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Disciplines and Ideas

in the Applied Social
Quarter1-Week 1-Module 2
Disciplines of Counseling

Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences – Grade 12
Quarter 1 – Week 1- Module 2: Disciplines of Counseling

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module


Module 2

Introduction: (GET STARTED)

This module helps you understand the basic concepts of the counseling. You will be guided
to help you achieve deeper understanding on the goals and scope of counseling.

Learning Objectives: (SET THE DIRECTION)

Generally, at the end of the module, you are expected to demonstrate a high level of
understanding of the basic concepts of counseling through a presentation of a situation in
which practitioners of counseling work together to assist individuals, groups, or
communities involved in difficult situations ( e.g., post disaster, court hearing about
separation of celebrity couple, cyber bullying.

Specifically, as a learner, you are expected

1. to identify the goals and scope of counseling.

2. Infer your own perspective on the purpose of counseling by citing applicable

Your Answer here:

Answer: help

Four Pics-One Word

assist guide
Vocabulary Activity:
What words describe these statements? block harm
Choose and circle your answers from the other box.
1. to aid (someone to do something), especially
by sharing the work, cost, or burden of

2. to improve the condition of something help

assist 1.
3. to relieve (someone) in need, sickness, pain, Answer:

or distress

Re-write the statements with check marks. Circle the key words.

When was the last time you ask for help? ____________________________________
To whom did you ask from help: ___________________________________________
Why did you ask for help? ________________________________________________

Learning Activities 1: REBOOT YOUR MEMORY

• What profession helps address a person’s specific projects, business successes,
general conditions and transitions in life, relationships, or profession.
• What is the field of applied social sciences that provides guidance, help, and support
to individuals who are distraught by a diverse set of problems in their lives.


If your answer to the first is Guidance Counseling and Counseling to the second, you got
it correct! Congratulations. Get your badge. Write your name on it.

If not, try your best next time.

Learning Activities 2: RECALL AND RECONNECT

What can counseling provide to an individual? Write your answers inside the shape.

Essential Questions
• What is counseling?
• What are the goals of counseling?
• What are the scopes of counseling?
• In which aspects of human life can counseling be of real value?

Learning Activities 3: READ AND ANALYZE

What Counseling is NOT?

Put a check before the statement if it is correct and a cross if it is NOT.

 The counselor shares confidential personal information with another family

member when there is no handled by professionally trained person who helped
solved problems to orient and direct him towards a goal.
 The counselor attempts to solve the problem compelling reason to do so.
 The counselor forms a too-close relationship with a client
 The counselor labels the client.
 Counselling is a specific process of assistance extended by an expert in an
individual situation to a needy person

What Counseling is NOT….
are those statements with X marks.
 The counselor shares confidential personal information
with another family member when there is no handled by
professionally trained person who helped solved problems
to orient and direct him towards a goal.
 The counselor attempts to solve the problem compelling
reason to do so.
 The counselor forms a too-close relationship with a client
 The counselor labels the client.

Learning Activities 4: GO OVER THIS (Discussion)

1. Counseling – For Nystul (2003) defined it as basically an art and a science
wherein you endeavor to weigh the objective and subjective facets of the
counseling process.
2. As an art is the subjective dimension of counseling. It upholds a flexible and
creative process whereby the counselor modifies the approach to meet the
developing needs of the clients.
3. As a science, on the other hand, is the objective dimension of the counseling
4. In practical terms, counseling happens when a person who is distressed asks for
help and permit another person to enter into a kind of connection with him/her. It is
indicative with formal of someone in search of counseling requests for time and
attention from person who will listen, who will allow him/her to speak and who will
not condemn and criticize him/her.
5. Informal helping- is a kin with formal helping in some ways such as presence of
good listening skills, empathy, and caring capacity.
6. Based on Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004, guidance and counseling is
the profession that implicates the application of “ an integrated approach to the
development of a well-functioning individual “ through the provision of support that
aids an individual to use his/her potential to the fullest in accord with his/her interest
, needs and abilities. (University of Queensland, 2015).

7. At the American Counseling Association (ACA) Conference in Pittsburgh in
March 2010, the representatives come to an agreement on a mutual definition of
counseling. They agreed that counseling is a professional relationship that
empowers diverse individuals, families and group to accomplish mental health,
wellness, education, and career goals (Kaplan, Tarvydas, and Gladding, 2014).
8. Counseling is a discipline that is involved in the provision of advice or
guidance in decision-making especially in emotionally significant situations.
It is a avenue where trustworthy experts help clients explore and understand
their worlds and so discover better ways of thinking and living.

What is the purpose of Counseling?

The ultimate aim of counseling is to enable the client to make their own choices, reach
their own decisions and act on them. (www.

Goals of Counseling – the key component of individual, group, organizational and

community success

-Detailed and expansive counseling goals have been identified by Gibson and Mitchell
(2003), which are as follows:

1. Development Goals – assist in meeting or advancing the clients human growth and
development including social, personal, emotional, cognitive, and physical wellness.

2. Preventive Goals – helps the client avoid some undesired outcome. E.g. failing grades,

3. Enhancement Goals- enhance special skills and abilities.

4. Remedial Goals – assisting a client to overcome and treat an undesirable development

5. Exploratory Goals- examining options, testing of skills, trying new and different activities,

6. Reinforcement Goals- helps client in recognizing, that what they are doing, thinking, and
feeling is fine

7. Cognitive Goals-involves acquiring the basic foundation of learning and cognitive skills

8. Physiological Goals – involves acquiring the basic understanding and habits for good

9. Psychological Goals – aids in developing good social interaction skills, learning

emotional control, and developing positive self – concept.

List of counseling goals, some of which are enhancement of the above goals.

Goal Description
Insight Understanding of the origins and development of emotional
difficulties, leading to an increased capacity to take rational
control over feelings and actions
Relating with others Becoming better able to form and maintain meaningful and
satisfying relationships with other people: for example , within
the family or workplace
Self- awareness Becoming more aware of thoughts and feelings that had been
blocked off or denied, or developing a more accurate sense of
how self is perceived by others.
Self- acceptance The development of a positive attitude toward self, marked by
an ability to acknowledge areas of experience that had been
the subject of self- criticism and rejection
Self – actualization Moving in the direction of fulfilling potential or achieving an
integration of previously conflicting parts of self.
Enlightenment Assisting the client to arrive at a higher state of spiritual
Problem- Solving Finding a solution to a specific problem that the client had not
been able to resolve alone. Acquiring a general competence
in problem – solving
Psychological Enabling the client to acquire ideas and techniques with which
education to understand and control behavior
Acquisition of Social Learning and mastering social and interpersonal skills such as
Skills maintenance of eye contact , turn taking in conversations,
assertive, or anger control
Cognitive change The modification or replacement of irrational beliefs or mal
adaptive thought patterns associated with self- destructive
Behavior change The modification or replacement of maladaptive or self-
destructive patterns of behavior.
Systematic change Introducing change into the way in that social systems operate
Empowerment Working on skills , awareness, and knowledge that will enable
to client to take control of his or her own life
Restitution Helping the client to make amends for previous destructive
Generality Inspiring in the person a desire and capacity to care for others
and pass on knowledge and to contribute to the collective good
through political engagement

Drink water- Brain needs water to function it better.


1. To help in the total development  improved communication

of the student: and interpersonal skills
Along with the intellectual
development proper motivation and Counselee  greater self-acceptance
clarification of goals and ideas to and self-esteem
pupils in conformity with their basic
 ability to change self-
potentialities and social tendencies
defeating behaviors/habits
are important total development of
the student  better expression and
management of emotions,
2. To help in the proper choices of
including anger
3. To help in the proper choices of  relief from depression,
carvers anxiety or other mental
4. To help in the students in health conditions
vocational development
5. To develop readiness for  increased confidence and
choices and changes to face new decision-making skills
 ability to manage stress
6. To minimize the mismatching effectively
between education and
employment and help in the  improved problem-solving
efficient use of manpower. and conflict resolution
7. To motivate the youth for self - abilities

Scope of Counseling

The scope and field of counseling has widened as the human problems are wide in range. Broadly, the
scope of counseling includes individual counseling, marital and premarital counseling, family counseling,
and community counseling.

• Adolescent identity, concerns, teen-parent relationships, peer relationships
• Anxiety
• Anger management
• Children’s concerns within the family unit, sibling relationships, school experiences, peer
• Depression
• Family of origin dynamics and issues
• Gender: identity, sexuality, homosexuality
• Relationships: personal and interpersonal dynamics
• Sexual abuse recovery
• Seniors: challenges, limitations, transitions
• Singles: single, newly single, single through divorce or being widowed
• Spirituality
• Stress management
• Workplace stress and relationships
• Young adult: identity, relationships, vocation
• Marital and relational dynamics
• Extended family relationships
• Fertility issues

• Adolescent and child behaviors within family dynamics
• Adult children
• Divorce and separation issues and adjustment
• Family dynamics: estrangement, conflict, communication
• Family of origin / extended family issues
• Life stages and transitions
• Parenting patterns: blended, single, co-parenting families

A more focused subject matter related to scope of counseling is the 4757-15 Scope of
Practice for Licensed Professional Counselors. It contains the rights and responsibilities
of licensed counselors including the following:

1. Licensed Professional Counselors may help for a fee, salary, or other

2. Afford counseling services to individuals, groups, organizations, or the general
public compromising of: application of clinical counseling principles, methods,
or procedures to assist individuals in realizing effective personal, social,
educational, or career development and adjustment.
3. “apply clinical counseling principles, methods , and procedures “, means an
approach to counseling that emphasizes the counselor’s role in systematically
assisting clients through all of the following: assessing and analyzing emotional
conditions , exploring possible solutions, and developing and providing
treatment plan for mental and emotional adjustment or development. It may
include counseling, appraisal, consulting, supervision, administration, and
4. Engage in the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders when
under the supervision of a professional clinical counselor, psychologist,
psychiatrists, independent marriage and family therapist, or independent social
5. Provide training supervision for students and registered counselor trainees
when services are within their scope of practice, which does not include
supervision of the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders.

Practice Task 1: On each hand, write the words you remember that are
related to counseling.

Practice Task 2: Create a Mind Map that will illustrate your enablers (people who help
you in times of need). On the next level, write down the issues or problem you can ask
from. Explain your answer.

Practice Task 3: Think of two (2) situations wherein you needed any form of assistance
about life matters: academics, relationships, family, identity, and financial concerns, with
whom did you share your problem? Discuss each on the first column. On the 2 nd column,
briefly write how you were able to overcome those. On the last column, write the names
of your enablers whom you shared your problems and helped you, state how he/she
helped you.

My needed assistance How I overcome those? Who helped me? How

(problems, issues, crisis) (the kind of help I got) he/she helped me.

Practice Task 4: As a Grade 12 HUMSS Student and as a growing and developing
teenager, you definitely experiencing problems and issues in different aspects of your life.
Relate any of your major difficulties with the goals of counseling. In 200 words, answer
How will counselling help you get through with your problems? Make sure that you
aligned your problems with the counseling goals. Write your answer on a separate paper.
Attach it in this module.

Example: Counseling Goal: Remedial Goals - Problems: Low Grades

(answer the question written in bold letters)

Practice Task 5: With the problems or concerns mentioned in Activity 3 & 4, identify the
Scope of Counseling that covers and address the said problems. Write your answers on
a tablet paper.

Assignment: Text or chat one of your classmates and make an exchange

views on counseling. Write your answers on a tablet paper.

Guide questions:

1. Have you gone to a counseling session? If yes, let him/her briefly discuss his/her
2. If have no counselling yet? Ask if will he or she is willing to have counseling? Why
or why not?
3. What scope of counseling covers the problem of your friend?

Write 2 or more learnings you have inside the Exit card.

Post Test

I. In this pandemic time, there are a lot of problems that arise. Cite 5 issues whether
personal or social and identify the scope of counseling it belongs.

Problems/issues Scope of Counseling

1. _________________________________ _____________________________
2. _________________________________ _____________________________
3. _________________________________ _____________________________
4. _________________________________ _____________________________
5. _________________________________ _____________________________

II. Why should we seek help from a professional counselor? What will be your benefits if
you will have counseling?


III. How counseling helps an individual who is in a distress condition?


Kmusta ka sa paggamit ng
module na ito? Anong bahagi nito
ang nahihirapan ka? Isulat ang
iyong sagot sa bubble balloon sa
kanang bahagi upang malaman
ko at matugunan ito.
-ang iyong guro =)

Key to Corrections:

Practice Tasks 1 -5 and Post Test answers may vary


Details from the lessons are clearly used, answers are coherent and no 10
grammatical errors,
Few details from the lessons are used, with minimal grammar error 5
No details from the lessons were used. 2

21st Century Skills developed: Critical Thinking,

Values: Honesty, perseverance, mindfulness


Arcinas,PhD. M.M. (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences. Quezon, Philippines:
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Dela Cruz A.R.; Fernandez C.; Melegrito M.L. Valdez Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences
Phoenix Publishing House

Roy, Marin. “Guidance and Counseling: March 4, 2011.

Gibson , Robert L. and Mitchell ,Marriane H. Introduction to Counseling and guidance. (Sixth
edition). NJ: Merill Prentice Hall, 2003.

Gladding, Samuel T. Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession. ( Fourth Edition) .NJ and Ohio :
Merill Prentice Hall,2000.

Kaplan, David M., Tarvydas, Vilia M. and Gladding, Samuel T. “20/20: A Vision for the Future of
the Counseling: The New Consensus Definition of Counseling.” Journal of Counseling and
Development. Volume 92, 2014.

Mcleod, John. An introduction to Counseling. (Third Edition). Buckingham and Philadelphia:

Open University Press ,2003.

Nystul , Michael. Introduction to Counseling : An Art and Science Perspective.( Second Edition
). USA: Allyn and Bacon, 2003.
Santrock, John W. Psychology. ( Seventh Edition) .USA: Mc Graw Hill,2003


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