Level 2 (B1) Practice Test 9

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2  (B1)  PRACTICE  TEST  9


SECTION  1:  Circle  the  letter  next  to  the  word  or  phrase  that  best  complete  each sentence
(A,  B,  C  or  D)

1. She  told  me  I  would  have  an  accident  if  I............. more  care.
A.  ‘m  not  taking B.  haven’t  taken C.  won’t  take D.  didn’t  take
2. When  she  reached  the  cinema,  she...................... a  ticket.
A.  buying B.  is  buying C.  bought D.  will  buy
3. For  a  long  time  after  the  accident,  he  suffered  from  a  constant................ in  his  back.
A.  pain B.  ache C.  hurt D.  injury
4. You  will.................. yourself  a  lot  of  time  if  you  take  a  taxi.
A.  spend B.  make C.  spare D.  save
5. “Can  I  help  you?”  -‐    “.................”
A.  I  don’t  like  this,  I’m  afraid B.  Very  good
C.  No,  thanks.  I’m  just  looking D.  No,  you  can’t
6. Would  you  mind....................the  television  on?
A.  turn B.  to  turn C.  turning D.  to  turning
7. I  have  been  looking  for  this  book  for  months,  and................. I  have  found  it.
A.  in  time B.  at  the  end C.  last D.  in  the  end
8. He  passed  the  exam................... his  laziness.
A.  because  of B.  because C.  instead  of D.  in  spite  of
9. My  father  had  the  telephone............... out  of  his  office.
A.  take B.  taken C.  to  take D.  taking
10. Heathrow  is  …  airports  in  the  world.
A.  one  of  the  busier B.  one  of  busiest
C.  one  of  the  busiest D.  busiest
11. If  you  put  on  some  clothes  in  a  shop  to  see  if  they  are  the  right  size,  you  …
A.  try  them  on B.  try  them  out C.  take  them  back   D.  take  them  off
12....................blind  can  see  nothing.
A.  The B.  A C.  All D.  Every
13. The  mirror  was...................broken.
A.  accident B.  accidentally C.  accidental D.  by  accident
14. It’s  a  long  walk  to  your  house  from  here,  I’ll  give  you  a/an  …in  my  car  if  you  like.
A.  lift B.  elevator C.  stair  case D.  ladder
15. He  never  goes  to  the  market,.......................?
A.  doesn’t  he B.  does  he C.  is  he D.  isn’t  he
SECTION  2:  Look  at  the  text/sign  in  each  question.  What  does  it  say?  Circle  the  letter next  to
the  correct  explanation  (A,  B  or  C)

Questions  1-‐5
1. A. We charge to repair computers not bought
B. We will not mend computers bought from
other shops.
C. Bring your computer here for repairs.
D. Computers bought here never need
2. A. We can train you to work here.
B. We are not open today because of staff
C. The shop will open at 9:30 today.
D. The shop is run by trained staff.
3. A. There will be two ticket offices after 17
B. The new ticket office is now open.
C. This ticket office will close on 16
D. This ticket office will be closed for one day.
4. A. This car park is for patients only.
B. This car park is for ambulances only.
C. Patients can only use this car park in
D. Patients can only park here with permission.

5. A. If you find your name on this list, you can

go on the trip.
B. This list shows who has been chosen to go
on the trip.
C. Check this list for information if you are
going on the trip.
D. This list should be signed by people
wanting to go on the trip.

SECTION  3:  Read  the  text  and  the  questions  below.  For  each  question,  circle  the  letter next  to
the  correct  answer  (A,  B,  C  or  D)

Questions  6-‐10
David  Beckham
Soccer   fans   are   crazy   about   their   favorite   teams.   They   are   even   wilder   about   their
favorite  players.  One  of  the  most  popular  soccer  players  in  the  world  is  David  Beckham.  He is
so  famous  that  even  people  who  don’t  follow  soccer  know  his  name.  Beckham  became  a
celebrity   because   he   is   one   of   a   kind.   He   has   talent,   passion,   and   a   distinct   image   that people
can’t  get  enough  of.
David   Beckham   has   always   had   a   passion   for   soccer   (or   football,   as   it   is   known   in   his
country,  England).  As  a  boy,  he  dreamed  about  playing  for  Manchester  United.  In  1991,  his
wish   came   true   when   he   qualified   for   United’s   junior   team.   Beckham’s   team   won   the
Football   Association   Youth   Cup   in   his   first   season.   The   next   year,   when   he   was   only   18
years   old,   he   became   a   professional   player.   By   outshining   the   other   players   on   his   team,
Beckham  landed  the  role  of  team  captain.  Fans  and  teammates  were  amazed  by  how  well
he   took   penalty   kicks   and   how   far   he   could   kick   the   ball.   Scoring   a   goal   from   the   halfway
line   proved   that   he   deserved   to   be   the   highest-‐paid   soccer   player   in   the   world.   Changing
teams  from  Manchester  United  to  Real  Madrid  only  heightened  Beckham’s  popularity.
One  of  the  reasons  people  love  David  Beckham  is  because  he  is  not  afraid  to  show  his
true  self.  Appearing  in  public  in  a  sarong  or  with  painted  nails  does  not  seem  to  faze  him.
While   many   celebrities   try   to   hide   from   the   media,   Beckham   loves   to   experiment   with
fashion   in   the   public   eye.   His   hair   and   fashion   styles   have   set   trends   all   over   the   world.
After  the  2002  World  Cup,  there  were  blond  Mohawks  throughout  Korea.  When  Beckham
shaved   off   half   of   an   eyebrow,   many   young   people   did   the   same   thing.   In   Japan,   one
company   made   a   three-‐meter-‐high   chocolate   statue   of   Beckham   and   convinced   him   to   be
their  spokesperson.  There  are  other  sides  to  Beckham’s  personality,  too.  Many  fans  love  the
fact  that  he  is  also  a  dedicated  father:  he  and  his  wife,  Victoria,  have  three  children.
6. What  is  this  passage  mainly  about?
A.  David  Beckham’s  family B.  David  Beckham’s  fashion  styles
C.  Manchester  United D.  A  popular  soccer  player
7. What  did  Beckham  do  in  1991?
A.  He  started  playing  for  Manchester  United’s  junior  team.
B.  He  became  a  professional  soccer  player.
C.  He  joined  the  Real  Madrid  team.
D.  He  became  team  captain.
8. How  has  Beckham  experimented  with  fashion?
A.  He  painted  his  nails. B.  He  shaved  off  half  an  eyebrow.
C.  He  wore  a  blond  Mohawk. D.  All  of  the  above
9. What  is  probably  true  about  David  Beckham?
A.  He’s  very  shy. B.  He  never  has  fun.
C.  He  enjoys  attention. D.  He’s  a  follower,  not  a  leader.
10. What  does  ‘follow’  mean  in  paragraph  1?
A.  walk  behind B.  understand
C.  be  a  fan  of D.  chase
SECTION  4:  Read  the  text  below  and  fill  each  of  the  blanks  with  ONE  suitable  word  from
the  box

together being useful sometimes down

after that like off produce
use borrowing made by inventions

Your  answer

The   English   language   is   different   from   any   other   language.   Yet,

(1)………..most  other  languages,  ours  is  always  changing.  We  need  new 1. ……………………….
words   for   new   (2)………   and   new   ideas.   Different   words   come   into 2. ……………………….
(3)……….,  or  older  words  are  used  in  a  new  way.
English  can  change  by  (4)………..  words  from  other  languages.  Tomato 3. ……………………….
was  borrowed  from  Mexico  and  pajamas  from  India.  The  word  coffee
4. ……………………….
came   from   Turkey,   and   tea   came   from   China.   Now   new   space   and
science  words  are  (5)……….  borrowed  from  other  countries,  too. 5. ……………………….
New  words  are  also  made  by  adding  two  words  (6)………..  Strawberry,
popcorn  and  grandfather  are  words  made  up  of  two  parts. 6. ……………………….
(7)……….  new  words  are  shorter  form  of  older  words.  The  word  photo
7. ……………………….
was  made  from  photograph  by  cutting  off  the  end  of  the  longer  word.
Plane   was   made   by   cutting   (8)……….the   front   part   of   airplane.   Smog 8. ……………………….
was   made   by   using   only   the   first   two   and   last   two   letters   from   the
words  smoke  and  fog. 9. ……………………….
The   names   of   people   and   products   can   become   new   words.   Our
10. ……………………
sandwich  was  named  (9)………..  a  man  named  Sandwich.  Scotch  Tape,
Band-‐Aid,  and  Jell-‐O  were  names  made  up  by  the  companies  that  first
(10)……….  the  products.


SECTION  1:  Fill  each  of  the  following  sentences  in  such  a  way  that  it  means  exactly  the same  as
the  sentence  printed  before  it.
1. Students  find  it  difficult  to  master  Listening  Skill.
It  is………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………
2. Someone  had  broken  the  chair  before  I  came  in.
The  chair……………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………
3. She  is  preparing  breakfast.  She  started  doing  it  when  she  got  up.
She  has…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…
4. Although  we  played  with  ten  men,  we  won  easily.
In  spite  of………………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………. 5. “I
was  late  for  work  this  morning”  She  said  to  me.
She  told…………………………………………………………………………...………………………………………….

SECTION  2:  Write  a  letter

This  is  part  of  a  letter  you  receive  from  your  pen-‐friend.

I  know  you  often  play  sports  at  weekends.  What's  your  favourite sport?
Tell  me  about  it!

Now  write  a  letter,  answering   your  friend’s   questions.  Write    your  answer   in  about
100 words  on  your  answer   sheet.


SECTION  1:  Choose  a  correct  picture

For  each  question  there  are  three  pictures  and  a  short  recording.  Put  a  tick    in  the  box
below  the  correct  one.

Example:  Where  did  the  man  leave  the  camera?

Choice  A  is  ticked.
SECTION  2:  Listen  to  the  passage  and  fill  each  of  the  blanks  with  the  word  you  hear. You  will
hear  the  piece  twice.

One evening, a young man and his wife were on a trip to visit his mother. Usually they
arrived in time for (6)…………………, but they had had a late start, and now it was
getting dark and the fog was getting thicker. So they decided to look for a place to stay
(7)………………… and go on in the morning.
Just off the road, they saw a small house in the woods “Maybe they rent rooms” the wife
said. So they stopped to ask. They (8)………………… at the door and waited.
Eventually an elderly man and woman came to the door. They didn’t rent room they said, but
they would be glad to have them stay overnight as their (9)…………………. They had
plenty of room, and they would enjoy the company.
The old woman made coffee and brought out some cake, and the four of them talked for a
while. Then the young couple were taken to their room. They again offered to pay, but the
old man said they would not think of (10)………………… any money.
The couple got up early next morning before the hosts had awakened. On the table on the
kitchen, they left an envelop with some money in it for the room. Then they went on to the
next (11)………………….
They stopped in a restaurant and had breakfast. When they told the owner where they had
stayed, he was (12)…………………, “That can’t be,” he said. “That house burned to the
ground about a month ago and the man and the woman who lived there died in the fire. I kept
the newspaper. Look, I’ll show you.”
The owner (13)………………… around the back, and reappreared a moment later with
and old newspaper. The headline told its own story: COUPLE DIE IN TRAGIC HOUSE
FIRE and there was a photo of the couple who had taken them in the
(14)………………… night. The young couple could not believe their eyes. They drove
back to the house…only now there was no house. Just a burned-out shell. They stood
staring at the ruins trying to understand what had (15)………………….
Suddenly, the woman screamed. There, on the badly-burned table, was the envelop they had
left that morning.

SECTION  1:  INTERVIEW  (3  mins)


List  of  questions  for  conversation  with  your  examiner(s).

Think  about  questions  your  examiner(s)  may  ask  involving  the  theme.





SECTION  2:  TALK  (about  5  mins)

Topic 9: The importance of learning foreign languages






SECTION  3:  Other  possible  questions  and  topics  for  the  Speaking  test  (interview,  two-‐way
See  PART  4  -  Section  3  -‐    CLASS  PRACTICE  TEST  1

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