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There is a saying that-

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before

A tactical strategy cannot be formed without a proper feasible idea, even the most brilliant business can
get into loss without an appropriate feasible idea. To create a milestone and set up a glory in the
business world, the impact of a feasible idea is immense.

Greetings ladies and gentleman, This is Salman Yadad, your host of today’s workshop and I warm
heartedly welcome you all to the third and the final workshop of The Competition Courses on Feasible
Strategies Development. Sponsored by Evaly, hosted by East West University Business Club.
Dear Audience, East West University Business Club believes in the power of skill development and
sportsmanship and that’s why in its 20 years of legacy, we’ve not only organized events but also helped
students to develop strong skill sets required for the corporate world. Turning every limitation into an
opportunity, during this pandemic we have also organized the very first Virtual National Competition
BriefCase 2.0 and it has been an absolute successful event providing extraordinary experiences to
undergrad students of Bangladesh.
Now to keep uplifting that glory and legacy, East West University Business Club is back with 
‘The Competition Courses’ which is a business case competition where students are also getting three
skill development sessions.

And today is our third and the final workshop where we will be learning about developing strategic
Feasible ideas. because a proper feasible idea is the main power house of any 360-degree business case

Today we will learn about how to inherent a proper feasible idea that can help us to solve business
cases. To know more about strategic feasible ideas, we have a very special guest with us who has a
commendable background in several business competitions. He is a champion of Brandrill, finalist of
battle of minds, second runner up of Unilever biz maestros and many more. He is none other than Mr.
Amin Ul Bashir brand manager of Marico Bangladesh Ltd. Please welcome our guest to our workshop.89

Hello sir, welcome to today’s session. I hope you will enjoy the time with us.

Thank you, sir, for joining our session

I believe that the audience will get a clear idea from the valuable knowledge you will provide.

There will also be a Q&A session for todays workshop after the presentation ends. Stay with us and wait
for your moment.


I believe that the audience got their desired answers. I would like to thank all of you for joining our
session. Hope that you all have learned somethings from today’s session that will help you for your
further progressions. So, this was our final workshop. I believe that you all have attended the previous
workshops and gained some valuable knowledge which you can implement in your desired sectors. That
all for today, this is Salman Yadad signing off. Stay safe everyone and thank you so much for attending
our workshop.

Good night everyone.

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