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Important questions (Natural Vegetation)

Part: 1

Very short 5. Describe the type of trees found growing in the

monsoon forests of Western India. Which has
1. Which forest regions of India are also known as the government designated areas where thses
rain Forests? trees are cultivated as Reserves?
2. Write the names of the typical trees of the 6. What are the characteristics of the Mangrove
Evergreen forests. and give one use.
3. How is it that the main regions of the monsoon 7. Write two main characteristics of Deciduous
forests are in the interior of the Southern Monsoon Forests.
Peninsula? 8. Two characteristics of Tropical rain forest.
4. What are Littoral Forests OR tidal forests? Name 9. How do the trees of the desert adapt
the principal trees that grow in these forests. themselves to the arid conditions?
5. Give to characteristics of Tidal Forests. 10. Name the various uses of the coconut tree.
6. What are Sunderbans? 11. Give the importance of the date-palm.
7. Describe the type of vegetation found in the 12. Name two important trees each of the Srinagar
Deccan Plateau and in the Thar Desert Valley in Kashmir and the Dandakaranya region
respectively. in South India, indicating their commercial
8. Classify the following trees as Soft-wood and importance.
Hard wood trees: fir, pine, teak, spruce, 13. Describe briefly the value of forests to man.
rosewood, sandalwood, chir, sal, shisham and 14. Give the names of four important products of
silver fir. forests. Why are forests grown in and around
9. Give one important use of each of the following iron and steel cities?
types of trees: 1 Sundri, 2 Sandalwood, 3
Rosewood. Long
10. Name any three trees found in monsoon
deciduous forests and state one use of each of 1. Give one use of each: teak, sal, myrobalan,
these trees. sisam, sandalwood, eucalyptus.
2. Mountain vegetation consists not of a single
Short type but of several types. Give reasons.
3. Explain the terms: Re-afforestation and Forest
1. With reference to the Natural Vegetation of Conservation.
India, classify the following trees under trhe 4. Mention three methods for the conservation
heading: Kind of forests with which they are and development of forests in India.
associated: chir, pine, teak, ebony, rosewood, 5. a. Name the region where desert vegetation is
khajuri, eucalyptus, sandalwood, babul. found
2. Why are Evergreen forests composed of thick b. Give one characteristic of these trees.
vegetation and dense foliage? c. Name the principal trees of this region.
3. Give one use of each of the following trees: d .Give one use of Babul, Khair.
mahogany, rosewood, ebony, cinchona,
4. What is a monsoon forest? What are the chief
characteristics of monsoon forests?

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