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September 7, 1996


Christ in the Sanctuary

Official Paper
Seventh-day Adventist Church
South Pacific Division
God Wants to
Editor Bruce Manners
Assistant Editors Lee Dunstan. Karen Miller
Copy Editor Graeme Brown
Editorial Secretary Lexie Deed
Dwell With Us
Senior Consulting Editor Laurie Evans
A Message From the Officers of the
Subscriptions South Pacific Division. $A39.00
SNZ48.75. General Conference
All other regions, $A77.00 $NZ96.25. Air mail postage
rates on application. Order from Signs Publishing

Company. Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. hen God created Adam and Eve, He placed them in a garden.
Directory of the South Pacific Division
That was their home. They cared for the flowers, for the ani-
148 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW 2076. mals, and for each other. It was indeed Paradise! Our first par-
Phone (02) 9847 3333. ents had the presence of God in their home, and happiness was
President Bryan Ball
Secretary Laurie Evans
their lot. However, as sin stained the world, our parents had to
Treasurer Warwick Stokes be driven from their first home. Now they needed shelter. They needed a place
Assistant to President Alex Currie with a roof over their heads. They needed to build a house or a tent to protect
Associate Secretary Vern Parmenter
Associate Treasurers Owen Mason, Lynray themselves against the inclement weather.
\X ikon As it was in the beginning, God always wants to live with us. To protect us. To
Field Secretary Gerhard Pfandl
Departments and Services:
care for us. He wants to dwell with us, and make us happy.
ADRA Harold Halliday The psalmist says that God dwells in the heavens (Ps.
Adventist Health Percy Harrold 123:1). The beautiful truth is that this powerful God wants
Adventist Media Centre John Banks
Auditing Service Bob Stratford
to be with us. In Exodus 25:8 God says: "And let them
Children's Ministries: Janet Rieger make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them."
Christian Services for the Blind and Hearing The word "sanctuary" comes from the Hebrew word
Impaired Ray Coombe
Communication and National Media, Public
"qodesh," meaning holiness, set apart, separated for a holy or
Affairs and Religious Liberty Ray Coombe sacred purpose. It's a beautiful term and, in this context,
Education Lc, DC \ Ille points to God dwelling among His people to care for their
Family Ministries Bryan Craig
Health Food Bob Smith needs. Through the sanctuary God met and communicated
Ministerial Association Eric Winter with His people.
Personal Ministries and Sabbath School f),1, id
The message of the ancient sanctuary, furthermore, was
Publishing Bruce Campbell that a holy God needed to establish a special people, a people who would be dif-
Risk Management Service David Woolley ferent from all other nations, a people dedicated to God, a covenant people
Stewardship Bruce Roberts
Trust Services Jim Lansdown
through whom God's will and blessings could be channeled to the world.
Youth Ministries Barry Gane Paul says that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16). The Lord
(Legal Trustee: Australasian Conference Association wants to live within us. When the wilderness tabernacle/sanctuary was finished, "a
Limited. A.C.N. 000 (103 930
Secretary: Warwick Stokes. Assistant Secretaries:
cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the
Richard Milne. Properties: Bruce Jackson, Finance.) tabernacle" (Ex. 4034).
Just so today thee glory of. the Lord can cover our lives. God wants us to be sep-
Manuscripts All copy fix the paper should he sent to
The Editor. RECORD. Signs Publishing Company. arate from the world. He wants us to live as a people redeemed by the blood of the
Warburton. Victoria 3799. Manuscripts or computer Lamb. He wants us to partake daily of the bread of life. He wants us to be in con-
disks will he returned only if accompanied by a
stamped, self-addressed envelope. Phone (059) 66
stant communion with Him, our prayers ascending like incense to the throne of
9111. Fax (059) 66 9019. Compuserve 74617.726. grace. He wants us to have the oil of the Spirit flowing in our lives, our homes,
Printed weekly by Signs Publishing Company. and our churches! God wants us to experience the cleansing water of His grace,
Vol 101 No 35
keeping constantly before our minds our need of the Lamb of God, sacrificed for
our sins—Jesus Christ, our Saviour!
We apologise that the quality As we study these precious lessons during this week of pr'ayer and revival, let us
of the print in this year's remember once more that the sanctuary is the model of a God who wants to dwell
Week of Prayer readings is with His people and within each heart, to make us ready for His kingdom.
of a lower standard. Delays
in shipping the film from the
United States has meant
using an inferior source. Leo Ranzolin is a general vice
president of the General Conference

2 RECORD September 7, 1996



The Trail of Altars

God's answer to our deepest questions

n his powerful book Night, Holocaust survivor and the sacrificial system, first instituted after the fall in Eden.
human rights advocate Elie Wiesel told about an inci- Though the modern mind tends to write off the Genesis
dent in the Nazi concentration camp, where he spent story of the Edenic lapse as mere allegory, as Adventists—
his early teenage years as an inmate, his only crime particularly with the insight given us from the Spirit of
being a Jew. In the camp there was a boy, probably not Prophecy—we accept it as a literal account of the origin of
more than 12, who had been caught stealing food, probably evil and of the suffering that has followed since its introduc-
a few crumbs to put into his hollow, emaciated frame. tion to our world.
Caught by the guards, he was CO be hanged that day.
However, his wasn't to be a solitary The. Expensive Cure
death: the guards lined up the prisoners What I want to-look at now, though,
to watch.
Aghast, the inmates stood in forma-
By His'death isn't so much the origin of evil, but the
cure. Because sin is violation of God's
tion as the child, scared, shivering, went holiness (His character as expressed in
to the gallows. But there was a problem:
he was so light (having lost weight in
Christ flung the law), the fall of Adam and Eve creat-
ed a barrier between the Creator and His
the camp) that the force of gravity
couldn't do its deadly work. Instead, the open the gates sinful creatures, and no amount of repen-
tance and remedial effort on their part
child just hung there by his thin little could remove the problem. Instantly, par-
neck, twitching, squirming, flailing his
birdlike arms and legs in a macabre
of Paradise ticularly with the background of the great
controversy between God and Satan, the
dance. The prisoners watched in horror, problem caused by Adam and Eve
helpless to do anything as the child to every became bigger than just them, or even
gasped, gagged, and jerked in painful humanity as a whole.
spasms but still clung to life. The scene
continued, on and on—the child just
repentant soul. It was like Gavrilo Princip's shooting
of the archduke Ferdinand of Austria-
would not die—and in the midst of this Hungary, an assassination that led to
senseless evil, one of the prisoners finally World War I. The issue suddenly
in frantic desperation cried out, "Where is God?" became bigger than just Gavrilo Princip, a fanatical anar-
Where is God? Where was God? Why did God let this chist. It was the same with the Fall, only in this case, it
happen? These cries have been echoed from humanity for would take more than American and Allied Forces to end
the thousands of years that the race has suffered, that we the problem. It required the life of the Son of God Himself.
have in a sense helplessly flailed our birdlike arms and legs "Since the divine law is as sacred as God Himself, only
against what appears to be the overwhelming tide of evil. one equal with God could make atonement for its transgres-
From ethnic cleansing in Bosnia to children dying in a sion. None but Christ could redeem fallen man from the
Christmas home fire in Philadelphia, from an earthquake in curse of the law and bring him again into harmony with
India CO the sinking of a ferry off the coast of Finland that Heaven. Christ would take upon Himself the guilt and
killed hundreds, the force of evil in the world has time and shame of sin—sin so offensive to a holy God that it must
again wrenched from hearts the cry "Where was God?" separate the Father and His Son. Christ would reach to the
The answer is as simple as it is profound: God was at depths of misery to rescue the ruined race" (Patriarchs and
Calvary, dying for the sins of the world. This is the only true Prophets, p. 63).
answer that can help us, we who "see through a glass, darkly" Christ's decision to take upon Himself the guilt and
(1 Cor. 13:12), in our attempt to make sense of a world that in shame of sin began what has been called "the everlasting
so many ways seems to make no sense at all. And for thou- covenant," in which the Son volunteered to lay aside the
sands of years the lessons of Calvary have been taught through glories of heaven, take on Himself the nature- of humanity,

RECORD September 7, 1996 3

and in our place accept have fallen into sin. Because
the consequences of sin. the creation came forth in
He would give His life, harmony with the character of
and thus allow the penalty a God of order, violation of
of death to be carried out that order brings disastrous
upon Himself, so that it consequences. And these con-
need not fall on any per- sequences would deprive the
son who, in faith, comes sinner of the most elemental
to the Redeemer: "Who, of God's gifts, that of life itself.
though he [Jesus Christ] Thus the sacrifices required
was in the form of God, blood, symbol of what redemp-
did not count equality tion costs. Abel's offering was
with God a thing to be accepted; Cain's was not. The
grasped, but emptied him- vital difference? Cain's offering
self, taking the form of a parallels every attempt to
servant, being born in the redeem ourselves through our
likeness of men. And own efforts, according to our
being found in human own judgment; in contrast,
form he humbled himself Abel acknowledges the truth
and became obedient unto that only through the supreme
death, even death on a sacrifice of an innocent victim
cross" (Phil. 2:6-8, RSV). can humans be reconciled to
However amazing that their Maker. Cain's represent-
truth, people needed to ed salvation by works, Abel's
know about it, needed to by faith. Only the latter works.
know and understand the Even the patriarchs, living
great sacrifice made in in the day of the "type," nev-
their behalf, so they could ertheless understood much of
respond and receive the this truth. Everywhere the
benefits derived from what patriarchs left a trail of altars,
Christ had done. God wanted humans sibility, were slain. Thus began the first where they had performed the act of
to understand, in particular. two cru- sacrificial service, and the grim lessons it faith in the coming Saviour, who
cial truths: that of the terrible nature taught about the cost of sin. Because sin would atone for their sins. That act, of
of rebellion against God, and the is so abhorrent to God, and so in viola- course, was sacrifice. Emerging from
amazing sacrifice required to bring sal- tion of His holy nature, it could end the ark, Noah gathers his small family
vation to repentant sinners and end only in death. No doubt the bloodied around a newly constructed altar to
the rebellion in a manner that will carcass of their favorite lamb, or goat, or offer sacrifice to God. Alone in a vast,
guarantee it would never happen sheep, strewn on the grass before them, vacant world, this handful of people
again. And these truths were taught, to brought home the message loud and would set forth to repeople its land-
some degree, through the sanctuary clear to Adam and Eve that the wages scape, again with more sinners. By
system, which stood as a model. a pic- of sin is death, and that acceptance with beginning the new world before the
torial representation of the plan of sal- God could come only through the sacri- altar of God, Noah was praying ear-
vation. fice of an innocent victim in their stead. nestly that he, his family, and those
In Eden God warned Satan (mas- Of course, God isn't bloodthirsty. that would emerge from his loins
querading as the serpent) that the Blood doesn't appease His anger, not in would serve Him alone.
descendant of the woman whom he had the sense of vengeance, as is often the Abraham's altars stood long after-
led astray would rise up to confront him. case with humans. God doesn't get ward as memorials to his faith. It was
Although that Son of the woman would revenge; instead, He in a divine man- not simply the performance of a ritual
suffer terribly in the conflict. it would ner administers both justice and mercy. that brought virtue, but the depth of
spell victory for that Son and destruc- In fact, not only did the flow of blood belief invested and the act of faith
tion for Satan. Then, before Adam and demonstrate to humans the gravity of behind it, which alone leads to being
Eve, God performed a strange act: "And sin and the seriousness of their rebel- counted as righteousness (Gen. 15:6).
the Lord God made for Adam and for lion; it reinforced the principle of both Today, too, it's not surface worship that
his wife garments of skins, and clothed His justice and mercy—justice, that sin brings us truly before God. Instead, as
them" (Gen. 3:21, RSV). The animals, cannot run unopposed; and mercy, that in Abraham's day, it's the inner trust
over which they had been given respon- God is willing to forgive those who and love that results in surrender in

4 RECORD September 7, 1996

faith from the depth of our selves that of a lamb without blemish or spot. He nor crying, neither shall there be any
brings meaning to the act of worship. was destined before the foundation of more pain: for the former things are
Anyone can go to church and sing the world but was made manifest at the passed away" (Rev. 21:4).
songs, just as anyone can kill an ani- end of the times for your sake. Through Today we look at this trail of altars
mal. That's not what salvation is about. him you have confidence in God, who through the light of Calvary, the only
Sacrifice was all through the Bible, raised him from the dead and gave him way that their messages can fully be
symbols of God's plan to atone for sin, glory, so that your faith and hope are in understood. Thus, with the light from
redeem humanity, and bring an end to God" (1 Peter 1:18-21, RSV). the cross shining on each sacrifice, we
the evil that causes so much suffering. In the book of Hebrews Christ is should be filled with gratitude, love to
From the Levitical sacrifices, the depicted as a high priest forever after God, and hope that soon we shall see
priests presiding at altars in the taber- the order of Melchizedek, ministering Him, face-to-face, and fall before His
nacle and later the Temple, to Samuel, the virtue of His own blood, the one feet in overflowing joy. We are
Elijah, David, Solomon, all leading pure sacrifice capable of sweeping away promised, thanks to the cross, thanks
their people before the throne of all guilt and restoring those covered by to the fulfillment of every one of those
God—the sacrifice always was to drive the blood to full harmony with God. sacrifices, that every disappointment
into their souls the truth that sin "But Christ being come an high priest and burden of this life will be swept
brings deadly consequences. While of good things to come, by a greater away and we will enter into a walk
offering their sacrifice before the altar, and more perfect tabernacle, not made with God at a level beyond our grand-
they recognized the weakness of their with hands, that is to say, not of this est imagination.
position before God. They could come building; neither by the blood of goats This hope guides us and sustains us
to Him only with their hands out in and calves, but by his own blood he day by day, moment by moment. This
appeal, confident that never would He entered once into the holy place, hav- is the hope that we have, even amid
turn a repentant soul away. It was not ing obtained eternal redemption for the evil around us, a hope born from a
in fear that they came before the altar, us" (Heb. 9:11, 12). love that transcends the suffering that
but with the blessed assurance that By His death Christ flung open the seems so utterly incomprehensible to
here they received reconciliation, gates of Paradise to every repentant us now. It's a love that cries out from
restoration to peace with their Creator, soul who comes humbly at the foot of the cross and says, "Trust Me, I love
and everlasting hope. the altar of faith. We, who were you. Trust Me, I died for you. Trust Me,
doomed to destruction, hopelessly, one day I will answer all your questions,
By His Death helplessly entrapped in the death web even the ones that seem unanswerable,
But every sacrifice became meaning- of sin, are now delivered by His blood. such as a boy hanging by a neck that will
ful only as it pointed to the Redeemer, We have passed from death into life, not break."
whose sacrifice would triumph over even here, even now. "He that hath That's the message from the sacrifi-
Satan, over the power of death, and the Son hath life; and he that bath cial system. That's the message from
eventually over all evil. The prophet not the Son of God hath not life" (1 the cross. May God grant us the ears,
Isaiah gave glimpses of this sacrifice: John 5:12). not just to hear, but to listen.
"The Lord has laid on him the iniquity In the book of Revelation, Jesus is
of us all. He was oppressed, and he was often presented as the Lamb. The Questions for Discussion
afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; opening of each great prophetic
like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, sequence has the Lamb of God at min- 1. How does the cross help me to
and like a sheep that before its shearers istry in His sanctuary. First He appears explain the problem of suffering and
is dumb, so he opened not his mouth" among the seven lamps, soon at the evil in the world and in my personal
(Isa. 53:6, 7, RSV). altar, then at the mercy seat, where in life?
Repeatedly the biblical writers the earthly sanctuary the high priest
acknowledge the connection between had offered the blood of the Lord's sac- 2. What spiritual lesson might I
the sacrificial altar and Jesus. At His rifice. Then He appears as the learn from the trail of altars built by
baptism John the Baptist calls forth to Almighty Lamb, in triumph proceed- the patriarchs in their travels? What is
the watching crowd, "Behold the Lamb ing down the corridors of space to the theological significance of these
of God that takes away the sin of the redeem His people, a people qualified altars?
world" (the lamb, of course, being a to follow the Lamb wherever He goes.
sacrificial image). The apostle Peter These are the redeemed inhabitants of
writes, "You know that you were ran- the glorious kingdom to come, the
Robert S. Folkenberg is
somed from the futile ways inherited restored world at last in harmony with
president of the General
from your fathers, not with perishable its Maker. "And God shall wipe away
Conference of Seventh-day
things such as silver or gold, but with all tears from their eyes; and there
the precious blood of Christ, like that shall be no more death, neither sorrow,

RECORD September 7, 1996 5



A Sanctuary for God

Our Father wants to come close to us.

t had been a long and exhausting journey. The enter into the space where His people existed. This divine

I Israelites had finally reached a key geographical point

in their pilgrimage; they could rest for a while.
Around an impressive mountain they were ordered
to set up camp, and as they began to pitch their tents
they glanced at Mount Sinai. At this mountain the
Israelites would witness the most glorious display of God's
glory, and would hear Him speak. Such excitement! The
act of condescension presupposes God's love for all and not
a divine wrath that would need to be propitiated. The sanc-
tuary is, therefore, a witness to God's loving presence.
Scripture teaches that God has also a heavenly temple of
which the Israelite sanctuary was a pale copy or shadow
(Heb. 8:1, 2, 5). John refers several times to this heavenly
sanctuary (Rev. 11:19; 14:17). The psalmist says that "the
Lord was coming to be with them in a Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord's
visible way (Ex. 19:11). throne is heaven" (Ps. 11:4). The heav-
In fact, Sinai would become Israel's first enly temple is the place where the royal
sanctuary, and the experience would be
perpetuated in the Israelite sanctuary. For
For the throne is located, where God dwells
among heavenly beings (Dan. 7:9, 10;
at Sinai the Lord instructed Moses, "Let
them make me a sanctuary, that I may
Israelites, God Rev. 4:2-7).
The Bible indicates that God cannot
dwell in their midst" (Ex. 25:8, RSV).
By exploring the nature and function was a person be circumscribed by space. Solomon
said, "Behold, heaven and the highest
of this earthly sanctuary we can better heaven cannot contain thee" (1 Kings
understand the nature and function of
the heavenly sanctuary. The Israelite
with whom they 8:27, RSV). The Creator is infinitely
greater than all that has been created.
sanctuary functioned on earth in a way
that symbolizes how the heavenly sanc-
could make an A Meeting Place
tuary functions with respect to the rest of
the universe. appointment. Shortly before the exodus from
Egypt, God made an appointment with
the Israelites. He commanded Moses to
A Dwelling Place bring the people to Sinai, to meet with
The idea of a deity dwelling in a sanctuary or temple was Him at the mountain (Ex. 3:12). The mountain was a pro-
not exclusive to the Israelites, but was rather common visional meeting place, and once they had arrived there,
throughout the ancient Near East. At that time the image the Lord requested that a sanctuary be constructed because
of the god, which was believed to contain a divine essence, "there I will meet with the people of Israel" (Ex. 29:43,
was placed in the temples in order that worshipers might RSV).
supply the god's needs through their gifts and sacrifices. The verb translated as "meet" comes from the Hebrew
Since the gods were believed to have physical needs similar verb ya'ad. It could be rendered in English as "come, appear,
to those of humans, sacrifices were regarded as food for the have an appointment." These ideas are closely associated.
gods. In other words, by providing for the needs of the resi- To have an appointment implies willingness to come or
dent deity, worshipers believed they could buy divine favor appear in the place for the encounter. The place of
and blessings. encounter is the sanctuary which is also called the "tent cf
By contrast, Israel's sanctuary was not established to pro- meeting" (Ex. 28:43, RSV).
vide for the physical needs of the Lord, but rather for God What a beautiful concept. The Israelites knew where to
to provide for the needs of the people. Through the sanctu- find God. For them, God was a person with whom they
ary, God was giving to Israel His holy presence. He was could make an appointment. They could go to the place
becoming personally available to Israel in this specific frac- where God was dwelling and meet with Him. God was not
tion of space. By this act God graphically communicated the distant or inaccessible, but an ever-present Redeemer and
glorious truth that as an ever-present God He was willing to Lord. Thus their need for spiritual fellowship with God,

RECORD September 7, 1996

their Creator, was satisfied. become a visible reality (Rev. 7:13-17; 39). And when the people asked for
In order to facilitate the encounter, 14:1-3). forgiveness they were to believe that
the sanctuary was placed right in the God granted it from this heavenly
middle of the Israelite camp (Num. 2). Place From Which God Rules abode (verse 30). From heaven God
Being at the center of the camp, the From the Israelite temple God blessed them and the land (Deus.
Lord provided cohesiveness, orienta- reigned as king over all the peoples of 26:15). The Lord, whose presence was
tion, and security. the earth (Ps. 99:1; 47:7, 8). God's manifested in the earthly sanctuary,
This meeting place was the presence in a particular fraction of really dwelt in the heavenly sanctuary.
Israelites' center of worship (Ps. space on this planet testified to His It is reassuring to know that God is
132:7). Here they bowed before the universal rulership. still king over the universe and rules
Lord, gave thanks (Ps. 138:2), prayed The sanctuary was the place from over it from the heavenly sanctuary.
for help and protection (Ps. 28:2), and which God made His will known. God's heavenly dwelling place among
sang praises to God (Ps. 43:2-4). From the Most Holy Place of the sanc- His creatures guarantees us that a loving
Later, when the tent became a tem- tuary, God spoke to Moses and gave King controls the cosmos and will lead
ple, groups of pilgrims arrived there for him commands for the people (Ex. us toward a particular goal: the eradica-
festivals, went into its courts, and 25:22). God also used the priests to tion of evil from it. As judge, God is the
walked around the altar singing and instruct the people, teaching them all moral arbiter of that universe and rules
praising the Lord for His goodness (Ps. the statutes that the Lord had revealed in righteousness and mercy. We can
68:24-26; 42:4). Going to the Temple to Moses (Lev. 10:11). At times God's approach God in this heavenly place
to appear before God was probably one will was revealed through the Urim and "receive mercy and find grace to
of the most joyful experiences any and Thummim, two precious stones help in time of need" (Heb. 4:16, RSV).
Israelite could have had. placed on the high priest's dress (Num. This is possible because, through Christ,
Today we need to recapture the joy 27:21; Patriarchs and Rrophets, p. 351). God opened the gates of the heavenly
of worship when coming before the When a person violated God's will sanctuary to us.
Lord. God is available to us; we may but repented, and sought a revelation
rejoice in His presence. This joy is not of God's forgiving grace, it was in the Questions for Discussion
emotional sentimentalism that pro- sanctuary that forgiveness was avail-
duces a superficial experience of able. God had made provision for 1.In what ways do we see a similari-
euphoria. This joy comes from know- atonement through the sacrificial sys- ty between the Israelite sanctuary and
ing that we are in the presence of our tem (Lev. 17:11). The individual came temples to other gods in ancient times?
God and Saviour, the very source of loaded with the burden of sin—bearing In what ways do we understand the
our lives and blessings (Ps. 132:14, 15). sin (Lev. 5:1)—but left the sanctuary Israelite sanctuary to be different from
By the same token, the heavenly forgiven (Lev. 4:31). temples in surrounding cultures of the
sanctuary is the place where God meets The Israelite sanctuary was a rime? How important were those differ-
with heavenly beings. I imagine them dynamic center of life, power, blessing, ences? How did these differences affect
coming from all over the universe to protection, and forgiveness because it Israel's understanding of their God?
God's heavenly sanctuary to meet with was God's dwelling place among His
the Lord. Job tells us about two of people. There God revealed His ruling 2. In ancient times the Israelites
those occasions when "the sons of God power over the nations of the earth as had visible evidences of God's pres-
came to present themselves before the universal king, judge, and protector. ence—in the sanctuary, by lightning
Lord" (Job 1:6; 2:1). God's heavenly temple is the place in and thunder on Mount Sinai, by the
Today, we too have access, by faith, the universe from which our God pillar of cloud and fire. What evi-
to the heavenly sanctuary through rules, not just over the earth, but over dences of God's presence do we have
Christ our Saviour. Because of Christ's the whole cosmos. Not a fraction of today? List several that are encourag-
blood, we can "with confidence draw creation lies outside God's kingly rule: ing to you.
near to the throne of grace" (Heb. 4:16; "The Lord has established his throne
see also Heb. 10:19, 20), where Jesus in the heavens, and his kingdom rules 3. How has studying about the
ministers on our behalf (Heb. 7:25). over all" (Ps. 103:19, RSV). earthly sanctuary helped you better
We are members of the heavenly The Israelites knew that there was a understand the heavenly sanctuary?
family (Eph. 2:18, 19), and when we close connection between the earthly Give some examples.
worship the Lord in our private devo- and the heavenly sanctuaries. We see
tions or collectively in the church, we this in Solomon's prayer at the dedica-
Angel Manuel Rodriguez is
are in fact worshiping God in the tion of the sanctuary. As God's people
associate director of the
heavenly sanctuary in the company of offered their prayer toward the earthly
Biblical Research Institute of
myriads of heavenly beings. Soon what sanctuary, God is seen as listening to
the General Confreence.
we experience today by faith will their prayers in heaven (1 Kings 8:38,

RECORD September 7, 1996 7



of the Temple
A reflection on the place where Jesus works

ewspapers and magazines often provide lilies. Then come the burnished table, and the altar for
insights into spiritual truths, but none had incense, and the ceiling and fine-twined linen curtains of
more to say to Seventh-day Adventist gorgeous blues, purples, and scarlets inwrought with threads
Christians than the front pages of three of gold and silver and all hanging from loops of pure gold.
American journals about a year ago. (These threads in the earthly version were in the forms of
The first magazine heralded a baseball player who had cherubim to represent the angelic host who minister with
moved from the sports pages to prominency on the front page this One in the heavenly: Their glorious harmonies could
nearly every day for a week. Why? Because he set a record not be replicated fully on earth.)
when he matched the highest number of consecutive games Robes of the Advocate are stunning as well, with their
played by any one player. He had not gold, blue, purple, and scarlet linens of
missed a scheduled baseball game in more fine needlework overlaid by a breast-
than 13 years. His honor that night at his
ballpark near Baltimore's Inner Harbor
Jesus is the only plate with four rows of jewels. Each row
contains three different gems set in
was a five-minute standing ovation.
But the next night, when he surpassed
one who gold and engraven with names. Golden
bells hang around the hem of the robes.
the record that had stood for 56 years,
admiration poured in from nearly 50,000 deserves the Inner Chamber
fans, young and old, rich and poor— He has moved His work today into
including both the president and vice
president of the United States. The
applause of the Judge's inner chamber, so to speak,
which He calls the Most Holy Place.
standing ovation lasted for more than 20
the universe. There the sole piece of furniture is a
chest of special wood overlaid with gold
America may have needed that good and overarched by two cherubim.
news in the midst of all the stories of violence, intrigue, and Inside is the standard of the law by which our characters are
deception. But I thought of the One who really deserves judged, but forming the top is another specially designed
adulation and praise, the only One who could change the golden formation called the mercy seat.
course of events recorded in the news. Amid all of this beauty wafts the precious fragrance of
The site of His work contrasts sharply with that of the divine incense—"of His own merits in our behalf," repre-
Maryland ballpark called Camden Yards. And this One has sented by the golden altar crafted by the children of Israel.
been setting records for 6,000 years, in a unique way for The privileged work of this One came to mind when
nearly 2,000 years, and in a venue more splendid than an headlines around the world screamed—some in giant let-
American ballpark. ters—"Not Guilty." A jury had found a sports figure inno-
cent of murder.
Elegant Workplace But this Advocate/Intercessor/Judge wrapped into one
Though our eyes have not seen nor our ears heard, nor makes that declaration every day, innumerable times a day,
have we even imagined how beautiful the surroundings must from a price paid long ago on a rugged cross. "He qualified
be (1 Cor. 2:9), we do have some indication of the elegance Himself to be, not only the representative of the race, but
of His workplace. God spent precious time on the mountain their Advocate [and Judge], so that every soul if he will may
explaining in minute detail how Moses should construct a say, I have a Friend at court" (The SDA Bible Commentary,
miniature similarity in the desert wilderness. Ellen G. White Comments, vol. 7, p. 930).
None of earth's languages can describe the glory of reflec- "As the prayers of the sincere and contrite ones ascend to
tions off the seven-branched golden candlestick radiating heaven [He] says to the Father, 'I will take their sins. Let
from gold-plated walls set in silver sockets. The solid-piece them stand before you innocent'"
candlestick itself is exquisitely ornamented with flowerlike We have but to acknowledge our guiltiness and ask for

8 RECORD September 7, 1996

forgiveness. "There are no sins ministry going on in it.
He will not forgive" (ibid., p. He's not the One who made
913). Now, that's good news! the true sign of the cross that
absolves our guilt. He's not the
Divine Advocate One with authority to throw
History proves it. To the sins in the depths of the sea.
woman taken in adultery, He
said, "Neither do I condemn The Treasure
thee: go, and sin no more" Jesus is the only one who
(John 8:11). can do that, and He's the
To the paralytic let down Treasure of the sanctuary. He's
through the roof when the the one who deserves lengthy
doorway was clogged, He said, standing ovations—the
"Son, thy sins be forgiven applause of all the universe.
thee" (Mark 2:5). Jesus has the sole right to say
In another instance, He "Not guilty."
pleaded, "Father, forgive them; Treasures of the heavenly
for they do not know what sanctuary are more than
they are doing" (Luke 23:34, NRSV). "Not Guilty" glittering beauty and angelic music
Have you thought lately about where He's still waiting to say, "No longer and blotted-out records. The great-
and when that was said? Listen to what guilty; I've cast that sin behind My est Treasure of all is Jesus—
Ellen White says in The Desire of Ages: back [Isa. 38:17]. That sin has been Perceptive Investigator, Qualified
"The spotless Son of God hung cast into the depths of the sea [Micah Examiner, Divine Petitioner,
upon the cross, His flesh lacerated 7:19]. I've blotted out those transgres- Heavenly Intercessor, Merciful
with stripes; those hands so often sions and won't even remember them Mediator, Loving Forgiver.
reached out in blessing, nailed to the anymore [Isa. 43:25]. Let Me commute
wooden bars; those feet so tireless on the sentence." Questions for Discussion
ministries of love, spiked to the tree; That takes us to the third headline
that royal head pierced by the crown only a few days after the other two. On 1. Perhaps the most solemn thought
of thorns; those quivering lips shaped the cover of a major U.S. news maga- of all may come from Paul in his letter
to the cry of woe.... zine was the portrait of Pope John to the Corinthians: "Do you not know
"He who stilled the angry waves Paul, who was making his fourth papal that you are the temple of God and
and walked the foam-capped billows, visit to the United States. "Honor Thy that the Spirit of God dwells in you?"
who made devils tremble and disease Father," the headline read. (1 Cor. 3:16, NKJV). How does this
flee, who opened blind eyes and called He looks kind enough, and he had thought impact my life?
forth the dead to life, offers Himself some good things to say about
upon the cross as a sacrifice, and this America's need to get back to the 2. If you and I are His temples, the
from love to thee" (p. 755). basics of moral ethics described in the earthly dwelling places for this One
How can we restrain ourselves from Bible. But John Paul's not our Father; who's accustomed to the refined and
exclaiming, "Behold, what manner of love he's not the One who laid down those dazzling glories of eternity, what kinds
is bestowed upon us" (see 1 John 3:1)? guidelines to make us decent citizens; of temples are we presenting Him to
Our Advocate Himself paid the he's not the One who "offered up His walk in today?
Attorney's fee for the privilege of rep- broken body to purchase back God's
resenting us in the original court called heritage, to give man another trial" 3. How are we preparing for that
the sanctuary. No matter what we've (Christ's Object Lessons, p. 156). awesome Presence to be with us day by
done—cheated on a spouse, abused a John Paul may be the shepherd of a day, here and now?
child verbally or physically, misrepre- billion-member flock around the
sented a business deal, compromised world; but our Father—our Shep-
sexual standards, kept home supplied herd—created them and the rest of us Shirley Burton retired after
with pens from the office, lowered and knows each of us by name. serving more than 40 years
someone's self-esteem, falsified an What's more, the pontiff is not the for the Adventist Church as
expense account, shoplifted food for One pleading our cases in that celes- a teacher, writer, and com-
the family, spent God's tithe on some- tial courtroom. He's not the One municator. Though
thing else, used God's name for other who inspired the Book that needs "retired," she still teaches college and
than praise—whatever in our quiet more of our attention, the One who writes from her home in Lincoln,
meditative moments haunts us. describes both the sanctuary and the Nebraska.

RECORD September 7, 1896 9



Where Jesus died on the altar for us

n Revelation 4 and 5 we come to a scene in which the The second magnificent intervention was the Incarnation_ It

I book sealed with seven seals is placed before us, but

there can be found no one worthy to open the seals.
The case seems hopeless, but all is not lost, for one
Person does qualify, one called the Lion of the tribe of
Judah, who has overcome, and He can open the scroll with
the seven seals.
Immediately before us appears a central figure, "a Lamb
was unique, something never before seen in all eternity. The
Creator took on the nature of the created. Not only did He
stoop to the form of a created being, but He took the status of
the most lowly among us. There was nothing in Him that we
should esteem Him. Stooping even further, He took upon
Himself the load of guilt accumulated among us humans, ending
in a death so potent that it covered the sins of the world.
standing, as though it had been slain" (Rev. 5:6)." The Lamb Henceforth, anyone who humbly comes to Him in trust and
steps forward, takes the scroll, whereupon acceptance will find the merits of His
flawless purity available to wash away
the entire assembly falls upon its face in
adoration: "Worthy art thou to take the The universe every sin. His death on Calvary was for us.
scroll and to open its seals, for thou wast The third intersection is yet future. As
slain and by thy blood didst ransom men
for God from every tribe and tongue and
witnessed the the angels reported to wide-eyed disciples
while they watched Jesus rise into the air
people and nation" (verses 9, 10). In
response, a vast assembly of unnumbered
lengths to which out of sight, "This Jesus, who was taken
up from you into heaven, will come in
angels in chorus proclaims, "Worthy is the same way as you saw him go into
the Lamb who was slain, to receive power the Saviour heaven" (Acts 1:11). He will return. It is
and wealth and wisdom and might and to this glorious event our eyes are focused
honor and glory and blessing!" (verse 12).
What we are witnessing in Revelation is
would go to today. Then will come the third magnifi-
cent intervention of God in earthly
adoration of the ascended Jesus, now exalted
by all the hosts of heaven as victor over all
rescue the affairs, this time to put an end to sin and
to restore to its original perfection the
who would challenge God. We are fascinat- universe of God.
ed to find Him described as both the con- inhabitants of Of God's three magnificent interven-
quering Lion of Judah and the Lamb. Both tions, the center is the Incarnation.
symbols tell us something important about
the Saviour. In Him are combined the
one small world. There God came among us to reverse the
damage sin had done and to rescue us
strength of steel sheathed in gende velvet. from our sad condition. We are familiar
At once He is mighty to deliver, having overcome all opponents, with how the Son laid aside His heavenly glory to become one
while at the same time His tender compassion ceaselessly reaches of us. "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of
out to those of us battered by the harshness of life. grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only
Revelation introduces us to the triumphant Christ, victor Son from the Father" (John 1:14).
over Satan and all those who follow him and promote his pro- The climax of Christ's ministry fell at the Passover. Some
gram. He stands now in heaven flanked on all sides by adoring 1500 years earlier, the Passover had been instituted among
angels and the redeemed from among all people, united in God's people. A lamb was slain, the blood was applied CO the
choruses of praise and adoration. doorway of each believing family, and the angel of death passed
over that home; its inhabitants were delivered. So the Passover
Three Interventions prefigured deliverance from sin for all who put their trust in
Three times God has intervened in an incomparable manner Christ; therefore the Scriptures speak of Christ our Passover.
in the affairs of our world. First was to create the planet and
people it with unique persons made in His image, endowing That Final Week!
them with some of the qualities of His Being, shared with us. The story of that final week in the life of Jesus is so familiar.

10 RECORD September 7, 1896

Along a trail of injustice our Saviour was course. He will bare His shoulders to the sinister foe accosted Christ again.
led, moving as a lamb led to slaughter. receive the accumulated guilt of humani- Ellen White notes that in the unruly
In the midst of fleeing disciples, He was ty. The Lord will lay upon Him that guilt mob gathered around the cross stalked a
arrested, carried through a series of mock that must end in oblivion. Life must sinister figure, masquerading in human
hearings and unjust procedures, finally cease. So at Calvary our Saviour received form. He who, as Lucifer, had begun the
to be condemned and led to the place of the guilt of us all and suffered its conse- rebellion in heaven was present in
the cross. At the close of several hours quences. He died the second death. Jerusalem at this most crucial of
of agony on the cross, Jesus cried out "It But the grave could not hold Him, moments. We can only imagine what
is finished," and died. Never have so few for in Him was no sin, so He came forth passed between them as the eye of Christ
words carried such great meaning. Jesus at the call of His Father. "Therefore from the cross met the eye of His archen-
the sacrifice was dying on the altar for God has highly exalted him" (Phil. 2:9). emy, Lucifer, standing in the rabble.
humanity, few of whom understood or We began our thoughts with the glori- Would Christ, the Creator of all, actually
even showed much concern. fied Christ. Now we understand why go through with the plan and die for His
While we were yet sinners, Christ such praise is more than appropriate. He creatures, or would He return to heaven
died for our sins. It is true, the One of came forth from the tomb victorious and the presence of the Father? That
ultimate worth was laying down His life over sin and death, and what is more, presence that had sustained Jesus was
for those unworthy. What a magnificent with the right to give that victory to withdrawn, and the veil of sin fell across
display of selfless love. Jesus had taught every person who believes. He carried Him, snuffing out His life.
us to love others, even our enemies, and our sin and guilt to the cross. He lifted With His final death cry, "It is fin-
the lesson was hard. Now He demon- the veil of our punishment—fully, with ished," the story passes the point of no
strates in deed what He meant; He lays great power. He lives evermore to grant return. He had completed the task;
down His own life for us, ungrateful freedom and peace in the abundance of henceforth the doom of Satan was
ones. But with His example we began a His grace. And we, wholly unworthy, assured. Righteousness and mercy
pilgrimage of understanding. How much become the beneficiaries of His generos- embraced each other. And in that
He loves us! As the Creator, how easily ity. Now we understand even more fully moment our salvation was assured. The
He could have dismissed us as sinners, why salvation is in Christ, solely in gates of heaven opened for every believer.
turning to a new creation. Instead He Christ, for He grants His righteous Today we carry the glorious message
exhausts the resources of heaven in standing to all who that truly surrender of Christ's salvation to all the lands of
order to rescue us from the foolishness of their will to Christ. This is the reason earth, calling everyone to the foot of the
sin with its deadly consequences. that those in heaven join in a mighty cross, where salvation is assured. Ours is
As Adventists we have an insight into chorus to cry out praises to the Lamb— the most wonderful message ever, sent to
something additional at work when Jesus the Lamb of God who took away sin. all who will give Him the key to their
died. Not only is our little world This unique event, but once done in all heart. It is our privilege to bear that wit-
involved, which surely it is, but the eternity, was done for our salvation. ness to all; looking for the coming again
watching universe gazed with bated So through His sacrifice we are saved. of Jesus, our Saviour and Lord.
breath as the spectacle played out its And all the universe has gained new
course. Lucifer's claim on us, every one of insight as well. God is indeed love—love Questions for Discussion
us entrapped in his net of sin, insists that of a quality that is beyond imagination.
a just God cannot exercise mercy without The universe wimecsed the lengths to 1. How have you encountered Jesus
violating justice. The law of cause and which the Saviour would go to rescue as "lion" and "lamb" in your own life?
effect must be upheld. If indeed the wages the inhabitants of one small world Give a few examples.
of sin is death, then every sinner must be among the billions of worlds. How pre-
carried to the grave, not only the sleep of cious in His sight is every one of His 2. In what practical ways do the facts
death, but final obliteration. The logic creatures. Now all the false claims of of Creation, Incarnation, and Advent
seems unshakable. Lucifer against Him have fallen, and the affect your daily life and the decisions
In His unspeakable love the Creator utter benevolence of His character is dis- you make or do not make? How immedi-
was confronted with a dreadful choice. played for all to see. Openly He tri- ate, how real, are these events to you?
The watching universe waited. What umphed over Satan. Now all can under-
they wimessed was a marvel of all mar- stand why his doom is sure and just. " Bible texts in this article are from the
Revised Standard Version.
vels. The very Creator would become one
of us, subject Himself to the stained world Finished!
of sin where we must live, and voluntarily The conflict between Satan and
lay down His life to meet the require- Christ reached its height during Christ's George Reid is director of the
ments of justice. Indeed, the wages of sin earthly ministry. At the very beginning Biblical Research Institute of
is death. The consequences of rebellion of His service Satan plied his wiles on the General Conference.
are inescapable, and they must work their Jesus, to no avail. Ant at the conclusion,

RECORD September 7, 1996



Jesus, the Heavenly

Our source of confidence and hope

hen Adam sinned, he surrendered to Father's throne, and the glory of the eternal, self-existent One
Satan the dominion entrusted to him. encircled both" (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 36).
Satan became the prince of this world That the heavenly temple of God existed before the origin
(John 14:30), and Adam and Eve fell of evil is implied in the phrase "thou art the anointed cherub
under the sentence of destruction. If that covereth" (Eze. 28:14). This temple, "the true tabernacle
Adam and Eve, and in them the whole human race, were to which the Lord built" (see Heb. 8:2), was from its construc-
overcome Satan and sin and be restored to the blissful estate tion the center for the worship of God by every intelligent
from which they had fallen, they would need a Saviour, a being in the universe. It was also the center of God's govern-
Mediator, an Intercessor. ment. When sin emerged in heaven, and subsequently on
In God's foreknowledge and great earth, the crisis had to be met within
love, such a provision had already been
made. A plan of salvation was encom-
Since Christ the context of the heavenly temple. As
a member of the Godhead, the preincar-
passPd in the covenant made by the nate Jesus participated in all the activi-
Three Persons of the Godhead, who pos- is now engaged ties of the divine Beings in the holy
sessed the attributes of Deity equally. In places. He shared the glory of the Father
order to eradicate sin and rebellion from
the universe and to restore harmony and
in the final phase before the world was (John 17:5).

peace, one of the divine Beings accepted, Handling the Crisis

and entered into, the role the of Father, of intercession it As sin progressively developed in
another the role of the Son. The remain- heaven and later, on earth, so the plan
ing divine Being, the Holy Spirit, was
also to participate in effecting the plan of
rests with us to to deal with it was progressively
revealed—the divine Beings entered
salvation. All of this took place before into the roles they had agreed upon
sin and rebellion transpired in heaven. "give diligence before the foundations of the world were
By accepting the roles that the plan laid (see 1 Peter 1:20). When there was
entailed, the divine Beings lost none of
the powers of Deity. With regard to their
to make [our] war in heaven (Rev. 12:7), Michael (the
preincarnate Christ) waged war against
eternal existence and other attributes, Lucifer. After Adam and Eve sinned, the
They were one and equal. But with calling and same preincarnate Christ manifested
regard to the plan of salvation, there was, Himself to His servants through the cen-
in a sense, a submission on the part of
the Son to the Father. This is a mystery.
election sure." turies and sent the Holy Spirit to give
instruction, d-Nctrine, reproof, and cor-
A mystery demonstrated in the incama- rection through the "holy men of God"
tion of the Son—still fully God, yet fully man (Phil. 2:5-7). (1 Peter 1:10, 11; 2 Peter 1:21).
This Father/Son relationship involved great responsibili- What must not be overlooked is Jesus' heavenly interces-
ties and sacrifices on the part of both. The Father would be sion throughout the Old Testament. Forgiveness of sins,
called upon to permit His Son to be humiliated; to be sub- cleansing from sin, the experience of the new creation, the
jected to all the fury and wrath that Satan, wicked angels, resurrection of the righteous dead to glory, the translation of
and evil men could devise; to wimess the temptations of the the righteous living to heaven—all of these were accom-
Son during His sojourn on earth; to see Him suffer and die in plished on the basis of the promised, though not fully imple-
order to endure the penalty of the sins of all generations. The mented, plan of salvation. Throughout Old Testament histo-
Son would be designated as lamb (1 Peter 1:19, 20), priest ry, men and women came to the experience of faith (Heb.
(Ps. 110:4) and mediator (1 Tim 2:5), advocate (1 John 2:1), 11) and experienced salvation by grace through faith (Rom.
and intercessor (Heb. 7:25). Still, the "Son of God shared the 5:19, 20; 2 Tim. 3:15, 16; Gal. 3:5-8). Then, during Jesus'

12 RECORD September 7, 1896

earthly ministry—before His death, res- the Lamb-exalted Beginning in 1844, final atonement and investigative
urrection, and ascension—He prayed Christ entered the final phase of His judgment, the only cases considered
His high priestly intercessory prayer heavenly intercession. are those of the professed people of
(John 17) and served as priest at His God" (The Great Controversy, p. 480).
own sacrifice at Calvary, "Himself the Before 1844 "The book of life contains the
priest, Himself the victim" (The Desire We frequently hear the remark that names of all who have ever entered
of Ages, p. 25). The gospel was made the antitypical day of atonement began the service of God" (ibid. ).
known and its provisions experienced in 1844. This statement is not accurate
during Old Testament, as well as New and should be stated in a more careful Our Part
Testament, times (Heb. 4:1, 2; 1 Peter way. In a sense, the incarnation of Although the second phase of
3:18-4:6; Rom. 1:1-3; Eph. 2:8-10). Christ was an antitypical day of atone- Christ's heavenly ministry commenced
Of course, Jesus' heavenly interces- ment event. "As the high priest laid in 1844, His intercession on behalf of
sion took on an added significance at aside his gorgeous pontifical robes, and penitent sinners (His first apartment
His death, resurrection, and ascension. officiated in the white linen dress of ministry) continues, just as the daily
He now had "somewhat also to offer" the common priest, so Christ took the ministry also continued on the Day of
(Heb. 8:3). Upon His ascension Jesus form of a servant, and offered sacrifice, Atonement in ancient Israel. We may
was "enthroned amidst the adoration of Himself the priest, Himself the victim" still receive by faith all of the blessings
the angels. As soon as this ceremony (The Desire of Ages, p. 25). provided in the great plan of salvation.
was completed, the Holy Spirit In a sense, the death of Jesus was an Since Christ is now engaged in the
descended upon the disciples in rich antitypical day of atonement event. final phase of His intercessory ministry,
currents, and Christ was indeed glori- Christ was a sin-bearing sacrifice (Isa. and since we may avail ourselves of the
fied, even with the glory which He had 53:6; 1 Peter 2:24), the antitype of those benefits of His intercession, it rests
with the Father from all eternity. The sacrifices offered through the centuries. with us to "give diligence, to make
Pentecostal outpouring was Heaven's However, in and of Himself, Christ was [our] calling and election sure" (2
communication that the Redeemer's sinless (1 Peter 2:22) and in His death Peter 1:10), to "cleanse ourselves from
inauguration was accomplished. Ac- He was the antitype of the Lord's goat, all filthiness of the flesh and spirit,
cording to His promise, He had sent over whose head no sins were confessed. perfecting holiness in the fear of God"
the Holy Spirit from heaven to His fol- In 1844 Christ began the final (2 Cor. 7:1). We must "repent, and
lowers as a token that He had, as priest phase of His intercessory heavenly turn [ourselves] from all [our] transgres-
and king, received all authority in ministry, typified in the cleansing of sions; so iniquity shall not be [our]
heaven and on earth, and was the the earthly sanctuary by the high ruin" and "make [us] a new heart and a
Anointed One over His people" (The priest. This cleansing of the heavenly new spirit" (Eze. 18:30, 31).
Acts of the Apostles, pp. 38, 39). sanctuary is referred to in the judg- In these closing scenes of the con-
In His glorified capacity as priest ment scene in Daniel 7:9-13, 22, 26 flict of the ages, faithful men and
and king, Jesus could enter all of the and 8:14. Here, Jesus refers to the pre- women the world over will receive,
activities of the divine Beings in heav- Advent judgment when He refers to through the prompting of the Holy
en. In His high priestly work, which is those "which shall be accounted wor- Spirit, the blessings and grace that our
incidental to the original purposes of thy to obtain that world, and the res- heavenly High Priest dispenses, render
the heavenly sanctuary, Jesus performed urrection from the dead" (Luke 2035); loving obedience, and reveal Christ's
the first phase of His ministry in that and when He gave the admonition to Spirit, character, and love.
sanctuary until 1844. This work corre- "watch . and pray always, that ye
sponded to the ministry of the Aaronic may be accounted worthy to escape all Questions for Discussion:
priests in the earthly sanctuary that these things that shall come to pass,
took place throughout the year (the and to stand before the Son of man" 1. How would you explain the sepa-
"daily" ministry). A new dimension was (Luke 21:36). This "accounting" must rate roles of the Godhead in human
added to the intercession of Jesus in take place before the resurrection and salvation to a non-Christian?
heaven, by virtue of His atoning sacri- before the Son of man appears. This
fice having been accomplished. No work pertains only to those whose 2. Of what importance is it to
longer were the provisions of the plan names are in the book of life: understand Jesus' present ministry in
of salvation extended to penitent sin- "In the typical service only those the Most Holy Place?
ners on the basis of the promises. The who had come before God with con-
same provisions extended to penitent fession and repentance, and whose
Gordon Jenson is president
Old Testament sinners through the sins, through the blood of the sin offer-
of Spicer Memorial College
intercession of the Lamb-designate are ing, were transferred to the sanctuary,
in Pune, India.
still available CO penitent sinners had a part in the service of the Day of
through the continuing intercession of Atonement. So in the great day of

RECORD September 7, 1996 13



Reconciling Grace
We must abandon self and turn to Jesus

ver three decades on Christian college cam- [us] heavenward in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 3:14, NIV), we must

0 puses, I have collected unique expressions

uttered by students in the fell clutches of
troubling circumstances. A student who
receives an unwanted grade might say "Mercy
me!" or "Have mercy!"
While expressions may vary and circumstances differ, one
basic truth remains constant in all of us: If you are born of
swallow any tilt toward personal pride and be ever ready,
through the merits of our Saviour, to "approach the throne
of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and
find grace to help us in our time of need" (Heb. 4:16, NIV).

Jesus Targets the Temple

Now back to the parable of Luke 18. In verse 10 Jesus
man and woman and take part in this journey called the places the setting of the story at the sanctuary: "Two men
human race, life will often find you cir- went up to the temple to pray" (NIV).
The temple, rather than a synagogue, is
cumscribed by the need for special under-
standing. In short, grace is our only hope. The publican a significant detail doubtless intended
by Jesus. Many in number, and located
Who Needs It?
Not all persons sense the need to be
had nothing in in various cities, synagogues were where
Jews gathered for reading and expound-
understood, but we know a lot about the
need to be underscored. We seek credit
his favor except ing Scripture. The temple, or sanctuary,
however, loomed more significant in
Jewish liturgy and life because only at
and congratulations that our achieve-
ments are not only sufficient in ourselves the most that location were lambs sacrificed—
but are better than those of others. pointing prophetically to Calvary and
Jesus addresses this kind of self-sufficien-
cy in the parable of Luke 18:9-14. He
important to Christ, "the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world" (Rev. 13:8).
describes two types of persons likely found
in church worship on any given day. One is
thing. Because the setting of this parable is
clearly public worship at the sanctuary
the proud church member who brags, and because no feast is mentioned, we
"God, I thank You that I am not like other people." The second may assume the event is the mid-afternoon sacrifice offering
is the more modest attendant who prays, "God, be merciful unto of the lamb, held in full view of all the worshipers—includ-
me, a sinner." Taking dead aim at one of our recurring problems, ing the pharisee and the publican. Both see the same sacrifi-
Jesus warns us that too often we get "too good" for God. cial lamb being offered for their sins. Both are participants
A buddy of mine was a great golfer—he struck the ball in the same worship service. But each responds differently.
cleanly, and his scores danced around even par. Amazingly,
he hadn't even begun to reach his full potential. But like Self Versus Sanctuary
many of us who get "good" at something, he made a fatal The Pharisee looks at the sacrificial lamb—that divine
mistake. At the peak of his game, he made a haughty remark deed of God for lost sinners—but instead of envisioning his
that caused his professional golf teacher to respond, "Well, I Saviour, he sees only his own good deeds and others' misfor-
guess there's nothing more I can do for you." Result? Lessons tunes. Even the Greek word for "stood" in Luke 18:11 suggests
stopped. My friend's golfing prowess diminished, and now his that during this temple service he dramatically stood proudly,
game shows only flickers of his bygone brilliance. He reached perhaps ostentatiously, in a physically upright position of self-
that zone of dangerous goodness, and he fell—hard. satisfaction, head thrown back, nose turned up, eyes glanc-
How like our spiritual lives! When will we learn that our ing askance, arms akimbo, God in his hip pocket. Then he
best falls far short of the absolute standard God wants for us? prays (brays) and testifies (self-glorifies) and toots his horn,
Is there not always room for improvement, much more land and out of his mouth gushes those damning words: "God, I
to be possessed? Even during our victories and progress thank you that I am not like other people: thieves, rouges
"toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a

14 RECORD September 7, 1996

week; I give a tenth of all my income" "mercy" in these verses, describes a the robe of His righteousness to put
(verses 11, 12, NRSV). mercy that wears clothes of sympathy, upon the sinner who would lay off his
Jesus then offers a better model. compassion, and understanding. filthy garments" (Youth's Instructor,
Beginning with verse 13, the tone of But the publican reaches for some- Aug. 18, 1886).
the parable takes a sudden turn, an thing much deeper in Luke 18:13. When you come into the presence of
about-face, a pivoting on the word Beholding with open gaze the sacrifi- God and get a good look at Jesus Christ,
"but." "But the tax collector . .." cial offering for his sins in the court of you won't feel like calling attention to
Although some Bible translations the Temple, he uses a word different your own goodness, which, if it is indeed
begin this verse with "And the publi- from eleos. His actual expression is your own, disqualifies itself from saving
can . . . ," the movement of the story from hilasttrion, translated "mercy" by you into God's kingdom. Only the good-
demands a contrast between the first some, but because it is a sanctuary ness of Christ can save us.
worshiper and the second. "But the tax term, it would probably be best ren- "What can wash away my sin?
collector stood at a distance. He would dered here as "atonement": "God, Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
not even look up to heaven, but beat make an atonement for me," the pub- What can make me pure within?
his breast and said, `God, have mercy lican was saying, in effect. Paul Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
on me, a sinner'" (verse 13, NIV). employs the same word in Romans
What contrast! To the Pharisee, 3:24, 25: "Being justified freely by his "Oh precious is the flow.
church is a right; to the publican, it's a grace through the redemption that is That makes me white as snow;
privilege. The Pharisee stood in cock- in Christ Jesus: whom God hath set No other fount I know,
surety, the publican in a contrite spirit. forth to be a propitiation [hilasterionJ Nothing but the blood of Jesus."
The Pharisee had everything in his through faith in his blood" or to be "a —Robert Lowry
favor except the most important thing. sacrifice of atonement" (NIV). The Do you acknowledge that you are a
The publican had nothing in his favor publican's word is also used by John sinner whose life is either separated
except the most important thing. The the Beloved when he assured us of from God or has not yet reached its
Pharisee was long on religiosity, short One who speaks in our defense before full spiritual potential? I commend to
on Christianity. The publican was short the Father, even Christ Jesus, who is you God's reconciling grace, His
on religious formality but long on "the atoning sacrifice aiiIasterionJ for unlimited, all-inclusive and transform-
Christian attitude. our sins" (1 John 2:2, NIV). ing love. Come to the mercy seat and
In "Two Worshipers" in Christ's If we may press this special word fervently kneel.
Object I pssons, Ellen White uses these from the publican's prayer a bit further, "From every stormy wind that
words to describe the first worshiper: we find that it is the same applied by blows,
"self-praise," "self-satisfied," "self-satis-the Septuagint (the translation of the From every swelling tide of woes,
faction," "self-righteousness," "self-con- Old Testament into the Greek lan- There is a calm, a sure retreat;
fidence," "self-sufficiency," "self-trust," guage) when a word in Greek was cho- 'Ms found beneath the mercy seat."
"self-glorification," "self-esteem," and sen for the Hebrew kapporeth, meaning
"self-love." Only one phrase traces the "lid, covering of the covenant" or Questions for Discussion
second worshiper—"renunciation of "covering of the mercy seat." So the
self." Both worshipers beheld the same publican is seeking reconciliation and 1. In what ways have you relied on
sacrificial lamb when worshiping in the praying in essence, "0 God, make an outdoing others so that you could feel
Temple. One saw only himself, the atonement for me by covering my sins good about yourself?
other saw his Saviour. What do you and with Thy mercy seat."
I see when we gather in God's house? What is the mercy seat? When God 2. The parable in Luke 18 carries a
inspired architectural drawings for the clear lesson for Pharisees. Does it also
Beholding the Mercy Seat first earthly sanctuary, the second com- carry a lesson for publicans?
When the publican prays, "God be partment, or Most Holy Room, was to
merciful to me, a sinner," he is asking for house the most sacred piece of furni- 3. Name one specific way you can
a different type of mercy than that found ture, the ark of the covenant (Ex. get closer to achieving your "spiritual
in some of our well-known texts: 25:17-22). The ark contained God's potential."
"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall ten commandments. "The cover of this
obtain mercy" (Matt. 5:7); or "God, who ark," explains Ellen White, "was called
is rich in mercy for his great love where- the mercy seat, to signify that although
with he loved us" (Eph. 2:4); or "Let us death was the penalty for transgressing Mervyn Warren is chair of
therefore come boldly unto the throne of the law, mercy came through Jesus the Department of Religion
grace that we may obtain mercy and find Christ to pardon the repentant, believ- at Oakwood College,
grace to help in time of need" (Heb. ing sinner. The only hope of any man Huntsville, Alabama.
4:16). The Greek word eleos, translated lies through Jesus Christ, who brought

RECORD September 7, 1996 15



Jesus at the Center

Sanctuary scenes in the book of Revelation

he book of Revelation reputedly belongs to that Christ will set right a topsy-turvy world for His people, as He
literary genre described as apocalyptic; specifical- comes quickly to reward everyone according to his or her
ly, "biblical apocalyptic." It is the New Testament work! (Rev. 22:12).
counterpart to the book of Daniel. No wonder, then, that John, in longing anticipation,
Apocalyptic prophecy provides special revela- exclaimed, as many Christians have echoed since: "Even so,
tions from God based on the inspired visions and dreams of the come, Lord Jesus" (verse 20).
prophet. The main purpose is to concentrate our attention on The heavenly sanctuary is a central pivot of the message of
events at the end of human history when earthly nations will Revelation. Let us look at four scenes in the book as they relate
be destroyed and the kingdom of Christ established for eternity. to prophecy and to Jesus Christ as the minister of the sanctuary.
It is also to awaken and nurture hope in
Christ's soon return and to inspire spiritual 1. The Seven Churches
dependence upon Him as the way to get
ready to meet our Lord. Urging Christians
Christ is with Before John heard Jesus deliver His let-
ter to the seven churches, he first saw
to give their best attention to this book,
Ellen White writes: "The solemn messages
His church as Him represented as walking among the
lampstands (or candlesticks) of the Holy
that have been given in their order in the
Revelation are to occupy the first place in its pastor, Place. Jesus identified the lampstands as
the church, which must reflect to the
the minds of God's people. Nothing else is world His light. Christ is with His church
to be allowed to engross our attention"
(Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 302). When we as a
priest, and serving as its pastor, priest, and shepherd,
encouraging and purifying it, helping it to
people understand what this book means to
us, "there will be seen among us a great
shepherd. burn brightly with His own pure and lov-
ing light.
revival" (Testimonies to Ministers, p. 113). The book of Revelation is basically a
letter, written and sent to the seven churches in Asia Minor.
The Central Figure These churches were chosen because their spiritual needs and
In the vast sweep of human history covered in the book of general conditions represented the state of the various parts of
Revelation, Christ is the dominant figure. And the book's the universal church at any one time and throughout history.
Christocentric purpose is emphasized in Revelation 1:1 and Every generation of Christians is found in all, and Christ's cor-
22:6. "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto rections, consolations, commendations, and practical counsels
him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come are appropriate to their various situations.
to pass." Some Christians today have lost their first love (Ephesus,
Revelation is the book of the Lamb "in the midst of the Rev. 2:1-7). Some are faced with tribulations and persecution
throne." Christ's sacrifice is central in all He does for us, and (Smyrna, verses 8-11). Some are tolerating error and apostasy
He is the Lord of the church. Another prominent role of Jesus (Pergamum, verses 12-17). Some are committing spiritual
is brought out clearly in Revelation 1:7, 8: He is the coming immorality by their involvement in the religious systems sym-
king (verse 7), "the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and bolized as "Jezebel" (Thyatira, verses 18-27). Some have lost
the End," the Lord "who is, and who was and who is to come" that living faith that works by love (Sardis, Rev. 3:1-6). Some
(verse 8, NKJV). Christ is the one who "lives, and was dead," are working faithfully for Christ while at the same time trusting
and is "alive for evermore." He has the "keys of Hades and of in His intercessory and judgment ministry (Philadelphia, verses
Death" (verse 18, NKJV). 7-13). Some are spiritually lukewarm, self-satisfied, lost, and
What a wonderful assurance is given to those oppressed and empty (Laodicea, verses 14-18).
downtrodden! What comfort there is for us to know that our These precious messages are for our admonition. Jesus says
Lord is with us even now, no matter how deplorable our condi- in Revelation 3:18-22: "Therefore I counsel you to buy from
tions! What hope we can gain by recognizing that one day me gold refined by fire, that you may be rich, and white gar-

16 RECORD September 7, 1996

ments to clothe ing the command-
you and to keep ments of God and
the shame of your the faith of Jesus.
nakedness from Another
being seen, and chapter of the
salve to anoint "Great controversy"
your eyes, that you between truth and
may see. . . . Be error is depicted in
zealous and Revelation 13
repent. Behold, I under the symbol-
stand at the door ism of "the beast."
and knock; if any- The beast repre-
one hears my sents the satanic
voice and opens forces that are
the door, I will pressing for the
come in to him allegiance of every
and eat with him" living being. But
(RSV). the chapter also
assures us that the
2. The Seven devil will face final
Trumpets destruction by
Indeed, the virtue of Christ's
Revelation is the successful sacrifice
word of One who at Calvary.
knows the end The new
from the beginning. scene that begins
Verse 3 of chapter with Revelation
8 begins the 14:6 takes us back
prophecy of the to a time before the
seven trumpets vision described in
with a clear refer- verses 1-6. The
ence to the heav- focus of Revelation
enly sanctuary. It is 14:1-5 is on victors,
a graphic descrip- not victims. Ellen
tion of the end of Val‘etetleuta' White refers to
Christ's intercesso- these victors as
ry ministry and the ushering in of God's ye therefore, ... lest coming suddenly he "virgins" because they possess a pure
judgment upon the world. The thunder, find you sleeping" (Mark 13:35, 36). faith (Christ's Object IPssons, p. 406).
lightning, and earthquake dramatize the Verses 6-12 of chapter 14 have special
close of human probation. 3. The Great Controversy Scene application to the period immediately
Ellen White pictures it beautifully: In Revelation 12 the dragon stands up preceding the second coming of Christ.
"Then I saw Jesus, who had been minis- against God and His church. The The three-part message contained in
tering before the ark containing the ten "woman" is identified as God's true fol- these verses prepares the 144,000 for
commandments, throw down the censer. lowers, His church. In the last verse of the God's final sealing. This message brings
He raised His hands, and with a loud chapter, we are introduced to the "rem- about a final separation between those
voice said, 'It is done.' And all the angel- nant" of the woman's seed, who are bitter- who accept and those who reject God's
ic host laid off their crowns as Jesus ly opposed by the evil one. The vital call. It is an earnest appeal for the wor-
made the solemn declaration 'He that is questions are: "Who are they!" And what ship of the true God and for reverence for
unjust, let him be unjust still: and he is "the testimony of Jesus"? His name. Each one of us shall be an
which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and The remnant of Revelation 12:17 aghent for Christ to proclaim these mes-
he that is righteous, let him be righteous refers to those of Christ's true followers sages to the utter most parts of the world.
still: and he that is holy, let him be holy who would remain after the close of the The third section of the chapter
still'" (Early Writings, pp. 279, 280). 1260 years of 1798. I am convinced that describes in symbolic terms the harvest of
When the work of the pre-Advent judg- the message of the Seventh-day the righteous and the wicked at the com-
ment closes, your destiny and mine will Adventist Church fits the specifications ing of Jesus (verses 14-20). These mes-
have been decided for life or death. "Watch laid down in this passage—that of keep- sages are for our time. They focus on

RECORD September 7, 1996 17

today's people, today's problems, today's who have declared their final loyalty to but also able. His promises are sure. He
deceptions and needs. They result in sep- the demonic powers, upon those who does not fail. May the day of the Lord
aration from the world—a final separa- have turned their backs on Bible truths find us under the protection of the
tion of the wheat and the tares (Matt. and on God's many calls for repentance Almighty.
13:23-30), of the sheep and goats (Matt. and surrender.
25:31-46), of the righteous and the But it is comforting to know that the Questions for Discussion
unrighteous. They deal with issues of wrath of God will not fall upon a single
central concern to all humanity. God is soul that seeks refuge in Jesus. God 1.If the seven churches of Revelation
appealing to all human hearts as the final Himself has declared it: "When I see the 2 and 3 represent the church in all ages,
judgment draws near. It is a call for rever- blood, I will pass over you" (Ex. 12:13). then where does your own local church
ence; it is a call to loyal worship of Christ Now is our time to listen to the fall? Which one does it resemble? And
at a rime when the majority of the words of the Most High. Jesus is still in what can you do about it?
world's people have turned to worship the sanctuary. He sends the closing
another power (Rev. 13:3). gospel of the judgment hour to all the 2. If Christ is, indeed, the center of
world in love and mercy. He is appeal- the book of Revelation, how does that
4. The Seven Last Plagues ing to men and women, boys and girls, fact change the way I present it to other
The events of Revelation 15 and 16 to turn to God and turn away from sin. people?
occur just before the harvest. They When the pre-Advent judgment con-
describe a time of tribulation between cludes, the seven last plagues will be
the close of probation (Rev. 22:11) and poured out, and Jesus will appear in Adekunle A. Alalade is presi-
the second corning of our Lord. consuming glory. dent (and also professor of
The seven last plagues are the most But the final victory for the faithful is religion and theology) at the
fearful judgments ever poured out on the certain; for the Lord of•_the church, the Adventist Seminary of West
human race: They will fall upon those Lamb that was slain, is not only worthy Africa in Nigeria.



Christ in the
Our gaze should center on Him.

he sacrificial offerings were ordained by God to Not only the sanctuary itself, but the ministration of the
be to man a perpetual reminder and a peniten- priests, was to "serve unto the example and shadow of heav-
tial acknowledgment of his sin and a confession enly things" (Heb. 8:5). . . The ministration of the sanctu-
of his faith in the promised Redeemer. They ary consisted of two divisions, a daily and a yearly service.
were intended to impress upon the fallen race The daily service was performed at the altar of burnt offer-
the solemn truth that it was sin that caused death. ing in the court of the tabernacle and in the holy place;
To Adam, the offering of the first sacrifice was a most while the yearly service was in the Most Holy. . . .
painful ceremony. His hand must be raised to take life, The daily service consisted of the morning and evening
which only God could give_ It was the first time he had ever burnt offering, the offering of sweet incense on the golden
witnessed death, and he knew that had he been obedient to altar, and the special offerings for individual sins. And there
God, there would have been no death of man or beast. As were also offerings for sabbaths, new moons, and special
he slew the innocent victim, he trembled at the thought feasts.
that his sin must shed the blood of the spotless Lamb of Every morning and evening a lamb of a year old was
God. This scene gave him a deeper and more vivid sense of burned upon the altar, with its appropriate meat offering,
the greatness of his transgression, which nothing but the thus symbolizing the daily consecration of the nation to
death of God's dear Son could expiate.' Jehovah, and their constant dependence upon the atoning

18 RECORD September 7, 1996

blood of Christ. God expressly directed be made for each of the sacred apart- released from the condemnation of the
that every offering presented for the ments, as for the altar, to "cleanse it, law.
service of the sanctuary should be and hallow it from the uncleanness of On the Day of Atonement the high
"without blemish" (Ex. 12:5). ... the children of Israel" (Lev. 16:19).2 priest, having taken an offering from
In the offering of incense the priest the congregation, went into the Most
was brought more directly into the The Great Day of Atonement Holy Place with the blood of this offer-
presence of God than in any other act Once a year, on the great Day of ing, and sprinkled it upon the mercy
of the daily ministration.... The Atonement, the priest entered the seat, directly over the law, to make sat-
incense, ascending with the prayers of Most Holy Place for the cleansing of isfaction for its claims. Then, in his
Israel, represents the merits and inter- the sanctuary. The work there per- character of mediator, he took the sins
cession of Christ, His perfect right- formed completed the yearly round of upon himself and bore them from the
eousness, which through faith is ministration.... The whole ceremony sanctuary. Placing his hands upon the
imputed to His people, and which can was designed to impress the Israelites head of the scapegoat, he confessed
alone make the worship of sinful over him all these sins, thus in figure
beings acceptable to God. . . transferring them from himself to the
As the priests morning and evening
entered the holy place at the time of The union of goat. The goat then bore them away,
and they were regarded as forever sepa-
incense, the daily sacrifice was ready to rated from the people.
be offered upon the altar in the court
without. This was a time of intense
justice and Such was the service performed
"unto the example and shadow of
interest to the worshipers who assem-
bled at the tabernacle. Before entering
mercy fills all heavenly things." And what was done
in type in the ministration of the earth-
into the presence of God through the
ministration of the priest, they were to heaven with ly sanctuary is done in reality in the
ministration of the heavenly sanctuary.'
engage in earnest searching of heart
and confession of sin. They united in
silent prayer, with their faces toward
wonder and The Heavenly Sanctuary
The sanctuary in heaven, in which
the holy place. Thus their petitions
ascended with the cloud of incense,
adoration. Jesus ministers in our behalf, is the
great original, of which the sanctuary
while faith laid hold upon the merits built by Moses was a copy.... The
of the promised Saviour prefigured by holy places of the sanctuary in heaven
the atoning sacrifice.... with the holiness of God and His are represented by the two apartments
The most important part of the abhorrence of sin; and, further, to in the sanctuary on earth.... In vision
daily ministration was the service per- show them that they could not come the apostle John . .. saw an angel
formed in behalf of individuals. The in contact with sin without becoming "having a golden censer; and there was
repentant sinner brought his offering polluted. Every man was required to given unto him much incense, that he
to the door of the tabernacle, and, afflict his soul while this work of should offer it with the prayers of all
placing his hand upon the victim's atonement was going forward. All saints upon the golden altar which was
head, confessed his sins, thus in figure business was to be laid aside, and the before the throne" (Rev. 8:3)....
transferring them from himself to the whole congregation of Israel were to The ark that enshrines the tables of
innocent sacrifice. By his own hand spend the day in solemn humiliation the law is covered with the mercy seat,
the animal was then slain, and the before God, with prayer, fasting, and before which Christ pleads His blood
blood was carried by the priest into the deep searching of heart. in the sinner's behalf. Thus is repre-
holy place and sprinkled before the Important truths concerning the sented the union of justice and mercy
veil, behind which was the ark con- atonement are taught by the typical in the plan of human redemption. This
taining the law that the sinner had service. A substitute was accepted in union infinite wisdom alone could
transgressed. By this ceremony the sin the sinner's stead; but the sin was not devise and infinite power accomplish;
was, through the blood, transferred in canceled by the blood of the victim. A it is a union that fills all heaven with
figure to the sanctuary... means was thus provided by which it wonder and adoration.
Such was the work that went on was transferred to the sanctuary. By The cherubim of the earthly sanctu-
day by day throughout the year. The the offering of blood the sinner ary, looking reverently down upon the
sins of Israel being thus transferred to acknowledged the authority of the mercy seat, represent the interest with
the sanctuary, the holy places were law, confessed his guilt in transgres- which the heavenly host contemplate
defiled, and a special work became sion, and expressed his desire for par- the work of redemption. This is the
necessary for the removal of the sins. don through faith in a Redeemer to mystery of mercy into which angels
God commanded that an atonement come; but he was not yet entirely desire to look—that God can be just

RECORD September 7, 1996 19

ary? That there was which are there recorded.
such a service in con- But before this can be accomplished,
nection with the there must be an examination of the
earthly sanctuary is books of record to determine who,
stated in the Old through repentance of sin and faith in
Testament Scriptures. Christ, are entitled to the benefits of
But can there be any- His atonement. The cleansing of the
thing in heaven to be sanctuary therefore involves a work of
cleansed? In Hebrews investigation—a work of judgment.
9 the cleansing of This work must be performed prior to
both the earthly and the coming of Christ to redeem His
the heavenly sanctu- people; for when He comes, His reward
ary is plainly taught. is with Him to give to every man
"Almost all things are according to his works (Rev. 22:12).'
by the law purged
with blood; and with- Conclusion
out shedding of blood Solemn are the scenes connected
is no remission. It was with the closing work of the atonement.
while He justifies the repenting sinner therefore necessary that the patterns of Momentous are the interests involved
and renews His intercourse with the things in the heavens should be purified therein. The judgment is now passing in
fallen race; that Christ could stoop to with these [the blood of animals]; but the sanctuary above.... At this time
raise unnumbered multitudes from the the heavenly things themselves with above all others it behooves every soul
abyss of ruin and clothe them with the better sacrifices than these" (Heb. 9:22, to heed the Saviour's admonition:
spotless garments of His own righteous- 23), even the precious blood of Christ.' "Watch and pray: for ye know not when
ness to unite with angels who have For eighteen centuries this work of the time is" (Mark 13:33).... "Watch
never fallen and to dwell forever in the ministration continued in the first ye therefore:... lest coming suddenly
presence of God.4 apartment of the sanctuary. The blood he find you sleeping" (verses 35, 36).'
After His ascension our Saviour of Christ, pleaded in behalf of penitent
began His work as our high priest. Says believers, secured their pardon and Questions for Discussion:
Paul: "Christ is not entered into the acceptance with the Father, yet their
holy places made with hands, which sins still remained upon the books of 1. Which aspect of the ancient
are the figures of the true; but into record. As in the typical service there sanctuary service do you find
heaven itself, now to appear in the was a work of atonement at the close most appealing personally? Why?
presence of God for us" (Heb. 9:24)- of the year, so before Christ's work for
The ministration of the priest the redemption of men is completed 2. Does the idea of an antitypical
throughout the year in the first apart- there is a work of atonement for the day of atonement bring you
ment of the sanctuary, "within the removal of sin from the sanctuary. This fear or confidence or both? How would
veil" which formed the door and sepa- is the service which began when the you explain your reaction to this
rated the holy place from the outer 2300 days ended. At that time, as fore- teaching?
court, represents the work of ministra- told by Daniel the prophet, our High
tion upon which Christ entered at His Priest entered the Most Holy, to per- 3. What do you think should be our
ascension. It was the work of the priest form the last division of His solemn approach as we seek to share this mes-
in the daily ministration to present work—to cleanse the sanctuary. sage with those not of our faith?
before God the blood of the sin offer- As anciently the sins of the people
ing, also the incense which ascended were by faith placed upon the sin offer- ' Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 68.
Ibid., pp. 351-355.
with the prayers of Israel. So did ing and through its blood transferred, in The Great Controversy, pp. 419, 420.
Christ plead His blood before the figure, to the earthly sanctuary, so in • Ibid., pp. 414, 415.
Father in behalf of sinners, and present the new covenant the sins of the repen- Ibid., pp. 420, 421.
' Ibid. , p. 417.
before Him also, with the precious fra- tant are by faith placed upon Christ and ' Ibid., pp. 421, 422.
grance of His own righteousness, the transferred, in fact, to the heavenly , pp. 490, 491.
prayers of penitent believers. Such was sanctuary. And as the typical cleansing
the work of ministration in the first of the earthly was accomplished by the Ellen G. White was one of
apartment of the sanctuary in heaven.' removal of sins by which it had been the pioneers of the Seventh-
polluted, so the actual cleansing of the day Adventist Church. Her
The Cleansing of the Sanctuary heavenly is to be accomplished by the work continues to be a
What is the cleansing of the sanctu- removal, or blotting out, of the sins prophetic voice within it.

20 RECORD September 7, 1996

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The Sanctuary--God's
Plan for Our Rescue

A Note to Parents and Teachers Caught in a Rainstorm deal with their wrong choice. God
In the memory gem you read the knew that Adam and Eve could choose

escribing the Old word "lavished." Another word that to disobey Him, and so God the Father
Testament sanctuary means almost the same thing is "show- and God the Son made a perfect plan
gives us a picture of sal- ered." Have you ever been caught in a to save Their children.
vation, for it tells of the rain shower? You know the Bible verse "For God
wonderful work of our When I was in the third grade, I so loved the world, that he gave his
Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I hope walked to school and back. One after- only begotten Son ..." Now that
you will receive as great a blessing in noon as I walked home the sky filled Adam and Eve had broken God's law,
studying about the sanctuary as I did with dark clouds. With a loud crash of the natural result would be for them
in preparing these talks. thunder, it seemed to open wide, and their children to die. But Jesus
A few suggestions of things you drenching me with cool, cleansing loved us so much that He was willing to
could do together this week are: water! At first I wished I had an take our place and die for our sin. Jesus
1. Make a model of the sanctuary. umbrella. But because I couldn't do would live a perfect life, and He would
You can make a shoe box diorama, anything else, I just let the rain pour give that perfect life CO us. He has been
using clay or other materials. over my head, into my eyes and called the Second Adam because He
2. Draw pictures of the sanctuary. mouth. It soaked my clothes and flood- rescues the world the first Adam lost.
You can have the furnishings lie flat or ed over me like a rushing waterfall. When Adam and Eve sinned, the
stand up. And I loved it! I felt completely plan of sacrifice began. An innocent
3. Have fun baking some unleav- drenched and totally happy_ God had lamb would die. And the death of the
ened bread in rounds like the shew- lavished me with His wonderful, wet lamb would remind God's people how
bread. creation! terrible sin is and make us think of our
4. Light candles when you discuss innocent Lamb—Jesus--who would
the candlestick or bum some sweet- God and Jesus Had a Plan die for our sins.
smelling incense. I'll bet you can't count the number of Wow! Isn't it amazing, boys and girls!
5. Use the discussion questions to times you have sung "Jesus Loves Me." Long before you were born, and long
talk over what you are studying this But do you know that Jesus loves you? before God created Adam and Eve, God
week. Let them stimulate other related How do you feel when you make a had a plan to rescue you! We have been
topics you may want to discuss. bad choice? Maybe you took some- given life because Jesus died for us. Jesus
thing that wasn't yours? Or looked on has truly showered His love on us. God
another student's paper? Or hurt some- truly does love you, doesn't He?
Sabbath one with stinging words or actions?
How do your parents treat you Discussion
when you make bad choices? Do they What do you do when you make bad
How Can God still love you when you choose wrong
instead of right?
choices and sin against your Saviour?
Jesus and God had a plan for an
Love Me So Long ago, our great-, great- (and
many times more great!) grandparents,
emergency. What kind of plan do you
have in your house when you have
Much? Adam and Eve, made a seriously poor
choice. They chose to believe Satan
emergencies? Do you have a plan if
you have a fire in your home?
Memory Gem instead of their Creator, Jesus, who
1 John 3:1 : "How great is the love loved them. Because they did not trust Activity
the Father has lavished on us, that we Jesus, they sinned. With your family, go over plans for
should be called children of God!" The good news for Adam and Evc emergencies—a family fire drill and
(NW). and all of us is that God had a plan to what to do if someone gets hurt.

22 RECORD September 7, 1996

Sunday How close? In the same talk with Then God called Moses up the
God that I mentioned above, Jesus mountain for a talk and commanded
prayed that all of us "may be one, him to make the earthly sanctuary. It
How Close Father, just as you are in me and I am
in you. May they also be in us" (verse
would be patterned after the one He
showed him.
Does God Want 21, NIV). He also said, "I am the vine;
you are the branches" (John 155,
Moses followed God's instructions
carefully. It took about six months to
to Be? NW). That means we are all a part of
the same plant! That's how close Jesus
build the sanctuary. It was so beautiful
that our words can hardly describe it.
Memory Gem wants to be to us. But the earthly sanctuary was only just
Exodus 25:8: "Let them make me a And so when God rescued His chil- a blurry reflection of the sanctuary in
sanctuary; that I may dwell among dren and brought them out of Egypt heaven.
them." and out of their awful life of slavery, Tomorrow, will you go on an imagi-
He said, "Let them make me a sanctu- nary journey with me? We will walk

ow close does God want to be to ary; that I may dwell among them" through the sanctuary together and
you? When you love someone, (Exodus 25:8). look at all of God's treasures it holds.
you naturally want to be close to You see, God had been with the Together we will discover more about
them. children of Israel all during their jour- His fantastic love for us.
Before Kern and Adam were old ney. Do you remember the pillar of
enough to go to school, they would get cloud God sent during the day? In the Discussion
so excited when they heard a familiar hot desert God sent the pillar of cloud How do you like to spend time with
car pulling into the driveway. They to block out the harmful rays of the the people you love?
knew it was their father coming home. sun and protect His children from the What kind of gifts can we freely
They loved their dad, and this was a scorching heat. give God today?
happy time! He would come into the At night He sent a pillar of fire. Can you think of a project for Him
family room, and they would rush to What did that do? The desert can get that would be exciting and fun to carry
meet him. More often than not, they very cold at night—just the opposite of out?
would spend time wrestling playfully the blistering daytime. The pillar of
around on the carpet, and they would fire warmed God's children. He Activity
both end up sitting snugly on his lap thought of everything, didn't He? Think of a way that you could make
for a story or just a talk. And even more, the cloud moved a model of the sanctuary. You might
As the children got older they still and led the way when the time came use a shoe box and make a diorama
looked forward to bedtime sessions for the people to travel to a new place. with paper or cardboard models. You
with Dad. He would talk to them And the cloud stayed put when they could also use clay. You might be inter-
about the happy and sad experiences of were supposed to stay in a certain spot. ested in drawing a blueprint model of a
their day. He would read to them and But you know what? That wasn't sanctuary as we study. Or just draw the
pray with them. Most of the time they enough for God! He said, "I want to sanctuary treasures on paper.
would try to coax him to stay just a lit- live with them. I want to take care of
tle bit longer! them and let them experience and
And how do you think Dad felt understand My plan for them. That's
about all of this? The truth is, he how much I love them!"
couldn't wait to get home each day. He
loved the way Kern and Adam wel- The People Build a Sanctuary
comed him when he got home! It And so God asked Moses to have
made him feel so special and so loved. the children of Israel bring offerings so
It was fun to play with his children, that they could build a sanctuary—a
and fun to spend time with them. holy place. They needed offerings of
precious materials such as gold and
Jesus—Close to Us brass and silver and fine cloth. But
It's true. When you love someone, God wanted only the offerings that His
you want to be close to them. When children would give Him freely and
Jesus was here, He said to God, His happily. And guess what? The people
Father: "Father, I want those you have brought so many beautiful gifts of love
given me [that's us!] to be with me that Moses had to stop them from
where I am" (John 17:24)- bringing more! How happy God must
Jesus wants to be close to us. have been!

RECORD September 7, 1996 23

Monday Let's take an imagi-
nary walk through
the tabernacle and
Seeing God's look at its furnish-
ings. Tomorrow we
Treasures will look at what
these things tell us
Memory Gem about God.
Exodus 25:9: "In accordance with all
that I show you concerning the pattern of The Tabernacle
the tabernacle and of all its furniture, so We must go
you shall make it" (NRSV). back in time to the
Middle Eastern
t's a special treat to be able to go desert traveled by

I home with a friend after school, isn't

it? What's it like the first time you go
home with a new friend? You're probably
people long ago.
We approach the
tabernacle. How
curious to see where your friend lives and big do you picture
what kind of things they have and are it to be? It is 55
interested in. feet long, 18 feet
You can tell a lot about a friend by wide, and 18 feet
seeing his or her room. tall. The tabernacle
Kimberly's room has bookshelves can be taken down
and a couple books on her nightstand. and put up again,
She has a neatly organized collection because the chil-
of dolls and a lovely dollhouse with a dren of Israel move from place CO A brazen or brass altar in the court
variety of miniature furnishings. place. near the entrance is used for burnt
What can you tell about Kimberly offerings made to the Lord.
by her room? Kimberly loves to read. Our First Approach! Between the altar and the door of
She also likes pretty things such as The whole building looks like solid the tabernacle is a brass laver. A laver
dolls and dollhouses. And you know gold shimmering on the desert floor. looks like a washbasin. The priests use
she cares about them because they are As we get closer we see why—the it to wash their hands and feet before
neatly arranged. walls are covered with gold! How serving at the altar or entering the
Ryan's room is less neat than beautiful it is! sanctuary.
Kimberly's, but still fascinating. He has As we look carefully, we see that the
a box of Legos. In one corner he has roof is made of four sets of curtains. We The Holy Place
been building a space center. Ryan also step inside and look up. (Actually, only We walk reverently through the
has a computer and programs such as the Levites and priests could have gone entrance (facing east) to the holy
Mental Math and Math Blaster, and a inside.) On the inside of the roof we place, through the first curtain. Now
space program for his CD-ROM and see fine linen and colors of blue, pur- we learn that the tabernacle is divided
some neat Bible games. ple, and scarlet. Cherubim, or angels, into two sections (called apartments)
What can you tell about Ryan? He are worked into the curtains with gold- by a beautiful inner curtain. This cur-
likes to put things together. He is en threads. The next three layers on tain, like the one at the entrance,
intrigued by outer space, shuttles, and top of this first one are made of goats' hangs from gold-covered pillars and is
space travel. He wants to be an astro- hair, rams' skins dyed red, and the final made from blue, purple, and scarlet
naut someday. You can also tell that or top layer is made from seal skins. materials. Threads of gold and silver
Ryan likes math. This space adventur- run through it and in the angel pat-
er is also a Christian who enjoys his The Outer Court terns on it.
Bible games and loves Jesus. As we approach the tabernacle, we On the right side of the holy place is
step into an open space called the the table of shewbread, covered with
God's Treasures courtyard, surrounded by screens of pure gold. Every Sabbath the priests place
Just as we can tell a lot about Ryan fine linen. These screens are half as 12 new cakes on it in two piles—six in
and Kimberly and what they are inter- high as the walls of the tabernacle, so each stack. They give off a lovely fra-
ested in by their rooms, we can tell a people outside, even though they can't grance, for they have been sprinkled with
lot about God and what He is like by go in, can see the outer materials of frankincense. The loaves that are taken
the treasures in the earthly sanctuary. the tabernacle tent. away can be eaten only by the priests.

24 RECORD September 7, 1996

Across from the shewbread to our Tuesday The sanctuary was holy too because
left is the seven-branched candlestick. God was there. So priests did not wear
Beautiful golden lilies decorate the shoes in the sanctuary and washed
branches. The whole thing is made 2 + 3 + 2 = One their hands and feet so they would not
from one piece of solid gold! It is the pollute the holy place. This tells us
only light in the sanctuary. Its bright- Memory Gem that God is holy and that nothing
ness amazes us. Then we remember 1 Corinthians 130, 31: "It is unclean can be in His divine presence.
that the gold-covered walls reflect the because of him (God] that you are in
light, making the sanctuary shine like Christ Jesus, who has become for us wis- If the Brazen Altar Could Speak
hundreds of glistening mirrors. dom from God—that is, our righteous- Imagine that this altar could speak! It
Just in front of the curtain that sep- ness, holiness and redemption" (NIV). might say something like this: "Every
arates the holy place from the Most morning and evening a lamb is burned
Holy Place we see the golden altar of What Is a Shadow? upon me. This perfect lamb, without
incense. Here the priest burns incense I remember, when I was a child, try- blemish or fault, reminds the children of
every morning and evening. On spe- ing to catch my shadow on the ground. Israel of the perfect Lamb who is to
cial occasions he will sprinkle the Sometimes I would cry to jump away come—the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This
horns of this altar with the blood of a from it. Either way it's a pretty impossi- offering is to help them see that they must
sin offering. The burning incense fills ble task. always depend upon Jesus, the Lamb of
the holy places with its fragrance. The Bible says that the earthly sanc- God, to save them from their sins."
tuary was a copy or shadow of some-
Looking at the Most Holy Place thing greater in heaven (Hebrews 8). The Furnishings of the Holy Place
God's presence abides in the Most When Israel came out of Egypt, Remember the three pieces of furni-
Holy Place. This place is so holy that where they had been 'slaves, they ture in the holy place—the table of
only the high priest can go in, and escaped a hard life. They had no books shewbread, the seven-branched can-
then only once a year! to read, so they passed on stories from dlestick, and the altar of incense?
Inside we see the ark of the person to person. What do they tell us about God?
covenant. This chest is made of acacia The earthly sanctuary, given by The priests kept bread on the table
wood and covered inside and outside God and built by Israel, has been of shewbread and called it the "bread
with gold! It has a crown of gold on called a "picture book" illustration. All of the presence" because it was always
the top. The ark contains the tables of of the furniture and services were pic- before the Lord. Why do you think
stone on which God wrote the Ten tures from God to His children. God there were 12 loaves? The number
Commandments with His own finger, used them like a book to tell about His reminds us of the 12 tribes of Israel
a bowl of manna, Aaron's rod that plan for saving us. which represent all of God's people.
budded, and the book of the law. Remember how Kimberly's and God gives real and spiritual food to all
The ark's cover is called the mercy Ryan's rooms told us about them? Let's of His children who depend on Him.
seat. It too is made from one piece of look at God's sanctuary on earth to see The shewbread pointed to Jesus,
solid gold. Two golden cherubim stand what God told His people about the living bread, who is in God's pres-
at each end, facing each other and Himself. ence for us. The incense, which was
"looking" reverently down at the ark. burned as an offering when the new
On each angel, one wing stretches up Looking at God Through the bread was brought to the table, stood
and the other folds over the body, Courtyard for Jesus' sweet life, which pleased
showing respect and reverence. The Yesterday as we walked through God the Father.
scene fills us with awe! the courtyard, we noticed the laver Jesus said, "I am the bread of life.
Above the mercy seat is the and described it as the place where He who comes to me will never go
Shekinah, the cloud of God's presence. the priests washed their hands and hungry" (John 6:35, NIV).
God communicates with the high feet. The candlestick's seven lamps were
priest by a voice from the cloud. Why do you think they washed? never out. This tells us that light is
As we continue our journey And what does it tell us about God? important. Light helps us to find our
through the sanctuary, we wonder, Do you recall when Moses saw the way. Are you, or have you ever been
"What does all of this mean?" burning bush? He was amazed to find afraid of the dark? Jesus said: "I am the
Tomorrow we will talk about what that the bush didn't burn up! God was light of the world. Whoever follows me
these treasures tell us about our God. in that bush—just as He was in the will never walk in darkness, but will
cloud and also in the sanctuary. At the have the light of life" (John 8:12, NIV).
burning bush God asked Moses to take Just as the candlestick was the only
off his sandals because he stood on light of the sanctuary, Jesus is the light
holy ground. of the world. He is the one light we

RECORD September 7, 1996 25

need to lead us. We will never be left true, and holy. No one can sin Wednesday
to walk alone in the darkness. against God's law and live in His
What about the golden altar of presence.
incense? When the priest made the The sad news is that we have all
daily offering of incense, he got clos-
er to the presence of God than at
sinned against our God. But the good
news is that covering the ark is the
Two Lambs-
any other time. Remember, the cur-
tain in front of the Most Holy Place
mercy seat. The mercy seat shows
God's presence and tells us that
One Savior
did not reach the top of the ceiling because of Jesus' one-time sacrifice, for- Memory Gem
of the building. So the priest, who giveness has been given to those who Hebrews 10:11, 12: "Day after day
could not enter the Most Holy Place, are sorry for their sins. every priest stands and performs his reli-
could look up at that narrow opening The Bible says, "Let us then gious duties; again and again he offers the
toward the ark. As it burned, the approach the throne of grace with con- same sacrifices, which can never take
incense created a cloud of fragrant fidence, so that we may receive mercy away sins. But when this priest had
smoke that rose and filled both and find grace to help us in our time of offered for all time one sacrifice for sins,
apartments. need" (Hebrews 4:16, NIV). he sat down at the right hand of God"
What does the incense tell us about (NIV).
God? Did you know that God gave 2 + 3 + 2 = One
Moses the recipe for the incense? It We have looked at the sanctuary up
was a special formula not to be used close. What does it tell you about A Precious Possession
anywhere else. We may think of this. God? You have heard about the laver Have you ever lost someone or
incense as the prayers of the people and the altar in the courtyard, the something you loved dearly? In the
ascending to God. three pieces of furniture in the holy book The Legend of Blue Bonnet, by
This one-of-a-kind incense stood place, and the ark and mercy seat in Tommy De-paola, we read the story of
for the merits of Christ—His perfect the Most Holy Place. If you could see a Native American girl from the
goodness. Jesus mixes His beautiful, one picture there, who or what would Comanche tribe. She-Who-Is-Alone
spotless life with all of our prayers and you see? Who is the sacrifice, the was the only member of her family left
worship. Because of Him, our worship bread, the light shining from the can- alive. Her parents and grandparents
and prayers become pleasing and beau- dlestick? Whose life is the sweet, fra- had died from starvation because of a
tiful to God. We need His righteous grant incense? And who wrote the law drought (a long time of no rain). The
life because we are imperfect. of God with His own finger and lived rest of her tribe had adopted her. She
the law perfectly for you and me? Who had one precious possession left: a lit-
The Most Holy Place is our mercy seat? Yes, it is Jesus, our tle cloth doll with the bright blue
The Most Holy Place contained the Lord and Saviour. Everything in the feathers of a blue jay in its hair.
ark of the covenant and the mercy earthly sanctuary adds up to One—the According to legend, She-Who-Is-
seat. What do they tell us about God? one and only begotten Son, Jesus Alone willingly gave up her beloved
The ark of the covenant contained Christ. doll to save her people.
the Ten Commandments, a bowl of God's plan is so beautiful, and He Do you have a precious possession?
manna, and Aaron's rod that budded. has followed it all for you. We have a Perhaps a pet or a toy you've had a
The manna in the ark reminds us Friend at the throne of God. That's long time, or something you made.
that God takes care of all of our needs. what the sanctuary shows us. In our story from yesterday we
God says, "Don't worry! I will take talked about how the sanctuary and its
care of you." Discussion services focused on one Person—the
Aaron's rod that budded reminded Can you describe the sanctuary fur- God-man, Jesus Christ. Today we will
the people that God had chosen nishings and tell what they stand for? talk a little more about Jesus at the
Aaron and his family to be priests for With your family, take turns sharing altar of sacrifice and what that means.
Him. God tells us today that we can something new that you have learned
trust God and that we should respect about the sanctuary. Jesus the Real Sacrifice
our leaders. Remember, the priests made all sac-
The Ten Commandments in the rifices at the brazen altar. Besides daily
ark tells us the importance of God's sin offerings made by the Israelites, and
law—the great rule of goodness. God other special offerings, a 1-year-old
wrote it with His own finger and lamb was offered upon the altar each
gave it to Moses. God knew that if morning and evening. This showed that
we followed His law of love, we the people of God depended totally on
would be happy. His law is perfect, the precious sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

26 RECORD September 7, 1996

This lamb should be "without blemish" Let me tell you a story to help illus- requesting special prayer. Amad was
(Ex. 12:5). The priest examined every trate this. concerned about his cat. A neighbor-
animal brought as a sacrifice and turned Ronda's father had been called to hood dog had been attacking it, and
away any with a scar or flaw. What do go to war in Saudi Arabia. Ronda and he asked us to pray that the dog would
you think the unblemished lamb was to her family missed him. All Ronda stop. We prayed for some time about
point to? Yes, it was Jesus' perfect life could talk about was the day her dad the cat, but the problem continued.
and death for you and me. would return. When he left, Dad gave One morning a few weeks later,
During the events of Jesus' crucifix- Ronda a picture of himself. He said, Amad told us about another attack on
ion, you may remember that the Jewish "When you look at this picture, it will his pet. The story got longer and more
holiday called the Passover was taking remind you that I love you and will ferocious as he told it. All of a sudden
place. Jesus died on Friday around 3:00 come home CO you." a thought came to my mind. I paused
in the afternoon. This was the time for Ronda loved the picture. Finally the and quietly asked Amad, "Amad, do
the evening sacrifice at the Temple. long-awaited day arrived. Ronda's you really have a cat?"
During the time that Jesus died, father came home, and how happy He dropped his head, ashamed to
darkness came over the earth. People they were! look into my face.
heard thunder and saw flashes of light- I have a question for you. When I could see mouths fall open with
ning, and the ground shook. Back at Ronda's father returned, what was amazement. We had been praying for
the Temple, a priest had just lifted his most important to her—the picture or weeks about Amad's cat, and it didn't
knife to slay the little lamb on the her dad himself? Her dad, of course. exist! Putting my finger to my lips in a
altar when he felt the earth tremble. And so it was with the sanctuary. gesture to remain quiet, I said, "Amad,
Then something happened that made When Jesus arrived, that finished the you wish you had a cat, don't you?"
his hair stand on end. An unseen hand old sacrificial system. Jesus is the one You see, Amad lived in an apartment
seemed to sweep through the Temple. whom all of the sacrifices pointed to. building where animals were not
It ripped the curtain that hung He is the true Lamb of God who took allowed, and he wanted one so much.
between the holy place and the Most away the sins of the world. The children sat silent. They
Holy Place from top to bottom! seemed to understand. It was Kortney's
The badly shaken priest dropped Discussion turn to pray that day. At the close of
the knife. The little lamb escaped un- What is a precious possession that her prayer she said, "Please, dear God,
harmed. I can hear you say "Yea!" as you value? bless all of Amad's wishes. Amen."
the innocent lamb escaped. Yet at the Would you be willing to give it up I believe the Holy Spirit spoke to
same time another Lamb died. And for someone you love? for Jesus? her heart. She cared about Amad's feel-
you know who that Lamb was, don't How has God shown you His love ings. Can you imagine how he felt, after
you? Jesus. Jesus died in that little this week? today? his feelings of shame, to hear her pray
lamb's place. Boys and girls, in a way for him? Kormey took up for Amad.
you and I are that lamb. I don't mean
that we are "unblemished" or without Thursday Someone Takes Up for You
fault. We know better than that. But Have you ever had a hard time and
we were set free while the Lamb of someone you cared about took up for
God took our place. you? Today I want to talk about
When Jesus died, the plan that God
and Jesus had made long ago was com-
Who Takes Up Someone who takes up for you all the
time. What does this have to do with
pleted. Remember, when Jesus died He
said, "It is finished!" Jesus' work to
for You? the sanctuary? Everything. God has
given us another picture in the person
save us was finished. Called the Memory Gem of the high priest of the tabernacle.
Second Adam, Jesus rescued the world Hebrews 7:25: "Therefore he is able Let's talk about what he did and what
that the first Adam had lost. to save completely those who come to God this has to do with God's plan for you
through him, because he always lives to and me.
The Sanctuary a Picture intercede for them" (NN).
You see, boys and girls, God tem- The High Priest—What an Outfit!
porarily gave the sanctuary to point That Poor Cat! The high priest wore beautiful
forward to Jesus, the Lamb of God, Amad was a curly-haired, bright- clothing. While the other priests wore
who would take away the sins of the eyed boy in second grade. I loved his simple white linen robes, his clothing
world. When Jesus arrived, He became enthusiasm. He had a wonderful sense came from expensive materials.
the "once for all time" sacrifice that of humor and imagination. The high priest did wear a white
fulfilled (and ended) the sanctuary ser- Each morning at the end of class- linen robe, but he wore a blue robe
vice (Hebrews 10:10). room worship, the children took turns over it. Small golden bells and pome-

RECORD September 7, 1996 27

chose a young bull and two goats.
They offered the bull first for the sins
of the high priest and his family. Next
they offered one of the goats for the
sins of the people.
Before taking the blood of these
sacrifices into God's presence, the high
priest took two handfuls of incense
into the Most Holy Place. He also
took burning coals from the altar
v before the Lord. He put the incense on
the fire so that the smoke from the
incense covered the mercy seat. In this
way his life was protected from the
glory of God's presence.
Next the high priest took the blood
of the bull and sprinkled it on the
mercy seat above the Ten Command-
ments. Then he sprinkled the blood in
front of the mercy seat seven times (a
perfect number). He did the same with
the blood of the goat. When he left
granates made of blue, purple, and wanted the people to see and know the sanctuary, the sins of the people
scarlet yarn hung around the bottom of that the high priest had a holy and had been transferred to him and he
the blue robe. special work. carried their guilt.
On top of this he wore a shorter Then the high priest went out to
robe called an ephod, made of gold, The High Priest's Work the tent of meeting and altar, sprin-
blue, purple, scarlet, and white. He Before the high priest entered the kling the blood there and cleansing
tied the ephod at the waist with a belt Most Holy Place on the Day of them also.
of the same colors. The sleeveless Atonement each year, the children of What happened to the other goat?
ephod had gold designs on each shoul- Israel prepared for the sacred event. The fate of the two goats was decided
der. Each design held a dark onyx They cleaned their camp and spent when the high priest cast lots for
stone. And written on these two time in prayer, confessing their sins to them. This was sort of like drawing
stones were the names of the 12 tribes God. This was a day of judgment and straws. One goat was chosen for the
of Israel—six on each stone. blessing. Would the sacrifices be burnt offering, and the other goat was
On top of this short robe was a accepted? Would their sins be forgiv- chosen as the scapegoat.
breastplate—the most holy part of the en? Would the sanctuary be made pure After the high priest came out of
high priest's clothing. It hung from his and clean? the sanctuary and the offerings had
shoulders by a blue cord and was fas- On this holy day, before he entered been accepted by God, he placed his
tened at the waist like a vest. On the the sanctuary, the high priest took off hands on the scapegoat's head and con-
breastplate were 12 stones set in gold his costly clothing. God had com- fessed the sins of the children of Israel
arranged in four rows with three stones manded him to put on a sacred linen that he now carried. Then the goat was
in each row. Each of the 12 stones was tunic, tie a linen sash around his waist, taken into the wilderness and let go.
named after one of the 12 tribes of and put a linen turban on his head. The scapegoat took away all of the sins
Israel. I'm sure the high priest trembled as with it. How wonderful the people felt
On the right and left sides of the he entered. The people waited and knowing their sins were gone! (see
breastplate were two more shining prayed for God to give His blessing. Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 355).
stones called the Urim and They couldn't go in, but they followed
Thummim. When the high priest their high priest in their hearts. They Jesus Christ—Our High Priest
asked God a question, God responded listened carefully for the ringing of the Jesus is our high priest (see the
with a halo of light to shine around bells on his robe. Anxiously they waited book of Hebrews). What does this
the stone on the right if His answer for him to come out. They knew that if mean? Remember, the earthly sanctu-
was yes or a cloud on the left stone if it their sins or the high priest's sins were ary is a shadow or reflection of the
was no. not confessed, he might be destroyed by heavenly sanctuary. And so the
-Why do you think God chose this the glory of God's presence. earthly high priest is a reflection of
clothing for the high priest? Because On the Day of Atonement they Jesus, our great high priest. Let's see

RECORD September 7, 1986

what God was trying to tell us. Amad! Jesus is at the right hand of God Atonement and the work of the high
The expensive clothing the high (that's the good side) taking up for us. priest. Because of the uncleanness of
priest wore shows us the holiness of his Tomorrow we will continue to look the Israelites, the high priest presented
work. Jesus' work for us is holy and at the important work Jesus is doing the blood of the sacrifices to God
honored by God. Do you remember for us in heaven. (Leviticus 16:16). We talked about
the 12 stones on the high priest's how the high priest sprinkled the blood
breastplate? He wore these stones over Discussion of the offerings to "cleanse" the sanctu-
his heart to show that all 12 tribes Take turns talking about a time ary from the sins of the Israelites.
were important. when you felt really loved by someone. Let's review. In the heavenly sanc-
Do you suppose that Jesus carries us Can you remember a time when tuary, who is our High Priest? Yes,
over His heart? You'd better believe it! someone took up for you? How did you Jesus! And who truly took our sins
We are not just over His heart—we are feel about that person? upon Himself and died for them at the
in it! cross? Jesus.
The high priest entered the pres- But then on the Day of Atonement
ence of God in the Most Holy Place. Friday we see the high priest taking the sins
After His death and resurrection, Jesus, of the people and placing them on the
our high priest, went into the presence scapegoat. Who might that goat be
of our heavenly Father. How was this
different from the earthly high priest?
Safe in Jesus associated with? Who is the angel who
was first to sin in heaven and tempted
Jesus was a perfect high priest—holy, Memory Gem Adam and Eve? Yes, it is Lucifer, who
blameless, and pure. And He entered Hebrews 9:27: "Just as man is des- is now called Satan. The goat is associ-
the greater and more perfect taberna- tined to die once, and after that to face ated with him.
cle—not one that is made by human judgment, so Christ wiz sacrificed once to When the final judgment is over,
beings, but heaven itself (Hebrews take away the sins of many people; and he Jesus will banish him, and he will
7:26; 9:24). will appear a second time, not to bear sin, never be able to bother us again!
Jesus went into God's presence by but to bring salvation to those who are
His own blood, not with the blood of waiting for him" (NIV). The Meeting Place
bulls and goats. You see, the high The Most Holy Place held the ark,
priest of the earthly sanctuary had to The Judgment and the ark contained the holy law of
go into God's presence year after year I have always enjoyed reading about God. Above the law was the mercy
with sacrifices that could not take Daniel, who was taken away from his seat. And above this the Shekinah
away sins. Jesus went in once with His home to Babylon. Daniel's bravery glory of God. Why did God have
own blood, and that was enough to do amazes me. While he studied and Moses arrange the furniture of the
away with sin and rescue us for all learned to serve in the courts of a Most Holy Place this way?
eternity (Hebrews 9:12, 27). pagan king, he refused to eat the kind God was telling us that His law is
Do you remember that when Jesus of food served at the king's table. He holy, pure, and good, just as He is holy,
died, the curtain to the Most Holy prayed to his God, even when it meant pure, and good. The law cannot be
Place tore from top to bottom? The he might die. He followed God no changed. If it could, Jesus would not
Bible says that by the blood of Jesus, a matter what it cost him. And God have had to die. But we know that
new way opens for us through the cur- blessed and rescued Daniel. Jesus did die for you and me. Yesterday
tain, which is His body. When Jesus' When Daniel was much older, God we said that He went in to the Father
body was "torn" for us as He died on gave him a vision (Daniel 8). In that in heaven to present His sacrifice to
the cross, the way opened for us to vision God told Daniel about the first God for us, just like the high priest
draw near to God. Jesus is both our coming of Jesus. He even told Daniel went into the Most Holy Place for the
sacrifice and our high priest (Hebrews when Jesus, the Messiah, would die! In people of Israel. And God accepted
10:19, 20). this prophecy God also told Daniel Jesus' sacrifice!
Jesus saves us completely if we come about the final judgment and the end Satan argued that the law of God
to God through Him. He is our door. of the world. could not be kept. He said this made
He is our curtain. He has opened the Daniel 8:14 says: "Unto two thou- the law unfair. But Jesus kept it per-
way to the throne of God. sand and three hundred days [or years fectly and proved Satan wrong.
Our memory verse says that Jesus in prophecy time]; then shall the sanc- Why, then, did God place the
intercedes for us. To intercede means tuary be cleansed." These "days," or mercy seat above the law? How could
that Jesus not only took our place but years, ended in 1844. At that time we He honor His holy law and save sin-
also takes up for us. Jesus is like an attor- believe that Jesus began a special work ners like you and me? Let me tell you a
ney in a courtroom who takes up for his of judgment in the heavenly sanctuary.. story to help you see how Jesus, our
client. He is Kortney, who took up for Yesterday we looked at the Day of Saviour and Defender, deals with

RECORD September 7, 1996 29

Satan—our accuser—in the judgment. does He see? He sees His beloved, per- coming aboard with two children. One
fect Son! child was a baby and had to be carried.
Joshua and the Angel When God looks at you and me, The other was a young girl about 4-
God gave Zechariah the prophet a what does He see? I know He loves us years old. She had curly golden hair
vision. In this vision God shows very much, but we are sinners. and round blue eyes.
Zechariah a high priest named Joshua. Now open your Bible near the mid- The mother, like most mothers with
Joshua stands in front of the Angel of dle. Take the piece of paper or the book- an infant, had her arms loaded. Not
the Lord, with Satan at his right side mark and place it in the Bible and close only was she carrying the baby, but she
accusing him. it. Who did we say the Bible is? Yes, had other things like a diaper bag and a
Joshua is not dressed like the high Jesus. And who is the bookmark? You. stroller. But she couldn't find a place to
priest on the Day of Atonement. He is When God looks at you this time, what put the stroller. So the mother had to
dressed in filthy clothes as he appears does He see? Only Jesus! Just as the leave to find a place to store the stroller.
in front of the Angel. The filthy bookmark is hidden in the Bible, when Explaining this to her 4-year-old
clothes stand for the sins of the people, we are in Christ we are hidden in Him. daughter, she had her sit down in the
which Joshua now carries on himself. And when God looks at you, He sees seat and gave her a book to look at.
Satan argues, "It's not fair!" He shows only the beautiful, perfect life of Jesus. Before she walked down the aisle with
the Angel the sins of God's people. And This, boys and girls, is how we can the baby, her last words CO her daugh-
Satan says, "See! These sins are the rea- stand in the final judgment. If we ter were "I'll be right back."
son You cannot save these people!" accept Jesus as the Lord and Saviour of The little girl's eyes followed her
Joshua cannot defend himself or his our lives, He will stand in our place. mommy down the aisle. She really didn't
people from Satan's attacks. He knows He is our righteousness, our goodness. look happy about her mother leaving.
that Israel is guilty. He confesses their Do you think she spent much time look-
guilt to the Angel. The high priest is Discussion and Activity ing at her book? No! She wanted to
counting on the mercy of Jesus. Take a look at the book of know when her mother was coming
Then the Angel (who is Jesus) says, Ephesians and count the number of back. She gazed anxiously at the
"The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The times it says "in Him" or "in Christ." entrance to the plane.
Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, Someone has said that when we That mother was not gone long—
rebuke you! Is not this man a burning wear the robe of Jesus' goodness, it just a few minutes. But to that little
stick [who has been] snatched from the warms us inside and helps to make us lady it probably seemed like forever.
fire!" Then Jesus commands, "Take off more like Him. Talk with your family You can imagine how her face lit up
his filthy clothes." And Jesus looks at about how this could be true. when her mother reappeared. What a
Joshua and says, "See, I have taken reunion it was! The little girl became
away your sin, and I will put rich gar- lively and cheerful again. Her mother
ments on you" (Zechariah 3:2-4, NIV). Sabbath had promised to return, and like all
He covers Joshua with Jesus' robe of good mothers, she did!
Just like Joshua, we stand in the
unclean clothes of our own sin. But
Heaven on Earth This Same Jesus
The story I just shared with you
Jesus, our high priest, stands in front of Memory Gem reminds me of a Bible story. Acts 1:9-
God for us. He has defeated Saran by Revelation 21:2, 3: "I John saw the 11 says that after Jesus had spoken His
His sacrifice at Calvary. And this is holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down last words to the disciples He was
how He defends us. No one who from God out of heaven. . . . And I taken up before their very eyes and a
accepts Jesus as Lord and Saviour can heard a great voice out of heaven saying, cloud hid him from their sight. They
be taken from His hand! Behold, the tabernacle of God is with looked intently up into the sky as He
men, and he will dwell with them, and disappeared. Suddenly two men
Being Safe in Him they shall be his people and God himself dressed in white stood beside them.
Another way of saying we wear shall be with them, arid be their God." "'Men of Galilee,' they said, 'why
Jesus' robe of righteousness is to say we do you stand here looking into the
are "in Him." This term is used many rii Be Right Back! sky? This same Jesus, who has been
times in the New Testament. The airplane was jammed with peo- taken from you into heaven, will
What does it man to be "in Christ"? ple as it stopped for a short time before come back in the same way you have
Here's an illustration of what it means. taking off for its final destination. seen him go into heaven'" (NIV).
You will need a Bible and a bookmark Several new passengers boarded to fly He'll be back!
or a small piece of paper. Let's pretend on to the next city.
that the Bible you have stands for My pastor-husband was on that From the Throne Room of God
Jesus. When God looks at Jesus, what plane. He noticed a young mother God gave the book of Revelation

30 RECORD September 7, 1886

through John the disciple to show us power and wealth and wisdom and high wall with twelve gates, and with
what would happen on the earth. It's strength and honor and glory and twelve angels at the gates. On the
called "Revelation" because the book praise!" (verse 12, NIV). Added to this gates were written the names of the
reveals or tells us about Jesus. It is the huge crowd, "every creature in heaven twelve tribes of Israel" (Revelation
story of the end-time. John had been and on earth and under the earth and 21:11, 12, NIV).
made a prisoner on the island of on the sea, and all that is in them" fell Read the description of the city in
Patmos, because he shared the Word of down and worshiped the Lamb and Revelation. The foundations of the
God and followed his Lord. Jesus sang praises to Him (verse 13, NIV). city walls were decorated with every
Christ. And while the aging disciple Revelation continues to tell the kind of precious stone. John names the
sat on that lonely island, Jesus gave story of the end-time of the earth as same stones found in the breastplate of
him a vision of what was to come we know ic. Because Jesus. our Lamb, the high priest! Just as our High Priest
before He returned to earth. is worthy and able, the seals are carried us over His heart, He now sur-
In the book of Revelation. John opened. Powerful angels go from God's rounds us with His love.
tells us that in his vision he saw into throne room to complete God's will on The Holy City in our memory gem
the throne room in heaven. He saw earth. The people of earth are judged, will be on earth. The true sanctuary of
the throne and God sitting God will be with us forever!
on it. He saw many beings When Jesus was on earth
worshiping God. He looked He prayed, "Father, I want
and saw a slain Lamb and a those you have given me to be
Lion of the tribe of Judah. with me where I am, and to
And angels were busily carry- see my glory, the glory you
ing out God's will from the have given me because you
throne room. loved me before the creation
In Revelation 5 God holds of the world" (John 17:24,
a scroll in His right hand. NIV).
The scroll is sealed with When Jesus comes again
seven seals—God's perfect then we will see Him face-to-
number! An angel speaks in a face. There will be nothing
loud voice: "'Who is worthy between us. We will see His
to break the seals and open glory!
the scroll?' But no one in
heaven or on earth or under In the Meantime
the earth could open the If we love Jesus, we will
scroll or even look inside it" keep His commandments and
(verses 2, 3, NIV). follow Him wherever He leads
John cried because no one us. We are important to Him,
could open this important and He needs to be important
scroll. Why do you think he to us.
cried? I believe John knew Let us keep our eyes on Jesus.
that if the scroll couldn't be God tells us that by looking at
opened by someone worthy. Jesus Christ, we become like
he had no hope. Him. Nothing "can separate
But then someone in the throne and God's children are saved. Fiisc, us from the love of God which is in
room said, "Do not weep! See. the those who have died in Christ are Christ Jesus; not because we hold Him
Lion of the tribe of Judah. the Root of taken to meet Jesus in the air. and so firmly, but because He holds us so
David has triumphed. He is able co then we who are alive will go co be fast" (The Acts of the Apostles, p. 553).
open the scroll and its seven seals" with Him. Jesus tells us, "I am coming soon!"
(verse 6, NIV). "Oh, yes! Please come, Lord Jesus!"
Then, instead of a lion. John saw a The Holy City Comes Down (see Revelation 22:20).
Lamb, looking as if it had been killed. In his vision, John saw the Holy
And the Lamb was standing in the City, where God and His people live. Claire Eva has been teaching
center of the throne. All the creatures It came down from heaven. A happy second grade at Spring
and elders knelt before the Lamb. and John described it: "It shone with the Valley Academy,
thousands and thousands of angels sur- glory of God, and its brilliance was like Centerville, Ohio. She
rounded the throne and sans. -Worthy that of a very precious :iewel. like a recently moved with her hus-
is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive jasper, clear as crystal. It had a great, band to Maryland.

RECORD September 7, 1996 31


After the Empty Tomb
A Message From the President

he main theme of this year's Week of Prayer read- repentant believer, and His blood is the symbol of life everlast-
ings centers on two truths: Christ crucified and ing. His death and resurrection bring the promise of eternal life
Christ's ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. These to us, guaranteed by the empty tomb.
two are a perfect combination, because not until we But if the tomb was empty, it meant that Jesus went some-
grasp the sanctuary in the context of the cross can where next. The book of Hebrews, the clearest exposition of
we understand present truth. At the same time, the sanctuary itself Christ's work after the cross, shows not only where Christ went
sheds crucial light on the cross. In fact, we don't fully understand after the tomb was emptied, but also what He is doing there. Here
one without the other. it is clearly taught that Christ ascended to the heavens, where He
The concept of the sanctuary is as old as-sin itself. Worship makes intercession for us, pleading His blood in our behalf. At
of the true God, the same one whom we worship today, began the conclusion of the 2300-year prophetic period of Daniel 8 and
at an altar—the first "sanctuary"-6,000 years ago. There God 9, Christ began His heavenly intercession in the Most Holy.
provided a secure place where sinful humans, sensing their This great truth provided us with an understanding of our
aloneness and vulnerability, could be renewed in the solid times and with much of the impetus that has thrust the
promises of God. Though we don't have an altar today, we are Adventist witness into almost every nation on the planet.
given the same solid promises. No one should challenge the efficacy of Calvary's sacrifice
Thousands of year ago, after God had liberated His people or question His right to grant forgiveness to those for whom He
politically by calling them out of Egypt, He sought to liberate paid the price. This is the glory of the gospel, and we are its
them spiritually as well—and He did that by providing them grateful, unworthy recipients. Jesus paid the ransom for our
with the sanctuary system, which would point them to the souls. We can be sure He will return and receive that for which
Saviour and His work of atonement, which, in turn, would free He paid such a dear price.
them from the guilt of sin and its tragic consequences. With My challenge for our church is to maintain our hold on
the settling of the Hebrews in the Promised Land, the taberna- Christ as our personal sacrifice and high priest. That kind of
cle was replaced by a permanent temple that, in one form or walk with Him will result in a transformed life. Instead of look-
another, endured to the time of Jesus (not counting, of course, ing at others as objects for criticism, we should come to see
the Babylonian destruction). every other person as Jesus does: utterly precious and a poten-
Of the temples, the one where Jesus ministered was, by tial candidate for the kingdom of God. What a different people
earthly standards, the grandest of all. Yet for many in the we would be if we walked daily in the sense of how Christ
Hebrew nation, the admiration of the Temple came to tran- intercedes for us at every moment of that day.
scend the real meaning of the sacrifices themselves. mend it to your weekly inspiration.
Jesus came, among other things, to restore the true worship I hope this Week of Prayer will introduce you once more,
of God, which had long been lost in formalism and man-made and more deeply, to the wondrous Saviour in whom we have
laws. However splendid, Herod's Temple couldn't save a single our confidence. God bless you in Christian growth.
soul. Only the death of the One foreshadowed in the Temple
sacrifices could.

Christ's Ministry Clarifies Our Mission

While many Christians understand that Jesus was the sacrifi-
cial Lamb to whom the prophecies pointed, God has shared—
through the sanctuary service—a fuller understanding of His
purposes. Christ, the Lamb of God, is our Saviour, and the cross
becomes a rustic altar where the one sacrifice, to whom all oth- Robert S. F olkenberg is president of the General
ers pointed (and the only sacrifice that can bring atonement), Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
happened almost 2,000 years ago. Jesus is our mercy seat, His
blood is the cleansing agent sweeping away guilt for every

32 RECORD September 7, 1996

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