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My Collection


An online collection app that has combined NFT related technology and traditional
payment methods

Business idea - My Collection

● Provide a comprehensive platform for collectors to collect their unique
● Promote Blockchain technology
● Encourage user-friendly online collection related activities
● Combine Centralised and De-Centralised technology together

My Collection is a platform that allow intermediate activities (U2U) and NFTs

trading activities by traditional payment methods
Vision (2)
NFT is definitely a good idea to encourage the development of blockchain, crypto-currency and online
collection activities

Is it user-friendly? How if Children or teenagers would also like to buy NFTs without credit cards or via
online payment?
Market Growth
Market overview

(BBC News, 2019)

Market overview
How much do your kids spend each month on in-app purchase in smartphone games?
Market overview
Market Analysis
● Children and teenagers might be potential NFT buyers
● Most children and teenagers could afford cheap price NFTs
● NFT market’s growth would keep increasing in the foreseeable future
● Making NFTs more common such as making NFTs easier to buy by Children
and teenagers could allow a explosive growth of NFT market
Main competitors
1. Alpha Wallet
2. Trust Wallet
3. Math Wallet
4. Pillar They would only accept crypto-currencies to
5. Enjin trade NFTs
6. MetaMask
7. Coinbase Wallet
8. Argent
9. Guarda Wallet

Industry overview / weakness
3 main issues

- Inconvenience
- Target age groups (too narrow)
- Legal issues
- Can you buy NFTs or Crypto-currencies in Convenience store?
- Can you buy NFTs or Crypto-currencies by cash?
- How if your smart devices have out of battery?
Target age groups (too narrow)

Credit cards Crypto-currencies NFTs

Children (NO)
Who would have credit cards? Teenagers (Maybe)
Legal issues
- Some countries have banned Crypto-currencies related activities

- Hinder the development of NFTs buying

- Hinder the interest of Children/Teenagers’ collection habits

Solutions to solve relevant Issues

Issues Solutions
Inconvenience - Try to add traditional payment
methods / create unique in-app coins
to buy NFTs

Target age groups (too narrow) - Launch Physical cards that could
redeem value in the platform and
carry out purchase activities

Legal issues - Use in-app unique coins instead of

Real Crypto-currencies
Detail of issue - Inconvenience
Have you ever think about how if your smart devices are all run out of battery? Or
if your data / WiFi services are down? Or maybe you could not pay by online
payment methods due to insufficient credit in your bank account?.....etc
Detail of Issue - Target age groups (too narrow)
NFT could boost the development of collection habits. However, children and
teenagers might fail to buy NFTs due to payment methods issues. Most children
and teenagers might only can pay by cash, but most NFT platforms could only
allow users to pay by Crypto-currencies (you need to use credit card payment or
other online payment to buy crypto-currencies). Therefore, The development of
NFT might be hindered since it could not be a popular activity between different
age groups. Besides rare platforms could comprehensively boost the development
of NFT.
Detail of Solutions - Inconvenience and Target age
groups (too narrow)
First of all, The Collection could create in-app coins and allow users to purchase
them by different methods. Besides, The platform could launch physical in-app
coin cards (reusable) for users to buy in convenience stores. The design and
function of these cards would be similar to the combination of Apple’s ITunes card
and Hong Kong Tap and Go’s debit master card. Customers could add any value
in the card and redeem the same amount in the app only to purchase NFTs. In this
case, all age groups could try to buy NFTs and enhance the development of NFT
related activities.
Detail of issue - Legal issue
Some countries might ban all crypto-currencies related activities. For example,
China, Russia and Vietnam have restricted the development and activities of
crypto-currencies. Therefore, The Collection could not use crypto-currencies to
trade NFTs due to this might break some countries’ law.
Detail of solutions - Legal issues
Blockchain technology indeed is a good idea. It could enhance the safety of all
transactions. Therefore, we decided to keep the element - blockchain technology
in the app - The collection. Most countries have banned crypto-currencies, but not
the Blockchain technology. Therefore, there would be some methods to solve the
issue and keep using Blockchain technology to trade NFTs. For example, using
the traditional payment methods to carry out in-app purchase activities (in-app
coins), then use blockchain technology to carry out trading activities. This is
actually legal. However, this is not a real de-centralised action and provide
untraceable / private trade between users. Government could still trace who buy
the relevant NFT, but they can’t actually trace who did you sell it to due to the
unique nature of Blockchain technology.

The Collection is a platform that aim to encourage different age groups to enjoy fun of
collecting their favourite NFTs. NOT FOR PEOPLE TO CARRY OUT MONEY LAUNDRY
Operation plan / progress
To increase children and teenagers’ collecting habits, The Collection would allow users to
pay by traditional payment methods to buy in-app coins. After that, users could my some
seasonal NFTs directly or buy some mystery boxes that will randomly give users a NFT.
Furthermore, The Collection might allow in-app exchange activities. For example, users
could use blockchain technology to exchange their NFTs and store in the app (online
platform / wallet). Last but not least, if users would like to transform those in-app coins or
NFTs into money (legal currencies), then they could sell their them to the platform itself or
personally with other users by using blockchain technology and transfer NFTs to other users’
- No Ads!
- No transaction fee!
- Free download
Marketing plans
- Seasonal mystery boxes (will definitely not re-launch the same NFTs after a specific period of

- Physical cards for redeeming the amount in the app would be named as MC card

- Ranking system would be applied in MC cards and the app - The collection

MC cards: cards could be could be store in mobile wallet (IOS / Android) and could be upgraded to
Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plantinum, Diamond and Black according to the value that users have put in the
card and amount of users have spent in the app by using the card. Besides, MC cards would have its
own app to allow users to transfer in-app coins to others, check their remaining value and other
relevant status information of users.

- Carry out some collaboration activities with other famous brands / Classic cartoon
How to generate profit?
- Micro transactions
- MC cards (Physical cards)
- Price differences (NFTs)
- Loan Services
Idea creator
Siu Chin Pok Ryan


Contact number: +852 61386051 / +44 7378745645

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