Pandora's Box: The 12 Labors of Hercules

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Pandora’s Box

Prometheus gave the fire to humans, Zeus decided to take vengeance.

He ordered Hephaestus to create the first human woman out of soil and
water. The name of the woman was Pandora. Zeus gave Pandora a jar,
warning her not to open it under any circumstances and sent her to
Prometheus’ brother. Prometheus had warned his brother not to accept
any gifts from Zeus. However, Epimetheus accepted Pandora who,
although tried hard to resist the temptation, opened the jar and released
all evils upon the world. Hatred, war, death, hunger, sickness and all the
disasters were immediately released. 

The 12 Labors of Hercules

Hercules well-known for his twelve labors.Hercules killed his own sons
by his wife Megara. After realizing what he did, he traveled to Delphi and
asked Apollo how he could atone for his actions. Pythia, the Oracle of
Apollo, told him to go to Tiryns and serve his cousin, King Eurystheus,
for twelve years. Eurystheus, loathing his cousin, set him to complete
twelve impossible labors. He ordered him to: 1) slay the Nemean Lion,
2) slay the nine-headed Lernaean Hydra, 3) capture the Golden Hind of
Artemis, 4) capture the Erymanthian Boar, 5) clean the Augean stables
in a single day, 6) slay the Stymphalian Birds, 7) capture the Cretan Bull,
8) steal the Mares of Diomedes, 9) obtain the girdle of Hippolyta, Queen
of the Amazons, 10) obtain the cattle of the monster Geryon, 11) steal
the golden apples of the Hesperides, and 12) capture and bring back
Cerberus, the three-headed dog of Hades. Hercules managed to
complete all twelve labors and free himself from the service of
Eurystheus, having atoned for the killing of his sons. Many more
adventures followed until he found a tragic death from his wife, Megara.

Deben ser por ejemplo de manera de fácil limpieza, lisas, colores claros para mantener facilidad en
la limpieza y desinfección y no se proliferen los microrganismo.


Los equipos y utensilios deben de ser de material resistente (acero inoxidable) no deben estar
recubiertos de pinturas o materiales desprendibles, los recipientes deben de contener tapa


Debe contar con exámenes médicos los cuales se realizan anualmente, curso de BPM, lavarse las
manos con abundante agua y jabón antes durante y después de cada proceso, no debe estar
utilizando accesorios (anillos, aretes. Collar, piercing etc...) Los hombres deben estar afeitados, las
mujeres no deben tener maquillaje, deben cumplir con la dotación (color claro, sin botones,
calzado cerrado, malla, cofia y tapabocas), deben mantener uñas cortas y sin esmalte.


La materia prima debe mantenerse separadas en diferentes estantes, si alguna materia prima se
considera inadecuada debe rotularse y separarse de aquellos que si se presenta adecuadas, se
deben mantener en refrigeración o congelación, controlando temperaturas.


Se debe tener un correcto manejo de tempertauras, se deben poner seguros los productor para
evitar que se generen grietas en los envases o empaques qué puedan dañar u contaminar el
alimento no se deben llevar otro cosa diferente que no sea alimento.


Todo establecimiento debe cumplir con los documentos regidos por los entes de control, dándole
seguridad y confiabilidad al consumido que el producto cumple con todos los parámetros de
calidad e inocuidad.

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