Merrill Ranch Residents' Prioritized Learning Interest Topics

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Merrill Ranch Residents’ Prioritized Learning

Interest Topics
The results below have been prioritized according to the percent of
returned surveys which indicated a highly interested or interested
preference for the topic

1. Regional Ecology (68% Highly Interested or Interested)

2. Regional History (66% Highly Interested or Interested)
3. AZ State History, Geology and Digital Photog. Hardware
(all three 59% Highly Interested or Interested)
4. Theme Based Classes (example; cotton) and Computer Use
(both 39% Highly Interested or Interested)
5. Astronomy and Aesthetics of Photography
(both 38% Highly Interested or Interested)
6. Medicine and Medicare (32% Highly Interested or Interested)
7. Home Repair (30% Highly Interested or Interested)
8. Visual Arts (27% Highly Interested or Interested)
9. Personal Finance (24% Highly Interested or Interested)
10. Performing Arts (23% Highly Interested or Interested)
11. Music Appreciation (22% Highly Interested or Interested)
12. U.S. History (21% Highly Interested or Interested)
13. Regional Government (19% Highly Interested or Interested)
14. Personal Writing (14% Highly Interested or Interested)
15. Commercial Writing (8% Highly Interested or Interested)

Preference of day for course offerings: (Weekdays 87% Weekends 13%)

Preference of time of day: (Morning 57% Afternoon 39% Evening 10%)

Fall 2011 Schedule of Classes will be developed according to the
priorities indicated in the Survey question results. Resident
comments will also be taken into consideration as clarification of the
results. Below, are the comments which were included on the
returned surveys as well as course evaluation sheets:

• Arizona plants, landscaping, history, Old West topics, day-trips to take,

how to play poker
• Meteorites (2 comments from course evaluation forms)
• Florence History, Pet care, Family History, Travel, Middle East religion, so
we can understand how it applies to today’s news.
• cotton all 3 sessions
• All 3 including a field trip to a local cotton gin
• Actually, several friends and I were talking about the cotton we see
growing around us and wondered if it was possible to view the ginning
• Very interested in learning about cotton farming and a field trip to see a
cotton gin. Also interested in other crops grown in Pinal County. What
about sessions on gardening/landscapes in Pinal County? Vegetables,
fruits, citrus, trees, shrubs, roses, annuals and perennials, cactus,
succulents. Suggestion for a speaker: Mary Irish who wrote "Arizona
Gardener's Guide". What about some quilting sessions with master
quilters? Lecture and workshops. Flora and fauna series. I like the birding
class line up this session. What about a trip to the Tucson Sonoran Desert
• Geology, the cotton one is good
• Water in the west, cotton (you've probably done this) history of the area
(geology, native, early pioneers, etc.)
• Tour a cotton gin in Oct. or Nov. (from course evaluation form)
• The same progression as in your sample, but in reference to copper
• Arizona/ Southwest History (from course evaluation form)
• Area Mines – tours, fieldtrips and Old West History – Fieldtrips (from
course evaluation form)
• Area Agriculture, Indigenous people
• Local - native art forms - color - art in general.
• Would like to see another on birding. Wasn't able to get to that one.
• Outside things to do in AZ, hiking, looking for gold in AZ people that were
here before us, how they lived, first aid
• Schedule to attend events in the area that are advertised in the many
regional papers. Concerts, Plays, Rodeos, Festivals, Art Galleries,
Museums, Etc.
• Settlement/development of Florence and environs
• Particularly interested in Arizona Indian history, including Indian situation
• Native American drumming
• Native American involvement in Florence in early years (from course
evaluation form)
• Visit the museum in Florence. It is an excellent resource. ASU programs
are beginning to have more substance – i.e. The Florence Cemetery Tour,
Border Issues, etc. We need these kind of programs (from course
evaluation form)
• Educate Anthem residents about the larger Florence Community and its
history. Effort should be made in future classes to emphasize this broader
context (from course evaluation form)
• More courses on Border Issues and other national topics (from course
evaluation form)
o Border Issues class provided a real learning experience vs. casual
interest. (from course evaluation form)
o Extremely interesting and timely(from course evaluation form)
o Excellent Course! If repeated, should be 2 hr. class with 5 to 6
sessions so as to allow for more coverage of material and
discussion. Instructor was superb, subject matter was timely and of
great interest(from course evaluation form)
o Best ASU Osher class since I have been enrolled in classes/2 ½
years (from course evaluation form)
• What about trips to the Mesa Arts Centre for evening performances. What
about a session about the penal system and the many penal institutions in
Pinal County? What about sessions on water resources in Pinal county
and the state of Arizona? What about bus trips to Arizona historical and
tourist attractions with a guide?
• Digital photography /class in January as we are not here in October We
would be interested in theatre and concerts at the Mesa Arts Center.If
enough people are interested/a bus would be nice. George & I are very
interested in the cotton industry and would like to see a ginning facility.
Tucson has a lot to offer with museums etc. and again We think a bus
would be great. Biosphere is another place of interest to us.
• Photography
• Oil and acrylic and watercolor painting
• I would really like an oil painting class for beginner/intermed. levels. I have
taken classes for a several week session in CA. Still need more classes to
feel confident.
• Art classes in all mediums(from course evaluation form)
• Visual arts - get a really good teacher; especially for acrylics or water
color. Music appreciation - classes on jazz; blues or on a particular artist's
music (i.e., Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett) Would like a series of 3+
classes, not just one session. Really like the multiple theme basses
sessions-especially the one given as an example. Another one might be
Indian art and crafts. (basket weaving) Another interest is sociology or
psychology classes: what makes the "I" generation tick? Or, "you are what
you were when". If I think of others, I will let you know.
• My interests in the visual arts are in the advanced areas; my interest in
history is in pre-1920's,
• Medical topics such a classes to help us learn to eat healthier, exercise for
the shortest time to get the best benefit, instruction on what vitamins and
supplements are beneficial or maybe even on natural remedies for
common 'older people' type ailments.
• Learning about osteoarthritis and/or fibromyalgia!
• Supplemental insurance
• Anything about how Medicare works and what it includes and doesn't
include; also supplemental insurance classical music
• Finance - Estate Planning - no attorneys Medical - Living wills - no
• Estate Planning Medicare; donut hole (?), medical insurance
• Estate planning & tax law
• How to list items on EBAY
• Computers, finance
• Any computer classes should be using systems that are current NOT
• Repeat Skype/ Facebook class, Skype especially (from course evaluation
• Continuation of computer workshop course (from course evaluation form)
• Teach Excel, Word and other computer programs
• Music interests: classical, opera, ethnic, folk, oldies ("doo wop")... there is
little I'm not interested in. History subjects: Decades in which I've lived (the
50s, 60s, etc): WW1 and WW2 Medical subjects: Arthritis, tinnitis, exercise
subjects (very interested in TaiChi), Very interested in meditation (I do it
now, but badly)
• Interested in guitar and musical instrument lessons or classes. Like to
learn how to import and export music and documents into and out of
computer. Interested in learning to record music and make CD's interested
in learning about sound systems for performing as a musician
• Music app: enjoy all types of music would like to become more familiar
with classical music, Performing Arts: Would like to take tap dancing and
would be interested in acting classes. Also, behind the scenes of the
theatrical productions, i.e. stage management, lighting, sound all aspects.
Finance: making sure that I have made wise choices for my retirement
IRA. Medicare: make sure I have an understanding of Medicare. Believe I
do, just want confirmation
• Big Band swing music. Acting, Estate Planning, Arizona Insurance
Companies that offer part D,
• Dancing - Ballroom dancing; jive Finance – investing
• Social dance
• Acting, folk dance, stage production, chorus
• Meditation class
• Spanish
• Would like to study French as well as Spanish
• French, Italian
• Have taken the basic Spanish class but not yet "Un poco mas" I'm
interested in continuing. Re earlier questions: I believe an acting
class/workshop may help some of us who would like to join SCATS but
feel intimidated. Finance and Medicare are related at this point.
Previously, we had a series of workshops on music through the decades. I
would love to have another like that. I've always enjoyed the workshop
regarding plant choices and the care of plants for our properties. I've been
to three and I always learn something new. There was a workshop
regarding keeping fruit, veggies and cut flowers fresh longer. The free
bouquets were icing on the cake. I've valued the seminars the Keffers
have led on medical and end-of-life topics. Unfortunately, due to my
Mother's death, I missed the "How to Choose a Doctor" and "How to
Prepare for Surgery" presentation. I wish that could be repeated. Betty
Wheeler did a workshop on passwords and I have forgotten much of it. I'd
love to have that one repeated. I realize that I haven't mentioned many
original ideas. But I really would like repeats on past workshops and aside
from those of us who have forgotten parts of the training, there are new
people who weren't here for some of these opportunities. I'm sure there
are some original ideas that someone else might suggest that would
interest me.
• I want to learn to weld using arc, acetelyne, etc.
• Technology, transportation (railroads), infrastructure such as water/sewer
processing, marine commerce, how things are made, industrial processes,
• Interested in Civil War history, also state histories as to when how they
joined the unions, etc
• Government classes , constitution,
• That's such a loose question: are there lists of possibilities? I'm interested
in such a variety of subjects: math, physics, cosmology, astronomy, local
history, civil war, WW2, music... you get the idea... that I don't know how
to answer this!
• Courses I would be interested in are Women In Literature, Creative
Writing, Men in Literature, and History about Civil War, Western
Civilization, etc.
ASU Learning Interest Inventory - Merrill Ranch Residents - Spring 2011



80 78 78 78


56 57

47 47 47
43 42 42 42 43 43
Very Interested 43
40 38
37 37 37 36 Interested 45
35 34 34 34
33 33 33 Somewhat Interested 29
32 31 32
30 30
30 29 29 28
27 27 Not Interested 11
26 25 26 25
24 24 24
22 22 22 22 22 22
21 21
2020 19
20 18
15 15
11 12 11 11 12
10 10
10 9 8


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