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The Town Dog was born by the man called Kemisi Issa, and a woman called Nagawa Christine
from the country called Ugandan in East Africa. He was born on 11th, Dec, 1989 from Kawolo
hospital Lugazi Uganda. He grew up from a slum area called Geregere Majani which is found in
Lugazi Municipality, Lugazi Town Council in Buikwe district former Mukono district. The area
where the Town Dog grew up from is highly populated compared to other nearby areas such as
Namengo, Kinyoro, and Nakazadde among others. The Town Dog loves calling himself a Town
Dog because in his local language “LUGANDA”, a Town Dog is someone who is known by
everyone in the town and every corner of the area. The biggest percentage of the Town Dog’s
village is made up of youths. The number of youths who have ever reached at school in his
village are estimated by the following percentage, University level are about 2%, secondary
level are about 18% ,primary level 75% and none about 5%. That is so because most of the
youths are involved in drug abuse at early age which is caused by the group influences, early
sex/ marriages which leads to unwanted pregnancies hence making them to dropout of schools.
And lastly also the refusal of their parents to pay their kids school fees leads to their stay at
home hence lack of education.
The photo bellow shows the Town Dog on the right hand side and his family. In the
background is the House where the Town Dog and his family were staying from.
The Town Dog on the extreme left with his family members in their house during one of the
X-Mass day


The Town dog started his studies from a nursery school called Lugazi Central Nursery found in
Lugazi and then he joined a primary school called Geregere Safi known as Geregere P/S and
later Wagala P/S, where he used to walk some good kilometers to school bear footed. The
Town Dog studied primary 1, and 2 from Geregere P/S. Primary 3 and 4 from Wagala P/S.
When he reached the middle of primary 4 (term two), his father stopped paying his school fees.
He stayed at home for some good time. Then he started to look for his own ways of looking for
school fees so that he can study because he was so much interested in studies.

The Town Dogs mother wanted the son to study but when you look at the type of business she
was running, it was only proving food at home (one meal a day) and that made it a challenge for
the Town Dog to study. The mother used to sale tomatoes, onions, and silverfish among others
which had a capital of not more than Ten thousand shillings as it is seen bellow is the town
Dogs mother Nagawa Christine with her business.
Due to the lack of school fees at home, Town Dog had to look for the possible ways of studying
and there was an orphanage/rehabilitation center in Kibubu Village Lugazi municipality which
used to take kids from the street where Lugazi Simple supermarket is located by now. It’s in this
area where the street kids used to stay/gathered because of its good geographical location of
trees by then which made it a suitable place for the street kids to stay in and from that area,
that was place the owner of the rehabilitation center called Jaja Maria and the team used to get
the street kids from and take them to her rehabilitation center where she used to provide them
with the basic needs, such as rehabilitation services for the drug users, free education and all
the school necessities to those who had interest in education where they were taken to good
schools such as Kibubu Academy, Community among others.

The town Dog had his friend who was staying at the street by that time who explained to him
what was going on at the street and then he asked him whether he wanted free education and
he gives him the way forward or not. They talked a lot and the Town Dog got interested in his
friend’s deal. Basing on what his friend had told him, the town Dog had to live his home to go to
the street, not because he was an orphan or drug user but he did it to get education.


Life at the street started by being fun because the Town Dog was given a great welcome by his
follow kids but after some days, Life became very hard to the Town Dog because he was not
used to such kind of life of the street where getting food was a problem, fighting was the order
of the day and the drug usage was also a challenge to him but in order for him to get free
education, He had to look for the ways of staying with the street kids at the street in order for
him to get free education. The Town dog had to go where music shows were to take place such
as Green View hall which was one of the best music perforce halls during that time to clean it
and also arrange the hall where the shows were to take place from. By doing so, the Town Dog
used to get what to eat from the money the organizers of the events used to give him for his
services and on the addition to the payment, watching the shows used to be free of charge for
the Town Dog as seen bellow.


As the time went on, there came a day when a group of whites came to the street and they
were from the orphanage and that group was looking for the street kids to be taken to the
orphanage and rehabilitate them, train them and also provide them with free education.

By God’s grace, the Town Dog was among the selected kids, which was the beginning of his
success in to the good schools/ good life. The owner of the orphanage was a “Muzungu Lady”
called Jaja Maria from U.S.A and this lady was caring and kind basing on the love she used to
show to the street kids. The Town Dog was trained/educated with the Gospel of the Heavenly
Father/ Christianity, he was trained also how to sing gospel songs, playing of the musical
instruments but the songs they used train them, they used to sing them to the nearby Churches
and the crusades which used to be organized with his Area. The Town Dog was taken to a good
school called Kibubu Town Academy. Life became interesting/ fun to the Town Dog mostly
whenever Jaja Maria was around in Uganda and at the orphanage. At the time when Jaja Maria
was not in the country, life was not as good as it used to be when Jaja Maria was around.
“Indeed, life at the street was far much better than the life at the orphanage whenever Jaja
Maria was not around”.
Basing on that, when Jaja Maria left to U.S.A, Life was not easy and that also forced the Town
Dog to plan about living the orphanage because life was not good as it was at the time when
Jaja Maria was around.

Life at the orphanage became worse and during that time, the Town Dog got the information
that the mother’s house had fallen down, that forced him to live the orphanage and went back
to his village so that he can help the mother with the construction of the house and that made
the end of the street and the orphanage life to the Town Dog.

The photo bellow shows the Town Dogs mother and his brother at their fallen house

The Town Dog came back to the mother’s home and they had to construct a better house
compared to the first one and bellow was the newly constructed house.
After the construction of the Town Dog’s house, the mother asked him to go back to the
orphanage which he refused due to the bad conditions which were at the orphaned and the
massive death which used to take place alongside the railway. The Town Dog decided to stay at
home while helping the mother with some work at home such as running of the business,
cooking, cleaning of the house among others. One day, there was a neighbor selling sweet
bananas near by the Town Dog’s home, one day she had a big stock of sweet bananas and all of
them where ready for sale and she requested the Town Dog to help her and move around
Lugazi Town and sale for her her bananas. The Town Dog accepted because he had nothing, he
was doing by that time whereby he accepted the offer and then started selling bananas around
the town and he used to carry them with the basket on his head. The more bananas the Town
Dog sold, the more commission/ payment he got from the owner of the business; hence this
made a big deal to the Town Dog which forced him to sale more and more bananas.

Below is the lady who brought the Town Dog in to the business of selling bananas.
One day, The Town Dog was selling his sweet bananas, he found a man who bought bananas in
large quantity and on addition to that, he also advised the Town Dog to try and take bananas to
the Indians who were staying in the nearby area ‘’Villa line, Lower Wambwa, Lagalaga’’ among
others in SCOUL and sale to them the sweet bananas because Indians liked bananas so much.

One day, the Town Dog tried to sale his sweet bananas to the Indian Place where the Man had
directed Him, it really worked for the Town Dog because the Indians really liked bananas more
than he expected. Due to the Indian higher demand of sweet bananas and the willingness to
buy at the higher prices, it made the Town Dog to sales bananas everyday hence making the
Indians to be the best customers for the Town Dog which increased the Town Dog’s sales which
led to the increase of the commission.

When the Town Dog saw that there was a lot of improvement in the running of his business, he
planed of going back to school.


The Town Dog didn’t stop only on the selling of sweet bananas, he also used to save whatever
coin he got and he used to save it through giving it to the mother who also did a good work of
not even using a single coin basing on the financial challenges she had.

The Town Dog’s saving increased day by day and one day, the Town Dog told the mother to
help him and take him back to school because basing on the savings the Town Dog had made,
they were more than enough to take him back to school for some two years. The Town Dogs
mother welcomed the idea of going back to school and then she took him to the school of The
Town Dog’s choice where The Town Dog was given an interview to see if he was feet for
primary five class or not. The Town Dog proved it by passing the interview which was given to
him. He passed the interview highly and it was the best moment for the Town Dog. The school
he joined was called Lugazi West Primary School.


The Town Dog started his Primary Five class with the very big blessing whereby he was liked by
every teacher at school. He built his brand through joining the school choir, leading of the
cheering team for the school’s football term whenever it used to go for the tournaments and
on addition to that, he also used to try as much as possible to speak English at school where he
was reward by a Mathematical Set on one of the music gal at school as the best English speaker
at school. Not only that, the Town Dog also joined the school politics where he was voted as the
Entertainment prefect for all over his Primary level and this gave him an opportunity to be
given free launch at school throughout his primary level and also being known by everyone at
He used to go to school in the morning and carry out his business after classes in the evenings
every week but after sometime when the books over took him, he then changed it to three
days per week. But before that, the Town Dog was working every day after school and that
forced him to repeat a class and that is what forced him to change his schedule to sale sweet
bananas three days a week and that made his performance to improve. The Town Dog’s
Commission increased and that changed the Town Dog’s life both at home and at school. This
was seen whereby the Town Dog used his commission to clear up the payments of his school
fees, buying of his books, school uniform, and shoes among others which were no longer the
Town Dog’s problems. Due to the Town Dogs good saving skills, he also used to managed to pay
for his study tours at school whenever they were organized as seen bellow.

The Town Dog at Bujagali falls one of the study tours which were organized by the school.
As the time went on, the Town Dog got a lot of Indian Customers and even the way of selling his
bananas changed because his customers had started booking the bananas in advance which
made his work easy because he knew the time whenever his customers wanted bananas and
the time they were at home. By doing so, the Town Dog also knew whenever his customer’s
bananas were out of stock. The Indians went beyond buying bananas and they also sent the
Town Dog for others items such as pineapples, oranges, tomatoes among others because they
had developed trust in him. This increased the Town Dog’s sales hence changing his life both at
home and school.

Beside his business, the music event organizers had liked the way the Town dog was working in
the cleaning of the music hall and this forced them to call him for his services whenever they
had shows in Lugazi and that also gave a town Dog a chance to watch their events at a free cost
and even sometimes joining them on the stage as it is soon bellow.
The Indians liked the Town Dog and even they used to invite him during his free time to play
around with their kids and one day, he was playing Cricket with their kids, during that time,
there was filming of the Last King of Scotland movie around the area and out of the blue, the
organizers called the Town Dog to act as the security guide for President Idi Amin at the state
house which he did and then he was paid some good money which he took direct to the
mother. The money which was given to the Town Dog was a lot of money to him which was
kept and later used as to pay for the Town Dogs school fess for five terms Hence the Town
Dog’s thanking God for the coming of the Last king of Scotland movie.

Beside all of that, the Town Dog also used to go on Coca Cola, Airtel, Mtn among other
promotional events which used to take place on the advertisement trucks around the town in
the evenings and it’s from here whereby the Town Dog used to go on those promotions and
compete in dancing competitions where he used to win and whenever he used to win, he was
given the t-shirts which he used to sale to the people who liked the branded clothes and get
money out of the wined items which he used to use for his own activities such as breakfast at
school, among others.
Below is the promotional trucks where the Town Dog used to dance from in order for him to
get the T-shirts
The Town Dog did not stop in the halls he also used to perform in schools around the town to
earn a living as it’s seen bellow;
The Town Dog’s name moved around the area and everyone was talking about him around the
town, he was also invited to perform at one of the best hotels by then “Nora’s Complex and
Patron hotel’’ where he used to perform every Wednesday, Saturday and Sundays and the
photo bellow shows the Town Dog when he had just arrived at Patrons hotel for his
One day, during the Town Dogs primary level vacation, he had gone to carry out his business of
selling bananas in SCOUL as usual, he saw a group of people playing golf and among the
caddies, there was his friend whom he asked about what was going on at the golf course and
then he told him that he was to explain to him what was going on when they were done with
their game. The Town Dog waited for him after he was done with the delivering of his bosses’
bananas and this took some good time for the Town Dog to wait for his friend to finish his game
so that they can meet and talk which did not happen because his friend took a lot of time
without coming hence the Town Dog living him and meet him at home. The friend finished his
game and then came back home where they meet with the Town Dog. He explained to the
Town Dog what he was doing at the golf course and then the Town Dog asked him how to join
and he explained to him all the details. The Town Dog picked interest of working at the golf
course and he had to join the golf caddy team by the next weekend. Time came and the Town
Dog went to the golf course and then he was trained how to caddy. He learned everything and
then he started working as a caddy. The first time the Town Dog started working, he broke his
boss’s trolley which made him to work under pressure and also under a lot of fear because he
knew he was going to be ordered to pay for the Trolley and also stopping him from working
while he had got no money and also be fired from the golf course. But after the game, the lady
the Town Dog had worked for just calmed him down, the lady paid him 3000= instead of 5000=
which was more than enough for him. The Town Dog thanked God for the payment and also for
not reporting him to the golf manager who could stop him from coming back to the golf course.
The Town Dog prayed to the Almighty God to reward the lady for being with such a heart and
as the time went on, the Town Dog kept a good record of working well to the golfers at the golf
course and this was seen whereby he was being booked in advance for the next weekend’s due
to his good performance at the golf course. The Town Dog worked for some good time and
then he also started couching golf beside music and selling of bananas. The Town Dog worked
very well as a caddy and then he was promoted to the post of the Caddy master in that same
year. The Town Dog was allowed to play Golf because of the good record he had at the course
but his first day to play golf, his ball heat a girl on her nose at hole number four and here the
Town Dog lost his heart but God is good the father of the girl she had heat knew him and told
him to come down. This made most of his friends he was playing golf with that day to stop
playing golf for the rest of their life which was not the case with the Town Dog.
Living that alone, the Town Dogs savings increased basing on the multiple activities he was
doing and he finished up his primary seven vacations when he had already saved the money for
two terms of his secondary level. The results for primary seven came back and the Town Dog
had passed very well with the second grade which surprised the mother and the teachers
because he had done better than a good number of students who were being provided with
everything at school and here, he had to join secondary level because he had passed well and
also, he had saved some good amount of money for him to begin secondary level.


After finishing the primary level successfully, the Town Dog had to join secondary school
because he had saved some money for almost two terms of his secondary school. The Town
Dog went to a school called Mehta Senior Secondary School and then he paid his admission
because he had already saved for it plus some two terms, He also shopped for his school
uniform and then he joined because he had got good results from primary level which allowed
him to be given a vacancy in the secondary school. After some weeks, the Town Dog started
studying in 2005 in senior one (S.1).

During his first two terms, everything run smoothly at school but his performance in class was
not such good due to the fixed schedule he had but after that, he got some challenges with
school fees even if he had saved some money but it was not enough for him to go on with his
studies for the next terms in secondary level this was so because of the increased school fess
whereby he used to pay 8,000/= in primary level which increased to 87,000/= in the secondary.
He tried to share the challenge he was going through with the mother and they had to come up
with an ideal of making sure that the mother get a job so that they can join hands for the Town
Dogs studies to run smoothly. The Town Dog’s brother was studying on a football scholarship
where he was studying from while their sister’s school fees was paid by the Town Dog’s mother.
One day, The Town Dogs sister was advanced by a friend to report the father to police so that
he can pay for them school fees and that was her end of studying because the father openly
refused to pay for her fess because she had reported him to police and then he accepted to pay
the school fess for the Town Dog. He did it for some two terms then he died. Good enough the
Town Dogs mother had started to work in one of the primary schools around whereby she was
working as a cook to the school kids and the staff members but the work she was doing was not
such easy because the water she used to use for cooking, she used to collect it from a well
which was at a good distance from where she was cooking from hence making her working on
Gods mercy.

During that time, the Town Dog had his friends who had started up a Community Based
Organization which was called The Youth Outreach Mission and this organization used to reach
out to the youth’s in schools and the community at large. They saw the Town Dog as the right
person whom they could work with and they invited him to join the organization one day but It
took the Town Dog some good time to join the organization because of him being up and down
but one day, the town Dog was re invited and the he picked the interest in the organization
activities hence joining the organization. He worked with T.Y.O.M organization, as well as
studying, working at the golf course, selling his bananas and also performing in the disco clubs
but this time in one of the clubs called Norah’s Complex where by his boss used to pay him
some good tips Mzee Solex sound.

The Town Dog with the some of the Help International team which had come to watch his
performance at Norah’s Complex.
The Town Dog with the T.Y.O.M members and the Help International team at the Sezibwa
As the time went on at the T.Y.O.M, he was also promoted to the title of the Procurement
Manager as it is seen bellow.
The Town Dog balanced everthing because that was the only way he had to do it in order for
him to get school fees and the upkeep both at home and school because his father had stoped
paying him school fees and that was the only way to go. One day, there was a fund raising party
for the scool feet ball team at school and the Town Dog used the party as an opportunity to
entertain the guests and here he got a lot of money because people liked his performace and
also there were his fellow students who also request to take pictures with him which he
accepted. It was a day of having fun as it is seen bellow.

The Town Dog perfoming at the fund raising function at his school
The Town Dog also perfoming at the fund raising fuction.
Some of the pictures which were taken by the students with the Town Dog at the function
after his parformance.
The fund raising went on well and the school’s football team had qualified to go to the national
Level in the West Nile in Arua to represent the district and the Town Dog was taken as the ONLY
one school cheer leader to Arua which he did with all his heart when he had reached Arua.
People in Arua liked him and even they nick named him their name ‘’Akidri’’ which he also liked.
The Town Dog had made a name at home because of his cheering and comedy making at
school. At home, most of the people used to come for the football games to watch the Town
Dog cheering the football games and it was the same case in Arua where the Town Dog had
gone with his school team where by almost people came to watch the Town Dog cheering his
team as it is seen bellow.

The Town Dog Cheering a football game at Mehta Stadium

The Town Dog cheering a football game in Arua.

The Town dog supported his school team and the team performed more than they had
expected. The team reached the final level of the competition and that made it to qualify for
the next level of the game of representing the country in the outside country Rwanda which
was to be done during the next term holiday. The team got a warm welcome from Arua by the
village members and also the Town Dog was among the winning team and he was also planning
for the Rwanda trip by the next term holiday. The holidays got finished and the school started.
Here the Town Dog went on with his performing at school events, he also used to perform to
the company factions which is owned by the owner of the school where the Town Dog was
studying from on 31st December and other functions which used to be held by the company
(SCOUL) as it is seen bellow and that brought the Town Dog to be known in and outside his
school/ the community.

The Town Dog performing at one of the Music Dance and Drama faction at school
The Town Dog performing at one of the Music Dance and Drama faction at school

The Town Dog Performing at one of the fuction at school

The Town Dog performing at one of the head over ceremony at school
The town Dog in white performs with his friends on the one of the faction in SCOUL.

The Town Dog in the suit performing with his fellow students in SCOUL
The Town Dog did not only stop at selling bananas, entertainment, working as a caddy and at
the T.Y.O.M. He also joined politics at school where he was elected as the entertainment
prefect due to the higher support he had from the students and the staff at large and in the
photo bellow, the outgoing entertainment prefect handing over the power to the Town Dog as
the entertainment prefect

The Town Dog swearing in as an Entertainment prefect

The Town Dog kept on doing his mulitple activities in order for him to have a clourful future
whereby he used not to discriminate jobs, whatever job came on his way, he used to do them
so that he could get his school fees and the requirements at school because he belived in
education as the key to success. Beside all of that, the Town Dog had a good number of friends
at school both boys and girls but the largest number/percent of his friends were girls. The Town
Dog every after classes due to his funness and his funy story telling/comedy making. He had a
group of friends who used to come whenever he could be at the school compound just to
listen/hear his stories and even others used to move with him during brakefast, lunch and even
after classes for a walk with him just to hear his funny stories every day but one day, The Town
Dog had also went for a walk with his fellow students.One of them was staying at the police
station near the school. On their way for the walk with the friends, the girls parents came at
school asking for her and the master who was on duty that day told the parents that they had
released the students some time back. On that same day the Town Dog had moved with like
four of his friends but time came and then the Town Dog sepereted with the friends and then
he went to his home but there was a friend who went back to her home and the parents asked
her where she was coming from because they had passed at school when she was not at school
and the same applies to home.They cained her and the poor girl told them that she had been
with the friends, when they asked her who were they, she openly told them that she had been
with the Town Dog and others friends which she also mentnames but because the Town Dog
was the key figure and also his coming from the degrious Gheto area, this didn’t make the
parents happy hence they had to find out who the Town Dog was. Good enough the girl had got
the Twon Dog’s photo which was taken durring the fund raising faction at school which she
showed to her parents to get to know the poor boy but instead, the parents of the girl because
of them knowng the law, they had to base on those photoes as evidance and used them as the
proof to pin the the Town Dog and their daughter that they were in love ,but basing on the
Town Dog, this was the boy with low self esteem where by it was not easy for him to enter into
a relationship with anyone at the time and the age basing on where he was coming from and
the the environment he was coming from. The next day, the girl’s parents came to the school to
the Head Teachers Office where they explained to him what had happened to their daughter
perents asked the H/M to allow them to meet the Town Dog which the H/M accepted and the
Town Dog ws called to his office. When the girls parents saw the Town Dog, basing on the
photoe of the Town Dog they had got from their daughter, they just said happyly that he was
the one they were looking for basing on the photos they had got from their daughter. They
requested the Head Master so that they can go with the Town Dog and then they bring him
back after some little investgation which the Head Master accepted hence the parents going
with the Town Dog. On their way, the girls parents kepted on asking The Town Dog questions
such as where he was staying and then the Town Dog them everything unknowing that he was
digging his way to the police Shells. When they reached the Police station, they told the officers
who were at the counter that, they had brought to them their friend and there and then they
told the Town Dog to remove his shoes, belt among others and then told him to enter the
police shells. The informing reach the Town Dogs friends the he was arrested and almost all the
school came to find ot if it was right, the Town Dogs schoomates come in big numbers where by
they officers had to stop them from coming but that did not stop them. When the information
reached the Town Dog’s mother, Poor Lady just cried at the Police Station the all day requesting
for the release of the son. She used not to eat at home and when the officers saw all of that
going where the poor ladies work was to come everyday crying to the offices for the release of
the son, they just knew that that was the way to go because the Town Dogs mother asked them
whatever they wanted so that they can release the son and the girls parents were asured that
money was in their hands hence retaining the Town Dog in shells for some good days. Because
of the Town Dog’s parents ignorance of the law by then, it led to the Town Dog to stay at the
police shells with the Killers, robbers among others for five days in pollice Shells. But before all
of that happening, the girl who had led the Town Dog to be take to the police shells had some
friends at school who were staying near by her home where she asked them to help her and
inform the Town Dog the next day at school that her parents were coming for him basing on
what her parents were saying at home. All of that had happened durring the weekend and it
came to Monday whereby the Town Dog had to go to school but reaching there, two girls
approched him giving him the message that the girls parents were coming for him and there
the Town Dog was confused about what they were taking about and then he asked them what
had happened where they explined to him the all story basing on what their friend had told
them. The Town Dog thanked them but he had got nothing about what was going on. Time
went on and they had to go for amsebly which used to take place every Monday at school and
the girls parents had already come at school. When Town Dog were on the amsebly, the Duty
Headmaster told the students about what was going on and they were still investgeting on
matter but the Town Dog had a strong heart bacause for him he knew he was innocent about
what was going on. The Town Dog went to class after the asembly, he studieded the morning
class and then they were released to go for break. All that went on when the girls parents were
in the H/M’s office trying to convince him to give them the Town Dog so that they can allow
them to take The Town Dog for some little investigations which the Head Master accepted and
the Town Dog was enjoying his break, one of his friends came telling him that the Head Master
was calling him to his office. Reaching the office, the parents shouted at the Town Dog that ‘’he
was the one’’ hence taking him. Due to the Town Dogs characters in the shells, he was given a
lesdership position in the shells as the religion leader. He used to lead the morning prayers,
lanch and even evening prayers. The Town Dog spent five days in the shells and then he was
released after his parents had finished to pay more than UGx 850,000/= to the parents of the
girl which as some good money by then, that is when the Town Dog was released. After his
release, the next day the Town Dog reported back to school where he was given indefinated
suspension and he was removed from the post of the Entertainment prefect which made his life
more difficult where by he regreated why he was born. He accpted to stay at home because his
mother was there for him. The Town Dog did not losse it all, he remained selling his bananas
and also spending most of his time at the golf course. One week went on and he had to report
back to the police station as it was told to him and then they told him to come back the next
week and here the Town Dog went direct to the O/C station’s office where he explained to him
what had happened to him and after hearing his side, he called the CID who was telling the
Town Dog to keep on reporting and asked him why he was doing all of that and then O/C
station stoped the Town Dog from reporting back to police and on addition to that, he also
promised the Town Dog to inform his H/M about the same issue so that they can allow him
back to school. The Town Dog went back to school and the H/m told him that the disciplinary
commite had to first seat and look in his case and then they see the way foreword where the
Town Dog had to wait which he also did. In Two weeks time when the Town Dog had just came
out of shells, he lost his father.

After the loss of his father, the Town Dog just left everything to God prayers were his order of
the day and to him, that was the only way go. The knowledge about Gospel the Town Dog had
got at the orphanage, helped him a lot durring all that difficult times and the challenges he was
going through. After some good time, the Town Dog was called back to school by then he was
in S.3 and that was the time for final exams but the Town Dog had nothing to do apart from
going back to school for exams where the results came back when The Town Dog had failed the
exams hence repeating S.3 class. Here the Town Dog lost hope because the mother had debts
which she had got from people when the Town Dog was is shells which she had to pay back and
and all of that was done to save the Town Dog and also on the side of the Town Dog, all his
saving were also used durring that time of difficlut and Here the Town Dog and the mother left
everthing to God hence not studying due to school fees. Praying to God was the order of the
day. Time for Holidays came and the Town Dog spent his holliday helping the mother to pay
back the debts she had got from the funds he used to get from banana selling, cadding at the
golf course and also performing at the night clubs. Studies started and for the Town Dog, he
just remained at home looking for school fees. One day, the Town Dog had gone to sale his
pinapples and bananas, he went to the Chief Excutive’s home to deliver their order and here
the wife to the Chief Excutive asked him why he had not gone to school and opnely the Town
Dog told her what had happened in his life and then the Madam was tourched. She told the
Town Dog to go backhome and write an application requesting for the scolarship from Sugar
Co-operation of Uganda limited and take it to her office by the next day in the morning he was
to find her there so that she can look for the way forward. The Town Dog went back home after
his sales and then he shared it with the mother and the mother just cried thanking God for
what he had done for them. The Town Dog didn’t know how to write an application and then
he went to the nighbour who wrote for him the wrough copy and then he wrote the fair copy
of the application which he took to the Madam the next day. The Town Dog took the
application to the Madam and Madam saw the Town Dog by the side of her office widow even
before the Town Dog saw her. Madam called the Town Dog and then asked him for the
application which the Town Dog gave to her. She got the application and then told the Town
Dog to go back home that she will communicate to him as soon as posimble. The Town Dog
went back home thinking that it was to take one day but he waited for the first day, secondy
dayand the thirdday where there was nothing happed. The mother asked him about the
application updates but he also had nothinhg to tell her. They thought that the Madam had
laied to them and even the Town Dog used not to deliver fruits to her home for sometime good
time thinking that the madam was not honest to herself. After some good time, the Head
Master sent someone to Town Dog’s home asking him to come back and begin reporting to
school and that was like a dream to the Town Dog. Still he shared it with the mother where she
only thanked God. Monday reached and the Town Dog reported to school but he had to first go
to H/M’s office where the H/M told him that he was give Scolaship by the Company and he had
only to buy books and the uniform for his studying and then living the rest to the Company.
Indeed it was a dream to the Town Dog and his family because they did not belived what they
had told them but they also just thanked God for that Miracle. The Town Dog requested the
H/M to allow him and go and say thanks to the Madam who had helped him which the H/M
accepted allowed the Town Dog to go on and the Town Dog rashed to the C/E’s wife’s office to
say thanks to the Madam whereby she thanked the Town Dog for appreciating and then she
advised him as a parent on the Dos and Don’ts at in life and mostly at school and also she
bought for the Town Dog books for that term and the Town Dog started his studies while
carring out his business as while as music both at school and norah’s complex without not
forgeting working with the T.Y.O.M also as seen in the photos bellow but before going back to
that school, the Town Dog had tried other schools where by he studyed for one week on one
school ane three days on the other school before calling him back to his original school;
The Town Dog performing at one of the events
The Town Dog performs at one of the ceremonies at school
The Town Dog with a friend performing on one of the S.4 & S.6 livers party at Mehta S.S.S
The Town Dog studied and did his Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) exams where
he passed sucessfully at no cost. Before doing exams, he thought that he was to pay for the
UNEB papers fess which he had mobilized but when he had gone to pay for it, the H/M told him
that everything was cleared. He passed the Ordinary level Exams (O level) with some good
grades which were allowing him to go on with his studies at Advanced level (A level).

During his O level vacation, The Town Dog got the connection with the girl who had made him
to be taken to the police shells some years back and here, they fallen in love with to each other
and this was so when the girl had meet the Town Dog and asked for the forgiveness and here
their love grew and then they promised to marry each other which was accepted by everybody
on one condition that they had to first finish their studies in order for them to marry each
other. But after the vacation, the Town Dog got the information from the girlfriend’s sister that
the girl had got married to the babber and she was also pregnut and that was the end of the
Town Dogs love story and here the Town Dog had to concentrate on his books and studies due
to the disapportment he had received.

Time came for thet Town Dog to start studing to the next level, he had got funds for his
registration for the next level (S/5) which he did and then his H/M told him to get his books and
school uniform and then he joins his friends in class and begin studies. Here, he had also got a
job form Musana a sub project of The Youth Outreach Mission which was founded by three
ladies Melissa Sevy, Kristine Wade and Rebecca Burgon from U.S.A and here the Town Dog was
paid a wage of 50,000/= per month and his role was to update the organizations blog with the
information about Ugandan clutures which he tried to do and also that money helped him a lot
in his day to day activities at school This organization also employed the Town Dog’s mother
which also changed her life because of the light which was seen in the organization. The Town
Dog’s mother had a smile on her face because of working for that organization which brought
happiness at the Town Dog’s home.

The Town Dog joined A level and also everything in terms of school fess were cleared by the
Mehta Group of Companies but here he used to spend most of his time after classes and
weekends with traing golf, performing from the near by bars, training of students in schools
traditional dances and songs beside among others.

The Town Dog did not only stop on performing from the bars and some events, he also used to
do performs at school as it is seen bellow;

The Town Dog performing at the one of the events at school.

The Town Dog made his name both at school and outside the school because he was so
creative where by he used to get involved in every activities which were at school and here
most of students joined his school because of his performances and also one day, another
school called him to join their school and they facilite him with whatever he neededed at
school but when he shared it with the mother, she refused him to join any other school apart
from Mehta S.S.S which he also accepted after studying from there for one week. The Town
Dog even because of his love for music, there was a magazine which was shelling in high
schools and his photo was also released in it which showed him that God was on his side and
bellow, is the magazine where he appeared perfoming at school.

The Town Dog at school perfoming to his fellow students in the magazine
The Town Dog beside studies, he also improved his golf skills whereby he won a Digital security
café and his name also was put on the golf magazine True Golf which was booming by then as it
is seen bellow;

The Town Dog’s name was released in one of the selling magazines by then where he won a
Digital security safe
The Town Dog did not only stop on that, he aslo used to do Santa and this was so because of
the friend Rebecca Burgon whom she meet at one of their friends birthday and then she asked
him a question that ‘’what gift did Santa used to give him durring X-mass?’’ indeed that was the
first time to hear such a question and then he asked ‘’who Santa was?’’ and when he got the
ideal of Santa, he introduced the Santa in his village/ Town and he is proud of being the first
Santa in his village and the Town at large which he made it a most every year for him to save as
Santa where he used to buy some sweets he distributes to the kids as Santa as it is seen bellow;

The Town Dog as Santa

The Town dog as Santa

The Town dog as Santa

The Town dog as Santa

The Town dog as Santa

The Town dog as Santa

The Town Dog had to balance all the activities he was doing with studies and he did not only
stop on books and music at school, he also joined the school leadership where by he perfomed
all of them very well because of the love he had for all activities. It was easy for him to doallthe
activities because of his flaxibility and the photoes bellow shows the Town Dog as a students
leader at school;
The Town Dog recieves office from the out going prefect
The Town Dog being appreciated by the H/M for good work done as a prefect.

The Town Dog handing over Office to another leader at school

The List of the Teachers who tought the Town Dog at the High School levels
The Town Dog enjoyed his A’level studies because he did not get any interapution/ challenge
and he also performed very well in the A level final Exams which surprised his teachers with
the way he performed. His performance was incredible where by he was allowed to do a
Degree course at the universty because he had got two priciple pass and one sudcidriary point
for the General paper.

Durring his S/6 vacation he was fully employed at Musana organization where by he used to
work with the ladies as there manager which he enjoyed. The Town Dog was also paid 50,000/=
per month where by he had no problem with that payment because he used not to discriminate
jobs. The Town Dog used also to play golf and also training it to other people/players beside
performing at the Norahs Complex and other places.

The people below were the Town Dogs Bosses at musana and here they had visited the Town
Down at his home in Geregere Majani.

The Twon Dog kept on working with Musana, Golf , Selling Bananas and Music. When he got his
A’ level final exams resluts, he went to several Universities for addimition having faith and
hopes that he was going to join the university. Whoever he used to ask for advice about the
Universities, some of the people called him a mad person because they asked him where he
was going to get the money/Tution/school fees from. All the Three Universities the Town Dog
had applied to gave him a vacancy but he had got even no single coin for the universty fees.
One day, it was the Town Dogs birthday and one of the founders of Musana invited him for a
launch with the missionaries of the Church of the Latter Day Saints where by the Town Dog
asked them for some time as he was still studying the Church so that he can join the church or
not. He meet them again and again as the time went on, he so the truth in the Church where
by he accepted and then he was baptised as a member of the Church as it is seen in the
photoes bellow;

The Town Dog Meeting with the Mossionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day

The Town Dog when he was going to be Baptised

The Town Dog was a Musilm and when he saw the light in the LDC Church, he changed from
Islam to Christianity and this was even after he had received addimision from the three
universities. Prayers was the order of the day and also working head was also another order of
the day because one day, the security guide for the Missionaries had missed coming to guide
the missionaries for some time and the service provider gave the Town Dog a job of protecting
the Missionaries for somedays which he did for some good nights and then he was paid for that
work also.

One day, the Town Dog had cadded for Mr.Jay Mehta the son to Mr. Mehta the owner of one of
the largest sugar and other good factories in Uganda, He asked him about his studies and then
then the Town Dog explained to him his University studies status that he had been addimited to
the university but his was challenges were tuition . Mr. Jay asked the Town Dog to bring his
addimition latters to the mother the next day who was to work on his University issues which
the Town Dog did. When the Town Dog went to meet Mr. Jays mother, already she had known
the Town Dog because the Town Dog had used to performe on the most of the accosions which
took places from Mama’s home and that made it a walk over for the Town Dog to be given a
scholarship for his University which the Town Dog got there and then. Mama ordered the Town
Dog to go to a certain office and it was from this office where by all his university bills where
cleared and suppresingly that was the same month where the Town Dogs salary at Musana the
Community Based Organization where he used to work from was also increased from 50,000/=
to 300,000/= which was a good money by then. Now there the problem came in whereby it was
heard for the Town Dog to deside either for University or Job because that was indeed a good
money according on the size and the level of the Town Dog. The Town Dog tried to consult
different peple about what was going on in his life and most of his agemates and some eleders
adviced him to go for the job but there were some elders who surgessted University where they
explined to him why University and when the Town Dog looked at the advices of the eleders, he
decided to go for Universty at Nkumba University which one of the best Business university by
then and did BBA/Marketing. The Town Dog had to live his work place at Musana where he was
working from to join the University but the organization paid him his 300,000/= which helped
him in the shoping of what he was to use at the Universty because the company was paying
only for his Tution, meals and accomodation and the rest were supposed to be cleared by the
Town Dog.

Time came for the Town Dog to go for University and the Organization where he was working
from made for him a fair well party and that made the Town Dogs starting the University with
the positive moods.
The Town Dog working as a security guide

Due to the higher desire for the Town Dog to work, one day, the Missionaries for the LDS had
no security guide to work at their apartment for some days and the people who had the
contract of making sure that they provide security to the missionaries home asked the Town
Dog to help them to coverup the gap of the secrithy guide at the Missionaries home which the
Town Dog did as they were getting the person who was supposed to work as a guide at the
missionaries apartment. The missionaries he was to guide at their apartment/ home were Elder
Molo, Wakayidi among others and the photo bellow shows the Town Dog and the Missionaries
he guided at there apartment/ Home.
The Town Dog joins University (Nkumba University in Enttebe)

The Town Dog left his home for University where everyboby did not expect/believe it at all
because of the high tution where he was going to study from and it was also the same appllied
to the mother who so it as a rain in the desert. Reaching the University, the Town Dog was the
only person who had reported on that date to the university using the public means of
transport (Taxi/ matatu) to the University but reaching the University, the Town Dog was given
a warm welcom by the addministraters who were welcoming the new students who were
reporting for their first time at the University. The Town Dog was guided on what to do and not
to do at the University and after all the steps had been done whereby he ws given the
University rules and rugulations and after that, the Town Dog was take to a car which took him
to the Hostel( Tirupati Hostel) where he was going to stay. The Town Dog reported on the first
day of reporting but that week,the university was not feeding students and therefore he had to
feed himself upto the day when the lectures were to start in one weeks time where the
university was also going to start feeding students which was not planed by the Town Dog. It
was a tag of war to the Town Dog but good enogh they had given him good roommates who
were so coporative to him from the first day he meet them which helped him to make his life
easy upto the date the university started cooking/feeding the students. Beside all of that, the
bag the Town Dog used to his items to thhe university, it was for the Musana interns which was
out of use and they had given it to there house cleaner to throw it who gave it to the Town Dog
and it was the same bag the Town Dog used to take with his universty items at the University.
The Twon Dog at the University Hostel Tirupati where he was staying from

The Town Dog started lectures for his first time which he didn’t believe himslf that he was the
one who had reached that level and there and then he thanked The Almight God for helping
him to reach to his dream he had been dreamed of in his live. Durring his first semister, the
Town Dog had no friends apart from his roommate whom he was associating with. Oneday, he
was given to do course works where by some course works had to be typed and printed. The
Town Dog had got his friend at home where he was going from and this friend of him adviced
him on phone call about the ways of doing course works at the Univerty whereby he told the
Town Dog that all the course work questions which had been asked by the Town Dog were to
be found on line by gogeling on the computor. Due to the little time the Town Dog had got on
the University Computer because for him, he had got no computer, he got a chance of getting
time on the University computors which had got internet where by he just did copy and past of
his course work question as it was adviced by the friend and due to luck of computor by the
Town Dog, he also did the same comy and past which was printed with out editing which lead
him to get almost 0% of his four course works tests hence the Town Dog getting of Four Retakes
in his first semister and each retake was to be paid at 100,000/= which was totalling to
400,000/= which was to be paid by the Town Dog as retakes fees if University addministration
had allowed him to come back to the University for his Course. Life become not easy for the
Town Dog because he had to look for that money himself where he had got no where to get the
money from and this was so because at his home, nothing was there even the mothers eyes
were on him. Being an open man, the Town Dog went to Miss. Mehta after receiving the results
and explained to her what had happened to him and then she ordered for him to be given a
computors but he did not request for the 400,000/= retake fees which he had got from the four
papers because he knew what would come out of it if he had requested for the retake fees
which was not good. The Town Dog looked for the ways of getting the retake fees money and
due to the high demand for the retake fees by the Town Dog, the Twon Dog asked for the job at
Musana where he was working from before joing the University which was given to him and he
was working as a tour guide durring his holidays and the money he got out of that job, helped
him to recover some of his retake fees and he also looked for other ways of earning a living
whereby he requested for the performing at one of the nearby bar at the University (S&S)
which had got a comedy night shows where by he was also allowed to join the group which was
perfoming by then and also that helped him to get more funds for his retakes and the up keep
at the University. The Town Dog did not stop on that, he also created a funs club at the
University which was called ABAYE ABAYE funs club which used to collected funds from the
University guild on the weekly bases and the that funs club was the one in charge of cheering
the University football, Rugby and the Netball teams Durring home and away games. The Twon
Dog also used to travel every weekend from Enttebbe up to Lugazi aproxmetiry 70km to train
some of his bosses to play golf which also helped him a lot with his day to day activities at the
University. At the time the Town Dog got those four retaks, he was then called by the Dean of
school and questioned him for his poor performance and he had wanted him to change the
course because he had performed very bad but the Twon Dog promised the Dean that he was
going to change by next semister which the dean accepted after some good time. The Town
Dog received his computor from Mama Mehta and also kept on doing all those activities where
by he used to use his night for revising his books and after some time, everything came to its
nomality hence everything runing somthilly at the University.
The photos bellow shows the ways how the Twon Dog looked for the fund to pay for his
retakes and up keep at the University:

The photo bellow showa the Twon Dog performing at one of the University football game
with his ABAYE ABAYE team

The Twon dog with his team performs at S&S bar which is found in Enttebbe
The Tow Dog at the extrem right performint at the water front beach Enttebe

The Town Dog on the second right performing with his teammates
The Town Dog with some of the musana interns he worked for as a tour guide
The Town Dog with other interns he worked for as the guide
The Town Dog at the University ground

The Town Dog with the glasses ant the team at the football ground
The Town Dog with the white tshirt cheering a football game.

The Town Dog training Musana team how to dance the African cultural dance
The Town Dog with the stick in acting

The Town Dog playing basketball at the university

The Town Dog in the big glasses with the teammates
The Town Dog with red dress and the big glasses entreating the football spectators
The Town Dog at the extreme left with his fellow comedians who used to perform at S& S
The Town Dog did not only stop on making money for his upkeep and retakes, he also got
involved in to other university activities such as blood donation as it is seen bellow

The Town Dog got the retake funds and the second semester he did two and then the
remaining one, he did them the following semester. He did not only stop on performing at the
bar, cheering the university teams, and working as a tour guide. The Town Dog also joined the
University politics through the help of his association members who did a great work of
mobilizing for him the feeds which he used during election and the photo bellow is the poster
which the Town Dog used for his campaign at the University as a Member of Parliament for the
School of Business Administration at Nkumba University which he won.
The Town Dog contested as Member of Parliament of the biggest school at the university which
he won and also was given a ministerial post of Campus Affair’s ministry which he did not
believe at all and to him, it was like he was dreaming. The Town Dog won the election because
the person he had contested with had money but he had no support from the students while
the Town Dog had got nothing to give out to the students but the only thing which helped the
Town Dog to win the election were, the Town Dog was liked by almost every one at the
university because of comedy he used to do at the university and that only helped him a lot
with his winning of the election. Another reason which led to the Town Dogs success was, The
Town Dog used to respect everyone at the University come from the person who cleaned the
University, students, teaching staffs and non-teaching staffs. Students used to trust the Town
Dog and they used to be open to him and nothing used to happen or take place from the
university without him knowing or being updated. When it came back to studies, The Town Dog
balanced his course unites for the other semesters with his other activities and this was due
because of his time table he had drowned for all his activities. The Town Dog followed his time
table well and God helped him where he performed in is studies more much better than those
who had performed well at the beginning of the semester at the first year of his joining. At the
end of the Town Dog’s course, a good number of studies, who had performed well at the
beginning of the year did not make it to graduation due to the poor performance but the Town
dog made it and graduated with in three years. The Town Dog during his second semester at
second year’s holiday, he used to go back home for his tour guide work as he used to do it
during his holidays. This time, it was not same as usual as it used to be to him. One day, The
Town Dog had come back from his tour guide work resting at home having his evening tea and
the Town Dog’s mother was preparing food outside for dinner and then there was a Boda Boda
who was coming from the nearby bar started is boda with high doomed lights which faced
direct to the Town Dog’s mother eyes while she had got eye problems and the guy did it more
than one time and the poor lady shouted at the boda guy to stop what he was doing to over
flash his lights direct to her eyes and the guy still repeatedly went on doing it and when the
Town Dog herd the mother shouting, he came and asked the guy to apologize to the mother for
what he had done but instead the boda guy just abused the town Dog and out of the blue, the
fight started and through that process, the boda boda guy lost his two teeth and went and
reported the Town Dog to Police and the next two to three days, police used to come looking
for the Town Dog but he was busy with his tour guide work but one day, the Town Dog came
back early home from his work and here the police came, arrested him and then he was taken
to the police station where he spent one night and then he was given a police bond which gave
him a chance to sort out the case with the guy out of police and then he requested for apology
from the boda guy and then the guy requested the Town Dog to treat him which the Town Dog
accepted and the guy wrote the reconciliation latter which almost ended everything there and
then. The money which treated the boda boda guy, the town Dog just got a loan with no
interest from musana organization where the Town Dog was working as a tour guide which
helped to sort out the matter. Time came for the Town Dog to go back to police and report so
that his bond was to be extended, he found when his file was ready to be taken to court and
then the Town Dog tried to explain to officers that they had settled the matter with the
compliant but he was not given a chance. This was so because the police officers had expected
a lot of money to be given to them by the Town Dog from that case which was not achieved
hence taking the Town Dog to court so that he can pay for the bail. The Town Dog was taken to
court and reaching there, they also requested for money in order for him to be given a court
bail. At that time, the Town Dog had got no money and the only option to him was to request
for another loan from musana organization which the organization did and then he was given a
court bail and when he came back to court, the Town Dog came back with the compliant and
then they meet the state attorney, explained to him what had happened. He understood
everything and the state attorney finished and concluded everything there and then at once
when the Judge called the Town Dog, the case was concluded/ ended and that was the time
when the Town Dog had to go back to the University without a single coin because the money
which was supposed to be paid to him, just recovered the loan he had got to save him out of
the challenges. Beside all the Challenges the Town Dog went through, he managed to make it
and he graduated from the University as it is seen bellow:

The Town Dog in his graduation gown

The same week the Town Dog finished his final Exams it was the same week he got a job at
Sugar Cooperation of Uganda Limited but before getting that job, he was the only person in the
company who was paid during his industrial training. He was paid 50,000/= as seen bellow and
then when he was given a job. He was promoted from the post of customer care trainee to the
post of sales officer to the post of central filed sales officer to the post of Ass. Manager Sales
and Marketing as it is seen bellow

The Town Dog as customer Care Trainee

The Town Dog as a Sales Officer

The Town Dog as Field Sales Officer

The Town Dog as Assistant Manager

The Town Dog did not stop only on his office work; he also carried on with his other activities
such as Music, and Golf among others as it is seen bellow;
The Town Dog did not stop on that; he also went on with his heart of helping hand to his
community putting a smile on people’s faces as it is seen bellow;
The Town Dog shares his History/biography to the youths at St. Peters Church Lugazi
The Town Dog shares with the prisoners about HIV/AIDs at Lugazi main prison
The Town Dog shears with youths on HIV/AIDs at Jobia Hotel Mukono

The Town Dog shares with the others spreading the heart of sharing
The Town Dog shearing with the kids how he made it to where he is through the use of his
The Town Dog went on with playing golf where he used to get some prizes as its seen bellow

The Town Dog with some of his prizes he won Kakira open in Jinja
The Town Dog with the Ugandan best golf players who are on the National Team
The Town Dog with his golf members he used to play golf with at Mehta golf club
Playing golf was part of the Town Dog’s day life but couching was far much better to him than
playing as it is seen below
The Town Dog also liked playing badminton and they used to play it at night on the lights as it
is seen below
One day, the Town Dog won one of the Major Golf event of golf and that made him to appear
almost in all Newspapers in the Country and he dedicated his win to the Mother as seen

The award the Town Dog won was also given a warm welcome from his workplace as it is
seen bellow
The Town Dog heading over his golf a ward to the mother and also during his speech at the
prize giving event, he dedicated the award to the mother and that was the same month he
lost the mother too.RIP
The Town Dog and the mother’s casket at the Kawolo hospital Lugazi
The Town Dog taking flowers to the mother’s Grave
The Town Dog finishing the mother’s grave
Below is the Poster of the Town dog’s mother which was used during the celebration of the
Town Dogs mother’ last funeral service

The Town Dog was so sad because of losing the mother because whatever he was doing in his
life, he was doing it because of the mother and that indeed took him back ward in term of
working. What helped the Town Dog to recover back his mind was the love and the care people
showed him during his difficult time and that brought him back to go on with his activities as it
is seen bellow but his life remained not the same as it was when the mother was around.
The Town Dog with a friend in one of the Local TV studies (NBS) they had gone for comedy
auditions. They were the first to reach at the venue at the were the first to be out of the
The Town Dog also used to train the kids in his village the local dances during his free time as
one of his dreams to change his community.

The Town Dog did not only train the locals, he also used to train other guests who used to visit
his country traditional dances as it is seem bellow.
The Town Dog also used to get time and share a word with the kids from his village as it is seem
The Town Dog and the daughter during her graduation at freedom city Kampala Uganda
The Town Dog also liked cooking and whenever he used to cook at home, everybody was just
waiting for the meal to be served because when it came to cooking, it was a walkover to the
Town Dog as it is seen bellow
The Town Dog was always lucky in his life because even at the time the world cup trophy was
brought to his country; he received a VIP ticked which was unbelievable according to him
because he seat in the tent with the VIP’s as it is seen bellow
The Town Dog was a fun of both home and International football games which used to take
place in his and others country and the most memorable game he will never forget was the
game when His country Uganda was playing against Comoros the game which led his country to
qualify for the African Nationas cup for the first time in his life time and the following is what
happened at the studium durring that memorial football game.
he following were other games of football attended by the Town Dog
Living that a side, The Town Dog did not nohow to ride a Motor bike and his first time to ride it
was the time when he had gone for his first Picnic in his life with the friend called Angela Chong
and that picnic took place at Grifin’s fall in Wasswa Village Uganda indeed it was wow for the
Town Dog because the bike jumped up when they were had reached the hill on their way to the
site which brought the Town Dog’s heart out which means that he feared a lot because he
tought that Angela Chong the person they were going with had got wouds which was not the
case with her. She was fine which made the Town Dog to thanked God for that and the
following, is the bike the Town Dog rode for his first time with Angela Chong
The following is the photo for Angela Chong the Town Dog went with for the picnic for his first
time in his life time
The picnic was great whereby the Town Dog and the Friend were beaten by the hurts while
they were on their picnic alongside the water falling and that remained in the Town Dog’s mind
which forced him to look around for something which he could do to give back to the person
who had accepted to go with him for the picnic for the first time in his life time and these were
the birthday gifts which the Town Dog packed and then were sent to Angela Chong in United
States of America which were not received by the receiver hence the package being returned
back to the Town Dog failing to be delivered to Angela Chong which forced the Town Dog to
keep the package for Angela Chong having a hope in his heart that one day, Angela Chong will
receive her package once again and bellow is the package which was sent to USA and then
returned back waiting to be received by Angela Chong from the Town Dog.
Basing on the bad life the Town Dog was coming from, that only forced him never to
discriminate any kind of work came on his way and this is seen whereby he almost did all kind
of work found on this earth because before getting where he is by now, he try almost
everything as it is seen bellow;
The Town Dog working as a helper at the construction site.
The Town Dog work at the golf course as it is seen bellow but here, he only worked for one day
because the machines which he was using to cut the grass at the course was not easy to
operate because after him operating it for some hours, he got a lot of chest pain which made
him to live the work after working only for one day as a machine operator.
The Town Dog also sold water in his village and this also worked for him because he got some
good money out of that business because each jerry cane was sold 200/= and the money
receive from that business, the Town Dog used to use it to do the day to day activities at home
such as buying Food, his books and clothes.
The Town Dog also sold Rolex on the street as it is seen bellow
The Town Dog trying a tructor but here he failed to drive it
The photo bellow is where the Town Dog used to do it better than any other filed because of
him to know what to do. Whenever they used to invite him on the events concerning kids, here
he just enjoyed whatever he was doing and he used to do it with one heart as seen bellow;
The time the Town Dog joined Sugar Cooperation of Uganda limited one of the leading Sugar
company in Uganda, he used to do whatever work which used to come on his way and that
made him to be liked by his bosses hence being promoted from one step to another as it is seen
The Town Dog did not discriminate people who used to come to his office, he welcomed
everybody the way he or she was and that made it to build his public relations with the
customers and the community at large hence leading him to build his name as seen bellow.
One day, The Town Dog got a chance to meet Mr. MN MEHTA the Chairman of Mehta Group of
Companies a member of the family which gave him scholarships for both Secondary and the
University level. The Town Dog thanked God for that opportunity because he used that
opportunity also to thank the Chairman for whatever his family had done to his life. Basing on
what that family had done to the Town Dog, he looked around to see what he could do to that
family, the poor boy had nothing apart from praying to the Heavenly Father to Bless that family
every day and night with whatever they wanted in their lives.
As the time went on, the Chairman released a book of his biography (THE CALL OF THE
PEACOCK) and the Town Dog used that chance to give back to the Chainman’s by selling his
books and the Town Dog was among the top people who sold the chairman’s books which
made the Town dog’s heart to claim down but still that was not enough to the Town Dog. He
also used to pray to the Almighty God to bless the Chairman’s family in his prayers because
they made him who he was without them, he could not have been what he was. The photos
bellow shows the Town Dog selling the Chairman’s book of which all the sales were given out to
Ugandan schools as a charity; What a Heart of Giving! God Bless Mehta Group of Companies!!
Every day, the Town Dog used to get a chance of meeting people of the high profile and here
he got a chance of meeting Her Excellence the ambassador of French to Uganda by then as it is
seen bellow:
Not only that, the Town Dog also got a chance to meet the Ugandan top celebrities as it is seen
The Town Dog also travelled to the neighboring countries such as Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania
using his savings. For Rwanda, he went using the bus but coming back, he used Rwanda Air as it
is seen bellow;
The Town Dog appeared in the newspapers and magazines in his life time as it is seen bellow
The photos bellow shows the Town Dog during his free time at Nkumba University
The Town Dog working as an MC on one of the livers party at Mehta S.S.S
The Town Dog on Duty at sales and marketing office in SCOUL
The Town Dog also used to perform on different functions during his free time as see bellow
The Town Dog Sharing a moment with the Mothers on HIV/AID’s and their Rights
The Town Dog with his heart of giving, he used to give out whatever he had to the have not
students during the back to school as seen bellow
The Town Dog in one of the Ghettos where he grew up from
The front view of the Town Dogs Room
Some of the A words and the Trophies the Town Dog won
The Town Dog being appreciated for the good work done for community
The Town Dog having a street meal “KIKOMADO” with is follow Ghetto boys
The Town Dog carrying out communal work as one of his dream of keeping his environment
The Town Dog started up a Community Based Organization which is registered in the names of
LUCKY UNITED ORGANIZATION to improve the lives of people in his community as it is seen
The Town Dog helping his fellow workers with the lifting of sugar during his visit to the Factory
The Town Dog during Easter Holydays, he used to buy some items for elders with in his villages
to also enjoy the as seen bellow
The Town Dog worked for SCOUL as seen bellow and one day, he had been transferred to
Kampala to work from there and here he used to supply sugar to different companies and one
day, he had gone to supply sugar with the driver and here they found no off loaders and they
had to offload the all truck with the driver because for him, he used not to discriminate jobs
even if he was a manager, he to offload the truck
Being blessed, The Town Dog met with Mr. Mehta and the family another time as seen bellow

The Town Dog went on with changing the lives of the students in school through showing them
that everything was possible so long as they had dreams to fulfill as seen bellow
The Town Dog once in the while he used to go out with his family because he used to put his
family first in whatever he used to do as seen bellow
The Town Dog was elected as a leader of the Municipality forum (MDF) representing the
working class to monitor the funds from the world bank which was supposed to be used to
construct roads and drainages within his area in Lugazi and he was also appointed on the
executive as Mobilizer and the photos bellow shows the Town Dog and the team in during the
field visit and one of the team meeting.
MDF work went on successful but the Town Dog had to resign form being put of the forum
because he had picked interest of contesting as a politician which was not allowed by a
member of the forum to have a political side hence resigning to go on with his dream of
contesting as the Chairperson LC111 of his area Lugazi Central Division.

The Town Dog decided to contest as an independent candidate with a symbol of a Watch and
this was displayed on all his social media platforms which attracted positive replies and that
made him not to loss hope at all and made him to go on with it and the following was the
poster the Town Dog had made for his campaign but it was only on the social media.

The Town Dog was planning to print out his hardcopy posters and as he had set up but before
printing them out, he realized that one of his competitors had used his symbol and the
competitor had also printed out the hardcopies of his posters with the same symbol the Town
Dog was going to use. That disappointed the Town Dog and he arranged for the meeting with
the competitor so that they can sort out that problem. The Town Dog requested for an
appointment with his competitor in Kampala where the competitor agreed to meet with the
Town Dog and they met but the competitor refused to withdraw the symbol for the Town Dog
and he that meeting, the Town Dog agreed with him and told him to find him in the field and
compete. The Town Dog on his way to go back home, he heard on the radio station in the taxi
that one of the strongest opposition leader in the country had opened up a new political party
with a symbol of an umbrella and there and then the Town Dog thanked God and went for that
party and he went and collected the membership/ nomination forms for that party to be its flag
bearer for LC111 Chairperson Lugazi Central Division and then he also printed the posters and
pinned them up in the all Lugazi and also in this party, they had applied two people whereby
the other one also agreed to step aside for the Town Dog peacefully. The Town Dog started to
move requesting for the support from the public but everybody thought that the Town Dog was
kidding doing his comedy but as time went on, the Town Dog became more and more serious.

Time came for Nominations, the Town Dog was asked this and that by the electoral Commission
official trying to look for the ways of kicking him out of the race but whatever they used to ask
him, he brought them. Living that a side, The Town Dog was working for one of the Company
which was supporting the government and the Town Dog had been advised almost by everyone
that he was going to lose his job in case the company he was working for realized that he was
supporting the opposition but that did not take the Town Dogs Heart. He decided to go on with
his dream waiting for whatever could come on his way. The Town Dog was Nominated after a
long way but still after his nomination, it was not yet done. after some days, the Town Dog
received a phone call from one of the Electoral commission’s official saying that the company
his was working for, the government had some shares in it which was leading him to his
disqualification but the Town Dog defended himself because the company had bought the
government shares some good years ago which the Town Dog had known about hence saving
him from disqualification.

The Town Dog was nominated without losing his job which surprised everyone in his area and
his fellow workers and they told him that he was to lose it after the elections had concluded.
The Town Dog contested with other five candidates, they campaigned but among all the
contestants, the town Dog was the only person who had not got a car, who had no money
compared to others but what he did, he used to move door to door requesting for Votes and he
also reached an extent where his legs got wounds because of over moving and time for voting
came and the Town Dog won all the polling station and he was declared a winner for Lugazi
Central Division which everybody did not believe. He also did not lose his job which made God
Great because He had made a poor man to be what he was.
The Town Dog swooned in and he was handed over the office to him but all of that went on
when the Town Dog was wishing if the mother was around and that made him to shade tears.

The photos bellow, shows the life the Town Dog passed through during and also after the
Election/campaign time. The photo bellow shows the Town Dog in Kamwokya signing as
member of the National Unity Platform Party(NUP)
The receipt bellow shows the fees the Town Dog paid for Nomination.
The Town Dog’s posters
The Town Dog Campaigning/ reaching out to the Voters
The Town Dog also got wounds one day to voting because of over moving looking for votes
Time for voting came whereby the Town Dog won all the 40 polling stations by 64.24% and the
following is the ways how the voters ballots looked like.
The Town Dog after winning the election, he was called and his team to go and meet the
president of his party National Unity Platform (NUP) at his home for leadership skills as seen
Time went on and there were few days for the Town Dog’s swearing in and the Town Dog got
malaria where he was admitted to the Hospital which was a talk of the Town because it was sad
news to his supporters as seen bellow but good enough, he recovered as early as possible and
he was swooned in and then handed the office over to him also as seen bellow
The Photo bellow shows the Area Member of the Parliament, the Town Dog and the Mayor of
Lugazi municipality during there first Eid day celebrating at Lugazi Muslim Ground after their
The photo bellow shows the Town Dog with all other top leaders of the area visiting one of the
head of the biggest sugar companies in the country for the best ways of developing their area.
The Town Dog after entering the office, he went on with his work of helping hand to his
community by sharing with his people and also during the lockdown/ Covid 19 first
and the second wave whereby he distributed out the face masks and mathematical
sets to all primary schools in his area which were donated by one of the foundation
known as Lugazi Days of Our Life as seen bellow.
The Town Dog did not only stop on giving out Face Masks and Sets to his people, during the
second Covid 19 wave/Lockdown, He received a food donation from a foundation
known as Ganda Foundation through their country coordinate which was also given
out to the people as seen bellow.
One day, the Town Dog was going for burial the date 18/07/2021 around 1pm and then he
found the elder ladies crying to him as the area chairperson of the central division that the
police officers were caning them because of not putting on a face masks which he told them
that it was not right for them not to put on a face masks but also it was not right for the police
officers to just Cain/ beat them because of not putting on a facemask. The only way to go, was
to educate them the benefits of putting on a face mask which was supposed to be done by the
officers and the local leaders. The Town Dog was moving with his two friends whom he told
that he was going to remove off his mask and see whether it was true that the police officers
were caning the people good enough he met with them whereby they found him without a face
mask, and there and then they told him that he was arrested. He was arrested, scarfed, forced
to move for some distance but on his way, he told them that whatever they were doing was not
right to stop it and they called for the police patrol car where the Town Dog was loaded on up
to the CPS and reaching there, they had first wanted to charge him for inciting violence which
was not put on him. He was told to make a statement from the DPCs office with one of their
CID which he made and later released to go for burial where he was told to report back to the
CPS the next day which he did when the DPC was not in office and then he called him to find
out where he was and he told him to report back after a day which the Town Dog also did and
the DPC told him to go and do his work not to report back to CPS and the photos bellow shows
the Town Dog in the white T-shirt being arrested by the police officers and after the incidence,
Lugazi Days of Our Life Foundation sent to the Town Dog face masks to be distributed to his
people of different areas which was also done as seen in the photos bellow.

The Town Dog’s story is to make sure that every parent, guardian, young and the youths in
his/her area and the world at large get to know that everything is possible on this earth so
longer as someone is determined, focused, disciplined, has courage and also when he/she has
faith in whatever he/she do, nothing can block his or her way or can be impossible.

” Each One Teach One!” The Town Dog’s name is LUTAJANI KEMISI

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