REVIEW Effects of Diabetes Mellitus On Cognitive Decline in Patients With AD

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Can J Diabetes 41 (2017) 114–119

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Effects of Diabetes Mellitus on Cognitive Decline in Patients with

Alzheimer Disease: A Systematic Review
Jun Li MD a,b,*, Matteo Cesari MD, PhD b, Fei Liu MD c, Birong Dong MD, PhD a, Bruno Vellas MD, PhD b
a The Center of Gerontology and Geriatrics, West China Medical School/West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Institut du Vieillissement, Gérontopôle, Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Department of Nephrology, West China Medical School/West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan,China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Basic and clinical research support a link between diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer disease (AD). However,
Received 7 December 2015
the relationship with AD progression is unclear. This review focuses on the association between diabe-
Received in revised form
tes and cognitive decline in patients with AD.
26 June 2016
Accepted 14 July 2016 The literature published through May 2015 was searched in 3 databases: PubMed, Embase and Cochrane.
Studies evaluating the effects of diabetes on patients with AD or cognitive decline were included, and
extracted data were analyzed. A total of 10 articles met the inclusion criteria for review. The results of
Alzheimer disease these studies were inconsistent in terms of the association between diabetes and cognitive decline. Only
cognitive decline 2 studies demonstrated that the presence of diabetes was independently related to the progression of
cognitive function cognitive decline in the patients with AD, and 3 studies suggested that histories of diabetes were not cor-
diabetes mellitus related with the changes in cognitive function in patients with AD. Half of the included studies even indi-
systematic review cated that histories of diabetes were associated with lesser declines in cognitive function in patients with
Current evidence indicates that the link between diabetes and cognitive decline in patients with AD
is uncertain. Further clinical studies are needed, with larger samples, long-term follow up and an extended
battery of cognitive assessments.
© 2016 Canadian Diabetes Association.

r é s u m é
Mots clés :
La recherche fondamentale et la recherche clinique établissent un lien entre le diabète sucré et la maladie
maladie d’Alzheimer
déclin cognitif
d’Alzheimer (MA). Cependant, la relation avec la progression de la MA n’est pas claire. La présente revue
fonctionnement cognitif porte sur l’association entre le diabète et le déclin cognitif chez les patients atteints de la MA.
diabète sucré La littérature publiée jusqu’en mai 2015 a été recherchée dans 3 banques de données : PubMed, Embase
examen systématique et Cochrane. Les études qui évaluent les effets du diabète sur les patients souffrant de la MA ou d’un déclin
cognitif ont été choisies, puis les données extraites ont été analysées. Un total de 10 articles répondaient
aux critères d’inclusion de la revue. Les résultats de ces études étaient contradictoires en fait d’association
entre le diabète et le déclin cognitif. Seules 2 études démontraient que la présence du diabète était
indépendamment liée à la progression du déclin cognitif chez les patients atteints de la MA, et 3 études
suggéraient que les antécédents de diabète n’étaient pas corrélés avec les changements dans le
fonctionnement cognitif des patients atteints de la MA. La moitié des études indiquaient même que les
antécédents de diabète étaient associés à un déclin moindre du fonctionnement cognitif des patients atteints
de la MA.
Les données probantes actuelles indiquent que le lien entre le diabète et le déclin cognitif chez les
patients atteints de la MA est incertain. D’autres études cliniques qui comportent des échantillons de plus
grande envergure, un suivi à long terme et une vaste batterie d’évaluations du fonctionnement cognitif
sont nécessaires.
© 2016 Canadian Diabetes Association.

* Address for correspondence: Jun Li, MD, The Center of Gerontology and Geriatrics, West China Medical School/West China Hospital, Sichuan University, No. 37, GuoXue
Xiang, Renmin Nan Lu, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China.
E-mail address: (J. Li).

1499-2671 © 2016 Canadian Diabetes Association.
J. Li et al. / Can J Diabetes 41 (2017) 114–119 115

Introduction Inclusion criteria

To be included, articles had to meet the following 6 inclusion
Age-related conditions, dementia and type 2 diabetes mellitus criteria:
(diabetes) are characterized by increased incidence and preva-
lence with ageing and have become a major public health concern 1) Original clinical study, independent of its study design;
all over the world. It is estimated that 35.6 million people world- 2) Enrolment with AD at 18 years of age or older, regardless of
wide were living with dementia in 2010, and this number is pro- gender, disease course or disease severity;
jected nearly to double every 20 years. By 2040, the number of 3) Diagnosis of AD in agreement with any 1 of the following
people with dementia is predicted to be 81.1 million worldwide (1). operational definitions:
At the same time, dementia is the main cause of disability in older a) The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) v. 9 or
adults, thus representing a relevant burden for individuals and 10 (ICD 1989; World Health Organization (WHO 1992);
society as a whole. Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most common form b) The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor-
of dementia in the elderly, and current estimates suggest that it may ders (DSM) III, III-R, and IV (American Psychological Asso-
affect more than 24 million individuals around the world (2). On ciation (APA) 1980; APA 1987; APA 1994);
the other hand, according to the International Diabetes Federa- c) The National Institute of Neurological and Communica-
tion, diabetes affects at least 382 million people worldwide, and that tive Disorders and Stroke and the Alzheimer’s Disease and
number is expected to reach 592 million by the year 2035 (3). This Related Disorders Association (NINCDS/ADRDA) (16);
increase is particularly evident in the population older than 65 years 4) Evaluation of the effect of diabetes on cognitive function in
of age. About 26% of patients over the age of 65 have diabetes (4). patients with AD, independent of the type of diabetes;
Older adults with diabetes also are at greater risk than other older 5) If several vascular risk factors were simultaneously assessed
adults for all types of dementia, including AD (5). in a study of AD, the study was retained if it described the
Mounting epidemiologic studies (6–8) and biologic evidence specific effects of diabetes on cognition;
(9–11) support a link between diabetes and AD. Diabetes is asso- 6) One or more cognitive tests were used to assess the cognitive
ciated with the development of cognitive impairment because of function modifications.
its vascular and neurodegenerative effects. As the most common
neurodegenerative disorder, AD is characterized by the presence of Any duration of follow up was eligible. If several papers from
several pathologic hallmarks, including neuronal loss, formation of the same cohort/study had been published, the most complete and
senile plaques composed of extracellular deposits of amyloid beta recent study was considered in the present review.
(Abeta) in the brain. Insulin resistance, 1 of the major components
of type 2 diabetes, is a known risk factor for AD (11). Insulin resis- Exclusion criteria
tance increases Abeta generation in the brain, although the exact Studies evaluating patients with dementia other than AD or
mechanism is unknown (9). Thus, AD and diabetes may share involving participants younger than 18 years of age were not con-
common cellular and molecular mechanisms. However, some study sidered in the present review.
results are controversial (12–15). It remains uncertain whether
diabetes promotes the progression of cognitive decline once AD is Data extraction
The primary objective of this systematic review was to explore Data were extracted independently by 2 reviewers (JL, FL)
the cognitive decline occurring in patients with AD in relationship from the included articles. Information on age and number of
to the presence of diabetes. participants, study design, severity of AD, outcome measures on
cognitive decline, duration and completeness of follow up, and con-
clusions drawn by authors were collected. The main limitations of
Methods each study were identified as well as its main strengths. Disagree-
ments were resolved through discussion with a third member (BD)
Databases and searches of the review team, if necessary.

On May 20, 2015, a search without time-span limitation was

performed in 3 databases: PubMed, Ovid Embase and Cochrane Results
Central Register of Controlled Trials. According to the principles of
evidence-based clinical practice, the search strategies were based A flowchart of the search is shown in the Figure 1. A total of 1249
on Patient, Intervention/Control, Outcome (PICO) with Medical potentially relevant articles were retrieved by the above-described
Subject Headings (MeSH) searching terms: dementia, Alzheimer’s search strategy. Duplicate studies (n=223) and reviews (n=376) were
disease, diabetes mellitus, diabetes, hyperglycemia and cognitive excluded. Based on title and abstract screening, 622 articles were
decline. The searches were limited to literature in English and con- then excluded. After full-text evaluation, another 18 were found to
cerning humans. There was no restriction regarding the type of be off topic or irrelevant for the purpose of the present review.
publication or publication status. Additional manual searches were The inclusion criteria were met by 10 articles that included a
also conducted in order to complete the reference list, starting with total of 3162 patients (12–15,17–22). In other words, these patients
the articles already identified. were diagnosed as having diabetes with AD. Of the included studies,
4 were conducted in the United States (12,14,17,18); other studies
Selection of studies were from Europe, Asia and South America (13,15,19–22). All of them
were cohort studies (6 prospective cohort studies and 4 retrospec-
Search results were imported to Endnote, and duplicates were tive cohort studies). The number of participants ranged from 101
removed. Two reviewers (JL, FL) independently checked the titles to 972 subjects. The ages of the participants ranged from 70 to 84
and abstracts of articles for inclusion based on the following selec- years at the baseline visits. The follow-up times ranged from 12 to
tion criteria. The full texts of the articles were retrieved if there was 60 months. Of the studies (12,14,15,18,20,22), 6 recruited partici-
any doubt whether the article should be excluded or not. Disagree- pants in the community; the other 4 studies did not provide infor-
ments were resolved by discussion, if necessary. mation about the sources of the study populations.
116 J. Li et al. / Can J Diabetes 41 (2017) 114–119

diabetes could cause faster decline in cognitive function in patients

PubMed Embase Cochrane with AD. However, only 2 of 10 included studies drew the expected
N = 927 N = 274 N = 48 conclusion. More studies indicated that in patients with AD, the pres-
ence of diabetes was not related to the decline of cognitive func-
-Duplicates deleted: N = 223 tion; some studies even suggested a protective role.
-Review: N = 376 Why such heterogeneity of results and apparently contradic-
tive findings? Because the determinants of the accelerated cogni-
tive decline in patients with diabetes are less clear. The most studied
Title/abstract screening hypothesis suggests that the association may be the diabetic vas-
N = 650 cular disease and inadequate cerebral circulation. What’s more,
Excluded: N = 622 hyperglycemia itself is a risk factor for cognitive dysfunction and
-Not AD: N = 462
dementia. Recurrent hypoglycemic episodes have been suggested
-Not diabetes: N = 92
-Not cognitive function: N = 18 to cause subclinical brain damage and permanent cognitive impair-
-Not human: N = 50 ment. Most recent studies have focused on the role of insulin and
insulin resistance as possible links between diabetes and AD (9,11).
Full text screening Disturbances in insulin signalling in brain mechanisms may con-
N = 28 tribute to the molecular, biochemical and histopathologic lesions
in patients with AD. Based on this knowledge, De la Monte has even
Excluded: N = 18
-Not AD: N = 7 suggested that AD may be termed “type 3 diabetes” (23).
-Not diabetes on the effect As far as our research was concerned, several differences could
of cognitive decline: N = 5 be identified when we compared the 2 positive studies with the
-Not cognitive function: N = 4 other 8 that reported neutral or negative findings. Several differ-
ences could be identified. First, the positive studies tended to have
the longest follow ups of the included studies; i.e. 1 was 42 months
Included full text (14), and another 60 months long (15). In this review, most of the
N = 10
included studies had ranges of follow up between 18 and 36 months.
Taking into account the natural progression of AD, the ages of
Figure 1. Flowchart of article selection process. patients and the high rates of attrition, a longer follow up might
be important to describe and determine progression-related
differences (24).
Nine studies (12–14,17–22) described the stages of the included Second, in the study of Helzner and colleagues (14), cognitive
patients with AD. Only 1 study (20) included patients with severe change was measured through a comprehensive battery of cogni-
AD, whereas the other 8 recruited patients with mild or moderate tive tests. The comprehensive battery assessed 5 cognitive domains
forms of the disease. Six studies (12,13,17–19,22) stated that the (including memory, abstract reasoning, visual spatial, language and
duration of AD ranged from 3 months to 57.6 months. Most of the executive speed) using 12 different tests. All the other studies
studies adopted the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) to assessed cognitive modifications only, basing their results on the
measure the participants’ cognitive function and decline. Only MMSE scores. The sensitivity of the MMSE as an assessment tool
Helzner et al provided the results of a comprehensive battery of cog- to measure the cognitive changes of patients with diabetes is
nitive tests (14). debated, although it is the best-known paper-and-pencil test and
Most of the included studies did not state the type of diabetes. has been the most commonly used short screening tool for detect-
Almost all of the studies indicated that diabetes was considered ing dementia since the 1970s (25). Diabetes is associated with cog-
present if the participant was taking antidiabetic medications and/or nitive decline through several mechanisms and differing brain
reported histories of diabetes at baseline. Only 1 study (13) used pathologies. Under these circumstances, a multidomain test such
the criteria of the ADA and WHO to define the diagnosis of diabe- as the MMSE may be effective enough for use as a screening tool.
tes. Seven studies (14,15,18–22) described the prevalence of dia- In a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, Tsoi and col-
betes in the studied population to range from 10.4% to 33%. Only leagues combined 102 studies that included 36,080 participants to
1 study (13) reported the time since diabetes diagnoses. evaluate the diagnostic performance of the MMSE, and they dem-
All included studies are shown in the Table 1, with their char- onstrated that it is the most frequently studied test for dementia
acteristics and their results. Because the included studies are dif- screening (26). On the other hand, there are no agreements about
ferent in outcome measurements and statistical analyses, it is the best approach to registering the progression of dementia in
unsuitable to combine the results together quantitatively. Among people with diabetes. It has been reported that the MMSE pres-
included studies, 5 studies (overall n=1970) indicated that patients ents limited sensitivity in detecting the subtle effects of diabetes
with AD and diabetes showed less cognitive decline than those on cognition compared with domain-specific neuropsychological
without the metabolic condition (12,13,18,19,22). Three studies tests (27,28). Recently, a systematic review and meta-analysis by
(overall n=621) reported no significant effects of diabetes on cog- Arevalo also showed the limitations related to the use of the MMSE
nitive decline (17,20,21). Only 2 studies (overall n=571) demon- as a stand-alone single-administration test, especially in the domains
strated that patients with diabetes were more likely to decline in of language, praxis and executive functions (29). In addition, there
cognitive function (14,15). is also evidence that older adults with diabetes exhibit features of
impaired executive functions, which are dependent mostly on the
frontal lobes, even in the absence of significant cognitive impair-
Discussion ment when screened with the MMSE (30).
Third, it is noteworthy that there was a high prevalence of dia-
Previous epidemiologic research has suggested that diabetes can betes at the baseline in the study of Li and colleagues (15). In that
cause decline in cognitive function and can be associated with an study, the prevalence of diabetes was 21.3% in the patients who com-
increased risk for AD (6–8). Therefore, at the beginning of these pleted follow up and 33% in those who did not. In the other studies,
included studies, researchers, without exception, hypothesized that the prevalence of diabetes ranged between 10% and 18%. The
J. Li et al. / Can J Diabetes 41 (2017) 114–119 117

Table 1
Characteristics and results of all included studies

Author Study design Dementia diagnosis Diabetes diagnosis Cognitive Results


Diabetes associated with greater decline in AD

Helzner 2009 (14) Retrospective cohort Diagnostic criteria: Diagnostic criteria: history or A comprehensive The history of diabetes was
N=156 NINCDS-ADRDA antidiabetic medication use battery of associated with an additional
Age: 83 AD stage: mild at baseline, cognitive tests 0.05 SD decrease in cognitive
Follow up: 42 months Duration: not stated prevalence: 16% score per year (p=0.05)
Li 2010 (15) Prospective cohort Diagnostic criteria: Diagnostic criteria: history MMSE Mixed random effects regression
N=415 NINCDS-ADRDA, DSM-IV at baseline, model: after adjusting for
Age: 72~73 AD stage: not stated Prevalence: 21.3%-33% confounding factors, AD patients
Follow up: 60 months Duration: not stated with diabetes had faster
cognitive decline rates than the
subjects without such risk
factors (p<0.001).
No significant association
Bhargava 2006 (22) Retrospective cohort Diagnostic criteria: Diagnostic criteria: history MMSE, CDR Patients who progressed to the
N=247 NINCDS-ADRDA Prevalence: not stated moderate stage were designated
Age: 70.7~71.7 Stage: mild fast progressors; those who
Follow up: 36 months Duration: 42.5 months remained in the early stage were
designated slow progressors. The
history of diabetes did not differ
between groups (p=0.77).
Regan 2006 (21) Prospective cohort Diagnostic criteria: Diagnostic criteria: MMSE, SIB, Linear regression analysis: diabetes
N=224 NINCDS-ADRDA history ADAS-Cog did not significantly increase
Age: 81 Stage: mild (30%), moderate Prevalence: 12.1% deterioration of MMSE, ADAS-
Follow up: 18 months (40%), severe (30%) cog and SIB, at 18 months in
Duration: not stated people with Alzheimer disease.
Sakurai 2011 (17) Prospective cohort Diagnostic criteria: Diagnostic criteria: history of MMSE Multiple regression analysis: there
N=150 NINCDS-ADRDA diabetes or antidiabetic was no significant correlation of
Age: 78.6 Stage: mild and moderate Prevalence: 20% annual MMSE score changes
Follow up: 39 months Duration: not stated with diabetes in patients with
AD s (p=0.855).
Diabetes-associated less decline in AD
Ascher-Svanum Retrospective cohort Diagnostic criteria: Diagnostic criteria: history, MMSE, ADAS-Cog Compared with patients without
2015 (12) N=972 NINCDS-ADRDA, DSM-IV antidiabetic medication or diabetes, those with diabetes
Age: 74 Stage: mild and moderate random blood glucose showed a numerically but
Follow up: 18 months Duration: 48–51 months Prevalence: not stated statistically nonsignificantly
lesser cognitive decline (ADAS-
Cog score, 1.61 (p=0.21); MMSE
score, −0.40 (p=0.49)).
Dominguez 2012 Prospective cohort Diagnostic criteria: Diagnostic criteria: ADA/WHO MMSE, ADAS-Cog, Cognitive deterioration as reflected
(13) N=101 NINCDS-ADRDA, DSM-IV Prevalence: not stated CDR in the scores of MMSE and
Age: 76.3 Stage: mild and moderate ADAS-Cog score is statistically
Follow up: 12 months Duration: 57.6 months significantly lower in the AD
group with diabetes as
compared with pure demented
AD patients (p<0.05).
Musicco 2009 (19) Prospective cohort Diagnostic criteria: Diagnostic criteria: history of MMSE Multivariate hazard ratios:
N=154 NINCDS-ADRDA diabetes or antidiabetic diabetes were associated with
Age: 73 Stage: mild and moderate medication slower disease progression in
Follow up: 23 months Duration: 26 months Prevalence: 14.4% patients with AD. Patients with
diabetes had a 65% reduced risk
for cognitive decline compared
with patients with AD without
Sanz 2009 (18) Retrospective cohort Diagnostic criteria: Diagnostic criteria: history of MMSE Linear mixed model: the presence
N=608 NINCDS-ADRDA, MMSE diabetes or antidiabetic of diabetes was associated with a
Age: 76–78 Stage: mild and moderate medication lower rate of cognitive decline in
Follow up: 26 months Duration: 3.1–20.8 months Prevalence: 10.4% patients with AD (p=0.01).
Mielke 2007 (20) Prospective cohort Diagnostic criteria: Diagnostic criteria: self-report MMSE, CDR Linear mixed model: a history of
N=135 NINCDS-ADRDA Prevalence: 18.5% diabetes was associated with a
Age: 84 Stage: mild slower rate of cognitive decline
Follow up: 36 months Duration: 25 months (p<0.001).
ADA, American Diabetes Association; ADAS-Cog, Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale; CDR, Clinical Dementia Rating; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders; MMSE, Mini Mental State Examination; NINCDS-ADRDA, National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke and the
Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association; SIB, severe impairment battery; WHO, World Health Organization.

diagnosis of diabetes was made on the basis of self-reported medical Underestimation and inaccurate diagnosis might thus introduce a
histories or antidiabetic medications in almost all the included relevant misclassification bias potentially affecting the reported
studies. However, the latest report has showed that the percent- findings.
age of patients over the age of 65 with diabetes is 26% or so (4). Besides the above-mentioned issues, other possible explana-
Therefore, the accuracy of the diagnosis might be arguable. In par- tions might be provided for the uncertain results obtained. Long
ticular, it has been reported in the literature that up to 12% of patients follow-up durations were always accompanied by high drop-out
with diabetes are not aware of their metabolic condition (31). rates. Among the included studies, Li et al (15) reported that only
118 J. Li et al. / Can J Diabetes 41 (2017) 114–119

78% of participants completed the follow up. In the study by Helzner of whether cognitive decline may be prevented or slowed by
et al (14), 34% patients died or were lost to follow up or refused to adequate metabolic control.
complete the study. Mielke et al (18) had a drop-out rate of 37.5%
at the first follow-up visit. Sanz et al (22) stated that they experi-
enced a constant rate of attrition of 12% every 6 months. This kind Conclusions
of survival bias might also contribute to the heterogeneous results.
In most of the included studies, the diagnostic processes of Based on current evidence, the causative relationship between
diagnosing AD did not include neuroimaging and were not diabetes and cognitive decline in patients with AD has not yet been
neuropathologically confirmed. Only 3 studies indicated that par- clearly established. To date, no intervention has yet been identi-
ticipants received neuroimaging examination (CT or MRI) to exclude fied for treating AD. Identifying independent predictors of AD will
vascular dementia (13,19,21). Previous studies using imaging exami- help clinicians to estimate the disease’s prognosis and improve
nations and neuropathologic data show that mixed dementia (AD patients’ care. It is clear that more extensive experimental and
plus vascular dementia) is the most common cause of dementia, clinical studies are needed, with larger sample sizes, longer follow-
even in the oldest (32). Therefore, it is likely that some of the par- ups and extended cognitive assessments in order to clarify the effect
ticipants with AD actually had mixed dementia, with consequent of diabetes on cognitive function in patients with AD.
influence on the obtained results.
In the included studies, some detailed information on diabetes
was lacking, such as the times from the diabetes diagnoses, the times Acknowledgements
of use of antidiabetic medications, the glycemic control condi-
tions and the patients’ weights and diets. These factors are all highly The work was supported by the National Natural Science
relevant to the present analyses and may potentially influence the Foundation of China (grant #81371528 and #81300260); the
relationship between diabetes and cognitive decline. Sichuan Provincial Foundation of Science and Technology (Grant
Some evidence has suggested that diabetes is associated with #2013SZ0047 and 2014SZ0044) and International Visiting Program
less cognitive decline. In 1997 and 2005, 2 autopsy studies found for Excellent Young Scholars of Sichuan University.
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