio of
In SI engines, to aviod knock, combustion Large flame
363 Small bore Large bore flame path to
chamber should have___ path
Octane rating is___ Measure of fuel Measure of Measure of Measure of fuel
resistance to knock in fuel assistance fuel assistance resistance to
364 CI engines to knock in SI to knock in CI knock in SI
engines engines engines

For octane rating a standard reference fuel Iso-octane only n-heptane only Combination Combination of
consists of of 2,2,4 iso heptane and
365 trimethyl n-octane
pentane and n-
2,2,4 trimethyl pentane has octane number 1 0 100 120
equal to
367 n-heptane has octane number equal to 0 1 100 120
Octane number 60 means, the fuel has 60% of n-octane 40% 60% of iso 60% of iso 60% of iso
of petrol octane and octane and octane and 40%
368 antiknock proper equal to fuel from by
40% n-heptane 40% of eptrol of TEL

Dopes are___ Chemical which will Chemical Chemical Chemical which

increase knocking which will which will will increse
tendency of fuel decrease decrese exhaust from
knocking exhaust from engine
tendency of engine
RON means ____ Radical oxygen number Research Radical octane Research
370 oxygen number number octane number

MON means ___ Metal oxygen number Motor oxygen Metal octane Motor octane
number number number
RON is calculated at___ Low speed and low High speed and Low speed and High speed and
372 temperature low high high
temperature temperature temperature
Which is correct expression? RON=Sensitivity- Sensitivity=R Sensitivity=R Sensitivity=MO
373 N/RON
Sensitivity shows Change in Change in Ratio of ratio of octane
eprformance of fuel octane octane number of
374 under test condition number number of actual fuel to
and practical ideal fuel and ideal fuel.
condition actual fuel
Higher sensitivity of fuel shows___ Better performance Poor Better Less
under serve oerformance emissions emissions
conditions. under serve under serve under serve
conditions conditions conditions
Performance number gives rating of fuel Octane number less Octane Octane Octane number
376 with than 1 number more number less more than 100
than 1 than 100
Id 1
Question Scavenging air in diesel engine means

A Air used for combustion sent under pressure

B Forced air for cooling cylinder
C Burnt air containing products of combustion
D Air used for forcing burnt gases out of engine's cylinder during the exhaust period
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 2
Question The pressure at the end of compression in the case of diesel engine is of the order of
A 6 kg/cm2
B 12 kg/cm2
C 20 kg/cm2
D 35 kg/cm2
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 3
Question The thermal efficiency of a diesel cycle having fixed compression ratio, with increase in
cut-off ratio will
A Increase
B Decrease
C Be independent
D May increase or decrease depending on other factors
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 4
Question The fuel in diesel engine is normally injected at pressure of

A 5-10 kg/cm2

B 20-25 kg/cm2

C 60-80 kg/cm2

D 90-130 kg/cm2

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 5
Question Compression loss in I.C. engines occurs due to
A Leaking piston rings
B Clogged air-inlet slots
C Increase in clearance volume caused by bearing-bushing wear
D All of the above
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 6
Question In direct combustion chambers, the swirl generated is ___________

A Weak

B Strong

C Can’t say

D Swirl is not generated

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 7
Question The output of a diesel engine can be increased without increasing the engine revolution
or size in following way
A Scavenging
B Increasing flywheel size

C Supercharging.

D Feeding more fuel

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 8
Question Which of the following medium is compressed in a diesel engine cylinder
A Air alone
B Air and lube oil
C Fuel alone
D Air and fuel
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 9
Question In a typical medium speed, 4-stroke cycle diesel engine

A Fuel injection starts at 10° before top dead center and ends at 20° after top dead center

B Fuel injection starts at top dead center and ends at 20° after top dead center

C Fuel injection starts at just before top dead center and ends just after top dead center

D May start and end anywhere

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 10
Question Diesel fuel, compared to petrol is

A Less difficult to ignite

B Just about the same difficult to ignite

C More difficult to ignite

D Highly ignitable

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 11
Question The rating of a diesel engine is given by

A Octane number

B Diesel index

C Cetane number

D Either B or C

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 12
Question Starting of the diesel engine is difficult because of

A Low wall temperature

B Less cranking speed

C Leakage past the piston ring

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 13
Question In diesel engine, the compression ratio in comparison to expansion ratio is
A Same
B Less
C More
D Variable
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 14
Question In a typical medium speed, 4 stroke cycle diesel engine
A Exhaust valve opens at 35° before bottom dead center and closes at 20° after top dead
B Exhaust valve opens at bottom dead center and closes at top dead center
C Exhaust valve opens just after bottom dead center and closes just before top dead
D May open and close anywhere

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 15
Question Scavenging is usually done to increase
A Thermal efficiency
B Speed
C Power output
D Fuel consumption
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 16
Question The knock in diesel engine occurs due to
A Instantaneous and rapid burning of the first part of the charge
B Instantaneous auto ignition of last part of charge
C Delayed burning of the first part of the charge
D Reduction of delay period
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 17
Question Volatility of diesel fuel oil is
A Minimum temperature to which oil is heated in order to give off inflammable vapours in
sufficient quantity to ignite momentarily when brought in contact with a flame
B Temperature at which it solidifies or congeals
C It catches fire without external aid
D Indicated by 90% distillation temperature, i.e., when 90% of sample oil has distilled off
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 18
Question In a naturally aspirated diesel engine, the air is supplied by
A A supercharger
B A centrifugal blower
C An injection tube
D None of the above
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 19
Question CI engine was developed by

A Otto

B Carnot

C Diesel

D Faraday

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 20
Question Thermal efficiency of CI engine is SI engine

A Equal

B Higher

C Lower

D Equal or lower

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 21
Question The diesel knock can be controlled by reducing delay period.the delay is reduced by the

A High charge temperature

B High fuel temperature

C A fuel with short induction period

D All above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 22
Question The most important property of fuel which affect delay period is

A Volatility

B Self ignition temperature

C Density

D None of above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 23
Question Fuel is injected in to combustion chamber after ..........stroke

A Suction

B Compression

C Power

D Exhaust

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 24
Question In a diesel engine, the fuel is ignited by

A Spark

B Injected fuel

C Heat resulting from compressing air that is supplied for combustion

D Ignitor

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 25
Question Diesel cycle consists of following processes

A Isentropic process

B Constant pressure process

C Both A & B

D None of these

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 26
Question In a four stroke cycle, the minimum temperature inside the engine cylinder occurs at the

A Beginning of suction stroke

B End of suction stroke

C Beginning of exhaust stroke

D End of exhaust stroke

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 27
Question The brake power of a diesel engine, keeping other parameters constant, can be increased

A Decreasing the density of intake air

B Increasing the temperature of intake air

C Increasing the pressure of intake air

D Decreasing the pressure of intake air

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 28
Question In diesel engines, the fuel is injected in the form of very fine spray, into the engine
cylinder, which gets ignited due to high temperature of the compressed air.

A Agree

B Disagree

C Data incomplete

D Undefined

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 29
Question Pre-ignition is caused by the spontaneous combustion of the mixture before the end of the
compression stroke, and is due to

A Cylinder walls being too hot

B Overheated spark plug points

C Red hot carbon deposits on cylinder walls

D Any one of these

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 30
Question In open combustion chamber in diesel engines, the shape and layout of the piston crown,
the inlet port and the valve produce the turbulent effect of fuel mixture.

A Yes

B No

C Data insufficient

D None of these

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 31
Question In a diesel engine, the duration between the time of injection and ignition, is known as

A Pre-ignition period

B Delay period

C Period of ignition

D Burning period

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 32
Question The maximum thermal efficiency of diesel engines is about

A 15.00%

B 30.00%

C 45.00%

D 70.00%

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 33
Question A diesel engine has

A One valve

B Two valves

C Three valves

D Four valves

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 34
Question The pressure at the end of compression, in diesel engines, is approximately

A 10 bar

B 20 bar

C 25 bar

D 35 bar

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 35
Question The thermal efficiency of diesel engines on weak mixtures is

A Unaffected

B Lower

C Higher

D Depends on other factors

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 36
Question Following Additives are used to raise Cetane Number of fuels

A Amyl Nitrate

B Ethyl Thionitrite

C Amyl Nitrite

D All of above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 37
Question L -MPFI system uses

A Port injection

B Manifold injection

C Direct injection

D Throttle body injection

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 38
Question Open combustion chambers in CI engine requires

A High injection pressure

B Accurate metering of fuel by the injection system


D None of these

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 39
Question D - MPFI system uses

A Port injection

B Manifold injection

C Direct injection

D Throttle body injection

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 40
Question EFI system can achieve

A Proper injection timing

B Proper injection quantity

C Proper injection pressure

D All of above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 41
Question With EFI of diesel engine

A Sharp start and stop not possible

B Very high injection pressure can be obtained

C Sudden cylinder cut off is impossible

D Diagnostic properties are poor

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 42
Question What is the role of feed pump in fuel supply system in CI engine?

A To increase fuel pressure

B Adjust timing of injection

C Supply fuel from tank to fuel pump

D Supply fuel from fuel pump to injector

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 43
Question MPFI uses

A Manifold injection

B Direct injection

C Port injection


Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 44
Question Advantage of pintaux nozzle is

A Better cold starting performance

B Ability to distribute the fuel

C Good penetration

D Good atomization

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 45
Question Fuel filters does not use

A Oil

B Paper

C Cloth

D Felt

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 46
Question CI engine uses

A Fuel injector

B Spark plug

C Ignitor

D Lighter

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 47
Question Alcohols cannot be used in CI engines as

A Their SIT is high

B Latent heat of vaporization is high


D None

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 48
Question Ignition quality of diesel fuel is indicated by its

A Octane Number

B Cetane Number

C Flash point

D Fire point

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 49
Question For CI engine fuels most preferred are

A Napthenes

B Parafines

C Olefins

D Aromatics

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 50
Question Fuels are rated for their

A Combustion qualities

B Antiknock qualities

C Performance qualities

D Ignition qualities

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 51

What is the part Number '2' which is shown in the above figure
A Fuel pump
B Fuel injector
C Glow plug
D Intake manifold
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 52

What is the part Number '1' which is shown in the above figure
A Fuel pump
B Fuel injector
C Spark plug
D Intake manifold
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 53

What is the function of the part Number '2' which is shown in the above figure
A To increase the pressure of the fuel
B To increase the velocity of the fuel
C To ignite the mixture in case of cold starting
D To increase the density of the fuel
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 54

What is the part Number '5' which is shown in the above figure
A Fuel pump
B Fuel injector
C Spark plug
D Glow spark plug
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 55

What is the part Number '7' which is shown in the above figure
A Fuel tank
B Fuel injector
C Spark plug
D Air tank
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 56
Question In SI and CI engines motion of air is called subsequently as

A Turbulence and swirl respectively

B Swirl and turbulence respectively
C Swirl only
D Turbulence only
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 57

Type of injection system shown in the figure is

A Cylinder
B Indirect injection
C Direct injection
D Semi direct injection
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 58

Type of injection system shown in the figure is

A Cylinder injection
B Indirect injection
C Direct injection
D Semi direct injection
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 59

Type of the injection system shown in the figure is

A Cylinder injection
B Indirect injection
C Direct injection
D Semi direct injection
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 60

Part number 1 shown in the figure is

A Fuel pump
B Fuel injector
C Spark plug
D Inlet pipe
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 61

Part number 1 shown in the figure is

A Fuel pump
B Fuel injector
C Spark plug
D Inlet pipe
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 62
Question Injection in the CI engine starts at

A Approximately 18 deg. Before TDC

B Approximately 18 deg. after TDC
C Approximately 18 deg. Before BDC
D Approximately 18 deg. after BDC
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 63
Question Ignition delay period in case of CI engine is approximately about

A 0.01 sec.
B 0.001 sec.
C 1 sec.
D 10 sec.
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 64
Question Maximum pressure during combustion in the combustion chamber of CI engine

A Close to 50 bar
B Close to 20bar
C Close to 82 bar
D Close to 8 bar
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 65
Question According to Ricardo how many stages of combustion are present

A 1 stages
B 2 stages
C 3 stages
D 4 stages
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 66

The point number '1' in the above figure indicates

A Start of injection
B Start of ignition
C Start of combustion
D Start of actual flame forming
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 67

The point number '2' in the above figure indicates

A Start of injection
B Injection lag
C Ignition lag
D Start of actual flame forming
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 68

The point number '3' in the above figure indicates

A Start of injection
B Injection lag
C Ignition lag
D Start of actual flame forming
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 69

The point number '4' in the above figure indicates

A Start of injection
B Injection lag
C Ignition lag
D Start of actual flame forming
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 70

The point number '5' in the above figure indicates

A Combustion pressure
B Injection lag
C Ignition lag
D Start of actual flame forming
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 71

The point number '6' in the above figure indicates

A Combustion pressure
B End of injection
C After combustion
D Start of actual flame forming
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 72

The point number '7' in the above figure indicates

A Combustion pressure
B End of injection
C End of combustion
D Start of actual flame forming
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 73

The point number '8' in the above figure indicates

A Combustion pressure
B End of ignition
C After combustion
D Compression pressure
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 74

The point number '9' in the above figure indicates

A Start of the injection

B Start of ignition
C After combustion
D Start of actual flame forming
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 75

Above figures are shown for the detonation in SI and CI engine out of which curve 'A' is

A Detonation in SI engine
B Knocking in CI engine
C Detonation in Gas engine
D Detonation in Petrol engine
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 76

Above figures are shown for the detonation in SI and CI engine out of which curve 'B' is

A Detonation in dual cycle engine

B Detonation in CI engine
C Detonation in SI engine
D Detonation in Diesel engine
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 77

Above figures are shown for the detonation in SI and CI engine out of which curve 'A' is

A Detonation in SI engine and it is started at start of combustion

B Detonation in CI engine and it is started at end of combustion
C Detonation in SI engine and it is started at end of combustion
D Detonation in CI engine and it is started at start of combustion
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 78

Above figures are shown for the detonation in SI and CI engine out of which curve 'B' is

A Detonation in SI engine and it may be started at end of combustion

B Detonation in CI engine and it may be started at end of combustion
C Detonation in SI engine and it may be started at start of combustion
D Detonation in CI engine and it may be started at start of combustion
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 79

Graph which is shown above is drawn for stages of combustion in CI engine,where

combustion stage A to B is called as

A Ignition delay
B Delay period
C Both A and B
D None of the above
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 80

Graph which is shown above is drawn for stages of combustion in CI engine,where

combustion stage A to B represents

A It is a preparatory phase
B Delay period
C Starting point of injection of fuel to the point where p- theta curve separates from the pure
compression curve
D All of the above
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 81

Graph which is shown above is drawn for stages of combustion in CI engine,where

combustion stage B to C represents

A Uncontrolled combustion phase

B Delay period
C Starting point of injection of fuel to the point where p- theta curve separates from the pure
compression curve
D Controlled combustion phase
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 82

Graph which is shown above is drawn for stages of combustion in CI engine,where

combustion stage B to C represents

A Pressure rise slow and combustion occurs

B Rapid or uncontrolled combustion following ignition
C Starting point of injection of fuel to the point where p- theta curve separates from the pure
compression curve
D All of the above
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 83

Graph which is shown above is drawn for stages of combustion in CI engine,where

combustion stage B to C represents

A Pressure rise slow and combustion occurs

B Controlled combustion following ignition
C End point of delay period to the point of maximum pressure.
D All of the above
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 84

Graph which is shown above is drawn for stages of combustion in CI engine,where

combustion stage B to C represents

A Second stage in CI engine combustion

B Here fuel droplets have had a sufficient time to spread themselves through wide area and
fresh air is available all around them
C End point of delay period to the point of maximum pressure.
D All of the above
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 85

Graph which is shown above is drawn for stages of combustion in CI engine,where

combustion stage C to D represents

A Controlled combustion
B Here fuel droplets have had a sufficient time to spread themselves through wide area and
fresh air is available all around them
C End point of delay period to the point of maximum pressure.
D All of the above
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 86

Graph which is shown above is drawn for stages of combustion in CI engine,where

combustion stage C to D represents

A Flame is extinguished in this region

B Probable diffusion flame formation
C Small nucleus flame formation
D Flame formation without diffusion
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 87

Graph which is shown above is drawn for stages of combustion in CI engine,where

combustion stage C to D represents

A Controlled combustion
B Probable diffusion flame formation
C Both A and B
D Flame formation without diffusion
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 88

Graph which is shown above is drawn for stages of combustion in CI engine, where
combustion stage C to D represents heat evolved in the range

A 10 to 80 % of the total heat content of the fuel supplied during cycle

B 50 to 60 % of the total heat content of the fuel supplied during cycle
C 50 to 60 % of the total heat content of the fuel supplied during cycle
D 70 to 80 % of the total heat content of the fuel supplied during cycle
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 89

Graph which is shown above is drawn for stages of combustion in CI engine, where
combustion stage after point D is called as

A After burning
B Low burning
C Complete burning
D Incomplete burning
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 90
Question What are other names of the motoring curve

A Compression curve
B Non-firing curve
C Both A and B
D None of the above
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 91
Question What is physical delay

A Time period between start of injection and the attainment of chemical reaction conditions
B During physical delay fuel is atomized,vaporized and mixed with air and raised its
C Only A
D Both A and B
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 92
Question What is physical delay

A It is first step in the ignition delay

B Step in the first stage of combustion in CI engine in which changes occurs before pre-
flame reactions start
C Both A and B
D Only B
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 93
Question Combustion in case of the SI and CI engine has which part common in first stage

A Ignition lag in SI engine combustion is equal to physical delay plus chemical delay in the
CI engine combustion
B Ignition lag in SI engine combustion is not equal to chemical delay in the CI engine
C No reference between combustion in SI and CI engine
D Ignition lag in SI engine combustion is equal to chemical delay in the CI engine
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 94
Question Delay period in CI engine refers to

A Only physical delay

B Only Chemical delay
C Ignition lag
D Physical delay plus chemical delay
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 95
Question Delay period in the CI combustion affects mainly

A Rate of pressure rise

B Knocking
C Engine start-ability
D All of the above
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 96
Question Lower the self ignition temperature means

A Lower is the delay period

B More is the delay period
C It has no relation with delay period
D It is just the property of the fuel
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 97
Question Cetane number indicates a scale for doing comparison of diesel fuel quality,how it will
affect first stage of combustion and knock in the CI engine,however

A More cetane number of the diesel fuels indicates longer delay period and hence less
tendency to knock
B More cetane number of the diesel fuels indicates lower delay period and hence less
tendency to knock
C Less cetane number of the diesel fuels indicates less delay period and hence more
tendency to knock
D Less cetane number of the diesel fuels indicates more delay period and less tendency to
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 98
Question Cetane number of diesel fuels gives which of the following correct results

A Less cetane number of diesel fuels lower is delay period and less pressure rise which
leads to release more heat during controlled combustion region
B More cetane number of diesel fuels indicates lower is delay period and more pressure rise
which leads to release more heat during uncontrolled combustion region
C More cetane number of diesel fuels indicates lower is delay period and less pressure rise
which leads to releasing more heat during controlled combustion region
D Less cetane number of diesel fuels lower is delay period and less pressure rise which
leads to release more heat during controlled combustion region
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 99

If the irregular curve in the above diagrams are indicating the knocking tendency of
engine then recognize the type of engine based on the location of knock

A CI engine
B It could be any engine
C It is diesel engine
D SI engine
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 100
Question Directing the flow of the air during its entry to the cylinder is know as

A Induction swirl
B Compression swirl
C Combustion induced swirl
D Plane air swirl
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 101
Question Induction swirl method is mainly used in which type of combustion chambers

A Pre - combustion chambers

B Open combustion chambers
C Swirl combustion chambers
D Air - cell combustion chambers
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 102
Question By forcing the air through a tangential passage into a separate swirl chamber during
compression stroke is called as

A Induction swirl
B Pressure swirl
C Compression swirl
D Temperature swirl
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 103
Question Compression swirl method is used in which type of combustion chambers

A Pre - combustion chambers

B Open combustion chambers
C Air - cell combustion chambers
D Swirl chambers
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 104
Question Open combustion chambers used in CI engines can also be called as

A Non turbulent combustion chambers

B Turbulent combustion chambers
C Non pressurized combustion chambers
D Divided combustion chambers
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 105
Question In case of four stroke engines, induction swirl can be obtained by

A Careful formation of the air intake passages

B Making or shrouding a portion of the circumference of the inlet valve
C Both A and B
D Only B
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 106

If figure shown above is indicating the combustion chamber used for CI engine then
recognize the type of combustion chamber

A Shallow depth combustion chamber

B Open combustion chamber
C Induction swirl combustion chambers
D All of the above
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 107

If figure shown above is indicating the combustion chamber used for CI engine then
recognize the type of combustion chamber

A Shallow depth combustion chamber

B divided combustion chamber
C Air cell combustion chambers
D Pre combustion chambers
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 108
Question How open combustion chamber can be defined

A Combustion space is a open cavity which is open to atmosphere with little restriction and
hence there are no large differences in pressure between different parts of the chamber
during combustion process
B Combustion space is a single cavity with little restriction and hence there are no large
differences in pressure between different parts of the chamber during combustion process
C Combustion space is a multiple cavity with little restriction and hence there are no large
differences in pressure between different parts of the chamber during combustion process
D Combustion space is a single cavity with little restriction and hence there are large
differences in pressure between different parts of the chamber during combustion process
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 109

If figure shown above is indicating the combustion chamber used for CI engine then
recognize the type of combustion chamber and suggest where it can be used suitably

A Open depth combustion chamber and can be used where squish needed is small and for
large engines
B Shallow depth combustion chamber and can be used where squish needed is more and for
large engines running at high speeds
C Shallow depth combustion chamber and can be used where squish needed is small and for
large engines
D Air cell combustion chamber and can be used where squish needed is small and for large
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 110
Question Squish produced in the Shallow depth combustion chamber is

A More than in the hemispherical combustion chambers

B Same as that in the hemispherical combustion chambers
C May be same ,less or more depending on the working condition of the engine
D Less than in the hemispherical combustion chambers
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 111
Question Which amongst following provides better squish

A Toroidal shaped combustion chamber

B Shallow depth combustion chamber
C Hemispherical shaped combustion chamber
D Cylindrical shaped combustion chamber
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 112
Question Spray angle used in the toroidal shaped combustion chamber is in between

A 15 deg. to 60 deg.
B 150 deg. to 160 deg.
C 80 deg. to 100 deg.
D 110 deg. to 120 deg.
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 113
Question Which amongst following properties make cold starting of CI engine easier by using open
combustion chamber

A Temperature is more
B Pressure is more
C Swirl is low
D Swirl is more
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 114
Question Open combustion chambers can be used for which of CI engines

A Small and medium speed engines

B Large and high speed engines
C Small and low speed engines
D Large and low speed engines
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 115
Question Use of the shrouded valves or masked valves in case of open combustion chambers used
in CI engine

A Reduces volumetric efficiency

B Reduces thermal efficiency
C Increases volumetric efficiency
D Increases thermal efficiency
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 116
Question What is major drawback of the induction swirl combustion chambers

A It has more swirl

B It is not proportional to speed and efficiency can not be maintained over a wide range in
variable speed engine
C It has complicated shapes
D Multiple orifices can not be used
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 117
Question Swirl chamber is also called as

A Divided combustion chamber

B Turbulent combustion chamber
C Both A and B
D Only B
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 118
Question What are the major advantages of the compression swirl combustion chamber

A Strong swirl is produced

B Only single injector is needed
C Low injection pressure needed
D All of the above
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 119

Recognize the type of combustion chamber shown in the figure above

A Hemispherical shaped combustion chamber

B 'M' combustion chamber
C Open combustion chamber
D Divided combustion chamber
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 120

Recognize the type of combustion chamber

A Open combustion chamber

B Non turbulent combustion chamber
C Pre-combustion chamber
D Air cell combustion chamber
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 121
Question In the Combustion chamber shown below name the part '1'

A Pre-combustion chamber
B Nozzle
C Orifice
D Fuel valve
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 122
Question In the Combustion chamber shown below name the part '2'

A Precombustion chamber
B Nozzle
C Orifice
D Fuel valve
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 123
Question In the Combustion chamber shown below name the part '3'

A Pre-combustion chamber
B Nozzle
C Orifice
D Fuel valve
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 124

Combustion chamber shown in the above figure is named as

A Pre-combustion chamber
B Air cell combustion chamber
C Toroidal combustion chamber
D Divide combustion chamber
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 125

Injection system which is shown in the above figure is

A Rapid injection system

B Semi direct injection
C Indirect injection system
D Direct injection system
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 126
Question Injection system which is shown in the above figure is

A Rapid injection system

B Semi direct injection
C Indirect injection system
D Direct injection system
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 127
Question Injection system which is shown in the above figure is

A Rapid injection system

B Semi direct injection
C Indirect injection system
D Direct injection system
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 128
Question Recognize the type of Injection system and combustion chamber which is shown in the
figure below

A Rapid injection system, open combustion chamber

B Semi direct injection, toroidal combustion chamber
C Indirect injection system, air cell combustion chamber
D Direct injection system, open combustion chamber
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 129
Question Name the part '3' shown in the figure below

A Accumulator
B Horizontal pipe
C Injector pipe
D It is a supporting rod
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 130
Question Name the part '2' shown in the figure below

A Glow plug
B Spark plug
C injector
D It is a supporting rod
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 131
Question Name the part '1' shown in the figure below

A Glow plug
B Spark plug
C injector
D It is a supporting rod
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 132
Question Name the part '3' shown in the figure below

A Glow plug
B Spark plug
C Electrical connector for solenoid
D It is a supporting rod
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 133

What is the function part 1?

A To ignite the mixture at cold starting

B To inject the fuel
C Provides pilot injection
D Giving the spark for igniting the mixture
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 134
Question Name the part '4' shown in the figure below

A Cavity above piston

B It is toroidal combustion chamber
C Both A and B
D It is a supporting rod
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 135
Question Out of the following, which nozzle is more common for pre-combustion chamber?

A Pintle nozzle
B Pintaux nozzle
C Both A and B
D Multi-hole nozzle
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 136
Question Out of the following, which nozzle is more common for open combustion chamber?

A Pintle nozzle
B Pintaux nozzle
C Both A and B
D Multi-hole nozzle
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 137
Question Out of the following, which nozzle is more common for direct injection combustion

A Multi-hole nozzle
B Pintaux nozzle
C Single hole nozzle
D Both A and C
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 138
Question Air cell type of combustion chamber utilizes which type of air movement?

A Induction swirl

B Combination of compression swirl and combustion swirl

C Compression swirl

D Combustion swirl

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 139
Question Precombustion combustion chamber utilizes which type of air movement?

A Induction swirl

B Combination of compression swirl and combustion swirl

C Combustion swirl

D Compression swirl

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 140
Question Swirl chamber utilizes which type of air movement?

A Compression swirl

B Combination of compression swirl and combustion swirl

C Combustion swirl

D Induction swirl

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 141
Question In which type of air movement, work is absorbed to produce swirl?
A Induction swirl
B Compression swirl

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 142
Question Out of the following which is not the advantage of MAN combustion chamber?
A Low rate of pressure rise
B Smooth and noiseless combustion
C Easier cold starting
D Multi fuel capability
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 143
Question Cetane number and octane number are the inverse measurement of which property?

A Knock resistance

B Ignition delay

C Rate of pressure rise

D Flame velocity

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 144
Question Out of the following which is not stage of combustion in CI engine?

A Ignition delay

B Tail burning

C Propogation of flame through combustion chamber

D Period of controlled combustion

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 145
Question What is the octane number of diesel?

A 40 to 60

B 30

C 80 to 90

D 18

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 146
Question In CI engine the air fuel ratio nearer to stoichiometric is not used because

A It leads to the formation of heavy exhaust smoke

B It causes power loss

C It causes higher specific fuel consumption

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 147
Question In CI engine carburetor is not used because
A Diesel is less volatile
B Diesel is viscous
C Diesel is difficult to ignite
D Both A and B
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 148
Question In CI engine combustion starts at
A At any single location in combustion chamber
B Multiple locations in combustion chamber
C At tip of the fuel injector
D At tip of glow plug

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 149
Question What is not the method of cold starting in diesel engine?
A Addition of ether in diesel oil
B Use of glow plugs
C Use of electric heaters in intake manifold
D None of the above
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 150
Question What is the method of cold starting in diesel engine?
A Addition of ether in diesel oil
B Addition of some lubricating oil in engine to seal the gaps
C Use of electric heaters in intake manifold
D All of the above
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 151
Question What is the reason for difficulty in cold starting of CI engine?
A Low ambient conditions
B Low cranking speed
C Improper seating of the valves
D All of the above
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 152
Question At the time of cold starting, sometimes ether is added in diesel because
A It lowers the flash point of diesel
B It lowers the self ignition temperature of diesel
C It increases the flash point of diesel
D It increases the self ignition temperature of diesel
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 153
Question Some minimum is necessary for starting the engine is called as

A Specific speed

B Critical speed

C Cranking speed

D None pf the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 154
Question The rate of pressure rise in period of uncontrolled combustion depends upon

A Turbulence

B Rate of injection

C Ignition delay

D Both B and C

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 155
Question The rate of pressure rise in period of controlled combustion depends upon

A Turbulence

B Rate of injection

C Both A and B

D Ignition delay

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 156
Question Knocking in CI engine happens because of

A Auto ignition of end gas charge

B Auto ignition of accumulated fuel in ignition delay

C Pre-ignition phenomenon

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 157
Question Out of the following which abnormal combustion is associated with audible distinct noise
from the engine?

A Preignition

B Denonation in SI engine

C Knocking in CI engine

D All of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 158
Question For the same size, power produced by diesel engine as compared to petrol engine is

A Less

B More

C Not dependent on size

D less or more

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 159
Question For the same size, power produced by SI engine as compared to CI engine is

A Less

B More

C Not dependent on size

D less or more

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 160
Question For the same power output, size of SI engine as compared to CI engine is

A Less

B More

C Not dependent on power output

D Can't say

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 161
Question For the same power output, size of diesel engine as compared to petrol engine is

A Less

B More

C Not dependent on power output

D Can't say

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 162
Question What is the use of leak off connection in automatic fuel injector of diesel engine?

A It supplies fuel back to the tank leaked from spill port of fuel pump

B It supplies fuel back to the tank which is leaked through clearance between needle and
injector body

C Both A and B

D It is required for cleaning of fuel injector

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 163
Question The main function of helical groove on plunger of jerk pump (Bosch pump) is

A Controlling timing of fuel injection

B Metering the quantity of fuel

C It is providing leakage path for fuel after injection overs

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 164
Question In the working of helical pump, the actual travel of the plunger in barrel

A Increases with load

B Remains same

C Decreases with load

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 165
Question In what position, the helical pump is not supplying any fuel to injector?

A The vertical groove on helical plunger is away from spill port

B The vertical groove on helical plunger is nearer to spill port

C The vertical groove on helical plunger is in alignment with spill port

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 166
Question In automobile diesel engine, the rack of the helical jerk pump is actuated by

A Governor

B Accelerator throttle

C Choke

D De-compression lever

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 167
Question Out of the following which is requirement of fuel injection system in diesel engine?

A Accurate metering of fuel

B Precise timing of injection

C No dribbling

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 168
Question Out of the following which is not requirement of fuel injection system in diesel engine?

A Accurate metering of fuel

B Precise timing of injection

C Producing high injection pressure

D None of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 169
Question Out of the following which is not requirement of fuel injection system in diesel engine?

A Vaporization of fuel

B Precise timing of injection

C Producing high injection pressure

D No dribbling

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 170
Question In automatic fuel injector, the needle valve is lifted from its seat because of

A Rocker arm and push rod mechanism

B With the help of magnetic action

C With the help of fuel pressure

D With the help of spring force

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 171
Question Out of the following what is the function of fuel pump in CI engine?

A Pressurizing the fuel

B Metering the accurate quantity of fuel

C Adjusting timing of fuel injection

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 172
Question Out of the following what is not the function of fuel pump in CI engine?

A Pressurizing the fuel

B Atomization of fuel

C Adjusting timing of fuel injection

D Metering the accurate quantity of fuel

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 173
Question What is the function of nozzle in fuel injector?

A Proper atomization

B Proper distribution

C Increasing the pressure of fuel

D Both A and B

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 174
Question Out of the following, which is not the function of nozzle?

A Proper atomization

B Proper distribution

C Increasing the pressure of fuel

D Increasing the kinetic energy of fuel

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 175
Question The radially inward movement of air during compression between clearance between
cylinder head and top of piston is called as

A Turbulence

B Swirl

C Squish

D All of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 176
Question With the shrouding and masking of the valve, what disadvantage occurs?

A Reduces mechanical efficiency

B Reduces brake thermal efficiency

C Reduces volumetric efficiency

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 177
Question Shrouding of the valve means

A Providing projection on valves

B Providing projection on cylinder head

C Providing projection on both valve and cylinder head

D All of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 178
Question Masking of the valve means

A Providing projection on valves

B Providing projection on cylinder head

C Providing projection on both valve and cylinder head

D All of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 179
Question Out of the following which is not generating induction swirl?

A Deflected port

B Helical sport

C Shrouding and masking of the valves

D None of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 180
Question Out of the following which is the disadvantage of DI combustion chamber?

A High injection pressure is required

B Weak swirl utilizes excess air therefore low mep

C Swirl is independent on speed

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 181
Question Out of the following which is the disadvantage of IDI combustion chamber?

A Low injection pressure

B Strong swirl utilizes less excess air therefore high mep

C Major shock is absorbed by this combustion chamber during combustion

D High thermal efficiency because of less heat losses

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 182
Question What is the cetane number of petrol?

A 40 to 60

B 80 to 90

C 18

D 30

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 183
Question For CI engine fuels most preferred are

A Napthenes

B Paraffines

C Olefins

D Aromatics

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 184
Question Fuels are rated for their

A Combustion qualities

B Antiknock qualities

C Performance qualities

D Ignition qualities

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 185
Question Solid injection in CI engine means injection of

A Solid fuel only

B Liquid fuel only

C Liquid fuel and air

D Solid fuel and air

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 3
Id 186
Question A pintaux nozzle is

A Simple hole nozzle

B Multihole nozzle

C Pintle nozzle with auxiliary hole

D Same as pintle nozzle

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 3
Id 187
Question In a CI engine, the fuel-air mixture before combustion is

A Homogenous

B Heterogeneous

C Both A and B

D Neither A nor B

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 3
Id 188
Question In a diesel engine the duration between the start of injection and ignition is known as

A Physical delay

B Chemical delay

C Ignition delay

D Period of ignition

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit 3
Id 189
Question In a CI engine, squish is created

A At the start of compression process

B Towards the end of compression process

C At the beginning of expansion process

D Near the end of the expansion process

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit 3
Id 190
Question Fuel injector is used for

A Gas engines

B CI engines

C SI engines

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 191
Question Advantages of an air injection system is

A Cheaper fuels can be used

B Mean effective pressure is high

C Fine atomization and distribution of the fuel

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 192
Question Commonly used injection system in automobiles is

A Air injection

B Solid injection

C Combination of A and B

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 193
Question Fuel injection pressure in solid injection system is around

A Less than 10 bar

B 10-20 bar

C 30-50 bar

D 200-250 bar

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 194
Question Fuel filters do not use generally

A Oil

B Paper

C Cloth

D Felt

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 195
Question Fuel is injected in a four-stroke CI engine

A At the end of suction stroke

B At the end of expansion stroke

C At the end of compression stroke

D At the end of exhaust stroke

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 196
Question Injection system in which the pump and the injector nozzle is combined in one housing is
known as

A Common rail injection system

B Distributor system

C Unit injection system

D Individual pump and nozzle system

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 197
Question Main advantage of pintaux nozzle is

A Better cold starting performance

B Ability to distribute the fuel

C Good penetration

D Good atomization

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 198
Question The most accurate gasoline injection system is

A Direct injection

B Port injection

C Throttle body injection

D Manifold injection

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 199
Question Advantage of fuel injection in SI engine is

A Low initial cost

B Low maintenance requirements

C Increased volumetric efficiency

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 200
Question In diesel engines, the fuel is injected in the form of very fine spray, into the engine
cylinder, which gets ignited due to high temperature of the compressed air.





Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 201
Question In open combustion chamber in diesel engines, the shape and layout of the piston crown,
the inlet port and the valve produce the turbulent effect of fuel mixture.





Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 202
Question In a diesel engine, the duration between the time of injection and ignition, is known as

A Pre-ignition period

B Delay period

C Period of ignition

D Burning period

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 203
Question Glow plug is required in which type of combustion chamber?

A Open



D Non turbulent

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 204
Question Energy cell chamber is the another name of which combustion chamber?

A Swirl chamber

B Pre-combustion chamber

C Air cell chamber

D Torroidal chamber

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 205
Question The thermal efficiency of diesel engines on weak mixtures is

A Unaffected

B Lower

C Higher

D Dependent on other

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 206
Question Compression ignition engines operate on

A Otto cycle

B Diesel cycle

C Dual-combustion cycle

D All of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 207
Question The higher combustion chamber wall temperature in compression ignition engines will
__________ knocking tendency.

A Increases

B Reduces

C Not affected

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 208
Question The delay period in compression ignition engines depends upon

A Temperature and pressure in the cylinder at the time of injection

B Nature of the fuel mixture strength

C Relative velocity between the fuel injection and air turbulence pressure of residual gases

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 209
Question A diesel engine has compression ratio from

A 6 to 10

B 10 to 15

C 14 to 22

D 22 to 40

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 210
Question Which of the following does not relate to a compression ignition engine?

A Fuel pump

B Fuel injector

C Governor

D Carburetor

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 211
Question In order to eliminate knocking in compression ignition engines, there should be

A Short delay period

B Late auto-ignition

C Low compression ratio

D High self ignition temperature of fuel

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 212
Question In compression ignition engines, swirl denotes a

A Haphazard motion of the gases in the chamber

B Rotary motion of the gases in the chamber

C Radial motion of the gases in the chamber

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 213
Question The injector nozzle of a compression ignition engine is required to inject fuel at a
sufficiently high pressure in order to

A Inject fuel in a chamber of high pressure at the end of compression stroke

B Inject fuel at a high velocity to facilitate atomization

C Ensure that penetration is high

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 214
Question The two reference fuels used for cetane rating are

A Cetane and iso-octane

B Cetane and alpha-methyl-naphthalene

C Cetane and normal heptanes

D Cetane and tetra-ethyl lead

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 215
Question Which one of the following event would reduce volumetric efficiency of a vertical
compression ignition engine?

A Inlet valve closing after bottom dead centre

B Inlet valve closing before bottom dead centre

C Inlet valve opening before top dead centre

D Exhaust valve closing after top dead centre

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 216
Question Alpha-methyl-naphthalene has a cetane number of

A 0

B 50

C 100

D 120

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 217
Question The ignition quality of diesel oil is expressed by

A Cetane number

B Octane number

C Calorific value

D None of these

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 218
Question Which of the following statement is correct regarding normal cetane?

A It is a standard fuel used for knock rating of diesel engines.

B Its chemical name is normal-hexadecane.

C It has long carbon chain structure.

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 219
Question The knocking tendency in compression ignition engines for a given fuel will be

A Enhanced by decreasing compression ratio

B Enhanced by increasing compression ratio

C Dependent on other factors

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 220
Question Diesel as compared to petrol is

A Highly ignitable

B More difficult to ignite

C Less difficult to ignite

D None of these

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 221
Question The probability of knocking in diesel engines is increased by

A High self ignition temperature

B Low volatility

C Higher viscosity

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 222
Question A diesel engine, during suction stroke, draws

A Air only

B Diesel only

C A mixture of diesel and air

D None of these

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 223
Question Anti-knock for compression ignition engines is

A Napthene

B Tetra ethyl lead

C Amyl nitrate

D Hexadecane

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 224
Question In diesel engines, the ignition takes place due to the heat produced in the engine cylinder
at the end of compression.





Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 225
Question A diesel engine has inlet valve, fuel injection valve and exhaust valve





Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 226
Question The knocking in diesel engines may be prevented by

A Reducing the delay period

B Raising the compression ratio

C Increasing the inlet pressure of air

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 227
Question A long delay period in compression ignition engines gives a more rapid rise in pressure
which causes knocking.





Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 228
Question In CI engines with increase in compression ratio the delay period

A Increases

B Decreases

C First increases and then decreases

D Not affected

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 229
Question Knocking takes place in CI engines

A At the start of combustion

B At the end of combustion

C During combustion

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 230
Question In CI engines knocking tendency increases with

A Increase in compression ratio

B Increasing inlet temperature of air

C Decrease in compression ratio

D Increasing coolant water temperature

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 231
Question In CI engines by increasing inlet air pressure the knocking tendency

A Increases

B Decreases

C Not affected

D First decreases and then increases

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 232
Question Open combustion chambers in CI engines require

A High injection pressures

B Accurate metering of fuel by the injection system

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 233
Question The advantages of the indirect injection combustion chambers are

A Low injection pressure

B Direction of spray is not critical

C Both A and B

D Good cold starting performance

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 234
Question In CI engines the delay period is affected by

A Compression ratio

B Engine speed

C Supercharging

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 235
Question The purpose of fuel-injection system is

A Preparation of combustible charge

B Initiation of combustion process

C Both of the above

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 236
Question In the fuel injection system, fuel speed at the point of injection is

A Greater than air speed to atomize the fuel

B Less than air speed to atomize the fuel

C Equal to air speed to atomize the fuel

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 237
Question The pressure at the end of compression stroke in CI engine is

A 30-70bar

B 70-100 bar

C 100-150 bar

D 10-20 bar

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 238
Question The temperature of the compressed air at the end of compression stroke in CI engine is

A 100-200 deg. celcius

B 200-300 deg. celcius

C 450-550 deg. celcius

D 550-750 deg. celcius

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 239
Question In CI engines the fuel is injected at

A The beginning of compression process

B The end of compression process

C The beginning of suction

D The end of suction

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 240
Question In CI engines fuel is injected at very high pressure because

A Diesel is highly volatile

B Diesel is low volatile

C Diesel is less viscous

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 241
Question In CI engine the period between the start of the injection and start of ignition is called as

A Ignition delay

B Delay period

C Both of the above

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 242
Question For high speed CI engines have ____ ignition delay

A 1 mili-second

B 1 second

C 0.1 mili-second

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 243
Question For low speed CI engines have ____ ignition delay

A 2 mili-second

B 2 second

C 0.2 mili-second

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 244
Question Delay period in CI engines increases with

A Increase in speed of engine

B Decrease in speed of engine

C Independent on speed of the engine

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 245
Question The injection period covers about ____ degrees of crank rotation

A 10

B 25

C 15

D 35

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 246
Question To avoid the dribbling or after-injection problems in fuel-injection system

A Quantity of fuel-injection should be metered accurately

B Beginning and cut-off points should be sharp

C Both of the above

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 247
Question In CI engine fuel-injection system the pumping element is used to

A Supply fuel from fuel tank to cylinder through injector

B Measure and supply fuel to cylinder according to load condition

C Adjust the start and stop of injection of fuel

D All of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 248
Question In CI engine fuel-injection system the metering element is used to

A Supply fuel from fuel tank to cylinder

B Measure and supply fuel to cylinder according to load condition

C Adjust the start and stop of injection of fuel

D All of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 249
Question In CI engine fuel-injection system the timing control is used to

A Supply fuel from fuel tank to cylinder

B Measure and supply fuel to cylinder according to load condition

C Adjust the start and stop of injection of fuel

D All of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 250
Question Requirements of CI engine fuel-injection system is to

A Supply fuel from fuel tank to cylinder

B Measure and supply fuel to cylinder according to load condition

C Adjust the start and stop of injection of fuel

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 251
Question Requirements of CI engine fuel-injection system is to

A Fuel should be injected in very fine droplets

B Amount of fuel injected should metered accurately

C Beginning and end of fuel injection should be sharp

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 252
Question Advantage of air injection system over solid injection system is

A Good atomization of fuel is obtained

B Heavy and viscous fuels which are cheaper can also be injected

C Fuel pump is required to develop only a small pressure

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 253
Question Advantage of air injection system over solid injection system is

A Good atomization of fuel is obtained

B It requires a high pressure multi-stage air compressor

C Fuel pump is required to develop very high pressure

D All of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 254
Question Disadvantage of air injection system over solid injection system is

A Good atomization of fuel is obtained

B Heavy and viscous fuels which are cheaper can also be injected

C Fuel pump is required to develop only a small pressure

D It requires a high pressure multi-stage air compressor

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 255
Question Disadvantage of air injection system over solid injection system is

A It requires a high pressure multistage air compressor

B Bulk of engine increases

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 256
Question Injection of fuel directly into the combustion chamber without primary atomization is
termed as

A Solid injection system

B Airless injection system

C Air injection system

D Both A and B

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 257
Question Blast injectors are used in

A Air injection system

B Solid injection system

C Common rail injection system

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 258
Question Pressurising unit of fuel injection system is

A Fuel pump

B Injector

C Nozzle

D Distributor

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 259
Question Atomising unit of fuel injection system is

A Fuel pump

B Injector

C Fuel filter

D Distributor

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 260
Question Separate metering and compression pump is used for each cylinder in

A Individual pump and injector system

B Jerk pump system

C Both of these

D None of these

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 261
Question In the individual pump and injector system which of the following component which can
meters the fuel also times the injection

A Fuel pump

B Fuel injectors

C Nozzles

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 262
Question In individual pump and injector system, the quantity and time of injection is controlled
by the

A Fuel pump

B Fuel injectors

C Nozzles

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 263
Question Problem in jerk pump system is

A Jerking noise

B Requires robust and heavy valve gears

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 264
Question Jerk pump or individual pump and injector system is universally used for

A Medium speed diesel engines

B High speed diesel engines

C Medium and high speed diesel engines

D Medium and high speed petrol engines

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 265
Question The main disadvantage of common rail fuel injection system is

A Excess amount of fuel may be injected

B Jerking noise

C Requires robust and heavy valve gears

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 266
Question In which of the following system there is a separate metering and timing element for each

A Common rail fuel injection system

B Jerk pump fuel injection system

C Distributor system

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 267
Question Which are the components of fuel injection system?

A Fuel injectors

B Fuel feed pump

C Injection pump

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 268
Question Which is not a component of fuel injection system?

A Fuel injectors

B Fuel feed pump

C Float chamber

D Injection pump

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 269
Question The injector assembly consists of

A A needle valve

B A nozzle

C An injector

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 270
Question Nozzle is part of an injector through which the ____ fuel is sprayed into the combustion

A Liquid

B Solid

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 271
Question Nozzle should fulfil

A Atomization

B Distribution of fuel

C Prevention of impingement on walls

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 272
Question Factors affecting on distribution of fuel are

A Injection pressure

B Density of air in the cylinder

C Physical properties of fuel

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 273
Question Impingement of fuel on cylinder walls or piston results in

A Decompose and produces carbon deposits

B Increase in fuel consumption

C Causes smoky exhaust

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 274
Question Mixing the fuel and air in case of non-turbulent type of combustion chamber should be
taken care of by

A Carburetor

B Nozzle

C Fuel pump

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 275
Question Greater the density of the compressed air in the combustion chamber

A Greater the resistance offered to travel of the fuel droplets across the chamber

B Results in poor dispersion of the fuel

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 276
Question In which type of nozzle the stem of the nozzle valve is extended to form a pin which
protrudes through the mouth of the nozzle?

A Pintle nozzle

B Single hole nozzle

C Multi-hole nozzle

D Pintaux nozzle

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 277
Question Advantage of pintle nozzle is

A It avoids weak injection and dribbling

B Spray cone angle is larger

C Injection takes at low pressure

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 278
Question Major disadvantage of single hole nozzle is

A It tends to dribble

B Spray angle is too narrow

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 279
Question Auxiliary hole is provided in

A Single hole nozzle

B Pintle nozzle

C Pintaux nozzle

D Multi-hole nozzle

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 280
Question Main advantage of Pintaux nozzle is

A Better cold starting

B It avoids dribbling

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 281
Question Compression ratio of CI engine varies from

A 2 to 8

B 6 to 12

C 14 to 22

D 18 to 28

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 282
Question Lower limit of compression ratio in CI engine is limited by

A Size of engine

B Power output of engine

C Abnormal combustion tendency

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 283
Question Higher limit of compression ratio in CI engine is limited by

A Size of engine

B Power output of engine

C Abnormal combustion tendency

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 284
Question Air-fuel mixture in CI engine combustion is

A Homogenous

B Heterogeneous

C May be Homogenous or heterogeneous

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 285
Question Stages of combustion in CI engines according to Ricardo are

A One

B Two

C Three

D Four

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 286
Question Stages of combustion in CI engines are

A Ignition delay period

B Period of rapid combustion

C Period of controlled combustion

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 287
Question The time period from the start of injection to the point where the pressure -time curve
separates from the motoring curve is known as

A Ignition delay period

B Period of rapid combustion

C Period of controlled combustion

D After burning

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 288
Question The time duration between the beginning of injection and the attainment of chemical
reaction condition conditions is known as

A Physical delay period

B Chemical delay period

C Rapid combustion

D Controlled combustion

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 289
Question During physical delay period

A The fuel is atomized

B Fuel is vaporized

C Fuel is mixed with air

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 290
Question For light fuel the physical delay is

A Small

B Longer

C Does not depends on fuel

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 291
Question For heavy viscous fuel the physical delay is

A Small

B Longer

C Does not depends on fuel

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 292
Question The physical delay period is greatly reduced by using

A High injection pressures

B Higher combustion chamber temperature

C High turbulence

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 293
Question The time duration between the attainment of chemical reaction and start of actual self-
ignition is known as

A Physical delay period

B Chemical delay period

C Rapid combustion

D Controlled combustion

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 294
Question Generally chemical delay period is ____ than the physical delay period

A Longer

B Shorter

C Equal

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 295
Question The ignition lag in the SI engine is essentially equivalent to ____

A Physical delay period in CI engine

B Chemical delay period in CI engine

C Rapid combustion in CI engine

D Controlled combustion in CI engine

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 296
Question In most CI engines the ignition lag is ____ the duration of injection

A Longer than

B Shorter than

C Equal to

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 297
Question The stage of combustion in which pressure rise is rapid

A Uncontrolled combustion

B Controlled combustion

C Physical delay period

D Chemical delay period

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 298
Question The time period from end of delay period or the beginning of the combustion to the point
of maximum pressure on the indicator diagram is known as

A Rapid combustion

B Uncontrolled combination

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 299
Question The rate of heat release is maximum during

A Delay period

B Rapid combustion

C Controlled combustion

D After burning

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 300
Question Longer the delay period

A More rapid and Higher pressure rise

B Less rapid and Higher pressure rise

C More rapid and Lower pressure rise

D Less rapid and Lower pressure rise

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 301
Question The rapid combustion period is followed by the third stage known as

A Uncontrolled combustion

B Controlled combustion

C After burning

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 302
Question The period of controlled combustion is assumed to end at

A Maximum cycle temperature

B Maximum cycle pressure

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 303
Question The duration of after burning phase may corresponds to

A 20-30 degrees of crank travel after TDC

B 10-20 degrees of crank travel after TDC

C 70-80 degrees of crank travel after TDC

D 90-100 degrees of crank travel after TDC

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 304
Question Factors affecting on delay period

A Compression Ratio

B Injection timing

C Quality of fuel

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 305
Question Factors affecting on delay period

A Engine speed

B Intake pressure

C Intake temperature

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 306
Question Increase in compression ratio results in

A Decrease in delay period

B Decreases the tendency of abnormal combustion

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 307
Question Decrease in auto-ignition temperature results in

A Decrease in delay period

B Decreases the tendency of abnormal combustion

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 308
Question Increase in engine output by supercharging results in

A Decrease in Air-Fuel ratio

B Operating temperatures increase

C Delay period decreases

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 309
Question With increase in injection advance

A Delay period increases

B Delay period decreases

C Delay period remains constant

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 310
Question With increase in injection advance

A Knocking tendency decreases

B Knocking tendency increases

C Not affect on Knocking tendency

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 311
Question With increase in intake temperature

A Delay period increases

B Delay period decreases

C Delay period remains constant

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 312
Question Fuels with higher cetane number gives

A Same delay period

B Higher delay period

C Lower delay period

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 313
Question In CI engine , knocking occurs near the

A Beginning of combustion

B End of combustion

C Beginning of expansion

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 314
Question In SI engines, knocking occurs near the

A Beginning of combustion

B End of combustion

C Beginning of expansion

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 315
Question Ignition temperature of fuel should be ___ in SI engine and ___in CI engine in order to
reduce the knocking tendency

A Low, Low

B Low, High

C High, Low

D High, High

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 316
Question Compression ratio should be ___ in SI engine and ___ in CI engine in order to reduce the
knocking tendency

A High, High

B Low, Low

C High, Low

D Low, High

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 317
Question Inlet temperature should be ___ in SI engine and ___ in CI engine in order to reduce the
knocking tendency

A Low, High

B Low, Low

C High, Low

D High, High

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 318
Question Cylinder size should be ___ in SI engine and ___ in CI engine in order to reduce the
knocking tendency

A Large, Small

B Large, Large

C Small, Large

D Small, Small

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 319
Question Rate of pressure rise during second stage of combustion is higher in

A SI engine

B CI engine

C All of the above

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 320
Question The factors that tend to reduce knocking tendency in SI engines

A Reduces knocking tendency in CI engines

B Increases knocking tendency in CI engines

C Same knocking tendency in CI engines

D All of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 321
Question Advantage of direct-injection type combustion chamber is

A Lower surface area to volume ratio

B No cold starting problem

C Fine atomization of fuel

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 322
Question Disadvantage of direct-injection type combustion chamber is

A Require high fuel-injection pressure

B Cold starting problem

C More heat loss

D All of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 323
Question Divided combustion chamber are the form of

A Open combustion chamber

B Direct-injection chamber

C Indirect- injection chamber

D All of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 324
Question The percentage of cetane in the mixture of cetane and alpha-methyl-naphthalene by
volume indicates

A Octane number

B Cetane number

C Performance number

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 325
Question With increasing fuel injection pressure, delay period

A Increases

B Decreases

C Remains constant

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 326
Question The knocking in CI engine ____ with increasing compression ratio

A Increases

B Remains same

C Decreases

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 327
Question The delay period is reduced with

A Increasing temperature

B Increasing pressure

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 328
Question The fuel of higher Cetane number gives ___ delay period

A Lower

B Higher

C Same

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 329
Question The delay period ___ with increasing load on engine

A Increases

B Decreases

C May increases or decreases

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 330
Question Increase in Cetane number _____ self-ignition temperature

A Increases

B Decreases

C May be increases or decreases

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 331
Question Increase in injection advance angle, knocking tendency ____

A Decreases

B Unaltered

C Increases

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 332
Question Delay period is lower for

A Pre-combustion chamber

B Direct-injection chambers

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 333
Question Delay period of supercharged CI engine is

A Longer

B Shorter

C Unaltered

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 334
Question Factors which reduces delay period, the knocking tendency in CI engine _____.

A Reduces

B Increases

C Unaltered

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 335
Question If the injection of fuel is too far advanced, the rate of pressure rise during auto-ignition is

A Low,

B Moderate

C Very high

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 336
Question The fuel having ____ delay period and ____ self-ignition temperature lead to knocking.

A Shorter, Higher

B Shorter, Lower

C Longer, Higher

D Longer, Lower

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 337
Question The preignition does not arise in

A SI engine

B CI engine

C Both CI and SI engine

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 338
Question The fuels having high Cetane number will have ____ Octane number

A Low

B High

C Same

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 339
Question The fuels having high Octane number will have ____ Cetane number

A Same

B High

C Low

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 340
Question Good S.I engine fuels are _____ C.I. engine fuels

A Good

B Poor

C Moderate

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 341
Question Hepta methyl nonane is having Cetane number of

A 15

B 100

C 50

D 70

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 342
Question Fuel is having mixture of 70% Cetane and 30% alpha-methyl-naphthalene by volume,
Cetane number of fuel is

A 0

B 30

C 70

D 100

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 343
Question Cetane number of 40 means mixture containing

A 40% Cetane and 60% alpha-methyl-naphthalene

B 60% Cetane and 40% alpha-methyl-naphthalene

C 50% Cetane and 50% alpha-methyl-naphthalene

D 30% Cetane and 70% alpha-methyl-naphthalene

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 344
Question The effect of air swirl is to reduce

A Physical delay period

B Chemical delay period

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 345
Question Open combustion chamber is also called as

A Pre-combustion chambers

B Turbulent combustion chambers

C Direct-injection chambers

D Indirect-injection chambers

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 346
Question Advantage of precombustion chamber is

A Require low injection pressure

B Knocking tendency is reduced

C Engine can operate at high speed

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 347
Question Disadvantage of precombustion chamber is

A High fuel consumption

B Higher heat losses

C Starting is difficult

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 348
Question In C.I engines with increase in compression ratio the delay period

A Decreases

B Increases

C First increase and then decreases

D Can't discuss

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 349
Question Knocking in C.I engine takes place

A During the combustion process-specifically

B At the start of combustion

C At the end of combustion

D All of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 350
Question Knocking tendency in C.I engines increases with

A Increase in compression

B Increasing coolant water temperature

C Decrease in compression ratio

D Increase in inlet temperature of air

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 351
Question In C.I. Engines by increasing inlet air pressure the knocking tendency

A Decreases

B Increases

C Not affected

D First increase and then decreases

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 352
Question Open combustion chambers in C.I engines require

A Accurate metering of fuel

B High injection pressure

C Both (a) and (b)

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 353
Question Advantages of indirect injection combustion chambers are

A Low injection pressure

B Direction of spray is not critical

C Good cold starting performance

D Both A and B

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 354
Question In C.I. Engines the delay period is affected by

A Engine speed

B Compression ratio

C Supercharging

D All of above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 355
Question In C.I. Engines in the combustion chamber

A Homogenous mixture is supplied

B Heterogeneous mixture is supplied

C Both homogenous and heterogeneous mixture is supplied

D None of above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 356
Question In C.I engines combustion is initiated by

A Spark plug

B Auto ignition

C External combustion

D All of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 357
Question In C.I engine combustion takes place at

A Constant pressure

B Constant volume

C At constant pressure and constant volume

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 358
Question The turbulence in combustion chamber

A Reduces combustion duration

B Minimizes tendency of abnormal combustion

C Accelerates the mixing of fuel and oxygen

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 359
Question Flame speed in C.I. engine combustion chamber

A Increases with increase in intake temperature

B Increase with increase in pressure

C Decreases with increase in pressure

D Both (A) and (B)

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 360
Question High compression ratio in C.I. Engine combustion chamber

A Increase pressure in the combustion chamber

B Increases temperature in the combustion chamber

C Reduces ignition delay

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 361
Question When cycle pressure increases the output of the engine

A Increases

B decreases

C Remains same

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 362
Question If C.I. Engine speed increases

A Turbulence inside the combustion chamber increases

B The time required for flame travel decreases

C Flame speed increases

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 363
Question The air swirl in C.I. engine combustion chamber

A Required for orderly movement of air

B Not required for movement of air

C Required for braking of fuel jet

D A and C

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 364
Question During ignition delay period

A Air is only admitted combustion chamber

B Air and fuel is already admitted but not ignited

C Air and fuel is already admitted and ignition is going on

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 365
Question Delay period in the C.I engine combustion chamber

A Affects combustion rate

B Affects knocking tendency

C Affects presence of smoke in exhaust

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 366
Question The physical delay period can be reduced by

A High injection pressure

B Low turbulence

C Low combustion

D Highly viscous fuel

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 367
Question As engine speed increases in C.I. engines

A Ignition delay decreases

B Ignition delay increases

C Ignition delay is not affected by engine speed

D Ignition delay initially increases and then decreases

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 368
Question With supercharging, in C.I engine

A Operating temperature increases and delay period decreases

B Operating temperature constant and delay period decreases

C Operating temperature decreases and delay period decreases

D Operating temperature and delay period both increases

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 369
Question Increasing the degree of atomization in C.I. engines

A Increases delay period

B Reduces delay period

C There is no effect on delay period both increases

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 370
Question In C.I. engines self ignition temperature is lower

A Delay period is higher

B Delay period is lower

C Self ignition temperature has no effect on delay period

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 371
Question Increase in intake temperature of air in C.I. engines

A Increases delay period

B Reduces delay period

C Has no effect on delay period

D Delay period remains constant

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 372
Question Increase in cetane number of fuel

A Increase delay period

B Having no effect on delay period

C Decreases delay period

D None of above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 373
Question Increase in C.I engine injection pressure

A Reduces physical delay

B Increases physical delay

C First increases then decreases

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 374
Question Increase in compression ratio of C.I engine

A Reduces air temperature and pressure and reduces auto ignition temperature

B Reduces air temperature and pressure and increases auto ignition temperature

C Increases air temperature and pressure and reduces auto ignition temperature

D Increases air temperature and pressure and increases auto ignition temperature

Answer C

Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 375
Question Increases in cooling water temperature in C.I engines

A Reduces delay period

B Increases delay period

C There is no effect on delay period

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 376
Question Supercharging in C.I. engines

A Increases density of air and increases auto ignition temperature

B decreases density of air and increases auto ignition temperature

C decreases density of air and deceases auto ignition temperature

D Increases density of air and reduces auto ignition temperature

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 377
Question Knocking in C.I. engines is due to

A Auto ignition of charge at the end of combustion

B Auto ignition of charge at the mid way of combustion chamber

C Auto ignition of charge at the start of combustion

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 378
Question In knocking or detonation

A Pressure rise at auto ignition is more in SI engine

B Pressure rise at auto ignition is less in CI engine

C Pressure rise at auto ignition is less in SI engine

D Pressure rise at auto ignition is more in CI engine

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 379
Question Which of the following statement is true?

A Fuel injector is used in SI engine

B Inlet and outlet valves are used in 2 stroke engine

C Compression ratio in diesel is higher than petrol engine

D None of above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 380
Question If diesel is used in petrol engine, it will

A Not run

B Increase knocking

C Decrease knocking

D None of above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 381
Question Compression ratio of CI engine varies from

A 6 to 10

B 10 to 15

C 15 to 20

D 20 to 40

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 382
Question Which of the following is not true for C.I engine?

A C.I engines are more bulky than for SI engines

B C.I engines are more efficient than SI engines

C Lighter flywheels are required in CI engines

D Starting of diesel engines are more difficult due to cracking efforts

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 383
Question For diesel engines, the method of governing employed is

A Quantity governing

B Quality governing

C Hit and miss governing

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 384
Question Cetane number of the fuel used commercially for diesel engines in India is in the range

A 80 to 90

B 60 to 80

C 50 to 60

D 35 to 45

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 385
Question The knocking tendency in C.I. engines increases with

A Decreases in compression ratio

B Increases in compression ratio

C Increasing the temperature of inlet air

D Increasing cooling water temperature

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 386
Question A diesel engine is generally more efficient than a petrol engine because of

A Proper air fuel mixing and combustion

B High calorific value of diesel fuel

C Knock free operation

D High compression ratio

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 387
Question To injection pressure in diesel engine is of the order of

A 20-40 bar

B 100-150 bar

C 160-220 bar

D 400-500 bar

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 388
Question The ignition temperature of diesel fuel is about

A 210 deg. celcius

B 450 deg. celcius

C 500 deg. celcius

D 750 deg. celcius

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 389
Question Which of the following fuel has a cetane number of 100?

A Normal heptane

B Cetane

C Ethyl fluid

D Alpha-Methyl napthalene

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 390
Question Due to following, diesel engines are preferred for road transport

A Complete combustion of charge

B Low operating cost

C Low specific fuel consumption at large range of load

D Easy starting

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 391
Question In a diesel engine if one of the cylinders receives more fuel than the others then which of
the following will happen for that cylinder?

A Exhaust temperature will be high

B Exhaust will be smoky

C Piston rings would stick into piston grooves

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 392
Question Compression ratio in diesel engine is in comparison to expansion ratio

A Less

B Same

C More

D Variable

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 393
Question Out of the following what increases knocking tendency in a diesel engine?

A Increase in compression ratio

B Increase in engine size

C Increase in octane value of fuel

D Increase in engine power by supercharging

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 394
Question Cetane number is the measure of....

A Calorific value of fuel

B Viscosity of fuel

C Ignition quality

D Auto ignition temperature

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 395
Question In order to obtain higher output from diesel engine, it is required to use

A High excess air

B High compression ratio

C High fuel-air ratio

D Fine atomization

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 396
Question Highest useful compression ratio is the compression ratio at which

A The engine can operate without detonation

B The engine consumes minimum fuel for a particular output

C The engine gives maximum power output

D The engine maintains operating pressures and temperatures within prescribed limits

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id... 397
Question ------------ regulates the amount of fuel injected by fuel pump of a diesel engine

A Needle valve

B Lift of plunger

C Control rack

D Pump shaft

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 398
Question Which of the following could be the probable reason of power loss in a diesel engine?

A Ineffective cooling

B Low injection pressure

C Restricted exhaust

D Clogging of air cleaner

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 399
Question Which of the following is the anti-knock quality of diesel fuel

A Octane number

B Cetane number

C Either of the above

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 400
Question In a C.I. engine high combustion chamber wall temperature will

A Reduce knocking tendency

B Reduce exhaust temperature

C Increase knocking tendency

D Have no effect

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 401
Question ........ acts as ignition accelerator for C.I. Engines fuel

A Hydrogen peroxide

B Acetone peroxide

C n-heptane

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 402
Question In CI engine, the fuel injection accelerators are added to____

A Increase delay period

B Reduce combustion knock

C Accelerates combustion knock

D Reduce combustion chamber temperature

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 403
Question Highest useful compression ratio is the compression ratio at which ____

A An engine can be safety operated

B An engine operates smoothly

C Detonation first becomes audible

D An engine gives maximum thermal efficiency

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 404
Question A diesel engine as compared to petrol engine is..

A Less efficient

B More efficient

C Equally efficient

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 405
Question What is swirl in C.I engines?

A Directional movement of fuel spray

B Circular motion imparted to suction air

C Radial motion imparted to fuel -air mixture

D Circular motion imparted to gases after combustion

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 406
Question In a C.I. engine squish is created

A At the end of suction stroke

B At the beginning of suction stroke

C During combustion

D Towards the end of compression stroke

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 407
Question An increase in the mean effective pressure of a diesel engine with fixed compression ratio
can be obtained with increase in

A Engine speed

B Charge density

C Cut off ratio

D Both B and C

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 408
Question Due to which of the following injection lag in diesel engine is caused?

A Leakage past the fuel-oil plunger

B Compressibility of fuel

C Expansion of fuel -oil discharge lines under high pressure

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 409
Question Due to which of the following reasons a diesel engine gives a smoky exhaust

A Fuel injection is late

B Water in the fuel

C Exhaust valve receives too much lubricating oil

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 410
Question Free acids in diesel oil for diesel engine lead to which of the following?

A Deposition of engine parts

B Excessive fuel consumption

C Damaging of both the storage tank and the engine

D Excessive engine wear

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 411
Question By which of the following methods diesel smoke can be reduced?

A An adherence to proper fuel specification

B Using additives in the fuel

C Avoidance of overloading

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 412
Question The knocking of a diesel engine will_____________with increase in air inlet temperature

A Not affected

B Increase

C Decrease

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 413
Question Which of the following statement is correct for the same compression ratio

A Otto cycle is more efficient than diesel cycle

B Diesel cycle is more efficient than otto cycle

C Both diesel and Otto cycles are equally efficient

D Compression ratio has no relation with efficiency

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 414
Question The pressure at the end of compression in the case of diesel engine is of the order of...

A 6 bar

B 12 bar

C 40 bar

D 100 bar

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 415
Question The thermal efficiency of a diesel cycle having fixed compression ratio,with increase in
cut-off ratio will...

A Increase

B Decrease

C Be independent

D May increase or decrease on the other factors

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 416
Question The output of a diesel engine can be increased without increasing the engine revolution or
size by

A Scavenging

B Increasing flywheel size

C Supercharging

D Feeding more fuel

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 417
Question Which of the following medium is compressed in a diesel engine cylinder?

A Air alone

B Air and tube oil

C Fuel alone

D Air and fuel

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 418
Question Lanova type chamber is the another name of which combustion chamber?

A Air cell type

B Recardo's swirl chamber

C Pre-combustion chamber

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 419
Question In which IDI combustion chamber, the fuel injector is located in main combustion

A Recardo's swirl chamber

B Pre-combustion chamber

C Air cell type chamber

D All of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 420
Question Scavenging process happens

A At the end of exhaust stroke

B At start of suction stroke

C At the end of power stroke

D Both A and B

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 421
Question The practical maximum limit on compression ratio of diesel engine is due to

A Increasing knock

B Decreasing efficiency

C Increasing weight and size

D Increasing fuel consumption

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 422
Question Thermal efficiency of a diesel cycle as compared to Otto cycle is having same
compression ratio is...

A More

B Less

C Same

D Double

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 423
Question The delay period in CI engines is reduced by the

A High charge temperature

B High fuel temperature

C A fuel with short induction period

D All above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 424
Question The diesel knock can be reduced by

A Reducing delay period

B Increasing delay period

C Reducing compression ratio

D Reducing inlet temperature

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 425
Question In a four stroke cycle, the minimum temperature inside the engine cylinder occurs at the

A Beginning of suction stroke

B End of suction stroke

C Beginning of exhaust stroke

D End of exhaust stroke

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 426
Question The brake power of a diesel engine, keeping other parameters constant can be increased
by ____

A Decreasing delay density of intake air

B Increasing the temperature of intake air

C Increasing the pressure of intake air

D Decreasing the pressure of intake air

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 427
Question Pre-ignition is caused by the spontantaneous combustion of the mixture before the end of
the compression stroke and is due to ____

A Cylinder walls being too hot

B Overheated spark plug points

C Red hot carbon deposits on cylinder walls

D Any one of these

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 428
Question Advantage of pintle nozzle is

A Better cold starting performance

B Ability to distribute the fuel more uniformly

C Avoids clogging of nozzle

D Good atomization

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 429
Question Ignition quality of diesel fuel is indicated by its ____

A Octane number

B Cetane number

C Flash point

D Fire point

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 430
Question A good fuel for diesel engine should have _____

A High SIT


C High delay period

D High latent heat

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 431
Question Which is not the requirement of fuel injection system for a CI engine

A Injection correct quantity of fuel per cycle as per load and speed
B Inject fuel at correct timing for maximum power
C Rate of injection is such that it results into desired heat release
D Provide mixture of fuel with air
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 432
Question In air injection system fuel is injected at a pressure of
A 30-50 bar
B 70-80 bar
C 90-120 bar
D 120-150 bar
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 433
Question Which is not an advantage of air injection system for diesel engines?

A Good atomization of fuel

B Cannot use heavy viscous fuels

C Feed pump requires low pressure

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 434
Question An air injection system is not used in modern CI engines because

A Cannot be used in portable engine

B Need of compressor and its maintenance

C System is bulky and expensive

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 535
Question If fuel is injected directly into cylinder without the aid of compressed air it is called

A Air injection system

B Solid injection system

C Either A or B

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 436
Question A CRDi system for four cylinder CI engine needs the number of fuel pumps and injection
pressure respectively as:

A 4, (80-150) bar

B 4, (200-300) bar

C 1, (80-150) bar

D 1, (250-300) bar

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 437
Question The advantage of electronic diesel control (EDC) system are:

A Reduction in fuel consumption

B Reduced exhaust emission

C Prevents overheating of engines

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 438
Question Electronic diesel control system _______ exhaust emissions

A Increases

B Decreases

C Does not change

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 439
Question The quantity of fuel in case of Bosch fuel pump is increased or decreased as per the load
due to change in

A Injection pressures

B Velocity of flow of fuel

C Timing of start of fuel injection

D Timing of end of fuel injection

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 440
Question Requirement of a fuel injector are:
1. To atomise fuel and distribute
2. To prevent injection of fuel directly on cylinder walls
3. To control quantity of fuel as per load
4. To provide instantaneous starting and stopping of fuel

A 1,2,3

B 1,2,4

C 2,3,4

D 3,4,1

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 441
Question A fuel injector is used in

A Gas engine

B Petrol engine

C Diesel engine

D All of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 442
Question In case the nozzles supply the fuel in the combustion chamber such that it also reaches the
surrounding walls of cylinder. It produces

A Carbon deposits

B Smoky exhaust

C Both (a) and (b)

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 443
Question Smoky exhaust from diesel engine is caused by

A Late fuel injection

B Fuel spray falling on cylinder walls

C Excess of lubricating oil near exhaust valve

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 444
Question Design of nozzle of an injector be such as to provide

A Fine spray of oil

B Penetration to mix with air

C Spread of fuel spray to make homogenous mixture

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 445
Question A pintle nozzle can

A Provide fuel jet of high penetration

B Provide wide angle spray of cone angle 55-60 under low injection pressure of 80-100 bar

C Both (a) and (b)

D Only (b)

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 446
Question Single hole nozzle compared to pintle nozzle provides

A Lower spray cone angle with fuel tendency to dribble

B Lower spray cone angle without fuel tendency to dribble

C Higher spray cone angle with fuel tendency to dribble

D Higher spray cone without fuel tendency to dribbled

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 447
Question Nozzle suitable for open combustion chambers with good mixing of fuel and air are

A Pintle nozzle

B Single hole nozzle

C Multiple hole nozzles

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 448
Question Pintaux nozzles compared to pintle nozzles can provide

A Lesser delay period

B Higher delay period

C Lesser delay period and better cold starting performance

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 449
Question Out of the following which is not correct?

A Nozzle is used for proper atomization of fuel

B Fuel pressure is raised by fuel pump

C Single hole nozzle has narrow spray angle

D Pintle nozzles are very common in open combustion chambers

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 450
Question Out of the following which is not correct?

A Compression ratio of diesel engine is greater than petrol engine?

B Diesel engine offers more fuel economy as compared to petrol engines

C Diesel engines are easy to start as compared to petrol engines

D Diesel engines are large in size as compared to petrol engines for same power output

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 451
Question Out of the following which is correct?

A Open combustion chambers have higher thermal efficiency

B Open combustion chambers gives easier cold starting

C Open combustion chambers does not require any work for creating air movement

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 452
Question SIT of diesel compared to petrol is

A Higher

B Same

C Lower

D Cannot say

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 453
Question Pressure in the combustion chamber after compression in the diesel engines having C.R of
15 and suction at 1 bar is about

A 44 bar

B 3 bar

C 66 bar

D 88 bar

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 454
Question The period during which the fuel attains SIT from the time of fuel injection is called

A Ignition delay period

B Physical delay period

C Chemical delay period

D Any of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 455
Question The time period during which the fuel auto ignites after attaining the S.I.T is called

A Ignition delay period

B Physical delay period

C Chemical delay period

D Any of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 456
Question The time period during which the fuel auto ignites from the time of fuel injection is called

A Ignition delay period

B Physical delay period

C Chemical delay period

D Any of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 457
Question The period during which the rate of burning cannot be controlled is called the period of

A Delay period

B Period of rapid combustion

C Period of controlled combustion

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 458
Question The period in which fuel is burnt in CI engine as soon as it injects is called the period of

A Delay period

B Uncontrolled combustion

C Controlled combustion

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 459
Question Knock in C.I. engines occurs when

A Auto ignition of mixture at beginning of combustion when delay period is small

B Auto ignition of mixture at beginning of combustion when delay period is high

C Auto ignition of mixture at end of combustion when delay period is small

D Auto ignition of mixture at end of combustion when delay period is high

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 460
Question Knocking in C.I. Engines can be prevented by

A Increasing C.R.

B Supercharging

C Increasing load on the engines

D All (a),(b) and (c)

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 461
Question Knocking tendency in C.I. Engine increases with

A Decreases in C.R

B Increases in C.R.

C Both (a) and (b)

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 462
Question Supercharging of C.I. engines will

A Increases tendency to knock

B Decreases tendency to knock

C Have no effect on knocking

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 463
Question Which of the following reduces the tendency of C.I. Engine to knock

A Increased inlet temperature

B Increased self ignition temperature of fuel

C Increased speed

D All of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 464
Question High combustion wall temperature in C.I. Engines will cause

A Increased tendency to knock

B Reduced tendency to knock

C Have no effect on knocking

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 465
Question Knocking tendency in C.I. Engines increases with

A Increases in speed

B Decreases in speed and high C.R.

C Increases load

D High C.R.

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 466
Question Knock in C.I. Engines......with increases in injection pressures

A Increases

B Decreases

C Remains the same

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 467
Question C.I. Engines can be overloaded to avoid knock



C Cannot say

D Result is always constant

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 468
Question Factors which tends to increase delay periods will reduce tendency to knock in case of
C.I. engines



C Cannot say

D All are correct

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 469
Question Increased injection advance angle in C.I. engines

A Increases knock

B Decreases decrease

C Has no effect on knock

D Cannot predict

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 470
Question Following measures reduces knock in C.I. Engine

A Increasing C.R.

B Increased inlet pressure

C Increased load

D all of (a),(b),(c)

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 471
Question Increases in inlet temperatures and pressure and reducing in speed will cause knock in
C.I. Engine to reduce



C May or may not be

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 472
Question Large capacity generators are based on C.I. Engines and not on S.I. engines



C It could be either C.I. Or S.I.

D Wrong sentence

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 473
Question Use of n-octane fuel(petrol) compared to n-heptane fuel (diesel) in C.I. Engine will

A Increases knocking

B Decreases knocking

C Have no effect on knocking

D Cannot predict

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 474
Question Auto ignition temperature of diesel fuel is about

A 200-250 deg celcius

B 380-430 deg celcius

C 480-530 deg celcius

D 580-630 deg celcius

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 475
Question If petrol is used in diesel engine it will

A Increases power output

B Increases tendency to knock

C Not run

D All the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 476
Question If combustion wall temperature of a C.I. Engine is high then it will

A Reduces knocking tendency

B Increases knocking tendency

C Reduce air fuel ratio

D Have no effect

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 477
Question Better mixing of fuel and air, short delay period in C.I. Engines will

A Increases power output and efficiency

B Smooth running of engine

C Both (a) and (b)

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 478
Question Basic requirements of a good combustion chamber are

A High heat losses

B Less turbulence

C Low volumetric efficiency

D High power and efficiency

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 479
Question Air swirl in C.I. Engines means

A Radial motion given to fuel and air

B Circular motion given to air at suction

C Spread and penetration of fuel during combustion

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 480
Question Which does not represents the method of induced swirl

A By tangential port

B By providing separate swirl chamber

C By casting a lip on one side of inlet valve

D By provision of squish

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 481
Question Methods which are used to provide air swirl in C.I. Engines are

A Induction swirl

B Combustion swirl

C Combustion induced swirl

D All the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 482
Question Squish in C.I. Engines is created during

A Beginning of suction stroke

B End of suction stroke

C Beginning of compression stroke

D End of compression stroke

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 483
Question Method of creating swirl turbulence by combustion of fuel and air in a separate cell and
then forcing through a small hole into combustion chamber is called

A Induced air swirl

B Compression air swirl

C Combustion induced swirl

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 484
Question Which of the following combustion chamber uses induced air swirl method

A Open combustion chamber

B Pre-combustion chamber

C Air cell combustion chamber

D Both (a) and (b)

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 485
Question DI combustion chambers requires injection pressures about

A 50 bar

B 100 bar

C 200 bar

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 486
Question Which is not the form of open combustion chamber

A Hemispherical

B Air-cell

C Shallow depth

D Cylindrical

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 487
Question Divided combustion chambers are of the following form

A Open combustion chambers

B Turbulent combustion chamber

C MAN combustion chamber

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 488

Recognize the type of the injection system in the figure shown above

A Individual pump injection and nozzle

B Common rail direct injection

C Distributor type of injection system

D Multi point fuel injection

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit B3
Id 489
Question Which is not the advantage of pre-combustion chambers used in C.I. engines

A High m.e.p.

B Low injection pressures

C Low thermal efficiency

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 490
Question Which of the combustion chambers design gives better cold starting

A Swirl combustion chamber

B Pre-combustion chamber

C Air-cell combustion chamber

D None of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 491
Question Rating of fuel of a diesel engine is given by

A Cetane number

B Diesel index

C Performance number

D Both A and B

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 492
Question Rating of fuel of a diesel engine is given by

A Heptane number

B Octane number

C Diesel index

D None of the above

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 493
Question A C.I. engine fuel has cetane 60% by volume and alpha methyl naphthalene as the
remainder. The rating of fuel is

A 60

B 40

C 50

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 494
Question Diesel index is _____________ than cetane number for diesel fuel.

A Higher

B Lower

C Same

D Can be higher or lower

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 495
Question Cetane fuel in CI engine

A Promotes auto ignition

B Resists auto ignition

C Has no effect on auto ignition

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 496
Question Best fuel for C.I. Engines is

A n-heptane

B Iso-octane

C Cetane

D Alphamethyl napthalene

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 497
Question Which of the following statement is correct regarding cetane?

A It retards auto ignition

B It accelerates auto ignition

C It resists auto ignition

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 498
Question Cetane number of a fuel for CI engine indicates

A Its auto ignition temperature

B Its having good ignition quality

C Its lubrication property

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 499
Question Diesel index used when

A Cetane number is100

B Cetane number is more than 100

C Cetane number is just below 100

D Cetane number is well below 100

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 500
Question Anti knock property of C.I. Engine fuel can be improved by adding

A Amyl nitrate

B Methyl acetate

C Iso propyl nitrate

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 501
Question Out of the following which is correct for CI engine?

A Thermal efficiency is higher as compared to SI engine

B Carburetor is used for supplying the air fuel mixture

C Combustion starts with the help of spark plug

D It utilizes compression ratio of 6 to 10

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 502

Recognize the type of combustion chamber shown in the above figure

A Toroidal combustion chamber

B Air cell combustion chamber

C Hemispherical combustion chamber

D Circular combustion chamber

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 503

What is the part number ‘1’ which is shown in the figure? Discuss the function of it.

A Toroidal combustion chamber and to create a high swirl

B Hemispherical combustion chamber and to create a high swirl

C Air cell combustion chamber and to create a high swirl

D Circular combustion chamber and to create a high swirl

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 504

What is the part number ‘2’ and '4' which is shown in the figure?

A Major air-cell and main combustion chamber

B Minor air-cell and main combustion chamber

C Injection point and main combustion chamber

D Glow plug and main combustion chamber

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 505
Question Air cell combustion chamber is also called as

A Pressure cell combustion chamber

B Energy cell combustion chamber

C Turbulent combustion chamber

D Non turbulent combustion chamber

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 506
Question Air cell contains approximately about how much amount of volume of total volume of
combustion chamber

A Up to 80%

B Up to 2 %

C 10 to 15%

D 40 to 50 %

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 507

If above figure is indicating the pressure and heat release rate verses crank angle diagram
what should be phase '1' shown in the figure above

A Only physical delay

B After burning

C Controlled combustion

D Ignition delay period

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 508

If above figure is indicating the pressure and heat release rate verses crank angle diagram
what should be phase '2' shown in the figure above

A Only physical delay

B After burning

C uncontrolled combustion

D Ignition delay period

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 509

If above figure is indicating the pressure and heat release rate verses crank angle diagram
what should be phase '3' shown in the figure above

A Only physical delay

B After burning

C controlled burning period

D Ignition delay period

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 510

If above figure is indicating the pressure and heat release rate verses crank angle diagram
what should be phase '4' shown in the figure above

A Only physical delay

B Late combustion

C controlled mixing period

D Ignition delay period

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 511

What is the type of combustion chamber shown in the figure above

A Compression swirl combustion chamber

B Divided swirl combustion chamber

C Turbulent combustion chamber

D All of the above

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 512

Gap shown by letter 'A' in the combustion chamber is called as

A High swirl zone

B Squish zone

C Top dead center zone

D Piston zone

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 513
Question Gap shown by letter 'A' in the combustion chamber is called as

A High swirl zone clearance

B Squish clearance

C Top dead center zone clearance

D Piston zone clearance

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 514
Question Location 'B' shown in the figure is used in combustion chamber to

A To decrease a swirl

B To increase a combustion space

C To create a squish

D To create a turbulence

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 515

Part 'B' shown in the figure is called as

A Major cell combustion chamber

B Air cell combustion chamber

C Post combustion chamber

D Pre-combustion chamber

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 516

Part 'C' shown in the figure is called as

A Fuel injector

B Air Injector

C Spark plug

D Glow plug

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 517

Part '2' shown in the figure is called as

A Fuel injector

B Air Injector

C Spark plug

D Glow plug

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 518

Part '1' shown in the figure is called as

A Major cell combustion chamber

B Air cell combustion chamber

C Post combustion chamber

D Pre-combustion chamber

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 519

Part '3' shown in the figure is called as

A Fuel injector

B Air Injector

C Spark plug

D Glow plug

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 520
Question Part '5' shown in the figure is called as

A Fuel collector

B Air Collector

C Solenoid

D Spill port

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 521
Question Part shown in the figure is called as

A Single hole nozzle

B Multi hole nozzle

C Pintle nozzle

D Pintaux nozzle

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 522
Question What is the other name of compression curve

A Motoring curve

B Non firing curve

C Pressure curve

D Both A and B

Answer D
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 523
Question What is the other name of combustion curve

A Motoring curve

B Non firing curve

C Pressure curve

D Both A and B

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 524
Question In the second stage of combustion in CI engine gives

A Burning flame

B Probable premixed flame

C Turbulent flame

D Diffusion flame

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 525
Question In the third stage of combustion in CI engine gives

A Burning flame and Probable Diffusion flame

B Probable premixed flame

C Turbulent flame

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 526
Question Amount of excess air supplied to CI engine at rich mixture (i.e. 20 – 23 A/F ratio)

A 0 - 5%

B 5 - 10%

C 35 – 50 %

D Above 90%

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 527
Question Part shown in the figure is normally used in

A Petrol engines

B Diesel engines

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer B
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 528
Question The diesel engines are also known as __________ engines.
A Compression ignition

B Spark ignition

C Gas engine

D None of the above

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 529
Question The autoignition temperature of petrol is _____________ than diesel.
A Less

B Same

C More

D Less or more depends on composition

Answer C
Marks 1
Unit A3
Id 530
Question The autoignition temperature of petrol is _____________ .
A 246 deg celcius

B 350 deg celcius

C 450 deg celcius

D 550 deg celcius

Answer A
Marks 1
Unit A3
Total No. of Questions : 49 Test Name: ATD Test -Unit 1
to 4

Marathwada Mitra Mandal's Institute of Technology,

Lohgaon, Pune
SE Mechanical Examination , Mar 2019
Time : 30 Min Passing Marks : 21 Maximum Marks : 52

1. In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the exhaust valve (1)

A) B)
C) opens at bottom dead centre and closes D) may open and close anywhere
at top dead centre

2. The period in which fuel is burnt in CI engine as soon as it injected is called the period of (1)
A) delay period B) uncontrolled combustion
C) controlled combustion D) none of the above

3. Stoichiometric mixture is that mixture in which (1)

A) Air quantity is more than the required B) Fuel quantity is more than the required
C) Air & fuel both are present in amount D) Chemically correct amount of fuel & air is
required to burn fuel completely present
E) Both (C) & (D)

4. (1)

A) Point of spark Spark generation B) Point of exhaust valve open

C) Point of inlet valve open D) Point of inlet valve close
5. An engine having two banks of cylinder having their axis inclined to each other but (1)
connected to same crank and crankshaft is called ______
A) An engine having two banks of cylinder B) V-engine
having their axis inclined to each other
but connected to same crank and
crankshaft is called ______
In-line engine
C) radial engine D) An opposed cylinder engine

6. Which of the following statement is correct regarding auto cetane (1)

A) it retards auto ignition B) it accelerates auto ignition
C) it resists auto ignition D) none of the above

7. If clearance volume of a petrol engine is 100 cc and the stroke volume is 700 cc , then its (1)
compression ratio is_______
A) 7 B) 1/7
C) 8 D) 1/8

8. Scavenging is a process which is used in, (1)

A) four stroke gas or petrol engine, B) four stroke diesel engine,
C) two stroke petrol or diesel engine D) none of the above

9. Morse test in multi cylinder engine is used to determine (1)

A) Mechanical efficiency B) thermal efficiency
C) air standard efficiency D) relative efficiency

10. I.P. of the engine can be determined by (1)

A) B) morse test
C) motoring test D) none of the above

11. Morse test is applicable to (1)

A) single cylinder SI engine B) single cylinder CI engine
C) multicyliner SI engine D) multicyliner CI engine
E) Both( c) and (d)
12. The period during which the rate of burning cannot be controlled is called the period of (1)
A) delay period B) period of rapid combustion
C) period of controlled combustion D) none of the above

13. Valve overlap on valve timing diagram indicates period during which____ (1)
A) Exhaust valve remains open & Inlet B) Exhaust valve remains closed & inlet valve
valve remains closed remains open
C) Exhaust valve & inlet valve remain D) Exhaust valve & inlet valve remain closed at the
open at the same time same time

14. Equivalence ratio is the ratio of (1)

A) Air & fuel quantity actually used B) Theoretical F/A ratio to Actual F/A ratio
C) Actual A/F ratio to Theoretical A/F D) Actual F/A ratio to Theoretical F/A ratio

15. Increased injection advance angle in C.I. engines (1)

A) increases knock B) decreases
C) has no effect on knock D) cannot predict

16. Flame speed is highest when equivalence ratio is (1)

A) 0.9 B) 1
C) 1.1 D) 1.4

17. During idling range engine needs ___mixture & in cruising range it needs___ mixture. (1)
A) Lean, rich B) Rich, lean
C) Rich,rich D) Lean, lean

18. The pressure inside the cylinder is __________ the atmospheric pressure during the exhaust (1)
A) equal to B) below
C) above D) Sometimes higher & sometimes lower than
19. When engine is stationary, choke valve remains ____ & throttle valve remains___ (1)
A) Open, open B) Open, close
C) Close, open D) Close, close

20. Best method of measurement of B.P. is (1)

A) rope brake dynamometer B) prony breake dynamometer
C) hydraulic dynamometer D) all are equal

21. Factors which tends to increase delay periods will reduce tendency to knock in case of C.I. (1)
C) D) cannot say

22. (1)

A) Crankshaft B) Camshaft
C) Inlet valve D) Gudgeon Pin

23. (1)
A) Total VOlume B) Swept Volume
C) Clearance volume D) None of the above

24. An engine which is supplied with mixture of fuel and air during suction stroke is (1)
A) Gas engine B) Petrol engine
C) Diesel engine D) may be (a) or (b)

25. During suction stroke a diesel engine sucks________ (1)

A) Air only B) Fuel only
C) Mixture of fuel & air D) none of these

26. Which of the following statement is wrong ? (1)

A) A four stroke cycle engine develops B) For the same power developed, a four stroke
twice the power as that of a two stroke cycle engine is lighter, less bulky and occupies
cycle engine. less floor area
C) The petrol engines are costly than D) All above
diesel engines.

27. When throttle valve is opened suddenly, the carburettor supplies___ mixture to the cylinder. (1)
A) Rich B) Lean
C) Stoichiometric D) Chemically correct
28. Knock in C.I. engines ________ with increase in injection pressures. (1)
A) increases B) decreases
C) remains the same D) none of the above

29. The inlet valve of a four stroke engine remains open for about (1)
A) B)
C) D)

30. The compression ratio in petrol engines is kept low as compared to diesel engines because (1)
higher compression ratio in petrol engines would lead to pre-ignition of fuel
A) Agree B) Disagree
C) Above statement is wrong because D) None of the above
Compression Ratio in petrol engine is
higher than that in diesel engine.

31. Use of n-octane fuel (petrol) compared to n-heptane fuel (diesel) in C.I. engine will (1)
A) increase knocking B) decrease knocking
C) have no effect on knocking D) cannot predict

32. A carburettor is used to supply ___________ (1)

A) petrol, air and lubricating oil B) air and diesel
C) petrol and lubricating oil D) petrol and air

33. In simple carburettor choke valve controls___ (1)

A) Quantity of air B) Quantity of fuel
C) Quantity of air & fuel D) None of the above

34. Knock in CI engine occurs when (1)

A) auto ignition of mixture at beginning B) auto ignition of mixture at beginning
ofcombustion when delay period is ofcombustion when delay period is high
C) auto ignition of mixture at the end D) auto ignition of mixture at the end ofcombustion
ofcombustion when delay period is when delay period is high
35. In quiscent zone (1)
A) flame travels at high speed B) flame covers more distance
C) flame speed is low D) flame reaches cylinder wall

36. Under normal running condition choke valve remains___ & throttle remains___ (1)
A) Open, open B) Open, close
C) Close, open D) Close, close

37. In a four stroke engine, one cycle having suction, compression, expansion and exhaust (1)
strokes is completed in__________ revolutions of crankshaft
A) 1 B) 2
C) 3 D) 4

38. Knocking in CI engines can be prevented by (1)

A) increasing C.R. B) supercharging
C) increasing load on the engines D) All of the above

39. When equivalence ratio is 0.9, the mixture is (1)

A) Stoichiometric B) Lean
C) Rich D) Chemically correct

40. Pintaux nozzles compared to pintle nozzles can provide (1)

A) lesser delay period B) higher delay period
C) lesser delay period and better cold D) none of the above
starting performance

41. Petrol engines are ___governed engines. (1)

A) Quality B) Quantity
C) None of the above
42. Engine indicator is used to measure (1)
A) bmep B) imep
C) B.P. D) I.P.

43. The exhaust valve in a four stroke cycle petrol engine (1)
A) B) opens at bottom dead centre and closes at top
dead centre
C) D) may open and close anywhere

44. The value of optimum spark advance is (1)

A) B)

C) D)

45. Time loss can be reduced by____ (1)

A) Spark advance B) Using fuel of high quality
C) Employing highly efficient carburetor D) All of the above

46. Mechanical losses in engine equal to (1)

A) B.P/I.P. B) I.P./B.P.
C) I.P. - B.P. D) B.P. - I.P.

47. Match the materials for various components of an I.C. Engine: (2)
Components Materials
1)Cylinder Head A)Drop forged alloy steel
2)Piston & piston rings B)Cast iron or Aluminium alloy
3)Gudgeon pin C)Aluminium or Aluminium alloy
4)Connecting rod D)Hardened steel
A) 1-A,2-B,3-C,4-D B) 1-B,2-C,3-D,4-A
C) 1-C,2-A,3-B,4-D D) 1-D,2-A,3-B,4-C
48. 4 stroke , 4 cylinder petrol engine has Pim=1000 kPa, Stroke volume= 0.001 m^3, N=4200 (2)
rpm. The power developed within cylinder is
A) 35 kW B) 140 kW
C) 2100 kW D) none of the above

49. If work developed by the engine per cycle is W, then the indicated mean effective pressure (2)
equals to
A) W B) W/Stroke volume
C) W/Length of stroke D) W*Stroke volume

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