Magic Items List Ver11

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Magic Items Jewelry

Characters may only benefit from the powers of 2 magical Amulet of Legends
rings at a time and 1 Necklace. This amulet bestows the wearer 2 Heroic Rerolls once worn
for the first time and at the beginning of each session. This
Potions item bonds itself to the wearer and once worn it will only work
Drinking a potion does not take an action. Ring of Night
This ring allows its wearer to see in the dark. It also allows the for that character.
wearer to cast a large sphere of darkness over an area (PM
Potion of Heroes Amulet of the Sun God
This potion allows the drinker to gain d6-3 Heroic Rerolls, roll discretion), blinding those inside. This sphere of darkness can
be used 3 times per session and lasts as long as the wearer This amulet fully heals the wearer of hit points after each
twice and take the best result, minimum of 1. combat encounter. This item bonds itself to the wearer and
once worn it will only work for that character.
Potion of Thorns
This potion causes the drinker's skin to sprout thorns of bone Ring of Protection
This ring allows its wearer to take 1 less damage from all Plagued Bone Fetish
that do 2 points of damage to any monster that does at least 1 This necklace deals 1 point of damage (no Defense Action) to
point of damage to the drinker from Melee Attack Actions for sources.
any monster that makes a Melee Attack Action against the
the remainder of the combat encounter. wearer. This damage is dealt before the monster makes its
Ring of Senses
Potion of Blinding Speed This ring allows its wearer to reroll all task rolls involving sight
This potion allows the drinker to take 2 actions in combat for and hearing, taking the best result. It also allows the wearer to
see the life force of all beings, even through obstacles, which Pendant of the Titan
d6 rounds, roll twice and take the best result. When making a strength task, the wearer of this pendant, will
takes 1 combat action to activate. The distance of this ability
always make a Laughable task roll (2+) to succeed.
Potion of Dual Fates is the current room the wearer is in.
This potion may be drunk twice for 2 different effects. One Amulet of the Void
effect heals the drinker by healing 1 hit point at the beginning Band of Demons
This ring allows its wearer to be immune to Dark Bolt, This amulet allows the wearer to move through physical
of each combat round for d6 rounds, roll twice and take the obstacles and objects. This takes a combat action to activate
best result. The other effect negates 1 point of damage for Confusion, Rain of Fire as well as all forms of fire.
and on the next round the wearer may pass through the
each successful attack against the drinker for the remainder obstacle or object. If used to move through a monster the
of the combat encounter. Nether Band
This ring allows its wearer to be immune from the energy monster may not attack the wearer and the wearer may not
drain Monster Ability. It also forces all undead monsters to attack the monster for the activated combat round.
Potion of Bloodlust
This potion allows the drinker to add 1 extra damage to CS make a tough task roll in order for the monster to attack the
wearer in any way. Brooch of the Bat
Melee Attack Actions for d6 combat rounds, roll twice and This brooch allows the wearer to fly as per the flight Monster
take the best result. Ability. It also allows the wearer to gain 1 hit point every time
Ring of the Fire Worm
This ring allows its wearer to be immune from all forms of fire. the wearer does at least 1 point of damage to a monster
Potion of Ultimate Healing (undead are immune) with a Melee Attack Action.
This potion heals the drinker to full hit points. The wearer may also use a breath attack as per the Monster
Ability once per session.
Potion of Dark Omens Equipment
This potion allows the drinker to reroll all rolls, one extra time, Necklace of the Damned All items listed as type "Armor" provide Deflect x1 or more.
and take the best result for d6 combat rounds, reroll and take This necklace may summon up a shadow creature, once per
the desired result for potion duration. Each time one of these session, as per the Summon Monster spell that has the Vigilant
rerolls is used the drinker takes 1 damage. following Monster Abilities armored, flight, strong and a CS of Type: Armor
d6. This shadow creature lasts for 6 combat rounds and has
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter
12 hit points. It cannot be healed and may only make Melee
Black Lotus Poison This shield allows the wielder to reroll all ranged CS Defense
This poison may be applied to any weapon or quiver of Attack Actions. Actions and take the best result. It also provides the wielder a
arrows. When the weapon does at least 1 damage to a Heroic Reroll at the start of each combat encounter.
Ring of Speed
monster, the monster is afflicted with the poison Monster
This ring allows its wearer to always win initiative rolls against
Ability, which automatically fails its tough strength roll. Some Gift of Kings
monsters. The wearer may also run long distances very
monsters may be immune (PM discretion). This poison stays Type: Armor
on the weapon for the duration of the combat encounter. quickly (PM discretion). The wearer may reroll Ranged Classes: Cleric, Fighter
Defense Actions and take the best result.
Applying the poison takes 1 combat action. This suit of armor heals the wearer of d6 damage once per
combat encounter, roll twice and take the best result. This
Cauldron of Vitality Amulet of False Life takes a combat action to use. It also allows the wearer to heal
This cauldron creates enough soup for 6 people once a day. Once per session, this amulet allows the wearer to 1 extra hp after each encounter.
Drinking the soup heals the drinker to full hit points. It takes 1 temporarily have 6 more hit points for use only during the
hour to create the soup and the soup spoils if not drank within current combat encounter. This may take the wearer's hit
the hour. points past their maximum. Activating this ability takes a
combat action.
Helm of Protection Vicious Buckler Bag of Many Things
Type: Armor Type: Armor Type: Bag
Classes: Cleric, Fighter Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter Classes: All
This helmet gives the wearer immunity from the following This buckler allows the wielder to reroll all ranged CS Once per combat encounter and twice out of combat, per
Monster Abilities; disease, energy drain, paralysis, petrify, Defense Actions and take the best result. It also allows the session, this bag may have any physical item (PM discretion)
poison. wielder to make 1 Melee Attack Action, per combat encounter, that the wearer might desire. This bag can also carry items
with Focus that explodes. much larger than would normally fit inside it. It may carry as
Defiance many items as the PM decides a magic bag would be able to
Type: Armor Crown of Dead Kings hold.
Classes: All Type: Armor
This bracer allows the wearer to negate all damage from 3 Classes: All Horn of Heroes
attacks per session. This is as if the attack never targeted the This crown allows 1 spell on the Magic Spell List to be cast Once per session, when this horn is blown by the wielder, all
wearer. once per combat encounter. The spell cast may be changed characters in hearing range gain d6 Heroic Rerolls (rolled
each combat encounter. Casting a spell from this crown takes once as a group), reroll and take the best result. Using the
Voltan's Belt a combat action. horn takes a combat action.
Type: Armor
Classes: All Bracers of Reflection Crystal Ball
This belt provides the wearer with a Heroic Reroll when Type: Armor Once per session the crystal ball shows those that gaze within
"Rolling a 6" on a d6 roll of 2+ instead of the normal roll of 6 Classes: All a glimpse of their future, that is the remainder of the session.
when checking to see if the action was done in an amazing or Any Ranged Attack Action that targets the wearer of these Pocket Master's may divulge whatever they desire pertaining
masterful way. bracers and does not do any damage must immediately make to story, monsters, treasure, traps or magical items the person
another Ranged Attack Action against themselves (Defense may encounter. Gazing into the crystal ball takes 1 minute to
Cape of Dark Worlds Action allowed). obtain the information.
Type: Armor
Classes: All Boots of Wall Walking Paradox Gem
This cape allows the wearer to always take their action before Type: Boots When this gem is broken, time reverses and the combat
their enemies in combat. It also provides immunity from dark Classes: All round is started over with all actions having never happened.
magic Monster Ability. These boots allow the wearer to walk on the wall or on the Breaking the gem takes a combat action and destroys the
ceiling. They also allow the wearer to fall great distances and gem.
Fate land without taking any damage.
Type: Armor Weapons
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter Diadem of Divine Fire All weapons and staves listed provide Focus x1 or more.
This shield allows the wielder to reroll all ranged CS Defense Type: Armor Wands have a number of uses.
Actions and take the best result. This shield provides the Classes: All
wielder immunity from dark magic and breath attack Monster This diadem can cast Rain of Fire, as per the magic spell, Steelbender
Abilities. Any monster that does 1 or more damage with a once per combat encounter. Type: Sword (m)
melee CS Attack Action to the wielder suffers from Confusion, Classes: Bard, Fighter, Ranger, Thief
as per the magic spell, for the next combat round. Ronan's Headband This weapon forces all Melee Defense Actions against it to
Type: Armor roll one CS lower (example, CS d6 becomes CS d6-1, to a
Classes: All minimum of CS d6-4). This weapon negates the armored
Crown of Storms This headband allows the wearer to only take a maximum of 1 Monster Ability for only this weapon's attacks.
Type: Armor point of damage from humanoid Attack Actions. The wearer
Classes: All still gets their CS Defense roll.
This crown allows the wearer to cast Rain of Fire, as per the Blackout
magic spell, 3 times per session. This takes a combat action Last Guard Type: Mace (m)
to use. Type: Armor Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter This weapon negates the following Monster Abilities with its
Oathkeeper This shield allows the wielder to reroll all ranged CS Defense Melee Attack Actions for only this weapon's attacks; armored,
Type: Armor Actions and take the best result. It also allows the wielder to bones. Undead take 1 extra damage from this weapon.
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Thief roll a d6 after its Deflect is used. If the roll is a 4+ the shield
This chainmail allows the wearer to roll their CS for Defense replenishes the used Deflect. Tooth
Actions for a nearby target. Both the wearer and the target of
Type: Dagger (m / r)
the attack may use their Heroic Rerolls for this CS defense Helm of the Martyr Classes: Bard, Fighter, Ranger, Thief
action. Wearer takes any damage that is not blocked. Type: Armor This weapon sticks into a monster if it does at least 1 damage
Classes: Cleric, Fighter
and continues to do 1 cumulative point of damage at the start
This helmet allows the wearer to take as much damage as of each combat round. The monster may make a Hard task
they desire that would normally be dealt to another character
roll (5+) to remove it.
that is within hearing range.
Bow of Ages Bone Stick Staff of Replenishment
Type: Bow (r) Type: Pick (m) Type: Staff (m / r)
Classes: Bard, Fighter, Ranger, Thief Classes: Bard, Fighter, Ranger, Thief Classes: Wizard
This weapon allows its user to instantly kill any non-Boss This weapon may summon a skeleton once per combat This staff may fire magic missiles as a Ranged Attack Action
monster if the Ranged CS Action roll results in 5 or more encounter, as a combat action, for the duration of the combat (CS d6-2). For every Ranged Attack Action the wielder takes
points of damage (no Defensive CS action allowed or Monster encounter as per the Summon Monster spell, under the against a monster, with this staff's magic missiles, it heals the
Ability if 5 damage is dealt). wielder's control. This weapon negates the armored Monster wielder of 1 hit point.
Ability for only this weapon's attacks.
Ember Death Crone's Limb
Type: Sword (m) Blinkstrike Type: Staff (m / r)
Classes: Bard, Fighter, Ranger, Thief Type: Spear (m / r) Classes: Wizard
This weapon shines brightly when needed and does fire Classes: Bard, Fighter, Ranger This staff may fire magic missiles as a Ranged Attack Action
damage, which adds 1 extra damage to the wielder's CS When used as a ranged weapon, this spear returns to the CS d6-2) . This staff also allows the wielder to do 1 extra point
melee attack actions. wielder after each Ranged Attack Action. This weapon allows of damage with Dark Bolt or Rain of Fire spells.
the wielder to reroll initiative rolls, and take the best result, for
Edge of Night Melee and Ranged Attack Actions. Staff of the Guardian
Type: Dagger (m / r) Type: Staff (m / r)
Classes: Bard, Fighter, Ranger, Thief Beast Bane Classes: Wizard
When making an agility task to sneak or hide in shadows, the Type: Axe (m) This staff may fire magic missiles as a Ranged Attack Action
wielder will always make a Laughable task roll (2+) to Classes: Fighter (CS d6-2). This staff also allows the wielder to take one less
succeed, as they become cloaked in shadows. Melee Attack Actions that roll a 6 with this two-handed damage from all sources.
weapon cuts the head off of beast monsters, instantly killing
Scar, Vex of Giants them regardless of hp (no Defense Action). Staff of Life Ebb
Type: Axe (m) Type: Staff (m / r)
Classes: Bard, Fighter, Ranger Execution Classes: Wizard
This weapon does 1 extra damage to large monsters and also Type: Axe (m) This staff may fire magic missiles as a Ranged Attack Action
forces them to gain the slow Monster Ability for the following Classes: Bard, Fighter, Ranger (CS d6-2). This staff afflicts a monster struck by its Ranged
combat round when this weapon does at least 1 point of Melee Attack Actions that roll a 6 with this weapon cuts the Attack with the poison Monster Ability (undead are immune
damage to that monster. head off of humanoid monsters, instantly killing them and the monster automatically fails the tough strength task
regardless of hp (no Defense Action). roll).
Brain Peeker
Type: Mace (m) Trinity Staff of the Seraph
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter Type: Sword (m) Type: Staff (m / r)
This weapon forces all Melee Defense Actions against it to Classes: Bard, Fighter, Ranger, Thief Classes: Wizard
roll one CS lower (example, CS d6 becomes CS d6-1, to a This weapon allows the wielder to make 3 Melee Attack This staff may fire magic missiles as a Ranged Attack
minimum of CS d6-4). Humanoids take 1 extra damage from Actions in one combat round, to the same or different Action(CS d6-2). This staff has 3 uses of Holy Light, as per
this weapon. monsters, once per combat encounter, as long as they are the Cleric's Ability, per session. This takes a combat action to
within melee range. use. Undead take 1 extra damage from this weapon.
Clarity Mender
Type: Hammer (m) Type: Morning Star (m) Wand of Arcane Armor
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger Type: Wand
This weapon has 3 uses of Holy Light, as per the Cleric's Each time this weapon does damage to a monster, it heals its Classes: Wizard
Ability, per session. This takes a combat action to use. wielder of 2 hit points. This wand allows the wielder to cast Arcane Armor, as per the
Undead take 1 extra damage from this weapon. magic spell, 3 times per combat encounter.
Ghoul Edge
Darkheart Type: Axe (m) Dark Bolt Wand
Type: Sword (m) Classes: Bard, Fighter, Ranger Type: Wand
Classes: Bard, Fighter, Ranger, Thief Any monster that is dealt at least 1 point of damage by this Classes: Wizard
This weapon allows the wielder to cast Dark Bolt, as per the weapon is afflict with paralysis, as per the Monster Ability. This wand allows the wielder to cast Dark Bolt, as per the
magic spell, once per combat encounter. magic spell, 3 times per combat encounter.
Celestial Branch
Reckoning Type: Staff (m / r) Wand from Beyond
Type: Sword (m) Classes: Wizard Type: Wand
Classes: Bard, Fighter, Ranger, Thief This staff may fire magic missiles as a Ranged Attack Action Classes: Wizard
This weapon forces all Melee Defense Actions against it to (CS d6-2). This staff may use its magic to either be Focus or This wand allows the wielder to cast Aid from Beyond, as per
roll one CS lower (example, CS d6 becomes CS d6-1, to a Deflect as decided by the wielder when needed. the magic spell, once per combat encounter. This ability may
minimum of CS d6-4). This weapon negates the armored be used 3 times per session.
Monster Ability for only this weapon's attacks.

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