Compression Walkthrough

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Hey guys, it’s Michael from @freshproductiontips.

Before we start, i want to thank each and everyone of you for the love and support you
have shown to fresh during 2020. For me it’s a pleasure to share with you knowledge
and experience working as a mixing engineer and music buiness owner.

Thank you so much. I wish you the best in the upcoming 2021. 😉

That being said, in the next few pages we will be diving into one of the most important
processes in the mixng stage, which is Compression.
No matter if you’re a beginner, intermediate or even an experienced producer/engineer.
I’m sure that once you finish reading this guide, you’ll be able to apply and improve your
tracks even more due to the amount of knowledge i’m about to share with you.
Remember that, compression is an art and requires three key factors to achieve results,
(mindset, skills and taste).
We will be talking about the following subjects.
1. What’s compression and what actually does?
2. What are its main parameters and how to use them?
3. Type of compressors, where i use each one and why + PRO tips.
4. 10 Free Compressor VSTs + download links (Mac OS and Windows X).

That being said, let’s get started!!

1. What’s compression and what actually does?
In simple terms compression is the process of reducing the dynamic range of the
loudest and quietest parts of an audio signal. What a compressor actually does is
bringing the loudest and quietest parts together in order to achieve a more
cohesive/glue sound. This also can be achieved with a normal volume automation in
certain points of your audio track/stem butwon’t be that easy as if you were using a
2. What are its main parameters and how to use them?
There are four main commonly used parameters.
Threshold. Determines how loud the signal has to get before the compressors starts to
act. For example. If a threshold is set above the loudest peak of a signal it’s not going to
be having any impact over the sound, no matter what settings are set for the rest of your

parameters. However, if your threshold is set below the loudest peak of your audio
signal, it’s going to have more or less impact over your sound based on the setting that
you have set for the different parameters.

Ratio. I like to call ratio as the small brother of threshold since they work as a team. The
ratio works relative to the threshold setting. Ratio determines how much gr (gain
reduction) is going to be applied to a signal after passes a certain threshold. As big the
ratio time is as more compression will be applied to your sounds.
Ratio settings.
1:1= no compression at all.
2:1= For Every 2 dbs that the signal goes above the threshold, is going to get a reduction
of 1 db. (Great for taming some peaks). It’s often called soft or light compression ratio.
3:1= If your signal exceeded 6 dbs over the threshold with the same ratio time (3:1), only
2 dbs would be able to pass above it. (often called mild compression).
4:1 - 5:1 - 6:1= Moderated compression (usually used for mix bus compression, drums
bases, vocals, keys etc..)
10:1 and 20:1 are called limiting. When using this values, you are telling your compressor
to act as a limiter so no signal would be able to cross the ceiling.

Attack. Determines how fast the compressor grabs the sound and starts to act applying
gain reduction to the signal.

Slow attack time, let the transient signal pass through. For example if you have a 30ms
attack time and a signal that exceed above your threshold, it’s going to take 30 ms till
your compressor starts to fully act. Gives you aggressiveness, punch and attack to your
Fast attack time, your compressor is going to kick in pretty fast. If you have a fast attack
time (1/3/5 ms), your compressor will start acting immediately the signal passes the
threshold. This attack time is good when you’re aiming to tame some peaks. The sound
that comes from a fast attack time is way unnatural and out of life than if you use slow
attack times.

Release. Determines how long it takes for your compressor to stop working after the
audio signal drops below a certain threshold, for example (-24.5 dB).

Fast release time. 1-5ms aprox, depending the compressor. Will add aggressiveness,
attack and excitement to sounds. However, sometimes using the fastest release can add
the called unwanted “pumping effect”.

I tend to use fast release time when i’m looking for preserving the dynamics of a sound/s
or an aggressive/exciting sound. Please, pay attention to what you hear more than
what you see on the compressor!!.

Slow Release time. Between 2-5s aprox, depending on the compressor. Will add a
smoother effect to your sounds.

I tend to use it if i want to push back some instruments such as leads. However, if the
release is too slow it won’t release in time for the next hit. In 99% of cases you want to
avoid it and let your compressor recover in time between hits.
3. Type of compressors, where i use each one and why + PRO tips.

There are four main types of compressors but i will be featuring a fifth one even if it’s
not a part of the big four category.
1. Field Effect Transistor. The first one is also one of the most used in the
engineering world with the famous 1176 from UAD. It has the fastest attack
and release from the rest of compressors. Fet compressors offer a fast, bright
and aggressive sound. However, they are not best for everything since they use
to be rich with a luch distortion if you drive them hard enough.

Personally, sometimes i love to use them on drums, guitars and vocals, often,
just for the sweet distortion and saturation that they give to the sound, without
applying compression at all (0 Gr in the VU meter).

2. Voltage controlled amplifier. They are giving a transparent, clean and smooth
sound. On the other hand, vca also have a fast nature despite the slow attack
and release compared to fet compressors. They’re great due to the low amount
of distortion that they add. When pushed hard, will sound quite aggressive.

A great example of a VCA compressor may be the SSL G Bus Compressor. I tend
to use it on my buses, as a light compression, aiming for a few dbs of gr (-1/-3

Optical compressors. Opto compressor tend to have a slower attack and release
time compared to fet and vca types. The most famous opto compressor may be
LA-2A. They offer a smooth and colored sound perfect for slow-medium
transient. Their slow nature its perfect for vocals/keys/bass/horns etc. Keep in
mind that each opto compressor has different attack-release time and add
different harmonics.

Sometimes i like to use them on drums too due to the smoother sound i get.
They can also add harmonics to your sound without even compressing your

Variable-Mu. The last compressor type is Vari-Mu (Fairchild660, Puigchild 670).
They’ve pretty similar style as optical compressors but much smoother tone.
Commonly used to smooth a whole track and not individual transients.

The best thing about Vari-Mu is that they add harmonic saturation to your mix.
We use to describe them as the go to for the “warming sound”. Many engineers
use them as saturation plugins with no compression applied due to the
characteristic sound that they add to the mix bus.

They can really help you to glue your mix together since they`ve slow attack time.
This will create a more balanced and cohesive mixdown. They’re not so good at
catching transients specially with heavy percussion tracks.

Honestly, i don’t use them that much at least for edm/hiphop/pop and rock
genres since they’re not fast enough. However, sometimes i like to use them as
optical compressors in a variety of non percussive instruments such as
vocals/synths/keys and bass.

3. Multi-band Compressors
I’ve decided to include multiband compressors in this category since they’re a big part
of our mixes and equally used as the rest of the compressor types.
The best thing about MBC is that they allow you to compress individual frequency
ranges in a dynamic way without having to affect (compress) the whole signal. They’re
similar as dynamic eqs but with a few more controls such as attack and release, what
makes them fully customised. On the other hand, they’ve a transparent tone so won’t
be coloring your sound as fet/opto or vari-mu does. The idea behind the multiband
compressor is to tame or smooth some “unwanted transients” from different
instruments such as vocal leads.
I don’t use them everywhere because of their transparency and lack of movement. I
commonly start with 2/3 bands with crossover points at 100-200hz, 2 khz and 4 khz
(do not use my references, may be different for everyone’s case and mix).

However, my advice for you would be to start with only 2 bands and move them across
the spectrum. Don’t use them for the sake of having a MBC working on a specific
frequency range. If you can’t hear the improvement then i would recommend you to
turn it off.
4. 10 Free Compressor VSTs + download links (Mac OS and Windows X).

In this section, you’ll find 10 of my favorite FREE go to compressors that i love to use on
some of my mixes. Please, invest a little time to learn how to use them.
On the other hand, i want to say that it’s perfectly possible to do a professional mix
without paid (premium) plugins. Yes, they will improve your sound due to their

characteristic color and some extra features (LA2A-1176-DISTRESSOR-FAIRCHILD 660.,
but that’s all you will get).

My personal advice to all of you trying to learn how to mix and use compression tools is
try to first learn as much you can with stock and free emulation plugins before buying
some fancy ones becouse someone told you that you need them to achieve x-y sound.
NOTE 1 : If you use Google Chrome, download with "Right Click" or download with
another browser.

t's a variable-mu design with lots of vibe, capable of smooth leveling but also heavy
pumping effects. With its two gain stages and interstage transformer simulation it
offers a very deep and lively soundstage.

The three-position timing switch not only controls the attack and release times of the
unit, but also the slew rate of the transformers and the timing of the other parts of the
circuitry, that are directly influencing the generated harmonics (saturation).

Download links MAC OS and WINDOWS X.

2. TDR Kotelnikov (VCA COMPRESSOR)

TDR Kotelnikov is a wideband dynamics processor combining high fidelity dynamic

range control with deep musical flexibility.

As a descendant of the venerable TDR Feedback Compressor product family,

Kotelnikov has directly inherited several unique features such as a proven control
scheme, individual release control for peak and RMS content, an intuitive user
interface, and powerful, state of the art, high-precision algorithms.

Download links MAC OS and WINDOWS X.


It’s a free emulation of the famous optical compressor LA2A. LALA has extra features
like filter sidechain, external sidechain and mix.

Filter sidechain has 3 bands.

HPF - Will cut low end

MF / MG - Will set sensitivity of compressor for mid freqs

HF / FLAT - Will set sensitivity of compressor for high freqs (Enhanced version of
original unit's R37 setting).

MIX - Will mix compressed signal with dry signal

Download links MAC OS and WINDOWS X.


Classic SSL console compressor with extra Filter and Transient sidechain options
to dominate whole signal!.

STEREO COMPRESSOR : Compressor Section

FLT : Filter Section
TR : Transient Section
CONTROL : Control section
Compressor Section
- THRESHOLD (dB) : +15 to -15
- ATTACK (ms) : 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30
- RELEASE (sec) : 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, Auto
- RATIO : 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10
- MAKE UP (dB) : 0 to 15
- MIX (%) : DRY to WET
Filter Section (Sidechain)
- HPF (Hz) : 20 to 500
- MID (~1500Hz) : -6dB to +6dB
- HF (~10kHz) : 0dB to -10dB. Will work like famous optical-tube compressor and
help you to control high frequencies, better.

Download links MAC OS and WINDOWS X.


FetSnap is modified version of famous FET Compressor to enhance transients.

With original unit, you can close sidechain and use it as line amp/driver. Now
FetDrive can be used as saturator with extra tone and blend features.

Drive : It will rise your input level (with gain compensation) and will saturate your
signal. Input range is really extended to get more drive!
Tone : Tone will shape your source before drive section. So, it's Pre-Tone Control.
This will let you decide which frequency range will be saturated.
Mix : Will blend dry and wet signal.

Output : Final output stage after MIX knob.
Fet Symbol : It's regular bypass.

Download links MAC OS and WINDOWS X.


OTT is a recreation of a popular aggressive multiband upwards / downwards


Depth control to scale the amount of compression

Time control to scale the attack/release times of all bands
Input and Output gain controls
Visual display of input and gain reduction over the low/mid/high bands.

Download links MAC OS and WINDOWS X.


Rough Rider 2 is a modern compressor with a bit of vintage style bite and a warm
sound. Perfect for adding compression to drum buss, it also sounds great with
synth bass, clean guitar, and backing vocals. Rough Rider 2 is at its best when
used to add pump to rhythmic tracks.

Download links MAC OS and WINDOWS X.


DCAM FreeComp is a free plugin for premium circuit-modelled compression in

VST, AU or RTAS hosts. Featuring a realistic model of a classic console bus
compressor design, it is intended to gel subgroups and entire mixes together
while enhancing punch and definition. It's also excellent at creative sculpting,
taming peaks in individual tracks and creating pumping compression effects with
more extreme settings.

Download links MAC OS and WINDOWS X.


It is an analog-style compressor that doesn’t just work as a dynamic range

compression tool, but also as a saturation and tonal shaping plugin; if you’re
getting too much saturation you can turn it off from the interface to get a more
“transparent” sound.
It comes in Russian, but the Interface language can be changed to English via a
switch, so make sure to read the manual on how to do this.

Now, as far as ease of use goes, it’s definitely not for beginners since it features
loads of different controls and options to affect the sound.

Additionally, it has some extra features that are completely unique to Molot
itself, which means that even more experienced producers may have a pretty
hard time figuring it out.

Download links MAC OS and WINDOWS X.


Fontier is an audio limiter with adjustable release time (fast, medium, or slow),
automatic gain makeup functionality, and optional soft clipping on the output. It
also features a large gain reduction meter, a built-in preset manager, selectable
input channel control (left, right, or mid), and an advanced options menu for
adjusting the processing quality when used in real time and while rendering the
song. This allows the user to save some CPU power while mixing or mastering
and then render the project at the highest quality possible.

Download links MAC OS and WINDOWS X.

As a conclusion, i think most of the people that’re struggling with compression
will be able to improve the quality and sound of their tracks by applying and
practising the knowledge and experience i give you with this guide. It’s definitely
a great starting point for all of you trying to get better mixes.

Do not desperate if you can’t achieve right now the results you want. Learning
compression takes time, patience and practise.

That being said, if you want to learn more about mixing in depth and get your
tracks to a whole new level, you can get my ultimate mixing tips book with a
practical mixing guide where you’ll be able to follow the process i do on my

Ultimate Mixing Tips Book + practical mixing guide.


If you have any question/suggestion, do not hesitate to send me a mail to or DM me on instagram @freshproductiontips.
I will be more than happy to help you.

Thank you,



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