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Printed Page 1 of 1 Sub Code: KAS201

Paper Id: 199240 Roll No: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably.


1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 x 10 = 20

Question Marks CO
a. Write down the postulates of special theory of relativity. 2 1
b. What is the significance of mass energy relation? 2 1
c. Starting from Maxwell’s equations, establish the equation of continuity. 2 2
d. Write Maxwell’s equations in non-conducting medium. 2 2
e. Find the de-Broglie wavelength for an electron of energy V eV. 2 3
f. What do you mean by wave-particle duality? 2 3
g. What are the main conditions to produce interference? 2 4
h. Distinction between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffractions. 2 4
i. Give two important uses of an optical fibre? 2 5
j. Define population inversion. 2 5


2. Attempt any three of the following: 10x3=30

Question Marks CO
Derive an expression for the mass variation with velocity in the
relativistic range.
a. Calculate the amount of work to be done to increase the speed of an 10 1
electron from 0.8c to 0.9c.Given the rest energy ofelectron = 0.5MeV, c
is the velocity of light.
Define Poynting vector. Derive an expression for Poynting theorem and
b. 10 2
explain its physical significance.
What is the Compton effect? Derive an expression for Compton shift.
c. 10 3
Explain why Compton shift is not observed with visible light.
Describe and explain the formation of Newton’s rings in reflected
d. 10 4
monochromatic light. Explain briefly why Newton’s rings are circular?
e. Discuss the different types of losses in an optical fibre. 10 5

3. Attempt any one part of the following:
Question Marks CO
What do you mean by time dilation effect? Derive an expression for it.
a. 10 1
Show that time dilation is real effect.
Derive Lorentz Transformation equations. Show that space-time
b. 10 1
intervalremain invariant under Lorentz Transformation.

Printed Page 2 of 2 Sub Code: KAS201
Paper Id: 199240 Roll No: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4. Attempt any one part of the following:

Question Marks CO
Explain the concept of displacement current and show how it led to the
modification of Ampere’s law.
a. 10 2
If the earth receives 2 cal min-1cm-2 solar energy, what are the
amplitudes of electric and magnetic fields of radiation?
Write down Maxwell’s equation in free space and using these equation
derive wave equations for both electric and magnetic field.
b. 10 2
Find the Skin depth at a frequency 3x106 Hz in aluminium where
=38x106 S/m and µr=1.

5. Attempt any one part of the following:

Question Marks CO
Solved the Schrödinger wave equation for a particle in one dimensional
a. 10 3
Derive time dependent Schrödinger wave equation.
Find the probabilities of finding a particle in a box of length L in the
b. 10 3
region from 0.45L to 0.55L for the ground state and the first excited

6. Attempt any one part of the following:

Question Marks CO
Explain the phenomenon of interference in thin films due to reflected
light. A soap film of refractive index 1.43 is illuminated by white light
a. incident at an angle of 300. The reflected light is examined by a 10 4
spectroscope in which dark band corresponding to the wavelength
6x 10-7 m is observed. Calculate the thickness of the film.
What do you understand by the resolving power of grating? Derive the
necessary expression.
b. Calculate the angle at which the first dark band and the next bright band 10 4
are formed in the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of a slit 0.3 mm wide
(=5890 Å).

7. Attempt any one part of the following:

Question Marks CO
Describe the construction and working of He-Ne laser with neat
a. diagram.Calculate the energy and momentum of a photon of a laser 10 5
beam of wavelength 6328 Å.
What is an optical fibre? Explain basic principle of an optical fibre.
Compute the numerical aperture, acceptance angle and critical angle of
b. 10 5
an optical fibre from the following data: µ1(Core)= 1.48 and
µ2(Cladding) = 1.46.


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