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League of nation former international organization established by the peace treaties that ended World War first
like its success, the United Nations. its purpose was the promotion of international peace and security .the league
was the product of world war first in the sense that ,that conflict convinced that personae of necessary of
adverting such cataclysm1.but its back ground lay in the vision of men like the due dually and Immanuel Kant and
in the later growth of formal international organizations like growth of formal international organization s like the
red cross ,the Hague conference ,the universal postal union and the permanent court of arbitration were also
important stepping stone to wards international cooperation. 2

League of nation
The league of nation was an international organization. head quarter in Geneva ,Switzerland and created after first
world war to provide a forum of resolving international disputes .though first proposed by president Woodrow
Wilson as apart of his fourteen points plan for an equitable peace in Europe .the united states never became a
member . speaking before the u’s congress on January 8, 1918 president Woodrow Willison enumerated the last of
his fourteen points which called for general association of nations formed under specific covenants for the purpose
of affording mutual guaranties of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small state alike. 3

It was the first world wide inter government al organization whose governmental principal mission was to maintain
world peace founded on January 10,1920, following the Parise peace conference that ended the first world war .it
ceases operations on 20,1946.


After world war first, a world organization popularly known as league of nation was created in 1920.the chief aims
or purpose of this new world organizations. preserve peace and security in the world. settle international conflicts in a peace manner. promote just and honorable relations among the nation of the world. force its members not to resort to war. formulate plans for the reduction of armaments. take economic and military action against any country.

World history the humanodyssey,Jackson J.SPELEVOCEL.
Twestern Graw.Haill New York 1799 improve labor and social conditions in different countries. to achieve this, aim the international labor
organization was set up which is even new one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations.

Organization of league of nation

-An assembly which to meet once a year .

-council which meet more regularly to consider crises.

-small secretariat to handle the paper work.

-a court of international justice.

-a number of comities such as international labor organization and the health of committee to carry out its
humanitarian work.

Strength of league of nation

It was set up by the treaty of Versailles which every nation hard signed.

It had 58 nations as member 1930.

To enforce its will, it could after arbitration through the court of international justice or apply trade sanctions
against countries that went the war.

Weaknes of league of nation

-Despite being product of treaty Versailles which was signed by every nations dis like the principles of the treaty
and thus dis like the league of nation.

-Germany, Russia, and USA, all global super power were not members.

-it had no army.

-its organizations was cumber some dictions had to be unanimous, making decision, different and prolonged .

-manurial and Ethiopia crises shook people’s confidence in the league and provide that the league had no real
power or authority over its member. In the early 1930two events destroyed peoples destroyed peoples belief in
the ability of the league to stop the wars .in both situation the league did not act quickly enough or made poor
dictions about how to suppress the aggressor nation.

-by February 1932 Japan the member of league of nation had invaded and concord manurial .it took the league
nearly the years to send the commission and declared that Japan ought to leave where up on Japan left the league
the league couldn’t send an army and it needed American’s support to impose sanctions successfully .in the end it
did nothing.

-in 1935 Italy invaded Abyssinia although the Abyssinia. Although Ethiopia emperor Haile Selassie the first went to
the league him self to ask for help all the league did was to ban the arm sales .which did the Abyssinia more harm
than Italy .league commission offered Italy part of Abyssinia but Italy invaded any way far from stopping Italy
,Britan,France tried to make secrete pact to gave Abyssinia to Italy.
The original member ship of league of nation included the victories allied of the world war with the exceptional
united states whose refused to ratify the treaty of Versailles and most of the neutral nations .among the later
admissions to member ship .were Bulgaria,(1920),Austria(1920),Hungary(1922),Germany(1926) ,Mexico(1936),
turkey(1932), and USSR(1934).Trough the efforts of sir, Eric ,Drummand,the first secretariat general of the
league .a truly international secretariat was created Geneva Switzerland was chosen as the league head quarter.

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