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The skidding resistance is a measure of the friction generated between a pavement surface
and vehicle tire. Skidding occurs when the available friction is not enough to react to the
forces imposed by a moving vehicle. The available friction depends upon the microtexture
and macrotexture of the road surface, the properties of the tire, vehicle speed and weather
conditions. The frictional properties of wearing course of a pavement, is a function of the
resistance to skidding which relies on pavement surface texture of exposed aggregate. The
movement of vehicle at a high speed removes bulk of water from tire and stone interface
there by maintaining grip contact on the road surface. This is achieved by the macrotexture of
aggregate particles on the road surface.

In this laboratory activity students will be exposed to the apparatus and appropriate methods
to carry out the skid resistance for the surface pavement. The slipperiness of surface
pavement can be measured either in terms of the friction between a freely-spinning wheel and
the pavement surface. One of the requirements of surface pavement is skid resistance. With
skid resistance it allow better grip between tires and road surface. Most road surface has
adequate skid resistance on dry condition compared during the wet condition. The presence
of water between tires and road surface reduce the contact area which is needed to create the
grip of vehicle tyres.


The objectives of the test is:

 To determine the skid resistance value of the road pavement surface dry and wet.

At the end of the laboratory activities, students would be able to:

1. Identify the correct apparatus to carry out the skid resistance test thus determine the
skid resistance value of the road pavement surface.

2. Analyze the collected data correctly and present in proper technical format

3. Work in a group to undertake the task and produce the technical report.


The simplest method of determining the skid resistance is by using the portable British
pendulum tester and the procedure is standardized in BS EN 13036-4:2003 test method.This
method describes the procedure for determining the frictional properties (skid resistance
value) of a pavement using Portable Skid Resistance Tester (ASTM E303-93). The
instrument give a direct reading, gives a measure of the friction between skidding tire and the
pavement surface in low speed situation (<50km/h). It provides the highway engineer with
the practical means of obtaining reliable scientific evidence on which to take appropriate
measures to reduce skidding.

One of the surface requirements of road pavement is that it should possess adequate skid
resistance. Skid resistance is important for road safety. With skid resistance it allows for
better 'grip' between tire and road surfaces. Most road surfaces have adequate skid resistance
in the dry as compared during wet condition. The presence of water between the tire and road
surface reduces the contact area which are needed to create the 'grip'.

The findings from the 1992 assessment of the various bituminous pavement surfaces in JKR
Malaysia, confirms that the value of skid resistance for the Asphaltic concrete wearing
surfaces are generally low compared to the other surfaces. The findings are summarized in
Table 1.0 (Kwang H.J et al. 1992). Also, Table 2.0 shows suggestion of skid values for
different types of surfaces.
Table 1.0: Skidding Resistance values (Kwang H.J et al. 1992)

Surface Type Total Of Sites Min Max Average
Concrete 22 46 66 55
Dense Bitumen
Macadam 32 45 77 55
Dressings 27 46 76 58

Table 1.1 Suggestions skid value for different surfaces

Skid Resistance Value

Surface types (road) Dry Wet
Fine 50 – 69.9 40 – 59.9
Medium 70 – 89.9 60 – 79.9
Coarse >90 >80


Since the opening of the UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang campus in 2003, major roads in the
campus are still under its original condition. Few sections of the roads are visibly deteriorated
and need major maintenance activity. The campus management has appointed your firm to
conduct the study of tyre skidding, surface drainage and texture of the major road in campus.

Failure of contact between tyres and road surface occurs in many road accidents. Highway
engineers have researched ways to improve the skid resistance of road surfaces. It was found
that skid resistance falls rapidly after a road opened to traffic but rate of deterioration slows
down, eventually settling to a constant value. This latter value ifs dependent on the surface

Your group has been appointed to conduct a study in order to determine skid resistance value
of road pavement surface. The location of the study is randomly selected in campus area of
UiTM Pulau Pinang.

Brush Water

1. The spot of the road to be test was selected. Make sure the road is dry and free
from loose materials.

2. The spot of the road was cleaned using brush before the skid resistance tester was
setup so that the center column is vertical (this is done by adjusting the three
leveling screws at the base)

3. The height of the pivot was adjusted so that the arms swings freely through its arc
without touching the road surface (check that it swings right through to the zero
on the scale)

4. The pivot height was lowered so that the friction foot is in contact with the road
surface over the precise distance (150mm) as shown by the gauge (scale rule)
which is placed alongside

5. The pendulum arm was raised up to the starting position and engage the retaining

6. The maximum swing indicator was checked and set to the vertical position

7. The pendulum arm was released.

8. After it has swing through, catch the arm to prevent a back swing which could
disturb the apparatus reading

9. The reading on the scale was taken as dry skid.

10. The test was repeated to obtain three readings and get the average value.

11. Road surface was poured by water to wet surface of the test is to be taken

12. Step 5 to step 9 was repeated to get value wet surface skid.

13. Repeat step 1 to step 12 with two different location of the different surfaces.

14. The data was calculated and tabulated.


Location Error Skid Resistance Average Remarks
Dry Wet Dry Wet
56 48 Acceptable
Fine 0 58 49 57 49 value
56 49
80 78 Acceptable
Medium 0 83 78 83 78 value
85 79
116 – 125 – 20 =
20 = 105
Coarse 20 140 – 113 – 20 = 105 98 Acceptable
20 = 93
120 – 116 – 20 = value
20 = 96

From the experiment we conducted, we gained the average skid resistance value for three
different locations of different types of surfaces pavement roads. Average skid resistance
value for dry at fine surface, medium surface and coarse surface are 57, 83, and 105
respectively. Average skid resistance value for wet at fine surface, medium surface and
coarse surface are 49, 78, and 98 respectively.

Based on the JKR specifications (Kwang H.J et al. 1992), only fine surface can be classified
as asphaltic concrete value. The skid resistance value of others surfaces are higher than the
JKR specifications. Thus, it has a great grip between tyres and road surfaces and this can
reduce the road accidents due to skidding.

The data that we obtained is acceptable with the suggestion of skid resistance value for dry
and wet. It has to be free of accident and provide a smooth and safe riding surface. A road
can only be good if it can provide safety, comfort, convenience and economic service to the

Skid resistance properties can be affected by several factors such as road surface texture,
types of aggregate and size, surface roughness, road surface defects and type of road
structure. However, the skid resistance of a road surface could be enhanced through,
overlaying the existing surface making sure that there are limited cracks to avoid premature
failure or waste. The surface could be improved by retexturing using pressured water jets or
sand blasting. Other process includes grooving the surface, use of slurry seal or micro

The advantages of using British Pendulum tester is this equipment is lightweight and
portable, quick and easy to set up on site and readings from dial are direct values of the PTV,
no complex computation needed.


To conclude this experiment, we have determined the resistance skid value of the road
pavement surface. For average dry skid resistance value at fine surface, medium surface and
coarse surface are 57, 83, and 105 respectively. Wet average skid resistance value at fine
surface, medium surface and coarse surface are 49, 78, and 98 respectively. Thus, the road
surface is safe as the tires has large contact area with road surface and have better grip.

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