Variables Containers: Chandan Prem Dilwala

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chandan prem dilwala

Variables containers that you create in your code to store data within program can be given any name of your choosing
providing you do not use Ecology is defined as science which studies relationship between organisms and their environment. Relationship
refer to the interaction of an organism with its environment and interaction with members of same species as well as other species . the
term was coined by a German biologist Ernest Haeckel in 1866.Enivornment refers to our surrounding .it includes the surrounding
physical and chemical conditions and also all the living organisms which exist in physical space .The physical and chemical conditions refers
to ambient temperature ,moisture and sunlight availability. Environment primarily comprises of two types of components:
It is functional unit comprising of biotic community of organisms integrated with their physical environment (which exist of the abotic
components ) through the energy and nutrients flows .The concept of an ecosystem was given by A.G .Tansley in 1935.
The biotic components comprise of atmospheric gases ,climate ,soil and water. The biotic components are integrated to physical
environment through environment through the energy and nutrients flow (will be discussed in detail in subsequent sections of this
chapter )taking place between biotic and abiotic components . plants will produce food by photosynthesis by using physical components
like carbon dioxide in air ,water and nutrients in soil.The organic matter produced by plants will directly or indirectly be a source of food for
all other organisms in the forests .Both these functions include the flow of energy and nutrients .the biotic components will interact with
their physical environment and modify it; like the trees reducing the sunlight penetration below their canopy cover and modifying the micro
climate .The physical conditions will also modify the abiotic and biotic components ;like the temperature and precipitation interacting to
influence moisture availabilityand thus type of natural vegetation present .
This forest now is an entity which comprises biotic and abiotic components and a variety of interactions which can be broadly grouped as
energy and nutrients flow .Due to all these properties , theforest is able to sustain life and is called an ‘ecosystem’.
The term ecosystem can have different levels of complexity; it can be applied to areas of different sizes from smallest puddle of water to a
large forest or entire biosphere . the commonality amongst all ecosystem is their functions -flow of energy and flow of nutrients.

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