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Workplace ethics are the moral rules that determine what's right and wrong in business.

unethical for a store manager to bully employees or commit wage theft, it's equally unethical
for the CIO to do it. 

1. Misusing company time

Whether it is covering for someone who shows up late or altering a time sheet, misusing
company time tops the list. This category includes knowing that one of your co-workers is
conducting personal business on company time. By "personal business" the survey recognizes
the difference between making cold calls to advance your freelance business and calling your
spouse to find out how your sick child is doing.

2. Abusive behavior

Too many workplaces are filled with managers and supervisors who use their position and power
to mistreat or disrespect others. Unfortunately, unless the situation you're in involves race,
gender or ethnic origin, there is often no legal protection against abusive behavior in the

3. Lying

There are three types of lies, joking without malice, lying by commission such Commission lying
is creating a perception or belief by words that intentionally deceive the receiver of the message,
for example, lying about being at work, expense reports, or carrying out work assignments.
Commission lying also entails intentionally creating “noise” within the communication that
knowingly confuses or deceives the receiver. Lying by commission can involve complex forms,
procedures, contracts, words that are spelled the same but have different meanings, or refuting
the truth with a false statement. lying by omission; Omission lying is intentionally not informing
others of any differences, problems, safety warnings, or negative issues relating to the product or
company that significantly affect awareness, intention, or behavior. A classic example of
omission lying was in the tobacco manufacturers’ decades-long refusal to allow negative
research about the effects of tobacco to appear on cigarettes and cigars.

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