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Duration : 6 mins

FINA , knowledge is when you learn something new every day ~

A very good morning to all of you . Let me introduce myself my name is …………
from ………………. In this occasion , I would like to speak about “ title “ .with a
show of hands, how many of you like to read? ahhh haaa me too:> As we know,
reading is the bridge to knowledge, but still many of us don’t like making reading as a
habit. So today, I am gonna tell you why reading matters.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Reading is enjoyment . enjoyment when it helps us to be exposed to new things, new
information, new knowledge that could help us in the future. It helps us to achieve a
new thing by the new knowledge that we gain by reading. Reading is a window to the
world. There are so much to be explored in life and new things come from reading
and understanding.

Next , reading is imagination . improve our understanding of something. The more

you read, the more we can understand things better in different perspectives.
Example, reading allows you to understand the culture of European people, even
though Europe is far from my place and it will take a lot of money to go there, but by
reading, I can know and understand their culture, as if I am there. It is interesting to
know new things about the world as the world is full of wonderful things.

Reading also helps me and you to gain experiences from other people. Everyone of us
has our own ambition. It is usually risky and full of challenges, but by reading,  We
can learn from other people mistake and so, we can avoid doing it. We can also learn
how they achieve success in life and thus, we can copy their life experiences. Reading
is a great path to learning from other people and follow their footsteps. And who
knows, we will achieve success like the idol that we are learning from the reading.
Lastly , reading is magic , why do I said that ? ahhh haa ( suprised face ) actualy ,

reading helps to connect our brain. How? When reading, we are in full silence and

reading connects our cell directly to our brain. In silence, our brain is clear and focus.

It means reading helps us to be smarter, cleverer and intelligent. Isn’t that what people

always looking for? Be wiser people who achieve success and help other people too?

I’ll give you one example like Albert Einstein , if I ask anyone, I'm sure they'll know

his. One of his famous quotes sounds “Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind

too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own

brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.” I can conclude how important the

reading is in all sections of society

Ladies and gentlemen,

I have list out the benefits of reading to ourselves. I hope by this, I can raise public
awareness to read more. ( q1 : main phscology , ask them ) Remember reading is the
bridge to the knowledge, and with knowledge, it helps us to be a better person.
Knowledge  is power. Well then, that’s all for now and thank you for listening.  Good

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