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Discussion Sheet – Living and Non Living Things

Groups : ..........
Name :
1. ...............................

2. ................................

3. .................................
Basic Competencies:

3.2. Identify characteristics of living and nonliving of objects and living things exist in the
surrounding environment .
3.3. Understand the classification procedure living beings and non-living things as part of
scientific work, and classify the various creatures life and objects of non- life based on
observed characteristics .


1. Students can make the observation of living things and inanimate object.
2. Students can explain the characteristics of living things.
3. Students can explain the differences in living beings with inanimate objects.

Discussion Sheet – Living and Non Living Things


1. Give a check list in the coulumn ( Living thing or Non living Things) on this picture!

No. Picture Living Thing Non Living Thing


Discussion Sheet – Living and Non Living Things

Discussion Sheet – Living and Non Living Things

Discussion Sheet – Living and Non Living Things

2. From this picture, mention the difference in Living and Non-Living Things!

3. From your knowledge, mention the characteristic of living things!



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