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Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management

R Commander Examination
Answer all questions using the tool R-Commander. In a word document, write the
Hypothesis, Level of significance, copy paste the output from R commander and finally
interpret the result and write the conclusion. Please save the file with your Roll number as the
file name and upload in Assignment – R Commander Exam.
10 Marks
1. Compute the average and standard deviation for Instore Facilities by
i) Age
mean sd Instore.facilities: n
b/w 20 and 40 years 9.525000 2.837365 40
Less than 20 years 9.372549 2.244645 51
More than 40 years 8.897959 2.302579 49

ii) Educational Qualification and

mean sd Instore.facilities: n
PG 9.3 2.451560 70
UG 9.2 2.453037 70

iii) Family income

mean sd Instore.facilities: n
< 25,000 8.897959 2.485331 49
>45000 9.029412 2.180982 34
b/w 25001 and 45000 9.684211 2.529525 57
and interpret the result.
2. Test whether there is any association between Quality and Age groups.
H0: There is no association B/w Quality and Age groups.
H1: There is association B/w Quality and Age groups.
Step 2:
Alpha = 5%

P value is 0.148> 0.05 so we accept H0.
So, with 95% level of confidence we conclude that There for there is no association B/W age
& quality.
3. Test whether there is any significant difference in the average satisfaction score
various Family Income Groups.
Step 1:
H0: There is no significant difference in mean of satisfaction score among various Family
Income Groups.
H1: There is no significant difference in mean of satisfaction score among various Family
Income Groups.
Step 2:
Alpha = 5%
Step 3:
Rcmdr> summary(AnovaModel.1)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) 2 1.4 0.678 0.075 0.927
Residuals 137 1232.6 8.997

Rcmdr> with(Dataset, numSummary(Store.satisfaction.score,

Rcmdr+, statistics=c("mean", "sd")))
mean sd data:n
< 25,000 11.08163 2.827224 49
>45000 10.82353 2.801197 34
b/w 25001 and 45000 11.00000 3.245877 57
Pcal value = 0.92>0.05 so we accept H0.
So, at with 95% level of confidence we conclude that there is no difference in mean of
satisfaction score among various Family Income Groups.

4. Use satisfaction score as dependent variable and product attributes and billing as
variables, develop a multiple linear regression model.

i) Write the multiple linear regression model

The regression equation for the given independent and dependent variables is as follows
Satisfaction score= 0.41594(product attributes) – 0.04292(Billing) + 7.67662
ii) What are the determinants of customer satisfaction? Why? Step 1:
H0: coefficient of attributes and billing is 0.
H1: coefficient of attributes is not 0.
H2: coefficient of Billing is not 0.
The determinants of customer satisfaction in between product attributes and billing is
only product attributes with P value 0.000137<0.05 with 3 stars. And Billing is not because
its P value 0.743065>0.05
iii) Is the model fit? Why?
Yes, The obtained model is Fit as the Pvalue=0.0006298<0.05.
5. Test whether there is any significant difference in the average satisfaction score between
UG and PG graduates.
H0: There is no association B/w the average satisfaction score between
UG and PG graduates.
H1: There is association B/w the average satisfaction score between
UG and PG graduates.

Step 2:
Alpha = 5%
Step 3:

P value is 0.735> 0.05 so we accept H0.
So, with 95% level of confidence we conclude that there is no difference in satisfaction score
and education.

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