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Theatre presents
‘Intimate Apparel’ Inside: Rank and file react to big
Page 1-B change in U.S. auto industry Page 11-A Inside:
Contata Singers
celebrate 50 years
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Page 3-A

State Police closing posts

Local troopers plan, which will help the state
On the

police meet a $20.7 million

will be based at general fund reduction slated
for the state’s 2012 fiscal year.
Brighton post Washtenaw County will be
served out of the Brighton post
Troopers in Washtenaw
County already have two
starting in October, when the detachments where they can
By Austen Smith and Erica McClain 21 buildings are scheduled to be
A2 Journal work remotely by using comput-
closed. er, phone, fax and can interview
Lt. Wynonia Sturdivant from subjects at Sylvan Township
The Michigan State Police the Ypsilanti post said the move Hall or in Salem Township.
Post in Ypsilanti Township is will enhance police services Sturdivant said she is confi-
one of more than 20 statewide for residents who live in the dent they will be able to estab-
posts to be shuttered as part of few townships served solely by lish more detachments, allow-
a new regional policing plan state police. She said by combin- ing troopers to work from the
announced March 24. ing the Ypsilanti and Brighton Brighton post sparingly, mostly
In an official statement, Col. posts, they will have more troop- for paperwork.
Kriste Kibbey Etue, director ers available, if necessary. “We have really good working The University of Michigan
of the Michigan State Police, “The troopers are still in the relationships with several of hockey team is headed back
said the new model is designed communities that they were the townships out here and I am to the Frozen Four
to provide increased services originally assigned,” Sturdivant very hopeful that we will be able Page 1-C
while relying less on traditional said Friday. “The only change is to (set up more detachments),”
bricks and mortar post build- that, for instance, in Washtenaw Sturdivant said. “With that, the
ings. The plan emphasizes County, instead of the Ypsi post troopers will have structures in
enhanced technology and data-
driven policing.
being the home base for troop-
ers, it’s now the Brighton post,
the community where they can
meet people and get paperwork
State troopers will not be but the Washtenaw troopers Statewide cost-cutting measures will shutter 21 Michigan State
laid off as part of the new stay in Washtenaw.” PLEASE SEE CLOSING/2-A Police posts, including the Ypsilanti post on Whittaker Road.

U of M student
earns internship
in tea abroad
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Love for tea

leads to great
and more tea. I started off with
Japanese green tea as one of my
Caldron became involved in
Ready, us on Twitter (2,565 followers).
Also, check out our blogs,
including Inside the Newsroom.
Links are provided on the A2
Journal home page.

By Sarah Rigg
Special Writer
the business side of tea when
he was looking for a summer
internship. In the spring of 2010,
he contacted Arbor Teas to see if
they had any positions open.
They didn’t have any open-
Set, Weave the Web:
Make sure to click on
www.heritage.com around
the clock for the most
in-depth coverage of
His humorous video promo ings, but once they looked at Washtenaw County. One of
about the benefits of tea won his resume, Caldron said, they our “Most Viewed” stories is
decided it would be nice to have “Movie review: ‘Paul’ charm-
Taylor Caldron, a graduate
someone with an online market- ing but misses potential.”
student at the University of
Michigan, a summer internship ing background.
in Kenya, India and Sri Lanka “So I worked for them over
this summer, studying the farm- the summer, and they offered
ing and processing of tea. me my current position in the
Caldron, 22, was awarded the fall,” Caldron said.
internship abroad as a prize Caldron said he found out
for winning the Sip of Success about the Sip of Success contest Check out our video:
contest sponsored by the Tea because he’s on the mailing ■ Michigan Firehouse
Council of the USA Inc. list for the Tea Council. He Museum’s Comedy Jam 4
Caldron is an MBA student made the winning video, which ■ 2 for U
studying green and sustain- depicts him breaking up with

his coffee maker, with a little ■ TechTime review
able business practices at U of ■ Principal slimed
M and expects to graduate in handheld camera, and asked a
co-worker to provide the voice
April 2012. He is also marketing
of the coffee pot. Online poll:
manager for Ann Arbor-based He sent the video and an essay
Arbor Teas. about the benefits of tea off to Participate in our weekly
Caldron said he became inter- the contest, and a few weeks Maddie and Sophie Schoeni prepare to launch at the third web poll at www.heritage.
ested in tea while he was still in later, learned he was the winner. annual Box Car Derby to benefit Ann Arbor Active Against ALS. com.
high school. As part of his internship,
“I started buying tea when
I was a high school senior,”
he said. “Then, when I was an
undergrad at the University of
Caldron will live and work on
tea plantations in Kenya, Sri
Lanka and India, from mid-May
through July of this year. For
Derby aids ALS research
Michigan, I started going to cof- the internship finale, he will By Carrie Henderson said, and Michigan has the second highest rate
fee shops and cafes to get tea and Special Writer per capita.
study. I started drinking more PLEASE SEE TEA/2-A The partnership with Phi Delta Theta was Click on the “jobs” tab on
Saturday’s near-freezing temperatures a natural fit. Gehrig himself was a Phi Delta the home page of our Web
couldn’t chill the good spirits of the crowd Theta brother during his time at Columbia site or go directly to http://
gathered for Ann Arbor’s third annual Box Car University, and the fraternity prides itself on jobs.heritage.com.
Derby, hosted by fraternity Phi Delta Theta to promoting research into the disease.
benefit Ann Arbor Active Against ALS. Peter DiLeo is the fraternity’s liaison with
Nearly 100 children, some as young as 3 the group.
years old, participated in the event, which “We’re about brotherhood and helping the INDEX
started at 10 a.m. and ended at about 2 p.m. community,” he said. “A big part of our mis- Our Images Page 4-A
Fraternity brothers blocked off South Uni- sion statement is giving back.”
versity Street between Oxford and Washtenaw Plus, he added, “It’s a fun day for us. We get Editorial Page 6-A
Avenue to create the race course. The street to hang out with the kids.”
has a gentle slope promoting a slower speed, The fraternity made some of the cars used Calendar Page 1-B
making it suitable for even the youngest kids. in the derby, and the kids and their parents
The brothers took turns pushing the cars to crafted the rest. Cub Scout Pack 101 contrib- Sports Page 1-C
get them started, and another group of frater- uted four cars.
“We felt like that was a great service project,” Classifieds Page 4-C
nity members waited at the finish line to help
the kids stop safely. said Meg Wallace, committee chairwoman. Deaths Page 10-A
“It’s like sledding without the snow,” said Bob Schoeni helped his two daughters,
David Lowenschuss, an Ann Arbor Active Maddie, 11, and Sophie, 13, build their car, com-
Against ALS board member. plete with an attached stuffed penguin.
Each team paid an entry fee of $30, with all “It’s a little chilly, but everybody’s having a
proceeds going to Ann Arbor Active Against great time,” he said of the derby. “It’s great to
have the kids and the families out here.”
ALS to fund research into ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s
Brighton resident Mary Erdman didn’t have
disease. The organization was founded in
children in the race, but came out to enjoy the
the fall of 2008, after a good friend and neigh-
camaraderie and fun.
bor, Bob Schoeni, was diagnosed with ALS, “We’re here to raise money for ALS. It’s such
Lowenschuss said. a wonderful thing,” she said. “It could be a lit-
“It was devastating,” he said. tle warmer, but it’s for a good cause and, oh my
There currently is no cure or even an effec- goodness, it’s so fun to watch the kids. They’re Printed News Tip
Taylor Caldron, a graduate student at the University of tive treatment for ALS. Pharmaceutical compa- just enjoying themselves immensely.”
Michigan, recently won the ‘Sip of Success’ contest sponsored on Hotline:
nies spend most of their money on Parkinson’s Phi Delta Theta provided a bounce house recycled 877-995-NEWS
by the U.S. Tea Council, and won an internship abroad this and Alzheimer’s, Lowenschuss said. Some 5,600
summer. Caldron is pictured in the tea aisle of the Whole paper (6397)
people are diagnosed with ALS annually, he PLEASE SEE DERBY/2-A
Foods Market on Washtenaw Avenue in Ann Arbor.

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