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4/1/2020 How to migrate from Vue 2.0 to Vue 3.

0 Composition API with TS (Part 2: Replace)

How to migrate from Vue 2.0 to Vue 3.0

Composition API with TS (Part 2:
Toru Eguchi Follow
Dec 22, 2019 · 7 min read

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4/1/2020 How to migrate from Vue 2.0 to Vue 3.0 Composition API with TS (Part 2: Replace)

Vue3.0 Updates from Evan You in VueFes Japan 2018

In October 2019, Vue 3.0 pre-alpha was finally released. So it’s the matter of
time to use Vue 3.0 as production.

To prepare for it, I would like to share how to migrate from Vue 2.0 to Vue
3.0. Because these days large amount of Vue users has already introduced
TypeScript, this article also use TypeScript.

There are 3 steps on the migration like below.

1. Injection of Vue 3.0 into Vue 2.0

2. Replace Vue 2.0 codes to Vue 3.0

3. Create a global store with Vue 3.0 composition API

Because the topic is bit long, I splitted it into 3 articles. This article is the
continuation of the first step. If you want to start from the specific part, feel
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free to proceed to the page.

Replace Vue 2.0 codes to Vue 3.0

You already setup Vue 3.0 composition API in the previous article! So Let’s
replace Vue 2.0 code with Vue 3.0 gradually !

Use createComponent and setup() instead of Vue.extend

In Vue 2.0, “Vue.extend” is used to let TypeScript properly infer types inside
Vue component. Instead of “Vue.extend”, you must use createComponent in
Vue 3.0 for type inference. In addition, inside of createComponent, you
should use setup function which is an entry point where composition
functions are invoked.

// src/List.vue

<script lang="ts">
import { createComponent } from "@vue/composition-api";

export default createComponent({

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But when you replace Vue.extend to createComponent, you have many

errors in your editor because createComponent doesn’t know this in Vue
2.0. You have many compile errors in the terminal.

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But Don’t worry. This error is from Vetur. Everything works fine.

Replace Vue 2.0 “data” by using reactive

Next step is replacing local state of Vue 2.0, data . It’s super simple, use
reactive inside of setup function like below.

// src/List.vue

<script lang="ts">
import { FilterByEnum, Data, FilterBy } from "./types/List";
import { createComponent, reactive } from "@vue/composition-api";

export default createComponent({

const todoState = reactive<Data>({
todos: [],
newTodo: "",
filterBy: FilterByEnum.ALL

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reactive is the equivalent of the current Vue.observable() in Vue 2.0.

Returned value from reactive is a reactive object which you like.

Actually, you have different API to make variables reactive called ref() .
But the function itself is pretty similar to reactive() . Please check the

official documentation for it.

Replace Vue 2.0 “methods” !

Methods in Vue2.0 become simple functions inside setup function. It’s
easier to see the codes. Let’s get todos first.

// src/List.vue

import todos from "../utils/todos";

export default createComponent({

const todoState = reactive<Data>({
const init = function(): void {
const getTodos = function(): void {
setTimeout(() => {
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}, 1000); 6/20
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Because you don’t have to use this to access local state, it’s simpler.

So far, you have the function to initialize todos. But when do you call it ?
Yes, you want to do it when Vue instance is “Mounted”.
Of course Vue 3.0 has lifecycle hooks. You should use it like below.

// src/List.vue


export default createComponent({

const todoState = reactive<Data>({
onMounted(() => {

const init = function(): void {


const getTodos = function(): void {

setTimeout(() => {
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todoState.todos = [...todos]; 7/20
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}, 1000);

You can move rest of methods to inside setup function. After moving all
method, List.vue becomes like below.

// src/List.vue

<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import todos from "../utils/todos";
import { FilterByEnum, Data, FilterBy } from "./types/List";
import { createComponent, reactive, onMounted } from

export default createComponent({

setup(props, context) {
const todoState = reactive<Data>({
todos: [],
newTodo: "",
filterBy: FilterByEnum.ALL

onMounted(() => {

const init = function(): void {

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const getTodos = function(): void {

setTimeout(() => {
todoState.todos = [...todos];
}, 1000);
const addTodo = function(): void {
const newTodo = { name: todoState.newTodo, completed: false };
todoState.todos = [...todoState.todos, newTodo];
todoState.newTodo = "";
const deleteTodo = function(index: number): void {
todoState.todos = todoState.todos.filter((todo, i) => i !==
const completeTodo = function(index: number): void {
todoState.todos[index].completed = true;
const handleClickFilterBy = function(filterBy: FilterBy): void {
todoState.filterBy = filterBy;
const goEditTodo = function(index: number): void {

One thing you don’t know yet is, two arguments of setup, props and context.
Props is easy to understand. You can get a props inside of setup function. In
the context, you can check many things which is seen in this of Vue 2.0 like
slot , parent and root .

So if you want to use $router , you can access from context.root .

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Replace “computed” of Vue 2.0

You already noticed that you have Vue2.0 codes only in computed. But it’s
also super easy to replace.

// src/List.vue


import { createComponent, reactive, onMounted, computed } from


export default createComponent({

setup(props, context) {
const todoState = reactive<Data>({
todos: [],
newTodo: "",
filterBy: FilterByEnum.ALL

const filteredTodos = computed(function() {

return todoState.todos.filter(todo => {
if (todoState.filterBy === FilterByEnum.WORKING) {
return !todo.completed;
if (todoState.filterBy === FilterByEnum.DONE) {
return todo.completed;
return todo;

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const numOfTodos = computed(function(): number {

return todoState.todos.filter(todo => !todo.completed).length;


You can import computed from @vue/composition-api . And just like

methods, you can declare the name of computed and pass computed logic
to an argument of computed. That’s it.

If you want to use variables, methods in templates

So far, you have replaced all Vue 2.0 codes to Vue 3.0’s one. This todo app
uses many variables and methods inside of template like below.

- todos
- newTodo
- filterBy

- filteredTodos
- numOfTodos
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- addTodo
- deleteTodo
- completeTodo
- handleClickFilterBy
- goEditTodo

But if you want to use them inside template, what you should do ? It’s really
easy. Just return what you need inside setup function.

// src/List.vue

// Inside of template, nothing changed.


import { createComponent, reactive, onMounted, computed, toRefs }

from "@vue/composition-api";

export default createComponent({

setup(props, context) {
return {
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addTodo, 12/20
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One thing you don’t know is toRefs . It’s because when you use reactive

without reRefs , you must use them inside temple like todoState.todos ,
todoState.filterBy . But it’s not DRY ! With toRefs() and destructuring,
you can use them same as before.

So now, everything works properly !

Make it composable
So far, Vue 3.0 is perfectly works. But you can refactor it. The big purpose of
Vue 3.0 composition API is to make codes composable. It means that code
should be separated in small parts and make them use again and again.

So let’s compose todo functions.

1. Make a function called useTodos outside of export default.

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// src/List.vue


import { createComponent, reactive, onMounted, computed, toRefs }

from "@vue/composition-api";

export default createComponent({

setup(props, context) {

const useTodos = () => {}

2. Copy and paste functions and state inside setup to useTodos

Because goEditTodo is bit different, you don’t have to move it.

// src/List.vue


import { createComponent, reactive, onMounted, computed, toRefs }

from "@vue/composition-api";

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export default createComponent({

setup(props, context) {
const goEditTodo = function(index: number): void {
return {

const useTodos = () => {

const todoState = reactive<Data>({
todos: [],
newTodo: "",
filterBy: FilterByEnum.ALL


return {

This useTodos function is called a composition function.

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3. Call useTodos inside setup and use it.

// src/List.vue


import { createComponent, reactive, onMounted, computed, toRefs }

from "@vue/composition-api";

export default createComponent({

setup(props, context) {
const goEditTodo = function(index: number): void {

return {

const useTodos = () => {


return {
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deleteTodo 16/20
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Now it works perfectly !

4. Separate the composition function to other file.

Because composition function is just a function, you can easily separate it.
From Linus Borg’s demo repo, those composition functions are saved to
src/composables/ . And each composition functions are named like useHoge

like below. Actually, the type file is also moved to under composables.

// composables/useTodos.ts
import todos from "../utils/todos";
import { FilterByEnum, Data, FilterBy } from "./types/UseTodos";
import { reactive, onMounted, computed, toRefs } from

export const useTodos = () => {


And import it to List.vue .

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// src/List.vue
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import { createComponent } from "@vue/composition-api";
import { useTodos } from "../composables/useTodos";

export default createComponent({

setup(props, context) {
const goEditTodo = function(index: number): void {
return {

Now, List.vue is super clean. With Compostion API, you can separate logics
from vue component and vue component can focus more on View. That’s
the one big value of Vue 3.0.

Next Level
So far, the composition function is called in List.vue component. What if you
call same composition function in Edit.vue ? Are the states and functions
shared between components ??
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The answer is “NO”. Because composition function is just a function, you

must use something to share them globally. Composition function is not
state management like Vuex.

But if you use Provide and Inject of Vue, you can create global store. So next
article explains how to create global store with Vue 3.0.

. . .

In this article, I explained how to replace Vue 2.0 to Vue 3.0. But this article
doesn’t talk about global store of Vue yet. I would like to share the
possiblity of Vue 3.0 global store and try to make it.

1. Injection of Vue 3.0 into Vue 2.0

2. Replace Vue 2.0 codes to Vue 3.0 (Now here !)

3. Create a global store with Vue 3.0 composition API

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