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The development of information and communication technology has an
unbelievable impact of very single aspect and field of life. This research proposal
will discuss different aspects related to the relation of information and
communication technology and libraries. The important role of ICT is the revival
of the library progress and problems that are in the way of successful
implementation of ICT in the libraries. ICT implantation is important for the
libraries for their own betterment and survival but it is not easy at all for libraries
and library and information science professionals because they have to tackle with
a lot of challenges and issues.
2--------------------------------------PROBLEM STATEMENT
3--------------------------------------LITERATURE REVIEW
6--------------------------------------RESEARCH QUESTIONS
7--------------------------------------RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
ICT is one of the most popular abbreviation which is in use now a days. ICT means
information communication technology. Use of computer type technology and
internet for doing different types of tasks all comes under the heading of ICT. With
everyday passing, All over the world, technology is developing. ICT has a huge
impact on every single field of life and knowledge. Whether you are from arts field
or science field you have to deal with ICT directly or indirectly. Now a days you
just cannot take away ICT from any field of study. Internet and computer type
technology is facilitating people in their professional, personal and social life. Like
every other field ICT is playing a major role in libraries and LIS profession. With
ICT libraries can create their own new place in the society. In developed countries
we can see library as a modern information center with all the technological
facilities are available. Few years back there is no concept of using modern
technologies in libraries. Libraries were working in old and traditional way. In past
people have a great interest in book reading and book reading and library visit were
considered to be a normal day to day activity. But as ICT developed, people started
using computers, smartphones, laptops and internet for the purpose of seeking
knowledge, entertainment and much more, the use of the library started decreasing.
Most of the people does not want to go to library and deal with huge kind of books
and other kinds of printed information resources available in the library because
with the invention of internet, computer and smartphones people have a magical
facility of have all kinds of information on the fingertips. A simple search on
google can get you to thousands of documents in few clicks. Huge amount of video
lectures are available on the internet through which you can get your required
information easily and efficiently. People are not interested in print information
resources anymore. They don’t want to visit the library because dealing with print
information resources is time consuming and in this day and age life has become so
fast paced that people want to save each and every single minute if there is an
opportunity to do so. Today libraries are fighting a battle of their survival. The use
of libraries is decreasing day by day. Old and traditional methods of working are
not helping the libraries at all. Their working is quit slow and not as accurate and
effective as it should be in this age where time management is quite important.
Moreover the general image of the library as a book store and librarian as someone
who maintains the books within the shelves are harming the libraries. If you ask a
common man about library, he or she will tell you that it is a room or building
where books are preserved in the shelves. Now, how shall we think that a book
store can attract the people in this era of modern technology? Who will go to the
library dealing with those bulky volumes of books to find their specific piece of
information when they have a number of wonderful gadgets in their hands through
which they can have their informational needs fulfilled easily without moving a
single muscle. Libraries are completely failed to attract new generation. If we
simply google, Professions in danger of going completely out of consideration. We
will find librarian in it. If libraries keep on using the old traditional working
methods, there is a strong possibility that in some years they will turn into a
museum. And the only way through which libraries can regain their lost status in
the society of being a center of knowledge is by evolving and adapting to the new
technologies. They have to implement ICT to modernize themselves and to attract
new generation. Library have to become a source for providing people with latest
technology to fulfill their different kinds of informational needs. Libraries have to
develop new ICT based services for people to keep the library and LIS profession
significant in this era of gadgets.

Information communication technology has influenced every field of life. Today
when information, knowledge and entertainment is available on the finger tips. It’s
quite challenging for libraries to attract people. Library and librarians are well
aware of the fact that tradition working methods can no longer serve the libraries.
Libraries need to modernize themselves with information communication
technology if they want to be a significant part of the society. They know that
modern services which are based on information and communication technology
are much likely to create an impact on the library users such as, students, teachers,
researcher and other type of library users. But implementing ICT in libraries are
not as simple as it looked like. It’s a complicated process to say the least.
Implementation of information communication technology (ICT) in libraries is a
long term process which can take years it is not about months or days. A lot of
hurdles and problems are there in implementing ICT in the libraries especially in
developing countries. Government and society do not focus on libraries. There are
not enough funds for libraries through which they can fully modernize themselves.
Technical resources are not available. There are a lot of internal hurdles. Library
staff and users does not know how to deal with technological tools, they don’t
possess enough skills. There is no system of staff training. The main problem is
libraries themselves are not sure that how they can move forward and tackle with
that technological revolution, because of which it is becoming quite difficult to
keep library a vital part of the society. There is a resistance to change as a whole.
Libraries must consider which type of library staff they should hire when we are
going to use ICT in the libraries. The key to successful implementation of
information and communication technology is the staff of the library because it is
the staff, LIS professionals who will use ICT based technologies to perform
different library tasks and to serve the library user in a positive manner. Libraries
and LIS Professional are not fully aware of their technological needs. In
developing countries, power supply is a major concern because without sufficient
power supply it is not possible for the libraries to implement information and
communication technology in the libraries and to use these modern tools based on
ICT for the benefits of the library users and for performing different kinds of
library functions.

In past a lot of research has been conducted on this specific topic. A lot of literature
is about importance and benefits of information and communication technology for
library and library science professionals. A lot literature also discussed the
problems related to implementation of information and communication technology.
My research will be different from the past research in that way, it will consider the
psyche and mindset of LIS professionals about information and communication
technology. Why they are hesitant in using ICT in libraries despite knowing its
importance in flourishing the library and its growth. In my research I will discuss
the role of information and communication technology in the libraries, problems in
implementing ICT in the libraries and one different thing I will do in my research
as compared to previous literature is that I will discuss is there any negative effects
of implementing information and communication technology in libraries in the
opinion of the library staff and library science professionals.
In Patricia (2000) I have studied that development of information and
communication technology in the recent years has generated many new type of
services in the libraries which are based on information and communication
Griebel (1998) said that ‘‘the old librarians and old users of the libraries which
belongs to older generation are quite confused and hesitant in using new
technology in the libraries’’.
‘‘University libraries in the developing countries face a lot of problems in regard to
funding and finance because they receive too little financial support from their
government and parent organizations (Nwalo,2000;Mutula,2004)’’
Change in working ways and environment is normal but change is not easy at all.
And it is one of the major hurdles which library and librarian or you can say LIS
professionals are facing these days when discussed about implementation of
information and communication technology in the libraries. (Maltz, M., 2008)

1. Old library tools and working methods cannot serve the library users
effectively, efficiently and in a fast manner in this era of technological
2. Without sufficient financial ads or funding in other words, successful
implementation of information communication technology is not possible in
the libraries.
3. Library staff and LIS Professionals are feeling hesitation in implementing
ICT in libraries because they feel that they didn’t possess enough skills and
training through which they can use different technological tools to perform
different library functions and to delivery different information
communication technology based services to the users.
4. LIS professionals think that if they fully implement ICT in the libraries then
libraries core function as a book reading and learning place will be
5. Technology is there to facilitate the libraries and library staff and
implementing information and communication technology in libraries
doesn’t mean that technology will replace the libraries and their role in the
society. 6. A complete successful implementation of ICT is a time taking
process. A long process which requires long term planning and consistency
in approach.
7. Old image of library as place where books are kept and used when required
can be a huge problem in implementing ICT in the library.
8. Libraries will turn into a museum if they don’t equip themselves with latest
ICT based technologies and services.
9. Lack of power supply is horrible to say the least for a library working on
information and communication technology implementation.

For research on this topic interview is used which is a quantitative research
method. I am using this method because through interview I can interact with
library science professionals, other library staff and users of the library in a more
formal and comfortable manner. LIS professionals and users of the library are at
the best position to tell us about the problems in implementing information
communication technology that are there to address. Because without knowing
about these problems we just cannot find a way of implementing ICT in libraries
successfully. Through interview we can have a chance to new about internal and
external hurdles in implementing ICT in libraries and we can also know about the
psyche of LIS professionals, library staff and library users, what they think about
ICT implementation in the libraries and role that information and communication
technology can play in making library a better place for the users where they can
get their required information efficiently, effectively and in a speedy manner.
Interview can give us an idea about the psyche of library professionals and users, is
there any negative consequences of implementing ICT in the libraries.

1. Do funding deficiencies is a major hurdle in implementing information
communication technology in the libraries?
2. Do you thing new technologies will replace the library or it will facilitate
the libraries in providing better services to the library users?
3. Libraries are conducting enough staff training programs and workshops
for skill development of the library staff so that they can use different
ICT based tools like computer, different automation software?
4. Do you think successful implementation of ICT can be done in days or
months or it will take years and years?
5. Do you think information and communication technology can play a
major role in flourishing the libraries again?
6. Do you think libraries can survive in this day and age without
modernizing themselves by implementing information and
communication technology?

The objectives of this research is to:
1. Highlight the problems and hurdles in implementing information and
communication technology in the libraries.
2. Highlight the role of information and communication technology in
helping libraries to stay vital in this age of technology where
everything is available on fingertips.
3. Highlight the threats that libraries will face if they don’t turn
themselves into modern information hubs which provides users with
high level technological access.
4. Highlight the reasons why library use is decreasing day by day.

The research was conducted in a virtual environment. Interviews of LIS
professionals and library users are conducted through zoom application and we
visited only three libraries for that particular purpose because of covid-19 situation
all over the world.


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