Tuesday, May 4, 2021: at The Upper Right Corner?

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Phys102 Final Code: 14

Term: 202 Tuesday, May 4, 2021 Page:1

Q1. Three point charges are arranged on the corners of a square with side length L as shown in
Figure 3. Which of the given answers correctly describes the direction of the net electric field
at the upper right corner?
A) Along arrow c
B Along arrow a 26+
C) Zero
D) Along arrow b
E) Along arrow d

02.A parallel-plate capacitor, with a dielectric (« = 4.7) filling the space between its plates,
has a capacitance of 3.4 uF and it is charged to an emf source of 230 V. Then it is
disconnected from the source. How much work is required to withdraw the dielectric from the

A) 0.99 J C C
B) 0.45 J
C) 0.66 J C 41o".4.7 C V,
D) 0.17 J
AC3.4)y1 . 4. .2
E) 0.33 J

5.80-uF parallel-plate capacitor has a plate separation of 5.00 mm and is charged to

Q3. A
potential difterence of 400v.Calculate the energy density in the regionbetween the plates, in 2 4z
units of J/m
A28.3x 10-3)
Vloo CV -3
B) 24.9 x 10-3 2.72 x1o
x M:Et 3 x 4o
C) 20.6 10-3
D) 15.8 x 10-3
E) 18.7 x 10-3
47 232 vs

Q4. In Figure2,three point charges are fixed along an x-axis. The charges are q +2e, g2
-e, and qs= +e, where e is the magnitude of the chargeofan electron. The separation between
adjacent charges is d 2.00 cm. What is magnitude of the net electrostatic force on G1 due

to the other two charges? 2:34

A) 5.12 x10-25 N
B) 8.64 x10-25 N
C)6.32 x 10-25 N
D) 1.26 x 10-25 N
E) 4.03 x 10-25 N
Q5. In the circuit shown in Figure 9, R1 = R2 = 3.0 kQ, C = 12 uF and emf e = 4.5 V. 2 30
Switch S is closed at t =0. After a long time, what is the current through resistor R2?
A) 4.1 mA
B) 1.5 mA .mA
C) 0.75 mA
D) Zero
E) 3.0 mA
Phys102 Final Code: 14
Term: 202 Tuesday, May 4, 2021 Page: 2
Q6. In Figure 7, each capacitor has capacitance C = 4.00 uF and the potential difference
between points a and b is Vab= +28.0 V. Calculate the potential difference between points a 24
and d.
A) 5.65 V
B) 8.60 V
1.2 V
D) 16.8 V
E) 22.4 VV

Q7. A glass window in a home is 0.620 cm thick and has dimensions of 1.00 m x 2.00 m. If 2 \2
the temperature of the interior surface of the glass is 25.0 °C and the exterior surface
temperature is 0 °C. How much energy is transferred through the window in one day,
assuming the temperatures on the surfaces remain constant? [k = 0.80 W/m °C]

A) 5.57 x 108J 60 0o 24 (3420o

B) 3.97 x 10 J 4.51
C) 6.45 x 10 J 2
D) 4.45 x 10J
E) 2.66 x 103J
3640 64 A6 5 . 9 Y
15 Q, R2 20 2, and R3 60 2. 2 . 12
Q8. In the circuit shown in Figure 8, resistances R
= =

When switch S is open, the current in Ri is 2.0 A. What is the current in R/ when the switch
is closed?
A) 1.6A
B) 68 mA
C) 2.3 A
D) 97 mAA
E) 28 mA

clockwise direction. The center of 2 O

Q9. A circular loop has radius R and carries current I in a
the loop is a distance D = 2R above a long, straight wire, which also carries current I in the
direction shown in Figure 11. What are the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field
at the center of the loop if I = 1.00 A and R = 1.00 cm?
A) 98.1 T, out ofthe page
B) 80.5T,tothe right
C 72.8 T, into thepage
D)67.3 PT, înto the page
E) S4.2 T, out of the page

Q10. A proton is moving in a circular orbit ofradius 14 cm in a uniform 0.35-T magnetic field 2'6o

perpendicularto the velocityof the proton. Find the speed of the proton.
A) 4.7x 10 m/s
B) 8.1x 10 m/s
C) 2.7x 10 m/s
D) 1.9 x 106 m/s
E) 3.5x 10° m/!
Phys102 Final Code: 14
Term: 202 Tuesday,May 4,2021 Page:3
Q11. A wire of resistance 5.0 Q is connected to a battery of emf 2.0 V and whose internal , 4
resistance is 1.0 2. In 2.0 min, how much energy is dissipated in the 1.0 2 resistance?
A) 10 J
(B) 7.6 J
C) 13 J
D) Zero N
E) 9.2 J

Q12. A wire has a length of 1.00 m and a radius of 0.564 mm. When connected to a potential
difference of 2.00 V, a 4.00 A current flows through it. Find the resistivity of the wire.
A) 3.20 x 10 N.m
B) 1.80 x 10-7 2.m
C) 9.40 x 10-7 2.m
D) 1.20 x 10-° N.m
E) 5.00 x 10- Q.m
Q13. A 1.0 m long wire carrying a steady current of 1.56 A is lying along the x-axis as shown
in Figure 10. The wire has a mass of 100 g and is placed in a uniform magnetic field. If the
current is in the positive x direction, find the magnetic field (in tesla) that will keep the wire
suspended in the air.
A) -0.719
B +0.716
D)-0.531? Ao
E) +0.560kp
Q14.A square wire loop of side length = 20 cm, has its plane normal to a uniform magnetic
field of magnitude B = 2.0 T. If its area is reduced uniformly to zero in time At = 0.20 s,
what is the emf induced in the loop during this time.
A) 0.51 V eA A
CB) 0.40 V
C) 0.18 V
D) 0.35 V 9%2TO
E) 0.25 V

Q15.How much energy is added to a 5.00 mol of helium when it undergoes a temperature
increase of 20.0 °C at constant pressure? Helium is monatomic and ideal gas.
A) 5.87 kJ
B) 4.16 kJ
D) 2.08 kJ 2 293
E) 3.45 kJ
2 K
Phys102 Final Code: 14
Term: 202 Tuesday, May 4, 2021 Page: 4
Q16. A string of length 2.0 m and mass 50 g is under a tension of 20N. Find the angular A:n4
that has an of 4.0 and transmit
frequency of a sinusoidal wave on the string amplitude mm can

the average power of 60 W 4

A) 1.2x 103 rad/s
B) 4.2x 103 rad/s
C) 6.7x 10 rad/s
D) 9.8x 103 rad/s 5.66x1
E) 3.3 x 103 rad/s
of-1.46 x 10-7 C is A: A
Q17. A solid plastic sphere of radius R^ 8.00 cm and total charge

concentric with an aluminum spherical shell with inner radius Rz 14.0 cm and outer radius

a radial distance of 34.0 cm from

Rg 17.0 cm, as shown in Figure 5. The electric field at outward. What is the net
the center has magnitude 1.70x 103 N/C and is directed radially
charge on the aluminum spherical shell? .4G ys
A) 1.68 x 10-7C)
B) 2.89 10-7
x C
C) 2.34 x 10-7 C
D) 1.25 x 10-7 C
E) 1.07 x 10-7 C A **
Q18. One mole of an ideal gas doubles its volume in an isothermal expansion. What is the 2
change in entropy of the gas?
(A) 5.76 J/KJ
B) 7.56 JIK
C) 8.91 J/K R n (2)
4.82 JK
2.57 J/K
nRn )n\(
Q19. A studentkept a 60.0-wattlampturmed on for 12 hours. If the lamp was connected to a 2:6
120 V power supply, find the amount of charge that passed through it.
A) 9.16x 103 C
B) 30.1 x 103 C
21.6x 103 C
6 2 bu b
D) 11.2 x 103 C
E) 19.5 x 103 C o7
o20. Figure 1 shows two small identical speakers that are connected (in phase) to the same o
source. The separation between the speakers is y 3.0 m. Point P is at a distance x = 4.0 m

in front of one speaker as shown. What is the longest wavelength corresponding to destructive
interference at point P?
A) 0.55 m
B) 1.6 mn
C) 1.I mn
) 2.0 m
E) 0.91 m
Phys102 Final Code: 14
Term: 202 Tuesday,May 4, 2021 Page:5
Q21. Three long, parallel wires pass through the vertices of an equilateral triangle with
vith side
length of 10 cm, as shown in Figure 12. If each wire carries a current of 15 A, find the
magnitude ofthe force per unit length on the upper wire, due to currents in the other two
A) 2.6 x 10-* N/mm A
B) 4.5 x 10-* N/m .A

C) 1.8x 10* N/m N

D) 3.9x 10- N/m ,53 1
E) 3.1x 10- N/m

022. A cylindrical cable of radius 15 mm carries a currentof 25 A, uniformly distributed over o:4%
its cross-sectional area. At what distance from the center of the wire is there a point within the
wire where the magnitude ofthe magnetic field is 100 uT?
A) 8.7 mm
B) 3.9 mm
2 5
C) 5.3 mm
D) 4.5 mm 4 *
E) 2.0 mm 4
4 .2 h
Q23. A metal sphere of radius 15 cm has a net charge of 3.0 x 107* C. At what distance from 04
the sphere's surface does the electric potential decrease by 500 V?
A) 5.8
x 10m V k
B) 9.5x 10-2 m
C) 7.2x 10-2 m
D) 8.9 x 10-2 m V-
E) 6.5x 10- m

024. A single circular loop of a conducting wire carries a current of 10.0 mA and is placed in 0, 3
a uniform magnetic field of magnitude 800 mT. The magnetic field is directed parallel to the
plane of the loop. If the radius of the loop is 31.8 cm, find the magnitude of the torque exerted
by the magnetic field on the loop.
A) 1.16 x 10-5 N.m
B) 8.64x 10-* N.m N Ae
C 7.30X 10* N.m
D) 2.54 X10- N.m) , (a(»13 1 ) )
E) 9.81 x 10* N.m .Au
025. The electric field 0.400 m from a very long uniform line ofcharge is 840 NIC. How T
much charge is contained in a 2.00-cm section of the line?
A) 1.63 x 10-10 C
B) 1.05x 10-10 C
C) 2.81 x 10-10 C
D) 3.74 x 10-10 C
E) 2.27x 10-10 C
Code: 14
Phys102 Final
Term: 202 Tuesday,May 4, 2021 Page:6
Q26. Copper contains 8.4 x 102 free electrons/m3. Find the electron's drift speed in a copper 24
wire of cross-sectional area 7.4 x 10-/ m2 when it carries a current of 1.5 A.
A) 2.1 x 10- m/s VA
B) 7.6 x 10 m/s
C) 3.4x 10-* m/s VA A C
D) 2.7x 10-* m/s_
E) 1.5 x 10- m/s
from a string A
sphere with mass 4.00 x 10-5 kg and charge 5.00 x 10* C hangs
Q27. A small
near a very large, charged insulating sheet, as shown
in Figure 4. The charge density on the
6 of the
surface of the sheet is uniform and is equal to -2.50 x 10- C/m2. Find the angle
B) 13.80 A4 66.3v
C) 20.30 N
D) 10.20
Va 4 V VR
E) 25.40
F o i AE
shown in Figure 6, two point charges, q1 12.0 C and q2 6.0 uC, are placed on

Q28. As
the x axis at x1 = 1.0 m and x2 = -1.0 m, respectively. Find the work done by the electric
field in moving a 1.0 HC charge from P to R along a straight line joining the two points.
A) +3.76x 10-2 J X
B)-1.15 x 10-2 J
C)-0.55 x 102 J
D) +1.15 x 10-2 J
E)-2.85x 10-2 J
Q29. A metallic loop having an electrical resistance of 0.10 2, as shown in Figure 13, is beingo: t
pulled at a constant speed of 50 m/s into a unifom magnetic field directed out of the page. If
the magnitude of the magnetic field is 0.20 T, what are the direction and the magnitude of the
induced current in the loop?
A) 4.0 A, clockwise
B) 3.0 A, counterclockwise (0oS)
C) 5.0 A, counterclockwise
D)3.0 A, clockwise
E) 5.0 A, clockwise

030.The electric potential in a region ofspace is given by V(x,y) = 4.00x2 +2.00xy2, with
x and y in meters and Vin volts. What is the magnitude of the electric field at the point with
coordinates (2.00 m, -2.00 m)?
A) 13.7 V/m
B) 20.9 V/m
C) 37.3 V/m
D) 41.6 V/m 4 2 4 2 2 nt
E) 28.8 V/m

.4A 24

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