Lesson Plan in English 4 For COT No 3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur
San Juan District


(Reading Comprehension)-The learner demonstrates understanding of various linguistics modes to
various texts
(ORF)- The learner demonstrates understanding that English is stress-timed language to achieve accuracy
(RC)- The learner uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from informational text
(ORF)- the learner reads aloud text with accuracy, automaticity, and prosody.
(RC)- Distinguish reality from fantasy in stories read (ENRC-IVd-43)
(ORF)- Read grade-level texts with 118 words correct words per minute ( EN4F-IVd-1.13)
Distinguishing reality from fantasy in stories read
Reading grade-level texts 118 words correct words per minute
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide : pp 360-362
2. Learner’s Materials: pp. 341-344
3. Textbook Pages: English For You and Me 4 Reading pp. 171-174
4. Pictures, Chart, PPTx, strips, pictures
5. Curriculum Link: Science, MAPEH, Health

A. Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Have a review on facts and opinion. (Use Happy and Sad faces)
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Unlocking vocabulary:
Swallowed (show by gesture)
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
Ask: Have you experienced swallowing something like mosquito? How did you feel? What will you do in
to avoid swallowing such kind of insects?
Say: Today We will read a poem an “Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly”.
Say: What question would you like to ask about the poem?
Read the poem while the pupils listen then Have a dramatic reading of the poem.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Have the pupils answer these questions.
1. What are the animals mentioned in the poem? How many animals are there?
2. What did an old woman do?
3. Do you believe that there is such an old woman?
4. Do you believe that there is an old woman can swallow animals?
5. What can you say about the poem? Is it happen in real life?
Say: In order to deepen your understanding about reality and fantasy, let us watch the video clip.
What are the things to be remembered in watching the video?
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
Ask: What does the video about? ( fantasy/ Reality)
What is a fantasy? A reality?
Ask your seatmate to give an example of fantasy / reality.
Group Activity:
Group I- Draw a picture showing fantasy
Group II- Write a short fantasy story
Group III - Acting out a situation that shows reality.
Group IV- Compose a song that shows fantasy.
F. Developing mastery (Leads to formative assessment)
Independent Practice:
Have the pupils read the short story 0n pp. 175-176, EFYM.
“Pick Me”.
Directions: Pick a sentence or short story from the box . Read and tell whether it is a reality or fantasy and
them in the proper column.
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living
What would you do if you watch or heard fantasy stories?
H. Making generalizations of concepts and skills in daily living
Ask: What is a fantasy? A reality?
Fantasy- tells about characters or event that cannot really happen or it is a product of imagination only.
Reality- tells about things that could happen in real life.
I. Evaluating learning
Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It tells about things that could happen in real life. What is it?
A. fantasy B. reality C. news D. opinion
2. Which of the following sentences describes fantasy?
A. It refers to a situation that may happen real life.
B. It refers to situation that is difficult to deal with.
C. It refers to something that solves a problem.
D. It refers to situations that make believe or magical that couldn’t happen in real life.
3. Which of the following tells fantasy?
A. The sun is the main source of heat and light.
B. The sun eats the moons during the lunar eclipse.
C. The sun is bigger than the moon.
D. All planets revolve around the sun
4. Ali reads book about volcano. How can you describe the sentence? Why?
A. It is `a fantasy because it can’t happen in real life.
B. It is an opinion because it has no evidence.
C. It is a reality because reading books happen in real life.
D. It is fact because it has bases and based from the research.
5. The following sentences tell reality except ___
A. Birds eat fish and worms.
B. Some animals eat other animals.
C. Butterflies fly from one flower to another.
D. Snakes and rabbits came out of a magician’s hat.
H. Additional activities for application or remediation.
Write five sentences that tells fantasy and 5 sentences that tell reality.

Table of Specifications
Competencies Remembering Understandin Analyzing Applying Evaluating Creating
Distinguish reality from
fantasy in stories read 1 2 3 4 5

1 1 2 1 1 1

Item Analysis
Item no. No. of Correct Response No. of Incorrect Response

Prepared by: Checked and Observed by:


Teacher III Master Teacher II

Noted by:

Head Teacher II

Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It tells about things that could happen in real life. What is it?
B. fantasy B. reality C. news D. opinion
2. Which of the following sentences describes fantasy?
A. It refers to a situation that may happen real life.
B. It refers to situation that is difficult to deal with.
C. It refers to something that solves a problem.
D. It refers to situations that make believe or magical that couldn’t happen in real
3. Which of the following tells fantasy?
A. The sun rotates on its axis.
B. The sun eats the moons during the lunar eclipse.
C. The sun is bigger than the moon.
D. All planets revolve around the sun
4. Ali read a book about volcano . How can you describe the sentences? Why?
A. It is `a fantasy because it can’t happen in real life.
B. It is an opinion because it has no evidence.
C. It is a reality because reading books happen in real life.
D. It is fact because it has bases and based from the research.
5. The following sentences tell reality except ___
A. Birds eat fish and worms.
B. Some animals eat other animals.
C. Butterflies fly from one flower to another.
D. Snakes and rabbits came out of a magician’s hat.

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