LSTF Staff Application Form

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Lawrence S.

Ting Foundation

Staff Application Form Hồ sơ dự tuyển 人事申請表

Basic Information/ Thông tin cơ bản /基本資料
Position Applying for  Communication Officer (CSR)

Photo within 6
Channel □ website □Referred by: months
□ x Others:
Full Name  Lê Nguyễn Phương Nam Nationalit  Vietnames

National ID  079095007484 Date of 1995 Y  05 M  16 D


Sex □ x Male □Female Marital □ x Single □Married

Status □Others:

Permanent Address  509 Lo A, chung cu Su Van Hanh, Phuong 9 , Quan 5, TP.HCM

(509 Block A, Su Van Hanh Apartment, Ward 9, District 5, HCMC)

Residence Address  509 Lo A, chung cu Su Van Hanh, Phuong 9 , Quan 5, TP.HCM

(509 Block A, Su Van Hanh Apartment, Ward 9, District 5, HCMC)

Cellular Number  0866826428 Home Number  

Email Address Passport No.  

Education Background/ Quá trình học tập/學歷背景
Degree Name of School Major Period Graduation
Master       □ Yes □No

Bachelor  Bangkok University  Communication Arts  2017 - □ x Yes □No

International 2019
Other  Van Lang University  Graphic Design  2013 - □ Yes □ x No
Employment History/Kinh nghiệm làm việc /工作經歷
Name of Employer Position Period Name & Reason for
Title of Leaving
 Shopee Vietnam Senior Associate,  06/2020 – 06/2021  Hong Look for an
(Full-time) Customer Experience, Phuong Vu, industry that
User Customer meets the career
Communications  Experience, goals & desires
 Havas Vietnam Content Strategist   06/2019 – 05/2020  Van  Company
(Full-time) Nguyen, restructure &
Associate change scope of
Planning work
 HopeBox Vietnam  Marketing  08/2018 – 12/2018  Huong  Focus on
(Part-time) Communications Dang – CEO, completing my
Executive Founder BA degree
 Breast Cancer  Marketing  04/2016 – 06/2018  Nguyen  N/A
Network Vietnam Communications Thuy Tien –
(Project-based) Executive CEO,
 J.U.S.T. F&B Marketing Executive  08/2016 – 12/2016   Nam Le –  Study abroad
Huy Hoang Marketing Intern 07/2015 – 02/2016 Nguyen Le Want to explore
Publishers My Hoan – more career
Partnership opportunities
Family Situation/Bối cảnh gia đình/家庭狀況
Name Age Relationship Company

 Le Van Tin 56  Father   N/A

 Nguyen Thi Xuan  51  Mother  N/A
 Le Nguyen Phuong 24  Younger Brother  Studying 2nd degree in
Tan Finance at University of
References/Thông tin tham khảo 徵信查詢
Thông tin của người quản lý trực tiếp công ty trước đây (ít nhất 1 người) 過去工作上主管(至少一位)
Full name Name of Contact Email Contact Phone Number
 Van Nguyen Havas, Associate  nguyenhongvan310  (+84)  0941416712
Planning Direction

Current Salary Details/Mức lương hiện tại/ 現職薪資 於報到時需提供最近 Expectation & Mobility
Monthly Salary  23,000,000 Fixed Bonus  13th month salary Desired  29,000,000 VND
VND gross Salary gross
Mobility, travel □ xYes Available  01/07/2021  Other  
to other □No Working Date expectation  
provinces. s
Certificate/Bằng cấp - chứng chỉ/專業證照
License or Certificate Certificate No. Issued Date Remarks
 BU Creative Scholarship      

 B.A. in Communications certificate  202073/1/2021 01/04/2021  

IELTS 6.5 certified 15VN009156LEN101 11/12/2015
Language/Năng lực Ngôn ngữ/語文能力 Computer skill/Trình độ tin học /電腦能力
English □ x Fluent □Fair □ Marginal □ x Ms-Office; Others: Essential graphic design Adobe
Mandarin □Fluent □Fair □ Marginal Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, ________________
Other □Fluent □Fair □ Marginal
- Strong understanding of communications-related matters, content marketing, social projects and customer
- Creative approach with a business mindset.
- Proactive in finding new solutions, try new methods and improve the process efficiency.
- Ability to manage & deliver projects on time that meet business requirements
- High sensibility, flexibility and dedication to work
- Good sense of the world & can express a deep empathy towards others
- Effective communications that help deliver expected outcomes & enhance credibility from stakeholders
- Not specialized in a specific scope of work – more of a generalist & idealist
- Less prefer execution or repetitive tasks

Except current applied position, what other job/professional capabilities do you have?
- Marketing communications
- Customer experience
- Internal process excellence
Please briefly elaborate your expectations and personal goals?
- Since I always love exploring new ideas and connecting with other people around me, I expect a nurturing
and open-minded work environment, in which I am given fair opportunities to discuss and contribute my
ideas to the overall growth of the business.
- My personal goals are to develop a better sense & business insights in communications feel as well as to
expand my networking. I also challenge myself to improve my project management capability and become a
more strategic individual in professional terms.

Have you ever been admitted to critical illness or be hospitalized during the past three years? If yes, state the
reason. □Yes, Reason: I had a hemorrhoidectomy in late 2019 □No
Have you ever been arrested or interrogated by a law enforcement agency before? If yes, state the reason. □Yes,
Reason □No
Emergency Contact Details/Người liên hệ trong trường hợp khẩn cấp/緊急聯絡人資訊
Name Relationship Phone Number Address
 Le Nguyen Phuong  Younger brother  0919571362  509 Lo A, chung cu Su Van Hanh, Phuong 9 ,
Tan Quan 5, TP.HCM
(509 Block A, Su Van Hanh Apartment, Ward
9, District 5, HCMC)
Declaration/Xác nhận/應徵者聲明
You hereby acknowledge that the information provided on the application form is to the best of your knowledge
true and complete. Any false statement on this application form including omission of important information may
be grounds for dismissal.

You hereby give your consent to contact the provided reference contact persons and release any such information
as requested by the organisation, including but not limited to integrity, employment details and previous job

You hereby give your consent that within six months after receipt of your application form, the organisation can use
your personal information to build human resource database. Upon employment, the organisation has the right to
continue to collect, process and use your personal information. If you are not offered a job, the organisation will
destroy your personal information collected by this application form.

Based on the Personal Information Protection Act, you could exercise the following rights with regard to the
personal information you provided:
1. any inquiry and request for a review of your personal information;
2. any request to make duplications of your personal information;
3. any request to supplement or correct your personal information;
4. any request to discontinue collection, processing or use of personal information; and
5. any request to delete your personal information.

However, the organisation reserves the right to refuse service subject to all applicable laws and rules.
You have the option not to disclose your personal information. However, you understand that failure to provide
accurate and complete information may affect organisation's decision to employ you.
You understand that this declaration is subject to the Personal Information Protection Act and you agree to all the
above terms.

Signature of Applicant 2021 Y 06 M 17 D

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