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Application of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics to a non-flow process (i.e.; process undergone
by open-system).


2.1. Thermodynamics System

An open-system (also known as control volume) consists of fixed volume but mass can cross
the boundary. Open system usually involves mass flow. Examples include compressor,
turbine or nozzle but the volume of the boundary must be fixed. Figure 1 illustrates the
open- system.

Both mass and energy can cross the An open system (control volume) with one inlet
boundaries of control volume and one outlet

Figure 1: Open System

2.2 The 1st Law of Thermodynamics

The 1st Law of Thermodynamics is a statement of conservation of energy for a

thermodynamics system. For a flow process (open-system) the 1st Law is:

This equation also know as STEADY FLOW ENERGY EQUATION (SFEE)


q12 - w12 = (h2 –h1 + g (z2-


= mass flow rate of open system (kg/s)

h2 = specific enthalpy at outlet of system (kJ/kg) h1

= specific enthalpy at inlet of system (kJ/kg) C2
= mean velocity at outlet of system (m/s)
C1 = mean velocity at inlet of system (m/s) g
= acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)
z2 = height at outlet (m)
z1 = height at inlet (m)
T1 = Temperature at inlet (ºC) T2
= Temperature at outlet (ºC)

Also for specific enthalpy given by

h1 = CpT1 , h2 = CpT2

Where, Cp = heat capacity (kJ/kg.K) , for water Cp = 4.18 kJ/kg.K

In SFEE the mass flow rate at inlet is same at mass flow rate at the outlet, thus

min = mout

Using continuity equation

FloWRATe AT inlet
Where ,
A1 = Cross section area at inlet A2
= Cross section area at outlet ρ
= Density of working fluid

If A1 = A2 , so C1 = C2 then Kinetic Energy (KE) = 0

If A1 ≠ A2 , so C1 ≠ C2 then Kinetic Energy (KE) need to be


Figure 2: Apparatus Arrangement


4.1 Arrange the apparatus as shown in Figure 2.

4.2 Make sure that your open the inlet and outlet valve of Cylinder

4.3 At water service unit, fully open the pump control valve.

4.4 Turn on the pump.

4.5 Then slowly closed the pump control valve. Now water is pumping into upper tank.
You will see the water level will increase at the upper tank visible pipe meter.

4.6 Make sure the water level is keep maintain at 60 cm by controlling the pump control

4.7 Adjust the pump control valve until the water level is maintained at 60 cm height

. 4.8 Close outlet valve of Cylinder.

4.9 Light-up the gas stove burner at middlelevel.

4.10 Wait for about 10minutes.

4.11 Slowly open the outlet valve of the cylinder about halfopening.

4.12 Open the gas stove burner to maximum level.

4.13 Wait about 5 minutes.

4.14 Measure inlet temperature T1 using Temperature Meter

4.15 Measure outlet temperature T2 using Temperature Meter

4.16 Measure time for 1 liter water discharge from out let valve.

4.17 Record your data in Table1.

4.18 Turn OFF the pump

4.19 End of experiment


Table 1: Experiment’s parameters

No. Parameter Symbol Value
1 Inlet Temperature T1 34.8 º C

2 Outlet Temperature T2 54.0 º C

3 Time for 1 liter water t 12 second

4 Different inlet and z2 –z1 0.19 meter

5 Inlet pipe diameter din 21.8 mm

6 Outlet pipe diameter dout 21.8 mm

7 Cross section at inlet Ain 370 mm2

8 Cross section at outlet Aout 370 mm2

9 Mean velocity inlet C1 0.0444m/s

10 Mean velocity outlet C2 0.0444m/s

Calculate the heat supply to the system Q12. Show all your calculation.
(using data from Table 1)

1L=0.001 m3

C= (0.001m3) (12s) (3.7 m2 )

= 0.0444m/s
𝑄̇ = 𝑚̇ 𝐶𝑝(𝑇2 − 𝑇1)
𝑄= = 0,083 × 10−3𝑚3 ∕ 𝑠
𝑚̇ = 𝜌 × 𝑄
𝑄 = 1000 × 0,083 × 10−3 × 4,184 × 103(54 − 34,8)
𝑄̇ = 6,695𝑘𝑤


Briefly summarize the key results of experiment

The result was logic comparing of volume and the diameter of the equipment.
And due to the time of heating the water in control volume and open system.
(1 mark)

6.1 Explain the significance of your findings

This experiment showed the sample of the1st law of thermodynamics and the conservation
of energy that energy neither created nor destroyed it just change forms. As in control volume,
the working is going to be in the internal energy of while heating the fluid inside the piston.

(0.5 mark)

-explain the significance of your results and why does it interest you?

This experiment allows the estimation of heat transfer coefficients that result from external

flows. Even the value is the estimation of the radiation contribution compared to the convective
contribution in the total heat loss from a heated object.

(0.5 mark)
6.2 Explain any unusual difficulties or problems which may have led to poor result.

There is a small margin of error in that measurement due to the apparatus itself. Errors

such as this are known as apparatus error and cannot be avoided, although they can be

reduced by using the most precise equipment available. For example, the diameter of both of inlet
and outlet pipe into piston are not same cause has some corrosion which a bit affecting

the force and velocity of water entering and out. And which gave a poor result of our

experiment is the gas ended before the water boiling or reaching to 10 minutes.

Which lead us to improve from this error again.

(1.5 marks)

6.3 Offer suggestions for how the experimental procedure or design could be

Using better device to get good result.

Make sure of the fire sores will it continue or not.
The area of the piston must be suitable for fir
distribution. (1.5 marks)

6.4 Define mass and volume flowrates. How do they differ?

(1 mark)

Mass flow rate is the mass of a substance which passes through a

given surface per unit time.

Volumetric flow rate of fluid flow or volume velocity is the volume

of fluid which passes through a given surface per unit time. (1 mark)

6.5 How is a steady-flow system characterized?

No property at any given location within the system boundary

changes with time. That also means, during an entire steady flow
process, the total volume Vs of the system remains constant.
No property at an inlet or at an exit to the open system changes with
time. That means that during a steady flow process, the mass flow
rate, the energy flow rate, pressure, temperature, specific volume,
specific internal energy, specific or molar enthalpy, and the velocity
of flow at an inlet or at an exit remain constant. Rates at which heat
and work are transferred across the boundary of the system remain

The first law is often formulated by stating that the change in the internal energy of a closed
system is equal to the amount of heat supplied to the system, minus the amount of work done
by the system on its surroundings. The experiment shows an application of the first law
of thermodynamic (opened system) which is: The law of conservation of energy states
that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from
one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed.

(1.5 marks)

(0.5 mark)


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