Airgun World June 2021

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U0) SYED) 24) LET'S GET READY FOR LOCKDOWN LIBERATION! J ; | bn "S BIGGEST-SELLING AIRGUN UNE AL i. Pee a eed wo ee ND-NEWAULTRA CLX! sel oT HW100 KT IN A LEAGUE OF ITS OWN ATM AOU COORA TRU TIOR AL iE cia rannmegaa o Fesiiiossbia.c caieno Ramee ocnapintinuitney elena see ee ee een ca eat ae ae eee TOK neta Py Pr Ti) 1st Floor, cacy Crt) ro CR) } Ce eens ARB} Pet Pra Ceo eg Pree gh Pee ar ieee Cres oni Pore nora vez ee er ec rey eee ay yet Seen Cee een eo) ner oerretene torn Pe reine eeny Dat oe ens Tea Subscription Coreen) Ceasers Ceres Croom mere irom tery oer ean tg Cuca eran ecremertnraren ess ee TG) ee erent ras Srna edt Eo eet 01858 438 840 eet) cocci, eo sy MEET) THE EDIT I wrt, i's ofcialy soxingtime and from my awn ‘observations, our mood is brightening in tune with the days. ‘Sadly, too many of us have had ‘ur lives permanent afected by the Covid-19 pandemic, but barring yet another setback, better days realy are coming. Frankly, I'm weary ofthe whole deal, as | expect you are, so Ive decided to divert the attention ofthis page to ‘ther matters, and the fst of these isthe apparent contradiction between the mindset of the hunter, and that ofthe conservationist WHEN IS A PEST A PEST? ‘Atriend recenty expressed his puzzlement that, whilst have a ‘teezer full of weodpigeons, | also keep a flock of them fat, happy, ‘and very much alive, in my garden, via my lavishly-stocked be tables | suppose his confusion is Understandable, but | was able to explain how the deal works, for me at last | tld my fiend thatthe pigeons in my freezer were shet because they were raging crops ‘and being a serious pes, whereas the spoiled anes in my garden are causing me no problems at al However, there are visitors to ‘those bird ables that really are pests, and they are dealt with. ot having rats in my garden, and | won't tolerate magpies raiding the nests of nearby songbirds. | have yet to see a grey squire cack up to my bird tables, but I'm fairly NS... Won ca post not apes? When t's nat boing a post, perhaps? sure what wil happen if one does. fe once had two squires invade ur lft, and the damage dane to the wiring there could ave literally sparked a potential lethal situation My fiend eventually understood where | was coming from, and the manta of'a pestis a pest, only when i's being 2 pest was firmly implanted. Mary will never believe that hunting and conservation go hand in hand, but we know the truth oft, and we should avays 6 our best to explain it to athers {and spread that simple truth, IS IT JUST ME? This month's Eaitor's Test explores the new BSA Ura CLX. I's a hugely important rie forthe ‘company, and an increible amount of thought and ‘evelopment has gone int i When | opened the box to reveal ‘Sometimes, what we think ‘everyone wants fn the case at. the new CL, | was surprises to see that BSA hadn't flowed the current trend and converted the Utta from bot-action to sidelever. [A phone allo BSA's Jon Hatton vealed that extensive customer research had retu leave the new Ultras cocking and loading system as it was, That prompted a bit of self-assessment The result ofthat assessment was simple; what we regard as the way it should be, quite often isnt, After discussing this with some of my shooting friends, several confirmed that they preferred bot action to sidelever. Folks and their diferent strokes, €? Life would be so much mare straightforocwacd if everyone thought like us, Massively bring, 400, mind. Right, off ot wah some rightevsion gear to help a local stables with their rabbit problem, | hope you enjoy the mag! and let's hope it won't be lng until we're all working our way closer to normaly! All the best, ida deste to Eaitor Reminder - The June issue is Corey es ww airgunshooting.couk | AIRGUN WORLD | 3 CONTENTS THIS MONTH. @ att THE EDITOR'S sisted) Saag an aed Editor's Welcome Can you be a hunter and a bird-lover? The editor considers the paradox Points Of You Here's where you can exchange views, or hhave your say about what matters to you 4 | AIRGUN WORLD | ww News The latest available information on products, events and promotions The Book Club Pete Evans reviews "The Airgun Book’ by John Walter Bullseye Bargains Reader Ads x) Bargain Hunter Pete Evans finds a nearly-new Kral NPO2 an a second-hand gun rack Vintage Airguns John Milewski investigates the now rare, entry-level Milbro G44 Rucksack-plus The Edtor recommends the new Rile Rucksack from Jack Pyke Follow-up Test Conclusion of last month's test of the Brocock Sniper Safari XR The Sights I've Seen! Tony Belas shares some horrifying ‘examples of scope abuse Model Numbers 3 Part three of John Milewskis Crosman 150 pistol study - packaging differences See Change Terry explains how hi-tech hardware has changed his approach to hunting Shooting & Country TV Take a look at our exciting new Shooting & Countryside TV channel! Top Value Guns Tim Finley tries out BSA’ latest ‘beginner springer the Evo Silentum MICK GARVEY p26 RATE EXPECTATIONS CONTENTS NEWS & OPINIONS / KIT REVIEWS / FEATURES / TUTORIALS / TECHNICAL Technical Airgun Jim Tyler reveals wy cur perception of recoil can be misleacing BASA Join BASA for your peace of mind when you're out shooting, and receive a free gift The Rapid 7 Club 2 Part 2 of Pete Evans’ exploration of the popular Theoben Rapid 7 FOLLOW-UP TEST p43 10 eae PHIL SIDDELL PCAN Cog SIDERATIONS RUSS D Pe eae) Rosie's Recipe Rosie's take on a pigeon pe, with randomly collected ingredients Lightning Strike! Tim Finley refurts @ BSA Lightning, in memory of an ol frend Ready for Action! Dave Barham prepares for spring and the Tift of lockdown? GARY WAIN pez LU TO Lar Pseel ak ee ww airgunshooting.couk | AIRGUN WORLD | 5 toa reise A FSS eo TACTICAL RIFLESCOPES PUNO Woon ce em a a AIRMax 30 Ws TOUCH Ene aed THE AIRGUN WORLD FORUM FOR YOUR RANTS, RAVES AND Q&As LETTER OF THE MONTH 8 Tee rece oT a ra perenne tes err eT) Penn ern es en a eee nod 9 stil have that incredible back-up as my recovery continues at home, bout making the most ofall the help I've been given is now up to me. ''m writing to tell you of the tremendous benefit my shooting Ce a ae ed i tr ed positive, but the physical act of refreshing the backstops, setting Cee ee ee cd ee ee oy Ce en ''m getting stronger by the day and counting those pumps is a great way to monitor my progress. As soon as ee ea ees backstop out of concrete slabs set in an earth In the March 2021 issue, page 14 you reviewed ‘Spring Powered Air Rifle and Air Pistol Maintenance ‘and Repai’. You give the ISBN number, but my local East Grinstead bookshop has looked for me so can purchase, but comes up blank ~ the book does not seem to be published, Please can you help so that my bookshop can ltder i for me? | would be most grateful i you could answer my problem, or point me inthe right direction ‘have a Cowboy C02 88 fle, which & a great gun for casual pling. Howeuer, rave found that the sted screw head in the but, whch hast be usd to swe reve he bt tt cece he CO2 ze, 50 ‘otal ater he or eu es, has complet anytaceditheorpralset, | sobalits no be posse to get any purchase ‘ intended. ow use the are sco stacy of sticky = Pre ne ‘Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated TONY REED [ARGUN WORLD | won airgunshooting THE JACK PYKE HUNTERS BOOTS Ce eT eer cee ee IMy airgun shooting is absolutely vital to my recovery, and my family and | would like to thank you and your staf for contin providing inspiration and encouragement throughout this awful pandemic. | bet you never thought you'd be backing up the NHS! Reraireet ec az yin DT ee ever expect to be a part ofa pandemic recovery system! Now, the number of emails and letters we've had, citing similar themes to ee ee ee aoe tl Pere ee er ey eee ee eee ee ee a eee wishing you, and everyone else fighting a similar batle, a swift ‘and complete recovery. - Ed Pete Evans replies: /ve just spoken fo Quentin ~ seems he's sold out! He is having another 500 printed now, and should be restacked with Amazon and Emmett & Stone within next two weeks. Looks like the book has two ISBNS; the one printed, ancl |SBN-10 ; 0955313112. Hope that helps Pete Don't wory, springer fans it ‘wil soon be back in stock. SPRING GUIDE! | have been using a Theaben Rapid gun for aver 20, years in a .20 calibre and I cannat buy pellets like Crosman Premier and Webley Accupel. Could you please find out if they still make them? Ihave ted places around the country and cannot buy them. MARK BURGESS ‘Mark — your email reached me just as this issue went to press, so try to locate some .20 pelts for you. in the meantime, i anyone out there fas located ‘ supply, please got in touch. - Ed Wi we track down a supply of 20 pellets? "ve been tying to find an airgun dealer who can supply the latest BSA “Meteor Evo Mk Vill as Tim Finley has been describing in the lst three issues of Airgun World. The model m afters the Evo MKVII without the silencer. Plus, this model has the BSA piled arms logo imprinted ino the butt pat ofthe stock. Ive been tole there fs no [Mic anly a MKVIL Maybe you could canfirm either way whichis, right with Tim, plus which dealer supplied the rifle Tim used in the aticle, Thanks for your time. MICHAEL MADELL Tim replies: Good spot, Michael have fo confess the ‘MRVII is my ‘wn label for what BSA stil call their MKVI), and {di that because of the seven previous models ofthe Meteor | own, adit that isnt officially @ MKVII, butt should be! The one I've been testing came iret from the factory, but Im assured thatthe one you wart should be mass of BSA Meteors, buts that eally a NKVIN atthe bottom? ‘avaliable from your BSA stockist. Hope that helps - Tim ts over to Tm Finley to explain what's going on! 1960s telescope sights in @ manth or two because | know a ite more | have a quantity of advertising leaflets, handbooks and price lists for about them and recall Mibro airguns fondly from my youth. I don't Diana Airguns citca 1970s-1980s. Recently | thinned out my airgun fend to travel much but i} ever do endl up in Crete, certainly lack lection to concentrate on BSA and ‘you up. (So wil lan, and thanks for your generosity and the kind ‘Webley, so | have no use fo the Original/Diana information, ination! - Ea) . ook frward to receiving. my copy of Airgun World each month Kind regards ‘and in particular, reading John Milewsk’s articles on classic and Jahn Miewski vintage alrguns. My thought is to git the information to John ithe ‘would lke to have thern, Would you be good enough to ask him and, if he would ike ther, | vill send to you at Airgun Word fr you to pass on, lam fortunate in retirement to lve onthe beautiful island of Crete My pals and I, when not in lackdown, go upto the beautiful shooting range at Askifou inthe White Mountains, Please pass on my congratulations to al the staff who contribute to your great magazine. Last if you or any member of staff are on holiday in North-western Crete | would love to meet up with you fora drink andlor @ meal TAN LOVE Hilan, What an incredibly generous gesture on your part. Thank you for “your kind words and for geting in touch. oo tend to concentrate Webley and BSA airguns, so having a Diana resource would be very useful for me because my knowledge of them i far orn complete ‘Tm planning a two-part article on Scotish Milo Dianas and their AIRF = INEIVAGE Pi yun s RAPIODALR C) it sexiemen Imported in UK by Elite Optical Distribution aie _spinalsape cndegs _ « - Phone 01803-6583669 Toe vn alrgunshooting.couk | AIRGUN WORLD | 9 ‘Something on your mind? Send us your letters and we'll share your views with the readership. Email terry, PULLING TOGETHER 1m against cleaning kits that have metalic ‘ods pushed through a precision barrel. & break-barel rifles easier to clean, but puilthroughs are idly for PCPS, so | have ‘made my own. | needed something flexible, but ridged enough to be pushed down the business end. | used with some fshing “wine! ‘cable’, looped atone end, and using my plating sis, plated thee strands toa suutabe lena |have an Air Arms $410 Classic Superight. With the moderator removed, is ridged enough o be passed down the barrel then a cotton clean swab attached and pulled though - nt sure how LATEST MODEL (On and off for several years, | have been implementing and continuously refining 2 set cof spreadsheet-based mathematical models for trajectory of pallets and the fring cycles of spring, PCP and C02 airguns, so have been ‘most interested inthe articles writen by Jim ‘Tyler, and particulary those that appeared in the February and March issues this year, The starting pressures of pellets was a missing piece in my theoretical asaw puzzle uni raw, so thank you fr that gem of knowledge. | as particularly pleased to see that my models fr piston stoke ina spring air fle resulted in very similar graphs to those presented by Jim. However, | do have 2 Couple of observations: Firsty, on page 73 of the March issue, Jim writs, ‘Fiction is expressed as the amount of force needed to ‘overcame it, and is usually expressed in Newtons; one Newton equals 4.44822 Pounds of force (bf. Unfortunately, is the ther way round; one pound of force (Ib) ‘equals 4.44822 Newtons so | have to wonder if the graph presented and the rest ofthe aricle have over-estimated the plston seal friction by almost 20 times! Secondly, whist | totally agree with the ‘observations concerning piston stroke, tounce, covinder pulse etc, and haw itis important not toconfuse the feling of power wien fring file versus what actually happens tothe subsequent bounce is inelevant othe pli. ‘One last thing, please can | request that graphs are correctly labelled? For example the graph on page 75 ofthe March issue has red and blue lines, but which line is which? KEN CHAPMAN. Hi ken, You're of course right that 4.448822 [Newtons equals one lof, and not the other vay around (a lose of concentration on my pat), but en reflection, the friction furs in the graph would have orginally been ‘measured in lof, and are an accurate representation for that seal in that cylinder at the three temperatures, ‘My test rg does alow me to find the pellet et point in the reco oct, and in every single case it tas been during piston bounce, when the piston és moving backwards, no forwaras The earest pelt ent was, as might be expected, with the longest (96mm) piston stoke and the lowest start pressure pelle (Falcon Accuracy Plus), and that was sil dung piston bounce. I hope that heos with your modeling. Youre abo night that | shout have pointed out thatthe rec recol race was from a ton with an ‘0’ ring the Buea comnentonal parachute sea, (On a personal noe; this brings home tome bow much | miss Mike Weight, not just as @ frend, but also because we used fo proof read each other's articles before submission, tis easier to spot pelt thinks viata erty when men =| eres when proofing the pelt ents the bal. Graphs someone eke work shoving the piston tounce and eects HOT SPRINGS! BSE ke ana would ofthe piston crashing it the end ofthe have spotted the cinder ae a very interest, but Nowton6f mistake arithing that curs ater the pole stain by te leaves the bar! wil have no eect on other accuracy Peles tyicaly ony spend 2 = Best wes, to.3ms moving win te barre and in a wel-designod spring arf, wth 2 Satie pet the pston wil stil be E We a knew tat mving ward abet slovirg down, by = ae evn the Ure the pelt aves the bart any eae | Waal 10 | AIRGUN WORLD | ww airgunshootng a uk ‘his wit work wth 177 PHIL PARKER Helio Phi I suspect the twine/cable’fo hich you refer may be what anglers know as Seadcore’ It's basically a narrow tube woven from synthetic fore an filed with lead wire to give it enough weight to sink the anglers line around the hook bait. | use it ‘nysolf to make pullthroughs and it works @ treat 'd recommend the 30 to 401b version, folded as shown and taped toa handle, The weave protects the rifle's bore and the leadcore is strong enough to work for years = on 177s, too!- Ed JOIN THE CLICK! | wrt to askforenihtenment onthe relationship of scope clicks at share ranges. shoot sub-12 ‘tbs. at the Mendip Shosing Ground, where | arn ‘a member. know how to caleulate range adjustments at onger ranges. My Hawke scopes have typical % MOA clicks, so one inch at 100 Yr four cicks. My problems that | soot at ‘anges fom 15 yards to 66 yrds How do | calculate the clicks needed at these shorter ranges? There must be a formula or some such. Can you ar one of your team help me? ERNIE YEOMANS Emie— in my personal experience, the best ay to work aut he ture stings you need fr any range io put out paper targets every ve yardsmetres, and pot out those ture settings in 2 realorid shooting stuatio, taking notes 0s {you go. Make sure your primary zero is perfect then work your way ror your closes known 2210, back o 15 yards, Personal, 10 track those tumet sete right back to 5 yard, justo have the info to hand, Finaly, check and recheck your new setings, then write them dawn, an _Baper as well as recording them on your phone Or alot. Make a reference card, inate i and ‘carry itwith you. A fora is one thing, but dng {your own numbers, wth your setup, used where itmatters mest is entirely another - Ed Programs and formulae ae great, but nothing beats mapping out your awn aimpoins by shooting paper targets athe ranges you need. AIR ARMS tO LEFT-HANDED SHOOTERS! Cee EE Gc) Me ee ee Eat Ce a ee nee Ld disagree with that opinion, and when you shoot the Pro Sport, Peete a usc mn caw Pecos LOTHAR WALTHER NEWS In order to compensate forthe ack of trade fas and related information for customers, Lothar Walther has sinficently expanded ts commitment tonew media such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, Here, the customer can alvays keep up to date wth the posted reports and videos. Currently, new calitxes are avaiable for long-range sheers such as. 300 PRC and 6.5 PRC. For argun calibres the motto currently is BIG ~ Chie. with new calitres.45 and 50 ar, especialy forthe US market, Lothar Walther offers the world’s largest selection of ar barrels in addition tothe old fair calibres such as 4.5 and 5.5mm. In terms of ‘materia, increased demand for Lothar Walther barrels from the USA Is, taken into account andthe very popular 416R steels available. With the hammer-forging machine, Lthar Walther als offers bare! ‘blanks for 223 Rem or 5.56 NATO with forged chambers. Extraordinary, 1100mm-iong test barrels i calitre 50 Browning, for 2 Swiss ammunition manufacturer, with an outer diameter af up to {65mm are currently in production. Please find further information and the complete program an. ww Jothar-wather ce Lothar Walther barels are world-renowned for quality. eeu ei) NEW UK DISTRIBUTION ‘AirForce Airguns and its sister company, RAW ‘Airguns, have chosen UK-based distibutor Elite Optical Distribution LTD to become its sole importer and distributor forthe United Kingdom beginning in February 2021. "We have a strong working relationship withthe team at Elite ‘Optical for some time as they have been the ‘main importer of our BKL Technologies ine of scope rings and mounts into the UK’ said Aorce Airguns Director of Marketing, ‘Cameron Brinker ‘AS we were looking to ‘expand our market inthe UK, partnering wah Ete Optical to import Airforce and RAW ‘Airguns’ products as well as an easy choice Ete Optical Distribution and ts etal outlet ‘Optics Warehause have set the standard for Proving high qualty product information and ‘service, bath during and after the sole, to Wholesale and real customers and we feel that they are the perfect partner to continue growth ‘four brands in the United Kingdom. This partnership wil mark the increased availablity of both AForce Airguns and RAW ‘Arguns products in the UK. Established in 1998, AirForce Airguns was the frst company to mass-produce high-quality PCP air les in NORTHERN SHOOTING ‘SHOW POSTPONED ‘After consultation withthe venue and the local authority, the organisers have taken the decision to cancel this May's show until next year. Ithas obviously been a vey dificut decision to make because the wil rom vistors and exhibitors is certainly there to put this year’s show on. Unfortunately, with a show ofthis size, the current landscape is far to uncertain to make sure proper measures and protocols are in place 12 | AIRGUN WORLD | www airgunshootng.o uk the United States. Every AitFocce rife features German-made Lothar Wather match-grade barrel, with all ther components ‘manufactured and assembled in their Ft Wirth, Texas-based manufacturing facity Previously sold under the GunPower brand in the UK, al new rifles entering the UK market wil be marked as AForce Airguns. In 2018 AForce acquired RAW Airguns from previous owner, Martin Rutterford Known the world ver for producing extremely relable rifles with match-winning accuracy, Martin remains a valuable part ofthe RAW Airguns team, managing production, inl assembly, and testing ofthe rifles. Intal offerings from RAW Airguns in the UK wil be inte form ofthe venerable HM1000x rife. These outstanding rifles feature polygon riled barrels fram Lothar Walther, sidelever action, 20 MOA miled Picatinny optics ras, and rotary magazines. Available with eter wood laminate stocks oa recently eleased chassis system, the HIM1000« rife i the finest and ‘most accurate production air ile made inthe United States, Athough intial offerings wil be limited to 12 fRlbs. models, customers in the UK can expect to guarantee the salety of visitors and exhibitors, However, tke all slrms they run out of rain, andthe NSS looks forward to getting through these testing times and continuing to produce a shaw of which everyone can be proud. If you already hold a ticket, it wll remain valid forthe 2022 show and attendees wil bbe able to use it to secure a discount on the following year’s entrance price. The new dates are Sat 7th and Sun &th May 2022 FAC models of RAW Airguns rifes tobe available inthe future. RAW Airguns have a direct lineage to Theaben Engineering, With many spare and replacement pars already in production, ArForceis working to make sure that existing Theoben users have the parts they need io keep ther ries shooting Plans ae inthe works to resume production ‘of some of the most popular Theoben PCP ‘madels inthe future. Theoben rifles, tke AirForce and RAW Airguns products wil be soley imported and distributed through Elite Optica Distribution. For more information ‘about AForce Airguns, RAW Airguns or Theoben, visit ArForce Airguns anne or visit the website For more ino, vst NEW SHOW DATES Gioucestershire-based chariy, The Country Food Trust, are pleased to announce that it has now delivered two millon meals to people in need. Each year, the chant is blown away by ts supporters incredible generosity, which has alowed them to feed more and more people in need In January 2020, the Country Food Teust had just delivered is 500,000th meal. When lockdown hit, forthe vast maj, thoughts immediately tured to those less fortunate than themselves, and communities rallied to support the isolated, hungry and displaced. Even aftr such a tough year forall, the pandemic saw @ manumental change in pace, withthe unprecedented response to their CCOVID appeal in March resulting in 1 milin ‘meals being preduced and delivered in record time, Following the fantastic response fram the recent winter appeal, the charity fs delighted to report that they have passed the 2 milion ‘meals delvered milestone! Tim Woodward, CEO ofthe charity said, "This is a magnificent achievement fr the Charty ‘and we would Ike to thank all those involved for their unstinting suppot throughout Your kind donations have enabled The Country Food Trust to provide over 2,000,000 \warm and nutritous meas to children and their fais over the past months. The Country Food Trust ask us to note that whist i important that we celebrate this incredible milestone forthe chatty, are the help they have been able to produce and distribute to those in ned, we do et forget what these numbers realy sity — the sd truth that more ‘and more people are experiencing the harsh realities of food poverty in the UK There is till much work to be done, but with your help we aim to be there for those who, through no fault oftheir own, wil find i dificult to feed themselves and their families in the coming months and years. To find aut more please follow the Country Food Truston instagam, Facebook and Twitter. facebook. comthecountnfocdtrst/ vw instagram.comthecountryoodtrust/ vw twiter.convCounttyFoadTr Pioneering PCP airgun manufacturer, Dayslate, has chosen its advanced, second: generation GCU 2.0 Red Wot as the base of is fist new offering of 2021. In te: honoured Daystate fashion, the Red Wolf Heritage i a Limited Econ — just 250 ‘models willbe released worldwide. Beautifully syle to match the company’s 40th anniversary Genus (2019), the Red Wolf Hertage melds a bronze and carbon fibre finish with matching laminate woodwork ‘The new Red Wolf Heritage serves to remind shooters that besides leacing the airgun ‘word technologically, Daystate also creates some ofthe finest looking les in more éassical format. Wit ts flowing ines, the Red Wor has been heralded worldwide as one ofthe most beautiful ar riles of al ime, but a Daysate ar rifles beauty is never just skin deep. Inside the Heritage’ lunurious exterior beats a digtally regulated hert that bears testament to Daysate's 15 years! mastery of building electronically controled alr sles —a field no ater airgun manufacture has yt been able to enter. ‘The limited-edition Hertage model incorporates the very latest updates applied to the Red Wal in ts three-year production, such as the critically acclaimed ART barrel and MCT technology, the Red Wolf Heritage is guaranteed to deliver match-ike accuracy out tothe most extreme ranges. Available in standard and high-pawer (HP) configurations, with .177, .22, 25 and 30 calibre options, the Red Wolf Hertage provides a highly collectable limited edition air rifles to satisfy Daystale connoisseurs and serious airgun shooters alike. First les willbe delered In gun shops from mid-April with rtal prices stating at £2,749.00 This limited eatin Daystate is ating of beauty! wn | AIRGUN WORLD | 13 THE READING RANGE So good it came in four editions, Pete Evans takes a look at The Airgun Book rs het Piatt bor aes ack inthe early 1980s, The Airgun Book by John Watter was reviewed inthis magazine, Contained witin that article were the words, ‘Something rather special... might well become an aitgun classic’. Were those \words prophetic? Well reserve judgement for ow, instead let's meet the man behind the book = John Walter Born in Glasgow during the early 1950s, and later in life destined fora career in chemical engineering, does not sound the stereotypical star for an author with 70 books to his name but that's how itstarted, As wel asthe wring, John has experience of magazine editing, feature wring, engineering an conservation projects and printing. Those aforementioned books are largely concerned with militaristic topics, atfough he has been known to wite ‘about such diverse topics as wine! Testament to the appeal of his writing f the fact that his books have been translated into 12 languages, oan author of interationalrenawn, A simple Internet search forthe subject ofthis ance turns up copies forsale in North America, and 14 | AIRGUN WORLD | www Austra, which goes to show this sport of ous etainly boasts a worldwide appeal The Airgun Book was published in four editions cover a period spanning 1981-1987, each of the editions featuring a afferent colour for the over; blue, green, red, and creamy marble, s that each edition is easily identifi Editions 1-3 have vey interesting historical information about the development of airguns, followed with an alphabetical study of the varus manufactures and what was available atthe time. As you would expect the content keeps time withthe industry s that new ‘made's are included, which of course didnt exist at the time of earlier elo ‘The fourth edition is ite diferent; it reflects the changes in the run scene during the latter half ofthe 1980s, which includes an increase in club shooting, customisation, and of course, the increasing popular pre-charged pneumatic Itis so interesting to see a visual recording of the shifting airgun scene, during a period mary would describe asthe most exiting decade in the annals of airgun history. Household names such as Daystate, Ar Arms, and Theaben pushed the boundaries in relation to what we had seen before, and in some cases rewriting the book in cogard tothe performance of airguns we were accustomed to using. If | were to descibe these books in one werd it would be, dynamic recommend obtaining all four editions in order to get the fll story Obtaining the book might not be the easiest thing because they wil no longer be avallable to order new, but the good news is that they do become available regularly thraugh secondhand booksellers and on-ine auctions. tthe outset | quoted the words from Argun World concerning this book becoming 3 classic ile, and | have ne doubt that those words have come to pass. and | would 160 YEARS IN THE MAKING INTRODUCING THE ALL NEW Seyret TT ey BG@BSA1861 @WWW.BSAGUNS.CO.UK Daystate oy @"AIRGUN WE AIM TO PLEASE! J a sabi a DECISION LINTAINCE: aN amet E ot; WEBSITE! AEN NAS (SJON|SITEIREPAIRS: WWW.THEAIRGUNCENTRE.COM Daystate | COMBINATIONS zl YAO es Lt UNTIL LOCKDOWN EASES EMAIL: SALES@THEAIRGUNCENTRE.COM PHONE NO. 01268 780730/784469 THE EDITOR’S TEST BALANCING ACT! BSA’s new Ultra represents more than just a replacement for a best-selling rifle. You're looking at the embodiment of 160 years of company history ye features of hs month's test lear obvious, ther yout fair with the BSA Utra or ra. The ew CLX— Roman numerals for‘160, to sry the company's years of trading —is compact, handy, soy made, and designed to delner ‘mul shot performance within pre-chargpd preuratc forma. Thats exactly the same des bie that bok the previous modo the tap ofthe bests Ist and Ke therefor aver 15 years, ‘Quite an act to folow, then, and even more so when you consider the contradictory demands faced by BSA when this company replaces any of its iconic models In bringing out his new Uta, BSA fs obiged to retain the syle its customers and tracitons expect, yet somehow cary outa compte Upgrade. The winning formula, in terms of function and syle, must ive on, yt the changes need to be extensive to justify the change from ‘an established favaurte toa new contender for that best-seller status, Here's haw BSA pulled cf that contradiction of requirements Ta maintain its proven mic of Features and preserve the BSA sie this new Ultra presents familar profile. The fully-foating bare, ‘chunky acton block, and solid, ambidextrous stock pain a familiar pictur, but the fact, just four components have made the jump ‘om Uta SE to Ulva CLX. ocd Peery Pr 18 | aiRgUN woRLD vw airgunshooting Pera frien The trademark Bolas bat handle, along with cking and loading system t drives, is stil ‘eget guard and ventilated butt pad. The barrel, produced in-house by BBSA's renowned cold-hammer forging process stil does is reliabie thing... and that’s i Everything else is new. The CLX's stock has had a subtle remodel at allan specialists, Mineli, though even a side-by-side comparison wit the previous version won't see Keoping an eye onthe oe Peon ten those changes smack you inthe eye. Other changes, though, are far more easy to spt My eye was instany drawn tothe new tager format I's nat new, 2s such, but with its mul-posiinal blade options and re-vamped internal mechanism, i's new, and defn welcome, onthe Ultra CLX format Then there's the rif’s brand-new action block. It's @ CNC-machined maneblock system, which reduces complexity and required components, whilst increasing reliability. cant st major changes without ncn the pereetion of higher quay, This new Ula just looks bette than the previous made, wth an air of precision and super finish. told ‘processes have been improsed, but no eaboraton vas forhoomirg, despite my clever questioning. Within that new block slides a new, stainless slee! loading probe, and that serves ane of the most significant changes of them al, the new magazine system. This maa’ nat anly holds 12 pelts, rather than the 10 of the previous model, but it also incorpocates an ‘anti ‘a genuine one-olr, and at 45 yards, 18m wes the standard | had asa basis for imoroverent Next month, on goes a higher magificaton scope, in ges increase family, and, | suspect, down 0 those group diameters. As things land, the new BSA Utra CLXis defintely hunting standard ici, end that renamed cold hammer forged bares ding the business. OUTPUT AND CONSISTENCY Here's a remarkable thing; the CLX srt reguated by a separate device although BSA describe it as having a sel regulating fring vale. Yet, it shoots ke a regulated rife, in that, ‘ter 73 shots on target, the nest pellets wll drop visibly as muzzle velocity does the same. It's not a gradual taling-off isa dscerible shutdown, Stick to seven magazines’ worth of output for ‘each charge of your 22 CLX, and youl be fine It's consistent, too. The test rile clocked @ 15 feet-per-second overall variation for the fist 50 shots, and thats impressive from a 110ce, INITIAL VERDICT ‘The new Ultra CLXis, quite simply, a much beter rife than its best sling predecessor, ich of course it should be. BSA has retained the essence of one of its most successful ‘models, and significantly upgraded it. This version ofthe Ura s, a I close this test the best of ts kind by quite a margin. mt FIRST EDITION For BSA collectors, there's also a ‘First Edition’ model, of which just 200 will be produced. This rifle will be presented in a added hard case, and comes complete with a Mineli walnut stock, 3-9 x 50 scope, mounts and silencer. The First Edition will cost £799, and you'd better get your order ina bit sharpish. wow | AIRGUN WORLD | 24 New or second-hand, the | ral tbo2'e's bargain. > SECOND-HAND SCRUTINY What's hot on the second-hand scene? Pete Evans takes a look at a recent bargain purchase Frerotte ris show you some recent purchases of my awn toillusrate what you might be likly to encounter onthe second-hand market Rather than show you afew madels each month, | with litle background, ‘overview ofthe condition and planation cof why l actually bought it rather than just using the well wern phrase, always fancied ene of those. | tink t's important to include purchase price, which | promise wil aways be the ticket rice, and not some haggled one, and cof couse, the source of the gun. | use the ‘phrase ‘recent with some licence because ‘ning to the restrictions we find ourselves with, i's not possible to travel and buy as we used to, but be assured, all will have been acquired over the lst two years, STUDYING A SECOND-HAND PURCHASE i 2? y Le-sided sielever, smooth and easly used bye OK KRAL Turkey isnot 2 county that immediately comes to mind when you think about airgun ‘manufacturing, attiough there are a couple of ‘companies making a name for thems the airgun scene, and Kral has been maki sholguns, and later airguns fr the past 25 years, with 99.5% oftheir praducts exported to 40 countries, Ther workforce of 250 is Committed to making quality praducts at a price accessible to the widest of audiences. ral products are imported by Range Right Ld, 9, Superb value, 'm sure youll _agyee, but even better f you have the ‘opportunity to take the second-hand route HASTY PURCHASE My own NPO2 was bought from the secon hand gun rack of Neath gunshop, and was in fact only few weeks old. Alarm bells often ring when someone decides to sella gun after ‘owing it for just a few weeks, so what's the story ere? it seems thatthe age-ad story of not trying before buying was to blame, and in “It seems that the age-old story of not trying before buying was to blame” who have an experienced airgunsmith to ‘support the product line, whichis al very ‘hen Kal la including me ched the NPOL pistol, many the potential that this tactical format had to offer, which was limited bythe fact that it was a pistol and therefore tured tothe 6 ft, limit The opportunity was not lost by Kral because they offered up their NPO2 model, which olfered a full-power, pre-charged ri, fora Press the but for plenty of up and down ‘movement. this case it was the length to pul that fell oul ‘ofthe new owner, | was tld thatthe 420cc battle configuration, coupled with the ‘adjustable but pad, became a curse rather than a blessing for the owner, who could not get comfortable wth it. The moral here iso ‘check gun ft before parting with the folded stuff. til, 'm nat complaining because | was ‘able to prof rom the situation — every cloud has asiver lining, and all that. Time I think to take @ closer look at what | got fo the money. Inclusion oftctory accessories boosts the ‘second-hand value, ww airgunshootng AIRGUN WORLD | 23 | STUDYING A SECOND-HAND PURCHASE WHAT A LOT FOR NOT A LOT From the fctory, the NPO2is supplied with two magazines a single-shot loader, fil ‘adaptor, some spare ‘0 rings and a case. All these accessories, minus the case were supplied, and all appeared to be vitually unused ‘The gun itself features @ very nicely sculptured, cil-finished walnut stock, withthe aforementioned buddy bottle covered with a plastic shield, which also incorporates the ‘adjustable but pad. The combination of the baatle and the fore-end reservoir give a combined capacty of 530cc, which when ‘charged to 200 bar gives a useful 200 shots in 2cal Cock unusual sited on the lf, which along with the ambidextrous cheekpiece wil please the letthanded shooters amongst us. The lever itself operates smoothly as does the ‘clackwork- style 12-shot magazine, which enters the gun's action backwards fram the right. Each ofits shots are released by @ two-stage ‘adjustable tiger, and I was led to believe that mine retained the factory setting, which | must ‘ay s spot on for my taste the action comes via a sidelver, ADJUSTABLE POW Interestingly, this gun comes wth a power 24 | ARGUN WORLD | ww. pe Sk oy Aang cove wil stop the dit geting in adjustment wheel. really need to spend some ‘more time exploring this to get the full renee ‘quantified. Some would cite that power adjustment on a sub-12ftibs. gun is of limited value, which on the face of seems a reasonable thought. However, reducing power for garden shooting, or using inside buildings ‘can make a lt of sense, soa round of applause for Kral for including i, Quick ils ‘and pressure gauges have become obligatory features; the abilty to pretect the fil port i also important. The NPO2 ticks al these boxes, and ‘yu will never lose the port cover because it cw Perfect forthe HPO? i this Weihrauch moderator. BONUS FEATURES Weihrauch maderators, in my view, are one of the best availabe, both in terms of form and function, and so | was very pleased that one was already filed to this gun, The NPO2 is a scope-only afar, so the inclusion of a Hawke Panorama 2-7 x 32 scope really was the icing on the cake. Atough the gun was covered by three-month warranty, scope cover was nat included, nor would this be covered by Hawhe because it was @ second-hand deal. Despite his, I had high hopes because the scope itself looked brand new, and knowing Hawke's “the gun itself was in excellent condition, with no discernible marks, and it worked faultlessly” rotates to cover the charging por. Ary pre-charged gun will need @ moderato, whether you intend hunting, or ust want to shoot some cans in the garden, so thankfully, ‘an industry standard 1/2 UNF thread adoens the muzzle ‘With only minimal use, the gun ise was in excellent condition, wth no ciscemible marks, and it worked faultlessly. As wel asthe standard features, there were aso a couple of Useful accessories included, reputation for durability, | was sure | would not be diseppainted. Out onthe range, the whole cut worked lalessy, consistent accuracy being the overriding observation, WHAT'S THE ATTRACTION? So wit induced me to buy this particular outfit? was inqustve to find out what a rile in his price bracket could offer - remember, this gun new is only £369, which in the world of PCPS is super value for money. Despite a low price tag ifthe gun turned out to offer poor performance i's basicaly a waste of money. Having spent some time with this gun, i's ficult 0 work out how Kral can offer so much forthe money. Its easy to see how this rifle has became so popular, designed as a field sport, but equally usable onthe range, such ists versa All that’ left to say is how much tis sweet little combination set me back ~ £250 was enough to cary off the whole lt, which the maths, is around half the new price. There you are, that’s the story of my bargain ral NPO2, Nest month, Im going to tell you about arate variant ofa popular model from Weirauch, which | had just a1 in 163 chance: of gating my hands on. mt @ Exceptionally Accurate. al Extremely Precise. ZEISS Conquest V4 Seeing beyond Riflescopes é ZEISS Conquest V4 Riflescopes When accuracy is your main priority, you need optics you can rely on. With parallax down to 10 yards, highly intuitive reticles and 90% light transmission, ZEISS Conquest V4 riflescopes offer outstanding optical performance, even in low light conditions To learn more visit: WHEN LESS IS SO MUCH MORE Mick Garvey adjusts his approach, expectations and degree of satisfaction to his new situation he red squire conservation in Penrith is. coming together nicely. | have been given and probably taking The numbers in my than that, but the pro puch, much higher, A sine gy can wipe aut an entire colony of reds, and dont forget, the greys dont suffer the ms ofthe po, they are just carters, but with the pox many greys have ‘are moving int Help yourset, buddy. toa three questions isa syn ‘one. | have seen reds in areas that _welinto daubs you ever see a red that has been infected by wid not so ong ag, | have reds ispatched. This great news fer the the disease, youll see that it's heartbreaking coming to nemy-posiioned feeders and 1am landowners, the ne reds andme. and their sufferings anful Lang hours for these ou ‘hy but so worth Vy ABANDONED FEEDERS [My fist days onthe estate had me bouncing through the pines, larch, oak and beech tees, taking in the unoelievable scenery from te top ofthe estate; just looking out over Helvelyn and Bleneathra took my brea does today. The woodiands sere ‘away and sti ned squitels tome and I had visions of geting amongst them on the very frst day, butt was not tobe, Infact, | didn't see a single squirel, red or sey, but there was a dey atthe top end ofthe wood and many ofthe tres had hollows and woodpecker holes that would provide cover for Plenty of useful intl from the trail cams. RED SQUIRREL CONSERVATION i OS ee Perect refuge fo a loing skinny. A simple indicator ets me know of vistors. any ciscerring squirrel had met up withthe Keeper, Mike, earlier in the day and he'd gen me some good ‘intl on his sightings ard where he'd taken the. they weren't postioned ideally, and placing them in a more appropriate area witha good ‘overlooking vantage point was my fist job, which has worked out exceptionally well This “there was a drey at the top end of the wood and many of the trees had hollows” from all inf is gladly received and stored in the memory bank for future reference | had discovered a few abandoned feeders from the previ squire ranger, but for me, was followed up by putting a few ofthe stok-bord feeders out, some with cameras, some without, but al generous filled with the supplied feed: maize, peanuts, monkey nuts » on alrgunshootng.couk AIRGUN WORLD | 27 MICK GARVEY Its a serous jb and requires serious hardware, and sunflower seeds. This would atract the sreys and feed the reds. feeding the reds is an important par of the werk the rangers do, | can remember the first red I sa feeding from one of my feeders — | felt euphoric and gave mysel a pat on the back, UTMANO! As sated earlier, ring together ricely indeed. Reds are being spotted in all my areas, and greys ae being dspetched, im getting to know the areas very well, the locals are getting to know me and cals are coming in regarding red sightings and mor Urgently, grey sightings that have to be act (on immediately, more on this ltr. One of te tral cams was picking up a red ‘on one ofthe feeders, but more worryingly, a sey was aso visting the same feeder. The images were interesting and very inforative the grey was arriving every day between 3.20pm and 5pm, taking fed frely, heading of to the treetops then returning afew minutes later. twas going to be a stake-out and to be sure | would have to be in place by 3pm VRED the plan is ALL SET UP Vd be using the FAC 25 FX Impact withthe Hawke Optics Airmax scope on top. My position was around 50 yards avay, siting at the base of ane of the pine trees. The bipod was an ertra-long-legged Vanguard, which worked perfectly from my seated pasion, and pallets were the AA 25¢ Diablos. | was haping to be using the new FX Maverick in 30 ca, but ithase’t materialised yet -the money s stil in ry pocket, although itis burning a hoe init The FAC Maverick vill be an awesome air ile for this job, doing what its made fo long range shots — and light enough to be carried al day for miles whist staking By 4.20pm, | was suffering from a num 28 | ARGUN WORLD wn airgunshootng bum, and by Spm the ght was fading and old skinny stil hadn't shown. | called ita day but ‘made a mental note t retrieve the SD. rom the trail cam the folowing morning betore heading back to Derbyshire. When viewing the could have kicked myself. Twenty No Going back to repocs coring in, a call came rom the estate vet... yes, estate vet! He had been walking his dogs and had sighted couple of greys atthe far end of the estate. 1 cide know this area so | contacted Mike, the keeper, and within minutes | was on my way. It was going tobe a dificult one because the small weed was in the midale of huge grazing fields, and the approach would mean making ny way across the open land with absolutely no cover avaiable, tof, twas an intense scan. nothing was showing, so made the 5O0ard trek, scanning all the way in, and then set upa feeder in a favourable spot, and a marker out 50 yards into the field 'é be back the folowing nomning armed once more with the Impact. the wood A PLAN COMES TOGETHER Just after daybreak | was slowly edging toward ny 50 yard marker. There was good heat source inthe oak tree adjacent to my feeder, and ‘once it moved there was no mistaking the image was ofa squirel chasing another squirel. The thermal s good, but cannct differentiate between reds and greys at this distance, so the Hawke Endurance menoctuiar was deployed and the “lcan remember the first red | saw feeding from one of my feeders - | felt euphoric” rminutes afer let, the cam had moved to right-vsion mode and picked up the grey. It seemed as though it had been waiting for me to leave, but rm sure this wasn't the case ‘because the thermal spotter wou located anything up inthe treetops The good news is that on my next visit | stuck tout, and victory was sweet as a large, grey male was dispatched from feeder ‘6 Scanning the treetops for greys. confirmation came in — rey! The Airmax easily located the frst skinny ining upon one of my peanuts, and the Diablo made short work of it. | hag to find the second rey, but ithad disappeared and 30 minutes, jaterit stil hadn't reappeared. | retreated to another wood, witha plan to return later, and spent the day checking and refling feeder, plus videoing reds feeing from them RED SQUIRREL CONSERVATION i what 0 2 of several images lit up my thermal, but they were pr more’, and you knaw something? ‘mostly pheasants and crows. One in panicular nearer tad of holdover would The numbers don’t matter because there is grabbed my attention, though, itwas hellvay be needed, but once more, the PHawke! a bigger picture here, and it relly looks lke lupan oak tree and static ithad tobe the Diablo combo worked flawessly, and the the hard werk second skinny, it had tobe! skinny hung from the branch for second or together nicely. FIRST CAME THE PRIEST ~NOW HERE'S THE “PROPHET IMPROVED Cree ae ee ae ee eT ee Sigg eeee MN teh=s els Side lever cocking _ Plenum Extension 20MOA Picatinny Hi-Cap Bottle inte te Rete avernee i aa SM Nery commen keener ca) Sota creer en Ny eestor Rete une e teens mam EON ON ena Rear eka Renna may eee tee SMe Toe ore Ne eke ae eee cca Preece eee eR erreurs er rea eee ee mens volume. Compatible with etre tate eae ees a Freee ReneS ee Re aia eer es erry Wee a t1sn sai ag Nd PVA a ee nC Ses Price £1,299.95 =D) es OL) City Air Weapons and Firearms, Eurodeal Buildings, 28 Brearley Street, Hockley, Birmingham B19 3NR eee eee PERCE TaC Ty NOP LOREPC Hees cid ean searteoul Mme cari lsroat taeda [reat ee uo a etek treed srgun outit on loan, to test and review, fram Gamorgan Gun Room, based in South Wales ~ the Ruger Targs Hunter TNT, gas-pston, synthetic stock in.177 ca, wih a barrel length of 187°, total length 44.75". This combo is rected toward the hunting community, but can aso be used to shoot targets and backyard linking, Sad, my chronograph was out of action when |took delivery ofthe Ruger, nd | ‘would have liked to chronograph the gun before shooting it, because I dolike to know the power that the gun is producing, so! know ts limits for pest contro. Fingers crossed, wil ave anew chronograph by part to ofthis article. As slated, this Ruger comes as a package deal, and ital youl need to get out into the fe. Included in thes deal ra Ruger 39 x 32 AO soope Prcatinry mounts to attach ois builtin i, and there i a set of fibre-optic open seis you prefer to use them fr close proximity target The Ruger Taras outfits a handsome packat THE UMAREX BOYS CLUB Andrew Moriarty takes his time in getting to Grips with the Ruger Targis outfit shooting, and a handy sing for when you're waking around, so your hands are fee. Before | test this gun on live quarry, want to eam mare about it because I've never used anything lke it before, nat a great paper puncher, so I came up with the idea of geting 2s close as | possibly could to @ hunting scenario. Ihave been using airguns from the ‘age of seven and I'm now the ripe old age of 42, which means | have 35 years of airgun hunting experience and | don't take anything for granted in any situation | took afew of my knock-down targets to one of ‘my permissions where | carry out regular pest and it’s showing genuine field potential. Control on squire, als, and rabbits, placed the knock-downs at afferent ranges and shot from my normal distances and shooting positions so | could really get a fel forthe gun, This isa traditional break-barrel, and when ‘cocking and loading the pelt into its breech its very smooth and needs ite efor, even vith very cold hands, or when wearing gloves. One thing to remember from a safety point of view isto keep a firm grip onthe barrel when the barrel is broken, so that if anything fais with the gun, lke the trigger or locking mechanism, you are notin danger of lsing & finger. found the best pellets fortis rifle were the H & N Baracuda Light 957 grain ‘also tried Air Arms Field Diablo and JSB. wow | AIRGUN WORLD | 31 THE UMAREX BOYS CLU ‘The Soop provided inthe Tarps package does the job, and its secured on super-sturdyPiationy mounts Hades, and all 300 pellets were consistent but the Barracuda Lights performed slightly better. The sng that came wth te gun proved tobe involuale when caryng bits of kita | st the st knock down target out a my usu rating stance (of 15 yards atthe bar are a this permission ound the gun to be very accurate at close {quarters and the low magnificaton on the scope kept the images crystal clear, soit's perfect for this type of pest contal in and ‘around farmyard buildings. The black synthetic stock felt great inthe hand, withthe rubber pistol grip ~ isnot too thick or thn and the rubber grip lets you get a fir hold. The rubber tipping continues along, the fore end ofthe gun, which allows you to keep a good grip in all weathers. On this particular day it was minus 1°0, witha cold ‘This isthe ONLY way to cock and lad a break 32. | AIRGUN WORLD | www Wind and bright, but with alight furry of snow. | had no issues wth the scope misting or fogging up in these very cold conditions. ound the gun extremely well balanced when taking standing unsupported shots, as wel as ‘down on one knee. | did contemplate shooting from the prone postion, but due tothe very ‘cold weather and my old age | would probably sillbe there today! The rifles aie heavy, coming in at 7 lbs, so it'Smore suitable for youngsters in ther teens, and adults. As | took aim and settled the standard crosshair on my target, | was very happy The earsight is Witz and adjustable - ust as it Should be on a ri ike tis. ‘Abigh-visibity front sight is ted tothe mult-batle ‘Sloncer, whic alsa serves as a cocking ad with the clay ofthe ite comact scope that comes included inthe price tag | was a0 surprised with the lw cecal of his aun, so that helped with the accuracy. The gun does have the ive-chamber SlencAr sound dampener, which 's permanent fxd to the ile to reduce

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