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Charles Gentzel Transcript 4.

Counselor Response Skill Evaluation of Response

“There we go [sets recording Invitation This client generally has a lot
and timer]. Alright Alexis, to say I just need to start the
how are you doing tonight?” session and let him go.
Client describes a having a headache and other sickness symptoms that the client attributes to
stress and a horrible day at work.
“So you feel like some of the Reflection of content This could have been more
stress you feel is starting to succinctly put as “the stress
manifest physically.” you feel is manifesting
physically.” I wanted to ask
how the physical symptoms
were persisting now that he
was away from work, but the
client really needed to be
heard more than he needed
Client discusses how this last week has derailed his efforts to manage his stress. Client
expresses awareness that he is angry and that he thinks it shows, not in a way where he has
outbursts at others, but in his general demeanor. Client describes frustrating scenarios at his
work including some confusion about where he is supposed to be, a guard yelling at inmates
while the client later listens to the inmates. He describes the situation getting more agitated in
the prison. Despite the tension, he describes feeling apathy about his work and situation, to
include training a coworker. He describes the situation getting dangerous and a rapid response
team being summoned.
“Like a QRF.” Clarifying statement A QRF (Quick Reaction
Force) is a military term for a
team that is on hand to react
and address dangerous
situations at a moment’s
notice. I mentioned this to let
the client know that I
understood what he was
describing in terms I know he
is familiar with. It lets him
know that I speak “military”
and he is free to use military
terms and jargon, which he
picks up on when he later
describes “stacking in the
staging area.”
Client continues describing how the situation escalated and became more dangerous. Despite
Counselor Response Skill Evaluation of Response
this, the client states that he reacted with indifference. The client states confusion about how
to view his apathy. “I don’t know if my disinterest is good or bad.” Client wonders how he
looked and if others could see his disinterest.
“So, it sounds like you’re Reflection of content stacked This could have been more
saying your apathy is with a double-sided reflection concise. The initial reflection
unhealthy, and you know, of content was made
detrimental to you and to redundant by the follow-up
your environment. You say double-sided reflection. I
you’re apathetic, but I also also wonder if I could have
hear you saying- excuse me, made his more affirming.
and I also hear you saying “Even though you are
that you took the time to frustrated and apathetic, you
listen to some prisoners and took the time to listen to
use your active listening those inmates and help the
skills after one of the guards new guy.”
blew up on them and vented
her frustrations on them, and
that even though you weren’t
sure you were the person to
do it with the new guy, you
said like ‘I can show you
some things’ and you still
tried to help this other person,
Client hones in on the word “apathy.” He also states that he only enjoyment he gets from his
job is being able to listen and be a calm, reasonable presence that provides support to others.
Client discusses feeling more sympathetic to the inmates over his employers. Client describes
management’s “reckless” incompetence. Client describes being a “good follower” if the
leaders are competent and capable. He talks about doing things himself instead of relying on
bad leaders. Client questions the health of having “disdain” for authority. He describes
ignoring the salutation of the prison warden. He describes how anger is at the root of his
apathy. “Does that make sense?”
“It does and it sounds like Reflection of meaning The client seems to be
you’re feeling almost experiencing a lot of (maybe
subversive in the power one-sided) conflict with his
structure, that your job is employers. He has pride
there to kind of enforce and about his competence and
you feel like you are disdain for their (perceived)
identifying more with the incompetence. This could
people that you, uh, that you have been more succinct (like
guys are policing than you all my responses), but I think
do, or I guess guarding, than this is one of the core
you do the structure you’re struggles the client is facing.
The client describes parity between how the guards treat the inmates and how the management
Counselor Response Skill Evaluation of Response
treats him and his fellow employees.
“Right, so you identify with Reflection of content I gave a quick reflection so he
the inmates.” knew I was listening, but I
think it was redundant.
Client describes how that is a dangerous way to be in a prison.

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